Scrupulous Gyrations
Maximizing his ruthless, hypnotic, magic breath, Omar Skeevar of Oceana often wooed unsuspecting vixens into a lulled susceptibility. Like Freddy Kruger before him, Omar patrolled the dream-worlds of young, nubile, slumbering teenage ladies. Just as these damsels bounced through the unconscious universe of the their dream-states, Omar lurked from behind the shadows and confronted the startled dreamers with a soft blow of his noxious breath. The smell of this breath stimulated in the dreamers a clear and immediate vision of existence on a grand scale. For a brief flash, the dreamers saw the expanding and contracting universe as a holistic entity. For a milisecond of shockingly, hauntingly abrubt understanding, the dreamers comprehended that the entire universe existed as one connected, interrelated being. This realization came as an instant scream of awareness and was followed by one primal thought. Like a flash of lightning the dreamers for one moment were thrust into the meta-mind of the entire universe. For one brief section of time the dreamers stepped into the mega-consciousness of the universe primeval. One thought, one emotion, one overarching vision radiated through their cranial temples... "time waits for no woman." Then, as quickly as the vision had come.. it was gone.. and the dreamer re-awakened into her normal dream-state, looking now at Omar Skeevar from Oceana walking away from her with a subtle smirk on his face. Knowing the peplexity left in his wake.
soo.. look out for Omar in your dreams tonight ladies.
The beach was purdy fugly this morn. I did ye ol' wetsuit change at my house then ran down.. thinking i'd get lucky and score a few.. but.. up and over the dunes i saw that conditions were blown and flown and painful like an ingrown. but.. with wetty alreay on i was obviously out there anyway.. nobody else out as far as i could see to the north and south. small, choppy, blowy chest-high windswell waves lapping in. BUT!! surprisingly.. i caught waves after wave and ended up having a blast out there. I think that maybe the expectation game played a huge part in my enjoyment level.. i.e. i expected a total crap session upon seeing the waves.. but once out was pleasantly surprised by the discovery of little pockets and corners of fun. Just mellow windswell slop but never-the-less i ended up scooting down some chunky faces and even snapping a turn or three on my front-side.
yesterday morning was small, glassy heaven out at OB.. hope that all of you caught some.
saturday morning looked super gnarly but awesome along OB. Big and serious but groomed and makeable.. any stories?
my pops was in town so i didn't end up surfing too much. Played a round of golf at Presidio. Ate a huge steak dinner at Harris' steak house. burritos in the mission. jam last night with all his fave crosby-stills-nash, beatles, dylan, dead, the band tunes. Cajun Pacific on friday and ebisu last night.. pops in the house..
bummed i missed the fiesta at Tom's.. any stories??
word.. jake sent me a bunch of fly-ass photos of costa rica.. i'll try to post them up now..
Central America
I'll second that Sunday morning cleanliness comment ...worked peeling left at the ever poopular lindmar for a couple hours ...much fun.
Posted by: bigmig at March 22, 2004 10:26 AMGotta run, but wanted to post real quick! Fish fest Saturday was SICK! Surfed for about 5 hours. Rode some sick boards, including Blakestah's magic UFO rotating fin. I rode it on a 6'8, and that fin is amazing! No joke, it was one of the smoothest, easiest to turn boards I've ever ridden, it turned very well, and carried out of turns very smoothly with speed to hold. Everyone should give it a shot, the thing is sick. (No he didn't pay me, or give me one of the fins to say it) but I my opinion it's definately an awesome ivention! SATURDAY WAS SICK! I wish everyone were there tryong those fish out. One of my fav's was a 5'8 or something 81 Pearson, I went to turn and the thing basically did a 180 under me, so loose! Loved it, the waves held up nice for awhile in the morning then mushed out, all around excellent time!
Posted by: Ian at March 22, 2004 10:35 AMThe Ranch to remain private......
Property owners at the Hollister Ranch were incensed by the proposal, which encompassed 76 miles of coastline stretching from Goleta to Point Sal. They reportedly paid $300,000 to a former congressman to lobby against it in Washington D.C. The investment paid off as the Bush Administration put pressure on the Park Service rule in favor of the owners.
Posted by: tom at March 22, 2004 10:41 AMOB: Spring sprang, it's mini and foggy with onshores of capricious velocity from zero to phone-line jangling. Chunky and mixed up agua. A 10 foot board might score you some rides. But! It has that Charlie Brown can-do feel to it...occasional waist/ shoulder high lumps and bumps - admittedly around lower tide - that look... well sure, surfable for smaller boards too. I suck and missed my DP opportunity because I forgot to turn on my alarm. But like e said, if you have no expectations, you might find some fun. Cheers...
PS tom : regrets missing your crazed party, but heck I've connived 2 women into Ocean Beach sessions so my karma is good, yes?
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at March 22, 2004 10:43 AMright on e! i had a dmv apt, so i missed it.
surfed MOB on saturday right after the fog rolled in. i heard from robme that it was good earlier. oh well, still got a few good ones despite the wind. it's amazing how fast it can fall apart.
sunday was fun early but was almost too small and mushy as the tide came up.
e, tell pops i said hi.
Posted by: lerm at March 22, 2004 10:45 AMagreed, the fish fest was fun on saturday. hats off to manni and blakestah and anyone else that brought boards and what have you. manni's boards are stunning. i also rode blakestah's low-profile 6'8" ufo, briefly - felt VERY smooth, and paddles great. gorgeous morning at lindy, too -- a fog bank loomed offshore, but the sun was shining strong in the cove, and the pockets of white foam gleaming on the blue-green water had it feeling almost tropical out there. possibly over 100 surfers in the water at times (?), but there were waves to go around, and lots of beginners, so it was mellow as far as i could tell.
thanks manni & blakestah!
Posted by: loon at March 22, 2004 10:46 AMoh my! those photos are really getting me stoked for our trip. i go get my shots today.
Posted by: lerm at March 22, 2004 10:46 AMThe Ranch should remain private. Ever been? you want it to turn into the circus of Goleta+South?? no way!!
How would you like the Gov coming in and taking your backyard , that you had already paid for?
Posted by: jacob at March 22, 2004 10:48 AMwas visiting friends in SD this weekend, including the friend who is the current borrower of my old 9'3 G&S. got back on the horse at a local beach break and had a blast. yeah, the winds were causing intermittent chop, yeah i pearled on my first XXX waves, but who cares when everybody has their own little peak and a pod/pack/gaggle/pride/herd/posse of 5,6,7,10 dolphins keep cruising by you to say hello and take shots of tequila with you. sun poked thru for about an hour to help fully cement the gloriousness of the scene into memory.
Posted by: j at March 22, 2004 10:52 AMThe Ranch should be open! no one owns the hightide line and lower. i dont think they should put up parking lots etc. but there should be free and unfettered access to all of the CA coastline, no matter how much you paid. ala Pt. Dume and Malizoo. parts of laguna. etc. etc.
personally i really dont care too much, either was i most likely wont be surfing there at all. but heck, its 2004 open it all up and let people have at it.
Posted by: dsx at March 22, 2004 11:02 AMI'm hoping to find a substitute resin for the death dealing styrene?-based polyester resin that's used for saturating the fiberglass in surfboards. Does anyone out there know of a more benign, bio-friendly resin perhaps hemp or corn starch based? Or maybe where to look to find it or see if it's being developed?
If you have any leads or ideas would you please write me at Thanks a bunch niceness peeps.
Posted by: peej at March 22, 2004 11:06 AMpeej - i remember reading in one of the mags that David Rastovich had a whole quiver of boards constructed with bio-friendly materials. I can't remember which mag or who the shaper was but i think I saw it in Surfer's Journal??
good luck and let us know if you find anything.
Posted by: e at March 22, 2004 11:10 AMya awesome! thanx to the mandala guy for putting that fish fest a slow hungover start on saturday and ended up at lindy after checking all the way down to the jetty..awesome vibes lots of dope looking boards and suprisingly fun crowded waves..rode a pretty big fat nosed narrow tailed single fin and a really small fish that i guess the mandala dudes mentor shaped..ian your totally right, those things are so loose like a really loose skateboard but suprisingly speedy off turns..yay!
Posted by: bagel at March 22, 2004 11:12 AMSurfed Beam-me-up____ on Saturday. Weird. It was sunny and fairly smooth but a bit disorganized- maybe head high. Then the wind kicked in at 10-15 knts. from the South, fog appeared from nowhere, and the place turned, well, spooky. Weird deep silver blue light and bumps and chop all over the place. There were a few to be had if one could make the funky drops (not my strong suit).
Expectations were low for Sunday, but we surfed Florida Mile and had a lot of fun. Glassy with inconsistent shoulder high waves. But every once in a while the chicken bowl would set up a really fun speedy wave. Of course, the high tide eventually killed it.
No great photos this week, but there are a few fun ones of the kitesurfing crew at County Line from Friday evening.
Posted by: Bruce at March 22, 2004 11:24 AMThe 6'8" is back at SF Surfshop, ready for test-ride rentals, for anyone interested. I shot Ian on one of his waves on it, I'll see if I can get a little clip (it was surfvid's camera).
Thanks for the kind words, loon and Ian.
Surfed Sunday morning at the Casa Mia Sandbar, it was decent small glassiness, and then crudded up before 9 AM.
Looks like a solid shot of swell coming Wednesday and Thursday...
Posted by: blakestah at March 22, 2004 11:26 AMI'm baaaacccckkkk! And oh my gawd it was UNREAL....Bagel you are soooo stoked. Namutu is an amazing place!!! I hope the swell cooperates for you as much as it did for us. I will send e some pics to post and give more deets this afternoon or manana after I crawl out from under the mountain of honeydews and paperwork that are awaiting me now....we pay for what we get, eh?
Good to hear you all got swell and bummed I missed the fishfest!
Posted by: jdz at March 22, 2004 11:32'd think I would know how to spell the place considering I was just there...Namotu not Namutu!!!
Posted by: jdz at March 22, 2004 11:33 AMjake jacob.
reread my post on the ranch. i didn't offer an opinion.
not that i mind a spirited debate or anything but I was just posting the news.
kinda like that caveman post from a while back that i want to addd to the favorites post list when he wrote "i don't have anything to say but i still wanted to see my name in lights"
and all misssed a rager....over 100 people and easily 60% female...
Posted by: tom at March 22, 2004 11:51 AMHere are some strands I've been keeping in old dooderinos head...
-I have a theory about the stolen cars that have been occuring at OB(did yours happen at sloat TOm?) . Theives have rented apartments at OB and look through their windows with binoculars down on us while we play stupid with our "hide-a-keys". They watch us hit the water and watch us in the water then off they go with our cars.
Unfortunately we cannot use hideakeys anymore, unless we risk getting our cars jacked...
As for surfing this weekend.
I went out sunday morning and it sucked for an hour then around noon the gods smiled and the surface smoothed out and I got some great rides.
Sun -fun but tiny.
Posted by: phil at March 22, 2004 11:59 AMI just got back from a week in Maui. Loving the warm water and the consistent breaks but this whole reef thing makes for much more punishment for mistakes. I am actually looking forward to the O.B. sand on my feet! There is no place like home!
Posted by: jardinee at March 22, 2004 12:13 PMDamn, I leave to hit the City Of Filthe, Lust and Desire for some betting and basketball and I miss good surfing, a Fish Fest @ Lindy only to return to March starting to be like March? That is called bad-timing.
Ian, my condolences to you and your family.
Tom, time to start regulating the freakin filthe at the beach. I'll keep my eyes out brotha-man.
Damn, still pissed I missed the Fish Fest.
Jake, keep the Ticas coming. Hell, just keep the Centro America story, vibe, feel coming as I drool on my keyboard over here at
Posted by: Kaiser at March 22, 2004 12:14 PM"Surfers need to watch for alligators, piranhas, snakes and leopards..." Kind of like OB, just substitute senior blanco, gangsters, fishing lures, and promiscuous pinnipeds:
Posted by: dt at March 22, 2004 12:26 PMhappiness! welcome to the workweek, niceness.
sorry to have missed the fishfesting and presidio BBQ...i headed north to celebrate the equinox. got to surf shoulderhighs with a quintet of my best friends in an empty little bay. these are my favorite conditions.
it wasn't perfect, and yet it was. i am still smiling, totally giddy! sounds like everyone else scored something similar...well, almost. lo siento, kaiser!
Posted by: friendly at March 22, 2004 12:34 PME, Harris Ranch is that nasty Aushcwitz like ranch off of highway five, you know the one, you can smell it 20 miles away. Cows as far as the eye can see all basking in their shit with nothing to eat except chemicals and crap. Sorry but I had to mention it. Check out the meatrix on the Peta web site P
Posted by: Mexisurf at March 22, 2004 12:41 PMshiiit.. thanks for noting that Mexisurf. Are you saying that the huge meatrix-like cow-farm on the 5 (Harris Ranch) supplies Harris' steak house?? fark.. d'oh.. I had some weird company this weekend as my dad's coworker was here too and his son is a total stereotypical Marina-dude.. loves money, wine, steak, George Bush, money, cars, money, fake blonds, steak, money, bossing waiters around, money, hair product, loafers, polo shirts, golf, money, anger, trying to be nouveau riche. soo.. the steak house was kinda his thing.. though i have to admit enjoying the steak. but shit.. those cows had miserable, horrid lives and now their karmic burden has been consumed by yours truly.. shiiiit.. I'm goin' veggie!!
Comparing Harris Ranch to Auschwitz seriously diminishes the memory of those who suffered in those camps...I'm fucking sorry but we're talking about cows and those cows are at least killed humanely...more than can be said for those in the German camps. Sorry for the rant, but comparing Harris Ranch to Auschwitz serious tweaked me for some reason.
Posted by: jdz at March 22, 2004 01:02 PMMy bad, bad comparison. But, those cows aren't treated well nor are they killed humanely. Sorry JDZ
Posted by: mexisurf at March 22, 2004 01:33 PMe - Interesting take on revelation of the nature The Infinite as a tool of an evil seductor. Ya know, the whole Tree of Good and Evil deal ...
Posted by: Jimmie at March 22, 2004 01:53 PMGlad to hear you got a few pleasnt surprises out in the water this morning.
Headed out late Saturday morning (actually closer to noon). Walked over the dunes at one point west of The Great Highway; couldn't see the lineup for the fog, but spyed an acquaintance just coming out of the water. He hipped me to the fact that it was coming apart from wind and the tidal swing. Headed down to Pedro to see the fish fest folks, chatted a bit with blakestah and saw some nice surfing on them short, fat boards. I surfed at various spots from north of Wanderers to Boatdocks. Mostly just closeouts 'n' crowds, closeouts 'n' crowds!
Got out a little too late again on Sunday (at least for Ocean Beach), nonetheless, we ended up in some sweetness at the far north end of Pedro. Lot's of fun. The usual crowd, with a couple snakes, but not bad for a Sunday with good waves at the kookiest place around!
Harris Ranch has nothing to do with Harris' Restaurant.
You can buy Harris Ranch meat at your favorite supermarket.
Posted by: Kaiser at March 22, 2004 02:07 I said that just tweaked me the wrong way for some reason. I'm not even Jewish, but my wife is and my best friend is...and all these images just started rushing through my brain...and that post was the result.
I'm having some serious post-surf trip blues (yeah, i know...poor me...i deserve no sympathy) but nevertheless I am a little testy.
Posted by: jdz at March 22, 2004 02:15 PMhad one of the best seshies (in a challenging way) of the season to date on Saturday!
paddled out at VF just after first light into "smallish, peaky conditions"....or so i thought! ended up that it was anything, but small! it wasn't super big (i'd say the sets were a foot or two OH?), but the waves were challenging, thick slabs that would lurch into quick, pretty critical (to this camper at least) drops and then often wall up for a fast race with the lip down the line. classic challenging inner-bar OB. i saw many cover-ups out there...a few of which ended with a triumphant exit! fizz'yeah!! vibe was full o' pos stoke with dudes hooting for each other...and for the waves themselves. sunny skies and light offshore winds.
unfortunately, my sesh was cut short by a back-wrenching left that likely has me out of the water for a bit. however, despite the injury, i'm still smiling and stoked! good times.
jdz...welcome back!! can't wait to check the pics!
Posted by: ck at March 22, 2004 02:46 PMJardinee- I just got back from Maui too. Where'd you surf? I hit Honoloua Bay nearly every morning last week. You're right-- the reef leaves little room for error. If you're going late, you best be ready to make the drop...
Posted by: nate at March 22, 2004 03:00 PMGreat vibes in the water and good times all around, but there's still nothing like a clean overhead day at OB even with car theives lurking about.
I also went out saturday around noon Wrestler and it was horrid. Was falling apart big time. Then I got out and was changing in the lot and the wind lost half it's steam and the surface had cleaned up a little. still wasn't good enough to go back out though....
Posted by: barney at March 22, 2004 03:07 PMniiiiiiiiceness. hola amigos. sounds like there have been some fun times of late with tom's party, the fish fest, playful choppy waves, surf trips, etc. soak it up! and your weather is only going to get nicer over the next few months (though I rue the return of dreaded Spring wind)... NorCal is a beautiful place to live!
e- i dug your opening fantasty... seems right on the enlightened point. sometimes i think of our conscious experience as the first time the universe is knowing itself... we're all little blips of that meta-consciousness... If there were an Omnipotent Being responsible for our existence, wouldn't He be faced with the same questions we face of "From Where?" and "Why?". Infinite blossoms of beauty indeed.
Kaiser - What's up I hope your luck in Vegas was better than your timing to leave town. And speaking of basketball, Woe is me and all other Stanford Men's bball fans -- the Cardinal choked again. Props to my good mate Joseph Kirchofer, 00, for his illustrious basketball career.
As for Central American lore... Pavones broke large the last few days... good swell Saturday, peaked on Sunday... the stories are starting to trickle back to me here in Dominical. As for me, I did some local exploring and have started surfing some waves south of town. Snuck in an hour before work today... long, stylish point break lefts. For the first time in my life since learning to surf in Santa Cruz's righthand land, I think my backside surfing might be better than my frontside. I only caught 1 really good wave today, but it has me grinning after cranking some fast'n'powerful topturns and snaps. Suuuuuuuuurf.
One Love niceness,
Posted by: jake at March 22, 2004 03:23 PMJocular Jake
Harris Ranch/Restuarant the REAL DEAL:
Okay, Harris Ranch on hwy 5 is a feed lot where cattle are brought towards the very end of their life to be fattened up and slaughtered, they basically sit around eat and do nothing for a while then are whacked. that helps the marbling and taste of the meat, it basically gives americans the clean domesticated flavor they like.
Now Harris Rest. is another story, same family different meat. there was a family rift many years ago and the rest. serves mid-western angus beef essentially fed and killed in the same manner that Harris ranch does.
There is really nothing wrong with Harris ranch and what they do, i think because it smells and many people drive by and see tons of cows in pretty close quarters they freak out, but really cattle are herd animals and they tend to congregate together, the next time one of you peta fans drive by Harris ranch take a closer look, if you pay attention to the facts and not the political crap they spin you would realize that in one pen for example there is a huge empty area and then all the cows are all nestled up to one side. cows do that in pens or in the wild. next time you drive out to Point Reyes take a look, you rarely see one cow out cruising they are all pretty close to each other. same thing in the feed lots. PETA sucks.
Posted by: dsx at March 22, 2004 03:32 PM
Posted by: bagel at March 22, 2004 04:01 PMand besides...cows is just plain good eatin.
Seriously...i'm all for the ethical treatment of animals...but sometimes it goes a little too far IMHO. Hell, everyones entitled to their opinion though and I can respect that. Just don't make me feal guilty about eating a little filet or prime rib.
Go read Fast Food Nation if you really want to get riled up...narsty stuff in those McDonalds hamburgers...i will never eat one again.
Posted by: jdz at March 22, 2004 04:02 PMWanted to chime in on the car theft thing: I put a combo lock on one of my doors, and from there it's super easy: leave the door unlocked but lock the combo lock that goes over it. This has the added benefit of letting whoever I'm surfing with back into my van without me having to be there, I just tell them the combo. And then of course stash a key somewhere just in case I accidentally lock the door, but this can be stashed way ahead of time, with bailing wire, semi-permanently installed on the frame or something.
Sure the combo lock looks ugly, but no more messing around with hiding keys.
My $.02.
Posted by: wrybread at March 22, 2004 04:02 PM
sorry, dont feel like working right now
Posted by: bagel at March 22, 2004 04:08 PMwhatever happened to using the good old stash pocket on your leash? just slip your car key off the chain, and stick it in your leash, right? just make sure you buy a leash with a key pocket.
Posted by: jake at March 22, 2004 04:12 PMthat last pick is exactly my feeling. we are people we are of a superior intelligence therefore we dominate the other species, for better or worse. if cows knew they were cows and could add 2 and 2 and get 4 we wouldnt eat them, they cant so they end up being dinner. simple.
Posted by: dsx at March 22, 2004 04:13 PMRe: car keys I've worn a spare around my neck on one of those ball bearing type thin chains and have had zero problems. Lengths of chain and snap-in clasp cost pennies from a hardware store. Before surfing I give the chain a tug to make sure it's holding. Keep spare chain and clasp in my car just in case it snaps. [ Have replaced once ] Of course anyone can break into my car with a brick, but anyone just noodling around my auto will come up empty. Haven't lost a key yet either...lord knows the way I surf I should have.
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at March 22, 2004 04:21 PMFact is that factory farming is just another spoiler of the environment. The amount of meat Americans consume is destroying not only our environment but other countries. Look at the deforestation of el mundo. Factory farms also spoil ground water, rivers that lead into polluting the ocean. I personally am not a vegi but make an effort to only eat organic meats from self sustained farms. If you think that Harris Ranch is providing a healthy environment for its cows and the people who live in that area, you shoulds keep surfing Pacifica because we'll all end up in that crap.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it's animals are treated.... I hold that, the more helpless the creature the more entitled it is to protection by man, from the cruelty of man."
Peace out P
Posted by: mexisurf at March 22, 2004 04:41 PMnot that i think this is the best forum for this discussion, but my own $.02
dsk, i don't know if i dig your rationale that we can eat cows because we are 'superior' to them. i do eat meat, and if i think it is ethically justified, it is because we are all part of the web of life, and sometimes animals eat animals, and all living things in some way eat other living things, except for photosynthesizers and the like. this is from someone who just carefully freed a moth from his bathroom only to watch it get eaten by a bird seconds after being gently tossed out the window. c'est la vie.
but saying we can eat them because we are superior reminds me too much of some arrogant hotshot surfer thinking he has the right to carve at someone else's face in the water just cause he can. superior ability does not give one the right to do whatever one wants - and it really amazes me that some good (punk) surfers think they are entitled to jeopardize others' safety because they are more talented and like showing off their cute little tricks.
anyway, i was just pissed when someone did that to me and was feeling amazed at that mentality -- but when it comes to human beings and the Earth, i think it's really important to remember that we are all part of an interconnected system, and we are members and products of that Natural order as much as any other part -- and have no right to dominate anything just because we can.
Posted by: jake at March 22, 2004 04:54 PMhumans are humans and should be justly treated by each other. i too hate punk surfers with an entitlement mentality. humans deserve equal respect from each other at all times, we all should love each other and treat each other with kindness. sometimes we dont, and thats too bad. but we are human and know we are and know what we do, and i think thats what separates us from the rest. its too bad we take things too far, ala mexisurfs comments. one day we will all look bad and shake our heads at what we did. hindsight is 20-20.
Posted by: dsx at March 22, 2004 05:03 PMWhat comments pissed you off or made you feel bad DSX?
Posted by: mexisurf at March 22, 2004 05:12 PMi did the vegetarian thing for 5 years but baaaaaacon brought me back. i can't resist the pig flesh, man. bagel nice pic, "shut up already" is the best anti-vegetarian song ever... "It would eat you up!!!"
Posted by: bbr at March 22, 2004 05:17 PMcheers, jake and mexi. Sorry dsx, but I've never seen an angle in any bio class, anthro class, history class, evolutionary theory class, or in any readings or time spent outdoors just looking around wherein the 'humans are superior' concept holds water. It's a bit of cultural ideology sped along by our inherent ego-centric conciousness, nothing more. To mention superiority and then toss out a 'hindsight is twenty-twenty' regarding how we continually wreak havoc on our homes and neighbors--virtually in the same breath--kinda kills the arguement, no? jake's take on cow consumption is more compelling to me. We all get eaten in the end!
Posted by: ben at March 22, 2004 05:21 PMI miss bacon......
Posted by: mexisurf at March 22, 2004 05:29 PMAnyone remember the big "Meat Is Murder" grafitti on the Great Highway about 10 or so years ago?
Satuday morning at Sloat was about as dreamy as ot gets. Dry hair paddle from my "secret" entry point. Very few peeps out. A steady offshore breeze, bright sun and non-stop 8'+ sets for about an hour and a half before the tide came up and mushed it out. Some long, serious peelers. Yum.
I'm getting a little depressed as the season is definitely winding down. Get it while you can!
Posted by: kdalle at March 22, 2004 05:36 PMMoooooooo!
Posted by: caveman at March 22, 2004 06:01 PMpeople seriously underestimate my powers
Posted by: bacon at March 22, 2004 06:28 PMhaha, you guys are funny. You're crazy man, you got a fookin dart in your neck..
Posted by: Ian at March 22, 2004 06:39 PMHuh, I can tell it's that time of year. Meat. Can't sell our stuff in Europe because they consider it tainted, what with growth hormones, antibiotics, dye, now bse, etc. Could go on and on about vegie versus meat, but I hunt what I eat, so gabbahey! Women could probably eat more meat (anemia being pretty common) and men less... I try not to preach what people should or shouldn't eat, except less, judging by the widespread results. Here's to health and happiness, and whatever gets you there.
Posted by: banjo at March 22, 2004 07:09 PMcowshwitz?
Posted by: goodmorning at March 22, 2004 07:37 PMcows, fish, fin systems, politics, surf, general banter. this is one of the best reads on the net!
missed this weekends surf, instead of chilling at the beach i was working. uhhg.... . really bummed, i would have liked to check the mandala fish fest. and surf!
anyway, crossing my fingers for a surf or few this week.
Posted by: elias at March 22, 2004 08:19 PMWednesday morning looks pretty decent. Maybe one of the last shots at the outer bars this year - medium suze.
Sold two fin systems today :)
Mmmmm, meat.
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