Monday morning blues.
It’s all but gone out there this morning. Small, crumbly, meager windswell-surf on hand as we speak. This weekend began with a bang and ended with a whimper, to borrow an oft-used phrase. After a Friday night of revelry Lerminade woke Dr. DENI!! and I up for the super-early Saturday morning low-tide dawnie. It ended up being small, glassy and fun. The crowds descended around 9am but it never got crazy-crowded. We surfed for a while and watched in awe as a few seasoned rippers tore the place up. Damn. Sometimes it makes a man want to hang it up and retire. But at the same time it’s inspiring to see people killing it. It makes you want to turn your own game up a few notches. Soo.. after a fulfilling session we cruised back to the house, showered and then hit up the Sea Breeze for pancakes and omelettes and such. Scarfed that down then back to the house for wee little jam. Lerm gave me this look like, “dood, let’s go surfing again.” Deni was already asleep on the couch. Hmm… We popped in the bonus sequence from “Shelter” and watched the Taylor Knox segment a few times while pulling a few tubes to get psyched. Lerm and I then jogged down for a second sesh with one goal in mind, “HIT THE LIP!” That was the goal. As it turned out the higher tide kinda prevented the formation of many tasty lips but we found some sections anyway. Poaching on the inside ended up being the call and we traded waves on this nebulous peak for a few hours. Just the two of us on a lazy Saturday afternoon. Not too many lips had been cracked after an hour or so… until this one left rose up and presented its smooth inner-thigh-like deliciousness to me. I backside pumped a few times down the line and then steered up toward the lip as the wave began to close-out. I did my best to blast all my energy into that closeout lip and then changed direction really quick as the wave collapsed and closed-out toward shore, with me riding it out.. Schhweeeet.
Then it was serious nap-time for yours truly. After a good hour and a half of “System of the World” reading.. Neal Stephenson is the farkin’ man!
Yesterday was pretty dainty but still enjoyable for the dawn-patrol. Not too many takers and just mellowish groundswell leftovers. Werewolf out there carving some nice turns on his self-shaped boards. Good to see. My friend CJ paddled out with me and charged some larger waves. I predict that within the year there will be a new OB lady shredder in town. Oh yeah..
Soo.. looks like we might have some fun-sized waves trickling in this week. Sean Collins was nice enough to post forecasts on E’s surf report over the weekend. Blakestah predicts a real Aleutian groundswell to alight our shores at the end of this week. Soo. Get your guns waxed up.
Also.. does anyone know the deal with “GRAS” shapes? Lerm owns a GRAS fish that he really likes and I received an email from someone inquiring about them. Rumor has it that they're shaped right here in town, in Bernal Heights? What’s the scoop?
anyone want to longboard skate after work today if it's not too wet? Either Ortega street or twin peaks coarse? Korewin? Traut? CK? Kaiser?
i know that many of you dislike the polished "ASP photos" but.. the waves in France over the weekend were off the proverbial hook.. check em'.
Andy beat brother Bruce in the final. Slates and Slappy Garcia were the other semi finalists.
I'm in for an O-street run, email me a time to meet at 25th/O.
Posted by: blakestah at October 4, 2004 10:13 AMthose ASP shots remind me a lot of really good OB, but clearly warmer and a bit more user friendly. saturday was pretty damn fun, no wind and some barrels to be had.
Posted by: bbr at October 4, 2004 10:20 AMOh its days like these that I am glad that Blakestah is back online. Its nice being able to anticipate the swell and prepare mentally and physically i.e no drunkeness tonight.
It was super crowded at Sloat this weekend. I bet 98% of those folks will keep drivin this weekend. I surfed a peak on my loansome Friday Night and Sat until as always people followed me. I still dont get it though. Like on Sat there were like 40 people at Frankie's and every car that parked still went to the two main peaks that were crowded. Guess folks are psyching themselves up and challenging thier abilities. I for one will pass on the peak. It makes no sense though if your a good to beginner surfer why would you join a crowd of 20 15 of which just shred at the point or deadman's? I see 15 at either and I pass
I dont know if Im ready. Too much good food. Lots of beer and a desk job really raise doubts. Skating sounds fun. Any links to footie of the strawberry contest? France looked sick.
Im down with the Gras. His boards all look sick and he is an OB regular. Very low key and out there all the time.
Lets get some good shit up here to psyche us up for the juice that is comming. Can someone post a pic of Biggie for me? He always gets me ready to spank some ass!!!! "Wachu think all the guns are for"
Posted by: pez at October 4, 2004 10:25 AMThose waves are crackin! The second pic where the guy is snapping almost looks like pleasure point. I could stare at those waves for daaaaays. Anyone have a hookup on wetsuits? Looking for an Xcel, buuut, beggars can't be choosers. Also for any of the big guys here, I have a brand new Billabong 4/3 size: XL for sale. I'll let it go for $150. iane at sfsu dot org.
Posted by: Ian at October 4, 2004 10:26 AMHey e, have you ever read an essay by Stephenson called "In the Beginning There was the Command Line"? I think it might have appeared in Wired around 99. It's kind of hard to describe but starts off discussing the personal relationship to computing via the access mode (command line/gui/etc) and then ranges through Microsoft vs. Apple vs. Linux and the (predicted) eventual domination of the open source software model. All with Neal's usual asides on culture, personal history, etc. Certainly an interesting read, kind of like some of the build-your-own-computer stuff from Diamond Age and Cryptonomicon.
I think I might have a text file of it sitting around somewhere if you're interested.
Posted by: hrothbart at October 4, 2004 10:29 AManyone ever surf in kauai in the winter/spring? thinking of heading there and would really appreciate some info on spots. Mahalo!
Posted by: haole at October 4, 2004 10:31 AM
let me see if this works right
rothbart if you find that story please post. Have your read this one
Posted by: pez at October 4, 2004 10:34 AMin the beginning... link
who buried our mascot?
Posted by: g at October 4, 2004 10:36 AMMade it out Sat for an abbreviated session up North...I think ob was the call...wish i'd had more time. I did end up out there yesterday for a utility session...a couple of fun waves, but all in all pretty slow. I did have this one wave where i tried carve a real tight bottom turn and head up the face vertically for a little snap. Made it around, felt pretty good (probably looked kooky) then promptly buried the nose on the way down and went ass over elbows...yeah!
Can any one of you design pundits tell me a little about the characteristics of the diamond tail that is getting renewed attention because of ks? just curious.
Posted by: jdz at October 4, 2004 10:37 AMhrothart.. word.. yup... i've read "In the beginning..." liked it. pretty techy.. He kind-of over-simplifies how easy it is to use Unix as a desktop operating system. but otherwise i thought it a really good read.. nice..
other Neal books..
the Big U
Posted by: e at October 4, 2004 10:37 AMZodiak
Snow Crash
Diamond Age
The Confusion
System of the World
Posted by: BVB at October 4, 2004 10:42 AMI love august. Right now I am staring at my swollen boner - thanks Cadaver for the warming balm! It works!!!!
I can't wait for the waves to come. Got my guns all lined up - each dedicated to break.
Fark Blake and Fark SC - we don't need - never have needed NO STINKING swell forecasting outside the farking weather box.
As for the fliers. It went like this:
Many years ago - back in the old days when you could ID each surfer by his or her car we set about posting wanted posters for anyone who was in the slightest way exploiting the beach.
Mark "Doc" Renneker, Chris Isack, Sam George and SURFER, Even Slater and SURFING; all these media cats from the '90s who farked this place good. Winter '93 I remember cutting off E. bag Slater at a left point break - yelling at him to leave - out of my mind with seething anger.
I called the organization THE AVENUE COALITION. For the most part it was stupid and immature but it worked. Soon everyone was making up fliers about one another and things got a bit out of hand.
Years have flown by and now look at it.
So Dave? What?
Yo haole,
Posted by: kahuna at October 4, 2004 10:45 AMkauai is dope .. winter spring is da basically got 360 deg. of surfable coast line so rent a car/truck and follow the swells... don't pass up the fish tacos from the anini beach guy.
Damn, I missed the Saturday morning action but i threw down one killer garage sale and cleared room for MORE BOARDS...
Got out Saturday afternoon and it looked still pretty doable. But, it kinda sucked where I was. Felt like paddling in mud. Sunday was pretty uneventful in the morning. Marco and I got out there but there wasn't much to work with. Sunday had the type of conditions that lead me to believe I am the worst small wave surfer around. I hate tiny waves. I suck surfing small waves!
The ASP event in France looked pretty sick on Sunday morning. I checked it when I got up and watched some of the Expression Session. They said it was the best waves they have had in 20 years for a comp.
Looks like I might have to wax that 7'10'' up this week......
Posted by: Kaiser at October 4, 2004 10:45 AMHaole, go to for places to surf or pick up a good book. The obviously places will stand out if you look at some of the swell angles they get around that time. In the north, just roam around Hanalei and you should be all set.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 4, 2004 10:50 AMDamn E, blakestah etc. i want to SKATE that hill. Too bad i am 400 miles away.
For Pez, from my wall, it is dark so you can't appreciate how scratched and wrinkled it is/was before i finally framed it. From a St. Ides ad back in college, ooool school Biggie when he was like 19 and just starting to blow up

Posted by: Hb at October 4, 2004 10:56 AMScored. Just me and another traded head high to just overhead mostly lefts at a consistent sometimes off sometimes on reef. Yes, just the 2 of us for nearly 3 hours till the wind tweaked the glassy walls into crumbles. Ahh the happiness and joy of no hassles and bad vibes. Splitting peaks. Living a moment of calm as there is no one else to paddle battle for position of the third wave of the set. Stroking in, I fade as the wave slows and fattens before it heaves. The speed increases as I hook into position for the lined up section in front of me pulling under the ceiling, noticing the light and sound change as I become enveloped in a green room for a moment in my personal eternity. Feeling the love as you exchange hoots watching a stranger ride another wave without any pre wave agression or drama. Your mind and body relenting to the peace and sereninty of the surroundings. A mellow paddle back out after an aggresive wave, three 8'6" whacks at the lip and a floater on the closeout section carry you all the way to the inside watching the last wave of the set go un ridden. The natives would like to shout a THANKS to the 3 car loads of ugg boot's and trucker hat's that stopped, stared but ultimately drove on. Hope ya got yours! Still smiling today.............
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 4, 2004 10:57 AMuhh, sorry 'bout the size of the pic. can someone fix it so i don't mess you all's browsers up?
Posted by: Hb at October 4, 2004 10:57 AMMy rationale for the site, is that the site allows me to have a voice on local topics, and otherwise provides information that is otherwise available for free on the internet, although perhaps not in such an easily digestible format. It allows me to educate others on forecasting topics. It pushes me to educate myself further.
I think the beach is a better place for my site existing. And to the extent that I can, I am interested in taking that further. If you have ideas on that, email me. I alter the presentation on my site regularly based on such suggestions. It's about providing the best weather information possible, and having a voice with potential to influence the culture of OB surfing.
I'm not taking it down, you can just think of me as the tranny from hell, to paraphrase Jordy.
Posted by: blakestah at October 4, 2004 10:59 AMYo E - Im down for a skate tonight. Email me also re a time to meet at 25th and 0. I wouldn't mind it being just a little wet out there. Makes the powerslides sketchy and extra-fun. Korewin- hope you can show up cuz I want to show you the board that I had shaped based on your suggested design several months back.
Posted by: traut at October 4, 2004 10:59 AMSat am was crowded at a well known spot in north north SC county. Weekend warriors in full effect up and down the coast.
Haole, I surfed Kauai last Feb and found the East side was the best best with wind swell action while Hanelei Bay had intermittent juicyness.
Posted by: steve-o at October 4, 2004 11:10 AMword on the skate.. i'd be stoked for either but maybe a little more psyched on the Twin peaks course. No traffic, better pavement, better lights, good spot to puff, etc. but.. ortega is a classic jaunt and i'd be down with that too..
Posted by: e at October 4, 2004 11:11 makes it way too easy, that site sucks....
Had fun on Sat early...
Posted by: mexi at October 4, 2004 11:12 AMI believe Captain Cook was the original tranny from hell. Sure, they turned his head into a soup tourraine, but his comparative influence may possible be even greater than the dot-com influx.

Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 4, 2004 11:20 AMdear surf peeps.
i can't believe there is another poster named "elias" what are the effing chances?
ill have to think of a new monkier. nah. maybe i'll just forget about it and let the other elias post for me? could be interesting.
anyway, nice surfing with the bagel, christian + lady (name?), and tom on friday night. good fun stuff.
anyway, crossing my fingers for swell.
Posted by: elias at October 4, 2004 11:24 AMthe "real?" elias
kick in the door wavin the four four all you hear is biggie don't hit me no more...
headed to way the F up north this weekend. drive sucked, spent 2 extra hours at work fixing someone else's fuck up. well, actually it took two people to fuck it up as good as they did. lovely. thus, hit the north of GG traffic. had to stop at lost coast brewery to take the edge off.
had fun, little glassy waves sat AM, sat PM and sun AM. sat mid-day got blown out around 1:15 or so, back to the rig and kept the cooler company. paddled out again 'round 4:30
Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 11:26 AM"dude....i think i'm drunk"
realized i hadn't eaten all day, except for some ham'n eggs at a little booth setup, and that was probably 7 am. oops. big guys need nourishment. saw some old friends, some reaaallly old friends, etc. etc. good stuff.
nice j...
anyone have experience (positive or negative) with superglue and wetsuits? I want to superglue a patch (old wetsuit material) onto my wetty.
Posted by: e at October 4, 2004 11:30 AM
Posted by: cadaver at October 4, 2004 11:37 AMsociety and information SUCKS!
E, Superglue might eat the neoprene and nylon, AND it dries hard. Good old fashioned neoprene glue works best for patches.
Kaiser, show us your rack.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 4, 2004 11:45 AMe, from what I've heard, dental floss is the best for wetsuit repairs/mods. There is also something caleld black magic, but I've never used it. uhm, so.. yeah. I heard Sprout is playing again, but in Pacifica at the firehouse tonight at 7 and 9 pm.?.?.
Posted by: Ian at October 4, 2004 11:45 AMnice on the scorage 3to5. hitting the lip on an 8'6". cool. sounds like some long waves.. santa cruz county can hook it up sometimes.
Posted by: e at October 4, 2004 11:46 AMJ, any bearded friends out? Wait, I think I can answer that!
Did you see "The man with Iron Balls"? Better yet, did you drive thru my fucking tree and leave the family a few bones for the trouble? I bet you just drove thru and then left without giving a "contribution". Typical.
Pay up punks.....

Posted by: Kaiser at October 4, 2004 11:48 AMwhats up yall, whatchu got to say? biggie smokes cronic all day.
stelar weekend. fun friday night, fun saturday morning fun sandcastles and little peaks saturday night. hungover sunday. what was better reggae in the park or the bluegrass thing?
france really does look like the spitting image of ob my friend goes there alot and he says the same thing. i thought that top one was sunset at first..
sound like 3-5 scored the hardest..
one time i bussed chris isack and winona ryder's table at the beach challet she was super hot. any yelling at chris isack storys?
i remember seeing sam george a long time ago out at ob did he used to live here or something?
seems like the season changed this weekend.
Posted by: bagel at October 4, 2004 11:54 AMi heard "shoe-goo" is good for wetsuit repair.
Posted by: bagel at October 4, 2004 11:55 AMoh yeah forgot to mention this...
Posted by: bbr at October 4, 2004 11:58 AMtook a walk at gray whale cove this weekend with my lady and my only advice is to stay far far away from the north end of that place during midday on weekends. some freaky freaky shit going on involving two goths (1 male and 1 female), a mexican, and a random old white guy that i would prefer to never ever ever see again in my life.
more from france (from sarge's daily

Posted by: e at October 4, 2004 11:59 AMI like to think of myself as a beach lover. I look for trash on the beach on the way home from each session. But there's a guy named Dave (introduced mysself the other morning) that shames me. This guy picks up stacks of trash every morning. He walks the dune tops looking for it. I see him as I eat my breakfast or early morning coffee. He often wears a brown Wise sweatshirt and has a cool lookin brown dog.
Wax up the semi-guns. Got surf coming this week.
Posted by: Dennis at October 4, 2004 11:59 AMi worked with winona's brother for a bit at Fort Mason, he's a bit quirky but super cool.
Posted by: bbr at October 4, 2004 12:04 PM
Posted by: winona fan at October 4, 2004 12:07 PMi'm pretending this is Bagel!

Posted by: winona at October 4, 2004 12:10 PMBagel, ever since that day you bussed our table at the beach chalet i've had a huge crush on you! Come to LA anytime and give me a call!
I own a 6.4" GRAS board myself and am very happy with it. Bought it at the Sonlight store in Pacifica. The guy is actually called Tom Gras.
Posted by: Gunnar at October 4, 2004 12:11 PMAloha niceness,
I sneaked into town on Friday early morning around 5 a.m. and met up with some of da boys for a morning session at Kcove. Fun was the word. Glassy, peaky, shifty barrely beach break waves. Ahh, I miss the tantalizing peaks of O.B. It's gonna be a great winter season. Returned to Oahu last night to hear that the Northshore is already starting to wake up from hibernation. Oh yeh!
Posted by: bagus at October 4, 2004 12:16's Tim-Stah Gras...good dude, good surfer. Most I know with his boards like 8 people, claim to really like them. He builds what you ask him to build.
Congrats to Alex Martins. Got himself a handful of "bombs and barrels" at triple overhead+ Sunset Beach, North Shore, Oahu, USA yesterday.
What was he thinking traveling in fall?
Posted by: tomstah at October 4, 2004 12:17 PMi'd shy away from superglue for wetty fixes. strikes me as one of those products that would eat the rubber rather than fuse it.
hey kaiser, this ones for you
no drive thru trees this weekend, couldn't afford it!! the kaiser family is charging bay area rates these days to drive thru that thing, i got turned away at the door cuz i couldn't handle the cover charge.
saw the man with iron balls, and his sidekick with the biggest set of blueballs you'll ever see.
Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 12:19 PMwhaddup, niceness peeps! after 10-days out of town...and out of the water...i'm practically desiccated! still, i got my "glide" fix at my "secret vacation spot" by renting a sweet motorcycle and spending a couple of days burning killer practically non-stop s-curves through a sun-blessed, hilly countryside. frickin' sweet!
as for the longskate...i'd be psyched to join, but after being away from work things are looking pretty bad for a sufficiently early departure today. e...if things change i'll drop you an email. if you don't hear from me, have fun and i hope to join next time.
Posted by: ck at October 4, 2004 12:19 PMCaptain.commie - yeah, you're right .
The comparative influence part? I don't get it.
Dave Blake. You are an exploiter. All surf no substance - this Niceness yes has substance - kind of fun SOMETIMES, the banter and the soft core family /wife friendly porno. What do you offer on your surfkookdotcommieinvadertransplant web page that we can't get somewhere else?
Posted by: Ocean People are Cowards. at October 4, 2004 12:26 PMWhat have you done for the old school hommies in our community except divide us?
Sam Georgia claims to be a true San Franciscan. I hate that guy with his lame ass cross earing.
No one ever yells at Chris Issack - why would you? The guy is innocuous. Winona Ryder - what happend to her?
I saw again at Dume two weeks ago, Cameron Diaz sitting there with her dog watching me mix it up with the lokes.
OPC this place has good people with real's ok to hate I once did to...hopefully you'll come to realize who the real coward is/are...whachu think all the guns are for?
First things first, I poppa, freaks all the honeys
Posted by: pez at October 4, 2004 12:37 PMDummies - playboy bunnies, those wantin' money
Those the ones I like 'cause they don't get nathan'
But penetration, unless it smells like sanitation
Garbage, I turn like doorknobs
Heart throb, never, black and ugly as ever
However, I stay coochied down to the socks
Rings and watch filled with rocks
Winona! i knew we shared a moment when we locked eyes as i filled your water glass..i am sorry we could not act on our instincts..but now i know the truth! only if your werent from not nice..
Posted by: bagel at October 4, 2004 12:43 PMAt least 2 doofuses were out today - it's taken weeks of cajoling but my neighbor is finally DPing. One of the maybe 3 local windsurfers you'll see racing around intense OH gale force conditions, and think " OMG, call the Coast Guar..oh wait, no, it's just Bob." Anyway, he kept SAYING how he was gonna start getting into surfing regularly, thus became target for ceaseless heckling. *His* idea to DP today, so no guilt calling him in the dark and saying how epic conditions were. Spent an hour paddling around and screaming " SET WAAAAAAVE" when those 3 foot beasts rolled through. So yeah, OB is almost surfable if you're into practical jokes. Surfing is fun...Cheers...
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at October 4, 2004 12:48 PMBarrelled. Not Narrelled.

Posted by: at October 4, 2004 12:52 PMHey Bagel I used to work at the beach Chalet. I waited tables there 98-99, the managers are assholes and the owners treat the workers like shit, watching the surf was torture, but the money was good...
Posted by: mexi at October 4, 2004 12:55 PMi got home late last night and finally caught the 3 macro sized racoons that have been raiding my trash can.....only i found myself cornered and swinging at them with my 6'9".....friggen locals think they can do whatever and get away with it, not this time.
Posted by: sutro at October 4, 2004 12:58 PMToday's pics ar sick!!
Posted by: mexi at October 4, 2004 12:59 PMBagel ....don't be dissin Petaluma! Besides didn't you do a show here a while back?? Maybe that was another Bagel.
Which reminds me. When is your next show? ..or will there be a next show?
Posted by: Jack at October 4, 2004 12:59 PMHey E, I have a question for you. Do you think it's important to be really good free style swimmer for big O.B. ? I can swim free style stroke but I'm better at breast stroke. What's your take on the whole stroke thing?
Posted by: T.O. double D at October 4, 2004 01:00 PMsup e - sounds like a chillin' weekend for you and the rest of niceness. waves.... Mmmmmm. speaking of neal stephenson, i picked up my 1st book, Snow Crash... psyched to check it out soon. flight is tomorrow... i'll hook some mundaka correspondent action when the WCT gets there next.
yo Ian! I got some wetsuit info for you... you gotta check out Boz wetsuits!!! They are the shit: warm, flexible, cheap! And I have to give a big shoutout to their US Rep, Harold Yearwood in SD... He went way beyond the call of duty to help me with my suit, including working his ass off to make sure I was covered with a suit in time for a surf trip... I paid 10% extra to have one custom made based on my tailor-style specs, and it was great... But I didn't like one part, so after wearing it for a few sessions, I sent it back, and they decided to make me a brand new one. pretty nice! then that one got stuck in Customs (from Peru), so Harry sent me a Medium Tall to try... turns out it's great! So for reference, all ya'll tall, lanky surfers like me, a Boz MT fit my 6'4", 160 lb body perfectly... Whatever it was lacking in length for my limbs, the stretchy rubber was able to compensate for, and took a little out of the girth... anyway strong rec. offered for Boz and Harry Yearwood.
speaking of tall, lanky surfers, I was watching the Kill 2 last night... (Josh Pomer vids are sweet if you like SC)... Well Nate Acker is my new favorite lanky surfer. He's tall, and skinny... he flails a bit like I do a lot, but still rips... go lanky power.
Posted by: j.o.c at October 4, 2004 01:03 PMgo the lankies!
Posted by: e at October 4, 2004 01:06 PMlankies should play hoops...
Posted by: Brileystah at October 4, 2004 01:07 PM"Your search - winona ryder surfing - did not match any documents."
Posted by: at October 4, 2004 01:09 PMdid someone say stroked breats??
Posted by: at October 4, 2004 01:17 PMI can't say I agree with his politics, but OceanPeopleCowards does has an excellent point about the wife safe porn. Unfortunately, Kaiser now gets his wood from a tree with a hole in it.
In an odd karmic twist, stink-eye man, who I hadn't seen in weeks, paddled over to peak on Saturday. His eyes were much less stinkful when I was there first.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 4, 2004 01:18 PMyo e—thanks for the shout and skate offer....
but i am in work hades ala dante and will not
be seeing the daylight on this day. have fun
and lay some lines down for me....
YO CK!! nice to see ya back....did not miss much.
hope the authentic italian will not slow you down
at the end of the week.....
Posted by: korewin at October 4, 2004 01:25 PMand G-DAMN look at loooonggg FETCH atlantic
sickness from france! man, those hurricanes hooked
the europeans UP! good on them. their beaches are
dope, especially for kaiser and the booBEE patrol.
sittin in the crib dreamin about learjets and coupes
and how to sell records like snoop
i'm interrupted by a doorbell
352 who the hell is this
i gets up quick cocks my shit
stop the dogs from barkin than proceeds to walkin....
i tell ya, biggie was a storyteller extraordinaire
Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 01:26 PMyo e I have had good results using fishing line to sew patches on wetsuits.
thanks all for those tips on kauai, if anyone has any more please keep 'em coming. Mahalo!
Posted by: haole at October 4, 2004 01:29 PMno offence jack how can you i dis the arm wrestling capital of the world? besides thats where rick griffin died in his motercycle wreck..ya mexi! perhaps we worked there at the same time i worked there the summer of 98..just for a few months bussing i remember some of the faces, cool heads, the chef was an ass girl still works there i think..a free beer after the shift and a smoke out on the soccer feilds, aaaa. watching good waves sucked and was great at the same time..
Posted by: bagel at October 4, 2004 01:32 PMRick Griffin ....I think that happened out on Bodega Hwy. But we still got Mouse (of Mouse and Kelly fame) lives down the street with his wife. Looks like we may get him to come speak at my son's art class this year. We got a little culcha' up in here. Sonoma representin!
Posted by: Jack at October 4, 2004 01:41 PMI support the Blakestah site. Quite bitchin about the crowds. You want to see crowds, head down to SC this weekend. When you come back to OB you'll almost feel like you're doing a solo session. My name is Dennis and I approve this message.
Posted by: Dennis at October 4, 2004 01:44 PMBetween the desire
And the spasm
Between the potency
And the existence
Between the essence
And the descent
Falls the Shadow
This is the way the world ends
Not with a bang but a whimper.
excerpted from "The Hollow Men", T.S. Eliot, 1925
Posted by: eclaire at October 4, 2004 01:45 PMStraight out of Oxford a crazy motherfucker named Hawking.
Posted by: MC Hawking at October 4, 2004 01:47 PMWhen I be rocking the mic you be gawking,
at me 'cause I'm a bad mama-jamma,
you wanna lock me up put my ass in the slamma.
But fuck that shit 'cause no jail can hold me,
you can't even catch me much less control me.
So if you see me coming you better duck,
'cause Stephen Hawking is crazy as fuck.
Move the fuck over Hawking.....
Shit is real, and hungry's how I feel
Posted by: tomstah at October 4, 2004 01:49 PMI rob and steal because that money got that whip appeal
Kickin niggaz down the steps just for rep
Any repercussion lead to niggaz gettin wet
The infrared's at your head real steady
You better grab your guns cause I'm ready, ready
nice jack, can i come? for sure petalumas got some friend Lee lives up there
Posted by: bagel at October 4, 2004 01:50
year's ago i was out in some well OH ob lefts. chris isaak and doc came out. chris isaak couldn't surf well at all. i'm on this long left and he takes off anyway. his survival stance was too funny. i carved a bottom turn right around him looking him in the eye and saying "hello" as i turn mid face. that starteled him and he fumbles off his tank of a board. he never made it out back out. i remember seeing him get his due in a couldron of whitewater.........
sing it with me:
"noooooo iiiii don't want to paddle out, with you."
whoa ...beutiful art by Lee! I'll keep the crew posted if I get Mouse to come and speak.
Posted by: Jack at October 4, 2004 02:06 PMyo sutro! give it up or we're gonna get old school on yo' ass.
Posted by: bigger than your dog at October 4, 2004 02:17 PMi KNOW the niceness likes surf movies and
movies with surf....on of my students sent
me this re: a movie with surf and NICENESS.....
it's for a good cause too......
This year the Hui 'O Hawai'i - USF is hosting a
screening of Heart of the Sea (Winner of the 2003
Audience Award.) An independent documentary about
Hawaiian surf legend: Rell Kapolioka'ehukai
Sunn; this film captures not only her life as the
first Hawaiian woman pro-surfer, but her life
long struggle with breast cancer. As a promotion
for BREAST CANCER MONTH Hui 'O Hawai'i - USF is
very proud to sponsor this event to both raise
awareness and to help raise money for Breast
Cancer Research. Also, a portion of the proceeds
will help support Hui 'O Hawai'i - USF with their
annual programs.
Host: Hui 'O Hawai'i
Where: Presentation Theater,
University of San Francisco
When: Saturday - October 23, 2004
Time: Doors open- 06:00pm Show Starts 06:30pm
Parking: Street Parking
*Presale Tickets:
-Student/Senior Citizens $1
-General Public $5
Posted by: korewin at October 4, 2004 02:18 PMaloha.
Hey, a few weeks ago I bought a wetsuit on sale at The Log Shop in Pacifica, and now the place is gone?
What happened? Did it move?
Posted by: Mr Doof at October 4, 2004 02:37 PMLog shop is down on Crespi drive on right hand side past the coffee shop.
Moved to be closer to the loggers not to be confused with bloggers.
Posted by: at October 4, 2004 02:45 PMMr. Doof - I think it moved to Crespi Ave. closer to Schlindy....and closer to Sonlight.
Posted by: ck at October 4, 2004 02:47 PMyour check bounced, they couldn't pay rent, went out of business.
Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 02:52 PMMoral conundrum...need help. My 3 year-old son really, really wants me to be this for Halloween. What's the ruling on this one???? Little help here...

Posted by: JDZ at October 4, 2004 03:06 PMgreat reads Christian! stoked!
Damn, even a played out song like Juicy is still the best. Biggie killed it ever time he got on the mic. What's better than listening to Biggie is watching him. So fat and nasty just spittin'
Posted by: Hb at October 4, 2004 03:07 PMWhat's better...being glad your costume doesn't let your friends give you shit or seeing your kid's face light up when he sees you in his favorite costume?
Posted by: Hb at October 4, 2004 03:11 PMtake one for the team bubba.
he'll never forget it.
Posted by: korewin at October 4, 2004 03:16 PMi'm with hb...but what the hell is that costume supposed to be???
Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 03:17 PM
Posted by: bbr at October 4, 2004 03:21 PMDamn, good to hear Alex is killin in on the North Shore. If it was up to 20 ft. there, I think I will wax my board tonight!
I just got the butterflies.......
Oh shit, this could get fun!
Board - check!
Posted by: Kaiser at October 4, 2004 03:30 PMCape - check!
Neck brace - check!
Medical insurance - check!
That Racoon was the Heavy of the 3 i jousted with my Mongrel the other night. Just another example of wildlife hiding behind "the protectected species act".........nice to know there are other locals besides the Landlord are out workin' the system to thier advantage.
Posted by: Sutro D at October 4, 2004 03:31 PMJDZ.......I will lower my Cabrillo Ave. flag to half staff if find yourself bound by spandex and lycra on the 31st. May the force be with you...
Insert your nuts Thursday night! Until, then, there are a few days off to work on your underwater hold downs..........
Posted by: Kaiser at October 4, 2004 03:33 PMtest

Posted by: bbr on October 4, 2004 03:21 PM Posted by: at October 4, 2004 03:36 PMSorry 'bout that. Test complete.

Posted by: gb at October 4, 2004 03:37 PMwife's outta town, drank one too many beers at the garage sale...
Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 03:37 PMShitt!
Posted by: at October 4, 2004 03:38 PMFailed miserably. Can someone help with the size?
let's get this party started. my new wetsuit is on order... my old suit fresh out of dental floss surgery, my board is ready. 3 days is enough time to get my 2 laps underwater back the comfortable zone. yeee haawww.
good to hear tales of hawaii, thanks for the stoke.
Posted by: elias at October 4, 2004 03:40 PMTwo Red Flags=Dangerous Ocean Conditions
.....SK dont call me to check the surf this weekend, I have to see about fixing that broken Rotator Splint in my car so i can give Stiflers Mom a ride to SFO sunday.....maybe Cajun Pacific for some chow later.
Posted by: Sutro D at October 4, 2004 03:43 PM7 foot 6" mini-gun for lease as of 10/ check and references req.
hey bbr, is that pic. just south of where all the elephant seals hang out. like where the coast dips in a little? like an hour north from ag? is that vague enough?
Posted by: elias at October 4, 2004 03:50 PMTim Bluhm and Chuck Prophet are gonna be at the Great American Music Hall on the 8th.
Posted by: yo yo ma at October 4, 2004 03:56 PMJDZ, take one for the team. My 4 yr old is going as Blue again, which makes life easy.
Just Saturday I was surfing with Alex, now he is the North Shore god...nice.
To size a pic, in the img tag, also include the verbiage
Play with it a little using the "PREVIEW" option.
Falls first juice, and I just sold my gun, and the new one is weeks away. Looks like time for the 6'6"!
Posted by: blakestah at October 4, 2004 03:56 PMTim Bluhm is a great surfer and real nice dude. Folks should definitely come out and support such a dedicated surfer and artist. So happy to hear Alex scorrin big waves in HI.
Posted by: pez at October 4, 2004 04:04 PM
Posted by: Ghost Town Blues at October 4, 2004 04:04 PMFFJ Blakestah? .....Sounds like a working title for an NorCal documentary/bio. Geez this is like being a kid knowing Santa Claus is on final approach. Its kinda wierd knowing every reef and sandbar is about to wake up for the first time and get everyones attention..................for Oktober i want Salt Point State Park......

Posted by: hulkster at October 4, 2004 04:16 PMThanks for the picture advice. I'll do that next time. Sorry for eatting up all the space.
Posted by: at October 4, 2004 04:17 PMin Munchen steht ein Hofbrauhaus
Posted by: j-ederhosen at October 4, 2004 04:17 PMEINS!
I have the 9'10", but I am curious how the 6'6" is gonna work if I stick a gun fin I just made in it.
We'll see what the winds are gonna do. Perhaps a niceness paddle out?
BTW, if anyone wants help making their own glass fins....I got lots of experience now and can certainly help you avoid the dumbest mistakes.
Posted by: blakestah at October 4, 2004 04:19 PMnaw elias that pic is from fluidzone... somewhere in OZ or NZ i think...
Posted by: bbr at October 4, 2004 04:24 PMHoly crap, I just saw a real live great white...
Posted by: hrothbart at October 4, 2004 04:25 PMMunich--Ask around town for a longboarder named Mattias. I met him in Nica a few years ago, and he's super cool, he'll help ya out. He's one of the elders of the spot, super dialed, and speaks english. Hopefully you can still stand after octoberfestivities.
Posted by: z at October 4, 2004 04:25 PMThose waves in France were resickulous.

Posted by: dano at October 4, 2004 04:27 PM
Posted by: Skaaaate! at October 4, 2004 04:37 PMThe "break" in Munich is called the Eisbach and it's right next to the American Consulate General. Don't get too excited about - the water is in the upper 40s and it's only 10 feet wide....
That skater is hesitating about taking that drop into the first bowl......must be trying to psych up for this friday at Moraga
Posted by: Bowled at October 4, 2004 04:50 PMMunich - E posted some pics I took of that place last year. They can be found in the November 2003 archive. It looks easy to ride that standing wave but apparently it is very difficult. If you want to give it a go, bring a wetsuit. someone might let you use their board (but don't count on it)
Posted by: traut at October 4, 2004 04:50 PMTraut thanks i checked it out and looks kinda cool....literally. Might take a couple liter steins to motivate but i have a new 4/3 suit so who knows....
Posted by: Munich transplant at October 4, 2004 05:02 PMYep, a couple liters of Eisbock before hitting the Eisbach will have the water feeling like it's 25°C!
Posted by: mwsf at October 4, 2004 05:20 PM
Posted by: mwsf at October 4, 2004 05:23 PM
Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 05:30 PMand you thought the rash you got wearing trunks was bad...i can only imagine (and cringe)

Posted by: j at October 4, 2004 05:33 PMJDZ,
Posted by: Dennis at October 4, 2004 05:34 PMI'd change costumes with you in a heartbeat. My friends requested that I perform a wedding ceramony on halloween night--wearing a pink bunny costume! I'm an athiest that just happens to be ordained minister. I found this out when the invitaions arrived so there's no way out.
Had a good session Sunday. There were about 35 people on one peak and none on the peak I was on 50 yards south. About 7 paddled out together; surf school??? After their wave stopped happening, 4 broke away from the pack and headed toward me. I caught a few more then headed south again. 2 stopped where I had been, 2 kept following me! I got out, walked 100 yards south and no one followed me. So if you're looking for a peak, please find your own, don't just follow someone.
Lots of texture on the waves but I actually found a glassy peak in the mix. Interesting how the bottom and currents create pockets of clean surf that from far away are indistinguishable from the choppy crap. Only downside is a cut in my suit from hitting my fins. I used Shoe Goo when skating and it's good for that but on a wetsuit, I think it's still too hard and would be scratchy. For stitching motorcycle seats, I use dental floss and then put a drop of super glue on each suture. It makes a pretty strong line.
Do any shops around here do good wetsuit repair when a chunk is missing (patch needed)?
Posted by: Nate at October 4, 2004 05:37 PMHas anyone noticed that we are getting robbed of our "summer" here in NorCal? As the NWS says...
I want some bitch fall weather.
Posted by: dano at October 4, 2004 05:38 PMJust what is the conversion from fahrenhiet to celsius? Its about 50 degrees here at OB most of the time so what is that in Celsius? and what is that beer that the Monks make for this time of year?
Posted by: Metrically impaired Munich translant at October 4, 2004 05:44 PM50 degrees fahrenhiet to celsius = 10
Posted by: Dennis at October 4, 2004 05:49 PMA young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so many others her age she considered herself to be a very liberal Democrat and was for distribution of all wealth.
She felt deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch Republican which she expressed openly.
One day she was challenging her father on his beliefs and his opposition to higher taxes on the rich &the addition of more government welfare programs. Based on the lectures that she had participated in and the occasional chat with a professor she felt that for years her father had obviously harbored an evil, even selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his. The self professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father.
He stopped her and asked her point blank, how she was doing in school. She answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain. That she studied all the time, never had time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn't even have time for a boyfriend and didn't really have many college friends because of spending all her time studying. That she was taking a more difficult curriculum.
Her father listened and then asked, "How is your good friend Mary doing?"
She replied, "Mary is barely getting by." She continued, "She barely has a 2.0 GPA," adding, "and all she takes are easy classes and she never studies." "But Mary is so very popular on campus, college for her is a blast, she goes to all the parties all the time and very often doesn't even show up for classes because she is too hung over."
Her father then asked his daughter, "Why don't you go to the Dean's office and ask him to deduct a 1.0 off your 4.0 GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0." He continued, "That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA."
The daughter visibly shocked by her father's suggestion angrily fired back, That wouldn't be fair! I worked really hard for mine, I did without and Mary has done little or nothing, she played while I worked real hard!"
The father slowly smiled, winked and said: "Welcome to the Republican Party."
Posted by: at October 4, 2004 05:51 PMMetrically impaired Munich translant,
You can use Google to do conversions...
Posted by: Do you Google? at October 4, 2004 06:20 PM
So a one meter day at the Eisbach is considered epic? A liter of gasoline versus a liter of Beer?
Posted by: Munich Local at October 4, 2004 06:39 PMblakestah, are you rocking the organic templates or traditional raked fins these days? what is the difference between a small wave fin on an rfs and a big wave fin on a rfs? fins matter but on a DOH wave, a fin is not going to suddenly make a 6'6" surfboard presumably designed for OH and under surf work like a gun. in fact if you are using a bigger fin the surface area of the fin will actually cause more drag.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 4, 2004 06:43 PMWell chosen time to go anon on that one! Kind of mean though, to so obviously accuse Republicans of such numbingly simplistic thinking. :-)
I am getting ready for the big swell: freeing up some time, practicing my breathing so I won't freak out, and rounding up the gear needed for the perfect double overhead session at OB, kook-style: a six-pack and a camera.
Posted by: klooless at October 4, 2004 06:43 PMFINWAD.
Posted by: BVB at October 4, 2004 07:04 PMyep....take one for the team. that's what I thought. atheist performing a wedding in a pink bunny costume???? fantastic. blakestah...if i here the "mail song" one more time my head will explode. hell the kids like it right? And that's all that matters. so what do you have to wear an orange or green rugby shirt?? You lucky man. I think I'm gonna lobby hard for the "woody" costume. Much better than the "incredibles". wish me luck.
Oh and with this swell coming am I the only one who feels like i'm woefully underprepared for a bootcamp like experience....ahhhhh gotta love those first few nw swells to shake those cobwebs loose!!!
Posted by: jdz at October 4, 2004 07:14 PMASS TO ASS! Get the wife friendly porn out!
Tuesday,Oct 5: 2-3 ft.+ - knee to chest high and fair - conditions.
Wednesday,Oct 6: 2-3 ft.+ - knee to chest high occasionally 5 ft. and fair - conditions.
Thursday,Oct 7: 4-7 ft. - shoulder high to 2 ft. overhead occasionally 9 ft. and fair-good conditions.
Friday,Oct 8: 4-7 ft. - shoulder high to 2 ft. overhead occasionally 8 ft. and fair - conditions.
Saturday,Oct 9: 4-7 ft. - shoulder high to 2 ft. overhead and fair - conditions.
Northern California
Tuesday will start off on the slow side with wave heights similar to Monday. New WNW swell (295-305) will arrive throughout the day offering up a few waist-chest occasionally shoulder high sets for the better exposed beach breaks.
Wednesday the mix of WNW swell and SW leftovers will continue to hold most spots in the knee-chest high range while standouts do slightly better on the sets.
Expect wave heights to build steadily throughout the day on Thursday as new NW swell arrives…read the long-range section for more details.
Conditions: Look for lighter morning winds…staying in the 5-15 knot range for most areas Tuesday through Thursday. Expect stronger afternoon winds 10-20+ knots at the more exposed breaks. There will be a chance for patchy fog to roll in throughout the week.
RECAP: Monday was pretty small throughout the whole region. We had a mix of leftover NW and SW swell that held most spots in the ankle-knee high range while a few of the standouts had some waist high sets.
OUTLOOK: The surf is going to continue to stay small into Tuesday but new storm activity in the North Pacific will start to increase wave heights as we move throughout the week. Look for a bigger NW swell to arrive on Thursday/Friday.
NPAC: A new storm has begun to form in the Gulf of Alaska. It is partially over the Aleutians right now but it is expected to intensify as it moves fully into the Gulf. At this point it is expected to set up some fetch, with 35-45 knots wind, aimed toward us by late tonight and into tomorrow. Look for a new NW swell (295-315) to arrive on the 7th, peak in the afternoon and hold into the 8th before fading slowly into the 9th. This one looks good for overhead waves for most spots and some sets going a few feet overhead at the standouts…deepwater breaks will likely be even bigger. Based on today's forecast we will see this new swell hit the #46006 buoy by Wednesday afternoon. We will be back with more details as this storm continues to develop.
SPAC: Small leftover SW swell will continue to hang in the background for the next few days. The next pulse of southern hemi energy will be a mix of S-SSW swell (195-210/180-185) coming in on the won't be big, expect 2-3'+4' for the better summer spots. Expect most of this swell to be lost in the stronger more dominant NW swell. Further out another, slightly stronger, but likely less consistent, SW swell (200-220) will arrive with 3-4'+5' surf on the 12th. More details as we move throughout the week.
TROPICS: TD-14E formed in the East Pacific and is expected to track slowly west over the next few days. It will not likely be a wave maker for California.
Posted by: Sean C at October 4, 2004 07:37 PM3to5 - the template is full-on organic - about a half inch longer than the shortboard version, and about an inch less chord length.
The 6'6" with a better big wave fin and stiffer rotation bumpers will probably be sub-par - but I am pretty interested in how it does.
I spent a while Saturday double-taking someone in the line-up - I just realized today it was an epic Acura Bob sighting!
Posted by: blakestah at October 4, 2004 07:51 PMBlah.
Sean C, keep up the good work! You are saving me pennies each and every day.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 4, 2004 08:46 PMThat's not really Sean C.
Posted by: Nate at October 4, 2004 10:34 PMIt's really someone setting up the blog for a cease and desist letter for copyright violations.
Posted by: blakestah at October 5, 2004 08:23 AMssshhhh!
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