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Wild in the Aves.

Thumpy, empty, brutish and snarling. Again with the grey on grey ensemble. I blindly took the plunge this morning and it’s good that I did because I may not have elected to surf if I’d seen conditions beforehand. The swell seemed a tad larger than yesterday morning. Waves were buckling, groping and rising on shallow sandbars and then pounding down with angry force. Thick foamy barrels on hand. A ripper might get him/herself in some gloriously tight spots on the wave. Periods of relative calm interspersed with sets of 6 or 7 head-high A-frames that would generally close-out in monstrous fashion. Solid OB conditions. Small but muscular… at least on the low tide this morning. It’s out there if you want it. And you can have it all by your lonesome.

Yesterday it seems that the mid-day crew scored high-quality, glassy, sunny succulence. Good on ya if you got some of that. By the time I got off work downtown, all frothing to surf, the fog had rolled in, along with the wind and the gloom. I was so anxious to get some waves that I couldn’t wait for the N Judah (why do you never come when I’m in a hurry N-Judah! You suck!) and decided to take the L-Taraval and then run the 12 blocks to my house. I was basically sprinting along the Great Highway (the lesser). As I passed surfers coming in from their sessions I would ask “Howzit out there?” I received a comical assortment of appraisals. “Crappy, it’s gone to shit.” “Ya should’ve been here two hours ago.” “It’s still pretty epic bro, get out there.” I really liked that last one so I sprinted up my street, suited up and then virtually swam through the pea-soup fog out to the beach and then to the lineup. No sight of land from the water. No other surfers around. Nothing except for grayness, fog, disheveled/warbled/peaky/fun waves, the landlord, thoughts of the landlord, and a general spooky, eerie, twilight zone-esque quality to the situation. There was this one gnarly sandbar out there in the fog which caused waves to warp, barrel and hammer. I flitted with this anomaly and eventually tagged into a cruise left or 3. But eventually I just got so spooked out in the darkening foggy scariness that I came in. While out there I thought I was drifting north really fast, but as I came to shore I realized I hadn’t drifted one inch.. weeeirrrddd!!

Anyhoo.. blakestah.. dood. Your forcasts are the shit man. Don’t let a few grumpy surfers spoil a good thing. Your forcasts are part of what it means to be a computer-locked bay area surfer.

It also dawned on me yesterday how insular and myopic us internet denizens can be. I talked with a few surfers about where they got there forcasts and 3 or 4 separate individuals all said they called the Wise phone report and hadn’t heard of E’s surf report or Blakestah’s site. It’s just a small percentage of us surfers who are locked into the computer all day and live in this virtual world for 8 hours every day. Anyway.. just a thought.

africa (photo by marc johnson)

puerto (there were some mini versions of waves like this today)

Randy Bloomfeld photo of Tavarua

Gotta agree with E on that one Blakestah. Your contribution to the bay area surfing experience will be sorely missed. What if access to your site was limited to those of us willing to participate in regular beach clean ups and other positive, ocean-centric community service activities?

Posted by: EZPass at September 29, 2004 10:41 AM

Blakestah, say it aint so!

And what other website ridicule and derides you?

Posted by: Big Log Kook at September 29, 2004 11:03 AM

Are you forgeting that you have over a thousand unique hits to your site each day.

The thing is that this site as Blakestah's report are centered around one spot-

Yes one big, fickle beachbreak- But a spot that many people call their home break. A break that has seen a significant change in the people in the water in the past 5 years.

Blakestah- you are a PhD- The response of people begging you not to take down the site should just demonstrate that your site does significantly impact the beach.

I would say that after all of this drama - readership to your site will double- because everyone has been blowing smoke up you arse about how you are such a great forecaster and it is the most accurate

And what does that mean?... Crowded- when it matters. And after this event- you ego freshly stroked- more readership, crowds and more RFS sold???

Yes, there are many contributors to crowding- your site is one, without any doubt.

Comments on this website is another, detailing the best times and places to surf.

To every surfer out there, try and regulate yourselves from naming places, exposing, cell phones, supporting surf cams, portacrowds and detailing how good the conditions are or will be.

At least do not post this on public websites that can be viewed by thousands of people.

Don't sellout the beach- and maybe the beach will return the favor one day- with those empty perfect days that we all dream about...

Posted by: obloc at September 29, 2004 11:09 AM

i've got half a dozen #'s in my cell i call depending on the location i'm going to surf... the interweb is hardly the ONLY resource i use... the "old fashioned" phone in report is still mighty handy

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 11:10 AM

e, sorry i missed ya.

the waves at the south end of ob were quite different from the north end this morning. met up with kaiser and paddled out. mushy, peelers breaking on the outer bars. hard to get in the right spot, but managed to lock into a few. kasier snagged a couple and called it a quick session. my last ride was the best almost all the way to the beach. that felt good.

blakestah, dude your predictions are rad. i usually check the beach no matter what, but i love reading your reports. is it really pressure from the surfing community or just taking some time off?

Posted by: lerm at September 29, 2004 11:10 AM

some of us are trying to combine two aspects of our lives: (1)the busy side of things - lots of work and family - and (2)surfing. Incompatable at times.

To know when there will be surf and plan our busy schedules around it, is INVALUABLE.

Not all of us can be "bartending beachbums" who check it 3 times a day. This is where Blakestah is key.

A lot of us do need to schedule our surf sessions. AND that is where this internet thing is key.

Posted by: hydrologist at September 29, 2004 11:11 AM

There is so much forecasting available on the internet, to think that Blakestah's one page synopsis of weather conditions and swell angles (He never comes out and says, it will be 6-8 ft, offshore and sunny on thursday) is making OB crowded is just narrow minded. IMHO.

I just came from a long weekend in the OC and damn, SF doesn't even know what the word crowded means.

Posted by: kookdom at September 29, 2004 11:11 AM

I really like Blakestah's report. I only use it to decide whether to go out for DP during the week. Surfers who go out after 9:00 are better off just calling WISE. During the weekend,I don't bother to check the forecas because I am probably going to go out no matter what. Blakestah's report probally causes more people to go out on good weekday mornings, but DP during the week at OB is still not very crowded. OB can soak up a bunch of people before it gets crowded. I think waves would be underutilized without Blakestah's report.

Posted by: Joe O at September 29, 2004 11:12 AM

was listenin' to some old Eric B and Rakim this morning and Rakim had the best quote that pertains to localism.

"its not where ya from, it's where ya at"

Posted by: Hb at September 29, 2004 11:13 AM

I haven't seen another human being in the water in my last three sessions.

It's gonna be crowded when it's sunny and good no matter what. But.. most of the time it's still scary, isolated and lonely.

Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 11:21 AM

if you come to OB, then I WILL CRUSH YOU!!

trust funds forever!!!

Posted by: Simon at September 29, 2004 11:23 AM

Hey E Hasn't you last 3 sessions been since Blakestah took down his site?

Posted by: at September 29, 2004 11:26 AM

ha ha! that's true actually!

Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 11:28 AM

Great pic G! Good stuff....

Posted by: tomstah at September 29, 2004 11:29 AM

What up y'all? The surf? Shit was rolling thru again today. Looks like the bouys are up a bit. Me thinks that we are seeing some south swell out there, well, at least I know that some bouys are reading some from say 210-220 degrees.

Small and closing out at one end, big and mushy at the other. I choose big and mushy this a.m. Paddled out with the Lerminator and I think we both got a couple of rides but nothing to write home about. The waves were tough to judge. I can't really peg the size since they were just big slabs. But, I would say they were bigger then head high for sure. Pretty gutless as well. Really tough to get to your feet as the winds were definitely not helping out.

Anyway, that is what I know! As E pointed out, there is something out there if you shall seek to find it. Find a corner, have some fun.

With these hazy grey skies, it stinks of the landlord out there.....

Posted by: Kaiser at September 29, 2004 11:30 AM


why would you want to waste your time with these reports to random people out there? If it's to get people to pick up trash and be nice, I don't think you've made a dent. Most trash picker-uppers are non surfers I've noticed. Mostly little kids on a field trip or normal folks.

In fact you may have added to the trash and pollution, but I haven't done a disertation or anything on the impact of your site. I'm just thinking all the surfer trucks, SUV's, tractors and other cars are all dripping oil, tranny fluid and radiator fluid right into the ocean from our nice beachfront parking lots. Whatever, I don't care too much, but again why waste your time with this site?

Another thing that kind of irks me is the surfing community in general. You're all a bunch of little bitches. It's true. Try pursuing a different obsession sometime. You'll find the people in other activities to be much less egotistical and lame in general. So fucking what if you rode an overhead wave, bigshot? So fucking what?

Posted by: miley at September 29, 2004 11:40 AM

whoa snap

Posted by: bbr at September 29, 2004 11:48 AM

Blakestah, if you stop forecasting for those of us who care, then the terrorists win.

Posted by: shifty at September 29, 2004 11:49 AM

hey Miley are you voting for Bush?

Posted by: crystal at September 29, 2004 11:53 AM

dudes please.

Posted by: elias at September 29, 2004 11:54 AM


When cronk says that you're getting 1,000 unique hits, does he mean you're getting 1,000 unique visitors per day? Or is it more like 1,000 hits which would imply, accounting for the pictures, something like 20 - 80 visitors per day or something.


Do you have visitor counts? If not, and if you decide to put the site back up, I'll volunteer to write you a session counter that fits your website configuration (and maybe add an rss feed at the same time :).

Posted by: Big Log Kook at September 29, 2004 11:58 AM

this place really is just one big circle jerk...

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 11:59 AM

just did the drive, N to S. Oh my.

Posted by: robme at September 29, 2004 12:00 PM

i never said anything about hits (from the bong)... i think that was obloc

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 12:00 PM

I know, howzabout moving the surfcams away from the water and pointing 'em at certain parking lots and other car-thief-vandal targeted areas. heh ;)

Surfing is fun. Even sketch days like today when I got my arse kicked and ended up not getting rides but monkeying around. Cheers,

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at September 29, 2004 12:01 PM

Yeah, these topics are getting old real quick!

Posted by: Kaiser at September 29, 2004 12:01 PM

OK, so I put out a challenge to Blakestah, he accepted and now there's a shitstorm.

Let get something straight, Blakestah is an opinion magnet because he delivers the goods. Whether its a fin innovation, accurate forecasting, scientific explanations for things we mere mortals don't understand, community service or unabashed stoke he is willing to say it, do it and back it up.

Doesn't mean we always have to agree with him but he deserves respect and kudos for sharing with the rest of us.

My challenge was less about crowding than the commoditization of surfing. He created a great product and offered it free. It was intended to enhance the surf community and maybe it has. He will follow his gut with the site and that's OK with me whether it's up or down.

Surfing is about pure joy and an escape hatch from the crap that goes on in the land-based world. The more it becomes just another Disneyland E ticket, pay your money and get your waves product, the less it appeals to me. I'll take a big, gnarly, solo day at OB anyday over a chartered Mentawai trip.

But that's just me. Maybe I'm an anachronism and, like Murphy, after all is said and done I just wanna go surfin'

But I'm still not gonna mention spots.

Keep surfing no matter what. Over...out.

Posted by: kdalle at September 29, 2004 12:02 PM

Bros (before Ho's),
who cares which spots you name in this forum? give me a break.
half of the people on this blogg would prefer to surf "Lindy" anyway.
my guess is that even if you gave GPS coordinates to spots, it isnt gonna crowd the spots anymore than they already are. for instance, who doesnt drive OB before settling on a spot to surf anyway? (unless you are walking across the street from your house to surf the same spot every day)
Fact of the matter is that there are more and more people in this world, so there are more and more surfers, and more and more people at your secret spots. you got to be able to accept that.

whoever that is with the swell predictions, tomstah, blakestah (i cant remeber-stah), well keep it up, your predictions arent exact but that's ok, NOBODY's ever are. you are damn close. I say, if you want to surf and can check it online, as opposed to burning gallons and gallons of gasoline, the DO IT! makes much more sense and is better for the planet.

also, please post more photos of hot chicks' asses, just not the same ones over and over.

Posted by: Spot Namer at September 29, 2004 12:03 PM

I returned from a trip fishing along a private section of California coast these past few days to find this ongoing flap. It was beautiful and the fishery was remarkable compared to my other experiences in California. Although without an in that costs quite a bit of money or knowing someone that is willing to get you a pass one's vehicle is subject to impound within this controlled area. Perhaps this is the answer for all of you- privatization of the coast? Get yours and keep out all else....

Blakestah's site is a great resource but debating whether or not it significantly adds to the crowds we all experience here in California is moot. I moved here in the late '80's and more move here every day. California is a crowded place that will only get to be more crowded as time passes. This can not be stopped without seriously impacting the constitutional rights of all Americans. So what do the "locals" want to do? Close the beach? Start sniping? Here I will weigh in with Miley. Wake up.
Get along. Pull your heads out.

I bet the Native American peoples here could tell the gripers a few things about opportunities for bitterness. Welcome to the modern world.

Posted by: goodmorning at September 29, 2004 12:03 PM

blakestah's publicity stunt has effectively increased the orders for the RFS system! nice work on the marketing!

by 'shutting down' his surf report site he's managed to get people who don't give a rat's ass to go to his site, which of course has no reports but merely an advertorial for the RFS system.

traffic up, orders up! nice work!

miley has made a pretty good observation on a large % of surfers i must say.

Posted by: j at September 29, 2004 12:04 PM

by the way...


Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 12:08 PM

Out with the old and In with the new!! I'm one of those "bartending beachbums" who does check it 3 times a day so if your looking for accurate reports call me @ 555-5555!!! But it's going to cost you( especially you hydrologist!) You're freeloading days are over!! Wake up and smell my feet you 9 to 5 ers !!!!!

Posted by: T.O. double D at September 29, 2004 12:08 PM

It seems blakestah, BVD, et. al. are all half-assers trying to get their names/egos massaged in the local surf culture.

Face it, you suck guys. You're recreational athletes. There are much better surfers far ahead in line to have name recognition. Go back to conneticut or whatever and be a hero there.

Posted by: garry at September 29, 2004 12:17 PM

Blakestah= Janet Jackson of the surfing world
Except no nip
what a rip!

Posted by: nip rip at September 29, 2004 12:18 PM

oh yeah.. i almost forgot...


Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 12:21 PM

kdalle seems like a super chill elder statesman in judging by his past posts and i also read sponge's site about the session he and kdalle had on the north shore. the one statement he made though really threw me for a loop:
"I'll take a big, gnarly, solo day at OB anyday over a chartered Mentawai trip"

kdalle is entitled to his opinion of course, and i have much respect for him, but man, that one floored me! how about a gnarly solo day at any number of spots (which I wont name) that are all over the mentawai chain. Compared to OB? You gotta be kidding me. Just my .02

Posted by: ldogg at September 29, 2004 12:24 PM

Crowds? What crowds? Three years ago we had crowds. I actually counted 150+ surfers at Sl**t one day. Estimated 500+ along the beach. That's crowded. We don't have no stinking crowds. A couple annoying greedy aholes make it seem crowded even when it's not.

Posted by: Dennis at September 29, 2004 12:25 PM

DING! Congratulations garry and nip rip have tied for stupidest post this site has seen, and the competition has been tough.

Posted by: Big Log Kook at September 29, 2004 12:31 PM

Anybody know anything about guitars?
Anybody know anything about reef girls?
Anybody know anything about books?

Change the mood and lose the attitude folks.

Pictures and stories now 'til close of business.

Posted by: at September 29, 2004 12:33 PM

sure, a few days a year it's crowded, maybe a total of a week or so, but big winter surf, nice and light out there. even most days as well. last evening, foggy and empty, clean and peeling, even in front of the parking lots

Posted by: jimjack at September 29, 2004 12:33 PM

To all the blakestah haters, Ocean Beach is huge and if you can't find a nice peak to ride your own waves, get a longboard and catch anything that your little hearts desire. Blakestah, your contributions are apprectiated by many. It would be a shame for a few selfish individuals to spoil such a useful tool.
Keep sharing aloha!

Posted by: phunski at September 29, 2004 12:36 PM

I surfed the fog yestrday afternnon, there were 6 guys sharing the waves, and I thought it was crowded, its all relative. I think it is crowded these days and I don't DP, can't, won't, don't.

Posted by: mexi at September 29, 2004 12:40 PM

Ding, ding, ding! People that do the ding! thing on the internet...

The internet sucks. Look at the fricking trees outside your place. Are they moving? East or west? Bring two boards with you... summer bring one. You don't need to massage some guys cock to know when it is time to surf.

Works all the way to Tahoe. Look at the fricking trees cocksmoker.

Posted by: alchi at September 29, 2004 12:42 PM

We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be
Lets say, I love you

There's nothin wrong with me
Lovin you---
And givin yourself to me can never be wrong
If the love is true

Don't you know how sweet and wonderful, life can be
I'm askin you baby, to get it on with me
I aint gonna worry, I aint gonna push
So come on, come on, come on, come on baby
Stop beatin round the bush....

Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on
Let's get it on

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 12:49 PM

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 12:49 PM

Posted by: at September 29, 2004 12:49 PM


WRONG. look at the trees on 19th and Lincoln some day, then check out OB. They can each be blowing different ways. not a good way to judge it. but hey, if it keeps you away from the beach by watching the trees sway, then keep watching. One less guy I have to drop in on

also, what gives with this site? slow as molasses. time to go back to covad.

Posted by: Aipa at September 29, 2004 12:51 PM

In the media you often here about sites getting zillions of "hits" but this is very misleading. For example, if I post a photo on the SurferMag blog by linking to my site, every time someone checks out that thread it counts as a hit to SurfHumor. I maxed at one million hits for December of last year, but that was because so many people had linked to the pictures of Big Wednesday (12/17). And even visits can be misleading. . . how many people use a site to get to another site quickly? How many of us hit Ethan's more than once in a day?

Don't you think that most surfers are more libertarian (small "l") than liberal? I mean, do you think a minority of surfers should deny the rights of Ethan, Blakestah, and Sponsler to have a web site or for us to visit? Should photographers like Mexi be prevented from nabbing images under the Golden Gate because people will "discover" that sometimes it's good? Should Wise and Sonlight be prevented from giving recorded surf reports? Are we saying that I can't use a cell phone to call Kaiser and tell him to meet me down south because the Reef girls are playing volleyball?

I guess next we will surfers different licenses based on their ability. Gotta' have a Class B to surf OB when it's overhead. Yep, and then we should have gates and a guard at Lindy. Sorry, you can't surf because the spot has reached capacity. Then spots will have designated long board and short board sections with fines for violating the ordinance.

I'm not emotional about this topic, I just don't get the logic. My take on the crowds? Blue Crush. Step into Liquid. Riding Giants. The X-Games. Televised contests. Chris Isaak. Bring 'er back up, Dr. Blakestah; assert your rights. It will be cold soon enough and the crowds will thin like they always do. (Sorry for the long post.)

Posted by: Bruce at September 29, 2004 12:52 PM

no wonder al quida and the rest of the world hates us. we're a buch of sniviling little shits with too many toys that can't play nice.

Posted by: miley at September 29, 2004 12:52 PM

There seem to be common threads of all the blakestah naysayers:
- fear, protectionism,suspicion, meanness, name-calling, entitlement, etc.

Blake, on the other hand, has consistently ascribed to the niceness vibe that founded this site.

If you don't want niceness, then why would you come hang out at the niceness site?

Posted by: Jack at September 29, 2004 12:52 PM

on a sidenote, that chick on Blue Crush is HOT! i'd like to wax up her lower back. yah, yah!

Posted by: blue crusher at September 29, 2004 12:55 PM

miley...speak for yourself and everyone you know. but not the rest of us....thanks

Posted by: true at September 29, 2004 12:57 PM

terry simms "simba" at linda mar


Posted by: at September 29, 2004 12:59 PM

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 01:01 PM

Wednesday 9-29-04 at 12:45 PM PST
The waves were fun for a short time this morning, but a strong
southwest wind came up about an hour ago and blew it out. Surf
conditions are poor currently. On a positive note, this seems like
the first clean northwest ground swell of the season. The waves
picked up dramatically from first light to mid/late morning. Set
waves were consistently 2 feet overhead at the most exposed spots,
and some sets were up to 1.5X's overhead. More than the size, the
waves had a lot of energy/speed. Unfortunately, the wind has made a
mess of things. The weather is overcast, very cool, windy, and there
are periods of drizzle/light rain.

Posted by: FYI at September 29, 2004 01:02 PM

Cronk, you are a dick. you joke about disabled kids? please kill yourself.

E, block that A-hole

Posted by: Goyo at September 29, 2004 01:05 PM


Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out.

-another internet common saying. yawn...

Posted by: alchi at September 29, 2004 01:06 PM

I had a nightmare that ocean beach was one long meandering reef like santa cruz.....now that was friggen scary. So this is day 3 of the blakestah hunger strike? Only who are all the ones that are hungry? score Ghandi:1 Trannies:0

Posted by: Sutro D at September 29, 2004 01:08 PM

I used to read blakestah's report, which is how I eventually found out about this site. I totally support him taking a break for a while to see what happens. In everything in life, it's good to take a break for a while to see how things are different than you think. When you're down in your everyday activities, you don't realize what's good and bad about them. Taking a break is a great way to get that insight. He used to take a break March-Sept but this year had reports during the summer.

So take a break for a few weeks or months. If your life is improved or surfing is better or whatever, great! If not and you'd like to do the forecast again, good also.

All the best,

Posted by: Nate at September 29, 2004 01:09 PM

I admit I've checked blakestahs site to see when to work or not, but you really get a better idea by checking bouys and winds on a certain day, so really there is no need for blakestah.com.

Besides I doubt I'll want to go there as the guy is a PHD who seemingly has it all, but who whines and carps about his feelings getting hurt on the net. Give me a fucking break. Your like a yuppie neighbor who bitches about you leaving your shoes on the porch. Or the dick who complains that your 10 year old car is ruining the asthetic of the neighborhood.

I hate SF sometimes. Damn long term tourists overrunning the place.

Posted by: teddy at September 29, 2004 01:19 PM

why are you boys/men/guys so down right mean? you would never see this kind of shit talk with a woman - and why do you love putting pix of women up on your site - niceness - is not when woman are constantly being used.... surfing remember - get on with it, if you have nothing positive to say keep it to yourself - good love - peace

Posted by: crystal at September 29, 2004 01:19 PM

good point teddy...

hell, i have 12+ sites i check for reports...

Posted by: at September 29, 2004 01:23 PM


remember the golden rule.

Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 01:25 PM

Yeah if SF had reefs like Santa Cruz we would have something to really bitch about. Talk about a real nightmare.

Posted by: snoop at September 29, 2004 01:28 PM

Yeah, I'd hate to have perfect, well formed reefs that hold the wind here in SF. That would suck.

Posted by: Slaytanic at September 29, 2004 01:33 PM

Big Log Kook

Daily visitors (not hits) to Blakestah.com by year

1997/8 20
1998/9 40
1999/2000 70
2000/2001 200 (SFGate and PacificWaverider
carried it)
2001/2002 400
2002/2003 550
2003/2004 700
Last week and recent months: 1000
Currently: 0

I've only actually talked to one person who read it before 2000 and remembers. I can see I am really bringing out the good in people now.

Posted by: blakestah at September 29, 2004 01:36 PM

where is the hippy, trippy, ess see/ess eff mellow but local groovy surfy vibe i grew up with? this blog used to represent that a bit. stoke, peace, love, and organic salads! stop the senseless hate. worry about your scene. give a wave. score and DON'T CLAIM. dudes.....the surf always will regulate. and when it doesn't let your surfing do the talking.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 29, 2004 01:44 PM

The mellow trippy/hippy SF surf vibe is now dot.gone

We're hopping to get a little bit of that back with the transplant "pack up the uhaul and get f__k out" campaign.

Stage one in effect right now. It looks promising.

Posted by: kerry at September 29, 2004 01:47 PM

kaiser posts pics of women out of adoration, i don't think he wants to go kobe on any of them.

this blog has hit an all-time low in terms of the general level of intelligence and niceness being posted. i'd wager that most of the 'new' handles coming on board are the same individual, check the IP's e.

e, kaiser, bagel, sharky, any of you headed to the land of the drive thru trees this weekend?

Posted by: j at September 29, 2004 01:48 PM

that's my que...

Posted by: elias at September 29, 2004 01:48 PM

putting up bikini shots is degrading to women? are you an idiot? those chicks love the attention. Are they being forced to wear bikini's? such a generic, sad, old whine about women being put down.

krystal dash steal dot net.

Posted by: Krystal Steal at September 29, 2004 01:50 PM

the views expressed here are not those of the poster or his affiliates

whats going on in the land of drive through trees?

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 01:56 PM

Oh schnikees!! Checking IPs?! Control the love, control the niceness!!

Posted by: Organic Tossed Salad at September 29, 2004 02:00 PM

Blakestah keep your site going.
You provide an important eye on the ever changing ocean conditions. I personally use your site along
_E's report
_Surfline.com: Evil camera"s
_National weather service
_ Pat Cadwell

Life eventually catchs up with you. Time to surf has to be juggled with family, work, and B.S.
Don't let the big Bro-fest get you down.
I have never particpated in any other sport where other
players hate so much. Stupid, life is to short.


Posted by: Njssurf at September 29, 2004 02:09 PM

blakestah - I tried to email this to you but it bounced back. I'm not sure if it's my computer, or yours. So here's my $.02 ...
Interesting experiment to see if removing your site will ease the crowds in our fair city, but I think that the combination of increasingly colder weather and bigger surf may be confounding variables right now. For me, I'll miss your site. It has never had any influence on my decision to surf, or not - that is far more dependant on my time, access to the family wheels and the state of my spine. But I'll miss reading the in-depth analysis included in most of your reports. I love that shit - but then, I like watching the weather channel too.
As far as suffering personal attacks and ridicule on the internet goes ... well, it would be easy for me to say, "Fuck 'em!" But I know that kind of shit gets old. Sometimes defending yourself from that stuff just seems like a huge waste of time and energy and can make you sound like a whining little snit; on the other hand, just letting it ride can look like you've whoosed-out on your convictions and that can gnaw at a guy. Shit, you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.
You've probably got this from a lot of folks, but I just want you to know that I support whatever decision you make my brother.
See you in the water (I tortured myself by driving past the beach this a.m. on a work related errand, it was definitely happening)!

Posted by: Jimmie / transplant since before you were born at September 29, 2004 02:13 PM

i love blakestah's site and would hate to see it go. it's not so much his swell forecasts (which are great but you can get similar info on a number of sites) but his wind forecasts that i really find helpful.

however, if he doesn't think he has an effect on crowds he is very misguided. i personally have paddled out due to his reports and scheduled trips around his forecasts. i'm sure there are others who do the same thing. that's why every time he scolds someone about naming names i kinda roll my eyes. someone claiming a street on a message board has no effect on where i paddle out, it takes 10 minutes to check the entire beach and see where is best. i think most people who surf OB realize this.

Posted by: bbr at September 29, 2004 02:14 PM

Blakestah - keep it going. Hey, doesn't kdalle live in Pacifica?

Posted by: Dennis at September 29, 2004 02:14 PM

Posted by: j at September 29, 2004 02:16 PM


Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 02:18 PM

And now for something completely different.

I just ordered my first custom board this morning, a 6'6" Vernor thruster with carbon fiber torsion bars and Futures Vector fins. The board is supposed to be wicked fast. Here's the kicker: he says he can deliver the goods in two weeks. I'll post a picture when I get it.

Posted by: steve-o at September 29, 2004 02:40 PM

Bring it live Blakestah.

Still stand behind my yesterday post and got your back against todays bashers.

Posted by: tomstah at September 29, 2004 02:42 PM

One thing to keep in mind regarding the traffic that E's gets: The overwhelming majority of people visiting E's go to the main page, read E's three or four paragraphs of the day, check out the pics, and leave. Most never follow the link to read the comments. If a spot gets exposed through a careless comment, it's not seen by thousands, it's seen by maybe a hunded people, and that's assuming that every person who visits the comments pages reads through all the comments. Still not great but not as affecting as it's made out to be.

Funny how this topic brings people out of the woodwork, kinda like the first off-shore day in September. I wonder how many first-time posters we have today...

Oh yeah, an update on the site hosting funkiness... We had an SBC guy come out last night who said the profile for the line is farked at the central office. He fixed the line, all was good for a couple hours, and then it reverted back to farked. We've got another support call in and it will either be fixed in the next day or so, or we're going to another provider. Either way, it should be fixed soon.

Posted by: mwsf at September 29, 2004 02:47 PM

Vernor can be wicked fast....

kdalle and I have been friends for five or six years....and that is not changing. He lives in the city.

Stay on it mwsf....fight the good fight with those DSL providers....my site uses a linux farm with ssh shell access.

Posted by: blakestah at September 29, 2004 02:55 PM

mwsf is the man! thanx for all the enjoyment youve brought me and my boss over the years..

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 02:56 PM


I'm still interested in RFS v2 so let me know when it's ready to go.

Posted by: steve-o at September 29, 2004 02:57 PM

Barrell or Narrell I'm neither.
Considering all the BS here. Props to E and mwsf, for giving a damn to keep this blog alive.
Keep dippin.

Posted by: Head Dip at September 29, 2004 03:04 PM

Let me get this straight Tomstah: you've "got blakestah's back against today's bashers", but yesterday you were one of the worst bashers.... Your post "Looks like he took his ball home for a day and his mommy told him it was going to be ok so now he's coming back next weekend" was one of the harshest bashes yesterday... But you're on his side today?

Not to propagate this whole ridiculous debate, but this one was too ridiculous not to comment on.

Posted by: wrybread at September 29, 2004 03:07 PM

new stick:

6'2" dan taylor roach.

Posted by: g at September 29, 2004 03:09 PM

bagel -- Believe me, you (and your boss) have brought me more than my fair share of enjoyment over the years! How's the new one coming?

blakestah -- I've considered moving the sites that I host out to a shared host many times. Dealing with sys admin stuff makes me want to pull my hair out. But I've got the box and the spare bandwidth...


Posted by: mwsf at September 29, 2004 03:10 PM

yeah.. mwsf.. you farkin' rock!

bagel - that cartoon if friggin hilarious.

How many people would take off on this wave?

Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 03:12 PM

your the man mwsf! thanx dude

my boss also thanks you im sure..

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 03:16 PM

wo i allready said that didnt i? who knew?

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 03:17 PM

brutish and snarling....hmmm, seems the oceans mood has had an effect on this sites posts today. lots of unneccessary brutishness...me no likey.

Hey, does anyone know where I can post a jpeg for free that I can then link here? I want to post a picture of my new fish as well because I think it will make everyone warm and fuzzy inside. It helps elevate my mood whenever I ride it anyway.


Posted by: jdz at September 29, 2004 03:18 PM

jdz.. momentoffame.com and the surfermagforum and surfline forum all offer free hosting of images.

or you can send it to me via email if ya want..

Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 03:20 PM

you got it crooked wrybread.

if i had to explain it you'd never understand.

Posted by: tomstah at September 29, 2004 03:21 PM

good wordz by 3to5

where is the hippy, trippy, ess see/ess eff mellow but local groovy surfy vibe i grew up with? this blog used to represent that a bit. stoke, peace, love, and organic salads! stop the senseless hate. worry about your scene. give a wave. score and DON'T CLAIM. dudes.....the surf always will regulate. and when it doesn't let your surfing do the talking.

Posted by: Hb at September 29, 2004 03:21 PM

jdz - try imagestation.com

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 03:22 PM

good wordz by 3to5

where is the hippy, trippy, ess see/ess eff mellow but local groovy surfy vibe i grew up with? this blog used to represent that a bit. stoke, peace, love, and organic salads! stop the senseless hate. worry about your scene. give a wave. score and DON'T CLAIM. dudes.....the surf always will regulate. and when it doesn't let your surfing do the talking.

Posted by: Hb at September 29, 2004 03:23 PM

some juice this afternoon, a few hours behind, but still... (of course this displays no wind action)

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 03:27 PM

mwsf, if i know what your talking about; the old one isnt quite done yet but should be out in a few months..the new one's looking like its gonna be awesome as well...

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 03:27 PM

me, me, me, i would. i'd take off. got it, hooooooweeeee..........six sections in six seconds.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at September 29, 2004 03:29 PM

Yeah. The kdalle comment was a 'tongue in cheek' kinda thing. Oh, that's probably the wrong expression to use. Somebody here's prolly gonna find pictures of tongue in cheek and post em!

Posted by: Dennis at September 29, 2004 03:30 PM

bagel -- Yep, you know what I'm talking about, although I was talking about the old one. I didn't even know there was a new one. Killah!!

Posted by: mwsf at September 29, 2004 03:33 PM

And I've never been so conflicted about a picture in my life:

Posted by: mwsf at September 29, 2004 03:34 PM

everyone listen to Marley live, at the Bordinghouse in San Francisco circa '75 and chill. live YOUR life and enjoy it. reggae. happiness. SURF.


Posted by: Hb at September 29, 2004 03:34 PM

punk, happiness, surf...

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 03:38 PM

i always hesitate to post in the comments cause you get so many a day its hard to keep track..But i decided to post one today cause in the beginning it looks like some internet arguing, so I thought id let everyone know they missed perfect and empty 4'6 blue/green tubes over pristine golden sandbars around 3-4pm tuesday the 28th; closer to the ob neck of the woods than slug n cruz.....im guessing the 'mid-day'ers E mentioned know what im talking about...i took pics..but i dont have digital (cause digital ruined photography) so yall hafta wait...make ethan remind me in a day or so on the surferbb if yall want to see the pics...that is, if anyones reading this.....good waves today today...

Posted by: seth s. at September 29, 2004 03:46 PM

Cronk is still a dick.
he should be flogged by horny gay bikers at the SF Eagle for your comments on Special Olympics Kids.

Posted by: Goyo at September 29, 2004 03:51 PM

There aren't enough good surfers in SF to make OB crowded to the point where a decent surfer can't get plenty of waves. In two months you will be wishing there were more people out there. Don't post about spots you can't see from the highway and everyone will be happy. If you are a beginner it is your responsibility to find an uncrowded peak to get better on, there are plenty and it will help your surfing.

Blakestah good for you, f*ck 'em if they can't take a joke.

e - great site.

g - niiiiiiiiice ride.

Posted by: vons at September 29, 2004 03:53 PM

Blakestah is the William Hung of surfing.

Posted by: John Utah at September 29, 2004 03:55 PM

could that be the thumping basso of
waves breaking on the outer bars?

we may have to break out
the 'ole 9-6 rhino chaser

who switched my toothbrush
with asparagus?

Posted by: cadaver at September 29, 2004 03:56 PM

Vons is right on. If you are a half-way decent surfer, you can find all kinds of waves at OB. So quit whining and go surf pasuckifica

Posted by: NW pulse at September 29, 2004 04:05 PM

this is a good discussion and many good points
are being made re: life, liberty and the pursuit
of waves.

leave the short bus kids out of it though.

have a f***in' awesome day.
the surf is looking D-O-P-E.

school's out see you west of here.

Posted by: korewin at September 29, 2004 04:05 PM

ever notice how quiet things get when the fog rolls in while your surfing, very peaceful. Breathe through your nose, slowly. out you mouth exhale.

Posted by: mexi at September 29, 2004 04:08 PM

3to5.. that wave is your brotha. Go Go GO! Whooop!

seth - nice homie.. i'll try to track you down for those pics in a few days.

thanks for the props vons

g - that board looks tight. i like how the stomp pad matches the little stars on the wall of your house.

Posted by: e at September 29, 2004 04:08 PM

thanx for that link hb..sweet the burning spear guys on there..would have been stoked to be at that show even though i was 2 years old

ya everyone chill out, we were almost hit by an asteroid today! than what? huh?


Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 04:18 PM

damn Goyo, i might like that!

why you wanna dis your gay brothers?


Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 04:23 PM

gay surfers unite!

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 04:26 PM

I now understand many reasons as to why the well seasoned, old surfer grows crusty and bitter....

After today, it has become very clear!

I'll see all of you Friday when the waves will be big and nice. Can't wait to share some morning bombs with those that have some sack.

Look for me next to all the charity tables where they are handing out good vibes.

Posted by: Kaiser at September 29, 2004 04:31 PM

yeah, old Spear was SO nice.

Holy shit, for a BIG laugh, check out Daryl Strawberry rapping on his song "Chocolate Strawberry"

um, wow.

Posted by: Hb at September 29, 2004 04:32 PM

yeah, old Spear was SO nice.

Holy shit, for a BIG laugh, check out Daryl Strawberry rapping on his song "Chocolate Strawberry"

um, wow.

he starts in about halfway thru the song.....

Posted by: Hb at September 29, 2004 04:32 PM


Posted by: kai zur at September 29, 2004 04:33 PM

My new fish can do a lot of cool things that other surfboards don't.

Here's my new fish in the kitchen making me breakfast...

Posted by: jdz at September 29, 2004 04:38 PM

look at the swallow tail on that thing! that board looks sick jdz!

Posted by: fish fan at September 29, 2004 04:41 PM

Here's my fish chillin with me in the back yard...

Posted by: jdz at September 29, 2004 04:46 PM

One fish, two fish, white fish, blue fish!

Nice boards! I just sold my funboard and I'm on the lookout for a zippy li'l wave number too . . . I ran across a page where this BC Canuck raves and raves about his Santa Cruz Knot epoxy popout. But popouts kill kittens or something, right?

Waves, please arrange your schedule with my people, thnx!

I've yet to add my 2c to the current friendly excahge of views, so here goes: @!^$@^$ #*&^*&(@#^*& @#*& @! *& #@*&!

Posted by: Klooless at September 29, 2004 04:48 PM

this is basically mine, except 9'4", same color...

Posted by: cronk at September 29, 2004 04:52 PM


Posted by: j at September 29, 2004 04:52 PM

my fish got really drunk one night and got this cool tattoo

Posted by: jdz at September 29, 2004 04:58 PM

JDZ, that thing is sweet! How big is she?

Posted by: Kaiser at September 29, 2004 05:04 PM

awesome boards...e you got that shot of mine? he he

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 05:08 PM

another thought for blakestah - why not keep doing what you enjoy but put your prediction page behind a user/pswd login? then you could screen who has access to your site and not worry about any mis-represented backlash.

don't let the loud, angry voices of a few prevent you from doing your thing. mother ocean will always give us waves and there will always be surfers to enjoy them. how they get to those waves is their own decision.

Posted by: caveman at September 29, 2004 05:10 PM

she is 6'2"...and i wish i had gone for the 5'11" This being my first fish I was a little worried about paddling...but it's got a lot of thickness nicely distributed so it paddles great. And it is a friggin blast to ride. I think we need to have a niceness fish fest one of these (smaller) days.

thanks for the image posting tips all...

Posted by: jdz at September 29, 2004 05:16 PM

bagel...look familiar?

Posted by: jdz at September 29, 2004 05:27 PM


dont know if im going this year

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 05:49 PM


I moved to Hawaii two years ago and still enjoy checking out your report to keep a connection with my SF surfing roots. Don't let the noise online affect your love of surfing.



Posted by: bagus at September 29, 2004 06:21 PM

Klooless, I have the 6' 4" SC Knot and it's a lot of fun. It has the wider template design (not a fish in the traditional sense) that helps for floatation and paddling. I wanted to ride a smaller board but not give up the paddling strength of a bigger board. Board is pretty darn quick and snappy.

Wish it was done being fixed though :( would have worked great in SoCal this last weekend.

I want another board in the 6' 6" range, a real thruster, somewhere around 19 in the center and 2.5 for thickness. Checked out the Eagles Wing at Aqua and I love the shape but not sold on it yet. Anyone have comments on this board?

Posted by: kookdom at September 29, 2004 06:30 PM

anyone around 4th and brannan and wanna smoke me out?

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 06:45 PM

Thanks, kookdom. I was thinking of the 6'2" fish:

Sounds like yours is the 6'4" pin?

Repair is a definite worry. Maybe I should try to get a local shaper to make an equivalent.

(Hey, your wanted dimensions are almost exactly what I ride: 6'6" x 18 3/4" x 2.5". It's a Nev, basic squashtail shortboard. Only problem has been its fondness for rocks.)

Posted by: Klooless at September 29, 2004 06:58 PM

Board Talk...
What ever happened to that guy who rode red and white sttipped candy-cane boards? Every time I saw the guy he always had the same candy cane pattern no matter the board.

And where the hell is Dan Foxx?

Posted by: schroom at September 29, 2004 07:03 PM

Board Talk...
What ever happened to that guy who rode red and white sttipped candy-cane boards? Every time I saw the guy he always had the same candy-cane pattern no matter the board.

And where the hell is Dan Foxx?

Posted by: schroom at September 29, 2004 07:03 PM

Yo, Cronk. 10' plus, double Volan, glassed on Mello Yellow Modelo. Now we're talkin' a proper surfboard.

Posted by: Spider Man at September 29, 2004 07:06 PM

Been a little bummed with all the negatrons in the niceness galaxy, though it's been good vibes at sea. I think everyone could use some surf and some big embrazos of love.....I'm gonna kook out and drop in on this bizzle and recharge:

The Love is Coming to Town

Loveparade San Francisco
Mission and Beale Sts. - 1PM
Parade down Folsom to the Embarcadero and then left on
to 3rd
Ends up behind the Giants Ballpark for festivities
until 9PM
All ages
Free with $5 suggested donation
All the info --> http://www.loveparadesf.org

What is it? Quite simply a celebration of love,
diversity and peaceful
intentions where we've invited the world to come and
dance in the
streets. It first started in Berlin and has spread to
other cities but
never before to the USA. And we need it! We've lined
up 30 floats and
over 220 DJs. The floats will move in a 2 mile parade
with DJs spinning
every kind of electronic dance music and unlike other
parades, no ones
stands on the side and watches - everyone is welcome
to dance along
with the floats.

Now I know some of you aren't into dance music but
this will be a day
that has never been seen before in SF. You don't want
to miss it!

Posted by: Hee Hee at September 29, 2004 07:09 PM

also on october 2nd, my XXth birthday.

bagel's 645 post is hilarious.

Posted by: j at September 29, 2004 09:09 PM

just kidding, i was born on feb. 29. i'm only 9 years old.


Posted by: j at September 29, 2004 09:12 PM

late night at work, offer stands till possibly very late. i dont think any surfing stoners live south of market anyway.

who wants to learn about jamacian surfing?!?!? I do!

heres one of the pioneers of jamacian surfing, Terrence "Mush" Muschett

and another Tim "Apache" Chinyee

one guy named paul blades is burried at Stony Hill cemetary with a surfboard shaped gravestone that reads...."He rode the waves". he also made his own boards out of refrigerators and boat resin or something, heres an old picture of guys with some homemade boards

Boston Beach in Portland, for decades well known by tourists for it's pristine white sand beach, crystal clear water and it's notorious "Jerk Pork", was Jamaica's first internationally recognized surf spot. Visitors to the famous beach witnessed the powerfull driving surf rolling into the cove and took the news back to eager ears. Surfers returned to ride the waves, dropping in and sliding left as the fat peak wedged off the outside rock, or charging the thick right on the other side of the tiny protected bay. When these surfers went home, sometimes they would leave their boards behind with locals like Riggley, Morton and Buju, Jamaicas first black surfers, and thus began the Jamaican surf story.

i wonder if jamaica was like sf once.

Since those early days, Jamaican surfing has evolved through a number of developmental stages. First was the "before there were boards" era (pre 60's), the "Long Board" or before there were leashes era (60's - early 70's), the "Bungie chord" or "Short Board" era (70's), the "multi-fin" era (80's) and the "High Tech" era (90's - present).

i guess the most famous spot is called the zoo

heres a nice snap

go team jamaica!

looks fun. sorry if i offended anyone with spot naming or if im pimping out jamaica ive never been there so i guess im not. and sorry for plagerising that guys website.

Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 09:48 PM


Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 09:54 PM


Posted by: bagel at September 29, 2004 10:02 PM

reading up on the bullshit after good dinner and wine

bagel rocks, second only to e, love the rooster sauce / sriracha or whatever it is too, that shit is staple

i work late frequently near 4th and brannan (townsend btwn 2nd & 3rd actually) but haven't found anyone in the neighborhood to smoke down with yet (except one guy I work with who's apartment we almost burned down one night drinking and smoking hash and falling asleep

blakestah is a skilled amateur who seems to do his thing out of pure stoke, if you want to hate, hate the businesses with cams and current reports. if anyone is selling out the beach they are, i personally think the beach can handle it and that this whole thing is silly

every single fucking one of you contributes to crowding at the beach through your presence there, you got a problem stay home

Posted by: eric at September 29, 2004 11:47 PM

hey thanx eric. i have really late nights here about 3 times a month i think ill be here till at least 4am today..bagel at double fine dot com.

Posted by: bagel at September 30, 2004 12:13 AM

Posted by: bagel at September 30, 2004 12:28 AM

hmmm looking at that again i wonder if thats some kind of fucked up bethany hamilton thing..

Posted by: bagel at September 30, 2004 12:32 AM

¿com estas niceness?

having a blast on my european tour. france was great and i got some decent surf at a jalama-meets-montara kinda spot west of Gijon in Spain courtesy of hurricane Karl - gorgeous blue water with stiff offshores. reluctantly decided not to bring my new rfs so i found an old bruce smith hot buttered 6´4" that i bought for $150. plenty of used boards available, esepcially in pais vasco - as long as you can figure out when the shops will be open. mundaka was firing a few days before i arrived and may go off again 2 days after i leave, alas. crowds are very light here in asturias on the weekdays, and getting mostly niceness vibes from the surfers i´ve met. gonna try rodiles today but it will probably be flat...might have a few decent photos to post when i get back...one more week left, off to italy tomorrow...ciao.

Posted by: loon at September 30, 2004 01:47 AM


Posted by: bagel at September 30, 2004 02:06 AM

niceness after hours

Posted by: at September 30, 2004 02:47 AM

blakestah! back on it!

Posted by: at September 30, 2004 08:48 AM

bagel went loony last night...

Posted by: j at September 30, 2004 10:06 AM

I actually have that SC Knot 6'2" fish in the 6'4" size, not the pintail. Great board, wish I had it back from the shop, super bummed. Might have to bang a new stick since it could be a while before the SC gets back to me.

Posted by: kookdom at September 30, 2004 10:21 AM

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