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wild, cross/offshores, dredging death pits

Burly, wild sorcery out there this morning.
The strong SE winds had the beach looking like the north-shore. Spindrifts and crystalline spray whipping and floating all over the place. Raunchy, spitting, pissed-off caverns and mayhem breaking and damaging and crushing. The swell (6.2ft 14sec SF buoy) is coming in untamed and bad-ass. Its not really large or anything, it's just barrelling like mad. The biggest waves are just a few feet overhead. Pretty much every wave rose and sucked up off the shallow inside sandbars and unloaded brown, chocolate wheels of fanged anger. Pretty gnarly. I surfed it solo for about 25 minutes before Robme paddled out to join me, which was kind-of a relief because these waves could/would inflict damage if you fucked with them in the wrong way. I didn't see anybody else around until a red-booger (BBR?) and friend paddled out as we were coming in. In the midst of the chaotic, violent orgy of waves there materialized some finely sculpted gems. I caught about 7 or 8 rides during my quick 60 minute session. One of them probably one of my best all week. I spun and took off late on this medium-sized (head-high) right. I saw that it had a slight probability of tapering so i angled down the line and took off under the ledge. I kind-of slanked into the pocket and then raced in the mouth of the barrel for a good 2 or three pumps. The thing was barrelling angrily right over my back shoulder and i could feel it trying to eat me from behind. When i glanced to my right, and even out ahead a bit, i could see the circular arc of the wave reaching over me. But i was racing and grimacing and kicked out just as the wave collapsed in about 3 inches of water. felt good. Then i paid the price by taking 3 or four obliterations at the hand of the shallow sandbar.

Robme caught some solid lefts. It was good to see him out there after suffering some nagging injuries lately. He loves the crazy, wild stuff so he was right at home out there.
Just about any wave you paddled into required a elevator-shaft drop.

ahh.. work beckons.

anyone have house-parties or cryptic bacchanal initiation ceremonies or surf trips or slippery hot-tub shenanigans or trippy inner-cave sonic explorations or camping trips or anything planned for the weekend? I'm looking to bust out if possible. Might go to LA, maybe central coast, maybe mendo.. dunno.. ideas?


bagel sent me these pics.. kind-of appropriate for today's conditions.. though it's obviously not as well-shaped or consistent at OB this morning.

Wife is heading to the shack in SC while I'm stuck at my desk. She called around 10:00 with a surf report and said Lindy was crappy and small. Save your gas.

Posted by: Bruce at February 13, 2004 10:21 AM

thanks for all the updated travel info the previous few days, guys.

best 4x4 rental rate i've seen so far is about $375/wk.

so it appears TACA is the right airline choice overall. their rates look okay, they have a decent rep too, and $25/$50 per board/bag (even if per direction) sounds way better than the others.

on the buying thing: if you are 5'10" and under 170lbs, you can find a stick in jaco for sure. ticos are small, and so are most of the dudes from florida who go there every other month on those cheap directs from miami ;) at 6'3"/185 however the selection dwindles, so i'm bringing mine this time around... along with a sanding block, some resin, and a few sheets of fibercloth.

as for continental: yeah, second all that. worst airline i've ever dealt with, on all fronts.

hit up the huge new REI store downtown sf this week. it's pretty well stocked. $320 later, we're set for the trip.... ow.

Posted by: grant at February 13, 2004 10:43 AM

aaa yes, my sf secret right point i was talking about, it was good that day..

got 2 fun ones and shared a few with Christian before i think we both fell victim to the ob treadmill..paddle paddle paddle..i guess that storm aint missing us..how will sc be this weekend?

Posted by: bagel at February 13, 2004 10:52 AM

grant, are you just taking one board?

i was considering the same, thinking that, worst case scenerio my board breaks in the middle of the jungle with amazing waves going crazy, i could still patch it up with cloth/solerez/posicle sticks, etc.

hmmm.. a back-up board, is it worth it?

Posted by: e at February 13, 2004 10:53 AM

i passed this morning after 4 straight days of surf. i know i'm going to regret that come march.

thanks to everyone for the help on the C.A. trip!

Posted by: lerm at February 13, 2004 11:03 AM

e - Sounds like Ocean Beach inner-bar tubes of terror. You guys be careful in that shit - you could bounce off that shallow bottom and break your necks! O.K., I'll put "DAD" back in his box.
Late afternoon yesterday was thrashed in The City, so I ended up at Pedro. The north end was actually pretty fun. Waist to chest-high, lots of closeouts, but a few quick, little makeable walls.
Crowd was light and the vibe was friendly down at that end. An odd note: out of 6 or 7 surfers near me, 3 had longboards with the same orange rails - weirdness. Towards the end of my session a real young kid, 13-14, came out on a greenish longboard and surfed very, very well. I don't recall seeing him before, but maybe he was just one of the regular little gremmies who suddenly hit a growthspurt.
Finally - I ran into a buddy of mine the other evening who told me that SF SurfShop suffered a burglary last weekend. I called Corbin at the shop yesterday and he confirmed that the would-be thief apparently got sliced up breaking in, couldn't negotiate the deadbolt to get out the door, left a trail of blood and bailed through a window with NOTHING! Serves 'em right!

Posted by: at February 13, 2004 11:19 AM

oops, that was me w/ the low-down on yesterday's Pedro session and the burglary at SF SurfShop.

Posted by: Jimmie at February 13, 2004 11:41 AM

Hey e, I think I saw you last night at the BBR, but I didn't want to jostle through the crowd to say hi. I had shoulder surgery two weeks ago, and getting bumped hurts. It's a long road back, they tell me 9-12 mos for full recovery. Just in case anyone needed a reminder to enjoy every session... because you can. I'll focus on the Surfrider stuff in the meanwhile. Any ex-injured surfers have suggestions for dealing with the gimpy blues?

Posted by: adam at February 13, 2004 11:46 AM

Well, today ended a great week-long surf run. 7 sessions in 6 days, tired arms, bruises, a slightly dinged board... it is was all worth it!

Got out near the Beach Chalet today after checkin the beach. Seemed really crowded not, sure if that was due to the current or if the rest of the beach was just not that good. Fun waves, not like the lethel type that we all know and love. A bit more on the mushy side for this stretch of sand. Good times all in all. Saw Christian once again slaughter some waves. Gives me a great perspective on "how" I should try to surf. Checked Sloat on my way back down south and not a soul even considering it. Anyway, looks like we got some juice coming in...

Also, the rain in on the way (see below):

Coffey, if you are listening, is my board remotely close?

Posted by: Kaiser at February 13, 2004 11:56 AM

adam, I suggest you invent a new fin system, shoot lots of surf videos at the beach, and take up surf forecasting.

Posted by: blakestah at February 13, 2004 12:15 PM

ha! blakestah, that was brilliant.

a friend and i met at everyone's favorite frozen skating rink this morning and then, against all odds and laws of nature, she caught her first wave ever!! even more incredible because there weren't even any waves to catch! but she did! :) i was so psyched for her. unfortunately, there wasn't enough of a wave left to go anywhere once she had her feet on the board...it was that kind of microminiscule. but, still, seeing her catch the glide was so sweet. FIRE in the sky sunrise, too.

weekend...i'm heading to the far north with ck's gold coaster, but only after promising to treat it 1000x better than i've treated my own board in recent months...i hope you all have a good one.

Posted by: friendly at February 13, 2004 12:20 PM

bagel- I'll be in SC for three days starting tonight. If I remember, I'll post updates. Usually when these storms hit it's junky down there with the south winds. But north of town might work.

Posted by: Bruce at February 13, 2004 12:22 PM

adam -- What kind of shoulder surgery did you have?

Also, E's is gonna be down over the weekend. I'm moving down the street and we have to move the server and switch over DNS, which takes a day or so. In non-geek speak, if E's is down over the weekend, check back on Monday--it should be back up by then.

Posted by: mwsf at February 13, 2004 12:23 PM

hola folks, last night when I checked in I noticed some mention of the Werewolf boards and wanted to say, 'aye, they be right pretty shapes.'
Well, actually I've only seen the green and gold-flake fish scale twinner, but it is shweet. Cheers Bug, I was the fellow stylin with the minivan, prepping to hit the water as you and your crew were heading out. Nice to run into a niceness head! goodonya wolf, sweet stuff

Posted by: ben at February 13, 2004 12:37 PM

Ah, did I heard a howl.....

Maybe it was the Werewolf 2.0 in my car! I have claimed weekend possesion of the one Ben speaks of. Gracias Marco. If you see me, you can check it out (but you can't ride it, you gotta get your own!)


Posted by: Kaiser at February 13, 2004 12:43 PM

Werewolves of SF? Too bad it doesn't quite have the 'werewolves of london' ring to it. Kaiser, if that board works in well overhead waves... hmm, curious. Looks like it'll be a sick summer time shape.

Posted by: ben at February 13, 2004 12:49 PM

E, My travel days are numbered, my wife and are planning to start trying to have a little one. So in foreseeing an end to our travel dayz we purchased a small house in Costa Rica. We won't be getting out there for a little while we're booked until next year, China, Africa, Maldives. But I'd like it if somebody went over there and took some pics for me, and in return they have a nice house to stay in near some killer surf, and the guy renting the house is a captain of a surf /fish boat. Email me and we can discuss. Also, Taca is way better than any of the US airlines, they treat you better and seats are way bigger than United. Peace out P

Posted by: mexicsurf at February 13, 2004 12:57 PM

seems like everyone loves TACA. i will chime in here...i HATE Taca. they fly 737s which are the same tiny airplanes that South West flies. totally cramed in for a 6 hour flight to panama. very unorganized huge waits very poor service all around. i will never fly TACA again. thats just me.

Posted by: dsx at February 13, 2004 01:11 PM

e, yeah, sorta -- one stick for me, one for my wife. 6'6" and a 6'8", one a full template shape, the other pulled.

now that i think about it, maybe it'll be fun to pick up some beater logs down there too for the smaller days, and for fishing off of...

Posted by: grant at February 13, 2004 01:15 PM

yeah, but DSX you voted from Newsom???

Posted by: at February 13, 2004 01:16 PM

mexicsurf. you da man! thanks for the offer. I'm somewhat tempted to change my plans so that i can stay in your pad. But right now i don't think i'll be in costa rica at all.

I just bought my tix on taca. I'll be gone from april 16th to may 16th. A month of nothing but travel and surf! psyched! I'm so overdue.

Posted by: e at February 13, 2004 01:27 PM

holy crap e your stoked..

dude, thanx christian coming from you that means alot..especially after i saw that one backside roundhouse you pulledtotally set the rail and whacked the whitewater in one motion, dope..

thanx for the update offer bruce..after 4 mornings of fun waves im tired but strangely i really want to find waves tomorrow..

Posted by: bagel at February 13, 2004 01:46 PM

howdy niceness. just back from a early morn SC trip. surf was chop from lindy to p-point. south winds. lucky for me, my destination was Fiberglass Hawaii and Haut... not the water. I scored! dropped off a colored piece of foam to be glassed and picked up two freshies for the chopping block!

happy friday the 13th and 14th for those who are celebrating.

peace dudes and dudettes

Posted by: elias at February 13, 2004 01:49 PM

mwsf: tore my pectoral clean off the humorous, had to get it reattached.

Posted by: adam at February 13, 2004 01:51 PM

adam -- Yeouch!! Here's to a speedy recovery!

Posted by: mwsf at February 13, 2004 01:56 PM


Posted by: at February 13, 2004 02:33 PM

ha ha! exactly. Lerm and i will most likely be drinking many of those. And hopefully we'll also be enjoying deep kegs of the other liquid variety.

Posted by: e at February 13, 2004 02:52 PM

Adam. that was me at teh BBR last night. word.
such a bummer about your shoulder. Did you injure it surfing? The speediest of recoveries to you!

longboard skate is doable with an injured shoulder. let me know if you need route recommendations.

Posted by: e at February 13, 2004 02:54 PM

Posted by: at February 13, 2004 03:00 PM

adam, i just dropped you an email...now i'm wondering how many of the rest of you i've met without knowing it. funny stuff. take it easy with your recovery...sorry about the blues. at least the weather is starting to match.

Posted by: friendly at February 13, 2004 03:21 PM

e- where are you headed to in April/May? Peru by any chance. Gonna be in the northern part of the country from April 22-May 3. Would be stoked to see ya down there.


Posted by: traut at February 13, 2004 04:41 PM

My board, ITS FUCKING DONE!!!!!!

Posted by: Kaiser at February 13, 2004 04:44 PM

Traut - going to nicaragua. would be psyched to meet up with you otherwise, though. word.

Kaiser!!!! Doooodd!!! too bad it'll be huge all weekend!! ha.. but otherwise you're so stoked!

Posted by: e at February 13, 2004 04:55 PM

Kaiser... whattaja get from Ward? Winds were howling side/offshore this morning down south too. Swell was a bit weird, but it was fun. However, it was totally unloading square-like on the inside sandbar which was about a foot deep. Saw some folks take there first rides a little too far into it. Not pretty.

Posted by: dano at February 13, 2004 05:39 PM

OB was at her wiley-est this am at the mid-beach brawl scene. No wonder hardly anyone else was out there. It looked like a lot of folks were scampering out at north pl so I figured find another spot. So much going on in the water - major swell angulation! Left or...left. Where do those sliding rips come from (and why do they always seems to follow you)? Got one in the green room, always nice. Let's see, storm, lousy clearing winds - president's day?? (Preparing to be bored) Hey everyone always chats up the water scene - what about the land side? There's some interesting stuff there. Why do the gulls dip their beaks into the water when it washes over their feet? Or sometimes give you that punk attitude gliding towards you on a wave face? How about the funky houses? What does it take to get a third story on one of them? Or the guys that clean the bathrooms - those places would be so much worse if not for. Uh oh, wife's home - later

Posted by: banjo at February 13, 2004 07:22 PM

bring two boards, I've only broke two boards in 15
years and one of them was at Playa Negra. Some good reefs there. Have a blast

Posted by: austin at February 14, 2004 11:33 PM

Are those pics of super tubes?

Posted by: Ian at February 16, 2004 02:04 PM

Never let your sense of morals prevent you from doing what's right.

Posted by: Carr Eve at June 30, 2004 05:43 AM

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