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fun, solid, mushy..

The swell has definitely backed off since yesterday. (sf buoy 6.2ft 11sec)
Lerm and i paddled out around 6:30.
7knot NE offshore breeze grooming the sea-surface.. oh so nicely.
Set waves peaking and throwing on the outer bar, but then generally backing off through the middle. Translucent lips feathering in the breeze. Both set waves and 'tweeners rising and snarling on the inner bar, tossing out barrels here but also mushy burgers there, depending on the wave and the sandbar setup. I'd say the biggest waves were maybe head-high and a half.. but.. with the 5.5ft high tide at 8am.. waves were for the most part failing to lurch, grind and/or spit. I think that if the wind stays favorable conditions should improve over the next few hours as the tide drops. Lerm caught a few long lefts, including a multi-turner. I caught some stoke-lifters as well.. including one ledging right were i surpised myself by making the drop and then mistakingly set up for the barrel (which wasn't there) insead of bottom turning and hitting the smackable lip like i should have. I had my whole barrel stance/grimace in full effect even though the wave ended up just walling and not barrelling.. i must have looked pretty funny! anyway.. live and learn..

Any way you cut it it's a fine surf day. The sea-surface is uber-glassy, a myriad of surfable waves are available, the sun is out, it's not too crowded out there (at least at 7am), and the stoke meter is high!

Paul Ferraris pics - i think these are of OB.

Jake wrote an email to Kaiser and I.. i'll include some of it here.. hopefully he won't mind..

Sup sup E and Kaiser!

I read the Niceness report from the 18th... sounds like you guys have
some heady NorCal juice rolling in right now... good stuff! Stoked for your

So here is my first Indo report: Things are off to a sick start! I
just spend the last week staying in Dreamland... so dope! Living right on
the beach there in Eric's Cafe aka Surf Hostel... $3 / night... are you

The surf was up for the first few days, but then went kinda down though
we kept scoring some pretty good sessions. When we first got to Dreamland
it was kinda firing... that wave is really dope, and was a good warmup to the
power of Bali. We had 1 session before it on the East Coast at Sri Lanka, a
righthand reef... that was pretty fun, pretty rippable, but it got very shallow and my bro Lee went over the falls and scraped his back pretty bad on the coral. He's tough though and hasn't stopped charging!

As for me, I am currently tied with 1 Indo barrel and 1 Indo reef scar. Both came at Balangan, which is around the corner from Dreamland. That wave
is FUCKING FAST! Sooooo fast, lefthand reef break. I scored an epic
session there with just 2 other bros... the first hour I was suffering from an
intense learning curve... took a hit on the reef on my left arm... but after I
got the insanO drop a little wired, I was money! The thrill of my first barrel
was as such: crazy drop which just thrusts you forward with so much speed,
pump along this jacking possibly covering section... come out onto a shoulder, and then as the next section starts to throw, I start to slide up towards the
lip like I'm going to get pitched, but I push and grind my board down, and I'm
in! No tunnel vision, but just the pleasure of hearing and feeling the lip
smash into the water right next to me as I start to pop out onto the shoulder.
Shacked! With Power!

Seriously this trip has been humbling in terms of surf... I thought I had seen my fair share of waves between the east and west coast, but I've never encountered the power of the reefs over here. Crowds have been tolerable...
the swell is down so I went to Ulu's for my first time yesterday... within 30
seconds of paddling out I got run over and got a fin gash from some reckless
Balinese guy... I wasn't anywhere near him! There must have been 60 blokes in
the water that afternoon too! But it wasn't connecting at all, so there were
peaks everywhere, and I still got 20+ rides to get my first taste of that wave. The power shacks seem a bit beyond me... have to refine my pigdog I guess... but I am seeing plenty of rippable shoulders, and yesterday enjoyed my sickest backhand roundhouse to date. full rotation, sick!!

I guess that's about it. balangan is an awesome wave (had another wave there
that just thrusted me along at uncomprehendable speeds... lightning quick, almost out of control, to beat 3 sections I thought had me)... but I think Dreamland, mainpeak (split an A-frame with Lee) is my favorite wave so far...
We just rented a car for the next 2 weeks, so we should score some more remore, hopefully less crowded surf. Next swell is within 48 hours so we're
psyching! gonna cruise up to Medewi to catch the loooong point break there.
after that, we'll see!!

the balinese and other travelers are great... here's the dozen+ nationalities
I've surfed with so far: Balinese, Aussie, New Zealand, American, English,
French, Spanish, Portuguise, Italian, Croatian, Swedish, Japanese, S. African,
and Brazilian. That's 14! Que internacional!

Anyway, just wanted to give you guys a SHOUT... glad to hear things sound pretty epic in NorCal, though if you're sick E, get better soon! also just
wanted to thank the two of you guys for doing your part in getting me over
here... it's totally sick so thanks a bunch!

hope things are good with you both, and I'll talk to you more soon!

peace bros!

much love,

Boy did I blow it. Raced the Close-outs at Linda Mar paddling out in the near Dark.

Did manage to pick that one out of 5 set waves that offered a fast left.

Still, got home to improving surf, and I got to get to work. Wahhhhhhhh!!!!

One hour of leave, two hours of work and that puts me 1 hour from early lunch break-out.

Posted by: Friend #1 at November 19, 2003 10:05 AM

SUPERFUN! BEEEEAUTEOUS! that's how i'd describe this morning, and i have never exaggerated a single thing in my entire life. :) days like today are my favorite variety of OB.

i was out south of the chalet from about 6:30-7:45. i ran to my own little pair of south peaks and had no one within 150m for a solid 30 minutes. that first solo half-hour will likely be the best 30 of my day--damn!! i got my two best rides within the first 15, but i was grinning right up until i headed in. and then after! so i'll say it again: DAMN!!! god, that was fun. thank you OB!

Posted by: friendly at November 19, 2003 10:27 AM

Oh your killing me!

Further evidence that Friend #1 is not Friendly!


Posted by: Friend #1 at November 19, 2003 10:31 AM

Posted by: at November 19, 2003 10:32 AM

sorry for the insult, injury, salt, open wound, etcetera and so forth, Friend #1. i hope there's some goodness waiting for you out there when lunch rolls around. go get it!!

Posted by: friendly at November 19, 2003 10:47 AM

took the day off yesterday and scored an absolutely firing wedge yesterday deep in shark territory. no one out for the first hour and noone on the beach either, sketching hard, eventually another dude paddled out and i calmed down. came back and scored some fun afternoon OB too, just couldn't seem to be in the right place at the right time though. awesome day for sure, except for the damn seatbelt ticket.... humbug!

Posted by: bbr at November 19, 2003 10:53 AM


Posted by: e at November 19, 2003 11:13 AM

damn! nice jake! makes me want to do a surf trip bad. I'm jealous. get a few barrels for me.

can't wait for the central cost trip this weekend. sounds like the winds might be bad around here.

Posted by: lerm at November 19, 2003 11:14 AM

OB: FIRING. Friend #1, leave for lunch now. The window of opportunity is still open. Fairly smooth, barrels, shoulder to overhead w/some typical looking OB closeouts and...CROWDED. Sunny right at my place, fog bank sitting just a bit out to sea. Biggest pack and most drop-ins right by the surfline cam. Some niceness crew on it right now - is that Tom's car? Christian and Anastasia also on it. Have fun folks!

Whoop - just peeked out again, seeing a little deterioration, a little more mush. Darn it's less than perfect!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at November 19, 2003 11:18 AM

bbr-DAMN! I got a seatbelt ticket yesterday too. Right outside of Princeton.

HMB wasn't right so I ended up at OB. Big, fun, paddle, paddle, paddle.

This am OB-smaller, calmer, fun.

Posted by: kdalle at November 19, 2003 11:20 AM

Hit VFdubs this morning, with Nate, shoulder-head & not very busy. Really fun.
only looking better as the tide is receding.
CK, good to meecha, saw some nice drops!

Posted by: cam at November 19, 2003 11:22 AM

hey friendly, were you out on a longboard? i think that i was just north of you, glad to hear that things were working at your peak.

i had a similar experience as friendly. the drop in swell and high-tide conditions made my choice of boards questionable (6'11" minigun), probably should have gone out further south, where it looked at least 3 feet bigger, but i had to get in & out quick. wound up more stoked than expected - 7 waves in 40 minutes, 3 multi-turners, and one superglassy left that revealed how speedy my new board is.

left knee still sore when making backside turns, but feels stable, hope this goes away entirely soon, don't need anything slowing my efforts to get better on rights. there were more lefts out there than i expected , must be some SW running too?

i can barely stand the thought of checking the cams as the tide drops, go get some if you can!!

Posted by: loon at November 19, 2003 11:26 AM

fun waves today...it seemed today that sloat was the biggest..middle was the best and most crowded..north was the smallest..what kind of swell is this? i surfed around vfs too and got some suprisingly lined up very satisfying happy waves..totally on a high right now too..

friend #1 worry not, i think you will be scoring the hardest if you get out at lunch

Posted by: bagel at November 19, 2003 11:30 AM

I shot video this morning, look for it later tonite. It was NOT mushy in the hood, not in the slightest, inner bars only working, barrels galore, thick heaving solid overhead niceness. I got TONS of footage.

Posted by: blakestah at November 19, 2003 11:31 AM

deeammmn!!! niceness represented at the beach! so sweet to read all of the kind accounts...especially when i managed to snag part of the action! (sorry, Friend #1 ; ) hit VF'ers at sunrise and thought about driving the beach to optimize, but decided instead to maximize time and just hit it. sooooo glad that i did. bumped into Nate and met Cam out there and the three of us shared a fun peak. some flattish spells, but plenty of fast peelers to give us all ton-o-stoke! so nice to see the beach in a giving mood. drove south after the sesh and almost drove off the rode gawking at the risiculousness happening in the infamous "hood"! top-to-bottom, glassy barrels! props to the rippahs out there.

Jake - dood...you are soooo scorin'! sweet. way to live the dream.

Posted by: ck at November 19, 2003 12:04 PM

yeah kdalle, the cop said they're having some national seatbelt week or some shit, and they're busting tons of people. sucks cuz i always wear mine, i was just driving about 200 yards to a different parking lot in Santa Cruz when they pusted me. bastards.

Posted by: bbr at November 19, 2003 12:13 PM

pusted? pusted?? busted.

Posted by: bbr at November 19, 2003 12:22 PM

san francisco secret spot from surfline gallery

Posted by: bagel at November 19, 2003 12:55 PM

hey loon, i was on a longboard...red-brown hair, taller than most, probably grinning. where were you?

there was a guy catching EVERY freaking peak that came through right to the north of me. he said hi while paddling past at one point...nice vibe and REALLY nice positioning skills. i was jealous of all his one-paddle rides. (i don't get many of those...ever!) incidentally, was "he" you?

Posted by: friendly at November 19, 2003 12:56 PM

I have to disagree with bagel, middle beach looked so-so to me on the drive south to sloat....WAY WAY WAY too crowded for the little action that was pushing through. sloat north and south were pushing harder on the outside, although more mushy than middle beach, it looked like the crowds wer killing what could have been fun surf...on my way back ortega was still packed with 30 guys sitting in a massive rip catching waist high closeouts....thats how i saw it...here a quick glimpse of the action today...enjoy the pics guys!!!

Posted by: dsx at November 19, 2003 01:36 PM

Holy crap, what was up with the crowds at OB this morning. 10am on a frickin Wednesday and it was as crowded as Steamer Lane. Almost every wave I caught I had to fight for, and had to call 2 people off from dropping in on me. One of them I had to yell really loud after giving him a friendly warning which he apparently didn't care about. Man. Frustrating.

Fantastic waves obviously.

I have to admit, while I was dealing with the crowdedness I was cursing sites like this that let people keep in touch with the beach without any effort. On the good days it's just too thick with people who do no more scoping work than look at a webcam or read a few paragraphs.

Don't get me wrong, I love this site, never miss a day, but ouch the crowds. Maybe we need to start issuing surf permits (just kidding). But seriously, at this rate OB is going to be another Pleasure Point real soon.

I left at 12:30 and it was definitely waning, or maybe it was an hour long lull. Had some stellar rides earlier, super long meaty shoulders, pitching lips, phew.

Posted by: wrybread at November 19, 2003 01:46 PM

wrybread, I know the tide was fat this early am, but the way to beat the crowd is to be there at first light while the other guys are checking the reports & sipping their lattes...
Nate & I are first on the beach all the time.
On a lighter note, I duck dived under a head high set today & the lip caught my left ankle. When I came up my foot was kinda cold & i realised my wetsuit booty was gone!
maybe this is what happened to micheal jackson's glove in the 80's...

Posted by: cam at November 19, 2003 01:55 PM

Hey Wrybrread....
I have a solution to your crowd problem...yesterday morning at around 8:30am it was clean, sheet glass, peeling and only 4 guys out....it was also DOH++. get it big and avoid the crowds. unfortunately surfing has become VERY VERY VERY popular around here in the last 3-4 years. size and current tend to thin the crowd a lot, i saw many waves go unridden today, its just a matter of setting up in the right spot and paddling away from the peeps to find your own peak. take today for example, 30+ guys out between noriega and pacheco, 2 guys at lawton, same waves more or less. just look for your own piece of the beach to call home. its only going to get worse. sorry about that....

Posted by: dsx at November 19, 2003 02:01 PM

friendly - i think that i was one peak further north, but if you drive a red car, i said g'mornin to ya on my way out as you were waxing up - nice board, by the way! i drive an old gray subaru wagon. see you out there again sometime --hopefully conditions hold for tomorrow...NWS saying nope...blakestah, got anything to counter that?

Posted by: loon at November 19, 2003 02:03 PM

Nope. Winds don't look great, and worse on Friday. Get it NOW.

Posted by: blakestah at November 19, 2003 02:17 PM

about the crowds.. like dsx said.. if you see 30+ guys on a peak.. paddle out somewhere else! strait up.. OB is huge.. plus you have Ft. Funstoned as a giant southern extension that rarely gets used.. shhhh!! I'll spill the beans and admit to many many many solo or just a few people sessions down there.. explore! Also figure that if it's easy to see from the car, then everybody else can see it too. the stretch from sloat to santiago has hooked me many times with the mellow crowd. Leave pacheco to 'stah and his 40 closest friends.. also think of sharp park and north... hmmmm... shhhh!!

but remember.. the dawn patrol usually has shitty winds and ridiculous crowds.. soo.. you're generally better off at 10am or so..

Posted by: e at November 19, 2003 02:25 PM

dsx.. thanks for the photos.. you're best yet, imho! check out that guy going left in the first one..


Posted by: e at November 19, 2003 02:29 PM


live contest video..

Posted by: e at November 19, 2003 02:31 PM

i have to say that I was one of the fleet clogging up the lineup today and it was friggin unreal. Love days like this!!!! Surfed Beach Chalet as well and actually seemed to end up between two packs on a peak with just a couple of others. As e said, there is a lot of space out at ob...just got to find your seam.

Stoked to get one last day in the water before going on a 10 day Tgiving/family extravaganza to New Orleans. I will be out of town, so as i mentioned several days back, it will most likely be unreal, Murphys Law being what it is. This is exactly what happend to me last year. Soooo, think of it as my gift to you all....enjoy and surf a few for me.

Posted by: jdz at November 19, 2003 02:36 PM

damn that last shot is sick..should have called in sick

Posted by: bagel at November 19, 2003 02:37 PM

what up, loon! that was me...thanks for saying good morning! and thanks for the kind words about Junior. it's a lot of snout when things are rough and tumbling, but days like today are juuuust riiight. i'll look for your wagon in the future...and i'll likely be looking at the same spot tomorrow 'round 6:20...

Posted by: friendly at November 19, 2003 02:40 PM

from surfermag bulletin board

Originally posted by Mr Doof:
Every year I seem to have a bit of trouble at the Beach and as such, it is hard to pick out a single story.

But I've got a list of events, and in no particular order:

1) Pitched on the take off and fell about 10 feet into the flats. Came up with a cracked rib. Had to head to the shore immediately. Shooting pain on the bumpy belly ride in.

2) Floating take-off at VFW. Fell through my board upon landing it and jagged fiberglass edges scrape my nose and back of my head.

3) Spin out on bottom turn, over the falls twice with rail smashing my left jaw/ear joint. Nearly blacked out.

4) Deceptively large day has me out on the 7'6". Get cleaned up and my leash breaks. Have to swim under a number of sets with 12-18 foot faces and me only about 20 feet from the impact for each. Finally sense returns and realize that I'll never get in unless I let the sets blast me. So I let them. Then the overhead dredging shore break works me. I cough up and throw up sea water. My board is nowhere in sight. (later Friend #2 comes in with my board...he buckled his board on a fall, found mine, paddled in on that)

5) Sprained ankle on a late drop that I tried to ride out. Could not run out out of the shorebreak and took a massive blow to my back and ate sand; thought my neck was gonna break...didn't know my neck could bend that far back in such shallow water.

6) Nearly drowned...saw red and black spots. Make to shore in a daze and some guy on the parking lot goes "That was a terrible fall."

7) After exhausting paddle-out back out after a decent ride, I see a macking set march in. Adrenalin flows and I get the topsey-turvey stomache and my "hackles" rise. I have to force myself to steady my breathing and relax as I take about 5 waves on my head. By the time it is over, I have a bloody nose and two tweaked shoulders. Next day it feels as if I've been given 20 blows about my head and shoulders with a 50's era longboard.

8) Medium size day, rail sandwich after a bit of chop gets me off balance on the take off. I don't even feel the next few sets hit me.

9) Fin cut nearly severes tendons and ligaments on my side of foot. Wearing no booties means the wound get full of sand en route across the filthy beach water. Washing it out later proves that biting a leather belt does provide a certain amount of pain relief/outlet.

10) BIG fall with the lip on my neck. Ears pop on the way through X number of feet down to the sand which I strike hard enough to knock the air right out of my lungs. I have the "can't catch my breath" feeling and feel sort of paralyzed, or pressed flat. The I feel weightless. Ears pop, and I realize I am going up. Suddenly sunlight. I think I get a smidgen of air in my lungs before I get pulled below. Jammed hard on the sand again, this time on my butt. (my spine remember this for a few days). Leash wraps around an arm and a upper leg and then tightens. Feels like I am having them cut off. More happens but it is all a little hazy. Stumble on shore and stagger about. Getting out of my wetsuit, I feel the left over remains of the fight or flight response whihc tells me how terrible it all truly was.
#11) "Glad to know I am getting trashed by jumbly swell, rained upon, and facing high wind warnings coupled with high swell warnings, while at home, it is apparently quite good and fun."

Posted by: e at November 19, 2003 03:02 PM

Well, well, well...

I guess first off, thank you to all of you that surfed VFers! Made my waves less crowded. Nevertheless, the crowds always gather on days like this. Like E says, 10:00 a.m. and after is the best. Don't surf at first light, it really sucks and its cold. The parking spaces are still filled and there are *strange* people about. Really...

Ok, seriously now, the early bird got the PHAT worm today. Just got back from a lunchie sesh. Not as good as this morning even with the lower tide. Waves maybe more frequent but definitely smaller then earlier today. I think the shape was better too as the waves were doing that top-to-bottom thing this a.m. Not nearly as well lined up either. If this morning was an 8.5, this afternoon was a 7 maybe a 7.5. Still really freakin good no matter how you slice it. Plenty of folks still learching about at the beach.

And for pete's sake, get that stinky freakin carcass off the beach already. 3 weeks of decay and the funk is out of control! Dogs diggin it like jerky.

Posted by: Kaiser at November 19, 2003 03:06 PM

Yeah well, Lunch was just so-so. Long waits for the sets with makers able to crack on the outside of Pacheco. Inside was hurgley, with most people. Outside basically empty, but hard to be in the right spot. When you got one it was a nice big drop that you could go straight, right left what ever. The wave would back off after a bit, so you never got into too much trouble.

Thank You e for posting Doof's List.

Doof is on vacation on the north shore of Kauai as we type.

I miss him.

Posted by: Friend #1 at November 19, 2003 03:19 PM

is that what i tasted in the water...it did have a certain bouquet of funk to it.

Posted by: jdz at November 19, 2003 03:19 PM

wow, everyone scored! Glad the crew got waves! jdz, you were actually out on a day like today to enjoy? Surprised you weren't on a trip! :D I got a few waves today, nothing close to home. Saw some 16-18 year old kid RIPPING on what looked like 1 4'9"-5'3" twinzer fish. So inspiring! His last wave in he busted a huge cuttie to a 360 carve in the white water. Blakestah, can't wait for that footie! I still have never gotten around to filming people like I wanted to last year, maybe soon? Put some carbon fins on my 6'4" and it feels quick, springy, and fast. I like them. ok, over and out. SLO town this weekend!

Posted by: Ian at November 19, 2003 04:09 PM

Hey Gang, Just had to chime in about my uber-fun session this morning. I think I was surrounded by some niceness crew this morning (in front of the Chalet) between two packs...got in around 7:30 and left at 9:45. Towards the end there was a guy with a 'very blue' short-board -->niceness peep?

Waves were sooo easy to get into, then gobs of speed, smooth, overhead at take-off head high down the line. Just one of those days when you just ride so many waves and make so many turns effortlessly. I dragged my hand to let the shack catch up with me a couple times, but to no avail. It was just really a wall....I had to smile when I read your comment e, about setting up stance for a tube-ride but it doesn't materialize.

All,...this a big beach, and most surfers are friendly. Next time your paddling with another for a wave...just say: "You go, and make it humm." I think we'll get it back in spades.


Posted by: Jack at November 19, 2003 04:37 PM

stinkeye pics.. damn..

keep in mind.. they're being towed in..

Posted by: e at November 19, 2003 05:05 PM

christian! that sucks bro!!!

get on it tomorrow morning.. should still be some waves.. hopefully!

that's a sad story my friend..

Posted by: e at November 19, 2003 05:26 PM

I think you guys will like this tale. I was gearing up for a CSI episode (highly recommend it) the other night but as I was flipping through the channels I was struck then rivetted by a KQED special on the Bay Area Great White Shark. These guys (film team) are unreal. The film footage, narration, computer graphics and all the modern video bells and whistles made this program "top shelf" +++. I'm talking about underwater filming of a pair of GW's swimming and communicating?!?! via pronounced body gestures, a perfectly filmed sea lion getting slammed (the GW actually hit the sea lion so hard its body completely cleared the surface of the water). The program talked about shark attacks on humans (mostly surfers) where, get this, 93% of those unlucky enough to be bit, survive and most attacks occur in August and September.

But the Best part was saved for last. Farelon(sp?)Islands. As they film some young helpless sea lion swimming in the "danger zone", the film guys notice a pod of Orcas dropping in for a look see. The scientists recognize this pod of Killer Whales as the "L.A. pod". Anyway, now there are GWs, Orcas and sea lions in the mix. All of the sudden, and much to the suprise of everyone, the mother Orca attacks and kills a Great White!! Yes, can you beleive it. Apparently Orca's love the liver of the GW. This sends total chaos into the scene and pretty soon the group of GWs holding court split for their own lives.

Amazing shit. I guess the Orca is the undisputed KING of the Oceans. Has anyone ever heard of an Orca attacking a human?

So, if interested, check the KQED lineup for another viewing of this "must see" program.

Posted by: ratita at November 19, 2003 06:53 PM

About a year ago they had footage of an Orca dismantling a Great White off Pacifica. It wasn't even close. Even a big Whitey is only comparable to a baby Orca.

Anyway, video is out, and Christian, although you may have had a few bad days, you will be happy to see another of the infamous Brazilian surf mafia was killin it this morning.

Click here to save
Right click to save to disk on Windows, Ctrl-click on a Mac.

Time for shuteye.

Posted by: blakestah at November 19, 2003 10:53 PM

Those pics - towing in on shoulder-high waves, I dunno. Wakeboarding is cool, I guess, but I hope no paddle-in people had to get out of the way for that. Seems to me that stuff has little to do with what the waves are up to.

Posted by: redworm at November 19, 2003 11:30 PM

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