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narsty.. blowy.. but??

good morning.
Onshores blew all night, bringing some ruckus and general dishevelment out there. I didn't actually check it this morning but i saw the ocean surface from 4 blocks away and it didn't look great, though it didn't look abysmally horrible either. With a positive outlook and some deep-seeded surf-jones you might score a session somewhere?

This weekend ushered in some playful, well-shaped oceanic undulations. Surfed OB early saturday morning and had a good time with the Lerm in some bigger, racy, performance waves.. then i drove down to Montara in the afternoon for a hike and noticed with bemused pleasure glassy, welcoming waves along Devil's slide. A gaggle of wave-riders worked the right-breaking peak at the north end of the ol' nude beach. Looked fun. We then hiked up Montara mountain (this time i didn't notice any faces in the rocks or communicative swarms of gnats) and got to see the aireal perspective of Linda Mar from way up high. cool.

Soo.. then yesterday ended up a total P-town day for me. North end of lindy with the entire population of bay-area surfers (maybe 150 people out at Linda Mar Sunday morning?).. good waves though. long rides on a few distinct peaks. I got blatently dropped in on during a sweet left and the guy refused to kick out even after i gave him a few friendly "woo woos" (bruce actually caught the transgression on film.. soo.. if you know the guy be sure to give him a hard time!) I don't want to make fun of anyone's surfing style but i've never seen anyone pump more aggressively than this guy.. he was a fairly decent surfer.. but.. he would exagerate his pumps and maneuvers to such a degree that it was a bit perplexing and weird looking. tossin' pizzas or something.

ANYway.. enough of being critical.. god knows my own surfing suffers horribly from kookiness and unbalanced stylings.. soo.. then after an early afternoon of jamming, skating, chilling, lunching.. it felt time for another surf.. so i cruised back to P-town and hit "the rock". just a few of us milking the squirty, sometimes-lined-up rights amidst the cacophony of mucked choppiness. Nice not to have to duckdive. Ended up catching maybe 10 or 15 quick rides.. nothing fantastic but a momentary clean face on almost all of 'em as the waves sucked up on a shallow sandbar and cleaned themselves up as they broke. can't complain. Pretty windy out there but i've found that wearing earplugs makes you less sensitive to the vagaries of annoyingly blustery wind.

sweet.. hope y'all scored some juice this weekend. any stories?

Bruce pics from friday at Ocean Beach, SF (surfhumor.com)




random action shots of a niceness fan (also shot by Bruce)
tryin' to get it going

milkin' it

drop in

Oops, quick trigger there.

Damn, seems like I always miss the fun-filled weekends surfing with my 300 close friends at Da Mar!

I ventured south this weekend as I was celebrating someones 30th B-Day (not mine yet!). After rolling out of SF around 7:00 on Sat. morn, we headed down the coast. To my surprise, as I passed the famous HMB Jetty, you know, that legendary wedge which chucks perfect right barrels time and time again? Well, it looked like CSI Bay Area this morning. Bullet casing everywhere, a large pool of blood, yellow "crime scene" tape all over the place, cars stuck in the lot... WTF? Anyone got anything on this? HMB Grommet or whatever your name is, you got anything? Maybe some Friday night/early Saturday morning shit went down in the lot and things got out of control. Maybe another Daly City gang payback. Whatever it was, we need to get this shit away from our tranquil environment for sure. Stolen cars, gun shots, killings, fights, 40 oz filthe, all within range of our lineups.

Ok, as for the surf, got 2 sessions down in SC at 38th/Jack's. Nothing special in terms of waves as the swell was pretty small. But the 30 yr old kook got her first waves in NorCal and that was cool. Thanks Dano for loaning us some PP space this weekend.

Bruce, once again, some nice pics of the weekend. Yuski (sp?, otherwise known as LHAGWMV) and Mark are always out there. Good guys, great vibes. I don't know how I always miss your lens? One day...

Posted by: Kaiser at April 5, 2004 09:53 AM

BTW, Rip Curl Pro @ Bells starts tomorrow. Looks like Slates is in good form once again...

Posted by: Kaiser at April 5, 2004 09:58 AM

Non-violence means dialogue, using our language, the human language. Dialogue means compromise; respecting each other’s rights; in the spirit of reconciliation there is a real solution to conflict and disagreement. There is no hundred percent winner, no hundred percent loser—not that way but half-and-half. That is the practical way, the only way.

-His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Posted by: Dalai Lama at April 5, 2004 10:01 AM

Have we not come to such an impasse in the modern world that we must love our enemies – or else? The chain reaction of evil – hate begetting hate, wars producing more wars – must be broken, or else we shall be plunged into the dark abyss of annihilation.

– Martin Luther King Jr.

Posted by: MLK at April 5, 2004 10:08 AM

An 18-year-old Redwood City man was shot and killed following an argument at a Half Moon Bay beach early Saturday, the first homicide in the city since 1997.

Police on Saturday detained six adults for questioning in the shooting death of Carlos Patino.

Police Cmdr. Lon Waxstein said Patino was at Surfer's Beach on the northern edge of Half Moon Bay at 1:30 a.m. Saturday when he and his friends got into an argument with another group. The argument escalated to thrown bottles and eventually one suspect from the other group pulled out a firearm and began shooting, he said.

Patino died at 2:20 a.m. at Seton Medical Center Coastside in Moss Beach. Another man was treated at San Mateo Medical Center for a gunshot wound and later released.

Pacifica police, responding to an alert issued by Half Moon Bay police, stopped a white van that matched the description of the suspects' vehicle a short time after the shooting. Three men and three women were detained and were being interviewed Saturday.

Waxstein said police are confident one of the detained suspects was the shooter in the killing. He said investigators have not found the murder weapon.

Posted by: lerm at April 5, 2004 10:14 AM

I also headed south this weekend after catching a pretty nice Sat. sesh at OB. On my way back from SC, I notice a beautiful barrelling right going unsurfed. Have any of you guys surfed Pompano? I paddelled out all alone. Not even a soul on the beach. Under gloomy skies, I was seriously getting the heebee geebees out there. The anxiety got so thick, I only caught a few waves and went in. Sitting on the beach, I couldn't believe I wasn't out there...Does this happen to everyone, or am I just a little too paranoid of the landlord?

Oh, here is a link about the shooting down at HMB. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/chronicle/archive/2004/04/04/BAGQT60FTC1.DTL

Posted by: obsurfer at April 5, 2004 10:18 AM

Lerm, good work! This shit is getting out of control. When are one of of us or some other innocent person going to be of an "accident" of this nature?

Posted by: Kaiser at April 5, 2004 10:21 AM

saturday crack of dawn. somewhere south of the last stoplight in town, a reef was offering up some early season south nuggets. kinda crossed up from windswell but fun for april.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 5, 2004 10:22 AM

obsurfer - there is not really any surf between HMB and Santa Cruz county. It is like a surfing wasteland. Musta been a fluke. Next time just keep on driving....

Or at least keep your mouth shut.

Posted by: blakestah at April 5, 2004 10:28 AM

It's true. It was murder at the Jetty lot about 2am Saturday. HMB review will have it covered for sure in this week's issue. From what I hear it was gang related. One gang was wearing colors. The other wasn't. Six shots fired and one dead. Many in custody. They were partying in the lot and in the spot on the other side of the jetty wall. Pretty sad and scary. Especially for those of us here with kids. Yeah, that's right, the pimp is a daddy.

keep pimpin'

Posted by: EP Pimp at April 5, 2004 10:29 AM

YO NICENESS! gloomy weather today, but stayin lighter later! And for any indie-folk rock fans/Modest Mouse fans they're droppin their new album tomorrow. I've heard a few songs and it's pretty damn cool. It's called "Good News for People who like Bad News" Anyway, somethin to keep everyone at work busy. Enojoy the Monday!

Posted by: Ian at April 5, 2004 10:29 AM

YO NICENESS! gloomy weather today, but stayin lighter later! And for any indie-folk rock fans/Modest Mouse fans they're droppin their new album tomorrow. I've heard a few songs and it's pretty damn cool. It's called "Good News for People who like Bad News" Anyway, somethin to keep everyone at work busy. Enjoy the Monday!

Posted by: Ian at April 5, 2004 10:29 AM

curren at bells beach the other day

most of you have probably seen this.. but.. check out these "Nigerian bill collectors"

Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 10:32 AM

Blakestah: I totally respect your disapproval in name dropping. Sorry 'bout it, but this particular beach is in about every california coast surf book out there. But I concur....sorry for being out of line. Word

Posted by: obsurfer at April 5, 2004 10:36 AM

obsurfer, i know your scent. stay out.......

Posted by: Bean Hollow Shark at April 5, 2004 10:41 AM

obsurfer.. while it's generally a good practice to maintain location-vagueness about particular spots on the infernet.. I'll concur that that spot can turn on during the right conditions. Very cool that you braved it solo as i think there have been landlord sitings just to the south and your heebee-jeebees were probably justified and the result of some deep evolutionary warning system. It's kind-of a wild stretch between Kelly avenue in HMB and Wadell... but good waves await the diligent and determined. suuurrrf!

Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 10:45 AM

Tom Curren on Kelly Slater:
To me it's just amazing what these guys are doing today. I was in the shop the other day watching this video of Kelly and, y'know, as best as I could do on my best day, he's still going to blow me out of the water. It's pretty cool. It's exactly how you you'd imagine you'd want to surf.

Posted by: blakestah at April 5, 2004 10:47 AM

Help ! - off the topics but can you'all help me decide a fashion thing?
I got these new hats - ok their kinda trendy, but my question is, do I wear the one with the PeterBilt, John Deer, WISE, or PornStar logo?
Which one is the coolest?
Do I tilt the hat left, right or down or up - or all four?
Plus, and this is crucial: do I wear my sideburns long or do I cut them short and the third thing is my haircut - I want to leave it long but...
ok very confused.
Von Blahksthaller is not GOD and is originally from Virginia-. Jesus is God and he has a website called: GODHELPUS.COM
Pomponio is in Italy and is not surfable.
The waves along Hwy 1 between 'Don Redondo's' and 'Jack You Up's' are totally surfable - BE THE FIRST TO BRAVE THE SHARKS - GO FOR IT!

Posted by: BVB at April 5, 2004 10:54 AM

bvb - in my opinion

sideburns - lame
full, burly beards - sweet
thick mustaches - sweet

trucker hats - lame
bathing caps all day - sweet
those old russian winter hats - sweet

long hair - played out
short hair - might as well vote for Bush
sideways mohawk - sweeet
benedictine monk cut - sweeet

good luck.

Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 10:58 AM

OB:solid onshores , large - OH easily in spots - closely spaced, strong looking mushy waves. Mixed up, lotsa whitewater. Seeing some rampy looking maybe rideables but there's zero consistency. Nobody out but shortly there might be one desperate person simply body boarding the far inside. [ no I didn't surf this weekend ] Sunny with patchy foggy clouds skittering about. Cheers,

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at April 5, 2004 10:58 AM

friday after work got some okay light-onshore/somewhat-hacked waves in front of the windmill. yesterday afternoon drove a while to a spot that was super duper fun and not too crowded. speaking of birthdays, today is a certain sponger's 26th... i'll be celebrating in style doing jaeger shots and watching the NCAA title game somewhere with da homies. ian i'm planning on getting that MM cd too, you can watch their crazy effed up video to the new single "Float On" here.

Posted by: bbr at April 5, 2004 10:58 AM

ALL surfers are dicks....just ask quentin tarantino.

He say's we didn't deserve the movie big wednesday...

Posted by: tom at April 5, 2004 10:59 AM

ALL surfers are dicks....just ask quentin tarantino.

He say's we didn't deserve the movie big wednesday...

Posted by: tom at April 5, 2004 10:59 AM

Hey don't forget the Samurai 'do!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at April 5, 2004 11:00 AM

10 year anniversary of his death...RIP...

Posted by: j at April 5, 2004 11:03 AM

oops, it's a bitmap...

Posted by: j at April 5, 2004 11:04 AM

re: modest mouse: stoked for the new album. i shat myself when i heard their music on that lexus (i think it was lexus) commercial a few months back.

Posted by: j at April 5, 2004 11:06 AM

let's see...Sat morning I paddled out at "family beach" into very tumultuous conditions where I preceded to get worked by rogue "two-year-old" and "pregnant wife" sets that came in about 20 minute intervals. Ditto Sunday...I think I'm officially going into lurker status for awhile...

keep up the good work all.

Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 11:12 AM

quick...favorite Clash songs anyone?

Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 11:17 AM

e, the photo on the note i sent with the book. was taken on such a day at a location you speak of. it is a dilemma to be out there all alone in good surf, just a hop, skip and blood/urine scent away from one of the largest seal rookeries outside of New Years Island.......

SM County shark story #1: Apres surf talking story in the parking lot with a ranger who services the area. Tells me earlier in the day he was looking out at the point of the cove at bean hollow. little group of seals hanging on the rocks. suddenly a surge of water. a splash, and gaping teeth grab onto a seal. and within an instant GONE.

ps; there is/was a huge seal carcass on the beach at known shark attack spot....upwelling.....uprising....

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 5, 2004 11:19 AM

just get sandinista jdz and never worry about the names of the tunes...just hit shuffle

Posted by: tom at April 5, 2004 11:21 AM

jdz, too many BUT. Police and Theives & Straight to Hell I could not live without.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 5, 2004 11:23 AM

bad vibe, if you have as much hair as you do at your age you may as well pimp it. Leave the hats to those of us aging with less hair. But if you must, get a trucker hat with the word "Tranny" written on it in large letters. Either that or "Daryl".

i've never lived in virginia. Ever. I've lived in lots and lots of places, but never virginia.

lost in a supermarket

check tides this week

have a niceness day

Posted by: blakestah at April 5, 2004 11:25 AM

i looked over the waves for the billabong paddle contest.....in my opinion alex's wave looks to me to be the winner of the three finalists.

not the biggest mavs phot i've seen but it only has to compete with this season.

what do ya get besides the 5k and a mention on blakestah, surfpulse and e's. com

a free dinner at the event and the advice to start towing in if you want to be considered for the big dough?

what would it mean for this undergorund ripper if he wins?

Posted by: tom at April 5, 2004 11:27 AM

i have to agree with straight to hell...lots of interesting memories attached to that song for me


Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 11:32 AM

jdz...London's Burning?...Remote Control?....Police & Thieves?

nice work scorin' waves to those of you who did so. as for me, i was back in the water testing out my still-recovering back. a bit weak, but it went okay (knock on wood!). takin' it easy, but easin' back into the flow. nice.

Bruce...great to meet ya yesterday!

Posted by: ck at April 5, 2004 11:42 AM

DvonBlakestar: Sorry - not Virginia, I meant South Carolina. I'll get the new logo stitched on today:
Going with 'Donny-O-8-0'.
I know - I'm losing it - not my hair thank god at 40 - my mind is another matter...
You guyz iz nuts for surfing SM coast. Best during foggy overcast glassy south swells.
There's a place called "The Fist," a large stump marks this bch on Hwy 1 near the new Costanoa Yuppie Bay Area - Silicon Coast Campground and Cabins - never been -is it nice?
Anyway - walk towards the cove that is nestled in the south corner of a small bay. It is Northside Ano which means its pretty freaking scary to surf there. Not really a surf spot - only on rare days does it break at all - deep water next to a very rocky windswept point - low tide.
Christian, balls? Long Island rips! Ask Tom why in the hell he moved from NY state?
OlD gothic rocker over here though you'd never know it to look at me.

Four more reasons to love the Richmond District:

Fish Head soup Monday's
Pleanty-'o parking.
Close to WISE
Female exhibitionist neighbor!!
If anyone needs a rental you should drive around the Richmond - signs everywhere.

Off to Harbin this weekend tuesday through sunday - see you there!

Posted by: BVB at April 5, 2004 12:13 PM

jdz - white riot is my favorite clash song

Posted by: eric at April 5, 2004 12:22 PM

Before even having a chance to worry about the landlord and the pounding closeouts at "The Fist" we were nearly attacked by a rattlesnake while walking down the path last summer.

Posted by: towerofpower at April 5, 2004 12:38 PM

yuppie campground is nice and wife approved. bring skate, bike, bbq, and s'mores supplies for communal fireplace.

there is a name for that pt.
risk vs. reward?
cowells is close.

if you haven't heard. the darkness is pretty damn fun for 40yr old rockers.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 5, 2004 12:59 PM


Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 01:06 PM

back from a quick little trip to seattle for a cousin's wedding. nice weather for up there, no surf.

spring time rules... upwelling, icecream headaches, sharks, shark stories, fog, wind, and more wind. 70 miles of coastline, many places to get chomped, spooked, vibed and shot.

meanwhile, my friends in hawaii are debating weather or not to put on their longsleeve rashguard while they surf... and if they are going to be spearing their dinner.



Posted by: elias at April 5, 2004 01:15 PM

Rudie can't fail
Magnificent 7
Strait to Hell
London Calling
White Riot
Lost in the Supermarket
Police n Thieves

Posted by: Friend #1 at April 5, 2004 01:29 PM

Kaiser, it's filling up fast for the remaining 5,000 summer 2004 PP line-up slots. So get your 10' SoftTop strapped to your car and prepare for battle stations. This year we guarantee no drop-ins, board ditching right in front of you, boards to your head or negative vibes.

Posted by: dano at April 5, 2004 01:42 PM

OB addition: is it just me, or are there days when slogging through shallow OB is like slugging through thick, wet concrete?! Water cold but no ice cream headaches due to sun? Ridiculous , super duper rippy conditions but my god I just caught some whitewater crap and got the genuine, nearly solid hang of how to pump my board . Some lame turns too. Hahaha weeee! I can't believe today was productive. Silly and sweet! Geek out.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at April 5, 2004 01:44 PM

Hey, I forgot who posting the note about a co-working doing his business and not washing up afterwards, but here's the solutions...

The dirty hands scanner
"A company called eMerge Interactive is selling the VerifEYE, a fluorescent blue-light scanner that can reveal instantly whether minute amounts of fecal material still remain on your hands."

I guess Pollutica would peg the meter on this thing.

Posted by: dano at April 5, 2004 01:47 PM

for the cerebral literati among us.. some deep deep material on this site

Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 01:49 PM

I grew up watching tom curren, I went to UCSB back in 89 because I thought curren was from SB, so I would get some good waves. The place was so flat most the time I just ended up chasing pussy and forgot about surfing. I digress...

What I mean to say, this weekend I watched some video I got off netflix. "The Best of Boards: Surfing"

Jamie O'Brien made my jaw drop, Watching this hulking figure stand up and lurch himself into a tube, taking off from behind the peak is unreal. His coordination and grace make Slater and Machado seem oldschool.

Posted by: phil at April 5, 2004 02:07 PM

To:Bad Vibe
CC:All Surfers Worldwide
Re:NY State and the reason Tom moved.

There were no waves. And there are none today.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.

Posted by: tom at April 5, 2004 02:07 PM

I feel smarter just for having viewed that page...although the large drool stain on my shirt might indicate otherwise

Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 02:22 PM

and I think my forehead has now grown larger...in fact there's a lot more hair on my knuckles and they seem to be dragging on the floor now. Oh my god...i've become a cro magnon.

Nice work on the turns sharkbait!

Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 02:25 PM

Jeez that picture of those Nigerian "bill collectors" still freaks me out. It's where the world is headed.
I knew I should have motivated on down to Pedro Sunday morning. I might've got my picture on surfhumor.com - all these years and the only time I've seen myself surfing is one long-distance, tiny image of me kinda hittin' a little liplet on a chesthigh mushy wave in Pacasmayo, Peru. Oh well, my own fault for caving into the crappy weather, springtime malaise.

Posted by: Jimmie at April 5, 2004 03:02 PM

Somebody's got to give a little advanced "not for work" warning when posting offsite links. Can't have the large female staff at my work know that I'm gaining higher knowledge through retinal stimulation. Like that stopped me ;)

Posted by: caveman at April 5, 2004 03:04 PM

holy shit on the bill collectors. Imagine one of those damn hyena' s knawing at your leg turned stump.. E good form on pic. #2 on the front. Check your email, yo! If huge sea tigers are coming at you and are raised high above the water, lay on your board as low as possible. They're competing for territory and if you're sitting high on your board they wanna fight. BBR HAPPY BIRTHDAY! The new modest mouse is sick, they are definately a thought provoking band.

Posted by: Ian at April 5, 2004 03:10 PM

good to be back among the shit talkers
got back from namotu saturday..scored some super fun ones and one day of the best waves of my life at the rights..oh damn.

love that tarantino quote from tom
rip. cobain
should i stay or should i go, admit it.
happy b-day bbr
pumped to put my wetsuit on actually.

Posted by: bagel at April 5, 2004 03:27 PM

"load up on guns, bring your friends..."

damn, i think kurt was writing about OB and HMB!!

Posted by: j at April 5, 2004 03:37 PM

bagel....pumped to put your wetty on?! you're a twisted individual! ; ) welcome back. glad to hear that namotu was sic. post pics!

Posted by: ck at April 5, 2004 03:56 PM

BAGEL! Welcome home! Post pics of your ultra-steez surfing!

Posted by: Ian at April 5, 2004 04:00 PM

bagel...i was just getting over my post-Namotu trip depression....and now you've put me right back in to therapy....kidding. Glad to hear you had a good time...recap please...all the gory details! and pics@!

Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 04:06 PM

welcome back bagel... how did that fungi work out? any psychadelic barrel experiences? hmmmm...

did jdz hide anything for ya on the island?


Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 04:18 PM

Clash -

Complete Control
I Fought The Law
Pressure Drop
I'm So Bored With The USA
Safe European Home
Tommy Gun

Posted by: R3W at April 5, 2004 04:45 PM

Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 04:54 PM

nice...did anyone say know your rights?????

This is a public service announcement...

Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 04:55 PM

lil' chop hop

Posted by: e at April 5, 2004 04:56 PM

ya! thanx for the treat JDZ! bob the builder rules..ill be calling you soon re board bag, thanx again man..i can recap in some detail lots of work so ill try to keep it short..

fungi worked out dope, didnt surf on em but witnessed the swell build in front of our eyes in a hazy tropical sunset. As we were tripping/chilling on one spot on the beach (the hazy sun allowed us to cruise the beach that day) the 2 island dogs chose us as thier audience for some humping, i was freaking out at that point. after that we threw some rocks at a target we set up and got invited on the fishing boat with one of the lifegaurds and the fisherman. i got on the boat with my buddy steve who was not tripping but substantially drunk and I had the most hilarious experiance ever. fish litteraly jumping all around us, tuna frothing like in a football field sized area around the boat, i could feel them under the boat..the guys were throwing thier lines all around as me and my buddy were ditching hooks. they didnt catch one fish. my friend is an extreemely skilled shit talker and had me and the local boat driver Wonga (the only one to pull in a fish) rolling, the fishermen were chuckling too but we didnt get invited on any other fishing trips. all in good fun though. that was a good day.

other than that me and my buddie frank were pretty much the tpwn drunks..lots of sabatoging going on. no one was really safe. steves girlfreind started a food fight at our table one night and a couple of the older guys got pissed. ok i could really go on for hours. too many storys. as for the waves im sure JDZ scored harder, from what i heard from JDZ and the fellas on the island. but the guys told us also that we scored some of the best swimming pools (the right) that they had seen in months one day..ill send some piks to you e maybe you can post em. dont want to give away my identity though, just in case someone out there wants to shoot me.

ya, short. doh.

(sorry so sloppy)

Posted by: bagel at April 5, 2004 05:01 PM

ha...bob the builder...you found it...sorry it's all i could muster. I just wish I coulda filled it with something a little more potent...ahh but those days have moved on. My son actually picked that out for you. Can't wait to see the pools pics!!! love that wave!!!!!!

Posted by: jdz at April 5, 2004 05:11 PM

ah thanx jdz, actually after puffing some of the potent stuff ben had a pretty hard time trying to fill the thing with pez. oh jet lag.

Posted by: bagel at April 5, 2004 05:20 PM

Meetings from 9:00 to noon and then we had a power outage and lost web access for the rest of the day. Wanted to check E's and found myself jonesin'

Kaiser- thanks for the comments on the OB pics, but they we're pretty scuzzy. Cleaned them up a little since then. Some sunny overhead day I'll get a hundred pics of you to post in your office and share with your grandkids! Uskay (I think that's the right spelling, I wrote him a recommendation once) and Mark are both princes. Solid surfers with the Niceness karma.

E- I'm bummed! That guy who dropped in on you was so blatant I thought he was a friend. I was hoping it one of treasured moments that you could use to drop in on him for the next ten years. I put the CD in the mail this morning. There are a few keepers- maybe with a pinch of photoshop work.

CK- Really cool meeting you. It was also nice to meet that BEAUTIFUL young person you claimed was your girlfriend. Guess every woman makes a mistake now and then! Just kidding- you two make a wonderful couple. Keep smiling.

Posted by: Bruce at April 5, 2004 05:25 PM

Bruce...hey!...that's my story and i'm stickin' to it!...i don't care WHAT she says! ; )

Posted by: ck at April 5, 2004 05:30 PM

CK, being a hoser of the brothers McKenzie sorts, let me tell you about an american law called "common law marriage"!

Just might want to check up on that one to see where you stand eh! :)

Bruce, Uskay is a cool cat. Good to know how to spell his name after surfin with him for the better part of the last 3 years. Mark is cool too. Never really hung w/ him but good guy for sure. And Humboldt John. Good guy as well. Always see those cats in the lineup at Da Mar.

Posted by: Kaiser at April 5, 2004 05:45 PM

Classic Lindy.... That wave should closeout any second now!

Posted by: Kaiser at April 5, 2004 05:57 PM

hmmm....good call, Kaiser! i'm on it! ; )

Posted by: ck at April 5, 2004 06:14 PM

gates of the west & red angel dragnet (don't forget radio clash either!)

I fish a certain named sharky break frequently and have seen of sharks in the area occasionally since I moved here in '88. The friend that turned me on to the fishin' spot grew up in the area and had warned me. I didn't believe him until I saw a small shark- >10'- and yep they are real, real scary. They follow the striper schools to nail seals. Po-p'o= sharks, the heebee jeebies don't lie. (it is said that sudden feelings of dread or hair-on-the-back-of-the-neck issues are reasonable indicators of get out of the water fast. A shark attack book I read about the great turn of the century East Coast week long shark attack indicated that this was a common thread in many attacks!)

The late post warning!

Posted by: 'morning at April 5, 2004 08:27 PM

ghetto defendant!

[do the worm on the acropolis
slamdance cosmopolis
enlighten the populace]

Posted by: paul b at April 6, 2004 09:26 AM


Keep writing! Learn as you peruse over old work, and rewrite, rewrite, rewrite if you really want to expand your horizons. And remember, most people don't appreciate the art of words, so if it is critique you desire, find some heads who know what's up.


Posted by: phizen at April 7, 2004 06:52 PM

me and kus just finished up a trip to Baja, sweetly, on a mid-morning to afternoon sesh at sunset cliffs, pretty much the only place breakin' in south county (SD that is). anyway i'll ge to that later . . .

we managed our way down to km38, south of rosarito yesterday (house of the un-holy, fo' sho'). this wave presents some nasty rights with rocks in the line up (watch out). kus's first ride was sickness . . . about 90 miles/hr down the line for 300 yards--SWEET. No one was out down there so you can afford to be very selective. We moved down toward km38.5 for safety (avoiding rocks) and hit it for another hour. Overall this is a great spot but needs quality swell for consistency which we didn't have.

So, we hit sunset cliffs today around mid morning until 3:30pm. It is a dicy walk down to the beach, essentially a rope rappel down to the beach. We started out on the inside and got up-ended (bad idea). Paddled out another couple hundred yards and enjoyed 8 foot sweeping lefts and rights pretty much for the next three hours. Other than the periodic 20 minute wait for sets, you can feel very gratified all day long at this spot. heads up though, beware of the kelp there, kus got caught up in some fishing line and hooks on the paddle in.

kus will be in the SD area for a few mo days so we'll check in with a weekend update next week . . . later!

Posted by: dr.j-would at April 8, 2004 06:20 PM

About two months since the last recorded posting. Saw this website, thought it was pretty cool, ya know, surfers talkin'...

Anyways, I used to live there. About three years ago. I now live in Maryland, where waves are nothing in my opinion (actually some are catchable). I would very much like to move back.

You dont have to mind me, I guess I like to see my post up somewhere. Feel special.

Posted by: GIR at June 22, 2004 08:48 PM

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