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Magic Morning

Sometimes it just comes together. Wind, swell, tide, friends, health, state-of-mind, etc. This morning was one of those times. One of my old-school friends Dr DENI!!! made his way into town, stayed in Sausalito last night, and then met me at my place this morning for a session. Last night i had a stellar evening with my good friend CJ... saw Neal Stephenson speak, ate sushi, conversed into the late pm, snuggled. Soo.. the positive vibrations were aligning for a good session this morning. We sauntered down to the local, over the great highway, and BLAM! Glassy headhigh A-frames up and down the beach! No shit! Nobody out for miles in either direction. We giggled to each other for a bit and then hit it. For some reason i felt really confident in the surf today (probably because i was showing my out-of-town homie the local turf). My body also felt really strong and flexible. I probably caught close to 30 rides this morning. Got a few narrelly lefts that raced along super fast and found me unusually balanced on my board, enough to rise up to the lip and slash some backside turns.. well.. at least it felt like that!! ha! who knows what it looked like. Caught a bunch of ledgified rights and was able to get up to the lip a bunch of times, sometimes numerous lip-hits on the same wave. Shiit.. I know it may seem that I’m blowin’ hot air about this morning’s session but the waves were truly offering it up. Ya want barrels, they’re out there. Roping glassy walls, yup. Ramps for airs, no problem. Pretty much whatever you desired was coming in. I’m bummed to hear that the NW is winding down because it’s nearing my ideal OB size right now. Semi-serious and energetic but not fear in the pit of my stomach I will crush you you must die death destruction annihilation hellfire OB. You know what I’m sayin’. Dr Deni’s friend (from Jersey) also joined us and after catching one wave (after 40 minutes of beat-downs and the like) he let out a primal yell and exclaimed, “That was the best wave I’ve had in a long time, It actually had a open face and I could turn! There weren’t 4 people trying to drop in on me!” Soo.. the dream lives on in California. For a little while at least.

Shiit.. soo.. I guess tomorrow all the weekend chargers will get a chance at a few as the NW swell winds down. I predict large crowds so get on it before 8 or after 12 or else you’ll be battling. All us everyday surfers should remember to give a few waves to the weekend crew.. This is their only time, let’s not be greedy.

Soo.. in recap.. if you missed it this morning.. it was pretty shitty.. kinda cold, inconsistent and lots of close-outs. Not many surfers around so you know it wasn’t too epic.
If you got some, good on ya.

seth took these photos of norcal last week

NZ waves from fluidzone.com

one for BBR

Don't worry e, the eastbayers were out this morning getting theirs. Probably before anyone else on this board cus it was still dark when we paddled out MOB.

Don't hate on the eastbay, we may not live next to the beach but we don't need sleep and we don't mind driving.

Posted by: hrothbart at October 1, 2004 10:15 AM



what song is in your head this morn' as you sit behind your terminal? 20 years ago who would have thought there would be jobs where the entire day consisted of interacting with people you've never met in real life? i'm tapping my feet to some funky jazz that was on the radio on the way in this morn'. who won the debate last night, opinions? ok, coffffeeeeee (not house roasted, but hopefully sometime soon) time.


Posted by: j at October 1, 2004 10:17 AM

DAMMIT!!!! foiled by the word h o m e, i should have been gold and got stuck with silver instead.

Posted by: j at October 1, 2004 10:17 AM

right on hrothbart! i didn't mean to hate. Many of you east bay cats are die-hards. an inspiration even! keep it up.

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 10:20 AM

Prayers and condolences go out to the Bogle family.
Sad to see him go.

Posted by: pixelpete at October 1, 2004 10:21 AM

greets and niceness...to all folks out there....

i wanted to throw in an ibid to e's comments
this a.m. re: the weekend warrior...
for all you daily-dudes and dudettes(sp?)

smile. they'll be gone monday.

and that little town south of here was FUN FUN FUN
yesterday at high tide. racy lines to be had and sunshine too.

where can one score one of those kellogg's quivers?

Posted by: korewin at October 1, 2004 10:25 AM

E, you are a liar but you are telling the truth! I really don't know what that means but it sounded good.

I saw many waves go unridden this morning. Of course I watched them all from my car. I was there but I didn't suit up. Got some work done in the office and you can bet your ass I will get some in a few hours!

3to5, I am laughin my friend, I am laughing! I will have those pics off to you later tonight or tomorrow as I am headed over to finish that rack once I funnel my barrel of wine from my car to the garage! We will all be gettin drunk come this time next year.........

Posted by: Kaiser at October 1, 2004 10:27 AM

op cit
loc cit

Posted by: greek at October 1, 2004 10:36 AM

NOT from today

Posted by: Ian at October 1, 2004 10:37 AM

"If you continue to burn up the herbs, we gonna burn down the cane fields."   sang John Holt

Anyone think we will ever see weed decriminalized in our lifetime in the US? Like you get to burn one joint a week or something. haha

Need a nice NW'er sooooon.

Posted by: Hb at October 1, 2004 10:41 AM

I'll probably never be in this position. Ion Banner pitted.

Posted by: Ian at October 1, 2004 10:41 AM

without a car i rarely make it to ob for the dp. sometimes i'll get a friend to take me out there and then catch muni in to work, but more often than not i wake up, check the conditions, and go back to bed. and today i almost did the same, until i found some encouraging words online and decided to get out there. and damn....i'm glad i did. i echo e's comments: there were some great waves rolling through. and once the tide turned it got even better! and just a handful of people out as far as i could see - until about 9, when i turned around, noticed a big yellow school bus in the lot, and saw like 15 dudes strolling towards the beach!! don't know if they actually came out of the bus, but it sure looked like it!
anyways, it was a great start to the weekend. get out there.

Posted by: rza at October 1, 2004 10:42 AM

Posted by: Ian at October 1, 2004 10:44 AM

East Bay chargers!!!! We wake up at 4, drive to beach, surf 'till 7, head back east, and than smile all day because no one at work knows about our early morning secret. I love it! I love surfing! Don't give up, East Bay'ers...one of these days it's gonna be epic down at the Berkeley marina and we can walk to the surf.

Posted by: Justin at October 1, 2004 10:45 AM

Alright, I KNOW someone can come up with a clever caption for this one. OK, I think I'm done posting pictures. Hope everyone enjois them.

Posted by: Ian at October 1, 2004 10:46 AM

Alright, I KNOW someone can come up with a clever caption for this one. OK, I think I'm done posting pictures. Hope everyone enjois them.

Posted by: at October 1, 2004 10:47 AM

last try

Posted by: at October 1, 2004 10:47 AM

Haa were we in the same ocean today??!

[because it's gotten so marginal,OB! : surfable-ish, but gee whiz, gloppy, sloppy, like surfing in curdled cream of mushroom soup..leftover 1/2 defrosted from the freezer. . Size and power down. Waist - shoulder bumpy gloppy mush fickle shoulders or closeouts and if you rule the universe, maybe maybe lucky face time. Current at warp 9. Good news is if ya get nailed by a 6 foot outside set, you will *not* need to climb hand over hand up your leash to reach the surface, unlike the lovelies of Weds,[ as noted to self.] At worst you will get dragged a tad. No problem...but the issue here is finding that take-off spot.... frikking fickle...cheers...

Oh, and I lost Klooless! Klooless, where are you? Guys, please start wearing beanie caps or neon suits or some form of identifiable aid. This all black neoprene is impossible. You all start blending into the same person. Thanks!

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at October 1, 2004 10:55 AM

Photo Caption:
Mr. Regular Foot, Ms. Grinding Left our enema nurse will see you now...

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 1, 2004 10:55 AM

OB : whoop it is shrinking

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at October 1, 2004 10:57 AM

cool photos Ian.. most of your favorite spot it looks like! keep posting them!

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 10:59 AM

Love the organic pics today..

One from my stash


Posted by: mexi at October 1, 2004 11:10 AM

trying again... Just for niceness

Posted by: mexi at October 1, 2004 11:15 AM

caption: bbr works on perfecting his body varial boogie kickflip for tomorrow's contest

Posted by: j at October 1, 2004 11:18 AM

dude? duuuude?! or DUDE!


shame on you dude....

Posted by: tomstah at October 1, 2004 11:19 AM


if this don't work I'm done...

Fun waves in the AM

Posted by: mexi at October 1, 2004 11:21 AM

mexi's pic

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 11:21 AM

NOT from today

Posted by: at October 1, 2004 11:21 AM

tomstah's "DOOOD!" pic (bruce photo)

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 11:22 AM


Posted by: at October 1, 2004 11:25 AM

HAHAHAHA!! that's a great pic... that guy on the shortie with his hands all "WTF!!??"

Posted by: cronk at October 1, 2004 11:27 AM

oh and, nice on the organics today e...

Posted by: cronk at October 1, 2004 11:27 AM

that's a frothy ass SC wave ain't it?

Posted by: cronk at October 1, 2004 11:28 AM


A lot of surfers sometimes pick trash off the beach, and there are a lot of websites that remind us to do it but often you always mean to but sometimes forget . Let's see what happens if EVERYBODY on this site picks up a piece of trash off the beach after EVERY session this weekend FOR REAL. Hopefully people not on this site see it happening, join in and it snowballs. Let's see if OB looks noticably cleaner by Sunday night. yeah boyeeeee!

Posted by: vons at October 1, 2004 11:31 AM

ya that photo doesnt look like this morning AT ALL!..glad i set the alarm but should have sped up a bit, got a few waves before it seemed to blow out at like 8:30..early birds definatly got the worm..

caption: "damn kelly street never gets this good and im blowing every drop!" (?)

Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 11:37 AM

that last NZ wave is fcking grotesque.......thanks for posting a few of my pics E....the ones of the empty beachbreak didnt come out as swell as id hoped..but with a 300mm lens and no tripod, its kinda hard to keep it steady..anyway..uhh...ima go smoke and be an asshole on the surferbb cause no one there likes me anyways.... =)

voyuerism is wrong.

Posted by: seth s. at October 1, 2004 11:39 AM

nice photos seth s

Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 11:43 AM

Chicks in Uggs do nothing for me. But I like that pic.

Headed west. Recap in 2 hours.

Posted by: Kaiser at October 1, 2004 11:44 AM

bagel....tsk tsk tsk

Posted by: tomstah at October 1, 2004 11:46 AM

go to linda mar. it'll be the best all weekend and for the rest of the year. thank you

Posted by: at October 1, 2004 11:52 AM

dewd! lina mar? really? killer dewd!! I"M THERE!@!

Posted by: cronk at October 1, 2004 11:58 AM

ethan, heard of a band from oregan called Floater? i dunno much about you except what i read here, but if you like groovy organic rock like Rusted Root + Pink Floyd + a hint of irish melody, you should check them out....


Posted by: seth s. at October 1, 2004 12:08 PM

It's on like Donkey Kong....VIVA LA BLAKESTAH!!!!!!

Posted by: KCC at October 1, 2004 12:13 PM

Yeah, sharkbait and I went in where it wasn't so hot; after a nothing-ish ride I decided to do some backwards treadmill paddling, and so lost the 'bait, but ended up at another part of the beach where it was much cleaner and less random, with fun rides to be had, though finding a wave that wouldn't back off or close out quickly wasn't trivial; a fish or something would've been the right call. It sounds like the DP where you were, E, was several orders of magnitude better.

Posted by: klooless at October 1, 2004 12:18 PM

On the trash tip, there's a Surfrider beach clean up at Sloat on Sunday from 10-12. I won't be there, but another nice volunteer will be to hand out bags and gloves. It's a great way to build OB karma as the NW's approach. Come for the whole thing, or just fill a quick bag.

Posted by: adam at October 1, 2004 12:20 PM

ja man... I'm listenin' to da kool Blackark sounds.

Posted by: dano at October 1, 2004 12:28 PM



Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 12:32 PM

the future of OB?

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 12:35 PM

yo niceness it's been a gnarly week, looking forward to the dp tomorrow to cleanse. hope y'all have a groovy weekend.

share a peak(perhaps with me), smoke some nugs(perhaps me again), make love(not with me), pack some trash, eat some pumpkin(it's that time of year), drink an anchor steam, smile, and listen to ozzy and bob.

kaiser, i'll be looking for those pics.
Bush proved it last night, he's a dumb, ass. Increase the peace.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 1, 2004 12:43 PM

photo#1, only 2 people out and one guy is right in the way of the the other whos trying to take off

photo#2 tons of surfers out and not one person surfing or paddling for that one on the inside there..

wo man

Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 12:44 PM

That looks like San Diego, am I right? Note the inside wave has no one on it.

Posted by: Nate at October 1, 2004 12:45 PM

For the first photo, the guy should drop anyway and angle right. He'd miss the guy below.

Posted by: Nate at October 1, 2004 12:47 PM

second pic is newps..

seth.. cool pics and thanks for the music recommendation.. i'll check that out.

currently listening to this fusion-jazz guy named Steve Coleman.. pretty trippy and technical.

3to5 - get some this weekend..

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 12:56 PM

pic 1, paddler isnt in the wave...guy just missed the wave....it kinda comes in and dumps like the murph bar, but so extreme like the murph bar..

Posted by: s. at October 1, 2004 12:56 PM

sweet that you scored e! it's cool how many people get second hand stoke from you. i and many others feel some of the energy in those glassy A-frames you found this morning transmitted through you to us... imagining the racy ramps and what not... nice... thanks!

HB, you are the MAN! Post of the Month for sure. BlackArk has been keepin' me and everyone else groooooooovin' to the irie vibrations. Last night I had a sweet jam to the reggae radio for an hour+... a little "Dreamland" sweeping me back to Dreamland... good stuff!

christian, i wish we could have coordinated for this wednesday... long beach was going off, waves all over the jetties, and i could have used a little bro action to psyche me up for paddling harder... plus you would have killed it. i'm leaving town though, so my nyc season is just about over... good luck to you though!

a fun, celebratory, kind, sharing weekend to all the lovers out there... go see Toots... Love and Respect to all.

Posted by: j.o.c at October 1, 2004 01:38 PM

The DIGABLE PLANETS have reunited and are work on a new album and possible tour

Posted by: at October 1, 2004 01:49 PM

Ah yeah, newp. That's basically a glorified shorebreak (steep takeoff). I have a great barrel pic on my wall from there.

If you like female singer/songwriters, essence is a good local one. Good live too. BBR, glad to hear you made it to see the Pixies. That must have been amazing!

Our new kitten got really sick last week. Surgery and all. So we're taking him back to the vet that gave him to us. It's sad -- we want to keep him but we can't keep paying the growing bills or stay home to give him pills.

I've lived in the East Bay for the past 5 years, before that I lived in SF. My wife and I live in Oakland only a couple exits from the bridge. If you get to the toll plaza before about 6:15, no metering lights. The entire drive is only 30 minutes to OB or Pacifica that time of day.

I love the DP. Reading buoys, tides, local wind predictions, picking a spot the night before. Trying to sleep but waking up 10 minutes before the alarm wide awake. Getting there, suiting up before you can see it (but hearing the waves), paddling out just as you can start to see. Then the sun comes over the horizon and the glassy water turns shimmering pink/gold/purple. Spray coming down like a misty waterfall, buckets of water showering down as a huge closeout rolls by. Getting out at 9 and realizing the day is just starting while dumping steaming water from the jug on your head. The drive back, seeing waves in your head every time you close your eyes.

Last winter, my buddy had a convertible so we'd drive in with the top down, boards in the passenger seat and me in the back. It was freezing even with my wetsuit already on under my clothes. But I was stoked as we drove through the quiet SF streets and finally saw the beach. He got a surf rack (didn't know they made those for convertibles) so now the top can be up. :)

I've stayed at OB all day when I've been able to and it seems like the best waves are from sunrise to 8 am. Something about the tides, not just local wind.

Posted by: Nate at October 1, 2004 01:50 PM

hey everybody i am new around here. anyways i was surfing rockaway about a month or two ago and noticed this big left breeaking on the left side of the beach. it was breaking near that big rock. anyways it had a short shoulder but it was the only wave that wasn't closed out. i was too scared to surf it because it was past the lineup and near some serious rocks. has anyone ever surfed their? what is it like?

Posted by: elias at October 1, 2004 01:53 PM

anybody else have the person with the suuper annoying voice at work, and sometimes your ears get missile lock on it and it's all you can hear?

i've got that right now. ouch.



Posted by: j at October 1, 2004 01:53 PM

i saw essence naked tons of times, really great body. she was a nude model in a drawing class i had. she loved my friend cause he drew the best pictures of her.

both digable planets albums are good. i think i like the 2nd better.

ive seen that left breaking and a few time and people surfing it too, though not getting any waves that looked anywhere close to good

shout out to victors taquria.

Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 02:11 PM

Hey j, is this what you meant?

show us your...

elias: it breaks away from the rocks, but don't go for it unless you're confident.

Posted by: Nate at October 1, 2004 02:13 PM

love Blowout Comb...

get some weekend warrior surf ya'll

it's been a nice day..

Posted by: Hb at October 1, 2004 02:20 PM

Hey NICENESS! I'm back... again.
What happend to this page - it looks real funny?
I saw Bleakstahller was looking pinched the other day at SF surf shop, whining about how his site had been dissed by his friends? Well..., go figure DUDE! You can't transplant here and then claim what you claim let alone give out sacred beach information.
I asked him about it and he went into a rant about how longboarders suck - what a guy.
As for the weekenders and their Ugh Boot clad surf cicks: SCREW YOU! I'm dropping in!

Posted by: BVB at October 1, 2004 02:27 PM

Ashley Wood

Yoshitaka Amano

awesome g-force concept

i love that thundercats shit

Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 02:30 PM

Well said BVB- Thank God not everyone on this site is a kiss ass

Oh yeah those rocks are extra gnarly- a couple of full stop rocks- good luck!

Posted by: at October 1, 2004 02:47 PM

Saw some guys slaloming around those rocks a few weeks ago. Looked crazy, but then I was dodging about twenty groms that day.

Posted by: klooless at October 1, 2004 02:52 PM

thunder, thundercats thundercats HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

snarf snarf

Posted by: j at October 1, 2004 02:55 PM

wait didnt that guy just kiss bvb's ass? ooo smoochie smoochie!

Posted by: I at October 1, 2004 02:59 PM


that wave isn't as good as it looks. its hard to drop in on those waves and you have to keep straightening out so you don't out-race the wave. Depending on the tide there are submerged rocks that can be right in front of the take off zone. It is very tide dependent and can turn off very quick. There is often a lot of sitting around waiting for set waves.

Posted by: Joe O at October 1, 2004 03:00 PM

cool shot above mexi, i love the lighting.

budget rock is gonna be a good place to get drunk and watch a lot of shitty/fun bands for cheap this weekend.

so bummed i missed it this morning, the girly regulated on me. i'll be on it tonight though.


Posted by: bbr at October 1, 2004 03:02 PM

BVB, I think BStah was talking about me. I do ride a long board. I do suck. But...watch out..I got it...I SAID I GOT IT!

Polished the frets on the Strat for the first time in like 15 years...bennnnd them strings. Hendrix used to bend his low E past the high E string position.

Oh, yeah...the legendary bar was good this a.m. that's a good sign for an awesome winter.

Posted by: kdalle at October 1, 2004 03:03 PM

That picture of firing beach break with Jetties is Newport, at about 52nd street. Been going there since I was born and was just there last weekend and barely missed this swell. Still scored some OK corners though. You people think it is crowded here? Take a drive to the OC, everyone surfs, and only 20% of people out in the lineup are good surfers, it's nuts.

Just got out of the Pacific Ocean somewhere in California and it was empty, fun and the sun was coming out, but the wind was coming up. D'oh!

Posted by: kookdom at October 1, 2004 03:04 PM

Glad to hear the tales of the East Bay surfers. The late-rising sun took away my pre-work dp, and with that the moving van takes me to Oakland. From here on in, I'm posting as Andrew on 57th. Which either gives me street cred, or makes it seem like I live 9 blocks out to sea. Although I might be inspired to work on a prototype of the surfing headlamp so I am no longer confined to the daylight hours.

Posted by: Andrew on 44th at October 1, 2004 03:04 PM

site seems to be working better today? i haven't been checking as much as i usually do though...

cool shot above mexi, i love the lighting.

budget rock is gonna be a good place to get drunk and watch a lot of shitty/fun bands for cheap this weekend.

so bummed i missed it this morning, the girly regulated on me. i'll be on it tonight though.


Posted by: bbr at October 1, 2004 03:05 PM

umm.... ok maybe not

Posted by: bbr at October 1, 2004 03:08 PM

OK, BVB, here's a trivia question for all in niceness land.

BVB was honored by flyers about him being plastered all over the outer Sunset a few years back.

The question is, what did they say?

If you can get this BVB trivia question, I can post another. I got a million of um.

Posted by: blakestah at October 1, 2004 03:21 PM

Damn, as if there weren't already a shit ton of shows to see this weekend here is another to add to the pile (a must see for Fela Kuti fans)- Antibalas at the Great American M.H on Sat night.

Posted by: traut at October 1, 2004 03:24 PM

Damn, as if there weren't already a shit ton of shows to see this weekend here is another to add to the pile (a must see for Fela Kuti fans)- Antibalas at the Great American M.H on Sat night.

Posted by: traut at October 1, 2004 03:25 PM

did the signs say, "BVB for President?"

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 03:52 PM

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 03:58 PM


you'd think you of all people would be about the niceness?

why not leave well enough alone on a quiet day?

Posted by: melancholy for niceness at October 1, 2004 04:02 PM

Posted by: e at October 1, 2004 04:04 PM


Fuckin swell is dying but no wind. E that shit cracks me up. Nate I feel ya man. I feel ya. Whats the dealio with LOve PaRaDE?

Posted by: pez at October 1, 2004 04:09 PM

That 3rd NZ pic is I think of a spot called Hickory Bay. A nice walk through a farm to get to it (a lot of breaks in NZ require a bit of a wander) and it takes south swells nicely. Bloody cold in the winter, quite a bit colder than here (snow on the beach at times).
Man I miss those uncrowded breaks. But with winter on the way here we've got no complaints eh. Water temperature thins the crowds and it's generally offshore 24/7.

Posted by: NZ Swell at October 1, 2004 04:09 PM

bbr... that boogie boost pic is awesome!

looks like a little flying frog.

Posted by: cronk at October 1, 2004 04:10 PM

bbr, that boost pic is awesome. Wedge is THE place to see the flying frogs.

Posted by: Nate at October 1, 2004 04:15 PM

which empty peak will i ride after work?

Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 04:17 PM


Posted by: at October 1, 2004 04:20 PM


Fuckin swell is dying but no wind. E that shit cracks me up. Nate I feel ya man. I feel ya. Whats the dealio with LOve PaRaDE?

Posted by: pez at October 1, 2004 04:24 PM

Oh Mexi's Pic is just sick!

Posted by: pez at October 1, 2004 04:28 PM

Oh no! Here we go. All you fools, you are more then welcome to surf Cole street. One push from the top and 30 seconds later you can roll into Burger Meister. They got a great Philly Cheese...

Nice car...

Posted by: Kaiser at October 1, 2004 04:38 PM

Hi ladies....

Posted by: Kaiser at October 1, 2004 04:40 PM

Yo quiero McDonalds....

Posted by: Kaiser at October 1, 2004 04:42 PM

u tellim' BVB

Posted by: cadaver at October 1, 2004 04:43 PM

what the

i love rum too!!

Posted by: bagel at October 1, 2004 05:05 PM

the bumpers on that chick are bigger than
the ones on the bmw.

Posted by: korewin at October 1, 2004 05:27 PM

the usf hawai'i club will be showing:

"heart of the sea"—the rell sun movie

saturday, october 23rd at 6.30p
in presentation theater, on turk blvd.

i will post more information monday.


Posted by: korewin at October 1, 2004 05:44 PM


BVB for Governor of Judea

Posted by: cadaver at October 1, 2004 09:55 PM

bagel i never knew you were such a pimp, way to rock the chest hair...

Posted by: bbr at October 1, 2004 10:57 PM

btw that boogie is kauaian jeff hubbard, and he prefers being called "the flying squirrel" over "the flying frog", he likes to get barreled too

Posted by: bbr at October 1, 2004 11:10 PM

bbr, I doubt you'll see this, but I actually shared waves with hubbard at kaiser's on Oahu over the Summer. Wait, I think it was him, does he look like a skinny Slater? The funny thing is, he was on a surfboard... Ripping.. I had no clue who he was, but my x-bodyboarding friends concurred.

Also, E, none of those pics are from the spot you think. Bagel's caption got it though.

Mexi, that shot is SO SICK. Who is that?

Posted by: Ian at October 1, 2004 11:37 PM

Oh man, we don't get to find out what the BVB fliers said?

Posted by: wrybread at October 2, 2004 02:13 AM

Kaiser is a fricken legend. I love rum too. Go get some surf at your local sandbar. Im going to B-town for some drudgery.


Posted by: Sutro D at October 2, 2004 09:25 AM

Yesterday afternoon and this morning were great!

Posted by: Charo at October 2, 2004 01:03 PM


In slow motion and tight close-ups we experience the orgy
with Marion.

There's nipples, tongues, sex toys, eyes closed in ecstasy,
men's glares, men's smiles and the like. The images aren't
sexy, they're scary.

One of the girls holds up a double-headed dildo and says:

What should we do now?

A Pervert screams out:

Ass to ass, ass to ass!

Marion complies and the flashlights shine. Then the Pervert
starts a chant:

Cum! Cum!

The other men join in as the pace quickens.

(building in pace and volume)
Cum! Cum! CUM! CUM! CUM!! CUM!!!


Marion is at first afraid. Then, she closes her eyes. Her
lips start to quiver. Big Tim's smile gets wider and wider
and wider.

And then Marion comes.

Posted by: Marion at October 2, 2004 06:15 PM

Dude, that's a real forum-killer. "The images aren't sexy, they're scary" is apparently not the unanimous verdict.

Posted by: JTH at October 3, 2004 02:46 PM

Some of the reports said "go back to bed" and "no shortboards", but I'm glad I wend out before seeing them; it was pretty fun out there DP---glassy and lumpy by turns, but reliable chest-high waves early on, steep enough for shortboard fun, though without enough push for me to string many turns together. Yesterday was bigger & better---better walls, lips, and longer rides, but more crowded; still, plenty to go around. Good vibes, though there was this one guy who went out of his way to snake me both yesterday and today: both times I was a good fifty feet from anyone, he comes down the lineup as if he's looking for a new spot to try, then as I'm ready to paddle into a wave he pulls right next to me for inside position. What. Ever.

Great weekend! Surfing is fun! Hope you all had a blast.

Posted by: klooless at October 3, 2004 07:08 PM

If you subscribe to surfline: Sunset Point is going off right now.

Posted by: klooless at October 3, 2004 07:25 PM

surfer almost gets chomped in pismo. the real "sharkbait"...



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Posted by: texas holdem poker at January 20, 2005 06:31 PM
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