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grrrrrrr!!!!! denied!!! so hard!

After a full, marvelous day yesterday (fun morning surf, crazy work day, 4-hour monster band practice, uplifting/stellar late-night talk with Seymore Sassafrass).. i was ready to keep the ball rolling with an energized surf this morning.. With the low tide and onshore wind at my house i decided to give ol' FPers a low-key check.. pulled up at 6:25 to see the entranceway blocked and a "Closed" sign strung across the road.. Fuck! Drove down there anyway just to check it. Bad move! Glassy, head-high, perfect wind-swell lefts wrapping around the point. Nobody out. National Guardsmen everywhere.. I was immediately approached and asked to "LEAVE OR BE TICKETED".. I was fucking FUMING!!! Bastards!!! A product of the fear-filled, oppressive police-state that america hints at becoming. Yeah.. let's go to war to "protect our freedom." I have an idea, let's keep everyone in the country fearful and anxious by issueing media-savvy color-coded terror alerts! Yeah!, they'll be afraid to criticise our short-sited, warmongering policies then! Yeah!! The people will fall right in line with thoughts of, "we have to stand by our president now, our nation is threatened and at war!".. "If you speak out against the administration or military or government, you're not being patriotic!! You're not a true American! Maybe you're a terrorist! or.. at least a focus group!!!" Let's distract everyone in the country with thoughts of fear and dread and hate.. then we'll pad our pockets as our friends and cohorts make billions building more and more weapons for the already bloated and over-emphasised military complex.. yeah!! and Rumsfeld, why don't your Halliburton boys take over the reconstruction of the iraqi oil infastructure.. yup.. we're fighting for FREEDOM!!! Go run out and get the duct-tape and plastic to cover your windows folks!! and.. whatever you do!! Don't go surfing near that big bridge in San Francisco.. you might be strapped to the teeth with plastic-explosives! Just let us do all the dirty work of killing thousands and thousands of innocent kids and dads in Iraq.. but.. go surfing at your favorite wave??? Hell no!!! Remember, you're supposed to be scared and docile, ready to accept our every word and ignore our raping of the environment and social services.. Teachers?? Fuck NOO!! We don't need them! We need more cluster bombs!!!! Yeah!! Doncha love these new-fangled weaponry we have!! Look at them thar explosion on the TV!! Yeee-haw!! Look at dem purdy lights!!! Just like a video game!! our tax dollars put to good use!! our personal entertainment!! What's that you say? people dying?? naww!! if they's be dying.. then they're for sure terrorists!! All of them Arab people are spiteful and filled with hate!! Non of them Arabs have families or like to write poetry or sing songs! naww.. just look at them explosions and tanks! us americans are bad ass!!! An educated America will only lead to more dissent and a democratic spectrum of ideas! let's cut funding for teachers and schools. A few thousand teachers in california are in danger of losing their jobs?? pish! but.. we could make 2 patriot missiles for that money!! It makes me so mad. When key components of my life and a source of inner happiness and peace for me are taken away for no good reason other then fearful sensationalism and political scare-mongering it makes me mad. I saw a sign on a park bench on my way out that said, "Enjoy YOUR park!".. Yeah.. thanks! DMers totally flat as i watched a solitary surfer get one mini ride in about 15 minutes.. was that you matt? Onward past a wind-ripped OB.. Rockaway and Schmlindy enjoying the side-shore south-wind conditions but only throwing up lackluster, knee-high dribblers and close-out mush. Nothing at the jetty.. Over an hour of driving with nothing to show for it except an even further aggravated festering psychological wound caused by our government and its oppressive, spineless, fearful, selfish shame.

yeah.. i'm ranting..

for better vibes than my loaded banter check out Dano's Mexican Extravaganza!

Peter Mel (The Condor) in santa cruz yesterday
santa cruz

orca feeling the glide
orca glide

This guy wimped-out big-time

Serena Brook.. not wimping out


funk yeah! keep ranting. release is essential in the face of adversity...as long as it is used as a tool and not a weapon. keep inspiring people to speak up, speak out, speak for the power of people everywhere...and don't forget how vital your voice is!
tomorrow morning offers up an early central coast female surfstravaganza. i'm keeping my smile on, my energy high, and memories of your great water vibes fresh in my mind's eye as i fumble, splash, pearl, belly-ride my way into complete bliss.

much love, seymour sassafrass

Posted by: james at May 29, 2003 11:11 AM

e-totally in agreeance with you FP stance, although I don't surf there often, I feel your pain. The lone surfer at DMs with a small set coming every 20 minutes sounds like my typical M.O., but alas it was not me...haven't been feeling the motivation to surf lately. off to the northcoast for the weekend. later-matt

Posted by: matt at May 29, 2003 11:25 AM

Really liked the anti-establishment (I date myself) rant in your May 29 report. Is there any question our government is no longer "our goverment"? Surfing has helped keep me somewhat sane in the face of such Perhaps it might be worthwhile to mention some good alternative info websites. There are dozens, at least, but I like www.rense.com for its up-to-the moment articles culled from a wide variety of sources. Its layout makes it easy to scan the article headlines. www.antiwar.com, www.voxfux.com are a couple more. Voxfux has excellent/very good articles on shadow government type stuff as well as educational article on propaganda-http://www.voxfux.com/articles(closed)/00000027.htm.

I'm glad you're combining political awareness with your surf commentary.

Posted by: at May 29, 2003 11:28 AM

Really liked the anti-establishment (I date myself) rant in your May 29 report. Is there any question our government is no longer "our goverment"? Surfing has helped keep me somewhat sane in the face of such willful disregard for other earth inhabitant's lives.

Perhaps it might be worthwhile to mention some good alternative info websites. There are dozens, at least, but I like www.rense.com for its up-to-the moment articles culled from a wide variety of sources. Its layout makes it easy to scan the article headlines. www.antiwar.com, www.voxfux.com are a couple more. Voxfux has excellent/very good articles on shadow government type stuff as well as educational article on propaganda-http://www.voxfux.com/articles(closed)/00000027.htm.

I'm glad you're combining political awareness with your surf commentary.

Posted by: PeeJay at May 29, 2003 11:32 AM

is not yet what it ought to be!
(apologies, RHCP)

Go E! Rip it up! Niceness, yeah.

Posted by: robme at May 29, 2003 11:34 AM

e....right on, brotha! your ranting has hit the nail on the head. like you (apparently) the more i think about things, the more worked up i get. who does this current Administration think that they are? where did they get their priorities? democracy?...freedom?....justice?...righteousness?...the Founding Fathers? i don't think so! the worst part is that through their propaganda and posturing to put all those with differing opinions on the "black list" they've managed to convince the majority of the population that they are fighting the good fight! what gives?! people, wake the f*ck up!

at least i take solace in something that a buddy of mine mentioned when i was dispairing on this issue over the weekend. remember, that after the first Gulf War, Bush Sr. was more popular than Bush Jr. is today...yet he was defeated in the next election.

my fingers are crossed.

Posted by: ck at May 29, 2003 11:48 AM

"Pearling into bliss'" - haha great line, I am so there, james/sassafrass.

Mid OB: there's a seagull flapping his heart out and staying in place. No-one in the water but hurling, spitting, lurching , chaotic waves and burbling whitewater. Great Highway is presently closed. A good time to attach a sail to your skateboard and play chicken with the work trucks.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at May 29, 2003 11:48 AM

E, I prefer to hear the story of you scoring uncrowded waves by yourself as marines keep a look out over your shoulder at FP. Regardless of the ticket they threw at you, at least you did not have your liberty taken from you that day. Sorry to hear brotha-man! More sorry to hear that they are enforcing this "justice" upon us by taking away the simple pleasures and simple freedoms we share.

That is about as political as I will ever get. So, bummer about the morning roll out. I, myself, slept in for the 2nd day in row. 20 mph winds not forecasted yesterday. What gives? I guess I am gonna get some board repair practice in.

That dude in the 3rd pix should have gone!

Posted by: Kaiser at May 29, 2003 11:49 AM

btw....forgot to mention one thing...

...how sic is the orca pic? awesome.

Posted by: ck at May 29, 2003 12:02 PM

sweeeeet trip Dano. thanks for all the juicy details. 9 days in that beautiful house surfin' the pacifico sounds muy muy bien. though my favorite picture might have been the in-flight shot of OB... I flew two weeks ago and was treated to a similar low altitude fly by right over OB... siiiiick!!

e, sorry you got denied this morning, at least no ticket this time. have you heard of Dennis Kucinich? he's a pretty sweet democratic presidential candidate... espouses a great anti-war, anti-money machine, anti-evil empire philosophy.

but, hopefully you are not ranting and frothing anymore. here's good vibes from my 'best day ever' yesterday: noon, 4mile was doing a mini-JBay dance, I could not believe how perfect some of the waves were... made it my mission to get one. had a great day of trial and error followed by success... in a primo spot, dig rail on the drop. next chance, a little calmer, know I have the extra second I need to set my feet before speed racing, bottom turn around the white wash, scoooooore, wall of perfection, pump pump, go up to the lip and do one of those 'hang out and wait a while' and then zooooooom, fly back down, too much speed, must throw gratuitous snappy gaugie layback to hoots and hollers of good vibed onlookers. outside bombs? oh we got your outside bombs!!! high pressure lineup, sc chargers next to me, i'm defending my position, must go, must make it, pitch drop bottom out throw my board under my feet hold make it speed down face oowwwww!!! clawed into an outside bombie: i'm the only one outside, screaming at myself to GOOOOOOO, must not wimp out, claw claw actually read wave right and in the right spot, two seconds on the lip, over the ledge, what powerful turns may come. lean over touch your stomach to the water bottom turns, already thinking two turns ahead, wooosh cutback all the way around... keep practicing, will connect to backside roundhouse. drop drop drop rip rip rip fly fly fly. pay the price with your blood, go over the falls, try to fucking air drop that 8 foot suckout biatch, take your beatings and smile, charge back out, make it next time!!!!!!!! claim the sweet rewards the ocean offers in exchange for her beatings. girls on the beach want to sit next to you, dwayniac accepts your offer of a peace pipe, good vibes good friends... hike out the trail surrounded by tall green plants and lush flowery paradise, while the sun melts orange and pink behind thick swirls of gray clouds, could you feel more alive? can it get any better than this? beautiful.

Posted by: jake at May 29, 2003 12:09 PM

wow, what a bummer to read this stuff today! I was stoked over the past few months to find good ocean talk, and hope this site can get back to that subject. we can all agree on surf, so let's not split us all up with what some know (and don't know) about world affairs. ;)

Posted by: bertrand at May 29, 2003 12:14 PM

thanks ck, seymore, peejay, robme and everyone for the support.. thanks also to Bertrand for a little dissenting vibe.. I'll be the first to admit that much of my rant stemmed from emotion-laden simplifications of world-events. I don't know all the back-room intracacies of policy-making and budget structuring... nor do i know if there is any real threat to the golden gate bridge.. But everytime i give bush and his administration the benefit of the doubt or a sympathetic ear.. they turn it right back around and slap me in the face with decisions that are almost invariably opposed to what i would suggest. Anyway.. i agree that emotional political ramblings aren't exactly copacetic with the niceness spirit.. even though today my surf experience was directly affected by the actions of our administration..

also.. jake!!!! siiiickk!!!!! so sick!

Posted by: e at May 29, 2003 12:28 PM

that Orca pick reminded me of a time about two years ago when I was checkin the surf from the cliffs at a South Santa Cruz county beach break (La Selva) only to see three very LARGE Orcas frolicking outside the empty lineup. Empty glassy peaks goin off, but nobody would dare paddle out. All those images of Orcas munching seals from the Animal channel had me haired out! Anyone know if they're really dangerous to man??? BTW, great trip report Dano and feel your frustration e. Later,

Posted by: moss_man at May 29, 2003 12:34 PM

Nice to see you at floundamar this morning. Didn't end up going out, but eventually some models showed up showing off the latest in Armani beach fashion, which woke a few of the lurkers up in the lot.

Posted by: Brian at May 29, 2003 01:07 PM

serioulsy, code orange...whats that shit all about?..fear..that sucks e..makes me think of this movie i saw the other night called Bowling for Columbine...the guy goes a little overboard in some parts but i mostly think hes got a good point...almost as frustrating as that guy in the 3rd pic not taking off..got some fun ones south of sloat last night though..

Posted by: bagel at May 29, 2003 01:11 PM

Jake, dano - just read your posts/reports. Fantastic. Whatever you've got in your Wheaties, I want some!

hm dano, looks like you could fit another body in that board bag.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at May 29, 2003 01:14 PM

hey all, to support e's rant, i'm writing to notify you all of the protest against further media deregulation going on down at Clear Channel, 340 Townsend Street today @ 5:00pm. since the telecom act of 1996 passed, Clear Channel has bought up 1200+ radio stations and has used this medium to push their pro war/bush conservative agenda. now they want to impose the same deregulation across the board for radio, tv, and the press. one of the reasons bush's approval rating is so high might be the fact that people can't get any information about what the hell is really going on.

Posted by: lerm at May 29, 2003 01:15 PM

I appreciate the rant. Things are not well.
You don't know me but I am a regular reader and spot sharer who needs an eagle-eyed hand. I had my car ripped and this is the note put out to the crew:

Jeff & the rest of the Mission Surf Riders,

Thanks. For better or worse, it was the Honda and after another night searching and more phone calling it is still awol. Seems like the icing on the cake these days....

Here is the run down on the car, if you see it call me, DON'T GET IN IT! If you were to be stopped by the PD, they really do respond with deadly force expecting that whomever is in it stole it. Call me at 235.0395- the cell phone stays close.

'85 Honda Civic two door
mid-tone blue with various shades due to replaced body panels
tape mark in rear window left side from "for sale" sign
dents- front hood, sides
new tires
plate: 3JPK453
VIN last four digits:3748
last seen across from 227 shipley st @ fifth on 5/26

Yeah hard to believe someone wanted that.

any help appreciated!

And here is the beginnings of the Mission Surfrider's Club site. The club & site are loose in the goof off vein.


Posted by: goodmorning at May 29, 2003 01:24 PM

nice posts everyone! Good to hear everyone's opinions. Lerm I have a really good article regarding clear channel from the Chronicle. Anyway, I actually found really fun surf at the Jetty this morning from 10:30-12:00 it was a bit choppy, and I wasn't surfing on point AT ALL, but it was really fun. The Jetty, for me, is such a trick fast wave it's hard for me to hit any moves on it. I did manage to squeeze into 2 waist-shoulder high barrels on one wave. Definately made up for the rest of the close-outs and rag-dolls I experienced! Fun stuff, Jake SIIIIIIICK DAY! Good on you bro! Anyway, off to work :(

Posted by: Ian at May 29, 2003 01:26 PM

Second that, nice posts all. Props to you E for being a true gentleman and welcoming dissent, props to you Bertand for havings the cojones to dissent where most folks probably disagree.

And to second SS Sharkie: Jake: what the f*! Livin' it. Awesome.

Posted by: robme at May 29, 2003 01:38 PM

Success on the SF>SC challenge! be, jamie, george, and I went down to SC for last night's evening session -pleasure point was hitting pretty hard though there was a slight onshore - giving the waves some quicker-than-usual breaking and a lot of power. Some amazing airs and serious cutting going on at the big peak by the Santa Cruz rippers on the 6'+ waves that just kept cruising in. We slept last night at a motel on E. Cliff Dr. (bluebird motel - surprisingly nice considering the exterior appearance - don't judge a book by its cover...)

Got the dawn session in this morning before work - beautiful glassy faces on the water and smiling faces on all the surfers. We were in a crowd of happy-go-lucky longboarders - all of us sharing the waves and feeling great.

I got my first taste of carving up and down the wave face - even got a mini-lip-bash (really mini...) - so sweet - it's like you get another drop-in when you turn the board back down the face after the turn!

to all those happy souls out at pleasure point this morning - thanks - can't think of a better start to the day.

peace - jimi

Posted by: jimi at May 29, 2003 02:20 PM

"Those who would trade liberties for security, deserve neither." -- Ben Franklin. e, I am afraid that your raving is, unfortunately, more spot on than not. I think I'd like to move to New Zealand.

Anywho, reading Jake's post just got me all fired up. Someday, years away, I hope to have some style and skills that will allow me such niceness. Christian, way to go and grab some more niceness in the land of the ultimate sea creatures.

I took the day off today just to recharge. The south that is just about done seemed to actually be a little better than they forecast. Last night I grabbed some tacos at the harbor in SC and could see the lane really going off. Southern bombs were coming into the beach at the harbor and just detonating. Total closeouts breaking in about 2 inches of water but very impressive as they’d shake the ground all around.

I managed to spend some serious quality time chasing lefts around SC county, and am finally starting to iron out some of my many backside surfing flaws... so much to learn. That’s what rocks about this sport!


P.S. It was almost 90 degrees in Cruz yesterday!! Wore my new 3/2 for a DP session, so I guess summer is here.

Posted by: dano at May 29, 2003 02:25 PM

damn christian!!! that's beautiful!!! i had a sick day yesterday.... but I think it does not compare to the majesty of you going left while your girl goes right on tasty A-frame set waves. congrats!!! stooooooked!!!

Posted by: jake at May 29, 2003 02:26 PM

Oh... forgot to add... thanks all for the positive remarks on the surf trip. It sure was a lot of fun.


Posted by: dano at May 29, 2003 02:27 PM

sweet.. christian, jimi, ian.. peeps are scoring killah sessions.. that's what's up.. the surf is truly the source.. a deeply felt source of inspiration, celebration and communication with all that is fluid and natural. Dropping into a wave and seeing a clean glassy face ahead of you.. does it get any better? I guess for Christian it does as he experienced that exact sensation while splitting a peak with the love of his life last night!!! funk yizzah!!

thanks for the stoke everybody.. i was so fired up this morning but now my shit has mellowed a bit. sorry if i hit y'all with some non-niceness words..

surf surf surf surf surf..

tomorrow i might do the super-early sf-sc challenge.. hmmmm.. or.. maybe after work.. hmmmm..

Posted by: e at May 29, 2003 02:32 PM

e - surfing FP is NOT off-limits during heightened alerts. The water is the domain of the Coast Guard, and I have it on good authority that the Coast Guard has placed no ban on getting in the water under the bridge.

The issue seems to be where you set foot above the mean high tide line. So, if you put in at an appropriate place, you will not only be fine, you will have the place to yourself. It gets a little tricky thinking about a place to get in and out that is not Park Service turf, though...probably a little boat from the marina out would be easiest.

Posted by: blakestah at May 29, 2003 03:35 PM

good knowlege Blakestah.. a boat from the marina eh? hmmm..

they were letting joggers and bikers do their thing up to the warming-hut area.. just not out to the fort.. i wonder... hmmm...

surf surf surf..

just read Jamie Brisick's new book, "We Approach Our Martinis With Such High Expectations".
i give it an emphatic thumbs up! he's a surf journo/photographer.

Posted by: e at May 29, 2003 03:50 PM

Wow...Jamie Brisick. Weird to see that name. When I was a kid growing up in Westlake Village (Northern L.A. County), Jamie used to live down the street from me. I was a little skate rat and would hang out at the elmentary school playground trying like hell to do ollies or whatever else I could do. Jamie would usually wander around in the afternoon and would ask to try out my board. He must of been 16 or 17??? I was like 13 or something. Anyway, he would get on my board and do the sickest ollies and all sorts of other stuff. Taught me a few good tricks. Was always a very mellow and very polite guy, but obviously naturally talented (even to 13 year old eyes). Later, I got in to surfing and remember being out at Malibu and Oxnard Shores and seeing Jamie do THE SICKEST things on a surfboard. He would make waves that I could only dream of, he would hit the lip so hard, so many times, just incredible. Completely blew me away. Then, I lost track of him until I saw that he was a writer/editor for Surfing. Unbelievable. I had no idea the guy could even read, let alone write. Again, blew me away (back to the don't judge a book by its cover adage.) Totally, mellow and unassuming but very talented in many ways. At least that was my experience with him. Cool to hear that the book is good. I will definitely buy it.

Sorry for the rambling recollection....

Posted by: jdz at May 29, 2003 05:00 PM

love the orca pic! i surfed with them at Raglan, New Zealand. they came into the harbor there to eat the stingrays. the few locals out surfing that day didn't even flinch. by the time i saw them, they were so close it was too late to panic, so i just surfed and watched. they have amazing eyes. you know how dogs eyes usually look humble? just an observation and maybe a projection, but i think the orca eyes i saw had strength and wonder.

moss_man--not sure if they eat humans, but i did see some impressive footage of an mommy ocra tearing a great white in half for her little one. no doubt they could get'cha if they wanted.

e--let's find a boat.

Posted by: seahappy at May 29, 2003 05:05 PM

Potential FP put in -- blue rock beach? It's just around the corner to the seaward side. You'd have to fight the current but it's a lot closer than the minesweeper docks in front of the warming hut. I don't know what the MP presence is on that side. Be fun to check out (and better if we lived to tell about it. Or not tell). Kind of a hike from the road above it. A little bit treacherous, a la deadmans + longer.

Posted by: robme at May 29, 2003 05:15 PM

Hey...heard about your site from a friend of yours...Chip? Met him at a cabin in Tahoe. I don't know what time you were cruising hwy 1 (may 29th) but Waddell reef was going off today at like 11:30 to 1:30...as I was running down to the water, I was getting serious butterflies. 7 guys on it max...super pumping, silver glassy, over head hollow lefts exploding on the reef...When the first peak came my way I was hearing "bock..bock..bock" inside my head...chickened out as I watched a the lip with a gaping mouth roar by..waoh, I almost went over the falls on that one...it's either go or don't. Anyway, being the only chick out, I felt I had to prove my worth so I went for the next one and felt like I was fighting for my life trying to keep my rail up...didn't get piped like a few of the guys out there but it was definitely hair raising...good thing OB's my stomping ground to keep me tough. All in all I was pretty stoked because I called in sick for work today...depressed from the apparent surf session that went on yesterday.

Posted by: suzie at May 29, 2003 05:16 PM

Hey...heard about your site from a friend of yours...Chip? Met him at a cabin in Tahoe. I don't know what time you were cruising hwy 1 (may 29th) but Waddell reef was going off today at like 11:30 to 1:30...as I was running down to the water, I was getting serious butterflies. 7 guys on it max...super pumping, silver glassy, over head hollow lefts exploding on the reef...When the first peak came my way I was hearing "bock..bock..bock" inside my head...chickened out as I watched a the lip with a gaping mouth roar by..waoh, I almost went over the falls on that one...it's either go or don't. Anyway, being the only chick out, I felt I had to prove my worth so I went for the next one and felt like I was fighting for my life trying to keep my rail up...didn't get piped like a few of the guys out there but it was definitely hair raising...good thing OB's my stomping ground to keep me tough. All in all I was pretty stoked because I called in sick for work today...depressed from the apparent surf session that went on yesterday.

Posted by: suzie at May 29, 2003 05:16 PM

he he awesome...ya JDZ!.im from the same area but the valley, woodland hills..classic..i was a little rat at malibu..aaa memories..ya jamie brisik was a legend down there huh? the guy killed it, never really knew him, its awesome to see him doing well in the industry, writing books and what not..i actually made out with his younger sister a loooong time ago...hows this one..remeber IG? one of my first custom boards from like 9th grade..oh man im gonna cry..

Posted by: bagel at May 29, 2003 05:50 PM

jdz.. thanks for the brisick insight.. i had no idea he was such a ripper... comes across as super mellow and unassuming in his writing.. good on him! any other "rambling recollections" you have are totally welcome and encouraged.

seahappy - that's some crazy-ass loony shit bro! surfing with orcas!

robme.. i'll talk to you tonight bro.. we'll devise a gameplan..

suzie - thanks for posting.. so nice to have another wahine chiming in! I don't know any Chips in Tahoe.. maybe a Stu? hmmm.. very cool that you scored wadell.. sounds like fun.. i'm jealous!!

bagel.. nice make-out story.. aww yeah! makin' out in 9th grade was like the greatest thing ever!!!



Posted by: e at May 29, 2003 06:32 PM

haha bagel! You've got the inside source ;) Nice to see all the cool posts today! Am I selfish for not telling others about the niceness boards? I tell my close friends, but they rarely use the internet. Dear Abby... haha, I want some more similar swell to that last South we just had, that was SO good! As far as the movie I was planning on, it's so hard o film. I can never pass up surf.. Even if it's junky I still want to be in the water, maybe some day I'll get it done.

Posted by: Ian at May 29, 2003 06:39 PM

Bagel...no friggin way!!!! His little sister was very, very hot, I remember pining away after her myself. Nice work...And the first custom from IG...classic. My first custom was from Perfect Balance. Remember that place. Next board was from IG as well. Dan Egan was a pretty decent shaper...I think. Can't say as I knew my ass from my elbows when it came to surfboards back then(still don't)...I was just stoked to have a custom board. Sounds like we haunted the same places...might have to get more 411 via email someday...


Posted by: jdz at May 29, 2003 07:02 PM

hey e- what about parking up on the hill (right by the base of the brige, where all the tourists go) and walking down, then pulling some super sneaky stealth-mode paddle out? it would take longer for sure, but it just might work...

(sorry if you have already tried that and i'm just an ignorant kook)

Posted by: bobby at May 29, 2003 07:49 PM

seahappy - very cool tale re the orcas. especially the uncertainty over whether their eyes are REALLY that way...or whether you were projecting. always tough to figure that one out when observing wonderous creatures.

moss_man - i don't know if orcas are dangerous to us, but my bet is that they aren't. sharks, of course, are dangerous to us because they confuse us for other mammals in their natural food chain. while an orca could, no doubt, make a quick snack of us, i don't think that they would as we aren't part of their natural food chain and i'm confident that they can tell the difference. sorta like the way that dolphins never go for the lures/bait used in deep sea fishing despite the fact that they are often sharing the same space as the marlin, etc. that are getting reeled in.

don't know....i might be off, but that's my two cents.

Posted by: ck at May 29, 2003 08:44 PM

e--can we change the 'bro' to a 'sis'? seahappy is me, anastasia!

Posted by: seahappy at May 29, 2003 09:42 PM

Just wanted to chime in and say that this site kicks some serious ASS! Thanks for sharin all the stoke guys and gals! Next time some Orcas trip into the Monterey Bay, maybe I'll have the sack to paddle out with um. Take care,

Posted by: moss_man at May 29, 2003 09:45 PM

yay!! oilchange! protest-music for surfers, can we sing it in the lineup?... boo on those damn patriotic people.. the lucky hawaiians can post HAW instead of USA on the ASP score sheets, why can't we post SF? Martin Sheen for Prez. baby.

Posted by: at May 29, 2003 09:59 PM

jonesin for surf after work this weekend after 6 sessions in 3 days down south this weekend....especially dying to get the new board out in the water (9'8 pintail, 10 oz. volan top and bottom, 8 oz. deck patch, sick stuff)....workload finally lightens, step out of office before dark for a change, slight wind....overcast....swear it was nice out this AM....lookin nasty over the hills...F it, headed anyways...approach the top of 92 in thiiick fog, whiteout, felt like i was driving to whistler or something....windy....not looking good but remembering all the times back in oregon when it was socked in near cannon but shorty's was sunny so kept truckin'....jetty was nasty, nothing that looked rideable coming thru....headed north on the 1....ugliness everywhere....got to lindy, couldn't believe my eyes....glassy head high barrels coming thru, sun shining, nobody on it, swedish bikini team on the beach playing naked volleyball....trunked it in the 80 degree water, had the session of my life, got out and the swedes had beers waiting for me and offered a massage...ok, just kidding, lindy sucked too, so here i am at home dreaming of what it WOULD have been if i were God jim carrey/justin almighty style....anyways, off to play guitar and watch the far shore...stay up niceness crew

Posted by: j at May 29, 2003 10:14 PM

All this diversity! I love you niceness crew!

Posted by: Ian at May 30, 2003 12:23 AM

Oh yeah, this is the reason I cam on, to reply to that picture of the guy wimping out... My prayer to Mother Ocean: please, provide us in these desperate times, waves of such beauty and magnificent perfection. I have given and sacrificed enough to you so I may borrow once again.

I don't know your name, but to the guy who posted the crappy surf website, that guy looks cool! Have you ever seen the SF graffiti artist by the name of "Twist." That art reminds me of stuff he does, very cool! Good luck with the car! Suzie, nice on the Wadell! Sweeeeet

Posted by: Ian at May 30, 2003 12:30 AM

awesome ranting. keep it up. awesome site.
e- i heard through joyce that you frequent the establishment down in SLO. anyway, i used to live there with him. lets hook up on a trip down there and surf the jetty. anyway, yeah. nice.

as for surf art everyone. check out 111 minna in july
http://www.surfstyle.org/ there is a sweet little show coming up i think.

and for what its worth regarding SF graf, check out surfers journal Volume 5 NO. 1 - Spring '96

Posted by: california at May 30, 2003 05:44 PM

Your FT PT stance..ok..but...your rant? Why don't you take that thing national? It's such keen insight into the inner workings of the government. Where did you get your degree in government and international relations? If the world only knew the things you know! Let's get you on Nightline!

Posted by: at June 1, 2003 02:59 PM


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Posted by: penis enlargement at January 21, 2005 02:50 PM

Marriage is the only adventure open to the cowardly.

Posted by: penis enlargement at January 21, 2005 03:32 PM
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