small but mighty... kind-of
Howdy surf fans.
“Easy like Tuesday morning.” Good times out in the drink before work today. Anyone complaining about crowds should’ve joined Kaiser Sose, Bagel and I out there. Other than a few loggers and a squadron of territorial sea lions there was nobody around for miles and miles. A grey sky combined with a grey sea to form a muted, calm, monochromatic pastiche. Fun, chunky, head-high blips and blaps cruised in from their nor-pac origins and alighted the inner bars with racy, shallow, quirky meat. Narrels and Barrels a’plenty for the skilled, quick and picky surfer. Hein, spine-crunching wipeouts for the sluggish or haphazard. Bagel styled it (as usual) on his new, Elias-shaped super-fish. That board is bad-ass. Nice work Elias! It looks freaky, with a really wide front-end and barely any rocker and some handmade-looking parallel wooden twinfins. Some of Bagel’s tweaky imaginary characters are silk-screened on the front and back. The stick basically looks tight! Bagel made it ride real smooth on a bunch of rights and even ripped the top off a wave with this one particular top-turn that was shreddy. Niiice. Kaiser Sose took off on some bombs and Bruce would’ve been proud on a few Superman efforts. For the most part though the Kaiser Roll is becoming more discerning in his wave selection and has been seen tearing down the line on his new favorite 6’6” orange egg. He caught a fast backside ride this morning and Bagel and I watched from the lineup as he bumped and rode high on the lip.. workin’ it. Some fun stuff out there. Pretty ugly looking from the lot.. but.. once out there it’s fun and kinda high-performance. Ramps, walls, barrels, close-outs, sucky/gurgly/chocolaty weirdness, etc.
Soo.. shiiit. Blakestah’s site is still down. I personally think the Stah’s predictions are rad and I like to have an idea in my head of what’s going to happen in the next few days. It gets me pumped. If you know what you’re doing and you’re not surfing on Saturday and Sunday from 9-11, or after work during the week, then crowds are really a non-issue in the bay area… in my humble opinion. Soo. Stah.. My vote is that you keep it up. If you’re really going to desist from predictions for the next month, it will be interesting to note the change in crowd (if any) when the next swell pulses in. hmmmm…
sorry about the gnarly technical issues going on right now here at Niceness.. hopefully we'll get them sorted out soon.
Surfing rules
taylor knox
dudes! bummed i missed out. sounds fun. the girlfriend's birthday today, so i had to bail.
Posted by: lerm at September 28, 2004 10:48 AMBlakestah should just give weekly updates like does, especially during times when it gets good around here. Winter, Fall, and summer swells.
Posted by: jdz at September 28, 2004 11:00 AMsounds fun, eeeeeeeeeethan. tasty, even.
Posted by: j.o.c at September 28, 2004 11:01 one out, at ob.. this dawn patrol thing is crazy..e got a nice narrel pigdog backside drop..and sose got that good double up shallow fast narells..looked like crap on the way to work..
Posted by: bagel at September 28, 2004 11:12 AMfark. dudes. would a could a should a been there with you... good on ya.
bagels- glad to hear that you are tearing it up... i'll have to get a sesh wit'cha.
with blakestah's absence, i've had to create a whole bookmark folder with new links. his site was like a hub. now without it, im going to take over webcasting.
today's report... bumpy surface, overcast, swell coming sometime and it's going to be epic when it gets epic. but then it will get even more epic. like epic squared. ya know? so get it now. best time to get on it is when you do.
someone was in town

Posted by: elias at September 28, 2004 11:18 AManybody feel that earthquake?
Posted by: Goyo at September 28, 2004 11:25 AMpro ho update: brazilians gave the americans a lickin in round 2 at the quicksilver championnat du monde de surf, they knocked out Damien Hobgood, Taylor Knox, Cory Lopez, and Pat O'Connell.
Posted by: steamwand at September 28, 2004 11:31 AMj-you rock. that frankenreiter bootleg is sweet, if a little "easy listening." how can i repay you?
Shake it baby, shake it....

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 28, 2004 11:32 AMDang lerm, you should have told me A's birthday was today!!
I think (*fingers crossed*) that I've gotten to the bottom of the niceness site woes. We thought it was SBC but it's looking like a faulty router was to blame. I switched it out for a higher-end router and things seem to be a bit more stable. Let me know if the site still seems farked...
Posted by: mwsf at September 28, 2004 11:36 AMcongrats to mexi for getting the photo published in surfers journal. i liked the accomanying articl-ette. anyone know the author?
Posted by: steve pezman at September 28, 2004 11:37 AMIt was pretty glassy and fun out there 9 - 10:30 or so. The tide was up a bit so probably a little mushier/less tubey then at DP, but just about perfect for my purposes. Sharkbait was nabbing sets, doing cutbacks, and generally looking like she's leveled up another notch.
Posted by: klooless at September 28, 2004 11:40 AMit's still kinda farkified, dropping the occasional request for part of a page etc.
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 11:46 AMshould be "accompanying"...for an editor, i'm not so good with the spelling.
Posted by: steve pezman at September 28, 2004 11:48 AM3to5: Please do not post information on specific locations of earthquakes. Soon all the seismologists will be crowing the with their clipboards and richter scales. That's a locals only fault line.
Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 28, 2004 11:51 AMMy guess is that halting blakestah's predictions won't do a whole lot to ease crowds. Granted, his predictions are the most accurate for OB, but there are still plenty of other resources out there for swell and wind info if you know where to look. Most will still knows when it'll be good or potentially good. Just like always, here's when you'll get it good and uncrowded: (1)When the swell comes in slightly ahead of predictions and you're on it. (2)When it's not predicted to be firing, but all conditions come together anyway. (3)When it's funner than it looks.
Posted by: Davo at September 28, 2004 11:59 AMmwers.. since your post it's been quicker on the refresh of the comments page . But.. it's not really letting me get into the admin area and edit/create new entries. Takes about 15 minutes of waiting and then about 4 "server unavailable" error messages before i can get in there. Actually, right now (11:55) it's not letting me edit an entry at all (Freezes at "rebuilding entry" screen)..
arrghh.. sorry to take you away from work mwers!! speaking of which! argh!!
Posted by: e at September 28, 2004 12:03 PMeveryone here always bitches and moans about crowds... but there's never really anyone out there! just about anywhere in norcal, except santa cruz, is uncrowded when you really think about it... ever surfed elsewhere? just go south. all the moaners here couldn't handle shit down south as far as crowds.
Posted by: cronk at September 28, 2004 12:07 PMFreight Train Lefts Wrap into Embarcadero
This tuesday morning saw flawless 4 to 6 foot Glassy Lefts wrap thier way around the embarcadero, ending in a 10 second barrel section just beneath the Bay Bridge. With only two lucky locals in the water, the 2 and a half hours of perfection disappeared as quickly as it ..began. Right time, right place......ya never know
Blakestah could not be reached for comment...
Posted by: You Missed It at September 28, 2004 12:10 PMProps out to Bstah for sharing waves with me this morning under the bridge, he has a sick bottom turn.....
You all missed it
Posted by: Lou Seal at September 28, 2004 12:16 PMdo you guys ever get tired of looking a the same old asp pics? i think i've seen that last one a few hundred times :yawn:
i like the more organic stuff
Posted by: cronk at September 28, 2004 12:21 PMHowever, Davo, all you need to do on those surprisingly good and uncrowded days is catch about 2 good rides and the entire avenues will empty and triangulate around you, particularly if you surf any of the areas of OB where you can view the action from a parking lot. I can't count how many times I've paddled out ALONE at Kelly’s, VFWs, or Sloat only to have the bleachers empty RIGHT ON TOP OF ME as soon as I catch a few decent ones. Everyone will just be sitting in there cars, not really seriously contemplating going out. But as soon as someone shows them it can be done, IT'S ON!!
Now, I wouldn't mind so much if everyone SPREAD OUT. I want other people to enjoy the sport that I love so much. What I don't understand is why everyone has to pack rat on top of each other. The beach is what, 4 miles long? Why is it then that on days, such as yesterday, that the only 6 or 7 people I see on the whole beach are consistently within 10 feet of me, attached to my every move like refrigerator magnets? I'm a decent surfer; I know what I'm doing and can read the conditions - but I'm not exactly Kelly Slater or anything. So, why then do these guys follow me (or others) around? For all this technology and foresight we now have, the majority of people in San Francisco will rely on the most archaic method: follow someone else. I don’t get it. The beach is so long, and so many other sandbars are the same, maybe even better. This is the only place I’ve lived where people actually SEEK a pack of guys to surf with. It’s retarded.
Posted by: Assface Lopez at September 28, 2004 12:24 PMIf you're having router problems, you might try out Monowall. We just switched to it and all our server stuff got much smoother. It basically turns any old pc into a top of the line router, works much better than most of the crap out there by linksys and netgear. Just put the CD in the drive, boot from it, put in a floppy to save the settings, and you're good to go.
Posted by: wrybread at September 28, 2004 12:24 PMe - i ordered a Carvestik (by carveboard). everything i read and heard says that these are the best for simulating the actual carve of surfing/snowboarding. the carvestik have the small wheels which make it nice for flat surfaces as oppossed to the carveboard which is really just for hills. i'll let you know how it goes.
shit, there is an empty skate park 1/2 mile from my new house. guess i got me a new place to pimp out.
pimp it '04
Posted by: EG Pimp at September 28, 2004 12:28 PMegp
cronk.. if you have some organic photos.. post em up or send them over to me.
Posted by: e at September 28, 2004 12:32 PMI will be in Memphis for a week. Where can i pimp at?
Posted by: Sutro D at September 28, 2004 12:34 PMThanks for the site connectivity info and router suggestions. I was hoping the router switch had cleared it up completely but it sounds like that is not the case. It's definitely made things better from inside the niceness network though. We have an SBC guy coming out tonight to troubleshoot further. Man, things were so much smoother with the old network on Covad. I hate doing sys admin stuff...
Posted by: mwsf at September 28, 2004 12:35 PMAssface, or "A. Lo",
if you dont have the correct bumper sticker, then dont park or try to surf at Kelly's. We know who you are and we dont like Trannys or Aliens.
We will Rat-Pack your arse so fast, just give us the chance, beyatch!!
Posted by: Sky Blue Ninny at September 28, 2004 12:39 PMDamn, my posts got killed. I am just testing this one.
Posted by: Kaiser at September 28, 2004 12:40 PMthanks e.. i just might... but every time i try to post a pic i screw it up somehow
Posted by: cronk at September 28, 2004 12:41 PMyeah SBN! Kelly's Cove Boyz Rule
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 12:42 PMBeale street in memphis is the place to check out Sutro D. nothing but bars and music for blocks and good food along with the usual elvis look alikes
Posted by: blues traveler at September 28, 2004 12:43 PMthanks so much MWSF. you farkin ROCK!!
just so you all know. MWSF is the real underground legend of E's surf report!! the dude KILLS it in the techy universe! fucking kills it!
Posted by: e at September 28, 2004 12:45 PMMWSF also, I'm inclined to say has got some more pic's to share.
Hit me...........
Posted by: tomstah at September 28, 2004 12:49 PMThe Gibson guitar factory is in Memphis..........farking cool shite
Posted by: BLT at September 28, 2004 12:49 PMI always go out alone, save the one time I went with Klooless, and I gotta say it's nice to be able to see another body along the beach someplace. Sometimes I'll strap a carpool dummy to my extra board and drag it out behind me just to ease the solitude. On a mushy summer day, I caught a fin to back of my skull that resulted in alot of blood. It made me realize if I took it any harder, I woulda had to rely on the fisherman to call 911. And frankly, I didn't have a whole lot of faith in them.
Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 28, 2004 12:50 PMI won't paddle up to a group of three, but I frequently paddle over to singles or doubles, just so there is someone to at least alert the coast guard. Alternately, I freaked Labor Day weekend when I couldn't find an empty peak and surfed the stuff breaking on the inside which was really just a drop before it crashed. But it was still the only time since March I had to deal with a crowd.
HA! Are organic photos sorta' like compost piles? That's all I shoot. Half asleep I went through the Journal and couldn't find Mexi's photo. Anyone got a page number for we older readers?
E, I'm glad our pal Kaiser is avoiding the bombs. He's far too nice a person to be getting a salt water and sand enema every session!
I haven't seen Riding Giants yet but I heard they mentioned Tommy Powers, which he joked was his five seconds of fame. Pretty humble guy- Someone told me they had a contest in still water to see who could hold their breath the longest. Tom did over four minutes. But even the legends bite the dust now and then. . . is this organic enough? I mean, it has kelp.

Posted by: Bruce at September 28, 2004 12:52 PMSBN, I've got all the right stickers. I just interchange them depending on where I surf. I've got the "Kelly's Cover Local Boyz" sticker for when I surf Kelly's, I've got the "Thank Your Local War Hero" sticker for when I surf VFWs, I've got the "Judah Priests" stickers for when I surf Judah, I've got the "I Surf the Middle of the Beach So I Am Harder Than You" sticker for when I surf from Ortega - Rivera, and I've got the "I Pulled in at Sluts" for when I surf Sloat. I've also practiced hard for years now so I can show "BEAT IT ALIENS!!!" louder than Simon or any other surfer, so I'm well prepared. Perhaps that is why the refridgerator magnets triangulate me so much.
Posted by: Assface Lickmyballs at September 28, 2004 12:57 PMI still haven't seen the new TSJ, I'm wondering what pic they used. Bryan Dickerson was an OG SF surfer who moved down to Morro Bay to raise the family, he is an expert tube rider. I used to surf with him in early 90's, we both lived on GH near Judah and surfed there daily.
Bryan tubed 1998

Posted by: mexi at September 28, 2004 12:59 PMI still haven't seen the new TSJ, I'm wondering what pic they used. Bryan Dickerson was an OG SF surfer who moved down to Morro Bay to raise the family, he is an expert tube rider. I used to surf with him in early 90's, we both lived on GH near Judah and surfed there daily.
Bryan tubed 1998

Posted by: mexi at September 28, 2004 01:00 PMAndrew on 44th, I'd rather you go out and paddle out on the pack than paddle out on ME, the one lone guy you were referring to. Did it ever occur to you that one guy is enjoying his session alone? Surf 40 feet from him. That way, if you take a fin to the culo, you can still yell for him to help you, but at least you won't be swarming his peak.
Posted by: A. Lo. at September 28, 2004 01:00 PMYup...
That guy Powers is a friend of a friend. He get's waves for sure...he like's twin fins I believe.
Didn't know he charged early days Mav's.....
I've surfed around him a few times and he got a few set waves in the slot that were in the few foot overhead range and was all's always good to see a Steamer Lane local that is chill.
i'm eating grapes, and now the chick next to me is eating grapes. everytime i eat grapes at lunch this shit happens. i'm going to head south and eat oranges and see what happens.
Posted by: j at September 28, 2004 01:03 PMBryan wrote the TSJ article, he's had a few in the journal.
Posted by: mexi at September 28, 2004 01:03 PMChocolate Barrels taste good
Posted by: Willy Wonka at September 28, 2004 01:10 PMYeah Mexi,
We can't see your buddy in that pic.
Post a few more...
Posted by: tomstah at September 28, 2004 01:11 PMFrom Surfline's encylopedia: "[Clark] had Maverick's to himself for 15 years, and by 1990, he was getting lonely. On January 22 of that year, Clark led Santa Cruz surfers Dave Schmidt and Tom Powers into a monster swell at his private domain."
Sick photos, Paul. Cool meeting you the other day.
Posted by: Bruce at September 28, 2004 01:19 PMYou can't see him because he's hiding behind the lip. There is a large print of the shot at WISE
Bruce, the pic is small I think a 1/4 page
Posted by: mexi at September 28, 2004 01:19 PMha, a lo's got his bases covered, nice.
whoever invented that vietnamese rooster sauce is a genius..

Posted by: bagel at September 28, 2004 01:19 PMdamn man, we're all out there to have some fun... if someone paddles up near you give a friendly "howzit" or "whats up" or "mornin'" and be a fuckin' friendly human being for criminy sake! no one owns the ocean or that peak you happen to be on by yourself... don't be a grumpy fart, just be happy you're one of the few that can enjoy the surf and realize there are others that dig it too...
Posted by: cronk at September 28, 2004 01:21 PMyay
Posted by: bagel at September 28, 2004 01:33 PMYeah, those who prefer to surf alone usually let me know with some passive-agressive stink-eye (stink eye is the post-it notes of the ocean). One notable is the guy in the hotline with the red stiching. I ended up next to him three days in a row, so I just drifted down the beach. Those that prefer to be alone are the minority. I'm not sure if we really need to be respectful of someone's desire to be alone any more than someone's desire to split a peak. But if someone is gonna get stressed out without someone nearby, I'll give them their space. But more often there is "hey, were you out yesterday? it was way better", followed by a breif discussion of the weather, and as the set approaches, whomever was in that spot the longest gets the first ride with the paddler-upper getting the second. Occasionally a "you go right, I go left" is blurted out at the last minute, but that usually results in me skipping down the surface of the wave to do a face-plant on the bottom.
Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 28, 2004 01:36 PMI know Mexi...that's what I meant. Keep posting more from your private stash.....
So Powers was the other guy who couldn't keep the secret upon returning to Santa Cruz after that fateful day. Interesting....
Posted by: tomstah at September 28, 2004 01:40 PMOn the flip-side of the stink-eye, I found that almost univerally, dudes with long hair and beer-guts like surfing with random strangers.
Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 28, 2004 01:43 PMthose that give that stink eye and want to stay alone may be looking for help someday out there... karma can be a real bitch
Posted by: cronk at September 28, 2004 01:44 PMA. Lo,
Posted by: Simon at September 28, 2004 01:51 PMThat's just it Cronk and Andrew: I don't usually get the friendly "howzit" or "hello" or "mornin'" I just get these people who follow me. Even if I DIDN'T get the cordial greeting, that would be ok, as long as they didn't trail me like a remora does to a shark. Conversely, even if the DO say a nice hello, which I always reciprocate, that doesn't exactly make them my new buddy that can attach himself to my hip.
It is often I who paddles away from the crew, especially if someone is being nice. I don't want to seem like a dick and get frustrated at someone who's inherent inclination is to follow me if they are a nice person. What does steem my bean however is when I paddle away from a pack, catch a few, then the pack will come join me, convinced that my new peak is somehow now the best one.
Do I vent in the lineup? No. I just sort of seeth internally, while trying to keep a somewhat happy look on my face. But that's why we have this "blog" right - so I can express my true feelings annoymously.
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 01:51 PMSimon, you actually know what a Jihad is?
Posted by: Arse Low at September 28, 2004 01:53 PMwheres eagles and china cove again?
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 01:54 PMSimon, you actually know what a Jihad is?
Posted by: Arse Low at September 28, 2004 01:55 PMit's been suggested that #46026 contributes to crowding at the beach.
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 01:55 PMit's been suggested that #46026 contributes to crowding at the beach.
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 01:56 PMMemphis: Stay at the Best Western across the street from Graceland; it's got a guitar-shaped pool. Go see Al Green preach. Eat some tasty BBQ--you'll have to look to the ghetto for the best stuff. Go see the Reigning Sound if they're playing. Don't rely on Beale Street; there's other places; check out the record stores for local events. Did I mention you should eat juicy, tender BBQ? Oh yeah, buy some Elvis shades and take an Elvis impersonator to Graceland. Do the full tour--the house, the planes, the Cadillacs, etc. Bring some flowers for the King. Eat a peanut butter and banana sandwich. Watch Mystery Train on DVD before going to sleep.
Posted by: amigoism at September 28, 2004 01:58 PMthats a good movie
Posted by: bagel at September 28, 2004 02:00 PM
Posted by: j at September 28, 2004 02:04 PM
Posted by: j at September 28, 2004 02:04 PMack, double post madness, sorry, computer burp!
steamwand, no worries on the CD, just let someone have a wave next time you're out and it's all good, eventually the karma will get back to me.
Posted by: j at September 28, 2004 02:06 PMsimon's back...the second biggest crybaby at ob. Anyone not familiar with this trustafarian Seacliff local non-tranny - look for the blond mophead beanpole loudmouth asshole.
Posted by: Cryin Ryan at September 28, 2004 02:08 PMsimon's back...the second biggest crybaby at ob. Anyone not familiar with this trustafarian Seacliff local non-tranny - look for the blond mophead beanpole loudmouth asshole.
Posted by: Cryin Ryan at September 28, 2004 02:09 PMEGP,
My carvestik is fun but it really likes the street better than the skatepark, preferably with a long mellow gradient. The stock wheels are super super soft and make it hard to keep your speed up on nice concrete. You might want to consider switching them out for something harder.
Since the trucks are mounted on the extreme ends, you can't do a vert-style drop-in or kickturn which limits your choice of starting points and lines. It also gives you a super long wheelbase to unexpectedly scrape going over sharp transitions like small pyramids, etc.
I ended up getting an old school pool-type setup for parks but I still really like the stik for street runs.
Posted by: hrothbart at September 28, 2004 02:09 PMTrannies are fun to watch, but they do get in the way. Marin surfers have always amused me. They claim ft point and deadmans like they live in the Presidio. They act like the tunnel and the bridge give them status. Just a bunch of tranny trust fund ****. The brand new clear coated surfboards with the Marin Surf Sport stickers are a dead give away. If your serious about surfing OB then make the sacrifices we all have and move to the city, if you can cut it.
Posted by: Avenue Enforcer at September 28, 2004 02:09 PMEvery one of you monkeys are on a roll right now....
I just spent 5 minutes laughing to myself at work.
Ok, so let me get the surfing props out of the way: Bagel - you multi-narrelled this morning on the produciton Elias. E - that left was disgusting, I never thought you would make it but the pigdog was solid. Bruce, there is a myth going around that I have not been myself recently and I have been pulling back a bit. Well, that might be true, but I think I just surf more now irregular pullback to avoid the enema is being witnesses more often. With all that has happened in the world recently, I presume my surfing will not be so frequent as the crowds begin to thin and scientific theory proves our course.
Ok, seriously, I am going to stick to what I have an eye for: This is one of my all-time favorites...

Posted by: Kaiser at September 28, 2004 02:12 PMi was walkin' my dog last night and noticed a little peak was firing -- one that has, shall we say, a very limited tidal / swell angle range -- pretty well, and when it works, it only lasts a couple hours at most. there's just this one other local guy i know, on it. he lines up and drops in to this sweet left, heads right down the face, cranks a bottom turn, comes down the line and stalls for a nice 3-second barrel.
there were others around too, scoping it.
we all left him to it. not often you get it alone like that.
Posted by: g at September 28, 2004 02:13 PMThis one gets no respect....

Posted by: Kaiser at September 28, 2004 02:13 PMWeeeeeeee! Grins all 'round from the Klooless and moi session - in particular K timed a racy crunchy right to perfection. What Klooless fails to mention about said "cutback"? is that it was done at the bottom of the wave...and as the board whipped hard right, I bent backwards farther..farther.... okay, angle approaching impossible...thinking all the while about those guys in the videos, who, in perfect control, actually STAND UP from that position as opposed to splatting like a swatted fly. Graceful landing!
Bruce! You will love "Riding Giants". See it asap.
Posted by: s.s. snailbait at September 28, 2004 02:15 PMThanks Kaiser, keep them coming
Posted by: Sutro D at September 28, 2004 02:18 PM
Posted by: j at September 28, 2004 02:19 PMJ, you want to play that game eh?

Posted by: Kaiser at September 28, 2004 02:25 PMBravo Kaiser. I like the first one better but we need more to decide. Bring forth thy Reef Ads
Posted by: Kobayashi at September 28, 2004 02:34 PMyeah man, listen to the Avenue Enforcer!! if you don't he gonna punch you inna dah face!!
Posted by: cronk at September 28, 2004 02:35 PMMemphis BBQ Ribs. Goto Corkys BBQ and get the dry rub. and then get the wet rub. Im talkin bout the Ribs.
enough said...
Posted by: BB King at September 28, 2004 02:43 PMFunny thing you mention the "duck and cover". Read an article today stating that this is not the way to react in an earthquake, contrary to what I've been told. And seems like this is still what is being taught in schools. I've got this extensive email, that I don't want to post on the blog, but google the "triangle of life" for better ways to react in an earthquake. That is unless you think posting the email would be beneficial.
Posted by: obsurfer at September 28, 2004 02:49 PMhere's what i know about crowds - if only the middle urinal is open in a three spot, i'll head to the stall. if that's taken, then i'll wade into the crowd cuz it's the only space left.
Posted by: caveman at September 28, 2004 02:51 PMUrinal test...
if you fail, you're gay.
Posted by: tomstah at September 28, 2004 02:57 PMThumbs up, I passed the urinal test!

Posted by: Sgt. Scary at September 28, 2004 03:09 PMASSface-
Please dont use my last name as your not worthy of it's uttrance. Lopezs are not cowards. Lopezs dont mind crowds cause we get shit done anyway. Lopezs talk shit, but back it up. Lopezs dont hide but will drink alone. If a Lopez cant kick your ass, they'll be back. Dont fuck with the Mexican Bulls!!! Friggin HAck!
BTW Arent those south winds good for LINDY or has everyone stepped it up and now has an 8'6" for OB? Having the tools,plan and desire is a lot different than actually doing the job.
Posted by: pez at September 28, 2004 03:18 PMjust saw on espn's site that hermanson has
been suspended for 3 games fro nailing jeff
kent last thursday nite.
mlb is not a giants fan.
Posted by: korewin at September 28, 2004 03:20 PMSo far I have been sent a buncha reasons to keep the site up. I've not received a single email in support of keeping the site down. The site'll stay down until at least six days and 2-3 good surf days pass, or until kdalle has had enough.
Here's an email summary.
Reason 1. Other information on wavecasting. Stormsurf, surfpulse, WISE phone check, surfline, wetsand, e's report. In sum, certainly 10 times the readership of my site.
Reason 2. Mass media marketing increasing number of surfers leads to crowding. Surf schools, movies, etc. Crowding unrelated to my site. Put simply, more people are surfing everywhere for reasons totally unrelated to
Reason 3. People emailed that they surfed Salmon Creek or Oregon or Monterey and check my site daily (even Dale Webster), don't get the OB crowding angle.
Reason 4. Significant focus on forecasting the big stuff, when it is rarely crowded.
Reason 5. Delivers anti-aggro message during crowded times and anti-trash message all the time to a large OB-centric audience, as well as other news particulary relevant to surfers. Without the forecast there is not a consistent audience of surfers, and thus not an effective way to suggest mellow vibes and clean beaches to everyone.
Reason 6. Surfing is crowded because it is a GREAT activity. Don't blame the weatherman.
Reason 7. Of all the whiny people who wanted the site gone, the only one willing to use his real name is kdalle. The others are reasonably anonymous cowards. Every single person who emailed me used their real name - many emailed me there phone numbers.
Many (most) that emailed me used the info on my site to decide when/if to go surfing, wherever they may surf. So, that leaves open the possibility that there is a not-insignificant impact on some days at OB.
The experiment goes on.
Posted by: blakestah at September 28, 2004 03:27 PMStah, tell em to fark off and keep on doin what you are doin... You better than the others Stah
Posted by: mexi at September 28, 2004 03:31 PMBlakestah-
Is this is a Seinfeld episode," Are you master of your domain-name"?
1. You know the crowds don't matter to me, I get my share.
2. Whiny? Moi?
3. Six days? I thought we were talking a month here?
4. You've got to admit that the paradox here is that the that more people ask you to put it up the more evidence there is of its effect on people's decision to surf or not.
5. Blakestah can put his site up anytime he wants to. I won't hold it against him...honest. I think he's created a highly accurate system and now the masses need their feed every day. Cold turkey is a bitch!
6. I know, I'm a slippery-slope hypocrite. I still check the buoys!
7. Hey, he's a scientist. It's an experiment.
8. I am still master of my domain.
Posted by: kdalle at September 28, 2004 03:49 PMI AM THE MASTER OF MY OWN DOMAIN!
Posted by: KYdalle at September 28, 2004 03:58 PMI am the best Stah in the hizzouse.....

Posted by: Hot Chick Poststah at September 28, 2004 04:00 PMI had written a fairly elegant post about how the medium, not the man, changed things. That cat enthusiants complain that "rate my" is taking away from the art of cat photography. Ironically, while blakestah takes his usefule site down, e can't keep his crappy site up, so I lost that post. Therefore, I will now be posting all my surfing stories on ratemykitty message. Meow.
Posted by: Andrew on 44th at September 28, 2004 04:10 PM'stah.. i agree that the anonymous blakestah bashing was kinda lame.. i'll fess up to posting that photo of the blond girl's backside and asking you to predict which way my butt would jiggle based on current satellite data. i just thought it'd be funny. In reality i'm not that blond lady with the perfect posterior. I guess i also don't feel threatened by the crowds because i don't see any crowds (yet?) and i surf every day. If you don't like crowds there are PLENTY of totally random beaches around here where nobody surfs and the waves happen when it's happening at OB. (hint: stand at Sloat and look south)
Posted by: e at September 28, 2004 04:10 PMjust checking posts and um, who the heck highjacked my handle this morning. that first post up top re: blakestahs site...not me. wierd...i feel kinda violated...kinda dirty.
anyhoo...looks fun out there right now kiddies.
Posted by: jdz at September 28, 2004 04:19 PMok, i've got to admit i typed in, hoping it would be like ratemyboobs only know....

Posted by: j at September 28, 2004 04:28 PMI don't remember anyone other than kdalles saying to shut the site down.
I do remember blakestah chastizing someone for naming VFW's and the person telling blake he was calling the kettle black.
I agree with that poster.
Blakestah has no grounds to scold others for naming spots.
Looks like he took his ball home for a day and his mommy told him it was going to be ok so now he's coming back next weekend.
Posted by: tomstah at September 28, 2004 04:30 PMI'd chip in for an array of cellphone jammers all along the west coast for a month.

Posted by: dano at September 28, 2004 04:59 PMIt has been suggested that this website contributes to crowding at the beach. Forecasting is suspended until we sort this out.
-blakestah AKA DRAMA QUEEN
Posted by: DRAMA QUEEN at September 28, 2004 04:59 PMdamn, tomstah, harsh.
Posted by: steamwand at September 28, 2004 05:03 PM1)there is a difference between reporting on conditions and naming specifics spots (which there has been more of today than i have ever seen on this site)
2)ocean beach is not crowded. you can always find your own peak. and even when there are a number of people in one area, the damn waves hardly ever break in the same place for more than one set. if you are a decent surfer, and you are lucky enough to be in the right spot, you will get your fill. unlike at the lane where sometimes if you don't drop in on people (which i don't) you can go a whole session with only a few crappy waves under your belt.
3)surfing's fun. i'm dping tomorrow under the setting full moon. (even though i have no idea what the wind will be like because b-stah won't tell me.) feel free to share a peak with me. it'll move 50 yrds to the south on us anyway!
Still naming names...........

Posted by: Daffy Duck at September 28, 2004 05:03 PMI don't have a domain to be master of, but I am maestro of my mojo.
Posted by: Dennis at September 28, 2004 05:08 PM
Posted by: at September 28, 2004 05:12 PMI won a contest once.

Posted by: George Costanza at September 28, 2004 05:18 PMKaiser Soso for President..................... of Reef Advertising and Marketing
Posted by: Sutro D at September 28, 2004 05:37 PMIt's 8:00 pm. Time for you kids to go to bed. We old guys are heading for the rad bars before we troll Market street for wayward Reef girls.
Posted by: Bruce at September 28, 2004 08:04 PMtomstah wrote:
Looks like he took his ball home for a day and his mommy told him it was going to be ok so now he's coming back next weekend.
Naw, with crap like this I can hold out at least another week, to honor your kind words. Keep insulting me - this can go on all winter.
I can definitely do without this shit in my life.
Posted by: blakestah at September 28, 2004 10:16 PMRe the question of why people magnetize to the lone surfer -- it's the most convenient way to keep the odds of the landlord collecting rent capped at 1/n.
Posted by: JTH at September 28, 2004 10:52 PMjust be nice - try it - why trash on everyone -
Posted by: crystal at September 29, 2004 08:47 AMcentro postal service

caribbean ripper. this kid is mostly mute. communicates with grunts in the lineup -- somehow his friends all understand him. after a few days i could tell when he was calling out sets.
site seems to be faster today but still timing out here and there.
Posted by: g at September 29, 2004 09:46 AMI have no idea who Blakestah is, but he seems like a funny character. The type of guy that would create a website just so he can get props from other surfers - I imagine his surfing skills could never warrant such attention. He says he does it because he wants to contirbute to the surfing community, but as soon as one person 'bites the hand', he takes it down. Seems to me like Blakestah is just doing it for the recognition. His own self interest. He wants everyone to thank him and beg him to keep the site up. Whiney little baby. Go get your bottle. There are plenty of other sources out there - sources that you plagiarize.
Posted by: John Utah at September 29, 2004 10:05 AMblakestah - your site is simple and accurate - and that's all i need. i appreciate that you provide links to quikscat and other sites to show how you predict. and it is free, so props for that. you also are the most realistic that i've noticed - accurately predicted when south swells wouldn't make a dent when other sites had them pegged head high +. i've surfed OB twice about 7 years ago - but i check your site daily.
kiss off utah!
Posted by: cruzdp at September 29, 2004 10:43 AMPlease check out the sites about gambling gambling ...
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