waves.. but.. onshores
Well… this morning looks hacked, frumpy and blowy… at least.. from three blocks away it does!! Ha. For the sake of my state of mind I hope it’s shitstein out there. I saw the trees outside my window dancing in the breeze so I succumbed to the temping balm of slumber for another hour. Riding to work on my bike around 8:20 I saw the whitecaps out there.
Yesterday, however! Yesterday!! Damn! I got it all in my head that I wanted to surf somewhere *other* than OB yesterday. You know, sample the incredibly varied coastal goods, refine the subtleties of my game through exploring different spots, yadda yadda. Soo.. I pull out and check Ortega, just to see what it looks like. Even thought the winds flirting with harsh it’s large, clean and rad! Only one guy out too. Damn! Waves breaking on the outer bars, alternatively mushing then lining up. Kinda daunting looking. Then I cruised down to Sliz. Shit’s kinda on fire down there. Glassy, overhead walls… peeling, mushing, barreling. I watched one guy just kill it down the line… bottom turn – WHACK off the top – bottom turn – WHACK off the top. Shit! But.. I was feeling lazy and wanted to get my road trip on. Soo.. I figured with this much swell and relatively mellow winds I’d find something in north santa cruise county. Right?? Beautiful drive down the coast, past all the spots, crazy pumpkin and corn castle/maze near Don’t Eat Us Creek. Full-on Karate tournament at Bean Hollow beach. Saw some guy get smacked down. Waddell unreal-looking with legions of colorful kite-surfers. Getting huge airs and generally shredding. Shit. That’s not a good sign for the wind-situation. Spots south of waddell…tiny, windy, no waves! Huh! Guh? 4-mile only 5 guys out. Sweet! But.. wait.. I’ve been standing here 10 minutes and haven’t seen one ride. Hmm.. down into town.. all of a sudden it’s summertime. Bikinis on rollerskates, Tough bros walking their Pit-Bulls, beach cruisers. People at Natty Bridges swimming and wading with no wetties.. hmm.. Down to the Lane.. Uber glassy, tiny wavelets forming up and peeling into the slot and middle-peak. Only about 15 people out and not many rippers. Not much out there to rip. I’m out there. Mellow-yellow session. Caught a handful of insiders and eeked my way down the line, hunting for miniscule power-pockets in the wave. Crouching into a tiny ball and just trimming down the glassiness, kelp trying to hold me back but no way kelp, you can’t stop me. Mellow vibes for the Lane. A few solid chunkies came through at the slot but I didn’t catch any of em. Then I walked down to the skate park and watched some dudes shredding on the half-pipe and mini-pipe. Cool to see everyone with their own style. Skating is so freestyle-based. Infinity of maneuvers out there and each pulls em’ in their own fashion, with their own body-dynamics. One little kid couldn’t have been older than 5 dropping in and making it happen. No fear. Skater dad coaching from the lip.
OB was the place to be from here to SC.
You heard it from me, the kook they call e.
Soo.. with Niceness’ new host we’ve been experiencing technical difficulties. Slow loading times. Funkiness while posting comments. Style-sheets not loading (white screen with huge text). After discussing it with mwsf there is not really much that can be done except to get a new host. Soo.. shiitt.. it would be nice to have niceness all fast and tight, easy to check from work without having to fidget with the refresh button for it to load. Anyone out there willing to host niceness? There are no large files that get served. Mostly just text and optimized images. It’s pretty low-maintenance once set up. There could also be some serious perks in it for ya! Anyone have opinions about whether this is even necessary.. (i.e. do it, checking the surf report has become painful due to the slow loading times. Or.. no need man, everything looks smooth for me)
Asp contest in france right now.
Russia (from surfersvillage.com)
Curren pitted in the Sickle and Hammer
Our hero in Red Square
Lindy this morning
Rockaway lefts
another cool Lindy shot
Similar experience yesterday to yours.
Only had a small window in the early a.m. yesterday to surf. Checked OB at 9:00 looked really disorganized, so headed to SM county instead. Much smaller, but clean and a little crowded. . . had a pretty unfun and rather unmemorable session. But driving home around 12:00 saw the fog had lifted at OB and conditions had really cleaned up.
Damn. Should have stuck it out and paddled out there!
Posted by: d looose at September 27, 2004 10:28 AMi caught one of those lefts way outside at lindy this morning and rode it to the pacifica pier!! had to hitchhike back, fortunately someone had room in their car between the foamies for me.
so went wakeboarding this weekend. haven't been in a looong time, the boards have changed a ton. anyways, blissfully loaded into oblivion, sunny day, cruising along on this board i swear didn't have fins it was so lose. started to get inebriatingly comfortable so try a few little things over the wake. *POW* wiped out hard, right contact knocked out of my eye, left one torn but still on my eye, left arm from shoulder to fingertips numb and unmoving. was limp, could pick it up with my right hand like i was tom robinson in to kill a mockingbird. i think it just popped out of socket or something, not sure. kinda crazy, feeling is back now but the fingertips are still tingly today.
oh yeah, friday post-work was pretty lame at OB.
Posted by: j at September 27, 2004 10:29 AMsouth end was suuper fun yesterday around noon, got a sick little inside tube on my last wave.
i also met this guy in the lot... haha, kind of a character.
pixies brought the ruckus on friday night, highlight for me was frank black francis' screaming "REPENNNNT!!! REPENNNNNNTT!!!" on "caribou" like a crazed southern minister... amazing...
Posted by: bbr at September 27, 2004 10:37 AMpaddled out in the MOB OB yesterday around 9. nobody out and spooky as hell. so spooky that i lost my mojo and found it hard to focus on getting waves. constatly trying to shake thoughts of the land lord. it was really clean, but a lot of the waves were closing out. some really nice, high performance walls too if you could get in the right spot.
Posted by: lerm at September 27, 2004 10:42 AMYesterday at the chalet came together around 2pm.
hate to rub it in but many barrels and not a bad paddle out at all. just many peeps out after 3pm
Posted by: phil at September 27, 2004 10:43 AMob hooked me up yesterday..went out in the fog in front of challet..got some fun ones the southbound treadmill kinda sucked but kept everone away..the fog cleared, tide started getting low the treadmill stopped and there were barrels..it was great..
Posted by: bagel at September 27, 2004 10:46 AMi spent the whole weekend down in sc and got skunked the entire time. a longboard was really the only thing worth riding so i stayed dry and hit the concrete waves. a new skatepark opened in scotts valley last week and it is definitely one of the best in the bay area.
Posted by: rza at September 27, 2004 10:53 AMbut geez...i really wanted to surf!!
Good to see you and the heads this weekend! Good times- I hope you were over here yesterday PM. I'm going to assume you were so I feel like at least one of us has a shit eatin grin on his face this morning. If you weren't then I promise not to mention it..
Posted by: SF at September 27, 2004 10:58 AMOB from 1.30p > 4.30p were the BEST
DAMN 3 HOURS of the fall THUS FAR!!
holy S***. if you were there sat or today
or even sunday morning it seems like BS
BUT it was like a dream and it WAS real too.
now the winds whistles and i can work knowing
how good that was. did anyone else see the 1983
replica cheyne horan board out yesterday? nice.
guy was killing it. hope cheyne won't mind......
Posted by: korewin at September 27, 2004 11:08 AME, I feel bad for ya brother! I don't want to tell you what you missed but....
Nah, I won't say it.
...But, it was fun out there in the afternoon. I saw Bug just getting out and from the sounds of it, my timing was off by an hour. First hour out was really good but as the tide pulled out to the dead-low, it wasn't hittin right. There were some mean-ass suckouts up north though. The water inside was brown/grey and mean looking. Super shallow inside.
I got into some good ones. My best wave of the day I had this logger riding a giant soft top (not a foamy) with a helmut and non-black wetsuit on take off on the shoulder in front of me. I paddled deep towards the peak on purpose and he still went. I surfed his wake the entire way and he never kicked out. Pissed me off. Such a nice wave. He was a really good surfer but he was on my wave! A little kindness would have made my session. Anyone know of whom I speak?
Anyone headed to Crescent City this weekend? If you have to ask "what for" then don't worry about.....
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 11:14 AMSunday, I surfed rockaway in the morning. It was ok. I took my kids to the zoo at 2:00 and sloat looked really good. I hope I didn't miss too much by not paddling out at sloat in the morning.
Posted by: Joe O at September 27, 2004 11:18 AMIf he was a good surfer then he definitely knew better, did you call him off?
Posted by: at September 27, 2004 11:20 AMFound some amazing waves north of Fort Bragg on Saturday evening around sunset, guess it was the same swell that reached OB the next day. Nice snappy head high to a bit overhead, very walled up, mostly closing out but sometimes barreling beautifully at this beach break. Had one ride that I'll remember for a long time, or at least until the next really good ride.
Posted by: wrybread at September 27, 2004 11:24 AMarggh!!

this is what y'all probably dealt with at OB yesterday! bastards!

Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 11:34 AMi'll be there

and i'm bringing a friend

Posted by: bullet at September 27, 2004 11:34 AMsite works perfect for me E.
blackark.com is Iiiiirrie.
Posted by: Hb at September 27, 2004 11:44 AMJust got back from Indo today. Looks like OB has been working. Have to say though, I'm sufferring from post vaca depression right now. Guess it is good to have come back to the freezing cold pacific and it be working, but man, I should be paddling out at Padang right now, or wait, maybe impossibles. Oh decision decisions. Or wait, maybe i'll get that massage first, then paddle out. Glad to see OB's been serving it up. Hard to be back in the cube. Why do I do this again???
Posted by: obsurfer at September 27, 2004 11:46 AMSoulllll fiiiiiire! Soullllllll fiiiiiiire!
Posted by: Hb at September 27, 2004 11:53 AMand we ain't got no water......
I saw OB from the Great Highway about 2:00 yesterday. The waves looked sweeet all along OB--nicely formed waves. But I took a big gulp and tried not to think about the wonderful waves I was missing. Took a friend south to check out the coastline, but it only got windier the further south we went. Kinda weird that OB had offshore sweetness while it was windy in the south. Ended up in North Santa Cruz county. Waves were not nearly as well formed. So we nested and watched the otters frollic in the water. Wonder what it'd be like to be reincarnated as one of those critters.
On OB etiquette--I always make an effort not to paddle out throught the take-off zone, but it seems that many people choose the straight line back out to the line-up. I know there are a lot of really great surfers, but I think if's frustrating when you don't get yer space (and I need it for safety reasons). I always give up waves to those who I think will make the most of 'em. Also, not sure why people choose to sit stagnant in the line of fire when yer cruizin' down the line. I do my best to stay out of people's way and leave their rides unadulterated. Not sure why some choose to play foul. The ocean can be such a positive life force.
Posted by: amigoism at September 27, 2004 12:01 PM
Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 12:02 PM
Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 12:05 PMHey Kaiser, I think I know the surfer you're talking about. Sounds like Sean the lifeguard A.K.A. wavehog, nice guy but has no respect in the water.
Posted by: T. O. double D at September 27, 2004 12:06 PM
Posted by: bagel at September 27, 2004 12:10 PMonshores

florida surf

Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 12:20 PMOB: brrr! Howlin' strong onshores and mushy at the moment, but oddly enough it's looking a lot more doable than earlier this morning. Currently head high max. No no out but shoulders available for the desperate. Kiteboarders might have a great day. Sun is busting through the fog.
Stared at OB yesterday afternoon for a long while. Would not have been...prudent... for me to paddle all the way out into that..ahh someday...it looked like crunchy fun!
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at September 27, 2004 12:30 PMI may have been the "one guy" you saw mid-beach (9:30 - 12:00 or so). It was lonely out there. A guy paddled out right in front of me but either paddled way south or didn't last long. Then about 11:00 I saw a few folks who also vanished almost instantly---ghost surfers! There was good juice, much more disorganized than the wind would make you think, with lots of close-outs---some good waves, but it was hard to be in the right place. The paddle wasn't bad due to the disorganization. I got a few speedy, bumpy rides, including the fastest ever for me (not saying much); it looked maybe head high (like a few others I grabbed that day) as it was coming, but something different happened and the drop seemed to last a long time, and suddenly I was skittering along fast enough to make my 6'6" nervous and produce a wide-eyed "whoa!" that lasted past the hold-down.
Friday and Saturday had less energy but more predicable shape, and I got a lot more waves & a lot more chance to work on stuff.
First day of teaching for me, reducing surfing chances, so I'm mourning the summer. (I know academic term-time flexibility is nothing to complain about . . .)
Posted by: Klooless at September 27, 2004 12:33 PMwhat bagel, phil and korewin said... was soooo fun yesterday afternoon just south of bc... mother nature teases us with the goods and then heaps the onshores...
Posted by: caveman at September 27, 2004 12:50 PMT.O. - Dub D, yeah, not sure but it wasn't such a big deal. It was a really nice drop and I would have loved to hit the lip but....
I know the guy you named and it could have been him. He is a good surfer for sure. This guy was doing his thing. I pulled up close and gave a little greeting but really didn't need to say much. I never knew those things could create so much wake behind them. Crazy.
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 12:53 PMDP'd Saturday for about 1.5 hours alone at mid-beach. There were some surprisingly fun waves despite the sloppy look. A little spooky, but the same leopard seal that's been hanging around wasn't stressed.
Posted by: SFKneelo at September 27, 2004 12:55 PMI dug up another
Fred Van Dyke Interview Good stuff
(If it gets caught on the ad on the first page, just hit enter on the browser.)
I haven't been in the water since Thursday. I'm starting to get jittery. I hate putting on a dry wetsuit, feels like I failed somehow.
Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 27, 2004 12:57 PMRight on Klooless!!
Speaking of 6'6"...ordered a new board! New board! A manageable size to death grip onto while I go over the falls and you zip past me on *your* 6'6", KK
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at September 27, 2004 01:13 PMA couple of shots from yesterday. The first is my pal Rich who loves to take off late on closed out bombs. He wants to grow up to be Kaiser some day! And yes, that's my green fish he's trying to snap.

Posted by: Bruce at September 27, 2004 01:35 PMHey ob surfer. Did you end up buying a board in Indo. If so, what did you get, how much and did you keep it or get rid of it. Just curious.
Posted by: traut at September 27, 2004 01:37 PMI own you

Posted by: Matt at September 27, 2004 01:45 PMAnybody see the Surfers Journal??
Posted by: mexi at September 27, 2004 01:48 PMI meant the NEW TSJ...
Posted by: mexi at September 27, 2004 01:48 PM
Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 01:51 PMlove the animated gif. i need a stint in endless barrell land.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 27, 2004 01:59 PMYeah, I ended up buying a board there in Indo, and man, I got a great deal. The shaper's name in Patrick, and he owns a shop down there called Redz. It's got a double six glass job, so it's perfect for OB, 'bout now. Totally stoked on the board. Carbon fiber fins, brand new board....$250. Supposedly a "bro" deal, 'cause my friend that lives there hooked me up with Patrick. But you certainly can't beat the deal, and it surfs like majic...Or wait, maybe the waves were just so perfect anything would surf like majic there. I keep going over these monster drops that would just wall up and go for like 300-400 metres. Incredible. I've surfed Bali before, Tahiti, Peru, and Mexico, but this trip had the best waves I've ever surfed. Totally stoked to be alive! That kind of living gives you a new perspective on life. Looking for land there, and will be leaving this rat race asap. Don't these days in a cubicle SUCK!
Posted by: obsurfer at September 27, 2004 02:01 PMBrother, It's not where you live, but how you live that bring. happiness. But, I'd take Michoacan anyday...
Posted by: mexi at September 27, 2004 02:04 PMMexi, I got TSJ over the weekend. You have an article/pics in there? Which feature?
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 02:14 PMAgreed about how you live vs. where that brings happiness, but where you live allows you to live the way you would like to live. Ya, know? Chasing the proverbial dollar here is america is somewhat disgusting me at this point in time. I'm sure I'll be tainted again so enough. Fresh off the plane, so my attitude is little bad I guess. I'm sure a few good days at OB and I'll feel good about where I'm at again. But still, a plot of land down in Indo is in order. All you heads will have to come down and visit....
Posted by: obsurfer at September 27, 2004 02:15 PMI hate to see people naming spots and givin up the goods. There's gonna be 10000 more people at the Chalet now. Diggin your own graves....
When you see a guy in a white Gath on a 12 foot foamie drop in on you, join the ride. There's plenty of room on his board for both of you.
I had more fun yesterday afternoon than anytime going back to before my shoulder injury over a year ago. I had access to user-friendly solidly overhead but reasonably mushy waves.
Posted by: blakestah at September 27, 2004 02:18 PMWe'll see ya again Matt!

Posted by: Julian at September 27, 2004 02:19 PMThere are not 10,000 people that surf in SF.
Posted by: US Census at September 27, 2004 02:23 PMs.s.
Right on with the new 6'6". Where'd you get it?
Posted by: d looose at September 27, 2004 02:23 PMBuddy of mine drove up on Sunday to surf with me at OB. On first glance, I said "oh well, at least some paddling exercise". We surfed for almost 3 hours cuz it was better than it looked. At about 2pm the fog cleared. We caught a few more and then got out. On the beach, we looked back at the lineup and said "wow pretty fun - almost good!". Light south winds were holding up the rights- smooth, semi-hollow, and bowling cross-up peaks. Then off to Naan & Curry for an after-surf feast. What a day!
Posted by: as at September 27, 2004 02:26 PMI hate to see people making super accurate surf predictions and givin up the goods. There's gonna be 10000 more people at OB now. Diggin your own grave....
Naw just kidding I love it, but I think you're being a bit hypocritical.
Posted by: jigga man at September 27, 2004 02:32 PMjetty's firing, keep pimpin

Posted by: (not the) EG Pimp at September 27, 2004 02:36 PMIsn't spot naming and giving explicit directions to spots what this site is for?
Posted by: at September 27, 2004 02:46 PMThat little window ysterday was pretty sweet. Heard Liny was fun as well, probably ok right now.
What are you doin tailin a longboarder? Sean is pretty good but I would give him a shout out and if he didnt turn out, I'd give him a nice poke in the butt. It's trippy cause he normally wouldnt drop in on someone, but forget him giving you a wave. His wave knowledge is supreme.
As far as naming spots. Please go ahead. There are no secret spots from here to SC, especially at OB. Shit there are so few secret spots from here to Mexico. Then once your there fools will be trippin about secret spots that have 40 campers and are listed in every book and website.
Swell direction,wind and tide info and how it affects each spot is more relavant. Anyone want to share insights?? Not for me cause I find my own waves and end up at the spot where the rest will come or follow.
John @ SF is owrkin hard and pumpin out boards again finally. His gun shapes look good and are built very solid. Get yours in the que and for once you may actually get one in the 3-4 weeks he tells you you will get it.
Props to Dianne at Aqua for helping me out with fins. Spending $$$ on surf eq is fun.
Posted by: PEZ at September 27, 2004 02:51 PMKaiser,
Posted by: mexi at September 27, 2004 02:51 PMI think I got a pic/pics in undercurrents...Elephant graveyard is the article.
My guiding philosophy has always been that the surfing populus almost uniformly likes wave predictions, and that spot singling out is hated by a significant subset of surfers. I therefore engage almost exclusively in wave/wind predictions....
Posted by: blakestah at September 27, 2004 02:53 PMPez, if you dropped in on my I would tail you too! E did it to me the other day and I was trying to catch him to push him off. Didn't work. And besides, its kinda fun to try and catch a longboarder when you are on a shortboard.
Mexi, I will check it tonight.
Oh, I forgot to give my shameless plug today for a buddy that just launched his new creation: Bascially, it is called Go:Pro and is a camera that mounts on your wrist via something similar to a leash strap. You can paddle with it and then snap pics of your posse while surfing. He is suppose to give me one this week so watch out if I see you in the lineup because I WILL EXPOSE YOU! You can check them at Aqua and Wise surfshops. The cameras are reloadable with actual film as well.
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 03:03 PMI will post a pic once the IT guy fixes my PC>
really though if 10000 people went to chalets today they would be very dissapointed if they were expecting the same thing that was going on 24 hours ago...thats the nature of the beach no? alwayse changing..usually if one sand bars going off youre likely to find another less crowded one down or up the beach, even in 2004..im sure vfw's was not the only good sandbar from 2-5pm yesterday..
Posted by: bagel at September 27, 2004 03:12 PMvague is vogue.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 27, 2004 03:18 PMyawn...
wake me when this is over.....
somebody post some chicks please...
Posted by: tomstah at September 27, 2004 03:24 PMBlakestah-
You know I love you but...
as a controlled experiment. You stop foecasting for a month and see if you notice a difference at the beach. For that same time I'll stop mentioning that Pacheco has the best sandbar formation at OB.
Posted by: kdalle at September 27, 2004 03:25 PMif spot naming is what it's all about, can mexi please tell all me the best places to go in michoacan? thinkin of heading there for thanksgiving. thanks
Posted by: steamwand at September 27, 2004 03:27 PMi thought friday afternoon b/w 2-4pm was really fun. shhh don't tell the boss. rode the hybrid 7'6" and it made me wonder why i always shortboard. the thing's so fun to ride. wish i could have surfed sunday but i'm a homeowner now. sheesh!
computer models that make long island surfers happy.

Posted by: j.o.c. at September 27, 2004 03:27 PMBlakestah
Let's see
1) you have a website dedicated to OB
2) you post OB photos with street names posted
3) Constantly rant about how good OB is and when the best time to not leave town is
4) Post for the masses when the best time to surf will be
5) "I hate to see people naming spots and givin up the goods" Wait isn't that what you do?
You win! Tranny sellout of the Decade Award
Posted by: hyprocitestah at September 27, 2004 03:30 PMkdalle - I'm game. Which month do you want?
Posted by: blakestah at September 27, 2004 03:32 PMKaiser-
We would run into each other as I now tend to cutback and or fade on my waves. Surgin to stay in the pocket. No more just trimmin for me!!! Yeehee!!!! Sucks cause thats why I really wont drop in on longboarders, but I will send a message. I think its fun trying to catch folks too as long as they eventually pop out I dont mind it too much except if they shout you out then fall on the next section or as they are making thier bottom turn. Ive been there so I dont bug unless they are clueless to the error.
Looks mighty windy right now......
Posted by: pez at September 27, 2004 03:32 PMLet's try that again:

Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 03:33 PMYes, much better post. Sorry for the blank one....
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 03:34 PMnow things are getting good.....
....bring the mother fucking ruckus.
Posted by: tomstah at September 27, 2004 03:36 PMThis will be fun. Tomorrow we can have a selected set of quotes from my new email. Check my site.
Posted by: blakestah at September 27, 2004 03:36 PMBlakestah - how about next July?
Posted by: wrybread at September 27, 2004 03:39 PMHere ya go, tomstah...
...and to keep it non-partisan...

Posted by: mwsf at September 27, 2004 03:47 PMblakestah... hard-core..
Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 03:49 PMdamn, blakestah's site is down. welp, guess we might as well not surf, and certainly not at OB.
Posted by: j at September 27, 2004 03:53 PMBlakestah-
Do it for October cause I need your precsion in NOV and DEC. Please>>>>
Posted by: pez at September 27, 2004 03:59 PMBlakestah-
That shit is hilarious, but dont surcomb(SP) to the BS and keep doin what you have been for years. Dont be sour and just ignore the herd. I for one have learned a lot from your site and appreciate your definitive report on beach conditions. Plus I like using your site to link to all the geek surf goodies... hrmm what is the SF Bouy #????? hahah !!!!!!!
Posted by: pez at September 27, 2004 04:04 PM"My guiding philosophy has always been that the surfing populus almost uniformly likes wave predictions, and that spot singling out is hated by a significant subset of surfers. I therefore engage almost exclusively in wave/wind predictions...."
True dat, except for on this site, the only place I have ever heard of where spot naming is encouraged and suggestions to the contrary get attacked. Insane. Has to be the work of non-surfer wannabes who just don't get it. Bring it on kooks, the ocean is for everybody and I'll still get my fair share of waves, but if you keep surfing and learn how to actually ride a wave you'll realize why people think spot naming is uncool.
Posted by: vons at September 27, 2004 04:07 PMPost of the day: MWSF
After reading thru the muck, I see MWSF has made his political case.
I remain undecided. BUSH is showing some large mass, but Kerry is given me a little nip action. Hmmmm. Maybe more propaganda will work.... What do the ethnic groups think?
Bring it on!!!!!
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 04:10 PMw is covered
he gots both kinds.....
large and round and small and perky....
i wanna see some of those good bush pics......
Posted by: korewin at September 27, 2004 04:14 PMBlakestah. Respect!
Posted by: Hb at September 27, 2004 04:20 PMonly if surfers dicks were as big as their ego's. all that cold water i guess.
Posted by: at September 27, 2004 04:21 PMIf you can see the waves breaking from the Great Highway, PCH, or the bridge, it ain't secret.
If you're reporting on a session from yesterday it ain't snitching.
If you ever gave a surf lesson to a beginner you've contributed to the crowds but it ain't wrong.
And, if you don't want any visitors to your home break you ain't gonna be allowed to visit anyone elses home break.
Simple enough?
Posted by: Yawn at September 27, 2004 04:22 PMdamn, i think yawn and i are long lost brothers
Posted by: j at September 27, 2004 04:26 PMJ, you mean that you are Yawn's sister right?
Sorry to correct you....
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 04:30 PMcool, can I get directions to deadmans here?
Posted by: dontbehypocrites at September 27, 2004 04:30 PMWhy is everywhere more crowded? (especially OB)
1) pop culture- surfing is cool, cooler than ever
thanks to movies, TV, advertisments, internet etc.
2) Technology- wetsuits, longbaord revolution, surf camps it's easier to surf
3) Communications- cell phones, internet, satelites etc.
All of these contribute. The problem is that now instant access is just a click away! If we make it at least a little bit more challenging for people it will be less crowded!
There are no more suprises anymore.
The problem with Blakestah's report is that it is too accurate.
But it's the whole thing, not just one site!
Posted by: at September 27, 2004 04:35 PMdon't worry, OB will not be crowded in a few short months. It's like skiing - the bunny hill is always packed but you can have the double black diamonds to yourself.
Posted by: vons at September 27, 2004 04:40 PMcan someone tell me how to get to this "ob" place you all keep mentioning?
Posted by: lost at September 27, 2004 04:42 PMforcasting only tells you when. naming names tells you where. blakestah, props to you though for your stepping up to the kdalle challenge.
i disagree about secret spots. there are some that you can see from the road, but how you get there is not clearly eveident... and that my friend remains a secret.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 27, 2004 04:43 PMYawn - true words.
Posted by: caveman at September 27, 2004 04:43 PMsure thing lost, ob is on aisle 7
here's a FAQ on OB that may help you out, too
how do i know all this? because as kaiser mentioned, I'M YAWN'S SISTER!!
Posted by: j at September 27, 2004 04:47 PM(insert joke about bush getting slotted at OB here...altho i guess it's really OB gettin slotted at bush?)
Posted by: j at September 27, 2004 04:48 PMThey are so cute!

Posted by: Farmer Ted at September 27, 2004 04:50 PMCowells this morning...

Posted by: dano at September 27, 2004 04:52 PMman, if this site shuts down too, i might get some work done.
Posted by: elias at September 27, 2004 04:55 PMI have seen directions posted here to places you can't see from any road. There is an element of agro kooks here who want to make every surf spot crowded with funboarders. Welcome to the anonymous internet.
Posted by: at September 27, 2004 04:55 PMyes please

Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 04:55 PMya well put yawn
b-stah dont quit doing your thing cause some internet weiners are trying to vibe..good joke though..my point was just that ob changes all the time and just cause one sandbars good one day dont mean its going to be good the next..today and yesterday for example..although i would like to hear kdalles theories on that one street that was named after this guy

and more alba!

Posted by: bagel at September 27, 2004 04:57 PMif blakstah's site stays down...
1) surfline will see a sudden increase in subscribers
Posted by: rza at September 27, 2004 04:58 PM2) more people coming to e's site to check conditions
3) many will learn forecasting/and start calling themselves forecasters (numerous ____stah's appear)
4) more surf trips
5) very few of us will get as many good sessions
6) blakstah has epic sessions all by himself and swears to keep the site down forever
blakestah, based on your interpretation of current satelite and wind models, which way will my butt jiggle next?

Posted by: please blakestah at September 27, 2004 04:59 PMyo- for all the hatin' I've done I may not get any help here - i'm out for good in two days - should i go for the carveboard and carvestik for my midwestern surf experience. i know there are a lot of skaters on this board so give up the goods - are they carve board products worth the price versus the others? (sector 9, etc...)
keep pimpin' in 04
Posted by: EG Pimp at September 27, 2004 05:01 PMegp
pimp.. ya need hills for the carveboard to be sweet. If it's pretty flat where you're going i'd opt for a greenbrew-type wide longboard with huge wheels that are spaced far apart. where are you moving?
Posted by: e at September 27, 2004 05:03 PMWe have reached a new level.....
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 05:07 PMd-loose: new board is another John @SF. I'm not at all shaper savvy, but as the saying goes, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. My flaily kook style is surely a detriment for SF shop advertising, but on the other hand I've been doing absolutely everything in my power to destroy the 6'8" and it's still in great condition.One of these nights I worry it's going to sneak up and beat me senseless in my sleep, as payback.
Posted by: s.s. flailbait at September 27, 2004 05:08 PMBravo! Blakestah's always up for a challenge.
He has offered a wealth of information and commentary on how to predict for ourselves.
Now if we could laser the cams...
Posted by: kdalle at September 27, 2004 05:27 PMeffing hilarious interview with gene simmons of KISS with Terry Gross of NPR.
also, pimp... get a skate like this

Posted by: elias at September 27, 2004 05:35 PMKaiser, I'm seriously considering heading north to del norte for the weekend. Are you going?
Posted by: shifty at September 27, 2004 05:46 PMrza is right. Blakestah's site is just the best, most concise and easiest to read. It aint the only place to get the goods.
And I'm still going to surf at OB.
Posted by: Big Log Kook at September 27, 2004 05:51 PMShifty, I am thinking the same. Never been up there for the event. Might be cool.
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 05:52 PMI know Bev and company do it right and the event is, for lack of a better term, the essence of north coast soul. Been meaning to get up, just for one reason or another havent. So thanks for the reminder.
Posted by: shifty at September 27, 2004 06:18 PMMy bet is that blakestah won't stay off for a month.
Why stop what you love, just because a few old fogies on a chat room give you shit.
If blak stays off- I say peer pressure takes another man down...
Posted by: Mulligan at September 27, 2004 06:35 PMI can tell a bunch of people didn't get the goods yesterday, and all I can say is 1-800-Waaa. It was really fun, you should have been there (yuk yuk). It sucked today, and who the hell knows about the rest of the week. In another month we'll get good waves that last for more than half a day - bliss! Tune in and turn on.
Posted by: banjo at September 27, 2004 06:43 PMWhen the internet got going, lots of people that did stuff anyway put it up for free, for the greater good. Rest assured I will still be forecasting and updating my pages in a way I can use. But there are some who thinks that hosting my site hurts our little side of society more than it helps - that the world is a worse place for me sharing this information.
I'll take a month and mull it over. Maybe my kindergarten teacher was wrong.
Posted by: blakestah at September 27, 2004 06:56 PMAlright Blakestah... Do what you gotta do.
This rook has all your html pages cached just in case you prove me wrong and I have to figure out what the heck you've been doing.
Prediction looks like a starting point. *sigh*...
Posted by: Mulligan at September 27, 2004 07:19 PMblakestah.....
what you does not hurt our little society...
it helps it helps those that WANT to look
and poke around....the chalet is the G-damn
chalet it is ON the great highway. people get
shot there. if it is good it will be surfed. simple
fact. the real folks are the ones who KNEW
to be there yesterday as the fog rolled back
and she exposed her goodies. the dipshits
well there are always dipshits.....
don't take any of this shit personally...
we ALL know what opinions are like....
AND say it were subscription based (and i'd pay...)
would there be a kool factor to be allowed to
pay? how WOULD you monitor it? now we are all
turning into homeland (scratch that beachbreak)
security freaks..... keep it going.
Posted by: korewin at September 27, 2004 07:30 PMyou'll sleep, surf and live better.
If everyone would just take turns at the peak, there would be waves for everyone everywhere, but sometimes, like disneyland, the lines would be longer on the weekends and in the summer. But surfing does not work that way, there is too many individualists in this goldarn capitalist society, wavehogs and such, that makes us happy when we see an empty peak. But there is no way, in this day and age to secure an empty spot to surf. So name spots, publish websites. It's not ruining surf culture as much as lack of etiquette among more talented surfers is. The fact that unknowns are not welcomed and given waves in any lineup in the world makes me sick and is enough to consider not surfing anymore. E's site is fun, because of the surf and tangentially related material. Blakestah calls the forecasts. Keep it that way, please! Just name more surf spots, you're not pimping them, you are celebrating surfing. plus gloating a bit
Posted by: at September 27, 2004 07:52 PMBlakestah-Your kindergarten teacher taught you to tie your shoe and then expected you to do it for yourself once you learned how.
That's what good teacher's do.
Hey, it's an experiment. maybe you should talk to Sponsler and Alfaro, get them on board and really see how this pans out...teacher.
Posted by: kdalle at September 27, 2004 07:53 PMIt may be a better idea to get this site off the general internet. Surf Clubs in Oz are a viable form, have lots of fun, and may hit all of the goals of the site. Make access to the site restricted...
Posted by: at September 27, 2004 09:31 PMPublic Service Announcement:
- For those individuals looking for specific links regarding weather and weather related information, I have provided some helpful resources below. Do what you will with the information provided:
For those looking for something else, try these:
Posted by: Kaiser at September 27, 2004 09:41 PMall i was saying was that hearing some random dude say a certain avenue was good yesterday isn't gonna make me paddle out tomorrow. but hearing blakestah say it's gonna be offshore and overhead tomorrow definitely is.
people claiming this avenue or that has no effect on where i paddle out. it's fucking 5 minutes to drive down the Great Highway and see which peak is best on any given day. if it was a reef break or a wave with only a few peaks i would agree with you wholeheartedly about not naming names, but OB is fucking huge and there are a million peaks to choose from and the best peak changes every hour and depends on the type of waves you like.
blakestah i love your site and appreciate what you do but it's completely arrogant and hypocritical to pretend you have no affect on crowds while chastising others for "exploiting the beach" by saying they had fun at pachoriega yesterday. you have way more influence over people paddling out than any lame post on this blog, just because you don't name names doesn't make you any more innocent. i guarantee at least 10 carloads of eastbayers cruised to the city last time you said it would be shoulder high and offshore. and really that doesn't even bother me, but your arrogance does.
Posted by: jigga man at September 27, 2004 09:54 PMguess we'll just have to get our surf info the old fashioned-way: read the buoys and maps and look out the window. nothing wrong with that. though Blakestah you should keep the movies going... always good for a buzz in July, e.g. 11.09.03
if you're serious about surfing OB, move to the beach. you can tell if and when it's good. if not, stop the whining.
Posted by: nohayollas at September 28, 2004 06:36 AMThis reminds me of witchhunts.
You guys can't find the real devil -- or refuse to deal with it, and IT, in this case, are webcams and people who SELL highly accurate surf forecasts -- and so you're going after the local guy who doesn't sell it and doesn't advertise it.
Those of you throwing stones are living up to the stereotype of surfers who can't think straight.
I had a lot of fun at OB sunday. I had zero problem finding uncrowded peaks with good waves. Again: if you can't find an empty peak there, you don't want to.
People whining about crowds at a beach that big should just STFU and go surf.
People with issues about pimping surf need to go talk to guys like Felix and Mark Alfaro themselves, instead of asking someone else to do it for them.
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 07:50 AMyeah blakestah, how about posting some of the old porn to get us psyched up and forget about the forecasts?
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 07:59 AMFYI, OB was not that crowded on Sunday, and anyone checking the cams vs. walking down to the beach would have had a face full of fog. But it lifted and while BC peak was working and crowded, the rest of the beach was empty. Where's the biggest parking lot? shortest walk to the water? Hmmm.
Blakestah, keep firing it up. No guilt.
Posted by: jimjack at September 28, 2004 08:04 AMshut down the cams!!!
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 08:32 AMlook at how many peeps have there undies in a bunch over this.......
Face it, cams are not going away. To Alfaro's credit, he doesn't tell you the exact location. Sure some wise guys can figure it out, but as long as they keep a lid on it, it's not exposed right?!?!
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 28, 2004 09:20 AMDON"T TELL PEOPLE WHERE TO BUY SURFING BOARDS MAN!!!
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 09:38 AMnaming spots on the internet = celebrating surfing???? That is the #1 stupidest thing I have read on this blog. Anonymous you are a fool.
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 09:44 AMI have been surfing the Bay Area since 1977.( born and raised) I have no doubt that the computer forecast has done more for WEEKDAY crowds than any other single thing. People (including me) now schedule days off based on a forecast. Used to listen to the weather radio, and just check spots. The weather radio was always lousy for south swell. Now, everyone knows a south is coming for at least a week. There is nothing anyone can do about it. All I can say is, I am 4th generation San Mateo Coast, been surfing for, what, 26 years? Localism is bullshit.I am probably more "local" than 90% of you. It does not mean a thing, except that I FEEL A RESPONSIBILITY TO PROMOTE ALOHA AND THE TRADITION OF OUR CULTURE. Good surfers get waves. I surfed county line on the last south mid week, totally crowed. No problem getting waves. I remember when the place was empty during the week. I think it is so funny to see guys in their twenties get all agro local. Relax and get over it. You will face alot bigger issues in your life, I promise. Like this "bad vibe bob" guy. Mellow out, man from SoCal. Here is a funny story: I have had not surfed 4 mile for about 15 years, even though it is about 25 minutes from my house. Used to surf there ALOT. So I go there last winter, and this guy just totally vibes me. Tells me to bail, etc. Turns out, HE IS FROM FLORIDA!!! It just completely bummed me out. I have memories of hanging out there for days in high school, just chilling with never a problem. That guy did not even know the place existed then. Now, he is the heavy local. How absolutely pathetic is that? Here I am, a family man in my forties, getting totally hasseled. Wow. TO THE YOUNGER CREW: Alot of the localism stuff of my generation was WRONG. It makes people FEEL BAD. Learn to EXTEND YOUR HAND IN THE SPIRIT OF ALOHA. When you rest your head down that final time, what will matter is WHAT YOU LEFT BEHIND.
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