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super schweet

reflective sunshine glints off cresting glassy faces
sand and foam gurgle as head-high barrels roar
steep drops, streamlined sections, paramount rippability
360s, carves, floaters, barrels, snaps, roundhouses, insanity
scalloped sea-surface due to side/offshore wind
archetypical high-performance, dredging OB A-frames
heart-fluttering air-drops into chisled conical dreams
Crowds frothing and charging and destroying playful lips
lefts, rights, straits, walls, meat, corners, closeouts
Awwww muthaaaa fuckinnnn yeah...

only certain parts of the beach working.. others shut-down or small.

some blurry, low-quality pics i took this morning from the great highway
may 21 niceness

may 21 niceness

may 21 niceness

may 21 niceness

Seymore Sassafrass daydreamin..
seymore sassafrass


Posted by: j at May 21, 2003 10:42 AM

OB looks siiiiick!
can't wait to get on it.
nice pics brothaman.

Posted by: eightwest at May 21, 2003 10:43 AM

I went out early by the house, again. This time the VF ripper decided to surf my street. This guy is REALLY good, REALLY aggro surfer (and gets up really early). Just us two for almost an hour, then the rest of the world go up. I was doing my best to catch as many waves as the ripper, but he'd grab a 3-4 turn wave, and then I'd get a closeout. Somehow his waves looked similar to mine, but he could make a lot more out of them. In any case, this guy is one of the best guys at the beach - usually at VFs, at dawn.

After a bunch of waves, I had one open up on me, and I saw barrel potential. I spent the next 45 minutes staring at each wave for barrels, trying to drop in super deep to pull in, to no avail. The lure of the barrel is strong.

When I left, I spotted a buddy who had just been run-down trying to paddle out. He yelled 3 times at the drop-in offender, who didn't notice him, and then ran over his leg. He got a deep gash in the outer side of his thigh, and almost cut to the bone on his lower leg. I helped him get out of his wetsuit - it looked like he needed several stitches. He'll be out for a while.

Please don't run anyone down. And, if you happen to be the person who ran down my buddy, stop by SF Surf and apologize appropriately. You ruined a week or two of someone else's life through your own stupidity.

Posted by: blakestah at May 21, 2003 10:50 AM

that sucks for your friend blakestah.. geez..

i hear ya on the barrel hunting.. the good surfers make it look so obvious and easy.. i guess it's all about positioning and the occasional deep fade on takeoff.. though... i seem to possess some kind-of magnetic oppositional force to barrels.. i just can't get into the suckers enough..

keep hunting blakestah!!

eightwest.. get on that shit dude.. before the wind switches around..

Posted by: e at May 21, 2003 11:03 AM

daaaaaaamn. could not get my pansy ass out of bed this morning to hit it because of the dreaded "wet-wetsuit" syndrome. if i can't get over that i can't surf every day. and if i can't surf every day when it's good / fun, well, i'm not really that hard core...

as for barrel questing. indeed "the lure is strong," blakstah...my main endeavor in tuberiding - sounds stupid - is to keep my eyes open. maybe it's cause i wear contacts but it's my natural tendency to shut them in anticipation of eating it. have been making a conscious effort to keep them open when tuberiding, which is hard enough when you can see, but even more tricky when blind...

glad you scored again e...will it last another day?

Posted by: paul b at May 21, 2003 11:24 AM

Mid OB luuuunchtime: bigger and sloppier version of yesterday. Paddle out looks more typical OB. Still gorgeous sunshine, slighty breezier. Currently a tight pack o' peeps crowded right at Pacheco, with a couple of indies scattered north and south.
( Remember, can only see so far )Wicked snap turns, almost-barrels, closeouts, speedy drops, bottom turns, over the top, wipe-outs - the whole repertory being represented. Nice!

Best to your friend, Blakestah.

Posted by: s.s.sharkbait at May 21, 2003 11:37 AM

ohh damn! looked like i should have driven down the beach a bit, those shots are great! who knew?..still got some fun ones in front of fulton though..feeling good now...speaking of barrels, stuck my body in a churney sandy brown one this morning with no hope of making it out but it was nice in there...mmmmm

Posted by: bagel at May 21, 2003 11:45 AM

SUPER FUN at VFW's this a.m. Paddled out with CK and his buddy shortly before 6:30. Only one other guy out way down the beach when we headed out. Seemed like the crowds showed up an hour later. The waves didn't look that great from the lot but beautiful A-Frames with some solid wall action coming in. Didn't feel like all windswell out there, maybe some of that south showing, probably wrong though.

Anyway, got some sweet rides, just some sweet backside top turns. Gotta be my favorite turn on a wave right now!

Blakestah, sorry to hear about your buddy, that totally sucks. These are the things that kill the sweet vibes we yern for out in the water. Hope he is cool and at least gets an apology from the monkey that ran him over. For me, I got a bit vibed yesterday as a freakin longboarder paddled over me @ Lindy! Not going for a wave, not trying to get out of someone elses way, just paddling back to the lineup! Right over my legs and board. The sun brings out all kinds of people and all kinds of attitude to go with. Everyone wants to go to the beach when it is sunny, keep that in mind. Be careful out there.

Posted by: Kaiser at May 21, 2003 12:08 PM

Just moved to taraval street 2 days ago. Have had two perfect mornings since then. Please tell me it is like this every day out here......

Posted by: Angus at May 21, 2003 12:31 PM

I was a total surf idiot this morning. I checked VFers, saw it going off, thought it might be a little on the big side for me and headed south where I assumed Lindy would be just as clean but chest high. It was crap down there. I drove to the Jetty and surf was non-existant there. By the time I got back to OB, the quality of the waves has seriously diminished. I should have just got my sack together and went out there in the first place while it was good. Weisbecker's maxim "Never drive away from good surf" held so true for me this morning. D'oh!

Posted by: mwsf at May 21, 2003 12:43 PM

By the way, anybody have Kauai spot recommendations? I'm going there in a couple weeks. Staying on the north shore of the island near Hanalei. I know the south side gets more juice in the summer but I'm not looking for anything serious. I'd be stoked to find chest-high and relatively clean waves. Any recommendations? I'm willing to drive so it doesn't have to be on the north side of the island.


Posted by: mwsf at May 21, 2003 12:50 PM

MWSF, Poipu is your ticket, south of the airport when you land in Kauai. This time of year, most of your surfing is going to be on that side of the island (hope for a south swell). Just the same way that Oahu is set up, you can get some wind swell on the north shore (hanalei) and maybe some surf there. One thing, go to Pine Trees, basically the middle of Hanalei Bay, look for the guy driving the schoolbus. He lives in it. Classic surf figure in Kauai. Kind of a prick but classic cult figure there. He always had this little hottie coming into his bus when I was there. He is like mid 50's, she was like early 20's. Go figure.

Also, there are some spots to check once you leave the airport on the drive around the island to Hanalei. Keep an eye on these on the eastern coast but most likely they will suffer from the direct winds this time of year. There is a good beach just south of Poipu, I will get the name for you by this afternoon and post up here.

Posted by: Kaiser at May 21, 2003 12:59 PM

niceness! what's up my heady ob ripping friends?? psyched to hear about all the sick waves ya'll been scoring!!! definitely got the SF advantage over SC these days... a blessed rarity. sweet!

so i was in georgia for 5 days, didn't surf but starting to get it wired for a month there this summer. got back monday night, yesterday: BEACH DAY. had the jones, so I was one stoked surfer to spend 2 to 8pm at 4mile. long waits, crappy waves, but stoked!! i realized that sometimes i like crappy days down there, just for the crowd factor. at one point, i was on the beach chillin' in between sessions, and EVERYONE got out of the water. it was not soooo crappy! so i grabbed my suit and had an hour of pointbreak solo time, gotta love it, even if I coulda wished for just a teeny bit better conditions. still caught 20-30 waves yesterday, tossed some fun sprays, and had one sick lip smash / off the top type move that maybe saw some fin free-age? totally vague memory on what actually happened, can only remember the POWER.

nice day partying in sc yesterday too... seems I was bumping into bros all over the place. nice scene on the beach... mini-malibu style... 6-8 of us surfing, then all just chilling in the warm sunshine. the coolest cat on the beach (sean with the half red / half white board) who exudes positive vibes broke out some beers and a different kind of tube... excellent.

and finally, speaking of real tube chasing... all I can say is that I love pulling into closeouts just for the tube time, and it can payoff!! i pulled into a closeout at natty's this winter, but it held open for just 1 second, which was all I needed to set a line and keep my eyes open for a view of The View -- at least 10 feet of closed green room in front of me... awwwww yeah. i've got hella work this week and wont' be on it as much as I want... but I'll be in Mendo this weekend!! PA? any swell on the way?? lates!!!

Posted by: jake at May 21, 2003 01:19 PM

hey gang....I'm heading to Calabash, NC for about 5-days to take care of my mom. This is between Wrightsville Beach and Myrtle beach,...so I thought I remember someone living near Wrightsville. Word! -- Is there anything good there this time of year. The other advice I need is if I can rent a board. I won't pay to bring mine, but will bring my wettie. I'd be Grateful for any free advice.

cheerio, Jack

Posted by: Jack at May 21, 2003 01:46 PM

Jack, i'm sure you can rent in both towns you mention. maybe you can even borrow one, if remember my southern hospitality rules. I have never been to calabash, sounds like it's near cape fear. wrightsville beach can have decent surf. i've never surfed in myrtle beach as it can be a little bit of zoo. i'm from a little bit south, near charleston, and there anyway, you don't need a wetsuit this late in the season -- maybe a spring suit or patagonia water heater if you are gonna surf hours and hours on end or early in the am or something -- imagine 70 degree water! it's too early for hurricane surf, so i think you'll be hoping for random storms off the land push stuff back south and west. have a great time. enjoy the heat and mellow vibe. maybe check out the surfline travel section for some of the breaks.

Posted by: robme at May 21, 2003 02:06 PM

...gotta echo Kaiser's stoke re VFers this morning. At first glance, it didn't look THAT good from the lot...sorta small...and we toyed with the idea of driving the beach. But the morning was so beautiful, and time was tickin', so we figured we'd just hit it.

Funny how deceptive the view from the lot can be when no one's out!! By the time we hit the edge of the water, we knew nice nuggets awaited. Then, as Kaiser mentioned, we had continually improving wrapping, peeling waves pretty much to ourselves for the next hour!! Even a few A-frames rolling through. I, of course, had my usual share of kook-outs, but also managed some fun ones including one right that shouldered, opened, and then pitched and peeled before me (still grinning over that one!). I did get caught inside on one set that made me work for the joy of the sesh, but at least that perspective enabled me to share the vicarious stoke of Kaiser dropping in on a couple of sweet rights and throwing some kind spray out the back!

...then the crowd started showing...the wave quality seemed to degrade somewhat....and then (after 3 or 4 "last rides") i finally headed in and off to work. sigh...

...until tomorrow? (fingers crossed for continuing kindness!)

blakestah - sorry to hear about your buddy. can't believe that he didn't even get an apology! i wish him a quick recovery.

Posted by: ck at May 21, 2003 02:10 PM

careful kaiser......please don't reveal to many of the garden isle's secrets.
mwsf -- talk to Ambrose in Kapaa. He's originally from SF, has surfed all the spots chatted up on this page and moved to kapaa 20-30 years ago.. can't miss his place its the hideous yellow thing on the main highway...makai side. he shapes and sells and also has plenty of boards lying around so if surf is small and you need a long board, use one of his... don't subject yours to baggage handler dings. yeah, be prepared for a long session talking story ..no such thing as a quick chat with ambrose

Posted by: Big Mig at May 21, 2003 02:29 PM

robme - thx....I'll just bring my thin tee shirt thingy, and hope to find a decent rental. Looks like wrightsville has the best west exposure. Interesting, I'm flying into Charleston, SC then driving up and I saw on Stormrider guide a place called Folley Beach....hmmmm. May have to detour and check it out. this seems like a total crapshoot whether there will be anything at all...compared to west coast.

Posted by: Jack at May 21, 2003 02:30 PM

Ooops funny! Notice I said west exposure....meant east. Old habits die hard.

Posted by: Jack at May 21, 2003 02:32 PM

I surfed at Pacheco from 8:45 until about 10AM and it was good...pretty fast and racy, even more so than my sesh at Sloat yesterday AM. It was dumping on the inside. Definitely some barrels to be had and tons of speed too.

Sorry about the stiches to your buddy...that blows.

Who thinks tomorrow will continue the streak?

Posted by: Mr. Palmer at May 21, 2003 02:37 PM

had an awesome 1 1/2 hr sesh with thaan this morning out in front of the beach chalet. i love days like this. condolences to your friend blakestah. advice to everyone. buy pro teck fins. they saved my arm from getting sliced open this morning.

Posted by: lerm at May 21, 2003 02:39 PM

days like today at OB, i wish i were unemployed...gotta hit it tommorrow after work. It looked great this morn but i live in

i have had the runs for 3 days straight...i suspect lindy!!!!!!!



Posted by: phil young at May 21, 2003 03:00 PM


time to be surfing!!!!!!

Posted by: phil young at May 21, 2003 03:17 PM

Jack, def check out Folly. Also Sullivan's Island is sweet, on the other side of the harbor, even if there isn't any swell, just an ultra mellow little barrier island, old houses etc. May as well check out my dad's restaurant if you are there any length of time. Called the Wreck of the Richard and Charlene. Quite a shack of a place but excellent shrimp. In any case, for surf, Wrightsville is you best bet of them all, aside from Hatteras of course, so you may just want to skip Chas altogether.

Posted by: robme at May 21, 2003 03:25 PM

any you guys know Jessica Oswald in SC. such a charmer, and KILLS it. flirting it up while she was burning me left and right at privates last week...hope she didn't see the woody in my suit!

Posted by: bertrand at May 21, 2003 03:31 PM

ha ha! nice betrand! I actually know her a little and she mentioned that she met the cutest dude at Privates last week.. i asked her a few questions about him and she started blushing and getting all smily.. said that she was kinda embarrassed to share waves with him because he's such a ripper. She said that she was getting so turned on flirting with him that she had to take waves just to get away for a few minutes due to the fact that she thought she might just reach out and smooch him right there in the lineup!! that's why she was burning you. She told me that if he would have asked her to paddle in for a minute for a quick makeout session she would have totally gone for it! damn bertrand!!.. you must have made quite an impression!!!

tee hee..

Posted by: at May 21, 2003 03:50 PM

I was looking at the NJ update and found a pic of a guy (Bill Willem) I started surfing with in the 60's, longboarding it in a contest http://www.localswell.com/100502LB.html. His father owned Bill's Restaurant in Surf City, NJ. Now his son Brandon is on the ESA contest circuit. That's kool. I haven't seen this once skinny dude with a full crop of hair since around 1970. Thanks for the link. PS - I predict you will be invited to a party soon.

Posted by: Dennis at May 21, 2003 04:04 PM

that's right, gents, a glorious day to be alive. OB was mint.

early bird definitely got the most worms. but there were plenty of worms to go around.

good hangin' with you, lerm

sporting a cheshire grin all day.

i actually got married in kauai a few years ago. as mentioned, swell hits north (hanalei) in winter and south (poipu) in summer. east around kapaa also has decent waves, though i'm not sure which time a year is best for east.

i strongly recommend picking up a book called The Ultimate Kauai Guidebook: Kauai Revealed. ignore the cheesy title; this book is killer and gives you the inside scoop on a wide variety of topics. even gives a pretty decent rundown of the main surf spots.

here's to more days like today!!!!

Posted by: bojon at May 21, 2003 04:06 PM

bojon!! you da man.. the original!!!!

yeah bojon!

Posted by: e at May 21, 2003 04:16 PM

Damn!!! Sounds like there have been some fund days recently. Just got back from a 7 day trip to the Big Easy (New Orleans). I am about 5 lbs heavier from all the food and booze and jonesing hard for a surf...Hopefully tomorrow will continue the morning patter...Must..get...wet!!!

Posted by: jdz at May 21, 2003 04:20 PM

Avid reader of your page, but I've never posted. Thanks for all the great OB coverage!! It has been amazing this week -- even after work sessions... any chance it'll hold up again this afternoon??

Posted by: nate at May 21, 2003 04:22 PM

arrg!! that J.O. info is torture, even if it's made up.

PAulb, solution for the wet wettie is this: instead of waiting until your current suit wears out, just buy your new one now. the longevity of your two suits will be the same as if you hold off, since using two will decrease the wear-and-tear of each. plus a second suit is good if you get outlawed somewhere (get a different color!)

Posted by: bertrand at May 21, 2003 04:30 PM

Kaiser/Big Mig -- Thanks for the info. I'll definitely look up the guys you mention. Much appreciated!

bojon -- Great book. Already picked it up. Kinda cheesy looking but tons of good info. Also digging Kauai Trailblazer.


Posted by: mwsf at May 21, 2003 04:43 PM

BIGMIG, you ever talked to the Yellow Schoolbus dude in Kauai I speak of? Classic guy. Shared some waves with him a few times.

No specifics from me about spots, don't worry. If any, they would be south shore ones anyway and to honest, I don't know names to save my life.

Lindy Afternoon Recap: Not worth the effort unless you are in dire need of sun and waves. Sun is nice, waves are mediocre and school/work just got out. Not that great out there but decent if you need some salt water in your system.

Posted by: Kaiser at May 21, 2003 05:00 PM

YES!!! Back in the water after 2 weeks! Simultaneously my worst and best session ever - that ever happen to you? Hideous, awful, super-kook- worst-on-the beach-pulling-every-stupid-mistake-possible paddling out for the amusement of all and sundry. Like a freaking ant in the washing machine. Then when I actually caught some waves, they were the best EVER. Started zipping down one, saw some paddlers straight ahead, bodyboarded and tilted on the rail to swing around them, then popped up, zipped right, made a couple little turns I've never made successfully and had enough time to think 'Gee, maybe I should try a shorter board now' , and wooshed in. Almost pumped my fists in the air and started yelling, it felt so great. Then turned around and got hammered paddling out again. D'oh. Anyways, excuse the rambling but my ego doesn't know whether to be mortified or totally psyched.Wahoo!

Oh yes, and this was Lindy of all places. D'oh again. Just rinsed with heavy mouthwash. It was crowded but plenty of good vibes and waves for all.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at May 21, 2003 05:11 PM

Agreed, Kaiser. I truly had insane dire need for water time - obviously in my case!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at May 21, 2003 05:17 PM

nice ss sharkbait.. your post cracked me up.. getting pounded, getting rides.. aww yeah! nice "best EVER" status of your waves.. reminds me of a good friend of mine who for years, when partying, would announce that he's currently "TOP FIVE WASTED"... meaning that his current state of wastedness was among the top 5 ever for him.. so funny..

stoked on your stoke ss..

Posted by: e at May 21, 2003 05:18 PM

so im sure its too blown out for an OB evening session?..can someone please tell me that its getting glassier by the minute out there and starting to look perfect?

ps if you havent seen this..get ready to feel happy...

Posted by: bagel at May 21, 2003 05:21 PM

Alas bagel, where I'm at mid OB I don't see anyone out. Which at this post-work hour does not bode well.

- and thanks e!

no reportage tomorrow, have to go to south bay.

Posted by: s.s.sharkbait at May 21, 2003 05:41 PM

right on thanx anyway sharkbait..i guess its american idol for me...just kidding?

Posted by: bagel at May 21, 2003 06:14 PM

bagel - thanks for the link to the banana. Now 'that' is an excellent use of a programmers time....it betters the lives of those around her/him. We all could use a good dose of sillyness. Keeps the soul sparked, smooth mellow sessions like today help too.

robme - thanks for the heads up on the NC and SC scene. wish me luck...I think I'll need it.

Posted by: Jack at May 21, 2003 07:20 PM

I should've surfed OB this morning. I pulled up to Sloat and ivenstigated for awhile with my San Diego buddy who was visiting. It didn't look that great, about 6 closeouts to 1 makeable. I wanted to surf, he wanted to keep checking, anyway, guest makes the decisions in my book. We get to Lindy, shitty waves. Since I had a final at 11am, I couldn't waste anymore time, so we just pulled up into Volley's parking lot. Here comes probably the scummiest part ever. We pull up and start suiting up, notice a beer box of coors light sitting in a parking stall. I jokingly say "hey Jon, want some beer?" And he says, "Haha, that would be hilarious if there were beer in there," and goes to check and there were 4 cold beers in there. Needless to say, we cracked them, chugged 'em and it definately made the surf sesh a little more interesting. Shoulder/head high waves rolling through with about 4-5 opening up for sections for me throughout the whole sesh. I thought I was going to throw up out there at one point from the coffee/beer mixture, ew. The main reason we drank 'em was for the sake of story telling, sounded like it would make a funny story, and we wound up feeling like scumbags while some commuters sat in the parking lot watching some young guys drink beer at 8am. Oh well, school is almost over, and E, super good surf at Lindy last night huh? Mother Ocean was showing NO love! Anyway, another beautiful day in golden Cali. Hope everyone had an awesome day! Shaka.

Posted by: Ian at May 21, 2003 08:48 PM

wa subie?!?! dude outta control pics ... i live in fl but im headed up to mertle beach in a day or so awsome surf imkinda new at it but i got my own style and thoguht i'd cheak it out but the rents say i cant brign my board go figure but there gonna bring me! so boguss dude. but neway if there is newhere that i can rent one it would be sweet...HELP....ME...PLZ.....XashleyX

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