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conditions seem perfect... but..

No wind through the night..
buoys reading a healthy 7ft 10seconds..
pretty fun session yesterday evening..
all signs point toward sweetness..
run down to the beach in my wetty.. hoping for the best.. feeling pretty confident about it..

but.. nope..

a mish-mashed slopfest i do attest.
garbled disorganized riotous mayhem
a few optimistic souls scattered about..
I watched for 7 minutes but didn't see any rides or really any rideable sections..
Maybe the 6:20 tidal turnaround mucking things up?
Biggest waves slightly overhead..
Absolutely no wind.. maybe a breath of offshore.

Ran back to my house and drove for a while in my wetty..
sweatin' in the wetty..
found some waves eventually.. started solo but then others paddled out.
successfully focussed speed and rhythm on one particular wave into a quick, pivoting off-the top..


hopefully the beach will clean up today.. Anybody know what's causing the confusion this morning? wind in the outer water? tidal change? characteristics of the swell? squadrons of angry, energized escaped sea-monkeys swimming and churning up the lineup? vibrations from amassed whale-songs channelled via some oceanic anomoly?


sooo nice out.. go find some waves...

I'm guessing the sloppiness is just due to the characteristics of the swell. It's all wind swell coming in. Though Blakestah says it will decrease, I'm predicting by tomorrow the swell is going to increase in size and pack on another 1-3 ft.

Posted by: Ian at September 11, 2003 10:10 AM

All I know is that this was the first outside day of the season. The Battleship and I snagged quite a few overhead peaks on the outer bar at the legendary sandbar on the south end of OB. Very smooth out there.

The inside sandbar was a bitch on a big board but it was worth it.

Go get it!

Posted by: kdalle at September 11, 2003 10:12 AM

as usual, e sums it up. was hoping for the best as i paddled out under clear skies, watching the moon fade and drop toward the horizon as the sun rose behind me. got a few early ones, but it was a picky-choosy kinda session.

probably better on the outgoing tide later today?

Posted by: loon at September 11, 2003 10:12 AM

just a sloppy windswell - it was generated *very* close by. add the flooding tide and our jones to start surfing good waves and - viola!

I'm the Jimmy who broke is foot last year during the epic november.

cya in this water this PM!!!

Posted by: jimmy at September 11, 2003 10:12 AM

No no, it's the monkeys.

Posting early to announce a SURF/ART PARTICIPATORY project. I'm gonna make a one-shot comic book about the collision of personal ear hijinks and surfing. It'd really fun to scatter niceness peep cameos throughout . I can't guarantee when it'd come out, or if I will find a publisher. ...but at the least I'd publish it myself , which is something I've been doing in comics for a while already. At the least your mug will be [in]famous to a few folks in the comics biz, plus maybe the surf shops around here ( if they'll carry surf comics) If interested, send a head shot, profile, and maybe your height - nothing fancy, as long as it's clear enough. Caveat : due to the nature of my surf skills, if you *do* appear, it is likely you'll be pearling in Manly, or getting hammered in 2 foot slop, or even clerking at an ear institute. Mail shots to below address, or just email me for a drop off...

Green Door Studios/236 West Portal Ave. #102 / San Fran/ 94127

Sorry for the long post! I'm stoked for this project and it'd be hilarious to stick some real surf folks in a comic book. Mahalo!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at September 11, 2003 10:25 AM

Hmmm ... another "Jimmy" posting, welcome my brother. There's a Mexican slang term for what you call your compadre who shares your first name - I can't remember what it is. I'll try to remember to add my last initial so no one gets us mixed up.
Anyway, I just drove past the beach, and yeah, it looks pretty clean but not much real swell in the water, just some sloppy looking weakness. Maybe after the tide starts to drop ... if the wind stays off it ...

Posted by: Jimmie M. at September 11, 2003 10:33 AM

surfed out in front of e's place this morning. i was out there for about an hour and managed to snag about 5 decent waves on the inside sandbars. fat (s)eels were cruzing the chaos.

loon, nice description of the sky.

s.s. that comic sounds rad.

Posted by: lerm at September 11, 2003 10:41 AM

surfed vfdubbs with a bit of a crowd. took a shortboard to the head, nice little wake up call. waves were a dissapointment but still kinda fun. i bet it'll get better a little later on.

Posted by: bbr at September 11, 2003 11:07 AM

It never ceases to amaze me how the data behind the surf can be so inscrutable. You look at the buoy numbers, tide, wind, etc. and come to the conclusion you should take care of those "honey-do's" instead of surfing, only to find out later that you really missed it.

Today is one of those cases where the cool web tools we have are a little more 'scrutable' and show it like it is. The link below is one of my favorites. It doesn't tell you everything (nothing does), but it does provide a pretty good explanation for why the shape is so poor today. Pura Vida!


Posted by: MVA at September 11, 2003 11:08 AM

Thanks lerm - doods, I'm serious about the comic! Go for it...

OB: lines cleaning up a bit from the am and there's more discernible (sp?!) NW windswell. However the incoming tide is decreasing size and vastly increasing the whitewater/tapioca monster factor. Enough fussiness to make spot picking tricky. And the peaks seem to have shifted. One packed crew out plus straglers, playing nice. Lots of paddling northwards....wicked current again...only 10000 calories burned per wave ridden...

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at September 11, 2003 11:17 AM

Well, the off coast winds are forecast to move further off coast and angle further away from us. I expect another foot drop-off in swell, and a loss of that crappy "7 sec and under" wave period, and there'll be a lot of hootin and hollerin.

Different models are conflicting now, though, with at least one saying the offshore flow will be more northerly, which means the junk may stay or even grow. I'm sticking with "better surf tomorrow and Saturday".

kdalle is, I think, one of the few people who really enjoys a big windswell day.

Keep surfing no matter what.

Posted by: blakestah at September 11, 2003 11:26 AM

I think I must have found the same conditions as everyone this late AM. Not to hard to get out, though a few duck dives. but a bitch getting back in! Mostly ragged, mushy stuff. I kept thinking I saw rights peeling along near Lincoln, but I never quite made it down there. I mighta been at vfw with you, bbr -- do you have a short board with greenish trim?

Anyway, maybe it will clean up.

Posted by: robme at September 11, 2003 11:33 AM

Bumpy and lumpy the seals were all jumpy.

Just got back from surfing the middle of the beach. Overhead crumblers coming in but really jumbly and hard to get good sections. First time in months that it really took some effort to get out - got stuck in the impact zone for a while. Caught some fun waves but nothing great. Got a bit cleaner and a bit more crowded later in the session.

S.S. - comic sounds awesome! Can we send you a digi pic? I want to see E paddling the brown turd in comic form!

Saw Mike and Noah in the water. We should have a niceness you-dog-moving-to-kaui-but-let-us-visit brunch for Mike before he leaves on Oct 5th(?). Whaddaya think?!?

Posted by: caveman at September 11, 2003 11:38 AM

niceness peeps,

i'm flying united to kauai in a few weeks and was wondering if anyone knew how much it is to take a board. from what i've heard, there really aren't any good short board renting shops on the island. anyone know anything to the contrary?

Posted by: lerm at September 11, 2003 12:00 PM

Shredded Aquatic Park again this morning. Can't wait to get this swim over with so my swim training stops interfering with my surf schedule.

As someone who is relatively new to long distance free swimming, I've found that swimming helps my surf paddling a thousand times more than surf paddling helps my swimming. Anybody else noticed this or is it indicative of some sort of flaw in my paddling or swimming technique?

christian -- Dude, you're psyched!! Looks like some insane swell will be waiting for you. Nice!

s.s. sharkbait -- Surf/ear comic sounds awesome! I was perusing the shelves at the comic shop on Divisadero at Haight last weekend and came across your book and the Hickee book. Great to know we have such talented comic folks on niceness. Sweet!

Posted by: mwsf at September 11, 2003 12:02 PM

Attention Desk Jockeys

Check this site:


Listen to your favorite movie in a streaming Flash clip. Awesome. My life just got better.

Posted by: bbr at September 11, 2003 12:18 PM

on the way to the beach this morning, a report of a ceremony from Ground Zero reminded me of the day. then one from Washington. so many thoughts. somber and sullen.

...then a full moon over a blue/gray sea greeted me at the beach. then i bumped into a cheery S.S. and friendly. then i snagged a couple fun (albeit short) shifty peaks. then i saw sea lion pups and was "inspected" by an older sucker that surfaced nearby. then i felt thankful.

friendly, great to put a face to a name. S.S., good to see you again. i hope that you guys had a good sesh.

Posted by: ck at September 11, 2003 12:29 PM

Them seals are wacky. It's a pair of them, a bit north of Lincoln this a.m., and they were boisterous, swimming halfway out of the water, close to us surf-chasers, skinny like e said, almost like giant otters, like gray bowling pins come to life and doing too much of the Dew.

"Honey-do's" - classic, MVA.

OB was such a tease - puckering, rising, then scooting off to the side or mushing out at the last minute. The best action seemed to be in riding almost to the beach, where it was finally walling up - in about 10 inches of water.

Posted by: redworm at September 11, 2003 01:06 PM

sharkbait, I'm down with that idea! SOunds really cool and I wish a lot of luck with finishing it! Windswell slop, I may try linda-far-from-good this evening. Until then I'll be filming some friends skating the daly city half pipe. My friend Jason just opened a skate shop in Downtown San Mateo, and he's going to put out a video, so we'll be filming for that. If anyone wants to cruz through we'll be at the Daly City park from around 2:30 to 4:00. So beautiful on the coast right now. Lovin it..

Posted by: Ian at September 11, 2003 01:17 PM

sharkbait, I'm down with that idea! SOunds really cool and I wish a lot of luck with finishing it! Windswell slop, I may try linda-far-from-good this evening. Until then I'll be filming some friends skating the daly city half pipe. My friend Jason just opened a skate shop in Downtown San Mateo, and he's going to put out a video, so we'll be filming for that. If anyone wants to cruz through we'll be at the Daly City park from around 2:30 to 4:00. So beautiful on the coast right now. Lovin it..

Posted by: Ian at September 11, 2003 01:17 PM

Awwwwww bugger! A little something has got me under the weather so until that passes...I will be hungrily reading all the posts. Maybe tomorrow. Any doctors know if it's really bad to surf with a cold?

s.s. that comic idea sounds bitchen. Does that word date me? Would love to see my "head" artisitically rendered by a pro. Headshot and profile, hmmmm, can we make shit up? Kidding, of course.

Peeps have fun in the water and surf one for a sickie.

Posted by: jdz at September 11, 2003 01:19 PM

a tease...that's exactly the description i was looking for. =)

but i have to say...i'm with loon...watching the moon set over alpenglow'ing peaks (yeah, those same risers that would never truly break!) was pretty unreal. it was a good morning, even if i had to bail without ever finding that one speedy ride that seemed to be just around the next rise....constantly!!!

s.s., it is *always* a pleasure. i hope your shoulder heals quick and i'm stoked about your comic idea, too! and, ck (and alex?), it was great to put a face/board with a name. next time, when the waves are a little less "inconstant," we'll have to actually chat! nice work catching a few.

cheers, niceness...i'm holding out hope that someone scores something ridiculously great later today. tomorrow am, i'll be out again. same time, same channel...

Posted by: friendly at September 11, 2003 01:29 PM

Arrrghhh!! This junky mixed up surf is do that thing up in the sky that has been lighting up the night. Full Moon. Has anyone noticed the tidal difference when the moons change? Its unfortunate that we get swell and sun the same time the moon is full. Surfed Kron A.M. Not at all good. Found a few to smack around but by the time the wave ended I was right on the shorebreak. Going back out for evening sesh then Surfrider meeting 7:30 Corte Madera.
Pack Your Trash.
Does anyone surf who reports this stuff?
Very unreliable.

Posted by: pixel pete at September 11, 2003 01:41 PM

$75 on United, Aloha charges $25.

Rentals go for $60 week at Hanalei Surf but your right slim picking on short boards, mostly 9.0 noseriders and unwanted guns.
Saa at Tamba in Kapaa usually has a coouple of short boards but its hit or miss. There is also a new shop in Kapaa near the Hongwanji looks short board oriented as opposed to the usual spongy tourist longboard type thing

Posted by: at September 11, 2003 01:42 PM

Pixel pete,
pretty sure the pac waverider stuff is an automated report. just a simple program that crunches numbers & makes vague predictions. pretty cool tho.
It's about as reliable as the sonlight report!!

Posted by: cam at September 11, 2003 01:48 PM

Always best just to go check it but failing that, my current faves are surfpulse & blakestah's pages(cheers dude!). There's links on e's main page.

Posted by: cam at September 11, 2003 01:50 PM

has anyone checked out Sloat today? we're gonna start there but i'm wondering how it's gonna be. The 7pm low tide should make the evening session really fun.

Posted by: scott at September 11, 2003 02:30 PM

holy crap im listening to south park the movie right now..so funny..

had to go home real quick for lunch thinking i might get out for an hour but looked pretty crappy too high tide hopefully looked alot smaller than yesterday too..but i might have to beat the heat later...its hot out there!

cool you saw hickee, thanx mwsf..im down with that comic idea SS

Posted by: bagel at September 11, 2003 03:03 PM

situps lately?

Posted by: e at September 11, 2003 04:13 PM

Posted by: e at September 11, 2003 04:13 PM

NorCal Women's Surf Fest (Sat/13)
Complete Boardom
No doubt sparked by the recent swell of interest in the feminine side of surfing culture -- thanks in part to last year's movie "Blue Crush" -- the NorCal Women's Surf Club introduces the first annual Surf Fest. The festivities are being held at Pacifica's Linda Mar Beach, and will be emceed by pro longboarder and MTV Surf Girl winner Mary Osborne. (Clinics by Osborne will be offered the day after the fest.) This event is your one-stop shop for learning to surf or brushing up on your surf skills, watching a real surfing competition, having a chance to score a free board and some killer gear and lending a helping hand to rid our precious beaches of trash. Top instructors Ryan Holmes and Heather Hyde will impart their extensive knowledge of the sport during two clinics, one for beginners and one for intermediates (sign up in advance if you can). In addition, sharpen your mental focus on hanging ten with surf-specific yoga on the beach with Dana Pifer. And get stoked in the massage tent with a relaxing $1-a-minute working over. The women's competition runs all day, with divisions for novices and for shortboard and longboard contestants. But men won't be completely left out as the style portion of the competition opens to those who are in touch with their feminine side and don't mind wearing a skirt or a dress. Raffles will be held each hour to increase your chances of winning one of the sweet surfboards available. End the day with a great feeling of accomplishment by participating in a half-hour beach clean-up with the Surfrider Foundation, which will receive a portion of the event's net proceeds. Surf's up! -- Lisa Zaffarese, SF Gate
Linda Mar Beach, Pacifica; 6:45 am-8 pm; (650) 566-6479.

Posted by: e at September 11, 2003 04:22 PM

The City and Co of San Francisco is about to enter into a cost-share
agreement with the US Corps of Engineers to study the erosion problem south
of Sloat Boulevard. Problem: it appears that only the Department of Public
Works seems to be involved as the city entity to work with the Corps - the
Department of the Environment (who would be concerned with environmental
issues like least damaging alternative to the environment) does not seem to
be a part of the process.

The Ocean Beach Task Force had urged the SF Board of Supervisors to get the
Department of the Environment involved. Supervisor Ma had introduced a
resolution No. 502-03 to get the Department of the Environment involved.

Leslie Ewing, our coastal engineer, who sits on the Task Force has asked any
and all SF residents to consider calling Supervisor Ma's office at
415-554-7460 about this - callers should ask if the resolution passed and
how it is being implemented - is the Department of Environment going to be
involved or not? and if not, why not when the Task Force asked for its
involvement? The department of public works will primarily be concerned
with roads, etc

Posted by: Friend #1 at September 11, 2003 04:31 PM

RE: the comic: awesome response already!...alas I am am an artsy techno goofus w/a 6 yr. old Mac laptop and no compatible printer in existence. All pics best in hard copy, printed out, polaroid, magazine covers ;) I don't care! My computer certainly won't be replaced before I need pics...so thanks and apologies for the technical insufficiencies! This should be fun...

Hurricane Isabel, hmmmmm

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at September 11, 2003 04:32 PM

niceness crew. I left SF 4 months ago for Oahu and still read the exploits of the crew. I was envious of a couple weeks of classic OB conditions while it was flat on the southshore here. But we finally got a fun south swell and today was primo Hawaiian conditions. Surfing stoke is high all day! I've been hoping to bring e's blog to hawaii, but haven't really found folks online yet. here's my attempt at a surf report/journal ala niceness. http://npoblogs.org/surf

Posted by: bagus at September 11, 2003 04:32 PM

fabian in nova scotia

Posted by: e at September 11, 2003 04:41 PM

thanks lerm. and very nice addition with the alpenglow reference, friendly.

s.s., i like the comic book idea, will try to send you a pic. i am not into the comic scene at all, but my next door neighbor Gary Arlington is the long-time owner of one of sf's older underground comic shops, the SF Comic Book Company in the mission. Gary is a funny old guy, and i have no idea if he would be interested in what you're doing, but let me know if you want me to introduce you.

Posted by: loon at September 11, 2003 04:52 PM

I'm sure I'm the only sucker still at work at 5:00 PM . . . because I just looked at the surfpulse cam. Holy sh*t!!! Just saw two guys get completely barreled with a huge wave breaking on the outer bars. Need to leave now!!

Posted by: d looose at September 11, 2003 05:02 PM

d loose.. i'm still here.. leaving now.. see ya out there.

Posted by: e at September 11, 2003 05:14 PM

Is Christian going to J-Bay? Rad if so.


Posted by: dano at September 11, 2003 07:24 PM

Y'all who were out early at v.f.w. this morning - did you notice that huge row of white paper bags on the beach in front of the Chalet? I checked them out - they were clearly
9/11-related, and I'm guessing there were about 3,000, one for each victim of the WTC attacks. Any ceremony-type thing going on with them tonight?

While I was chasing waves this a.m. I thought briefly about my session on 9/11/01 - headed for the beach when I couldn't stand to watch the TV reports any more. It was such a beautiful day, and there were so many people in the water, turning to the one of the few things that made sense to us at that moment.

Posted by: redworm at September 11, 2003 07:32 PM

Tonight was sooooo sweet. Easy paddle out. The peaks were kinda shifty but when in the right spot at the right time - smooth takeoffs nice racy walls. Seems the outside was breaking better than the inside. As the night went on, the outside became more consistant too. It was also a good place to avoid the inside crowd. Think outside the linup.

Posted by: Dennis McQuoid at September 11, 2003 07:52 PM

i think Christian is going to brazil, which also looks like it's going to light up. funny, i've never really watched swells move in the southern hemisphere before, pretty cool.

blakestah, just read your post from last night re: marrying a Savannahian. dope!! everyone here is getting scared about Isabel, who I thought was gonna be cool, but now is looking pretty landward bound. beautiful here, and we've got some northeasterly flow givin' some bump to the water at tybee. can't beat the temp! this morning was sloppy, but I'll take the pod of dolphins swimmin 10 feet away. saw some full body breaching jumps that were quite rad.

sounds like ob was getting better this evening, hope some of you are getting shacked right now!

Posted by: jake at September 11, 2003 07:54 PM

Nice blog, just wanted to say I found you through Google

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Posted by: credit cards at January 19, 2005 03:12 PM

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