I opted out this morning.. almost 20 surf days in a row combined with some heavy hoopage yesterday has my back requesting some chillification. Conditions look to be weak and piddly this morning. SF buoy at 1.4ft 8seconds. Combine that with a compromising 8mph SW wind and you have the makings of some sloppy, slimy, gutless waves. awww yeah! Looks like shit should improve through the week.. though nothing to get your panties all wet about.. The NW windswell should pick up again (tonight) and hopefully offer up some scrumptious OB nuglets for the dawnies this week.. A few small southern hemis are also due to arrive in the next few days.. the biggest one coming in on thursday and most likely lasting through the weekend.. Both of the southern hemis are approaching from around 210 degrees.. soo.. i'm not sure if that's within our window?? also note that neither of these Southern-hemi pulses are that huge.. the second one is supposed to top-out at 2ft 17seconds..
Thanks to SS sharkbait and OB for combining to create a great brunch on saturday morning.. OB rocked steady throughout the late-morning/early-afternoon hours... offering glide-stoked revelers shoulder-high chunky faces and a placid/glassy shoulder or two or three or eight. niceness reggies Christian, JDZ, Ian, CK, SS, Welle, Anastasia, Caveman and others could be seen gouging immense chunks of unsuspecting OB waves with their fiberglass wave-weapons. I watched Ian take off on a ledging thumper. Caveman rocked out to the lineup fresh off a super-late night of SF bar-hopping debauchery. Still loose and rubbery, various intoxicants churning and swilling within, Caveman harnessed the power of the hangover to throw down some late frontside air-droppy takeoffs right in front of yours truly. Basically a fun seshy was had by all..
yesterday the swell dropped but i took an east coast friend of mine for his inaugural surf at OB. We paddled out at our own peak around Taraval.. there looked to be a huge posse at Pacheco and Sloat.. but nare a soul in between.. A few enjoyable rollers rolled through.. and we were properly primed for a healthy helping of SF's finest pancakes at Art's cafe at 9th and Judah..
anyway.. cross your fingers for a little size-increase tonight.
someone said that this is the 'Squan in Joysee.. what do you heads think?
this is the model for "surf city texas." there is supposed to be 4 waves in this huge wave-pool.. Rick Kane texas style..
panama lineup
Pancho tearing into one
what would you do next? crank off the top? stall and pull in? pump for speed? coil up for a big air? dig a rail and tank it?
Ross-Clark Jones burying rail... looks kind-of like a regular-footed Kaiser at Lindy.
Dave Kalama small wave foiling
arty lefts
hello niceness...quite a posse out at P st saturday - was bummed to miss the brunch but i wound up surfing with a bunch of friends who are not aware of the whole niceness phenomenon so i didn't join the crew, had brunch on irving st instead. oh well, e i saw you briefly but you vaporized. must've seen a few other regulars too...anyways a fun session, and brunch next time.
Posted by: paul b at July 28, 2003 10:42 AMFinally finished UFO numero dos. Had it out this morning for the third day of beta testing, and I like it a lot. Time for more riders.
This morning. Got up early, It was a little westy wind, and small gutless waves. But I had a mission - to test out the tweaks in the UFO. No one else was out, no one even checking in the hour I was out. Peace, solitude, just me and the sharks with the laser beams.
Sorry I missed the brunch - I should be able to make it the whole 5 minute walk to sharkbait's house but I had a wedding to attend at Pt Reyes.
Hope the swell picks up, and the wind doesn't....
Posted by: blakestah at July 28, 2003 11:00 AMSorry to miss the brunch on Sat. Sounds like you guys got some solid niceness vibe out in the water as well. Bug and I ventured southward for a little SF2SC challenge but we did have some official business to conduct down there as well. After the late night "bro-out" on Friday night, Bug picked me up at 5:00 a.m. and we rolled to our favorite north county point/reef break by 6:30. Upon arrival, all we had were faint, gutless dribblers being served. In fact, all of SC was gutless with the exception of the Hook and there were 60 of our favorite friends on it by 7:30. We bailed and went to eat before our biz meeting @ 10:00.
However, we got a nice little stoney sesh at Waddell on the way back up the coast. When we showed up, we saw a nice little peak with no one on it. As soon as we jumped into our sharkbait costumes, there were 10 people out there with us on our "deserted" peak. Typical. Anyway, we got some nice little nuggets before heading back up the coast.
Today looks pointless. Fog, wind, no swell... Looking forward to this south arrival this week.
Posted by: Kaiser at July 28, 2003 11:27 AMe, i've been checking for my forecasts ever since you told me about it two years ago. but yeah, it hasn't updated lately.
i've always thought stormsurf is comprehensive but, damn, who can decipher all this stuff?
Posted by: biggsie at July 28, 2003 11:53 AM
oof, I missed the brunch too since I was in Florida...bummer, b/c I wanted to meet you guys. well I'm not working at all this week and will probably go down to SC a time or two.. any niceness crew going down? I may taylor my timing around that. and yes those FL girls are sure sweet, but it seemed they were either under 18 or married!! what's up with that??
Posted by: bertrand at July 28, 2003 11:58 AMHad a great time on Sat. It was refreshing to meet such an interesting, diverse, mellow, open-minded, (i could go on and on) group of people. Thanks again to sharkbait for hosting and e for being the catalyst. I hope it happens again soon so my wife can also meet some the my "little friends I've met via the internet". She likes to poke a little fun. Little does she know she's more of a freak than any of y'all!
Anastasia, send me a mail when you an Christian want to try and get together with the rugrats. Looking forward to it.
I have to relate this little anecdote from my mid-morning Cron session yesterday. I paddled out at about 10:30 into gutless, waist to maybe chest high crumblers. Didn't look too inviting, but I figured I needed the excercize. Got a few waves that were fun on the drop and then just a pumpfest to try to beat the closeout crumble. Thought I was doing pretty good building some speed where not much was to be had. I look back at the beach and see this guy in a very smurfyblue wetsuit going through a very elaborate pre-surf warmup. He's stretching everything, he's doing a little highstep run down the beach, he's doin some downward dog, he's doing jumping jacks, he's friggin Richard Simmons. I'm thinking, "why the f*** is this joker going through all this rigmarole to surf in 2-3 ft. slop??? I'm laughing to myself. Finally, the guy paddles out and precedes to just destroy the place. I mean this guys going where I never even imagined going on these waves. He's catching waves where I never thought to look. He's hitting the lip 2, 3, 4 times on these tiny little waves. He's developing speed that just looks weird given the conditions. He's going backside, frontside, upside, downside. After I pulled my jaw out of the water I just started giggling. It was a completely humbling and awe inspiring display. He made crap look good. I ended up just sitting and watching this guy for a good 20 minutes.
Anyway, sorry for the longwinded post...but here's to you blue-smurfy-wetsuited-cron-shredder.
Posted by: jdz at July 28, 2003 12:04 PMMid OB smurf report: Wow. Incredibly teeny and breezy. I keep thinking about that pic Kaiser posted the other day w/14 or so people on one board. Today would be good for that. It's the day to grab your pals, break out the giganto 12 foot boards, and have a contest to see who can catch ANYTHING. Which actually sounds hella more fun than paying bills, which is what I'm doing now.
Brunch was killa, surf was fun , nice to meet you peeps! Some of you heard of, but didn' t see my awesome wave of the week. While paddling out I tried to punch through a shoulder high speedster and ended up 'surfing' FINS AND BUTT FIRST all the way from the outside lineup to the beach! It was honestly the speediest and smoothest wave that day. Next time must turn around. Thank god none of you guys had a camera!
No worries if you missed brunch, the house will open again. Especially thinking of open house on the hugest day/s of the year, watching triple overhead OB, it'll be the freaking sports channel out here!
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at July 28, 2003 12:18 PMdeeeeamn, sounds like i missed a stellar busy getting things together this week...was able to squeeze in a very grovely, stony session around 5pm yesterday out at kellys...its fun to walk almost all the way around to sutro ruins and paddle out and be all close to the rocks out was cool, i was a little freaked out on all the seals that were hanging out on this one rock and was just imaginging a few sharks chilling out there and waiting for one of those fellas to jump off or something...than i started to think how all the whale oil was probably all stuck around that area..than i got a few little waves and i had happy thoughts again...
Posted by: bagel at July 28, 2003 12:56 PMjdz - I was out at cron earlier than you. Things started out pretty decent then bagan to deteriorate. But that cron shredder sounds familiar. There are a few younger regulars out there that can capitalize on pretty much anything that rolls through. Very skillful, energetic, and overall good stoke.
Posted by: Jack at July 28, 2003 01:09 PMsharkbait: your "best wave" sounds time STAND UP even if you are going backwards and you may find yourself doing your first fin-first takeoff of the inadvertent sort. i did this on purpose once, just to see if i could...sort of "back-paddling" to get into the whitewater and then just standing up and letting the board swing around...
Posted by: paul b at July 28, 2003 01:31 PMFirst off - HUGE props to ss sharkbait for hosting a delicious brunch. Wish I had been a little less pickled from the night before, but it was good to chill and meet some more niceness crew. I had a much better session on Sunday with the crowds at Pacheco. Seemed a little more organized than Saturday, but the winds got on it and never relented. Still got some fun rides.
So when's the next niceness brunch?!?
Posted by: caveman at July 28, 2003 02:00 PMwhat a kickin' weekend!!....that has all too rapidly deteriorated into a hectic Monday. where did the chillness...and the waves...go? ; )
soooo kewl to meet a few new faces at ss's on Saturday....and even better to share the water. with the quantity of niceness crew out there the line-up was all about positive stoke. great to watch Ian drop into some ledgy rights on his old-skool board...and to see JDZ pumping down the line and shooting buckets out the back on the shoulder! all, of course, to fist-pumping accolades!
it's been said a few times already....but BIG shout out to ss for hosting. (ss, your pad is sic!...i'd get nothing done...ever...with that view of our beloved beach!)
i other news...scored a surprisingly fun seshie at our favorite little Pathetica cove yesterday eve. my lady-charger and i headed waaaayyy north and found a peak breaking (on the sets) off the rocks in almost-point-like fashion (krazy, eh?!). slow and mellow, but pretty organized and fun. best of all, we had it to ourselves for almost 2 hours!! killah way to close a great weekend.
once again, great meeting folks on Sat...and, now that i know what you look like, i look forward to sharing the water with ya again soon.
Posted by: ck at July 28, 2003 02:30 PManyone here have any experience with creative auto body on capp street in the mission? good or bad? AAA recommended it but i've heard some shady things....
Posted by: bbr at July 28, 2003 02:41 PMBBR, I rolled my ride to Superior Auto Body in San Carlos/Belmot area. Highly recommend them but a bit far away.
Posted by: Kaiser at July 28, 2003 02:59 PMbbr - i don't know anything about creative auto body, but i had some (basic) work done by Gava's Autobody in San Bruno and was very pleased.
Posted by: ck at July 28, 2003 03:04 rock! I don't think I have ever had my name, and the term "buckets of water" in the same sentence. We will definitely have to have another surf! Thanks for the ego boost, especially after yesterday.
Posted by: jdz at July 28, 2003 04:06 PMthanks for the suggestions fellas.
Posted by: bbr at July 28, 2003 04:18 PMthe guy at 44th(?) and judah hooks it up right! seriously! i found him through the website.. click and clack recommend trustworthy mechanics all across the USA..
hopefully waves tomorrow morning... now??
Posted by: e at July 28, 2003 04:19 PMhey niceness. stoked to hear about the good brunch vibrations. so I feel compelled to post since e once again is hooking up the jersey vibes with the supposed picture of the 'squan, and i just got back from there. well a little bit north, in sea girt, but the inlet jetty was quite close and visible. i'd be surprised if that pic was really the jetty, since the refraction there offers up rights like the princeton jetty... but I'm not an expert, and I guess it does sometimes bounce peaks back out wide... so maybe that's a sick left peeling back from the 2nd peak? sort of like our favorite sharky refracting barrel offers up sometimes?
that's my 2cents. while I may not be on the same coast as the rest of you now, i can still share my smiley stokedness with ya'll after surfing today for the first time since I left Cali a month ago. i couldn't even tell if I should drive to the coast today, pretty small stuff, but a mysto offshore wind was grooming the swell for a muy muy fun time... and the Atlantic greeted me back with several hours of small fun peaks, yielding many lip bashes and several barrels. mmmm, barrel. ok, i'll shut up, feeling naturally high, i love surfing, and much love to you all.
(oh yeah, and Kaiser, expect a phone call, Sir DumpsBucketsALot... topic of call: Bali)
Posted by: jake at July 28, 2003 04:35 PMI don't know about all of you, but I could use a few olas this afternoon?
Montara? Interesting....
Posted by: Kaiser at July 28, 2003 04:40 PMWow! So many good words on the board! SS, thank you SO MUCH for hosting on Sat, that was so cool. It was such a pleasure to meet everyone this weekend. I had an awesome time with all of you and felt great to share waves with the crew! As always, I'm one of the last to post, but I was in the water at Pomponio today for 4 hours. from 10:00 to 2:00 I have no control over my arms right now, I don't even know how I have the energy to type. All kinds of waves came through. Barrels, ledges, sand monsters, glassy faces which weren' much larger than waist to to shoulder. It was pure glass for the first 3 hours. Surfed 3 different peaks scattered across the beach. Beautiful lefts and rights were on hand. There were some definate thick monster barrels to be had which is very surprising considering how small the swell was. Anyway, it was a cool day. I don't mean to rub it in, but I have this whole week off from work, so I'm going to try and catch up on the past 3 weeks I've missed! Anyway, I'm floating right now and I just wanted to say it was so cool to be able to talk with all of you this weekend! Let's do it again soon!
Posted by: Ian at July 28, 2003 04:52 PMsomebody ask about montara? I just got back from there, I think that'll be my first call for a while now that OB is spunked up with whale for the next few weeks. anyway, it was pretty glassy with a weak but elegantly shaped peak at the south end. it looked like it might even have been on the improve sizewise. maybe tomorrow am!
Posted by: bertrand at July 28, 2003 05:12 PMSS, thanks for the brunch-great to get a chance to meet everybody. Yummy food!
Posted by: welle at July 28, 2003 07:16 PMIt was sooo good to be in the water again after being in Atlanta for the last 2 months-will try to come back in August-until then...
Bummer i missed the brunch... hope the next one is sooner than later. that'd be cool.
Anyway, wanted to let ya'll know that this thursday (7/31) down in Corte Madera, there's gonna be a pretty cool gig happenin'. Kelly Slater wrote a new book, "Pipe Dreams", and is going to be at the "book passage" talking about it, and telling stories. Starts at 5:00pm. sounds pretty fresh...
Surfed SteamerLizzane this morning. got some fun chest-shoulder high waves. nice bowls on the inside when a good one came through.
Posted by: eightwest at July 28, 2003 07:23 PMnice and fun...
eightwest...thanks for the Slater info. I will definitely be there. Should be interesting to see an immortal.
Ian...nice work on the pomponio sesh. Sounds like fun. Let me know the next time there's a board swap down South so I can hook myself up with something like that Yater board. That thing looks like fun....and for $60...nice.
Posted by: jdz at July 28, 2003 07:41 PMjdz! Yeah pomp was fun. I'm always on the lookout for oldschool boards like that. I think they contain a certain feeling.. I dunno, just knowing it's been around for so long and seen so many waves. My first board I'm going to try and shape is going to be a duplicate (hopefully) of that board! Welle, thank you for checking out my ankle! It's been feeling better ever since ;) I think water thearpy is my best solution!!
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