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the swell has landed.

All the buoys are jumpin'. Papa buoy currently 21ft 14seconds. OB looked doable around 8am on my way back from an early morning road-trip. I didn't see anyone braving it but bombs were exploding out the back, and the light onshores weren't thrashing the surface too much. I woke up around 4:30 and drove down along the coast to a more protected spot. Found some inconsistent peelers and locked into a few chunky monkeys but nothing to write home about. Surfed it with just one other head until the morning crew finally got on it and assumed their allotted spot in the lineup, ahead of me. Other Santa Cruz county spots were probably on fire as the tide started to rise and the swell continued to build. hmm... good day to take the morning off and explore all the various slots and divots of coast. hint.. there are many spots between Wadell and Natty bridges.. get your thinkin' cap on and explore.

I feel slightly out of sorts right now after taking a monster spill on my skateboard last night. I wasn't even bombing hills or anything.. just taking a leisurely cruise down to the local burrito joint. I had my headphones on and i was on the sidewalk looking for little banks to turn on.. next thing i know i'm flying through the air then i hear a distinct crack as my cheek hits the concrete.. then i phase out for a second before re-orienting myself. I just sat on the sidewalk for a few minutes collecting my wits. fuck.. scary.. but.. 1 bruised cheek and 1 bruised hip later i'm on the mend.. wear your helmet.

good waves to you all.


mexisurf photos

alex martins

elias and wrybread...bruce...thanks for the info regarding video editors. I have a PC so I will look into the Vegas video product.

wyrbread email me if you have a demo site


Posted by: jdz at March 24, 2004 10:00 AM

Put some pics up on my site, I'll put more up tonight. I shot at VFW's last SAT and it was kind of funny. I was there to shot Alex Martin and Mark Alfaro and everyone and their mother showed up, 100 yards down the beach it was just as good and only a few heads. Next time I'm hiding...P

Posted by: mexisurf at March 24, 2004 10:01 AM

site is paulferraris.com

Posted by: mexisurf at March 24, 2004 10:06 AM

doh! e, i'm usually the one that eats shit. hope your alright.

i missed this morning due to a weird sickness that hit me like a ton of bricks last night. i think it might have come from a vaccination pill i took in the morning for typhoid fever. anybody else take that and get sick from it?

nice photos mexisurf!

Posted by: lerm at March 24, 2004 10:35 AM

some cool pics! Looks like you all had a good stretch of surf while I was gone.

Posted by: jdz at March 24, 2004 10:35 AM

Been lurkin' here for a long time. Love readin' all the niceness stories of my old hood. I'm down south now but SF has my soul.

Sorry to hear about the skate fall. Felt compelled to post b/c i too had a out of the blue fall last night skating home. Get back on the ho...i mean, skate!

Posted by: a at March 24, 2004 10:37 AM

jdz...I work for a DV magazine and I can honestly say that for a PC, Vegas is awesome. Premiere and Final Cut are great but the learning curve is a bitch if you don't have lots of time to sit in front of the computer. Vegas is getting great reviews from all sorts of people so I say get your hands on that trial copy. Plus Adobe dropped the Mac so they are going full on PC route now and I really don't enjoy Premiere, just seems abrasive to me. Vegas is the way to go on a PC.

Posted by: barney at March 24, 2004 10:42 AM

Propagandhi is the best punk band of all time.

If you like punk.. get the album "How to Clean Everything". then listen to it on your headphones..loud.. and.. hold on..

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 10:42 AM

fuck zionism
fuck militarism
fuck americanism
fuck nationalism
fuck religion
fuck religion
fuck religion
fuck religion
fuck religion
fuck religion
fuck religion

- propagandhi

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 10:46 AM

jdz, sorry my lam-o for responding so slowly. You can do truly well for rather cheap for video editing on the PC.

First, Winblows comes with Winblows Movie Maker. It can do simple movies! But you need a FireWire input, you can grab a card for about $15 if your PC lacks one.

Ulead and Pinnacle both offer fairly simple easy video editing software. You can usually hook up with software and FireWire card for $60 bucks.

I wrote a FAQ for making digital videos of surfing at

Posted by: blakestah at March 24, 2004 10:49 AM

Whoa, I guess E isn't down with religion!

As for me, I went to my church this morning. Good to get the ol' hair wet in the holy water. Not the best of days but still got some good, uncrowded rides... I mean prayers in.

Winds lightened up a bit but they appear to still be evident out there. Gotta search, that is for sure....

Posted by: Kaiser at March 24, 2004 10:52 AM

ha.. the words and lyrics of propaghandi do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of E's surf Report... or e.

they just happened to be the words i was listening too in the song "Haille Sellasee, Up Your Ass" and also convey the anger/passion/politics expressed by Propagandhi.. always controversial and in your face.. sometimes maybe a bit generalized and one-sided.. but.. with the groovy speed-freak punk guitar lines.. who cares what they're sayin'!

I actually think that religion does about as much good in this world as it does bad.

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 11:02 AM

e-sorry to hear about the asphalt lunch. Heal up.

Chunky Monkey Alert...Sloat this a.m. was hella fun. I was out alone from 7:30-8 and then 2 or 3 others showed up. Surprisingly easy paddle from secret spot. Big sets looming in every 10 minutes or so. Sea surface very smooth with some bumpy/rippy spots. More paddling than riding as the repellant was in effect but I gots my share.

Go get it before the wind kills it. a month from now you'll be wishing you had gone out on days like this.

Posted by: kdalle at March 24, 2004 11:05 AM

better than the ramones? better than X? better than the clash? gotta disagrree with you there e....

Posted by: bbr at March 24, 2004 11:07 AM

"I actually think that religion does about as much good in this world as it does bad."

a spectacularly convoluted turn of phrase, that one. sort of enjoy how it tweaks with the little grey cells.

Posted by: ben at March 24, 2004 11:11 AM

e- when I was in High School, my next-store neighbor told me that skate-boarding is for people afraid of water. I relayed this to my buddy, and he said Surfing is for people afraid of concrete.

Unfortunately with no more ACL's left, I am afraid of concrete.

Goddamned Sinus infection is keeping me out of the water. Walked the dog at 6:30 and there was one guy riding the rip out in front and then I noticed one other dude two blocks north. The best peak was in between them but it was not exactly working like clockwork on any of the peaks. I saw a couple rides that looked like only 1.5 overhead, but I think they were being conservative on their wave selection. The peak in the middle was top to bottom double-o at least, but sectioning eratically at times.

I am sure Kdalle will have tales of outer Sloat enjoyment.

I wish I could have been out there but I got to lick this thing or my head will explode.

Posted by: Friend #1 at March 24, 2004 11:11 AM

e - Man, so sorry to hear about your concrete encounter! At the risk of sounding like "DAD," you might wanna have that checked. Hearing cracks when you get smacked in the head (or face) is kinda scary.
Just got back from a work related (I swear!) trip down past the beach - it's looking pretty beefy. I ran into a fairly well-known local ripper (who's identity I will protect) exiting the water somewhere west of The Great Highway. When I asked him how it had been, he frowned and said he got stuck inside, paddling for an over an hour and couldn't get out. He was especially frustrated because it wasn't, in his words, "...all that big." Now this is a guy I've seen killin' it on big days when I'm just sittin' it out in the parking lot. Goes to show, no shame it gettin' denied at Ocean Beach - it happens to the best of us.

Posted by: Jimmie at March 24, 2004 11:17 AM

Yer correct Friend #1- A big bowl of Sloatios this am. I was lookin for you.

The perpetual parentflu is something they didn't tell us about before we took the plunge, eh.

Sorry, no pics of you or Doof on the CD.

Posted by: kdalle at March 24, 2004 11:19 AM

bbr.. those bands are all great.. though to be honest my punk knowledge is mostly founded on surf video soundtracks and my old roomie Lerm.. who is the maestro of punk and can actually play that whole Propagandhi album note for note on the guitar! no shit! I don't really know the old-school bands like the ramones/clash/x.. but.. i like the Melvins, DI, Circle Jerks, Dropkick Murphy's, and a bunch of others that the Lerm knows. I used to hate punk music but after watching Lost Across America and Punk Rock Surfers 8-trillion times i got the punk literally beaten into my subconscious... now i like it!

kdalle - good on ya for scoring OB.. fuck yeah!

friend #1 - i can't believe that you don't have any ACLs left.. I'll give my healthy knees some kisses right now.. fuuuck..

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 11:26 AM

Shawn Farmer a former world extreme snowboard champion (1994 I think-Valdez Alaska) said he doesn't skateboard because it hurts too much.

Posted by: tom at March 24, 2004 11:29 AM

OB: Confirming Jimmie's report - it's burly. Solid, heavy lines of whitewater on the inside without letup. Outside large, shifty and some rideable looking sections [ if you can get there, someone *was* catching stuff this a.m. around these parts ] hard to tell size because no one is out. Couple feet overhead at least, and tending to mush hard. Sunny with light onshores, solid fog bank to the south, light fog hovering north near Marin.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at March 24, 2004 11:33 AM

pic of Farmer for all you newbies.....


Posted by: tom at March 24, 2004 11:43 AM

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 11:53 AM

Um like there's waves everywhere! Shitty, crappy, good and unreal.
You'all shoud be checking out the hearings on NPR today. Dick Clark up next.

Yesterday Rumsfeltd refered to Bin Laden as
"Ben Lawton."

Jello Biafra of the San Francisco Surf Set

Posted by: BVB at March 24, 2004 11:54 AM

i met farmer at the mt baker contest in 88. he used epoxy in his hair to make dreadlocks. where is my neon beanie?

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at March 24, 2004 11:54 AM

Wednesday 1158 hrs PST. On my way to Sloat to take pics, probably 1230 hrs to 1315 hrs. If there's anything left, get out there and show your stuff!

Posted by: Bruce at March 24, 2004 11:58 AM

dude those shots PISSED ME OFF!!!!

i got to the beach around 12:30 only to see nasty SW winds and fog. i got up early and checked the reports and winds, looked like it would get great after the lowtide, so i washed my car and waited, mad a run expecting light offshores and sunny skies only to find fog and nasty winds.......damn i should have just gone when it was good. a bird in the hand!

nice shots, wish i was there!

Posted by: dsx at March 24, 2004 11:59 AM

punk rock is the best..im still sticking with minor threat and bad brains as a couple of my all time faves. dont hate me but i also give green day tons of props. when all these new school punk guys have changed their styles over the years to try to make a buck green days style has not changed, got more produced maybe but still the same feel and style, and its a good feel to me. also you cant deny the misfits, youth brigade, ramones of course, mimute men, sub-humans, and tons of others. beastie boys were a punk band first and sublime i would call a good punk band, punk has a pretty wide range in my vocab. i think its great cause at the risk of sounding racist, its a good music for the white kids that dont feel like they have much to relate too, at least i speak for myself. lots of morals and political things to think about. its touched me in the ways phish and the dead has probably touched some of you hippys, dont get me wrong im a bit of a hippy too, and alot of hippy bands were pretty punk. Janis, the Doors, Hendrix, although that guy definately in a category of his own that no one can ever touch. raw shit. oh whatever, i dont know what the hell im saying. i like all music but i think a good punk collection is essential for any library. naaa i dont have tons of work to do.

Posted by: bagel at March 24, 2004 12:06 PM

BVB, definitely checking that stuff out. interesting how many high ranking officials opted for private testimony or none at all.

this is going to be a crazy year.

Posted by: lerm at March 24, 2004 12:09 PM


Steve form the beach wants your number. Give me a call so that I can give him your number.
I lost yours.

Hey worth going out after work?

Posted by: pez at March 24, 2004 12:12 PM

3to5 plus you are O.G.....

Damian, Graham, Farmer, Hatchet, Burt, Zellers....Living legends and guys who totally went for it.

Big up's to Craig Kelly too but he was more smooth than a total hucker.

Posted by: tom at March 24, 2004 12:14 PM

DSX, After shooting i went home dropped off my camera gear went back to the beach and was in the water as the fog rolled in, and the swell dropped. i feel you man.

Posted by: mexisurf at March 24, 2004 12:21 PM

You've gotta check out "Less Talk, More Rock" and "Today's Empires, Tomorrow's Ashes" from Propagandhi. Maybe it's just because I've listened to "How To Clean Everything" a million times and am a little sick of it but I think the other two are much better.

Ever listened to Party of Helicopters? They're excellent highly-technical guitar-driven punk. MP3's at http://www.thepartyofhelicopters.com/

And yeah, skateboarding is hardcore. It reminds me that I'm nowhere near as resilient as I used to be. After my last dislocated shoulder from skateboarding, I'm done with it. Concrete is too unforgiving. Give me a trip over the falls anyday.

-- Matt

Posted by: mwsf at March 24, 2004 12:26 PM

ok . . . really not trying to turn this into a religion-thread, so skip my post if you want.

I often wonder if religion is an enemy of God. I heard someone say once that it's like religion is what happens when the Spirit has left the building...

Anyway - that said - go surf!!

Posted by: d looose at March 24, 2004 12:36 PM

E - I have actually blown through four ACL's as both my repairs failed. The original tear on each leg was from Soccer played on a non-grass surface (astroturf and basketball court) both during co-ed intermural games. The tear of the repair was something minor. My current knee Doctor has no bedside mannor and told me, "he could have told me the repairs would fail just by looking at the MRI (bad placement of the graft).

So, no more hacky-sack, no more soccer, no more ultimate. Just Biking and Surfing. I am tempted to hack from time to time and then I remind myself that it is not worth risking my surfing.

DSX - I pulled the same thing saturday, waiting for the tide to drop. I got back from an errand and arrived at sloat just as the fog came in. Back at my house it was clear that I didn't even need to get in my wetsuit.

Professor, Sherman wants to take a trip in the way-back machine.

Posted by: Friend #1 at March 24, 2004 01:32 PM

oh man, the names from the past! damian, pic in my mind that stands out is him in his neon orange suit and hard boots/plates in the pipe. farmer, i always picture him on his cow print base board from k2 (from back when k2 was made in vashon...), bert lamar, etc. etc.

a buddy just passed me a new school snowboard flick, insane how big the new guys go! everybody's style looks the same now though, no craig kelly/jamie lynn styley methods, brushie tweaked out w/ the dreads flying, damian's handplants, etc. but daaaamn they go huge! funny how jibbing is back in full force, too, how long til we see another morrow lunch tray?

anyways, off topic. the head plant sux e, get better! that's the worst.

Posted by: j at March 24, 2004 02:28 PM

dude glen plake!

Posted by: bagel at March 24, 2004 02:57 PM

check the barrell shot on the window of the shack behind plake

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at March 24, 2004 03:07 PM

"glen plake.. mohican terrorist.. star of Maltese Flamingo.. a low budget dirtbag ski film."

I watched those Greg Stump movies a zillion times in junior high/high school. Plake and Scott Schmidt were the main guys.

Blizzard of Ahhhhs
Time Waits for Snowman
Groove, Requiem in the Key of Ski

every weekend we'd treck up to Big Boulder or Jack Frost mountain and do the same farkin' mogul run 8 gazillion times. so much fun. Plake was the man though.. and we liked the french mogul skier Edgar Grospiron (sp?).. that dude was bad ass!

i never got really good but Kus (who sometimes checks this site and is my main jersey surf connection in point pleasant) can fucking hammer through the bumps, as well as own it on the steeps. I've seen him do 720s and he also does front flips... on skis. crazy ass dude. this was all before the time of snowboards. snowboards had just started but we were all skiin' already.

3to5.. nice barrel siting.

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 03:21 PM

Punk Rock Compendium:


Check out the Regional Discographies for California and you may find the band I was in.

Posted by: Friend #1 at March 24, 2004 03:44 PM

ha, plake and schmidt! forgot about those guys, mike hattrup! plake's drop in blizzard of ahhhs, from where the val d'isere tram (i think it was val d'isere, maybe chamonix), instant legend in my jr. high (at the time) eyes.

speaking of falls
"As I endured the rag-doll-in-a-washing-machine type workout in the white water, I could feel my left leg battering the rest of my body. I particularly noticed when the heel was hitting my right shoulder blade, but I couldn't feel my left leg. The turbulence eventually ended and after floating to the surface and gathering my faculties I put my hands on the top of my left thigh and slid them all the way down to my toes. Although I had no feeling in my leg, everything was still there"


Posted by: j at March 24, 2004 04:06 PM

fuck, e, hope you feel better soon bro! random, i just flipped through the archives last nite, and read the santa cruz adventure that started with me bailing hard in Midtown Terrace. i definitely surf because it's liquid and a surreal alternative physical environment where dreams can take flight. fuck concrete!

interesting threads everybody, tons of good punk and oldschool snow lore going down.

big ups to all the big OB chargers. as for me, i will just offer that unlike yesterday, I did not 'make it' under a cleanup set today, and faced a 9foot voracious death tube exploding an inch in front of my face. 15 seconds later, catch a breath, and the second wave gets me and i lose my board. a warm hearted soul saved it for me, but after that, it was 18 more waves on the head and I was on the beach. it was kinda sweet in that intense, gnarley way! tiring, slightly painful, but sweet. and I snagged a clean hour of waves before the ocean bid me goodnight and set my ass back on the sand. Pura Vida, niceness!

Posted by: jake at March 24, 2004 04:13 PM

OB is now accepting virgin sacrifices. Same size as before, onshores not too bad, but it's burping whitewater from shoreline to outer bars. The ocean looks like it could EAT people. Saw one guy walking out but unless he's saved himself for marriage the conditions will remain farkolated. Hazy with fog slowly encroaching...

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at March 24, 2004 04:17 PM

I will make a try for FP soon. hopefully the wind isnt too bad. not to start up the political rants again but just a quick note on PETA and why they suck...here is their newest scheme:

"Starting next month, Norfolk-based People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals plans to hand out "Buckets of Blood" to children outside KFC restaurants and at schools near the restaurants. The buckets are part of PETA's campaign against what it says are farming and slaughter abuses by KFC's suppliers."

Posted by: dsx at March 24, 2004 04:23 PM

j - thanks for sending that story about the femur brake. The best line of the article is the last one......

"Have a horror story? Let's hear 'em. Click here"

Ahhh yes, we Americans love a good crash!

cheers everyone,

Posted by: Jack at March 24, 2004 04:23 PM

I'm standing in the shore of the Universe
letting waves of reflected starlight
lap against my knees.

I'm walking on the hallowed ground of I,
my falling footsteps melting into the path,
feeling the core of the Earth pulse into my sole.

In a quiet moment
in the shade of coconut palms,
the sun trickles through the air
to touch tree, ant, and me,
we three who vibrate in the stillness -
with the infinite heart of Love.

Posted by: at March 24, 2004 04:24 PM

yes please

cool poem whoever wrote the above..

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 05:10 PM

i gotz band practice now!! so psyched.. enter the world of frazzzed mania without the ingestion of psychoactive inebriants.. just a lil' music to calm the savage soul... let it ride brotha man.. let it riide on through the night.. bwaahaa haaaaa..

talk to all y'all punk-ass riznatches manana!

Posted by: e at March 24, 2004 05:16 PM

gotta be Manasquan. and look at me wearing my Eastern Lines tee.

Posted by: jake at March 24, 2004 05:26 PM

whoa. punk rock days. propagandi, i think i was a little skate rat back when that hit my ears first. 1995 or something. now i want to listen to it again. good memories, that mixed with ol RBL. HP style.

surf looked fun at 8am. some real good rides were coming through if you were in the right place.

now that its wind season. it's concrete season! keep your knee's bent and remember to roll.

Posted by: elias at March 24, 2004 05:29 PM

barney and blakestah...thanks for the additional input re: digital video. I will try the trial version of vegas video. I have a firewire card taht I have been meaning to install and just have to get off my ass and do it...otherwise I might try the USB cable that came with the camera...wish me luck. If I have any good video clips I will try to post for experimentation and feedback....

Posted by: jdz at March 24, 2004 05:54 PM

all this talk of 80s, punk rock, etc. brings me back to VISION STREET WEAR, remember that shizz? oooh man, hilarious! i had the cow print lookin stipple shoes w/ the ollie pad....kinda like chuck t knock offs...good times. anybody seen the 'runman' series of surf flicks?

Posted by: j at March 24, 2004 06:30 PM

jdz..you gotta rock firewire or it will be a serious pain in the ass. ever need any wisdom check the almighty forums on my site:


some wierd video freaks in there but they know what they are talking about!

Let me set the record straight, Farmer is a pussy. He used to live with all my buds in Tahoe, guy was a kook everytime I met him. Maybe he was just stuck in the dayglo K2 career he had going but he was a jackass everytime I hung out with him. Tahoe is like OB, there are so many sick riders that never get any sponsorship. They just ride to get into nasty chutes and drop big cliffs on the rare 3 foot fresh day. I only got 2 days in this year and have pretty much given up on snowboarding after spending much of my young life going for it. I always wonder how I would have turned out if I went to UCSB to surf instead of UofO to snowboard.

Posted by: barney at March 24, 2004 08:01 PM

caught it pretty good this morning - gotta have faith.

Posted by: banjo at March 24, 2004 10:24 PM

hmmmmmm......hey barney. a pic is worth a thousand words.

so you better hit the keyboard as you are still short....

or just post one of you going larger than shawn "godfather of soul" farmer.....

Posted by: tom at March 24, 2004 10:59 PM

barney, agreed farmer is a bit contrived. BUT so many are/where. he did throw down and unless your toppin his droppin, ssshhhh.

tom, i spent a some afternoons at baker riding chairs and slush with CK "back in the day" he remains the all time snow hero. i'm not as hip as the kids OG = Old guy?

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at March 25, 2004 08:18 AM

Please visit the pages about...

Posted by: at December 1, 2004 06:47 PM

2246 Very well said franz

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