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large and crazy at OB

Got up and drove around this morning. I saw waves breaking way out toward the horizon at OB. Dr. Deni and i tried counting rows of whitewater and we lost track at around 30. There was what looked like an extreme outer sandbar causing waves to break a mile or two out to sea. Potato Patch also looked to have waves. The wind whipped out of the SW, pretty chilly. That Kelly's Cove swimmer was out in the shorebreak diving around and swimming with no wetsuit like he was in Hawaii or something. nutty. We then drove for a while and checked out some other spots but were a bit disapointed that the swell wasn't really showing that well. A few people sat out in the poo water but we didn't see any rides during our 15 minute check. Two guys caught a few, sporatic, clean waves at another undisclosed, rarely-breaking spot.. but.. with the fecal, ecoli, hep-c counts at maximum levels i decided to give it a miss.

SF buoy currently at 18ft 16sec.

Word on the street is that the Mavs contest is on for tomorrow?

Cool clip of Mike Parsons getting barrelled at Cortes Bank (in the middle of the page, under "quicktime theater"

Good summary of the the lead-up to the current situation in Haiti (also a good political/news website to bookmark - www.truthout.org)

alex martins (photos from mavsurfer.com)

modern-day mavs


no way!! Odd Todd at Mavs! (this guy can often be seen ruling local breaks and busting out old school moves like the coffin and the pirouette... definitely a bay area surfing legend)

cool pic

Mavs contest is on. I ran into Ryan this morning shortly after he got the word from Jeff. So, this is like 3rd hand info!

Water was somewhat disgusting this morning.

Posted by: blakestah at February 26, 2004 10:18 AM

Mavs contest tomorrow?
The conditions seem questionable for a contest.
Any thonghts?

Posted by: esq at February 26, 2004 10:20 AM

I thought Jeff was losing it. Then I checked, wind forecasts are for light winds near the coastline tomorrow early, and a 15 ft buoy. Swell will fade during the day, but there should be plenty left for the low tide at 10:30 AM. A morning contest, I guess, winds should come onshore later. Buoy may fade to 12 feet later, but there should be plenty of 15 footers to go around. The thing really lacking is the long period, and big wave reefs really like long periods, but I doubt there will be anything longer than 12 seconds tomorrow. But Mavs will break solidly, for sure.

Posted by: blakestah at February 26, 2004 10:26 AM

i started the drive to werk and then decided that i wanted to drive down to the beach just to see Mother Ocean doing her thang. i've watched other VAS days out there, but nothing like today! as e said, waves breaking EVERYWHERE...and in such proportions that everything seemed to be moving in slow-motion. the wave would break and given the size that it "appeared" to be, i'd think that the lip had bottomed-out...but then it would just keep rolling down the face...and rolling...and rolling. totally hard to get a read on size/comprehend the mayhem, but cool to marvel.

sweet to hear that the Mavs contest is on!...and that niceness ocean-mood expert blakestah is predicting solid conditions. awww...yeah!

Posted by: ck at February 26, 2004 11:01 AM

were those niceness peeps out at the Marina this morning? Swell from the point was wrapping all the way around!

Posted by: jardinee at February 26, 2004 11:25 AM

mavs is on, hmm. and I don't have to work tomorrow...

Just did a little bike around the perimeter. Pretty wild, if you get a chance to see it. The beach is too big for me to really appreciate -- it's as if there's a bar about a mile out, from the GG all the way to FT Funston catching the brunt of it, and anything inside of that is just the sideshore trench. Not that it isn't life threatening or anything. Coast Guard Helicopters are out, I don't know why, though I did see a freighter in an odd place off Land's End. Maybe there's a different line up when the swell starts moving?

other spots -- was that a photog boat in the water there? I couldn't really tell what was happening from my vantage point. But drops where made, waves were ridden. Other spots are just insane -- The waves are swinging way outside and breaking back toward the second bowl -- with the rights better than the lefts! -- except they there is no escape from the rocks.

An impressive long board bridage was in the water at crissy field! didn't see any rides (except from skim boarders). And, this is purely speculation, but it looks like you can see wave backs out near alcatraz. That might just have been my blood pressure.

Posted by: robme at February 26, 2004 11:36 AM

With regard to the cortez bank clip: WOW.
I have a new appreciation for snips.

Posted by: r at February 26, 2004 12:16 PM

Large and in charge down in Cruz. BTW, the Monterey Bay buoy hit 29+ feet last night and has been reading much higher than the SF buoy. Stuff was breaking so far out you couldn't come close to judging how big it was. Lines and lines and lines of swell to the horizon.

Anybody check Berkeley?

Posted by: dano at February 26, 2004 12:59 PM

The Monterey buoy is in deeper water than the SF Buoy (as is the HMB buoy). On larger swells this impacts the swell size at the buoy. It doesn't mean the swell is any larger at the beach, though.

Posted by: blakestah at February 26, 2004 01:06 PM

Could be too much swellage but with light NW winds 2nd reef Lane or PP maņana sounds worth a try. I'm probably going. Anyone else?

Posted by: kdalle at February 26, 2004 01:10 PM

SB this morning.

Posted by: e at February 26, 2004 01:21 PM

Blakestah... thanks for the input on the buoys. Wow, didn't think that SB would be that clean this morning... I'll bet there are some mysto spots that are firing down there right now.

Posted by: dano at February 26, 2004 01:31 PM

that sandspit shot is sick. are you sure that was today? looking at the ventura cam it doesnt look that clean down there right now.

Posted by: dsx at February 26, 2004 01:32 PM

Sucks that Alex is hurt. He deserves to be a straight invitee rather than alternate. He's also got the skilz to just kill it and take the prize. Looking at his wave is so friggin inspirational. Well Im with the OB boyz in heart at this one. I also think P town local hellman Matt Ambrose has got a serious chance of just dialin some nice waves. Someday...someday


Posted by: pez at February 26, 2004 01:37 PM

my buddy surfed sick el cap this morning and has left 3 messages on my phone plus an email bragging about it. bastard.

Posted by: bbr at February 26, 2004 01:41 PM

I need a 21 inch screen to read the report without scrolling. Why has the format changed? You know, now that I think about it...it's worth scrolling for. Greetings to Dr. Deni.

Posted by: popsofe at February 26, 2004 01:48 PM

ummmm el capitan ummmmm elcapitan

Posted by: pez at February 26, 2004 02:17 PM

manana expect a northerly shift in swell angle, which will decrease swell in SC a LOT, and light winds until afternoon.

Then north winds until the storm late Sunday, and north winds start again late Monday.

Posted by: blakestah at February 26, 2004 02:17 PM

someone's towing in at mavs. still messy though.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at February 26, 2004 02:20 PM

ya thats some crazy shit out there. when i first looked out this morning i thought i saw a big old freighter sinking, and the thing looked tiny. than i went and checked sf's version of mundaka and saw the boat cruise in unscathed, i felt happy for the crew..looked like the tide wasnt quite right but the tow in crew was on it, just hanging out though. whos got a boat? angel and/or treasure island is probably going off.

Posted by: bagel at February 26, 2004 02:29 PM

chunky California buoy

Posted by: e at February 26, 2004 04:25 PM

Berkeley Marina is going off!!!! 4 to 5 foot and handling the winds...barrels everywhere. Oski just pulled in deep on his 10 footer, executing a perfect 30 second coffin/tube/pigdog/beerbong while navigating around some kooky Stanford inner-tubers. The bikini-clad co-eds were awaiting his return to shore with two mai tais, a bag of sunflower seeds, and a freshly rolled phatty. Boo yeah! Oh to be a bear.

Posted by: Justin at February 26, 2004 05:03 PM

Hmmm, not to get too political, but I think the U.S. has had a very firm idea of which Haitian side it's for this whole time. Replay of the Cold War in the Caribbean?



Posted by: Gvibe at February 26, 2004 06:26 PM

word all! last post? Anyway, I'll post this tonight, maybe e, you can post tomorrow, if not I'll post it.
from manny @ mandala custom shapes. I'm thinking Blakestah should take his invento-fin out so we can give it a shot!

"Hi folks,

It's time once again for a Mandala Custom
Shapes demo day where you can actually
check out and surf some fishes, quads, twin
keels, and single fins (for free!)

Lindamar, Pacifica
March 20th
The Vernal Equinox/First day of Spring!
9:00 am - whenever >>>

Bring a log to throw on the fire and maybe
something to grill, as we'll have a fire pit for
reheating after your third consecutive shred sesh.

Bring any
surfboards you'd like to share, your friends
and some good vibes to this event, and join us
for some crazy board sharing. The board pile
last year was great - thanks to all who
brought out their weird sticks for all the open-
minded folks to enjoy >>>

hope to see you all there >

manuel "

SO who's gunna check the contest tomorrow? I'll be there from 11am till like 1 or something.. If I can ever find parking.

Posted by: Ian at February 26, 2004 07:30 PM

Ian, look for me -- I'll have two kids with. Maybe hike in from the back?

Posted by: robme at February 26, 2004 08:08 PM

Saw two specks out on the Mav cam just before sunset. Looked like they checked it out then split. I was boggled by how small they were. 7x overhead??? The waves were just stacking. Right around noon the sun peeked out, the waves cleaned up, and you could see some crisp lips launching out, etched in shadow on the waveface. Then it looked like a south got on it and junked it out. One wave I saw later must have had a 100 foot spit - talk about an exhale. Web surfing. Love to be a bird hovering over the reef tomorrow. For my money, whoever pulls in tomorrow gets the winter's left coast stonehunge award. I'll be looking for smaller fish to fry.

Posted by: banjo at February 26, 2004 09:42 PM

Hey I'm posting from 3000 miles away and this is not nearly so nice, but pertains to the OB hood. I JUST found out that my house is going on the market. Whether I can stay or go is dependent on buyer, if there is one. Please excuse the violins but I am super duper duper bumming. Landlord looking for buyers, preferably investors. How much? 1.3 MILLION dollars. That's not a typo. Do any of you have 1.3 million dollars? I am out of town but already it is already being shown to poss. agents starting Tuesday. Will anyone please either do something near my house to make it seem even more impossibly costly, or else throw fecal matter and noise and other shenanigans and make the place utterly unappealing? Go ahead, pose as an agent or potential buyer and tour around. Buy it and please please let me and my downstairs neighbor stay. We both have dogs and I need extra space because I work at home, so if/when I'm booted out finding another spot will be a trick.

The insane price is due to my next door neighbor's house, which is priced at 840000. Therefore 1.3 million asking for mine. Jeezuz h. christo in a fooking chicken basket, this is an abomination. All renters will be driven out at this rate. My next door neighbor/owner better be funding a poor sick mother or something, otherwise I hope he'll be really really happy with all that extra money. Good for him :(

Terribly sorry for ranting and being a bummer but I thought everyone should know about the upcoming housing rates around here. Plus I might be looking for new digs and searching about. Bummer. Pool money. Buy the house. Arg.

No more long ranting from me. Happy surfing. Seriously.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at February 26, 2004 11:00 PM

Sharkbait, don't worry. Your neighbor's house is valued at only $600,000, and will take about 5 years to sell at $840.

And your landlord is nutty if he thinks the blue house and associated sub-swellings will fetch $1.3 mill. I'm guessing more like $800-900.

There are other Great Highway places for sale at market prices, someone is just trying to raise a lot o cash.

If you really do not want to move, be really difficult about open houses, and leave the place really cluttered. No one will bid on a house with unfriendly tenants.

Posted by: blakestah at February 27, 2004 05:55 AM

1.3 seems quite a stretch sharkbait. I think blakestah has the right idea. You will probably be there for a long time.

Is the Mav's contest on....????? Anyone? Looks a little lumped up still on the cam.

Posted by: jdz at February 27, 2004 07:36 AM

Mavs contest is on.

Winds are not being cooperative.

It's gonna be real tough out there in a few more hours.

Posted by: blakestah at February 27, 2004 09:26 AM

It was shit around dawn. Kinda started to clean up at the start. Couldn't hang around -- work. Looks iffy for the day. Could go either way. Saw one legit bomb early in the first heat. Shifty sets, not an easy day to surf.


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