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missed it...

I sorrowfully had to miss out on this morning's action. I was hangin' at everybody's favorite party place, the DMV!!! yay!! But.. all internet-based tools suggest that this morning is much like yesterday morning.. which means that P-town's "Cove of Desire" probably offered a smattering of waves on this South-wind dawn. I'm not sure how the entire Santa Cruz stretch (Capitola to Ano) is handling the south wind.. but generally it doesn't like it... however.. the swell direction is coming out of the S too.. soo.. maybe maybe you could find something down there? The SF buoy is currently 10.5ft 8seconds. blakestah wrote a nice, informative report this morning about the upcoming few days.. check it out... How that cat can continually be in the daily surf forecasting mix without having surfed in the last 3 or 4 months (shoulder injury) is beyond me!! But.. i think i speak for the community when i say, thanks for the reports Blakestah! Hopefully he'll be back in the water soon.

Last night i was jamming with some friends in the Mission.. The three of us were mostly improvising.. with a smattering of tunes thrown in for good measure. One of the jammers, my friend Rob, has a 5 year old daughter. His five year old daughter and her 3 yr old friend came down into the jamming room/studio. The 3 yr old friend was dressed as a fairy.. wings, leotard, tiara, wand, etc.. all pink.. the whole nine yards. First they just wanted to dance around while we jammed.. then they started singing at the top of their lungs (we were playing loud). So.. we stopped and lowered two microphone stands so they could sing into the microphones.. They were so excited they nearly vibrated out of their skins.. Then we just kept jamming along and they would make up lyrics or just yell randomness into the mic. They weren't that bad either!! It was fun.. and i would try to do a little background vocals behind them. One of the girls kept singing, "Do what you do!" "Do what you do!" So i started trying to harmonize with her.. but.. she didn't like that! it was really funny.. They were also striking all these rock-star poses they must have learned on TV or something.. we were all cracking up.

anyway.. music! thank god for it!

I'm still thinking of checking out Curren tomorrow night in santa cruz.. hmm...

south africa

occy in the mentawais



"Slappy" Garcia


costa rica

Umm, I've been back for a few weeks. I'm just low-profile and out of shape, but I'm working on that.

Monday afternoon, let's all meet at Taraval and paddle out!

Posted by: blakestah at January 9, 2004 10:07 AM

my friend james going big in the 805 a couple weeks ago...

Posted by: bbr at January 9, 2004 10:22 AM

oh. sweet. good on ya 'stah! didn't know they you were back at it. nice. I'm suprised you haven't started working on some sort of elastic/prosthetic/confidential shoulder harness invention.. Some sort of bio-mechanical brace/aid.


you can probably count me out on monday at Taraval.. But.. i'll watch from the dunes and snap pics.

Posted by: e at January 9, 2004 10:25 AM

Yo, once again, that little nugget of sand, water and wind was doing its thing. Not like yesterday, more similar to Wednesday when the S winds were blowing in a similar fashion but still some fun. Checked the typical OB mess and it was almost a carbon-copy of yesterday. So, for the 3rd consecutive day, I parked myself on the same peak and got the same results: occasional good rides, occasional flat spells, occasional wind gusts, occasionally dorking a take-off, occasional late drop, occasional thoughts that I should have hit the bano before paddling out.

In the office, drinking a cup of joe, I am glad I went out.

Blakestah, I 'll see you @ Taraval Monday, I will be in my shortjohn with my fish under my arm. Whatta ya say like 6:45 or so, paddle out in the dark?

Posted by: Kaiser at January 9, 2004 10:27 AM

Some of you might be interested in this: San Francisco Ocean Film Festiveal at Fort Mason. I'll be working the door on Saturday so say hello, hehe.

Posted by: bbr at January 9, 2004 10:43 AM

bbr.. that wave is ludicrous! damn!

classic style (photo from Neal at alt.surf)

Posted by: e at January 9, 2004 10:44 AM

damn bbr. You're boy is definately going HUGE. Is that near a "Secret spot?" and also what films will be showing? Bummin I haven't surfed in about 2 weeks.. Workin full time :-O feels good to be back in the north part of california at home with good friends and family :)

Posted by: Ian at January 9, 2004 10:47 AM

Kaiser, that is a little late for me. Just meet me on the outside.

More seriously, peeps, Monday is a good day to target bigger waves at places with southern exposure. The East Side should be double O plus all across the line. Pigeon Point reeling like J-Bay...

Is it still an orange alert?

Posted by: blakestah at January 9, 2004 10:55 AM

alert status was dropped to yellow-belly today.

i have a flexible afternoon today, sounds like the lindy hop will be the call.

wife and i are going to the 1pm film fest show on sunday, let me know if any of you will be there...

Posted by: loon at January 9, 2004 11:26 AM

love the "Lindy?" shot. yes, that's classic Poo Mar.

some friends and i are planning to hit the 1:00 show at the film fest on saturday...loon and bbr, i'll look for you. please say hi if you see someone who looks friendly. :) i've heard good things about the amazon bore flick and i'm stoked to see it. happy weekend, niceness!

Posted by: friendly at January 9, 2004 12:14 PM

I was out at Lindy that day and paddling back out someone ditched their board in front of me and it went through my board, just missed me and lodged in the front wall of the Taco Bell! Every time I go there....

Happy new year!

Posted by: goodmorning at January 9, 2004 01:27 PM

That was my board. I told you to head back east you poser!

I charge Giant Lindy everytime it breaks.

You gys are still all bitches!

Posted by: roberto "pez" lopez at January 9, 2004 01:46 PM

I love PEZ!

Especially the ones dispensed from my Batman PEZ.

Posted by: Kaiser at January 9, 2004 02:11 PM

check out the sweet "fallen rapper" pez prototypes:


biggie, tupac, etc...

all in the name of art!

i usually practice "when in doubt paddle out" but i passed on lindy this morning. guess i should've hit it after all...

Posted by: paul b at January 9, 2004 02:24 PM

there's the PEZ museum down in burlingame, too. run by mr. PEZ himself. a man who has devoted his entire life to a snappy little packaged good.

Posted by: friendly at January 9, 2004 02:31 PM

e, if you go to costa rica look out for this little guy...


Posted by: bagel at January 9, 2004 03:21 PM

from savethewaves.org

Posted by: e at January 9, 2004 03:47 PM


Thanks for your previous response. I definitely cant spell and was feeling like a grumpy grinch during the hoilidays. I've realize the negative impact of my attitude and have been trying to just chill out a bit. So welcome back E! and keep Jammin!!!! You still make me smile :)

I did not post that comment yesterday. Some hater who is uncomfortable with me must have. To that person....leave me alone or confront me directly ....dont be such a cowardly BB Troll

And I do charge huge lindy! fuckin hack!

Posted by: pez at January 10, 2004 09:54 AM

its gonna be schweeet manana

Posted by: banjo at January 10, 2004 10:25 AM


File this under "I'm an idiot" but after all this week's talk about getting your stuff stolen I had my wallet and keys stolen from my truck while surfing VFdubbs around 4:45 today (sat.). after working at that Ocean Film Festival all day (and meeting cool cats robme and christian) I got off at 4:30 and ran down to the beach to get in a quick surf before dark. I found some fun waves despite the insane current sucking me into the bay, but when i got back in the key to my camper shell that i hid under my truck was missing. i went through the back of my truck and unlucked the front and found that the bastards stole my wallet and keys too. i called my credit card companies and the dudes had already charged over $750 bucks on my cards, plus the $50 from my wallet.

be careful if you hide your keys and i suggest getting a suit with a keyholder and using it. learn from my mistakes. people are ruthless.

Posted by: bbr at January 11, 2004 12:01 AM

Bummer bbr. Theft makes my blood boil. You can't safely hide your keys. Take the door key with you. I place mine in the pocket on my leash at the ankle. I also hide anything interestinf looking in side the vehicle.

Posted by: Dennis at January 11, 2004 07:08 AM

Went out twice this weekend, and regretted my choice of surf locale both times (in case you are wondering, I surfed near a Taco Bell). Surfed the 6'8" UFO both times, it does what I ask of it quite nicely. Saw E in the water Sunday, and Kaiser coming.

Then, yesterday afternoon, surprise surprise, my last UFO test pilot calls me out of the blue and wanted to test the 6'8" on the outer bars. He had a blast. Specifically, he made two very late sketch drops, and then blasted onto the face and made a bunch of S-turns. He thinks of it as turning like a snowboard, turns hard and easily, but the center of balance is in the board middle and not on the rails.

Posted by: blakestah at January 12, 2004 08:27 AM

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