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cleaned up, surfable

"Welcome back to the world of viable surf!" said King Neptune to his merry band of jovial, wave-starved miscreants. "Hasten to my shores and ye shall reap poignant moments of visceral pleasure." "Make haste my children because an ever-strengthening bastion of disturbed energy breaths fire within my bowels and will quickly extinguish your fun-loving wave-riding play." Those with an open ear heard King Neptune's message and harkened toward the oceanic shores of this legendary bay area. At the great beach at the north-western-most edge of the peninsula glassy waves broke on the outer bars. Not very consitently but with potential for enjoyable gliding and trickery. Not a soul chose to engage the waves in their final, existence-ending dance along the southern fringe of Ocean Beach, though the beach did her best to conform to the surfer's wishes.

Further south, the beaches of SF's coast-side neighbor also put their best face forward. As the winds turned offshore (2mph out of the NE) Aunt Linda began tossing up decent head-high peelers. Still some warbles and bobbles existed from the tempermental winds of days past but.. glassy sections popped up here and there. Recent fish acquiree Kaiser Sose could be seen dropping in to a glassy mid-beach left and scooping a turn out of the face. Fun, mellow, relatively uncrowded vibes defined the lineup. Funky, enjoyable rides swooped in from the NW, the windswell nature allowing for a near constant supply of potential. The city of Pacifica did its best to ruin the tranquil human/ocean harmony by dumping noxious effluence from the pump-house into the water but unperturbed board-riders plugged their ears and noses and rode onward toward infinity.



pig-doggin' to survive!

I knew I should have ditched work! Finally cleaned up! Actually I got the jetty some what fun yesterday afternoon with a couple friends, and my new friend, Nic, from Austraila. I met him at Maverick's surf shop and he had nothing to do so we showed him Montara, the jetty, etc. got some o.k. shoulder high ones relatively clean at the jetty! A small guy riding a Nor-Cal board was ripping pretty well catching wave upon wave! Nic the ozzie ripper was tearing the place apart. I guess that means he surfs a lot? Anyway he was a cool guy and its worth to introduce yourself because though I may never see the guy again I made a friend for life. KAISER, YOU HAVE A FISH? What size? I would love to check it out. I'm looking to get a 5'10 or 5'11 twinzer, hopefully... Anyway, off to SLO in t-minus 3 hours. Hopefully get some fun ones tomorrow while getting s-faced on the beach ;) Have a good weekend everyone! Fat Tuesday.

Posted by: Ian at February 20, 2004 10:58 AM

nice work e! bummed that i missed the window. hitting the pillow @ 2am makes it hard to make it.

Posted by: lerm at February 20, 2004 10:59 AM

i know this is a surfing forum, but we all love gravity sports with h2o, i got back from an awesome day at kirkwood. super killer. ankle to knee deep pow on a snowboard, not a cloud in the sky all day. got fresh turn until around 11am then it was getting pretty cut up. super sweet. anyone who knows anything about kirkwood will like this tid bit>>>
if you ride chair 4 and look off to your left you always see what is known as california chute, recently with new ownership kirkwood will occasionally open the gates and allow people to hike out and ski OB terrain. yesterday around noon time i saw the first tracks i have ever seen out there, around 7 people made it out there. so nice. if i had some more time or a friend i would have made it but alas i will wait for another day. the doors are open! that is great news for any would be backcountry charger.

Posted by: dsx at February 20, 2004 11:06 AM

kaiser, tell us more about that fish. you're building quite a quiver.

Posted by: lerm at February 20, 2004 11:20 AM

E, you must have pased Soat early. I soloed it at around 7:30 for an hour. Very strange outside. Thick, warbly slabs materialized out of oilslick calm every 10 minutes or so, would break hard at the pear and back off almost immediately. I was out of sync and was only in position a couple of times. Ah, the variety of OB keeps the faithful from straying.

Posted by: kdalle at February 20, 2004 11:23 AM

Ayy, the fish... Yes, more the modern type than the old skool version. Not the twin-fin set up of the 60's but his modern badass brother that is an absolute wave slut. 6'5", an inch shorter then my shortboard, extremely red paint on the deck, about 1/4 inch wider then my shortboard, same thickness. However, completely different ride altogether. Much of the volume and thickness is moved up towards the front 1/3 of the board from which the rails draw a sharp line back to the swallow tail. Carries a lot more foam in comparision to my shortboard even at 2 5/8 thick. Pretty dope ride, very much high performance.

Ian, if you are serious about getting a fish, the Werewolf might be available for commissioned duty. Marco posted this last week if you want to check out his board. This board incorporates some twinfin fish qualities but some modern surfboard shape as well. Basically, it is a wave slut and that is all that matters.


More then happy to show off the fish sometime. If you see me riding it, just roll up. You can't really miss the thing.

Posted by: Kaiser at February 20, 2004 11:42 AM

Posted by: e at February 20, 2004 11:51 AM

Dude- Sweet Cubicle shot. Not sure about that funny shaped toy of leisure recreation and pagan/ocean spiritual groundation. Its wrecking the peaceful harmony of La Oficina.
Happy Fri-day Y'all!!

Posted by: steama at February 20, 2004 11:57 AM

OB: waist to 5/6 ft HUH? waves that mainly roll over and either *shck* [ sound effect ] just END abruptly - no shoulders - or mush and peter out. However I say "mainly" because there are occasional flirty shoulders on offer but they're shy and very dodgy. Couple of peeps out, mostly floating and waiting, zen like, for those rides. It's relatively calm out here - medium light texture on water - and I feel this anticipation in the air that it should be working better than it is. This is Waikiki compared to earlier this week. Usual OH ambush sets at random intervals. Where would we be without those ! Also outside mushing sets. Sun and clouds interspersed. Sea birds sneaking poo attacks on unsuspecting locals' windows, obscuring views.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at February 20, 2004 11:58 AM

sharkbait.. your reports rock!

Posted by: at February 20, 2004 12:05 PM

do all the chicks in the office like you now that they know you are a big surf dude?

Posted by: at February 20, 2004 12:12 PM


Posted by: bagel at February 20, 2004 12:32 PM

he he not to fan any nagative flames you know i love you guys

hey sharkbait..you gonna be at APE?

no surf no surf no surf for meeee

Posted by: bagel at February 20, 2004 12:44 PM

bagel.. you out this weekend? tomorrow morning might shape up for a surf/Litmus session?


do you think the ladies really like surfer-dudes? or is that a media myth.

Posted by: e at February 20, 2004 12:48 PM


The cali bowl rocks. Just keep your momentum and stay along the ridge to minimize your hike out. It's a hella safe BC expedition and not too much vert on the hike. There is a lot more accessible stuff off of chair 10 and you can maximize your time doing short trips rather than the long haul on the BS. Fuckin Kikrwood will have a chair on the Cali Bowlk soon. For spring riders that is goo

Posted by: pez at February 20, 2004 12:54 PM

man i wish...me and my friends's comic book Hickee has a table at this comic convention in the city, all day tomorrow..i will get in a sesh sunday am though post-litmus would be dope..that movie is awesome...i have a new respect for derek hynd, that guy rips..

if baywatch has taught me anything, its that chicks dig surfer dudes

Posted by: bagel at February 20, 2004 01:06 PM

baywatch taught me that one piece swim suits are just as sexy as two piece.

there really is no fall off. the secret is you just wear a one piece that is 2 sizes to small and voila, you pull up even to the gal in the two piece.

i'm not sure on cost or other variables though.

Posted by: tom at February 20, 2004 01:35 PM

oh yeah.....OB is open for business according to Wise......

Posted by: tom at February 20, 2004 01:36 PM

bagel: yeah I'll be skulking around APE but for once do NOT have a table. Took a sabbatical this year, back on track soon - 13 issues and a trade paperback can fry one's brain, leads to surfing...

at: thanks! The irony is I can't *surf* what I'm yakking about! haaw! FYI yes OB still kinda shouldery...

If I can eventually surf 6-8 ft OB with reasonable competence I can die happy. ; )


Posted by: s.s.sharkbait at February 20, 2004 01:52 PM

so cal right now

Posted by: e at February 20, 2004 02:44 PM

Blakestah says waves. I like it... A bit stormy but surf nonetheless.

Bagus, if you read this, shoot me an email. I am heading on over to your part of the ocean late next week.

Posted by: Kaiser at February 20, 2004 02:55 PM


You stoke is always so inspiring. Don't worry another season at OB and you'll be hitting the 6-8 foot days.

Posted by: d looose at February 20, 2004 03:09 PM

peeped the beach around 10. some nice little shoulders, glassy head high inner bar sliders. saw a couple dudes slink into a cover-up or two. not really long shoulders, but if you are in the right place at the right time it could be golden.

well, thats that.

hope everyone gets some this weekend.

Posted by: elias at February 20, 2004 03:19 PM

trucker-hat gone crazy

Posted by: e at February 20, 2004 03:29 PM

cool granny?

from viceland.com

Posted by: e at February 20, 2004 03:41 PM

I like my fishy board. It's more like a modern fish (wider, swallow tail, wings, etc.), and it's great in the small stuff. I'm also gonna buy my friend's Stretch fishy board since it's cheap.

I saw a guy out the other day with what I think was a Mandala classic fish. If not, it was sure classic. Wooden fins and all. Pretty cool. Someday...

Posted by: dano at February 20, 2004 03:41 PM

Hey, it's Friday... how about one of these??

Posted by: dano at February 20, 2004 04:04 PM

Hey e, I thought I saw you just up from the pumphouse this morning. Were you talking to a guy wearing a hood on a red fishy-thing (Kaiser?). I let myself wash down to that peak after the north end got too crowded and ended up getting the best waves of the session right out in front. Nice! Hope you guys got some too.

Posted by: Hrothbart at February 20, 2004 04:31 PM

hey hrothbart. i saw you out there and tried to give you the "hey what's up" nod a few times but i'm not sure if you saw me. Yup.. that was Kaiser with the cap and the red board.

i saw you catch some long ones hrothbart. niiice!

i still can't believe you have that giant hole in your wetsuit. you're crazy! doesn't the water just flush right in there?

Posted by: e at February 20, 2004 04:56 PM

right on dano.. i'm about to get me some cold ones with some friend from work.

mmmm.. beeeer. (Homer drooling)


Posted by: e at February 20, 2004 04:57 PM

Great beer Dano! I am a HUGE fan of the brand.

Hrothbart, were you sitting out there when those fucking pumps turned on? I was getting out in knee high shit.

Posted by: Kaiser at February 20, 2004 05:08 PM

Posted by: Gerry Lopez at February 20, 2004 06:05 PM

if anyone is still at their computer and it's before 9:00pm our time, just look a the pipeline cam and imagine how nice that sand must feel on your feet. no booties. no wettie. no squid lid...

just pretend you are there at 6:45am when you put in at OB tomorrow morning...

think warm....

Posted by: elias at February 20, 2004 06:44 PM

Went out, ran into a buddy, and we swapped boards. I rode the fish 6'0", and he rode the 6'8" UFO. Waves at best were barely overhead, kinda sparse, but some fun ones. Screaming down the face on this little twinzer fish, spinning through a few turns, good fun. It was just barely short enough to be fishy - I'd usually draw the line at 5'10".

We both agreed. The UFO is super super smooth in all aspects. Just smoothness, like silk. The twinzer was downright rough at times, especially going straight, but also a little in the turns. The UFO carves a super smooth line. The fish was definitely more maneuverable, at 8 inches shorter, but both were more than fine for today. Probably rode 10 fish waves before switching back for a last wave in.

It felt about as good as Friday afternoons get.

Posted by: blakestah at February 20, 2004 07:00 PM

Posted by: at February 22, 2004 09:18 AM

Tropical Quick Humps too! Nice touch.

Posted by: Kaiser at February 22, 2004 03:31 PM

Got lucky on the way to Santa Cruz Friday night. Pulled into Rockaway at 5:30PM and saw a guy get pitted on the south peak...low tide rigths pushing over the sandbar. A rare sight indeed. Scored for about an hour.
Then, on my way out of SC Town Saturday (town high tide and not doing it), I intsinctively turned into the Moss Landing lot and found it going off, 2-3' overhead and long lefts pushing up the beach. Nice!! with the off-shore SE wind.


Posted by: BKC at February 23, 2004 08:38 AM

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