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Smooth, glassy

Well, the swell is here for sure because the bouys say so. SF Bouy says 4.6 @ 19 sec right now. The winds are about 5 mph from about 100 degrees. It is really glassy and beautiful out there this morning. Plenty of people on the prowl looking for that magical spot. Its one of those days where it would be nice to hang at a SC reef and surf all day long with no worries as this south swell builds. The Weather Guru predicts increased winds through out the day today and likely fairly strong tomorrow. So make sure you get your fix in for the next few days. The good news is that it should be in the 70's and 80's in the city until early next week so we should have many surfable days ahead. Not sure what to expect in terms of swell but I am sure we will get some kind of update from those in the "know".

Don't deliberate too long. Just jump in, enjoy the sunshine, soak up some rays. And PLEASE, don't forget your ZINKA!!!!!

For those that got in today, I am reserving my views for now. Instead, let's hear from you.....

offsite in santa cruz this week....i can see the ocean in the distance out the conference room windows....oh cruel, cruel world...

Posted by: j at April 27, 2004 09:26 AM

This morning @ vfers:


Outer bar magic.

Posted by: epic at April 27, 2004 09:39 AM

im like that band today called nada surf

Posted by: bagel at April 27, 2004 09:59 AM

Surfed over head peaks last night with only one other taker, I think he was French. I saw Alex on my way out and he said it was a lot better than it looked, that was an understatement. I can't get over the fact that its spring. I am both happy and scared that we broke so many all time records yesterday by such a large margin. Global warming? El Nino?

Posted by: mexisurf at April 27, 2004 10:02 AM

OB: I already hollered at the end of yesterday's posts...but get it NOW if you haven't already. Already seeing some changes in swell [ set waves and overall quality ] and water texture - a NW breeze started up since I posted at 9:25. It's still good enough. It's April, for gods sake. And some empty rideable spots.

These are my goal conditions...someday I'll get surfable enough to ride it. For now I'm hyper just watching!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at April 27, 2004 10:06 AM

scored a sorta crossed-up, but producing peak this dp with an amigo and a few other heads. just north of us (admittedly on a slightly better/more consistent peak) was a tight pack of 20+! our peak certainly wasn't firing regularly, but it seemed like a good wave-to-crowd trade-off to this kid. slinked into a few fun racy ones and, of course cuz it's me, bobbled a couple. overall...not the magic i was expecting from the instrument readings, but certainly fun and a glorious day! dig it.

wave of the day (whose shoulder was snagged by a stylie yellow-board logger..nice!) stood up and sucked out a good 20-feet further out than any others and absolutely unloaded an OH top-to-bottom pitchin' lip on the poor guy next to me. ouch!

Posted by: ck at April 27, 2004 10:15 AM

somewhere west of the park, apr 26, extended lunch session...wanted to pull out of a certain head high peak (not quite in the right position)...senor south swell said "no way man your coming wif me" ...proceeded to helter skelter down the bottom deck of my board somehow until coming to an abrupt and painful stop as my hip struck one of the side fins.
soooo ...impact partially ripped the fin out of the fcs circle box, tail of fin punctured bottom deck of board (need repair recommendations), swell bigger today...not conducive to taking the alternate long board out .... walking with a painful bruised hip limp ..damn, hate to miss that good stuff today ...surf tech fins ...i guess they work cause my suit and leg remain gash free... one less kook in the line up today

Posted by: over the falls at April 27, 2004 10:33 AM

Pulled into the turnout above a well known north SC county reef at 5:45 only to find 10 other vehicles already unloaded and a stream of guys headed down the trail and out to the lineup.

Glassy overhead peeling lefts but I couldn't face the crowd so I tried a nearby beachbreak. Easy paddle out through the big lulls but offshore wind blowing gustily through the valley and many closeouts. Caught one of the biggest waves of my (short) surfing life (well overhead) and raced it down the line, straightening out in front of a huge exploding ball of foam.

Decided that place was a little spooky all by myself so I moved a little further north to a friendly, smaller, tamer reef where there were a lot of sweet glassy lefts on offer and a small crowd. Caught 2 of the nicest lefts ever. Some long lulls followed by a few macking cleanup waves.

It still looked really nice when I left about 8:45. Definitely recommend the road trip today...

Posted by: Hrothbart at April 27, 2004 10:38 AM

gettin' a little south in the islands to braugh
-ala moana bowls from honolulu star bulletin

Posted by: kahuna at April 27, 2004 10:43 AM

out early this morning a bit north of VFW's.....saw some amazing waves coming in but there was still a little too much lump in the water. there was a large group of us caught in this ever-shifting rip that would just NOT let up. even after paddling for 15 minutes straight i was still stuck. back muscles throbbing, neck cramping, knowing that if I stopped paddling i'd surely be swept out to sea. maybe the coast guard helicopter circling was waiting to save me, but i really can't afford to pay for it.
i did get some big drops with huge walls of water just pounding the inside. definitely had to think twice about pulling in.
hope all you non-workers are out there absorbing this perfect day!!

Posted by: rza at April 27, 2004 10:47 AM

Kahuna, that picture is sweet! Only at Bowls... That place is great but it gets so crowded.

Anyone just get out? I am taking a early and long lunch!

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 10:49 AM

otf - OUCH! Did you hesitate/try to back out? Whenever I do that, I ALWAYS end up paying in just the exact same manner you describe. I try to remember that it's almost always better to pop-up and pretend like I'm goin' - even if it's hopeless. That way my body-english usually gives me better position to get away from my board on the way down. But what do I know? I'm was (still AM) sitting here at work while you were ON IT!

Posted by: Jimmie at April 27, 2004 10:50 AM

ha. classic shot. some sort of cosmic vortex brought those 3 souls a little closer than they had anticipated!

who's the haole in that shot? oh, i meant whitey. looks like he is from san francisco.

anyway, surf - not for me today. damn. yesterday was worth it though. haven't felt sand that hot on my bare feet in a LOOONNG time.

niceness and glassy niceness.

Posted by: elias at April 27, 2004 10:52 AM

over the falls - sounds like a nasty combination of events! sorry to hear it. at least there's no gash on your hip so that's cool. re the board, here's my $0.02: make sure to dry it out thoroughly, sand it and a bit of the surrounding area, fill hole (if necessary) either with chopped glass and resin or one of the fillers you can buy pre-made, let it dry and then sand smooth, apply a surface coat of resin with a small patch of glass if you think it needs it, let it dry, and then sand smooth.

Posted by: ck at April 27, 2004 10:53 AM

that pic is photoshopped.....da haoles no bettah to drop in on dark skinned hui.

if it wasn't.... headline 'gon read murdah at 'bowls

Posted by: da hui at April 27, 2004 11:02 AM

1) Bigger than yesterday.
2) For the most part, shape not so good on the inside, not so great on the outside, best in between but waves not rolling through there as often as on the inside. Had to be choosier on which wave you took.
3) More crowded? But due to size and frequency of waves, seemed like plenty of room.
4) Peaks not as distinct.
5) Caught inside more
6) Rode good waves for too long and got trapped inside longer than yesterday.
7) Caught big outside rollers that opened wide on the inside.
8) Saw less tubes exited than the day before.
9) I thought tides were not as favorable at first, but got better later, Friend #1 thought just opposite.
10) Overall, better local conditions yesterday, better (bigger and more frequent) sets today.

Posted by: Mr Doof at April 27, 2004 11:16 AM

More hunting than gathering today. Love that south shiftiness. Clear water, light breeze. Damn there were a few gorgeous sets. Premier south spot was way larger than elswhere but lots of crossed-up reflection off Mt. Guano.


Posted by: kdalle at April 27, 2004 11:27 AM

Another truck drove off Devil's Slide today...


Drove south of Devil's Slide yesterday afternoon and got some nice waves. Uncrowded at first but turned into a zoo as late afternoon approached. Winds picked up a bit later and added to the chop.

No dice this morning....

Posted by: mwsf at April 27, 2004 11:28 AM

I am beach bound. Updated report upon return.

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 11:31 AM

just got to work...oops.

just had to see what the southy was doing. Looked clean and mean when I pulled up to VF's. Paddled out trying to use the northerly moving ocean to get me in position. Was in position for maybe 15 minutes, caught one good one and then got stuck in that soup that rza was talkin' bout. Felt like a lot of ocean moving around out there, tide was really going out too. When I was leaving it seemed the tide had finished it's big suck for the most part cause the waves seemed to have a little less steam. Could just be me trying to tell myself it's ok to go to work though...

Posted by: barney at April 27, 2004 11:35 AM

found a single car key on a ring in the street on great highway, near judah.

solo key on a ring usually makes me think of stashed car keys. although i dont know how it would fall out since it wasnt under a car or anything. there were two cars nearby. and the whole great highway was lined up with cars, as anyone who parked there to surf this morning knows.

i didnt want to leave it so someone else could find it and try it on ever car parked on the street.

drop me an email if you lost it,


Posted by: ryan at April 27, 2004 11:56 AM

Photo below is from yesterday around noon at Sloatsom. Shot this morning as far south as I could park and watched a handful of guys goin for it. Long wait but there were OH sets and a few mackers, some closed out. Beautiful morning with light off shore breezes and less mist/fog than the north end.

If the pics come out I'll post them on my site tonight. I added some shots from the Lane this Sunday and a new page dedicated to nothing but wipeouts. . . sorta' fun.

Might keep a Sharp eye out in P-town. A friend surfed it last night and said it was really fun and stayed glassy.

Posted by: Bruce at April 27, 2004 12:26 PM

howdy to rza and barney...i don't know ya'll BUT
i too was in that energy vortex west of the park
this a.m. did ya'll see the guys get sucked WAY the
F*** outside? lots and LOTS of h2o moving out there.
caught a few of the tweeners. i could not hold a
position long enough for a set wave. almost dropped
one left but after the beating i took west of the dunes
yesterday the 30-something body and brain agreed to
let her pass.

that spot a bit north, west of the safeway looked
epic. saw a guy macking a sick backside bottom turn
on an easy 2x overhead wall. this south is interesting...

wishing all niceness and tell yer friends to keep the
gremmies and beginners out of this one especially
as the tide drops. those set waves pack a punch.
i have seen several folks in way, WAY over their
heads out in the water the past few days.

be nice, play fair.

Posted by: korewin at April 27, 2004 12:35 PM

EGP would agree that today the pile of rocks was not nearly as nice as it was last night.

Posted by: at April 27, 2004 01:06 PM

Drop in clinic in effect today in Cruz. No lie, 90% of the waves ridden had an incredibly blatant drop in... usually more than one. Waves were good, but I could only stand an hour of such silliness. There were a couple of extremely good surfers out today. Fun to watch (I should say, more fun to watch than to surf).

Posted by: dano at April 27, 2004 01:17 PM

The addiction deepens . . .

Back from a couple hours playing hookey at L---a M-r on the longboard (how's that for double-secret coding?). Small and week like summer, but ridable and smooth. Stayed in the middle, mostly, and caught some pleasant rides, including a nicely timed one-last-wave. A couple dozen other folks were out there, in me-too clusters that didn't have much to do with where the waves were breaking.

R------y looked much better to me, but absolutely no one was there, and I'm too chicken to surf alone. Leaving, I figured I should have gone to O---n B---h to catch some of that south swell, but the stories above make it sound too rich for my kook longboard blood.

Posted by: klooless kook at April 27, 2004 01:26 PM

korewin not all groms are beginners, bitch.

Posted by: orange at April 27, 2004 01:32 PM

surfed the north end this morning, i agree with korewin, not beginner-friendly out there right now. i didn't see any freight trains, but there is a lot of energy and it is somewhat unpredictable where the next thumper will unload.

it was kinda shifty and most of the set waves were too walled & sectioning, but the occasional HH+ 20 yard+ peeler is available for anyone patient & willing to plunge into ledgey OH drops. i only made one of those, dropped late and sped down a reeling left, fingers touching the wall as i descended and prepared to get pitched - came out clean, immediately found myself thinking that i should have tried stalling, but i don't seem capable of slowing down when riding anything as meaty as today.

windwilling, should get more aframey as the period drops -- probably better to hit the points & reefs if you can today...

Posted by: loon at April 27, 2004 01:38 PM

Over The Falls - same deal here. Almost knocked one of the side fins of my bonzer, with my ankle I think, or maybe my ass. Viva la resin y fiberglass.

Posted by: R3W at April 27, 2004 01:51 PM

I am off to Costa Rica tomorrow and was wondering about suggestions for this time of year? I have two weeks and hope to hit up most of the beach breaks near Nosara and Tamarindo. I am not going to rent a car unless I absolutely need to.

About two hours ago at OB, I was heading north just about as fast as the whales. I can never figure it out...

Posted by: jardinee at April 27, 2004 01:53 PM

orange..shouldnt you be paying attention to your computer teacher instead of checking the waves on the internet?

Posted by: bagel at April 27, 2004 02:00 PM

Loon, nice work! I think I saw you this morning suiting up. You rocking a Chili Verde type board these days?

Just got back from the nooner. Hit up one of the popular parking lots. The outside was big and mushy. Tough to get a size on the mushburgers but I would go as far as DOH maybe on the biggest. OH+ on the typical. Irregardless, they rode like a HH wave as the drop (if you could catch it) wasn't critical at all. All the waves I got, except one, mushburgered and left me trying to pump down the face/shoulder/whatever. I got one zippy one but that was closer to the inside. There clearly were some bombs coming in but as I mentioned, they are fairly hard to scratch into. I would have taken my 7'0'' if it had wax on it. Instead, I pulled a total kook move as I pulled it from its bag finless and waxless. So, I took out my fish out and I was really glad I did. Helped me get into more waves and the drops weren't bad on it. Clearly, the largest waves I have ridden on it though.

All in all, it is still good out there, winds not much of an issue when I left. I thought the low tide might improve things but the waves are still burgery up and down the beach. As Loon mentioned, once the period drops a bit, we might see more A-Framage. Let's just hope the winds cooperate.

BTW, its FREAKIN APRIL!!!!!! What a crappy surf month eh? Ha! Northwest Wind, where you at? You start doing your thing and I will laugh at you in the lineup down in SC punk!

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 02:01 PM

yeah, the jet just isn't on today. totally flat and no one even out. last night is what that place is all about.

thought for the day: how come most rippers, and surfers in general, are the cockiest, elitist group around, yet are usually the biggest losers outside of the water?

keep pimpin'

Posted by: EG Pimp at April 27, 2004 02:19 PM

Since Kaiser has gone pro here at E's, I guess someone has to step up...

Posted by: wicked weasel at April 27, 2004 02:40 PM

Don't taunt me now! I'm trying to get some rest. It is April and I'm a little behind in my quota. Don't fret cause pretty soon I will have to blow un-relenting until September.

Posted by: Northwest Wind at April 27, 2004 02:46 PM

Wicked Weasel, thank you!

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 02:48 PM

1. cro magnon alpha male domain issues.
2. native, before all you trannies where here entitlements.
keep pimpin it real

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at April 27, 2004 02:55 PM

anybody have alex martin's number for ding repairs?

Posted by: theo at April 27, 2004 03:03 PM


so YOU'RE that person....

jumping to conclusions, calling names
generally adding a bad vibe to an otherwise
neutral situation.

lighten up, francis.

Posted by: korewin at April 27, 2004 03:04 PM

Alex Martins Ding Repair 699-2380

Posted by: klooless kook at April 27, 2004 03:08 PM

not all groms are name callers either. Keep that 'tude on 54321... that post is as worthless as an east swell west of the G highway

Posted by: steama at April 27, 2004 03:12 PM

Today was a bit frustrating wave wise. There was definite swell, winds were good, nice sunny weather. But it just wasn't coming together for some reason.

I even heard Kdalle utter expletives after missing a wave, and later paddling into position on a peak only to stop and raise his arms to say "jack already would you?" On one of my longer rides this morning it actually felt like I was going left on a right as I had to keep heading into the soup or lose momentum.

Lunch was uncrowded at the homestead, but it only broke on the big sets so it was hard to be in the spot. Thankfully I was there at the right time, but it still took a 1/2 hour to find my last wave in.

There were some sets this morning when Kellys was like a gigantic version of the jetty with that rock bounce wedging peak.

Posted by: Friend #1 at April 27, 2004 03:24 PM

I'll say this right here and now.

On the bigger souths, in San Francisco, some breaks really do a LOT better on a long board or even gun. There's just too much water moving around.

Posted by: blakestah at April 27, 2004 03:39 PM

Ha! Northwest wind. It is I, George W. and my team of right-wing reactionaries, money-hungry heavy industries, and ozone-gobbling petro giants. We have poked holes in the Ozone and caused global warming to keep you in your place.

Few people realize my passion for surfing and the steps I'll take to ensure that my hero, Kaiser, has lovely spring days with off-shore breezes and binkinis on the beach!!

Bet you didn't know I could dance, too! Check out my new site:


Posted by: George Bush at April 27, 2004 03:45 PM

"too much water moving around"

I'll second that.

Headed to Cabo Wabo next week, anyone know of a good place to stay besides the surf hotel? someplace close to zippers and all those breaks? first time down there so that is why I am clueless.

thanks mucho.

Posted by: barney at April 27, 2004 03:51 PM

hey kaiser, thought that might have been you too, was confused by you not having that blue-railed board. that greenie is my newest board, a 6'11" -- didn't think i'd be riding it again til fall. i'd like to check out your new fish, let's connect next time.

q for anyone who did the drive: how far south of sf must one travel to find a place that might be working tonight? hoping to get in the sunset sesh, not sure if i have enough time...

Posted by: loon at April 27, 2004 03:51 PM

oh great, now you tell me blakestah ...so with a busted board from yesterday I shoulda taken the substitute longboard out today....bruised up gimpy ass hip limp and all.

Posted by: over the falls at April 27, 2004 04:08 PM

I checked VFs this morning and decided to pass. It looked incredible but pulsating too much for my tired body, I guess I made the right move for a change.

Ironically I went to Sloat and it was way smaller. Longboard heaven but I got some great long ass rides on my 6 6" and road the current north. I was surprised practically no shortboarders were out. Everyone at there desk or there Secret South spot but me.

Posted by: phil at April 27, 2004 04:11 PM

G-Dub, thanks for taking care of the ozone layer. Much appriciated. If you can just make sure there will be some social security $$$ for me in about 35-40 years, that would be great. Then again, I will be dead from sun cancer by then so....

Loon, I got some 411 for ya. How far you want to drive? Any time you want to check out the fish, more then happy to share.

Blakestah, how's the sushi? Stay away from Roppongi unless you want to mortgage your limbs.

Friend #1, what time were you out? On a longboard I suppose?

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 04:14 PM

jardinee -
my advice about tamarindo, the river mouth is as good as anywhere else around.

avellanes is good. Key point about Tamarindo region-EXTREMELY TIDE SENSITIVE. At witches rock it went from a lake to 7 foot in a matter of hours due to the tidal shift.

Posted by: phil at April 27, 2004 04:19 PM

I surfed my Longboard yesterday morning, and since it was supposed to be bigger, I opted for my 7'6" Bonzer this morning from 7 to 9. I was on the longboard for lunch (12-1) in the middle.

The Longboard would have definitely made it easier to get into the bombs that Kdalle and I were chasing this AM.

Posted by: Friend #1 at April 27, 2004 04:27 PM

Loon, on my drive back up this morning I didn't see anyplace that looked like it was working between Pigeon Point and San Gregorio (where I turned inland). Tide should be about the same now as it was this morning and the wind is up so if it were me I'd be heading at least across the SC county line.

Posted by: Hrothbart at April 27, 2004 04:36 PM

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 04:41 PM

OB: same story as yesterday - moosh city. Teaser breeze only. Sometimes you feel it, sometimes you don't. It just looks blown out. A few peeps here and there, chasing whitewater or very elusive waves. Peaky head highs and perhaps random 6 foot lumps tops. Still October in San Diego. Happy Tuesday,

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at April 27, 2004 04:42 PM

Barney--->If you got a tent, or not, I recommend Brisa Del Mar RV and Trailer camp. No one with brains camps there this time of year except for me and a few other people who want to sweat while sleeping in a tent or on a hammock. It was $10 a night (likely more now), there is a pool, a restaurant, bathrooms, and well, it is a bargain for the spartan minded. Walking distance to Zippers, but not for all people. By the way, as far as towns go, I like San Jose del Cabo better than Cabo San Lucas.

Posted by: Mr Doof at April 27, 2004 04:44 PM

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 04:45 PM

thanks for the info Mr.Doof but since I have no wife coming with me on this trip, I am looking for 3 or 4 stars, poolside bar, and A/C for sure. Was looking at the Cabo Surf Hotel but they are booked, I suppose any hotel on Costa Azul is within walking distance to zippers and that stuff so I just need to pick one.

Just got the surfpulse surf report emailed to me:

Tuesday 4-27-04 at 4:45 PM PST
A moderate to strong west-northwest wind blew out the surf about an hour ago. Surf conditions are poor. Set waves are up to head high. The weather is sunny, mild, and breezy at the beach.

See all ya'lls at Blue Horizon tonight.

Posted by: barney at April 27, 2004 04:57 PM

Near Cape Town, South Africa... Won't name the spot in case someone here is a local.

Posted by: Kaiser at April 27, 2004 05:19 PM

so the beach is sounding kinda shitty...anybody got a Lindy report? trying to decide where/whether to go for an evening sesh. after getting some juicy ones this morning though i ain't super wave hungry...

btw, lets hear it for warm water! fuck upwelling.

Posted by: luke at April 27, 2004 05:24 PM

i just got back from Costa Rica. 3 days in Tamarindo and then way south to Dominical. The rivermouth was good, also a beach break just north of there, Playa Grande. Avellanes was great, but got blown out by 8:30am. Avellanes is tough to get to without a car. The Witches surf camp crew had it wired as they had a van service for am and pm sessions. Playa Grande is a 45 minute walk/paddle across the rivermouth each way.
I ended up renting boards, as there is now a wide variety of selections. The best is a retail shop in a newer retail plaza on the left as you go from North Tam to south.
The one major problem I had was an upper ab rash after about 10 hours in the water, even though I was wearing a rash guard. Have a great trip.

Posted by: g at April 27, 2004 06:00 PM

I got your upwelling right here, luke. Just for that remark I am taking 7 degrees off the water temp by Thursday.

Posted by: Northwest Wind at April 27, 2004 06:00 PM

jardinee...i second what everyone else said re: Tamarindo. But if you get the right swell, do make the boat trip to Ollies and Witches. Well worth it if you can catch on the right swell/tide combo. I also had some very fun sessions at Langosta and Playa Negra. Playa Negra is a a 40min drive or so. And if you go, check out the Mono Congo Lodge. Also, tell me if the Belgian bakery is still around in Tamarindo. Had awesome pastry there every morning. HAVE FUN!!!

Posted by: jdz at April 27, 2004 06:18 PM

I went out at the jetty at 6:30 this morning. Gorgeous glassy waves, good shape from the tide. The pack of SC guys was there in their clump but just inside a bit was a nice peak that appeared every other wave. I sat on that and got some good rides. Also, got my head smacked hard by a lip once the tide started dropping because I was lazy and didn't bother to duck. All in all, great weather, good waves until low tide turned it into mush and closeouts (around 10 am, when I left)

Took the board into Cowboys for a long-needed ding repair. I couldn't stop surfing long enough to let it sit. :)

Posted by: Nate at April 27, 2004 10:29 PM

Since SO many people live/surf here now, don't they know that OB isn't set up quite right for a South? Blakestah should be filling EVERYONE in as usual.

Posted by: wooly at April 27, 2004 11:13 PM

take the high line wrestler. this way there is no room for them to drop.

and if anyone still goes run 'em the fuck over.

every fight always ends up on the ground and from there, even if you are not an experienced striker, you can do damage.

Posted by: tom at April 27, 2004 11:13 PM

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Posted by: poker tips at January 20, 2005 11:07 AM
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