nadda this morning. unless you like it rough, rugged and raw... and mini. After stretching and getting to bed early last night like a good little dawn-patroller I was up and amping a little after 6.. but.. something was amiss.. looking out my window it seemed that the trees were blowing and swaying in the wrong direction. hmm.. I went outside to check the flags on top of the firehouse and sure enough the wind was raging onshore. Walked to the corner and the sea-surface was hacked and white-capped and narsty. Called Lerm and he had already checked the beach and was in the process of getting back in bed for a little early morning nap. Soo.. that's what i did.. about a half-a-page of reading later i was snoozin' till 8am.
This was one of the first early-mornings in a long time where you probably couldn't really score quality waves anywhere within an hour's drive either direction. kinda depressing..
places i'd like to surf:
Andaman islands
British Columbia
random South Pacific atolls
Marcus Sanders recently went to Panama and sent out a few photos
Another scrubby dude i used to know way back when
Niceness regular.. don't fake the funk. (thanks Scott for the photo)
mavs left
John Kerry surf check
I got a call from my buddy lastnight to tell me that he got chased out of the water by THE TOOTH at Wawa Creek yesterday at noon.Travelers Beware.Peace.
Posted by: todular at March 30, 2004 10:26 AMthat'll clear the line up for a while.
Posted by: lerm at March 30, 2004 10:44 AMConvinced myself at 5:00 am that upon checking the winds (online) a squeaker session was possible.
However, after making the drive south across the GGB - winds were howling at OB. Oh well, took the dog for a nice walk instead.
Posted by: d looose at March 30, 2004 10:45 AMWad**** Creek is also located up current from white shark central, and there have been a number of incidents here.
Shark story number four: In the early '90s, Josh Mulcoy was paddling out at the north end of Wad**** Creek when he felt something weird underneath him. "I wasn't sure if it was some weird little reef glurge or something else," Mulcoy said. "I got out of the water just in time to see a big white shark cruising in the surf line. I watched it for a while. It even nudged a bird, which flew away. I've seen two other white sharks since then, but that one flipped me out a little bit. My dad [Harbor Bill] showed up a little later, and thought we were kidding. When he saw it, he thought it was two sharks. There was that much space between its front and back fins."
Posted by: at March 30, 2004 10:46 AMShark story number five: This past winter, a UCSC student named Jack Wolf was surfing the south end of Wad**** Creek with a friend when a white shark molested him. He wasn't attacked, he was molested -- thrashed around but not bitten
Posted by: at March 30, 2004 10:47 AMmy to do list,
Sri Lanka
West Africa
Posted by: mexisurf at March 30, 2004 10:49 AME, Zimbabwe isn't on the coast but there might be stand still waves on the Zambezi, but that is a gnarly river...
two random stories that have nothing to do with surfing but maybe someone will find amusing and get a little chuckle out of:
1) i had a dream last night i had a broken leg, my right leg to be exact. in the dream i came down funky playing basketball, landed straight and snapped it. anyways, all thru the nite whenever i'd shift positions i took precaution to make sure my leg was OK. finally about 6 am this morn' when i had to piss and was trying to find my crutches next to my bed did i realize it was a dream
2) i've never had chickenpox. i'm 27 now, my doc recommended getting the vaccine cuz the pox can F you up at this age. figured a'ight, why not. flash forward two weeks or so, noticing a few little bumps on my hands, and a few new ones since on my fingers. trippin' out here guys and gals.
anyways, rock on party people.
Posted by: j at March 30, 2004 10:50 AMthis wave is ridiculous
Posted by: bbr at March 30, 2004 10:56 AMmexisurf.. you're right.. i meant mozambique.. not zimbabwe.. heard it's sharky but empty and siiiiick!
j.. good luck with those bumps.. yo..
Posted by: e at March 30, 2004 10:59 AMjeez bbr.. is that your chili wave? fuckin' spicy chili sauce!!
Posted by: e at March 30, 2004 11:07 AMnah it's in europe... i'll let you guess where.
Posted by: bbr at March 30, 2004 11:24 AMHere we go again. Before I start, it honestly isn't my intention to upset the unruly masses or start another gazillion post day, but it seems like a disservice to any readers of the niceness board not to mention names like Wadell Creek if issues of safety are involved. I realize there probably isn't a soul reading who doesn't know the thinly veiled name, but I think when it comes to run ins with the landlord, taking the high road is best. I do not support line up crowd control through big fish feeding.
Posted by: nad at March 30, 2004 11:28 AMmexi,
Posted by: redworm at March 30, 2004 11:31 AMI was in Zanzibar three years ago, and tried in vain to find a wave up & down that east coast reef. Seems like Madagascar blocks the Indian Ocean juice.
mozambique would likely be pretty kickin'. didn't surf there (yet another of the ridiculous surf locs i travelled....before i surfed! d'oh!) but did do some diving and it was amazing. i did hear tales of the tooth there (Zambezis I think...sound pretty ferocious...check out but the only shark i encountered there was on the way back from an incredible reef dive in the Zodiac when we came across a whale shark. it was just chillin' out in the 30-foot deep, crystal-clear water leisurely making its way out of the bay. we (eight of us) put on our masks, snorkels, fins, and weightbelts, rolled over the side...and spent the next 30-minutes swimming with the shark. it was immense (like 25+ ft long and 7 or 8 ft wide) and was absolutely incredible! swimming along 15-ft under the water gently touching the sandpaper-like skin of this gentle giant and feeling his powerful muscles tense ever-so-slightly was likely the most incredible wildlife encounter i've ever had. truly awe-inspiring.
hmmm....anyone up for a trip! ; )
Posted by: ck at March 30, 2004 11:36 AMthe tooth is out there..
i believe the photo of the guy giving the finger is none-other-than BVB (Bad Vibe Bob).
Posted by: at March 30, 2004 11:39 AMOB: Solid, howling-in-your-face onshores . Grumpy whitewater and loosey goosey bumps all over ranging from nada to head tops on what I guess constitutes the outside. Looks like you could possibly find some silly, chunky drops n' such but where would you sit? Where? This is a question that has been plaguing me for 2 days. Drove south for late DP knowing it'd be TEENY but hoping for less wind - nope! Definition: utility sesh. I finally got 1 1/2... um..."rides" , so you see nothing is impossible. Been drizzly at the beach but the sun is about to pop out for a few minutes.
Surf Norway!
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at March 30, 2004 11:49 AMooops, Christian, i meant Angola...
Posted by: mexisurf at March 30, 2004 11:54 AMI have a travel question I hope some of ya could comment on. As we all know, the airlines rip surfers off by charging us loads just to put our boards on the plane. Usually they quote a price per board. Im flying with American to Peru soon. I understand they charge 80$ per board. My homie and I are stashing a total of 4 boards in my travel bag. On my last surf trip, I had 4 in there and said I only had 2. Now I want to push the envelope and say that I only have 1 and explain that the bag is so big cuz I have other gear in the bag. This leads to my question, has anyone ever tried to pull such a scam and gotten away with it or has anyone ever been requested to open up the board bag for inspection by the ticket counter person? (usually they make you pay then you cart the bag off to the oversize luggage area for loading)
Shark Story #6 - Rode the tide out past GG Bridge and the edge of the headlands in Ty's 28ft sailboat that he recently acquired and which we have been fixing up. First time past the bridge. The ride was soo much different as the swell was really noticable. Pacific white-sided dophins were playing behind and beside the boat. A few seals were popping their heads out of the water. On the way back in we noticed a triangle black/grey spochy fin stick out of the water about 30 ft from us. It wasen't moving around, just sitting there. Then it leaned over, tilting toward the water before disapperaring. I know its a lame story (it didn't jump on board the boat and try to steal our Pacifico's and guac dip), but Im stoked. First shark ive seen. Hopefully I don't see any this weekend Abalone diving up North (opening season is April 1).
Posted by: traut at March 30, 2004 11:55 AMRedworn, i heard that the outer reefs in Zanzibar go off in August during the Indian Monsoon season, along with some mainland spots.
Christian, I need your # Email me...
CK I need some more namibia tips..
Posted by: mexisurf at March 30, 2004 11:59 AMseems no one want's ('cept phil young) to compliment you on your pictures....this one is kinda nice too.
Posted by: tom at March 30, 2004 12:07 PMmaybe no one knows that the "scrub" is you ethan?
Posted by: tom at March 30, 2004 12:08 PMSpammer ficking pbase.commie who sent the photo in?
Gas me.
Uh huh yeah why I HATE THE BEACH: Reason #1, = my nemasis Jeseye Ventura Simon from L.A. ; Got there late yesterday in time to see him cutting some hapless soul off on a shitty Lawton left - .
Jeseye and Rag-in-off (Ragnar) -. E : you should interview one of those cranks for a sure to be unforgetable rant about how all the "local transplants" have taken over. Raganoff and I go way back. I out-surf him at the Fort - have to admit. His politics will stir the pot - then I can write back and start the " local" vs. "local transplant" war all over again.
Blakstah your "wave report" seems to conflict the NOAA ocean forecast. Bill Martin told me he finds you confusing.
I find all of this confusing.
MY FAVEsurfspots ever:
Morey's Point ( during rain is best)
San Gregorio (outsides)
Linda Mar (OF COURSE!!!!!!!)
Baker Beach lefts
Ventura River Mouth lefts
Makaha lefts
Kalihiwai lefts
Posted by: BVB at March 30, 2004 12:13 PMha ha.. thanks tom!
Posted by: e at March 30, 2004 12:14 PMI've posted my shark story before but here I go again. Montara 3 years ago, late August. 1 1/2 foot fin heading straight at me aprox. 15-30 ft. away. People on the bluffs who filmed it estimated it 15-18 ft. I surfed Shell Beach on Sunday, SO NICE! It was only waist-shoulder, but the conditions were perfect! Rode the old-school. I snapped a few pics, but my girlfriend has 'em. bbr, that wave is guh-narly! I purchase my ticket last night to oahu. I'm so excited!
Posted by: Ian at March 30, 2004 12:16 PMBVB, your classic. Keep 'em coming local style as you add flavor to the sometimes bland plate lunch we got going on here!
Personally, I favor Makaha as well but I can't understand why both of my eyes are all puffy/black&blue when I get out of the water... Hmm, any thoughts?
On the shark topic, as much as I hate talking about it, they are out there for sure! W-Creek might be a big "local" spot but I have heard just as many issues with some of the popular areas in San Mateo County. First hand account near an old Chart House restaurant. Sharks, irreversable ear-bone growth, locals, cold ass water... All reasons to not surf around these parts but we all still do.
Posted by: Kaiser at March 30, 2004 12:24 PMIs there such thing as a transplant local???
Posted by: mexisurf at March 30, 2004 12:31 PMyou got it e.....on shot # one i noticed your form was very good...bent knees directly under waist and shoulders....all aligned for ripping.
...the tracks in the wave looked deep.
mexisurf has talent behind the lens.
see ya...buoys are now showing...
Posted by: tom at March 30, 2004 12:32 PMyou got it e.....on shot # one i noticed your form was very good...bent knees directly under waist and shoulders....all aligned for ripping.
...the tracks in the wave looked deep.
mexisurf has talent behind the lens.
see ya...buoys are now showing...
Posted by: tom at March 30, 2004 12:32 PMTravel Tips: Pack surf bags full. Predictably, communication between AA employees is non existent. the Fed Security folks will open your bag, in your presence- they have no contact with Airlines.
Scope the check in counter for cheery/surfy/manipulatable AA agents. The fee you pay is so arbitrary that catching someone on a good day could pay off.
The "someday" list:
Posted by: steama at March 30, 2004 12:38 PMCanary Islands
Hey Nad, Point taken. Don't surf at Wadell Creek because there's a big fuckin shark there.Peace.
Posted by: todular at March 30, 2004 01:16 PMtodular, haha, that was classic.
true on E surfing, nice form man! Fun looking wave. I wonder what type of crazy words/stories ere going through your head right then. You always some trippy stuff to say, we're looking at a piece of history as e formulates a story to tell us later on that day.
Trip tip #2.. If you have a coffin bag and are taking a couple boards, just bubble wrap them together and say it's one boad. My friends and I are shooting to wrap 3 together in hopes they'll only charge for one.
I don't know if that'll work though.
Posted by: Ian at March 30, 2004 01:35 PMBob - Bill Martin is not a reader of my forecast - I met him last fall when he was surfing in front of my place. Even got him on video suiting up
As to my forecast and NOAAs - both are worth the price you pay. Crowd it in at the only game in town the next 3 days - the cove.
As to you outsurfing Ragnar at the fort, I'll believe you outsurf him the first time I see you on something other than a coffee table. You'd do better to try to compare yourself to the odd one and the lifeguard, but both of them are pretty good, too.
Jesse never dropped in on me, and I've surfed with him plenty. Look in the mirror and reap what you sow - how many people have you run down at the fort?
Any real OB local will go Saturday for the ceremony and help out an old man.
Enough rant, your turn to flame away, bob.
Posted by: blakestah at March 30, 2004 01:45 PMShark Story #7: About 2 years ago out by the old south windmill after work (I think it was mid to late summer). I spied a nice little 4 foot peak with no one on it, so I started paddling out on my 8'6". I was about halfway out when I noticed (in the wave coming at me) two or three dark silhouettes cruising through the wave at me. They were kind of small, so I just figured they were dolphins or sea lions. At the same time, I realized there was another guy from the nearest peak swinging over to try out the peak I was at...and he was about half way over. I paddled about another 20 yards or so, when I saw this triangular fin about another 15 yards off moving parallel to the shore. "Fuck!" By the time I saw this, the other guy was near and I quickly looked over to him to see if he was seeing the same shit I was...So I quickly said something like "did you see that?!" He responded in what I think was a thick French or European accent, and said something like " was just a dolphin." By the time I looked back, it was gone, so I never really got to see it surface or go under...So, that settled me down for a while, but then I got to thinking about it as I was floating around near my possible death..."if that dude's not from here, does he even know what the fuck a shark fin looks like?" Anyway, I sat out there for another 20 minutes or so and wasn't killed, but I was getting the eebee-geebees the whole time so I went in. The next day was a Saturday and I was getting ready to hit the waves again, but for some reason, I flipped through the channels and wound up on a shark special on PBS. Half was shot at the Faralon Islands, and I didn't think much about it until they showed the fin cruising above the surface. It was all raged in the back and grey with that very distinct shape. It was at that instant that I knew for a FACT that that is the exact same type of fin I saw...It was no dolphin.
Talking with people later, they suggested that I probably did see a couple sea lions cruising through the wave, and it was probably a shark following them around.
Posted by: Tait at March 30, 2004 02:07 PMblakestah - what ceremony? what old man? why doesn't anybody TELL me these things!?
Posted by: Jimmie at March 30, 2004 02:09 PMBTW, NOBODY outsurfs Todd at the fort.
Shark story number whatever. I'm checking the surf with a friend of mine a few weeks back and some peeps pull up. My friend informs me that one of the peeps is a serious, serious charger of knarly waves. Then he adds that he doesn't surf up north (anywhere near W-creek), since he actually got chomped by the tooth several years back. So much for six degrees of separation.
Nobody wants to surf Brazil?

Posted by: dano at March 30, 2004 02:21 PMIf marcus sandersis out there or if anybody has his contact info, please email me. i'm going to panama in july (hehe) and i'd love to get some first hand info. those pics are getting me stoked, especially because i'm pretty sure that's where i'm headed!!
thanks a bunch
Posted by: bobby at March 30, 2004 02:21 PMLong time lurker, first time poster.
Posted by: jonno at March 30, 2004 03:07 PMtravel tips:
i regularly cart more than one board around in a single bag, and have never had any problems with paying excess for only one. Keep a smile on the dial and be readily prepared to pay for the one, and you should have no problems. If they ask, volunteer you have "a surfboard". But, a mate of mine tried to strap two board bags together and get it counted as one, and they stung him for both. Go figure.
Traut, dunno where your headed in peru, the land of the long left. Punta hermosa has a ton of waves in a couple of miles of each other, but the real uncrowded juice is up north. Pacasmayo in the chicama region is a long, quality lefthander in a groovier town than chicama. its also a better wave, and breaks on less swell. If it gets real big you can head down to chicama. offshore all day there. Panic Point, though i didnt get there, is meant to be a worldclass lefthander, one that'll leave dead men in the weeds. There are instructions kicking around out there on how to find it. mancora is overrated primarily due to the crowds, warm water though. Enjoy
Check's in the mail, hope there are some shots of the crowd control gunner. Forgot to mention that they are all bone dry 1 Mb JPGs, a dip in 80 proof photoshop might perk them up, if nothing else a twist of color sat or pinch of contrast. If you're in the mix, please post a shot for the crew.
Posted by: Bruce at March 30, 2004 03:34 PMThanks Bruce you rule!
Posted by: mexisurf at March 30, 2004 03:58 PMFor anyone who spends much time surfing in SoCal, this is a killer poster:

Posted by: mwsf at March 30, 2004 04:04 PMfark

Posted by: e at March 30, 2004 05:04 PMpipe

Posted by: e at March 30, 2004 05:08 PM5:45 bump update:
a few of 'em seem to have grown, but it could be mental. do they itch? i can't tell if it's mental or not, almost like the phantom pains you hear of war vets getting in their missing limbs. my mind is going crazy, straight up 'tell tale heart' type shit going on.
anyways, something surf related. is it just me or are the days between when you put an order for a new board in and actually getting the finished product the longest EVER??
thump thump
thump thump
it's getting louder....
Posted by: j at March 30, 2004 05:47 PMEasy, j, it's just a couple bumps is all. They'll smoove out soon. Did you hit it hard, like really hard, this past weekend, by any chance? I recently (last week) wrastled my way through an all-time 2-day hangover wigg-out in a hotel room in Dusseldorf. Imagining the absolute worst that could have happened during that multi-hour a.m. blur in New Orleans etc. Get on the phone with a loved one and sleep with the TV on - that combo got me through.
Posted by: redworm at March 30, 2004 05:56 PMthe "6pmcontainedinacubemindwander" continues
Posted by: j at March 30, 2004 06:00 PMredworm - i hit it hard, but than i put her back on a plane to san diego, hAHAHAHHA, but no i know what you're saying and actually had a mellow weekend. maybe it's the fact i got so much sleep.
Posted by: j at March 30, 2004 06:04 PMthere's no cure for that. god help you.
Posted by: redworm at March 30, 2004 06:07 PMB-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-B-But:
Short board - long board - coffee table - airplane wing - W-H-A-T-E-V-E-R.
I thought to myself today '? Am I always going to be riding these fck ass big oversized boards?' After surfing here for 70 years plus I have learned that a bigger board gets more waves. I CAN ride a shorter board but my back can't handle; too much bend, arch and torque - no good...L7.
Here and in Hawaii I ride 7-6 / 7-11 / 8-0's mostly - real pointy point break boards for point break or perfect beach stuff. It's all about getting OUT there and tactically speaking DAVE, a bigger board helps me CAPITALIZE. SO VonBlakesthaller - ride your mini swizzler - fine - you won't hear me heckling YOU about it.
The Fort, as you know, is for experts.
More fave spots:
Pismo Pier
Gonzalez Point
Pfeifer rights
Posted by: BVB at March 30, 2004 06:40 PMHey I can tell it's spring. Windsurfing anyone? okay, shark story. Actually shark vibe story. Ab diving a shallow ledge, not finding anything, swim to the edge dropoff, now we're talking. Three slabs and I glance landward. Posse of seals, hauled out maybe 50 feet away, just looking at me. Those guys always bail. Get Major gunbarrel vibe. Finished up quickly and shallow. Read in the paper GW sighted at spot same day. Lesson - trust your vibes, bad or otherwise. Somepin tells me with the pinniped explosion the landlord will be there too. Most of 'em seem to know the difference between alltime lame seals and real ones or we'd have nicknames like stumpy and lefty (sorry bad joke). The point reyes bird observatory shark expert reported that when killer whales ate a great white at the farallones, every shark in the area left within hours and didn't return for months. What did they smell, and where can I get some? I also hear the shock boxes don't work on all sharks, not that you can buy them in the US anyway. Here's hoping for...friday???
Posted by: banjo at March 30, 2004 07:12 PMyou sound like all older non-shortboarders. I asked Bob Miller if he could ride a shortboard. He said "I can ride anything." Then I offered him the 6'8", and he clarified.
"My shortboard is a 7'0". "
I think there is more of an age turning point. People my age hit their surfing primes in the late 80s, and if you were not on a shortboard then, you were lost. We're all still on shortboards. But look 10 years older, and it is all 8 foot plus. The shortboard revolution came around after you hit your prime.
It'll be interesting to see what superman and e and lerm do in another decade - these days there is so little pressure to be on any type of board - it is kinda hard to fathom the lineup disgrace if you showed up on a 7 foot board in 88.
Posted by: blakestah at March 30, 2004 07:31 PMTraveled amaerican air to puerto rico w/ a 9' coffin with my girlfriend's longboard, my feather fastback (incredible board!), my 6'6" & a mini gun just in case (skunked there). $80. don't ask, don't tell.
Posted by: goodmorning at March 30, 2004 08:03 PMRighteo and to the point. There was this guy DAVESTER, in the '80s, (think Tommy Curren think Young BV) that used to ride a gun at Rincon, Indicator's - woops, that's not a surf spot - - for years and years the same angry shitty car driving local frazzled long haired snaggletoothed blonde guy from Ventura riding the same old 8-0 gun.
In that day I rodum a 5-8, and then kinda got a nearly a clue and then stuck mostly to squashy 6-8"-10inchers's - Then I GUESS 150 years went by and I GOT OLDER and started schralping on larger boards. DUDE: I AM IN MY PRIME RIGHT NOW. Wanna see?!!!!!
What exactly is your issue? Penis or board envy?
Um - let's see; thought bubbles: sharks, low tide, the swizzle, hair on fire? THE WIFE!
Gotta run.
Posted by: BVB at March 30, 2004 08:04 PMBVB - why do you hate blakestah so much?
blakestah - why do you hate old guys on longer boards so much?
why do I give a shit one way, or the other?
He who keeps his sense of humor wins.
Posted by: Jimmie at March 30, 2004 09:13 PMBefore anyone else gets the wrong idea - BVB and I are just joshin to get through a windblown day - at least I am, and I'm pretty sure he is. I'm pretty cool with just about anyone in the lineup.
Peace, love, and understanding, maybe we'll surf on Friday.
Posted by: blakestah at March 30, 2004 09:22 PMJust saw the weather report on tv - gusty winds tomorrow turning offshore on thursday and friday.
Posted by: caveman at March 30, 2004 10:00 PMSuperhero here, gotta love the chatter from all you windblown fuckers today.
Looking forward to dunking my head on Friday at least. This freakin wind sucks ass for sure. Weekend looking steller for weather. Swell might be a different story but I will leave that the Blakestah.
In regards to what Lerm, E and I will be riding in 10 years, well, E will be riding a brown turd as usual, Lerm will be riding something Fishy and I will be riding a lawnmover. But my little superhero kids will be pissin' on your tires and towing in on their 4'8'' Coffey Tow Boards.
Posted by: Kaiser at March 30, 2004 10:05 PMI body surfed Graaaaaaaaaaaaw l beach today . Not a large toothed gray suit in sight:) this is my first post on this sight , how might I put a pic up? This is the most reliable and cool surf sight on the net, fo real, niceness
Posted by: rob-dizzle at March 30, 2004 11:12 PMfuck school. I'm over it.
Posted by: Ian at March 31, 2004 01:08 AMHey BVB,
I read your interview. You were not born and raised here. Get the f_ out. Back to LA.
Posted by: BVR at March 31, 2004 08:16 AMUh ohh, there goes the neighborhood. ;)
blakestah - just friendly joshin'? y'sure?
Dave and I are kidding around - there is a fine line here ...seems...;
laid? age? youth? and frustration vs. older confident stud.
No hate MAN. Just friendly banter back and forth -- you can find out a lot about people in their writing...
I have very thick skin if you havn't noticed.
DaveB is cool. Jeseye and I go back with the art thing - did you know he's an amazing conceptual artist?
I never did get to show his work in a formal museum show; we had a show I'd been themeing for a year scheduled up at Sonoma County Museum for October and it got yanked at the last minute because the board up there thought surfing and art was a frivolous mix given their mission statement.
Thing is I agreed with them but wasn't all that happy about the cancellation - got paid a bit for my time but artists like Jessie suffer the lack of exposure. I'm not talking " Surf Art" we're talkin' contemprorary high brow art.
No beefs unless face to face.
Prison Point XXL
Posted by: BVB at March 31, 2004 10:44 AMIn your free time, visit the sites about...
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