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yay!! solid, glassy, barreling waves!

A nice, crisp, inner-bar winter morning. Slight offshore breeze, anvil-like head-high swell, not too crowded, slightly foggy, not much current, heaving barrels. I personally didn't surf that great but watched in amazement as a few waves literally threw out as far as they were tall. I saw some huge/wide/gaping barrels... though most of em' were closeouts. Kaiser, as usual, was taking off on totally unmakeable walls of destruction.. and laughing about it! gnarly! A niceness regular from Kentucky was out there catching a few, as was CK. The water tasted a little funny and that disturbing poo smell was eminating from the water treatment plant next to the zoo.. but.. no GI issues for me so far... fingers crossed.

yeah.. i love days like today.. heavy waves on the inner bars. glassy. no crowd. toss in some 75 degree water, tropical setting, hot-tub full of ladies on the deck of your secluded beach-house partying and chilling, people jamming on a wide array of top-notch instruments, fresh organic salad and smoothies waitin, good vibes, couple cool dogs running around..

from fluidzone

rice found these

dawn patrol web ex meetings to sell software suck sometimes. as the sun rose i knew it was one of those mornings i would relish living vicariously through your report. thanks for keeping it real.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at February 5, 2004 11:27 AM

Gotta' introduce Kaiser to my pal Rich. He also relishes dropping in on unmakable, top-to-bottom bombs. Is this a genetic thing? Secret death wish? A desperate cry for help? A feeble attempt to impress the girls? Inquiring minds want to know!

Posted by: Bruce at February 5, 2004 11:48 AM

3to5.. bummer you missed the dawnie.. but.. it should be good all day i think.. and it'll be growing in the afternoon as this new 20sec swell fills out.. watch out!!

bruce - we'll have to wait for Kaiser or Rich to answer themselves. When i see a huge, vertical wall of wave coming my way, with no chance that it'll taper in either direction, even if i wanted to go my body/mind just stops me from paddling into the thing. I see Kaiser looking at it and i know he's going.. i see him take-off and then i watch the wave explode.. then i see his board fly up.. then i see him emerge from the maelstrom smiling.. it's nutty!

Posted by: e at February 5, 2004 12:09 PM

Ha, Bruce, I am not sure what it is but it most certainly could be genetic. I guess it is either you go, or you don't go! Pretty simple in my book.

I approaching surfing with one very simple rule: The more waves you paddle for, the more waves you catch. The more waves you catch, the more waves you ride. The more waves your ride, the more joy you get from surfing. Not to mention, you get better at it too!

So, there it is. Next time you see me paddle for a wave and start to chuckle to yourself, know that I am smiling too! Whether I air-drop 10 feet and land on my head or I kick out somewhere down the line, if I didn't go, there was no chance I would make it.

Besides, its all relative... Just ask Rich!

Posted by: Kaiser at February 5, 2004 12:13 PM

What up E! Thanks for the shout out....Kentucky generally doesn't produce any sort of surfer, luckily I escaped quite some time ago. Like I said, You can take the monkey out of the jungle, but you can't take the jungle out of the monkey (I said with a drawwwww). Unfortunately I had to cut my sesh sort....nature called. Damn that sucks!! Anyway, I check your site pretty much daily, and just want to let you know that your work is appreciated. Not only did I get some really good info on trips / where to stay, etc. you keep me entertained while I code all day long. Good seein' ya out there. 'Till next time...peace

Posted by: obsurfer at February 5, 2004 12:14 PM

Today is setting up to be one of the finest afternoons of surf all year. 8-10 ft top-to-bottom outer bar goodness with favorable winds. We'll see if it all comes together - hit the water at 3:30 and surf 2 hours would be the call. Don't be afraid to pull in.

Posted by: blakestah at February 5, 2004 12:54 PM

ob / good fun / go get some / your (adopted) son

Posted by: at February 5, 2004 01:04 PM

just got out, head high and pretty frickin' decent, in spite of the high tide & strong current. as i was on foot, i only made it as far south as lincoln, but i imagine the middle or south end is really hooking it -- i saw sets cruise on the outside, headed for points not too far south. i think.

Posted by: robme at February 5, 2004 01:12 PM

come oooon rolling black out!

Posted by: bagel at February 5, 2004 01:34 PM

sweet morning of dawnie peace (as you can likely tell from this description....my surfing style...at least today...was the opposite of Krazy Kaiser!...though his philosophy is eerily logical! ; ). got caught by two closely spaced sets on the paddle out...and dodged some closeouts...but also managed to scored a few fun, glassy, walls. few peeps out. beautiful lips throwin'...sun occasionally shining through the low fog...niceness represented. awww...yeah!

Posted by: ck at February 5, 2004 01:52 PM

Swell is in - 4-5 @ 20 from 300 - now is the correct time to leave work. Just fake-puke and run out to the bathroom and don't come back till tomorrow...it's gonna be that good.

Posted by: blakestah at February 5, 2004 02:14 PM

hoepfully i can sneak into some pm pleasure. kaiser, keep dropping in on everything. one of the big boys in big waves was once a little grom dropping in on walled up beachbreak once too. your theory is spot on!

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at February 5, 2004 02:15 PM

i'm on my way out!

Posted by: lerm at February 5, 2004 02:19 PM

Me too.


Posted by: at February 5, 2004 02:25 PM

man.....envy is setting its teeth.

blakestah, will there be anything left tomorrow AM for those tethered to this workday until 5:30? a rousing "hell yes, there'll be something worth getting up for" is the preferable response. but i do appreciate your usual candor. mostly i'm curious about the winds, early...i don't mind the mellowing.

Posted by: friendly at February 5, 2004 02:43 PM

damn.. it's starting to look big on the cam.. jeez. looks like offshore wind too.. hrrm..

now is when i wished i had something over 6'6" in my quiver. a 7'4" minigun would be perfect right now.

but.. unless the blessed rolling blackout sweeps through.. or maybe a huge purple blob that takes over downtown, or killer bees! yeah.. come'on killer bees!! come attack the financial district so i can escape from you into the ocean.

Posted by: e at February 5, 2004 02:57 PM

i haven't seen blakestah this excited in a long time. three "EPICs" on his site..

Posted by: e at February 5, 2004 03:00 PM

tomorrow will be good, too, except for potentially bad south winds. Of course, some places like a moderately high tide and south winds.

Three EPICs, heck yeah, I dig it when the other forecasters ignore something this good.

Posted by: blakestah at February 5, 2004 03:10 PM

Just got out of the water at ortega. condition were getting worse and wind was picking up out of the NW.

i dont know what to say in regards to blakestahs predictions, i think it could be a couple or more hours still out, maybe after dark it will really show, there were ocasional outer bar waves that would break but nothing really consistent and clean.

seems like there was some incoming swell but it needed another 5 feet of wave to get good on the outside. really inconsistent outside when i drove away, like every 20 min or so a 3-5 wave set would break outside not really strong and kinda mushy.

Posted by: dsx at February 5, 2004 03:34 PM

dsx - i could kiss you!!

ahh.. now i can dive into this programming relatively unperturbed.. still a few hours till sunset though..

Posted by: e at February 5, 2004 03:39 PM

GAWDDANGGIT will everyone please refer to my post yesterday to the effect of 'don't worry, I'm leaving town tomorrow so surf conditions will be perfect'?!!

Posting from south bay prior to departure. ARG!

You can all thank me after I get back and you're all surfed out ;) Cheers!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at February 5, 2004 03:39 PM

hate to say it but i'm kinda stoked to hear dsx's report

Posted by: bbr at February 5, 2004 03:40 PM

You gotta wait till the last two hours when the tide bottoms out and hope the wind holds. The light NW won't screw it up much...bet money I get at least a half dozen reports of the niceness at the biscuit between 6 and 630.

If the winds come another 5 knots, though, it is all over.

Time will tell. OB is not perfect, all I can do is identify these windows of potential...sometimes it comes together better than others...if my shoulder were ok I would not be at work

Posted by: blakestah at February 5, 2004 03:44 PM

Posted by: e at February 5, 2004 04:03 PM

Posted by: e at February 5, 2004 04:03 PM

gimme this size wave allll day..

Posted by: e at February 5, 2004 04:04 PM

i dont want to challenge the blakes reports, i check it daily, i just wanted to give a first hand account of what i was seeing when i left at 315pm. it could get epic, it just felt like it needed a good deal more energy for it to be worth sitting outside. dont get me wrong, if you were right place right time then you would be loving the few nice ones that came in.

the other problem that seemed to be developing was an onshore flow, nothing major but definately putting a texture on the water and cause some bump.

Posted by: dsx at February 5, 2004 04:10 PM


I have a 7'4" Timmy Patterson mini-gun, that i'm looking to sell (but you're welcome to borrow if interested). Bought down in SC at Freeline, only ridden a couple of times, but got it cheap as it had a bottom ding that I fixed. Let me know if you'd ever want to check it out.

Posted by: d looose at February 5, 2004 04:31 PM


blakestah you NAILED IT!!!!!

very fun today at OB

Posted by: phil young at February 5, 2004 04:34 PM

glad i didnt miss anything today..

hey if y'all are around the area of Post and Levenworth tonight, some friends and i are showing some drawings at a place called Cafe Royal..feel free to stop in.

Posted by: bagel at February 5, 2004 05:17 PM

So.. comments about the surf this afternoon? Cmon.. don't be shy. Geez, I've never seen anyone hook a bottom turn/lay back so hard before. That guy is good! That wave reminds me of Waddell or however it's spelled

Posted by: Ian at February 5, 2004 06:21 PM


she did not go.

but i would not be ashamed if i were blakestah. his forecast was pretty much right there. (off by 2 hrs. wind wise and 2 hours swell wise if it showed after dark.)

wind early and swell late but come on. it's a big fucking ocean

Posted by: tom at February 5, 2004 07:54 PM


she did not go.

but i would not be ashamed if i were blakestah. his forecast was pretty much right there. (off by 2 hrs. wind wise and 2 hours swell wise if it showed after dark.)

wind early and swell late but come on. it's a big fucking ocean

Posted by: tom at February 5, 2004 07:54 PM


she did not go.

but i would not be ashamed if i were blakestah. his forecast was pretty much right there. (off by 2 hrs. wind wise and 2 hours swell wise if it showed after dark.)

wind early and swell late but come on. it's a big fucking ocean

Posted by: tom at February 5, 2004 07:54 PM


she did not go.

but i would not be ashamed if i were blakestah. his forecast was pretty much right there. (off by 2 hrs. wind wise and 2 hours swell wise if it showed after dark.)

wind early and swell late but come on. it's a big fucking ocean

Posted by: tom at February 5, 2004 07:54 PM


she did not go.

but i would not be ashamed if i were blakestah. his forecast was pretty much right there. (off by 2 hrs. wind wise and 2 hours swell wise if it showed after dark.)

wind early and swell late but come on. it's a big fucking ocean

Posted by: tom at February 5, 2004 07:54 PM


she did not go.

but i would not be ashamed if i were blakestah. his forecast was pretty much right there. (off by 2 hrs. wind wise and 2 hours swell wise if it showed after dark.)

wind early and swell late but come on. it's a big fucking ocean

Posted by: tom at February 5, 2004 07:54 PM

The blakestah is the man....Shit I hate when he goes offline in the spring in summer.....E saw you out this mornin and your a better surfer than I. You add a little of kaisers will to power and you'll be surfin the bigger O.B. stuff no problem...like already was stated the more you go the more you flow...not the best O.B. day by far but there were barrels and narrels (near barrel)for daryls to be had from dawn til.......if you dont go how do you really know......hope the afternoon and evening surfers got pummled..naw had a good time


Posted by: pez at February 5, 2004 09:42 PM

I checked it at sunset. It was not epic epic epic. There was a mild onshore, very rideable, overhead, but not epic epic epic. The bars need to be about 2 feet less shallow, and it needed another foot or two of swell. C'est la vie.

Posted by: blakestah at February 5, 2004 09:47 PM

trashy...but fun. You know, like some women you've dated. Really fun but you were not going to write home about it. I needed some this morning and I got it too. Sun on the water. Go go go, if it swelled ride it. Except for the too walls.

Swell's coming up. Tomorrow morning who knows - it could be twice as big as this am. Storm could be on it more, though. Mebbe.

Posted by: banjo at February 5, 2004 10:25 PM

Today has past but tomorrow...

I see offshores at 9:00 p.m and swell still running 5+ @ 17 secs.

Yeah, I'll see ya in the morning! It might be a marathon so bring your endurance of pick some up at Safeway before you paddle.

Posted by: Kaiser at February 5, 2004 10:27 PM

Amazing how reports are all over the map. That's OB for ya. I had the afternoon off having just returned from a trip. Ran into Friend #1 around 2 pm. After a look I went with his plan and headed ouside in the Aves. He said a swell was on the way. Soloed for the entire session. The sets were infrequent at first. Around 3:30 the sets started getting larger and more consistent. The north wind increased and put on a little texture but it was insignificant. By the time I left the sets were well into the overhead range, really well organized with big spaces between waves. ll in all a really good day Thanks for the advice friendly #1 and FWIW blakestah had it mostly right. Today should be good. CARRY ON!

Posted by: kdalle at February 6, 2004 06:24 AM

Kdalle had outer Pacheco to himself and Doof and I (+ a few others) were having fun on the infrequent Taraval sets.

Not Epic^3 but very fun. Best sequence was Doof getting a long left so he was inside as I dropped into my best ride. A near double up that had me knifing my 9 0 Longboard into a suck-out left that I some how pulled off with out the need for either pig-dog nor rail-grab. All this with Doof looking down from the shoulder.

All Thanks be to Blakestah! Though not Epic^3, it was definitely worth the 3 hours of leave.

Posted by: Friend #1 at February 6, 2004 09:38 AM


This morning (2/6) at Sliz-biz was fun too.

B4 the tide killed it.

What will the winds do?

Posted by: Friend #1 at February 6, 2004 09:40 AM

I have a real love for the late January/early February late-afternoon-negativ-low-tides-plus-solid-overhead outer bar surf. The drama factor is a lot lower than a double overhead day, but it can be quite juicy and tube-a-listic.

FWIW, next week, from Tuesday on, looks really consistent.

Posted by: blakestah at February 6, 2004 09:42 AM

socred a few nuggets at the south end in the last hours of light. always appreciative of the mid week session between the grind of the job. wish i could have seen the moon set this AM.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at February 6, 2004 10:10 AM

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