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thicker, burly, fun.

Arose early in preparation for probable driving for surf. Instead ended up 6 blocks from my house. Crisp offshore flow barely tickled the back of my neck. Disheveled, thick, munching, overhead nasties rose and thwumped on the outer bars. It didn't look obviously doable from the lot, but there were slight lulls between detonating sets and the surface seemed to be borderline glassy even. Knowing how dismal conditions would most likely be south of the city?? i opted to just jump in and "see what happens." Nobody out as i started paddling.. but.. then out of nowhere farking speed-demon Lewis blew right by me. Before i knew it he had barely squeaked under an approaching set just as the first wave exploded right in my face.. I tried to duckdive but my board got ripped from my hands.. Just as i surfaced i see Lewis take off on a sizeable, chunky left.. he flies by and then the wave just crushes me. I think i could actually hear the wave giggling as it reared up to annihilate my insignificant measly little human arse. This occured after about 10 minutes of paddling-out and maybe 20 duckdives so the ice-cream headache was throbbing and forcing me to just float and hold my head with my hands in a vain attempt to warm up... Shit.. i considered for one moment just calling it a sesh and paddling in.. but.. I let the lesson in humility wash over and just hopped back on my board and continued paddling and duck-diving.. grimacing through the ice-cream headaches.. fark... but.. finally i'm out and the session is on. End up catching about 9 or 10 solid, racy waves. Didn't have perfect balance for a few so kinda kooked on some sections with a high-potential for rippage. I found my way into the mouth-of-the-barrel on a few rights. Steep, ledgy drops that opened into some smooth, conical, quarter-pipe-like play-zones. Lots of waves. constant waves.

soo.. the SF buoy is actually down to 7ft 7seconds.. but.. conditions felt bigger than that, for sure. The winds are still light.. 4mph out of the west. It's probably still on for all y'all 10am heads. Who knows what will happen later with the low tide. With this nice windswell with lots of waves north santa cruz county might be enjoyable. Even if it's crowded, as long as there are loads of waves for eveybody.. everybody's happy.

for all the Serena Brooke fans



keala - charging

Rick Kane modern style


Good on ya for not calling it a session. Know the feeling of paddling out in "questionable" conditions and then getting slapped around by OB. Nice you to hear you scored some.

Posted by: d looose at April 1, 2004 10:39 AM

Ditto, e. Way to persevere. Cool pics. If I get a wavepool in my backyard, can I claim local status THERE? Probably not - my kid'll just kick my ass and send me in to the porch.

Posted by: Jimmie at April 1, 2004 10:49 AM

I bought the Litmus DVD last night. Pretty darn good video. Some stylin' old-school surfers for sure. However, the color and clarity of the DVD leaves much to be desired (which is a total shame). Some of the shots really let you know how heavy some of the waves are that they are surfing... unlike a lot of newer videos which makes it seem like a cakewalk with such perfect conditions in every shot.

Posted by: dano at April 1, 2004 10:53 AM

e, how about that sea-lion?

Posted by: bird at April 1, 2004 10:54 AM

oh yeah.. we saw this huge sea lion snarling and eating this big salmon? about 10 ft from where we were sitting.. maybe closer. the sea-lion was basically floating on the surface, chomping on this fish. he/she? kept dropping it and then swimming down and grabbing it again, then shaking it around in it's mouth. At one point he actually shook the fish above water and all these little fish bits went flying all around us. the birds descended and were picking up the little bits. Food chain in mutha-fuckin' effect! it was thrilling to watch but i was paddling the other way, quickly.

Posted by: e at April 1, 2004 10:59 AM

only got out for 45 mins this morning, but it was worth it for left that ended my session - 2 turns, then a cutback into the foam and a quick transition to a bellyride all the way in.

the beach was looking like a desert this morning, tiny wind-scalloped undulations running from the wall to the water.

no one was out at midbeach at 7am, seemed to be peeling nicely, though chunkier than vfws. hope the winds hold off as the tide drops, could get really nice out there today. hard to believe it's april 1st - happiness to all you surfing fools.

Pronunciation: 'fül
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old French fol, from Late Latin follis, from Latin, bellows, bag; akin to Old High German bolla blister, balg bag -- more at BELLY
1 : a person lacking in judgment or prudence
2 a : a retainer formerly kept in great households to provide casual entertainment and commonly dressed in motley with cap, bells, and bauble b : one who is victimized or made to appear foolish : DUPE
3 a : a harmlessly deranged person or one lacking in common powers of understanding b : one with a marked propensity or fondness for something
4 : a cold dessert of pureed fruit mixed with whipped cream or custard

Posted by: loon at April 1, 2004 11:00 AM

i also finally met Bruce today! he was taking photos with his big zoom lense in his business suit. commitment. good to finally meet ya bruce!

Posted by: e at April 1, 2004 11:04 AM

one with a marked propensity or fondness for surfing (see 3b above)

Posted by: surfing fool at April 1, 2004 11:06 AM

BVB and Pimpin EG
Locals rant "those days are gone"
Tranny's say the locals are wrong

I will continue to surf where I want. At the peak making that drop
Could care less who owns what. Mother ocean rules my lot.

Turn back the clock, wish I could. Back to the 50's with my coffey quiver and 4/3 with hood.

bvb, what's up with that post yesterday. c'mon, i thought you knew better. sure that spot is "over" but it makes no sense to give it away does it? trust me thier are lurkers on this site that don't know all the goods. few spots remain as you and I know them. gaining access to spots like that used to be a right of passage. instead of a day trip in the SUV with a gang of funboarding newbs. preserve what you love, share with those you love, love those who share. keep it real bvb. stay selfish.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 1, 2004 11:07 AM


ok, april fools, i'm not.

ugh, sea lion chumming the waters, that's the worst. i was at the klamath rivermouth a few years back and the water was red from salmon being chomped as they made their migration back to the homeland. opted out of surfing, but pretty insane to witness.

Posted by: j at April 1, 2004 11:07 AM

uhh...why do some people not wash their hands after taking a shit? so i'm in the stall at work doing my biz. dude in the stall next to me is doing his biz but with more pizazz, more oomph, a few more dBs, a lot more splashes, stank galore. i mean, i couldn't recreate this in my worst post-night after beers, nachos, chicken wings and a mocha the next morning trips to the crapper. anyways, i finish, in the process of washing my hands, dude proceeds to leave his stall and walk out the bathroom w/o washing his hands!! i know for a fact he just became a father so you'd think he'd be concerned about germs.

mental note: don't use the little straws in the coffee room, cuz you never know who's been touchin' 'em.

ok, sorry, random post, but i'm sure someone out there can identify.

Posted by: j at April 1, 2004 11:19 AM

Straws... Fucking too funny.

Posted by: Kaiser at April 1, 2004 11:21 AM

Help me FIND THE WAY again.

Posted by: BVB at April 1, 2004 11:23 AM

OB: Mushy or steep wavelettes that push the whitewater straight down...steeply mushy, if that makes sense. Sunny but wind has turned around, onshores increasing slowly but steadily and definitely starting to fark things around. Shoulder highs predominant, steady peaks not readily detectible but earlier a couple of peeps were ripping it up - quick drops, floaters, zippy snaps. No one in right now, fickle bumpy waves lumping up closer together as the breeze increases. Hurry. If you surf today sooner might be better than later.

Attention fisherfolks: the season for human females has begun. One lucky sportsman ensnared an adult speciman at OB secret fishing spot this morning. I'm not sure what the quota is, but keep in mind it's still catch and release methods only. Hey, the guy was REALLY far north of me, how was I supposed to know his line was 5000 meters long? He was cool , I had a laugh, we went our own way. No skinning or gutting or being roasted in butter and garlic for me.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at April 1, 2004 11:24 AM

Anyone have naked pics of Serena?
I have some of Keala to trade.
Fort point is closed today. Back to Code Red overnight without warning.

?///// ??????????????????

Posted by: BVB at April 1, 2004 11:25 AM

OMG, J... that cracks me up. Perhaps you should slap a Post-It note on the dude's back... something like "unclean" or "doesn't wash after doing his business" or "don't shake my hand, 'cause you don't know where it's been."

Posted by: dano at April 1, 2004 11:36 AM

What a great wedgy contest...

Posted by: dano at April 1, 2004 11:43 AM

OB: Boom. Onshores just powered up.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at April 1, 2004 11:43 AM

Ethan- good meeting you, as well. Pleased to know that all that positive life energy and nicEness is just as obvious in person. We need to find a way to tap that karma and sprinkle it over every line-up in NorCal.

Looking forward to dumping the pics to the laptop this evening. I got a few of you and Lewis ripping. I also think I got a couple cool ones of you doing the weightless vertical ejection routine towing the brown rocket behind you.

Hey, it's all fun, isn't it?

Posted by: Bruce at April 1, 2004 11:44 AM

Dano, you are "outposting" me for sure these days. I love it...

Posted by: Kaiser at April 1, 2004 11:49 AM

I had to step my game up...

Posted by: Kaiser at April 1, 2004 11:56 AM

Bruce, thanks for the Cd, nothing of me on there but some nice pics. i thought about shooting when I got out of the water but headed up the coast a little to surf again . There are some nice images on there, really crisp and tight, I actually saw some that I liked muched better than the ones you posted. It's funny I had sent some images of Diana mattison to a mag and they were rejected, Diana came over and looked through some that I didn't send and suggested I send them in. Sure enough they were published. We often don't see how killer a shot is until someone points it out. Anyhow i thought of touching some up for you but I'm off to China and I'm pretty busy getting stuff done. Take it easy niceness folks waves should start firing tomorrow afternoon when I get on the plane.

Posted by: mexisurf at April 1, 2004 12:13 PM

use your expeirence to advantage. "break through knowledge into simplicity" - miyamoto musashi

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 1, 2004 12:30 PM

3to5.. nice flow above.

the landlord lurks but don't mind me
just looking for pits, not tryin' to hastle
Lindy's the bomb, a true wave-riding castle.

... or something..

Posted by: e at April 1, 2004 12:42 PM

the terror alert is yellow, not orange, and it has not changed since yesterday.

Even at orange, surfing Fort Point is not closed. Just land access is closed. The water is Coast Guard jurisdiction. You can legally access the coastline at the far side of the pier.

The Mexican standoff continues...no resin for the resinheads unless bills are paid...the end of the glasser as we know it...where's my board.

Tomorrow morning....it's on.

Posted by: blakestah at April 1, 2004 12:46 PM

show pix of guys asses... why is it you always make the woman the object? Change is good... Can't women surf good without having to show their body? Is'nt this the site with good vibes... I hate it when I see or hear comments about show this or that.... or is that just BVB and his overall personality... any one been out to lindy?

Posted by: girlsrule at April 1, 2004 12:56 PM

girlsrule - appreciate the words.. but.. didn't you see all the pics of ladies ripping and getting barrelled at the top??

Posted by: e at April 1, 2004 12:59 PM

great shot of Serena with the hard nips pokin' through the rash gaurd. keep 'em comin'.

keep pimpin'


Posted by: EG Pimp at April 1, 2004 01:08 PM

oh, pimp. pimp pimp pimp. it's sort of sad buddy, feeling for you right now.

Posted by: ben at April 1, 2004 01:20 PM

egp - your little nips would be pokin' through too.... did you forget? have a great day - go get some

Posted by: dogmeat at April 1, 2004 01:25 PM

Dude, I was KIDDING...me sexist?, never...

Geewhiz - Ok ok I'll stop being ME.

Do you really want to see a mens assessesss on this website?
Not me.
I know I know - Code Orange and we're locked out. April fools.
Chili say's: NO RED BOARDS.
Apologies for exposing Fuller's - it's just that I had THE worst experience of my surfing life on that beach and the so called "locals" deserve the exposure; surfing lots of waves for two days and then on the third day I walk alittle to closely past the guy's under the palapa and I hear a voice, ' What ?!- three days in a row DUUUDDDDDEEEEE?!' (epic south BTW);
I did not dare turn around; waited an hour and then paddled out from the north end. I could not experience a good wave for all the banter hurled at me and others. GOD IT SUCKED.I Paddled in and sulked hard. My wife was all bummed out...she'll never understand why surfing is so mentally complex.
When I got to the top of the ridge later in the day I wanted to drive my car into the other cars and push them over the edge.
Next morning I'm having breakfast at Fernwood with my wife and the waiter is one of the kids that was talking shit behind the bigger locals.
"HoW'S fUCKELERS' i AsK - He glaers at me waiting to take my order. I wanted to kill him.

What a tense morning that was. Havnt' been back to Fukler's since.

Sheeeeeeitttttttt 1:30 and howling...

Posted by: BVB at April 1, 2004 01:26 PM

Rockaway at noon. Fun, very dumpy shifty choppy. a lot of dumping nugs. surf, nap, THEN work. Always follow that order ;)

Posted by: Ian at April 1, 2004 01:50 PM

Just a little friendly advice for all those pimps out there.Clearisil Pads.No problem just follow the directions and those nasty pimps are gone! peace

Posted by: todular at April 1, 2004 02:04 PM

bvb, when I went up to fort point some asshole on a red board much too big for him ran me into the rocks and laughed about it

so when i see you complaining about verbal harassment at my break, well, what goes around comes around

we have your picture, it is posted on the trail. come back and say hi sometime

Posted by: Fullers local at April 1, 2004 02:13 PM

f*****s is such a dichotomy. the beauty of the environment and the attitude of the "locals". ends of a continuim? i've had my share at the place. On my 3rd visit ever we scored glassy OH to ourselves. walking up in the afternoon we encounter some locs coming down. they don't say a word. at the top my car, all 4 tires flatted, fckrs even loosened lug nuts. had a pump in the trunk. we flatted their tires, pissed on door handles and waxed their front window to the point of lumps.
aaaahhhh the old days.........

E, a niceness collaboration, let it flow brothers.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 1, 2004 02:26 PM

Speaking of Big Sur spots...

Years back, an old friend from Oregon and I were driving down that neck of the coast and saw a bunch of cars parked.

He says somthing like, "Gotta be a break around here somewhere."

We stop, we walk to the edge, we look down.

10 or so surfers out, lumps moving in from outside clean up through the kelp, and smooth lefts peel with riders ahead of the white.

We thinking about paddling out but don't due to long lulls between sets and wondering how our Oregon plates would be received.

Heck, they never seemed to be well received at spots in Oregon.

Anyway, we had no idea of the name of the spot, but found it all the same. (Years later, I found out the name of that place from a guy who grew up back east.)

Heck, that is how I found 99% of new spots when I moved here, if I couldn't see them from the road in the first place. California has roads pretty much everywhere on its coast line and even then, the are cars parked where there are spots. So I'd say it is hard to find a hidden nook anywhere I'd guess south of the GG Bridge.

And well, so what?

I'm just saying the secret spots are far less secret than people think.

Posted by: Mr Doof at April 1, 2004 03:07 PM

Good God. I took off from work early yesterday, drove. Met my friend that lives in a van with his dog and surfboards. Post rende-vouz we loaded up and continued to drive. Slept like 3 hours and drove some more. Got up at the crack and hiked. Put in just before 7am. Can you say "amazing", it was so FREAKING GOOD! You could see the bottom, the fish, the kelp. Rippable and a occasional barrel that would make you cry in pain or happiness, depending on if you made the corner. Camera, dropped on a rock. Exposed the film. Though I guess it's better that way. Post surf eats and hike to the car. Back on the road stop for coffee and a niceness update at the cafe.

As for secret spots. I still believe. Guess all you want. Secrets are meant to be secret.

As for locals. WTF. Are surfers really that shallow. Everyone who claims anything is obviously lacking something. Anyone who claims is lacking respect of some sort. Be it for themselves or others.

Anyone who stays in the same place for too long is going to get a bit grumpy. Things change. Thats the nature of life.

Fullers Local. BS. Last time i checked there were no ethernet ports up on the road. Just some jaded hippie trying to sell speed. Fullers local should take a trip and expand his horizons at V-land, NagsHead, Maine.

If you can google search a "spot" and get directions. It ain't no secret.

Unfortunately the Karma Police don't regulate in places where we see it. You bring it on yourself. Maybe you won't get vibed at someone elses spot, but you might get dumped by the girl of your dreams, bank forcloses, etc.

I'm not going to laugh when it happens, to you or me.

As for local, look at e & blakestah, didn't grow up here, but contribute positively each day to our little community. so by my book (bizarre as it may be) they are more local than some crumugen that is drunk and pissed off that there are lots of trannies (not implying anyone in particular, just a gross generalization to try and make my point).

Ok, thats my rant for the day.

And the waves we scored this morning..... yup. yup.

Posted by: elias at April 1, 2004 03:47 PM

I own every freaking spot on the coast forever. Take care of me and I will take care of you.

Posted by: Ocean Mother at April 1, 2004 04:05 PM

elias. nice score. solid rant. amen, brother.

Posted by: ck at April 1, 2004 04:11 PM

superman came down to me,
he said you rock so naturally
I said "now that you've learned the deal
let me tell you why i'm so for real
I'm cosmo dee from outer space
i came to rock the human race
i do it right cause i can't do it wrong
that's why the whole world is singin' this song"

Jam on it
Jam on it
Jam jam j-j-j-j-jam on it

wicky wicky wicky wicky

Posted by: e at April 1, 2004 04:39 PM

Superman is a stud...

Posted by: Kaiser at April 1, 2004 05:05 PM

To Girlsrule, I mean no offense to anyone with the posting of the female body here. It has become a sort of tradition here so apologies.

As for guys butts, you get to see a good amount of them at the beach. It is just part of the trade offs in surfing. I would seriously question many of the guys that convene on E's site here should we not be in appriciation of the female subject.

Oh yeah, and sorry EGPimp, I refuse to post 14 year olds! Sorry...

Posted by: Kaiser at April 1, 2004 05:15 PM

Sorry - if;

Musta been outacntrl on my found 8-3 extra wide with a squash Cntry srfbrd - never would I dElibEratlEy TRY run someone over. Never.

U-turn into THE ROCKS? Wow - would have saved you anyway... oh wait I remember - you: white helmet; decided to dig in on the inside and go RIGHT and you did and you ate it so I WENT.

On tuesday afternoon at Toxic Point - saw some guy from Spain as it turns out - dragging his brand new wing ding shortboard surfboard up the rocks by the leash as he tried to scurry up the wall - I watched him from afar try to land the middle south wall in a rising tide - jesus.

Fkler's can be cool - did an amatuer porn flick there once. NO waves though - plenty of sex that long ass hot day. Ended up at the All- You Can Eat BBQ at Riverside for tall drinks and a little ltr vry late night low brow swinging; no more but that's the past and who has the time here to reflct.
The entire mid coast is still pristine. Was down there hangin' at othr spts that last heat wave. This winter too riding the upper river on the board, through the X BOWS - down the shoots through the reeds and overhanging trees, -- flying down the river to be let out at the cove and right into the waves. Amazing.
E and Blakestah and this whole deal are a good forum - Something these blockheads up here need. This is only the begining.

Ride On.

Posted by: BVB at April 1, 2004 05:15 PM

Kaiser - wait a sec. Can't figure out if you are calling me a pedophile or pre pub teen. I'm neither. Just a guy who love pussy and the Jet. Meet me at the pipe for a bong hit.

Keep pimpin'


Posted by: EG Pimp at April 1, 2004 05:51 PM

el granada must be a great town.

Posted by: elias at April 1, 2004 06:50 PM

Posted by: at April 1, 2004 07:14 PM

El Granada is a great f'ckin town and I''ll kick your f'ckin ass if I ever see you there.

Unless you want to buy some crystal.


Posted by: EG Pimp at April 1, 2004 07:18 PM

Anyone seen 2 spots that get heavy along devil's slide? I saw one wave breaking today perfect shape. Too bad after it breaks right into a cliff.

Posted by: Ian at April 1, 2004 07:30 PM

Is bulldog the bigger guy that rides the bright fish? If that's him, he and two other good guys were in the chop slop bumpn dump at rockaway today. they were surfing really well for how crap the waves were.

Posted by: Ian at April 1, 2004 07:33 PM

"El Granada is a great f'ckin town and I''ll kick your f'ckin ass if I ever see you there.
Unless you want to buy some crystal.

don't know who the hell is posin' but that aint me. but you must know me. Crystal is one of my best bitches. Hard worker. Great attitude.

keep pimpin'

Posted by: EG Pimp at April 1, 2004 07:55 PM

so now the twisted freak nature starts coming out. I dunno if I can take a whole summer of this. One suggestion - try to keep the local smack third person and on other breaks, personal attacks seem to drag the niceness vibe down. Thank god for democratic OB waves, which has pretty much been the case for the quarter century+ I've been in the water here. No charred bodies hanging from bridges as the latest HATE trophy. Earn it, share it, cherish it. And hope the norths don't kill it!

Posted by: banjo at April 1, 2004 08:43 PM

That dude is way scary - you know I'm paddling the other way even though epic Surfer's Beach, USA el granada is goin' off ! SHHHHHHHHH - swest 10-12@15.
LIKE FULUDJA WAS NOT NICE AND NOW HITLR VON BUSH IS WHERE AND SADDHAM NEWS TODAY BUT WAIT WOMENS BE HANGIN FROM HE BRIDGE ON THE PASSAGE OF THE "LACI BILL" trial pending. No matte.r And our troops and HOME? Let's say a prayer's for America chaps. Stay real LOW. FILLER UP on the downside and God Bless America.

Home of the free, land of the brave - may justice and freedom prevail for all...

Oh sheeeiiiiiiiiit sorry. Wasted... right, Devils' Slide: US AT YOUR OWN RISK.


Broken Neck

Posted by: BVB at April 1, 2004 08:44 PM

Fuck Bush...... just thoughht I'd throw that in there since the vibe went bad today

Posted by: mexisurf at April 1, 2004 09:25 PM

haha.. broken neck. mexisurf: agreed.

Posted by: Ian at April 1, 2004 09:43 PM

everyone enjoy an early. it's good to be ocean bound. there's a bountiful life to be had.

Posted by: ben at April 1, 2004 10:30 PM

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