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Glassy.. inconsistent. doable.

Howdy surfies. Glassy this morning. Not too much in the way of rideable waves however. A few corners in the mix. Once in a while a chunky south-swell peak will rise up if you�re at the right spot. Gazing out at the ocean from the middle of the sunset district conditions looked fantastic. Shellacked, smoothed sea-surface. Peaky, fun, consistent wavelets. But upon closer inspection the variables aren�t coming together in harmonious synchronicity. One boogie caught a few steepies right as Lerm and I shivered in the early morning freeze, deliberating about whether to take the plunge. One minute it appeared fun and worthy, then the next 10 minutes nothing would come through. Hmmm� in hindsite, as usual, we probably should�ve suited up and charged it.. But.. with visions of warm femalian bodies and beds and books dancing in our heads, we snuck back into our voitures and high-tailed it home for an additional 40 minutes of snoozin�.

It�s definitely highly doable. The south swell is showing every 10 minutes with sizeable, peaky chunks. With the right tide and sandbar/reef, good things could happen. I�d imagine that SC is feelin� some lurve? Maybe other mysto spots that only happen a few times a year but like slack wind and 185 degree souths??? Think about it.. hmm�

Saw Sprout over the weekend. Very impressive. Beautiful, artistic, refined, unusual surf film. Nice and long. Gorgeous, unbelievable, never-ending pointbreak after gorgeous, unbelievable, never-ending pointbreak. Dan Malloy and Rasta blowing minds with their stylish, aggressive, balls-out ripping. Tons of longboarding too, which I really admire and respect.. but.. to be honest, I still can�t get past the impression that even world-class longboarding looks a bit �kooky.� Maybe it�s because I was raised on shortboarding and my first videos were �Strike Force� and �Wave Warriors 3� back in Junior high.. But.. I find the full-speed, S-turning, carving, shredding, high-intensity aesthetic of shortboarding much more beautiful and amazing then the gentle, touch-oriented, subtle, light-footed logging.. Flame me all you want.. but.. even though I have a total appreciation for how difficult all that longboarding stuff is.. in my opinion it just doesn�t look as cool and radical shortboard improvisation.. just my two cents. Regardless of your tastes in boardlength, Sprout has something for you. Dan Malloy kills it on a finless shortbaord. Rasta and Ozzie Wright mat ride in Sumatra. Bonzers, Eggs, fish, boogies, human bodies, logs, etc.. The basic premise of the movie is/was to explore the art of riding waves on as many mediums as possible. Good stuff. Shot on emotion-enducing 16mm film too..

Soo.. Boost Mobile Pro at Trestles might be finishing today. Luke Egan is beating CJ hobgood right now in the Quarters. Slates is still in it.. So is Cory Lopez. www.aspworldtour.com

trestles (photo from sargesdailysurf.com)

trestles.. the definition of "fun surf"... except for the crowd!


Luuuuke! (just beat CJ! yah!)

Some random and his lady

Did anyone watch the Slater/O'Rafferty quarter? How can anyone climb whitewater like that? Egan loves trestles and he just ran over CJ in his Quarter.

I am looking at a Egan/Slater final. Slater winning to catch up to the mutant from Kauai.

Skipped surf this morning in exchange for some surf. I also needed to rest my "couch sores" from sitting in front of Week 2 of the NFL season. All post Lindy Closeout Fest of course... I hear there should be some surf this week with the swell getting smaller and smaller thru the week. Let's just hope the water warms back up cause it is cold as hell.

So, J and I made a trip to this little party over the weekend. We heard rumors that some representatives from our favorite sandal manufacturer were going to be there. Well, sure enough. We ran into these 2 beauts:

J asked them if they had any friends and them pointed to this table across the room. I snapped a pic....

At this point, J was all excited and what not (he gets like that at parties such as this) so I went for a little wonder to check out some of the happenings. I look back and J is all over these 2 girls! Check below:

Damn J! I guess word spread pretty quick that some guy was bittin asses and the crowd at the party was a little stirred up. This one girl was so pissed she kept yelling at J. I pretended I didn't know him and looked the other way....

She wanted a piece of J for sure! But, as I looked over to the front door, J was in full sprint gettin the hell out of there. I wouldn't blame him, that chick looked tough. I caught up to him outside and he looked like he wasn't too fazed by the whole thing...

So, we headed out and the night ended. I think the party could have been fun if J didn't ruin like usual. But, you come to expect that from hangin with him. The one thing that I couldn't figure out through out the night was want in the hell is a "Queen Wasp"? Anyone know?

*This story is completely fake, J and I were never there. These images were rapped from the boys at Shorescrew.com. Looks like they rolled up on the ASR with their typical vengence.

Posted by: Kaiser at September 20, 2004 10:28 AM

than we hopped in my car, i dropped kaiser off and hit t-bell to catch the late sportscenter and kill some kittens. after a night like this the JOMB was full!

Posted by: j at September 20, 2004 10:40 AM

I'm getting the impression the bars and channels are getting some definition as the rips are becoming stronger; the water isn't slushling back out evenly along the beach. My pre-surf routine includes a 50yd swim, usually about 2 minutes. This weekend I felt like I was swimming in one of those endless pools for 10 minutes. Good sense says to swim parallel to shore, but the coach in my head yells at me to stroke harder.

Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 20, 2004 10:43 AM

sorry about all the butts ladies! Kaiser really does respect the ladies.. especially their posteriors i guess.. ha!

Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 10:51 AM

Go Luke!

Sprout. Kinda groovy. Really monotone. Alternative craft Ok sure, but in perfect waves you can rip on a door. Narration, blatant Bruce Brown ripoff. Overall, sepia tones, B&W, grainy footage won't make up for a lack of action/progressive surfing on contemporary equipment.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 20, 2004 11:03 AM

Saw Sprout Friday. A little TOO much 2 foot pointbreak longboarding - mainly because 95% of it was nose-ride to cutback to nose-ride to cutback to nose-ride....

They coulda cut 30 minutes of nose-riding 2 foot waves and made it much better. It dragged. Lots of good content though.

Saw a ghost this morning on my way to the beach. This Brazzo that, just a few months ago, seemed to live at the beach. He was driving out, smile on his face, hair well combed, pre-dawn, as I was heading out. Hopefully that cat will find his way back soon.

Sharkbait and I paddled out at dawn. Looked horribly uninviting in front, we went down a block, and it was manageable. But, overhead, poorly organized, and chunky. Surfed okay for a while, then drifted into the horribly uninviting zone and missed two drops that left me falling 8 feet into the pit! Its all good, I surfed through a brilliant sunrise and got into work on time. Pillow point has its moments...but so does the beach.

Speaking of which, there ought to be a LOT of surf days this week.

Posted by: blakestah at September 20, 2004 11:03 AM

kelly rules. period. his vision, ability and creativity are astounding. (this said after watching him destroy the semifinal heat down in socal)

Posted by: oaktown_daddy at September 20, 2004 11:12 AM

Thanks for the laughs, Kaiser; needed them! Have had better weekends surf-wise. I picked the wrong spots Sat&Sun, and last night dreamed that the nose on my board was broken off. This morning, trying to find a non-close-out a little south, ankle-strap comes off, board's on the rocks, helpful tourist family sings "Spiderman, Spiderman" to accompany my treacherous scramble to grab the board and climb out, but while there are about 20 dings, the nose isn't QUITE broken off. Back to the funboard for a while!

Posted by: Klooless at September 20, 2004 11:13 AM

This contest is good to watch. Consistent overhead waves, everyone ripping. I haven't done a thing this AM. Parko just landed an air. Sick!

Posted by: tucker at September 20, 2004 11:18 AM

i duhno, i get just as bored watching "killer rippers" rip their shit in the aggressive, almost violent, style that many shortboarders have... the soothing (not to mention DIFFICULT-ness) style of noseriding or longboarding is sweet to watch... and the footwork is choice. i don't think anyone should be surprised there is so much longboard/noseriding in Sprout if you've seen the Seedling,... but too each his own :)

and whatever south is supposed to be here tuesday was long here yesterday... at least for the 3 hours i surfed yesterday at a non-OB spot...

wait, people that post here surf spots BESIDES OB?? ;)

Posted by: log lover at September 20, 2004 11:25 AM

I caught Sprout Friday night and ran into blakestah. Great film, classy. Which is cooler to watch longboard/shortboard stylings ... who can say? Watching shortboarding can degenerate into and endless cycle of: go vertical, smack the lip... go vertical, smack the lip ... On the otherhand, watching longboarding can turn into the monotonous: bottom turn, walk to the nose... bottom turn, walk to the nose ... Cool is in the eye of the beholder.
I'm gonna name a spot that I surfed Saturday because this story has nothing to do with the surf (which was totally marginal). We pulled into the lot next to the old ChartHouse at Montara Saturday morning. I did my usual visit to the semi-porta-head next to the lot before we got ready to go out. While we were suiting up, a guy came out of the other side of the restroom, freaked-out and jabbering to the cops on his cell-phone. Seconds later the cops pull up and go running off into the trees with their weapons drawn. We hear 'em yelling at someone to freeze, etc. After making sure that the civilian caller was o.k., we beat it to the waves before the cops decide to detain us for questioning - we had no interest in rubbernecking the event. By the time we get in the water at least four more cop cars, two fire trucks and an ambulance had arrived on the scene. About 30 minutes later a helicopter lands on the cliff, apparently evacuating a victim ... of something. We stayed in the water for a couple of hours - it's funny how semi-crappy waves will keep you in the water, hoping a miracle will come through. When we finally went in, we found the lot taped-off as a crime scene. We had to wait a couple more hours and answer a bunch of questions before we could move the car and split. Apparently the guy with the cell phone had found a dead body next to the restroom and the cops found the probable assailant wounded and bloody hiding in the bushes. Had I chosen the other stall for my morning movement, I would have been the freaked-out civilian, jabbering to the cops about the dead guy in the bushes! Reading about it in the Sunday paper, the cops still had no clear idea of what happened., or who the two guys were. Weird shit!

Posted by: Jimmie at September 20, 2004 11:29 AM

good point re: if you've seen seedling, haha!

i was actually impressed by how smooooooth the guys looked on the fish, made me want to run out and buy one....of course than i realized if i can't make my log look smooth the last thing i'm gonna do is make a fish look smooth!!

snowed in tahoe and whistler yesterday, for those of you who snowboard.

Posted by: j at September 20, 2004 11:30 AM

Saw Sprout as well on Saturday. The opening act was pretty cool as well.

I thought the flick was a bit long with a lot of footage I might otherwise skip through. But, to each's own! The Dan Malloy footage and Rasta footage was really good. Some of the longboard stuff was great as well but at the end of the flick I was wishing for it to be over.

Cool to see Thomas Campbell introduce it and what not.

Slater/Parko final - Coming up in 30!

Posted by: Kaiser at September 20, 2004 11:37 AM

yeah some dad killed his son at montara... nice.

Posted by: log lover at September 20, 2004 11:41 AM

Got a few photos this weekend from down south if you're bored at work. They are here.

Tom Powers showing the groms how it's done.

Troy Virostko, if I'm not mistaken.

Posted by: Lizard at September 20, 2004 11:49 AM

why do the reef girls always put their fins on upside down?

what about the bs stuff in sprout? i've bodysurfed with cunningham in the water and he is amazing- esp. as he ages, doesn't seem to lose fitness. i guess that is what the lifeguard lifestyle will do for you...

Posted by: goodmorning at September 20, 2004 11:49 AM

away put your boardshorts, need them no more will you, hmmm.

Posted by: yo-duhhhh at September 20, 2004 11:49 AM

teen stabbed to death, dad held.


Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 11:50 AM

awesome pics Bruce!! thanks for posting.

Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 11:54 AM

NICENESS CAKE REPORT: two firsts, 1) I made a cake, and 2) from a recipe 3/5/7 posted on this here forum. Sweet potato chocolate cake. Farking delicious! Wolfed a ton, just as well, burned it off this morning...

Had the ultimate anti-Sprout session. Made some crack about oh-so-casual knee paddling, looked at OB and thought " no problem getting out! " Farking heck I don't know if the gods were laughing at me but for the love of neptune it took forever ! What the?? Why?! Karmic payback for visualizing Sprout footage? Once out I managed one of my most kooky flaily sessions on record. Lots of thinking done underwater. Some goodish peaks but never quite time/place to snag 'em, unless they were unloading on my head. Quite mortifying as Blakestah was there to witness aforementioned goofing about as well as going over the falls in every conceivable direction. Despite unreliable conditions B snagged some nice rides, nasty drops, and perhaps a spiffy left I glimpsed just before getting blinded by the curtain of water from self-same wave [ on his right ] - failed to scratch over that one. No worries ever B., I always keep my board away from other surfers....lord knows I can take the beating. Lovely morning, workout, embarrassing, fun!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at September 20, 2004 12:05 PM

damn i gotta see sprout, sounds right up my alley.
e, gotta disagree about the longboarding. apples and oranges or maybe more like oranges and comquats(sp)..im not into longboarding like your on a shortboard though..nope

O-side was going off saturday or at least super fun..so cal rules, sorry..

webcast here i come..

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 12:05 PM

Tresles is lookin real good and Kelly looks unstoppable. Did one of the best backside bottom turns I've ever seen.

Sprout was cool. I really like the movie and all the surfing. I was especially stoked on the body surfing. Did you catch that dudes toes?

It is funny but there were a ton of people there whom I never see anywhere. Also a bunch of chicks who I wished I would see at the beach more.

My only gripe is that there probably were a lot of long boarders and retro heads there who dont surf like they do in the movie. Lindy and OB are too inundated crowded with loggers who dont walk the nose, trim, turn and all that dancin stuff which is not too difficult. Its more fun when you do stuff but the folks around here with the exception of ODD TODD SEAN SCALLION and other old dudes, ride longboards like a shortboard. These heads are getting no respect from me this season and I'll drop in on them pa quick. The retro heads are the same, seen a tons of dudes out there this week end with the retrobaords. Regardless that it was slop. Most I watched couldnt even surf. No lie. Friggin $500 Retro HOBBIE holdin possin fools.

I think it's important to ride these boards to improve your skill and develope style. I dont undersatnd folks that want to jump the gun and start running before they walk. I also dont understand longbaorders who use them as a means to an end and not style. First thing I want to do when I'm on a long board is hang ten or do a coffin. Why the hell wouldnt you? I love doin cheaters and spinners and watching those old KOOKY looking dudes rip.

Props to loggers that know how to log. The others get the finger.

Posted by: pez at September 20, 2004 12:06 PM

kelly/ parko final? quite a conundrum..

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 12:09 PM

one crazy-cool logger move that i didn't see once in Sprout but i've seen a few times at Lindy is when the logger whips the whole board around 180.. rides fins-first.. then whips the whole log again 180 and rides it out. I mean.. somehow these dudes spins the whole fricken longboard around.. there is a crew of high-quality loggers at Lindy.

Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 12:10 PM

i got 5 bucks on parko...

good drop knee cutbacks, one of my fave log moves..i like the noserides slide to tail turnaround things too..maybe im just onto tudor..

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 12:18 PM

bagel.. i'd label you as the resident Parko fan..

i hope slates takes it.. mostly cause i want to see slates win it all over AI.

Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 12:25 PM

props to the standups eating shit at gaymale on sunday... some awesome eat-its to be witnessed out there. there were some good waves between here and SC yesterday morning.

i went to a barbeque at alex and aleks' (from aqua) pad on saturday. two of the chillest dudes i've met up here. mad props, i wish them the best of luck with the shop.

Posted by: bbr at September 20, 2004 12:31 PM

i love slater but looks like hes going down..did you see parkos snap!?!?!

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 12:32 PM

Anyone catch Rasta surfing Lincoln last week??
I liked Sprout! A little heavy on the Longboarding but those women were so graceful. Killer camera work.
Surfed north county SC yesterday, perty fun, very clean, some overhead sets.

Posted by: mexi at September 20, 2004 12:36 PM

Kelly wants to pay Parko back for last year's PipeMAster. He wont loose...

Posted by: pez at September 20, 2004 12:37 PM

Pez, good rattle, but...

I ride one of those retro eggs and to be honest, it is one of the best board decisions I could have made. It changes the way I surf when I pick up my 6'6'' shorty or even my 7'0'' semi or whatever I am riding. Now, I do agree that the price tag on those things is STUPID but they are sweet boards.

In regards to the longboard talent, I have seen some guys in Hawaii absolutely kill Sunset on longboards. That is some cool shit. I think I just get bored watching someone trimming for 2 hours.

Posted by: Kaiser at September 20, 2004 12:37 PM

My wind guage says those winds are going east right now.........

Da BEACH!!!!

Posted by: Kaiser at September 20, 2004 12:39 PM

Sprout (like all surf movies) will be a great DVD to have on in the background at a bar/party. At 80 minutes it was rough to sit through.
I was inpired enough to get back on my 10 footer this weekend after months of shortboarding. The essence of longboarding is noseriding or trying to noseride. It helps if the surf is 2-4 and you're at a long and peeling spot.
Knee paddling is lame, helicopters are a gimmick and five on the nose does not count.

Posted by: C is for Closeout at September 20, 2004 12:39 PM

Parko is going mental.

Mexi, how did Rasta fair at the local 415? Probably ripped it up is my guess.

Posted by: kookdom at September 20, 2004 12:42 PM


You know how to surf and pretty much agree with me.

Looks like Kelly is going down.

Posted by: pez at September 20, 2004 12:46 PM

Glad you made the cake ss sharkbait!

Parko's looking hard to beat.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 20, 2004 12:48 PM

I left when he got there (no camera), but the waves went to shit about that time, I think there were a couple guys with a water vid housing. I guess he was off to the drum circle in Laytonville .

Posted by: mexi at September 20, 2004 12:53 PM

WOW DID Kelly just drop in on heis belly? Never seen a pro do that. Good to see that even the best do kooky moves.

Posted by: pez at September 20, 2004 12:54 PM

Joel is too smooth for Slater. Slater makes mental brain farts in finals.

Posted by: kookdom at September 20, 2004 12:55 PM


All that dancin stuff is a lot easier to do without a leg rope. And in endless two foot point break waves.

Please don't drop in on me.

Posted by: friend #1 at September 20, 2004 12:56 PM

It is offshore at the beach - very mildly. means it'll clean up good. You could see the spray retreating off the lip this morning.

Pez and I saw this dude named JIM HOLT longboarding at Slopfest. Now, Jim Holt is close to 50, and has been competing at longboarding for decades. His first wave, a head high sloppy OB wave, he did a headstand on the drop-in, and made it EASILY. That into a few drop knee turns, nose-ride, this cat has moves to shake a stick at. One other guy did a dying cockroach after cross-stepping, nose-riding, and generally ripping the crap out of a wave. Made Joel Tudor look absolutely boring. Watch Sean Scallon (NOTE THE SPELLING - HE IS NOT SEAN SCALLION) get a tube-ride in the coffin position, or Odd Todd ride switchstance, going to the nose front and backside no the same wave.

These guys care about style. Wegener (from Sprout) had style. Most of the rest it was just nose-ride, cutback, nose-ride, cutback.......especially Tudor. He is probably the most acclaimed young longboarder today, but I personally would prefer to watch Jim Holt or Odd Todd surf cuz they got more variety and more style.

And yes, Sharkbait, that wave was one of the better ones.

Posted by: blakestah at September 20, 2004 12:57 PM

Drum circle in Laytonville, classic.

Posted by: kookdom at September 20, 2004 12:59 PM

ok everyone owes me 5 bucks...

im rich!!!

later slater..i still want him to win the title though..parkos still young..not that that matters...

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 12:59 PM

I beg to differ. Sean and Odd Todd have style no doubt. The graceful and delicate longboard style we saw in Sprout is far from easy, whats hard is making it look easy. And no I aint a a longboarder but I will partake occassionally.

Posted by: mexi at September 20, 2004 01:03 PM

Bruce, Nice shots from the weekend. I snapped a few too but I don't have any money to print em at the moment. So freaking broke.

Posted by: mexi at September 20, 2004 01:05 PM

OB just getting really good right about now from what i hear...

Posted by: at September 20, 2004 01:06 PM


Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 01:12 PM

scene at Trestles (keenfish photos)

Posted by: boost.. ha ha at September 20, 2004 01:19 PM

mexi, as I pointed out earlier, I got nothing against watching a little nose-riding.....

There was just too much of it, and not enough representation of other longboard styles. It was biased. I even like watching longboarding. But once you see a Jim Holt surf for a while, then you watch Sprout, you realize that there is a lot more to longboarding than nose-rides and cutbacks, and Sprout doesn't show it. Its like life is just one big session at a 2 ft pointbreak, and you do the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over and over again....

Posted by: blakestah at September 20, 2004 01:25 PM

personally im way more into watching noseriding, crossstepping, and drop knees than coffins, quasimotos and handstands...the later are kinda spazzy in my oppinion..tudors style is the best..i like the relaxed approach...

want to surf now..not work..

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 01:30 PM

personally im way more into watching noseriding, crossstepping, and drop knees than coffins, quasimotos and handstands...the later are kinda spazzy in my oppinion..tudors style is the best..i like the relaxed approach...

want to surf now..not work..

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 01:30 PM

i'm with bagel... logs are all about smooth style... people think that smooth cross stepping is easy, or hanging ten is a cinch... the guys that make it look easy are THAT good and no one should try to talk bull of it...

i'm not into all the craziness/rippers that is good shortboarding but i recognize the talent...

"Its like life is just one big session at a 2 ft pointbreak,"

that'd be the life... we'll, maybe 4 foot... but it's sweet that a longboarder can have so much fun on such a tiny wave...

and those shorties that crack on knee paddling are just jealous cuz they can't!

Posted by: log lover at September 20, 2004 01:37 PM

i wish my life was just one big session at a 2 ft pointbreak....

Posted by: j at September 20, 2004 01:39 PM

driving down the interstate
running thirty minutes late
singing margaritaville and minding my own
some foriegn car driving dude
with a road rage attitude
pulled up beside me talking on his cell phone
he started yellin at me
like i did something wrong
he flipped me the bird
and then he was gone

some beach somehwere
theres a big umbrella casting shade over an empty chair
palm trees are growing
warm breeze is blowing
i picture myself right there
on some beach somehwere

i circled the parking lot tryin to find a spot
just big enough i could park my old truck
a man with a big cigar was gettin into his car
i stopped an i waited for him to back up
from out of no where a mercedes benz
came cruisin up and whipped right in


Posted by: blake shelton at September 20, 2004 01:40 PM

whhhhhooooooooaaaa nelly!! certain points going OFF north of LA. good as it gets.

get me outta work in an hour and back into that overhead point niceness.


Posted by: Hb at September 20, 2004 02:14 PM

under head high go longboarding.

head high and over go shortboarding.

every now and again when it's big take the longboard.

every now and again when it's small, take the shortboard.

but always remember, it has nothing to do with what the guy is riding that makes him an asshole.

Posted by: tomstah at September 20, 2004 02:23 PM

I could watch Tudor's surfing all day. coffin rides and handstands are stylish? hmmm, maybe at Lindy :)...ah, but these differences of opinion are part of what 'style' is though--the individual's approach to riding the wave, or even just witnessing a ride.
I guess a by-and-large or stricly short boarder won't appreciate as much the feeling of the smooth trim and flow when it is on screen, but will appreciate the pump and flow of a Sept Sessions type flic? Slater and Tudor are both fully inspiring.

Posted by: ben at September 20, 2004 02:32 PM

tomstah, I think you nailed it

Posted by: ben at September 20, 2004 02:33 PM

Words to surf by, Tomstah.

Posted by: friend #1 at September 20, 2004 02:39 PM

All this nose riding talk makes me wanna grab my longboard head out to my local point break. Lemme just put on this Berkeley sweatshirt in case it gets chilly...

Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 20, 2004 02:41 PM

All this nose riding talk makes me wanna grab my longboard head out to my local point break. Lemme just put on this Berkeley sweatshirt in case it gets chilly...

Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 20, 2004 02:42 PM

Note in the above story: the assailant was on a boogey board

Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 20, 2004 02:44 PM

i've always enjoyed Joel Tudor's style. His act is quiet refined, but I was actually more stoked on the other longboarders in Sprout. Joel seems like he needs a new board tangent to inspire. Maybe 6' twin fins ala MR?? OR a 6'3" CI diamond bling tail.....

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 20, 2004 03:07 PM

Damnnn. Have you guys seen that video? A human being has to be pretty messed up and not in tune with humanity to walk up to the guy and smash him in the face again after he got out of the water and is just sitting on the rocks dazed.

Hang that fvcker.

Posted by: Hb at September 20, 2004 03:10 PM

everybody just chill with a remix...


Posted by: surfin dude, dude at September 20, 2004 03:13 PM

serious, i love that story..localizing fort point in itself should be enough to get you thrown in the slammer, that wave sucks, wheres the lip? sorry again. hope it was worth it to the 3 guys it took to beat up the one guy.

Posted by: bvagel at September 20, 2004 03:18 PM

a few years ago i took a friend to fp to check the swell. nice lines were rolling in so my friend got some video footage. a few minutes later a raging bodyboarder scrambles up the rocks (in his fins) and starts puffing his chest, yelling about how this was a 'secret spot'. i was pretty chill and just laughed....since when are bodyboarders regulators?? of course i later wondered how many of my other friends would of just crushed him. that type of behavior is extremely stupid.

sounds like the same dude. lucky for him the sentence was pretty lenient.

Posted by: rza at September 20, 2004 03:25 PM

all this talk about noseriding makes me pick my nose.

interesting comment 3to5 regarding joel, i was actually more stoked watching alex knost surf myself. he just looks like he's having more fun, which at the end of the day is what it's all about.

Posted by: j at September 20, 2004 03:27 PM

edit: at the end of the day it's all about beers and friends, but the moment right up to the end of the day is all about fun in the waves.

fp a secret spot? shh, don't tell, but i know of a top secret big red bridge somewhere!!

Posted by: j at September 20, 2004 03:29 PM

i agree j. alex and tyler looked a bit more inspired. stoked that it's getting colder in the high country. the bottom of my fish still has a fresh coat waiting.........

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 20, 2004 03:35 PM

link to free streaming reggae for all of you suffrahs in this a babylon system.


Hb-stah do you have a link for the video?

Posted by: tomstah at September 20, 2004 03:38 PM

nice one tomstah..who should i check out??.need to expand my vocabulary..

jacob miller right now..and i see hugh mundell on there, nice..

enough out of me for today..

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 03:46 PM

I AM a secret spot....

Blah, blah, blah, starting to rant like BVB. Or should I say Agnes, er, whatever...

People surf, people don't, people try. What a difference 2 hours make. Winds? Well, not so good now. But.....

I bet Lindy will be firing in the morning. See ya all there, YOU CAN COUNT ON IT!

Who named the Whatchamacallit Candy Bar? Pure genius if you ask me!

Posted by: Kaiser at September 20, 2004 03:47 PM

Good music on that ireggae stream, but the fidelity is brutal.

Check out this shoutcast stream, 96k mp3, and incredible music, this guy converts most of it himself from vinyl. Very obscure (most of it) and great old reggae:


Posted by: wrybread at September 20, 2004 03:48 PM

Whoops, looks like blackark took down their hiband stream? Not sure what's up, but only the 24k stream is happening now. Oh well.

Posted by: wrybread at September 20, 2004 03:52 PM

Just registered.

Thanks wrybreadstah!

Posted by: tomstah at September 20, 2004 03:54 PM

find a wave tomorrow... or be bummed. many spots will fire.

Posted by: at September 20, 2004 03:58 PM


Posted by: country honk at September 20, 2004 03:58 PM

Does it let you access the hiband stream after registering?

Posted by: wrybread at September 20, 2004 04:00 PM

Neal's new book is coming out tomorrow!!! The System of the World. Part three of the Baroque Cycle.. Get your reading glasses polished people!! I'll be in line at Stacey's all night if anyone wants to join me.. got my tent ready!!! siiick!!

Neal Stephenson Bay Area Appearances

The System of the World, Volume Three of The Baroque Cycle, will be released this month, and Neal Stephenson will be lavishing three of his promotional tour stops on the Bay Area:

Tuesday, September 28, 07:30 PM
2454 Telegraph Avenue, Berkeley

Wednesday, September 29, 07:30 PM
1010 El Camino Real, Menlo Park

Thursday, September 30, 07:00 PM
Park Branch Library 1833 Page Street, San Francisco

Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 04:03 PM

By the way, for any ipod types, or better yet Archos types running Rockbox, you should check out Streamripper, a Winamp plugin that lets you save the stream to your harddrive. Pretty amazing, even breaks up the tracks into individual songs and names them. I ripped like 10 hours of that Blackark stream, it's officially my favorite music during Baja trips.

Posted by: wrybread at September 20, 2004 04:04 PM

By the way, for any ipod types, or better yet Archos types running Rockbox, you should check out Streamripper, a Winamp plugin that lets you save the stream to your harddrive. Pretty amazing, even breaks up the tracks into individual songs and names them. I ripped like 10 hours of that Blackark stream, it's officially my favorite music during Baja trips.

Posted by: wrybread at September 20, 2004 04:05 PM

sorry for the functionality strangeness that keeps occurring here on e's. I know it's been bitchy to post comments and the site hasn't been refreshing properly, etc. There is a chance that the problem is happening because there is a SHITload of comment spam that is hitting the server and posting messages to old entries.. If you look back through old stuff you'll see that the last 5 or 6 or more comments are all bullshit spans from blackjack sites or porn sites or whatever.. it seems that there are some plugins that can be added to moveable type blogs that effectively block certain IPs from posting.. bloggers from all over submit domains of obvious spammers and then the plugin blocks those IPs from posting.. hmm... I'll talk to MWSF and look into it more and try to get to the bottom of it..

though i'm not even sure if that's the problem..

thanks for hangin' in.

Posted by: e at September 20, 2004 04:13 PM

E, you want me to call all those casino bastards down in South Africa and get them off your back?

Those shady fuckers are doing telemarketing on my cell phone now! I don't know how they ever got my number....

Posted by: Kaiser at September 20, 2004 04:53 PM

disable commenting for entries over X hours / days old?

Posted by: g-eek at September 20, 2004 05:04 PM

Kaiser - The bad news is that they got your phone number off the bathroom stall in the truck stop. The good news is that you have four stars next to your name. Keep on trucking!

Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 20, 2004 05:54 PM

Late entry:
1. The Ultra-secret Scott Creek was a blast on Sunday. Some thick sets pounding the reef with only a handful out and oilslick conditions.
2. The Uber-secret Sloat was, um, interesting this morning...solo for me.
3. Here's my guideline- 9'-8" up to 10', 10' over 10' (Hawaiian scale).
4. Had a dream about a board i owned 30 years ago and could clearly see the name on the deck. I been trying to remember it for years. Could it be right?

Posted by: kdalle at September 20, 2004 05:56 PM


Posted by: your brain at September 20, 2004 06:23 PM

this guys totally making a name for himself in the art world lately..

Posted by: bagel at September 20, 2004 07:12 PM

Posted by: neckface at September 20, 2004 10:40 PM

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