Dreary and small… but??
Probably not much that’s particularly incredible out there this morning. But… I elected to sleep in soo who knows? Sharkbait or Klooless probably know. It was dark and morbid at the beach as the day began. Mysterious and energetic as thumping drums and tolling bells echoed faintly in the onshore breeze. I listened to a fantastic musician last night speak about the Divine. He suggested that the daily toilings of everyday life, the way in which many in our society encumber themselves with a multitude of things to keep them “busy,” was really a shying away from or putting off looking deep within the grand design of creation. The mystery, beauty and magic of this interconnected, grandiose, exquisite universe lingers all around us yet we turn our senses and our minds to more superficial dealings. For security? For comfort? For ease? We have an inkling that this undercurrent exists within and among us but we choose to focus on the mundane, the everyday. This musician waxes about how lucky he feels to be able to seek this energy that courses through everything; binding, interconnecting, loosening, radiating. He discussed how after years and years of playing in the band, each of the band members had become open and accepting of the other members attributes and flaws. To the point of sometimes encouraging those flaws; probing and exploring the musical flaws in search of new ground and novel experiences. I felt uplifted hearing this musician articulate his understanding of meaning and existence. He talked about seeing the joy in people’s faces as they looked up to the stage, dancing and smiling, letting go for a few moments from the lock-step severity that often fastens down modern man. Of course… life itself isn’t meant to be all joyous and celebratory, if so those pungent emotions would lose their meaning. But, it’s good to be reminded that we are but temporal conglomerations of biomass, existing for a fleeting instant within an ever-morphing, evolving, fantastic enigma of universal significance. If that is so why not latch on to that which is joyous, that which is deep, that which is profound. Why bury yourself in meaningless clutter at the expense of that which makes you happy.
You only live once.
Check out the new “posts from the past” section in the upper right.. the current post is from J.O.C in 2003.
Occy gettin' pitted
Coming to us this Friday?
local weather? ehhh...
Posted by: g at October 5, 2004 10:15 AMMundaka reminds me of the ******** ***...anyone tried it?
Posted by: Whitey at October 5, 2004 10:38 AMocean beach looked like muncaca this morning
Posted by: bagel at October 5, 2004 10:50 AMOrganic photo from Saturday. I shot video on Sunday and made a truly cheesy movie that I can share tomorrow when I work out some host issues. FYI, Adobe is offering PhotoShop Elements and Premiere Elements (for video) bundled at around $140. Cool option if you don't want to spend a zillion bucks for the pro versions.

Posted by: Bruce at October 5, 2004 11:04 AMHA! and you thought i had blueballs.

Posted by: j at October 5, 2004 11:05 AMFlu shot shortage by 50% this season. Get it today or you may be out of luck.
Posted by: Dennis at October 5, 2004 11:07 AMcool words, e. it's a quiet day, so speaking of the divine, here's a poem called Divine Wind:
The divine wind blows
beneath the wings of a pelican V.
It blows the real wind
into my face, tangling my hair.
The divine wind blows
the waves that have broken on this beach
......for more than a million years.
One thousand times a day, one thousand times at night,
......whether the wind has blown you here.
The wind is every color,
Dreamland green ocean on a grey cloudy day,
rusty brown landslide earth,
white rocks and wet rocks,
tropical colors and their opposite.
The wind blows color into your eye,
where the wind spins in each cell.
Drops of divine wind fall from the sky as rain,
while the same wind carries the sun's warmth
to dry.
Wet or dry,
...emptiness or fullness,
......life and death.
The divine wind is the here and now,
...infinite and eternal.
In One moment,
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 11:13 AM...the ocean cries
...countless crabs crawl
...a jungle hums with Life
...a leaf grows green
...rain falls, sun shines
...humans are being
and the Source of All,
...which is All,
......radiates with Divine Beauty.
Sometimes people who says things like "I'm so lucky to be able to focus on what's important and all this grand interconnectedness while the rest of you are stuck being 'busy'" are really into making themselves feel good about themselves. You know, some people are just busy, some people like to be busy, it doesn't mean they're "missing" a thing, necessarily; it's called co-processing -- you can be busy as all and still stay connected and "see" the larger world around you. Sometimes "the busy" is the Divine, sometimes not.
I've found...lots of inwardly bitter new agers....angry, acid-tongued activists with hearts of gold....ignorant, intolerant "hippies" living in a fantasy....white collar rich dudes trying to change for the better. Funny world, mixed-up place, lots of "divine" or "enlightened" people who are really lost or assholes. Beware, my momma said....
I love Ocean Beach.
Posted by: ONANISTIC BONOBO at October 5, 2004 11:23 AMYeah, the tomalies bar in Peidmont does have tasty spanish food, but who wants to drive to the east bay just to get some good spanish food? east bay sucks.
Posted by: jim at October 5, 2004 11:26 AMI guess it's all relative BONOBO... One person's panacea is another's hell. thanks for the words.
Posted by: e at October 5, 2004 11:27 AMThanks you Jim ....and I mean that!
Baja taqueria on Piedmont rocks for fish tacos and Monday night bluegrass jams. That is if the dentist still owns it.
Posted by: Jack at October 5, 2004 11:29 AMhow come nw swells are bigger on the south end and south swells are bigger on the north end? and how much of a difference is there generally and why? and who's going to loan me a gun so that i can try to paddle out dp on friday morning and get stuffed? i break i buy and i know to put the board parallel to the beach when i bail it and dive for the bottom?
Posted by: steamwand at October 5, 2004 11:30 AMwho has the best fish tacos in SF?
Posted by: baja at October 5, 2004 11:33 AMAny suggestions for us neophytes on where we might try surfing when the big energy hits ob? If you don't want to make it public, but feel for the neophyte, private suggestions welcome at: acinader at gmail dot com.
Maybe the boatdock at lindy will work? The jetty? will it wrap around and break nicely at the mouth of the lagoon at the end of the twisty highway up north?
I want to come check it out at ob, but seriously doubt I'll dip the toe if it is oh x 2.
Posted by: Big Log Kook at October 5, 2004 11:39 AMbaja -- The fish tacos at Eldo's on 9th at Irving are the best I've had in the city. They're no Wahoo's though...
And speaking of that, wasn't a Wahoo's supposed to open in San Jose? Anybody been down there?
Posted by: mwsf at October 5, 2004 11:39 AMJack, he still owns the place and they still have the music. The band played in the laundromat next door once. Neat stuff. The Greek place next door is good too.
BLK: go to the Jetty, big swells wrap around a bit but the south direction takes away some of the energy. Stick to the second or third peaks (away from the jetty) and you'll be fine and not blocking others.
Posted by: Nate at October 5, 2004 11:45 AMmmm...blackened fish tacos, cajun white beans and a beer of the month...
Posted by: j at October 5, 2004 11:48 AMmay i feel said he
(i'll squeal said she
just once said he)
it's fun said she
(may i touch said he
how much said she
a lot said he)
why not said she
(let's go said he
not too far said she
what's too far said he
where you are said she)
may i stay said he
(which way said she
like this said he
if you kiss said she
may i move said he
is it love said she)
if you're willing said he
(but you're killing said she
but it's life said he
but your wife said she
now said he)
ow said she)
(tiptop said he
don't stop said she
oh no said he)
go slow said she
(cccome?said he
Posted by: ee at October 5, 2004 11:48 AMummm said she)
you're divine!said he
(you are Mine said she)
The Jetty will be crowded this weekend for sure. Does the HMB brewery still have music on the weekends? I wonder if Mavericks might awake from its slumber.....
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 11:52 AMIm coming to get you all.
Posted by: North West Swell at October 5, 2004 11:54 AME- I'm a long island surfer turned onto your page from some friends in SF. I have been a fan for the past year now and most recently noticed the make a donation button. Have I been blind and not noticed it in the past? Either way, expect a donation and thanks for helping time fly in cube after noon out here........
Posted by: tsm at October 5, 2004 11:55 AMe, have you read any Fritjof Capra? You might want to check him out. http://www.fritjofcapra.net/
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 5, 2004 12:00 PMYeah he was bigger in the 90's but still compelling today. I'd imagine Neal S. has read Capra.
I saw swell at the buoy in the 2' region and decided to get work done. I've been eyeing pics of a 7'6" gunnish thing that's for sale, alternately thinking "that'd be sooo fun" and "don't be a moron". The "don't be a moron" part of me seldom wins.
Posted by: klooless at October 5, 2004 12:01 PMHot Fish tacos, Cold Beer, Good music...............where should this take place post surf sesh this weekend?
Posted by: baja at October 5, 2004 12:05 PMthanks tsm! right on!
3to5.. i've seen Capra's stuff but haven't read.. maybe i'll check it next.. i still have your afghanistan book.. which i liked. Is your lady still waiting to read it?
Sean Greenhalgh photo from fluidzone

also!! please refrain from posting the surfline forecasts. Our kind host MWSF happens to work for surfline and it would look pretty bad if discovered that sean collins' subscriber-only forecasts were being posted here.
Posted by: e at October 5, 2004 12:06 PMMundaka does look like the Tomales Bay sandbar minus the 20 foot sharks. At least the oyster farms will keep ya busy instead.
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 12:07 PMOB: yeah yeah, I confess...ignored my own "don't be a moron" warning and DPed . Maybe a 1/2-1 foot bigger than yesterday. Onshores off and on. "Peaks" not so apparant once ya paddle out. Shifty and gloppy. Bleak, but it *has*,er, sorta cleaned up and there are maybe 3 people out. One guy is totally snaring little rides and even from half a mile away I can tell it must be a rippin' Brazilian. Hm wait now there is one person in the water....whoop...now there are none. In any case a really hot shower feels great after paddling about in this soup. Cheers,
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at October 5, 2004 12:11 PMBig NW swells wrap around Pt Reyes and the energy is refracted by the channels and shoals making the mid-beach and south beach the biggest. SW swells are refracted by the same channels and shoals but the refraction is toward the north end of the beach. That's my understanding but maybe someone else has more detail or different info.
Posted by: Dennis at October 5, 2004 12:12 PM
Posted by: roar! at October 5, 2004 12:26 PM
Posted by: 1980 roar! at October 5, 2004 12:26 PMFish Tacos - Give me Rubio's! There is one in SF Center, down at the bottom. I love that place.
Maybe I should open a fish taco joint out near the beach.....Hmmmmm.....CK, let's do it!
Mundaka looks fun. I love lefts. There are just not enough left point breaks in the world! Well, at least not in Northern California.
Anyone ever surf a Merrick M4? I like the fuller nose template. Whats the goods? Yeah, I know it is a Merrick but for as many boards as they guy sells, he must do it right.
Can't wait to get my Nike wetsuit....
Posted by: Kaiser at October 5, 2004 12:27 PMWahoo's is opened in Santana Row (is it OK to name spots?).
Out on injured reserve (good news for everyone in the water) so I will likely be videoing Friday DP. Who's gonna be where?
Posted by: kdalle at October 5, 2004 12:29 PMthat's very cool,said me
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 12:30 PMFish Taco's and crepes across from the zoo. That's the ticket. Open 11am close at 6pm. I've been secretly planning this so don't tell anyone.
Posted by: Dennis at October 5, 2004 12:34 PMFish Tacos taste good. La Salsa is worth a stop.
Posted by: naming names at October 5, 2004 12:39 PMDennis, I just put an offer in on second lot Sloat. I am buying it up, putting in a seawall and building Kaiserland.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 5, 2004 12:40 PMSF Bouy reading 4.3 @ 12 right now. Better then it has been.
Winds - southwest.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 5, 2004 12:50 PMid love to see how long a seawall would last at sloat. The taco will out live the seawall.
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 12:51 PMnice words e. can't we all make a living either as a surfer or a musician (or both)?!?
Posted by: caveman at October 5, 2004 12:57 PMI'll get my apron and frying pan out of storage. I just need to find my chef hat.
Posted by: Dennis at October 5, 2004 01:04 PMBest fish tacos in the world...
Pillars Fish Tacos in down town Todos Santos... fish caught daily, if it is rainy she is not in buisness....
Posted by: mexi the taco eater at October 5, 2004 01:07 PMHmmmmmmm, indeed. Looks messy but rideable on the cams now.
Anyone up for a mid-afternoon session?
Posted by: klooless at October 5, 2004 01:07 PMfewer than 10 out Friday morning, I bet. Its gonna be a marginal day from the size as it looks now - 9 ft 14 sec from 315 deg. Best paddle in a long time. Get Acura Bob on the phone! I'll be at least caught in the soup somewhere in the normal zone.
Posted by: blakestah at October 5, 2004 01:22 PMfewer than 10 out Friday morning, I bet. Its gonna be a marginal day from the size as it looks now - 9 ft 14 sec from 315 deg. Best paddle in a long time. Get Acura Bob on the phone! I'll be at least caught in the soup somewhere in the normal zone.
Posted by: blakestah at October 5, 2004 01:22 PMhmb brewco has live music often and it usually doesn't suck. jazz on tuesdays has been pretty decent of late.
you can find the schedule at http://www.hmbbrewingco.com/.
the octoberfest brew is now on tap.
Posted by: g at October 5, 2004 01:22 PMe - who was the Fantastic Musician?
i was at mundaka last year during the contest. rainy drizzly & pretty ominous, surf-wise. was sick so didn't get in the water but it was fun to watch the contest.
not SF but there's a really good fish taco place in sausalito right on the main drag, north of the more touristy zone.
Posted by: paul b at October 5, 2004 01:23 PM9 ft 14 sec. My shoulder tendonitis is gonna love this workout.
Posted by: Dennis at October 5, 2004 01:28 PMBstah-It's now Volvo Bob now. Required by the Headshrink Commission at 50. Look for him at the front of traffic jams. I'll be looking for you Friday. I've got six stitches in my hand until next Tuesday.
Posted by: kdalle at October 5, 2004 01:43 PMI just bought a new Hotline wetsuit at Aqua for 25% off !! Good deal and a great suit!! Hey kaiser what' s a nike suit?
Posted by: T.O. double D. at October 5, 2004 01:47 PMe, my lady does want to read that book. someday we can hook it up. no worries. i have the tao of physics. maybe we should have a niceness book swap/book club?
Grilled Fish tacos:
1lb of Tilapia
1 Tablespoon Chile powder
2 T Olive Oil
Corn tortillas
Mix chile powder and olive oil. Coat tilapia with mixture. Marinate for 30 mins (perfect time to get the grill and bong sorted) Slice cabbage into small strips. Once the grill is hot cook fish 6-8 minutes. Flake fish into bite size pieces. Make your tacos, squeeze lime, eat and enjoy. For those without a bbq, you can saute the fish it works just as well.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 5, 2004 01:52 PMi like the fish tacos at that newer place by sf surfshop.
went home for lunch and it looked rideable.
Posted by: bagel at October 5, 2004 01:52 PMs. aleutian buoy (46066) currently at 18ft 12seconds
paul b - musician is/was Trey Anastasio - from a cool KQED TV show about the band
Posted by: e at October 5, 2004 02:01 PMalso free first tuesday at moma today newish B Mcgee on 5th floor
Posted by: bagel at October 5, 2004 02:01 PME-
Dig the notes from the past section.
Other Lyrics I sing to myself of tough paddle dayze
This style seems wild
Posted by: pez at October 5, 2004 02:13 PMWait before you treat me like a stepchild
Let me tell you why they got me on file
'Cause I give you what you lack
Come right and exact
Our status is the saddest
So I care where you at black
And at home I got a call from Tony Rome
The FBI was tappin' my telephone
I never live alone
I never walk alone
My posses always ready and they're waitin' in my zone
Although I live the life that of a resident
But I be knowin' the scheme that of the president
Tappin' my phone whose crews abused
I stand accused of doing harm
'Cause I'm louder than a bomb
C'mon C'mon louder etc...
Baja fish tacos on Piedmont Av is best I've had (nice to have it in the East Bay). Una Mas on John Daly Blvd isn't bad eaither and they have Jay Moriarty's gun from 'the infamous Mav's wipeout' on the wall.
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 02:23 PMFuck up a nigga and dropkick his fuckin bitch
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 02:25 PMI love to squabble and I'm good widdit
So if you want some nigga come get it
I ain't trippin nigga trippin at all
Yo, I'm fuckin walkin over weak rapper's downfalls
It ain't my fault they fell, it ain't my fault I sell
I pull my ass up from the depths of hell
3to5 sounds good on the recipe/bbq combo. What is that ranch kinda dressing i see on some tacos and where can ya get the fresh fish at?
Posted by: baja at October 5, 2004 02:27 PMI rhyme of death
And darkness and danger
Your crib or car
Becomes a torture chamber
I write my rhymes with violence
What you expect?
Sounds of pain
The snap of a broken neck
All alone in darkness I sit each night
Write my rhymes
With blood upon a butcher knife
You say the Ice is ill, and ill I am
They try to ban my shit
And I don't give a damn
Roll up, your eye will get swoll up
Suckers who flexed
Yo, their deaths got tolled up
Cause I'm not the nigga to toy with
Boy with the big mouth
Ya got time to riff?
There's time to take you out
Put a couple caps in your ass
Cut your head off
Send it to your mom with flowers
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 02:31 PMCause I'm so soft
Lay on your wack crew
Smoke the whole bunch
Bury 'em in my bck yard
And then I'll eat lunch
Cause I don't give a fuck about you
Or him or her
Whenever I'm in the house
A death just might occur
Is this real or fiction
You'll never know
Very uninspiring words from an anonymous poster. What would inspire you to post that babble.
Posted by: Dennis at October 5, 2004 02:39 PMyou heard of us
Posted by: prodigy at October 5, 2004 02:39 PMofficial Queensbridge murderers
the Mobb comes equipped with warfare, beware
of my crime family who got nuff shots to share
for all of those who wanna profile and pose
rock you in your face, stab your brain wit' your nosebone
you all alone in these streets, cousin
every man for theirself in this land we be gunnin'
and keep them shook crews runnin'
like they supposed to
they come around but they never come close to
I can see it inside your face
you're in the wrong place
cowards like you just get they're whole body laced up
with bullet holes and such
speak the wrong words man and you will get touched
you can put your whole army against my team and
I guarantee you it'll be your very last time breathin'
your simple words just don't move me
you're minor, we're major
you all up in the game and don't deserve to be a player
don't make me have to call your name out
your crew is featherweight
my gunshots'll make you levitate
I'm only nineteen but my mind is old
and when the things get for real my warm heart turns cold
another nigga deceased, another story gets told
it ain't nothin' really
hey, yo dun spark the Phillie
so I can get my mind off these yellowbacked niggas
why they still alive I don't know, go figure
meanwhile back in Queens the realness is foundation
if I die I couldn't choose a better location
when the slugs penetrate you feel a burning sensation
getting closer to God in a tight situation
now, take these words home and think it through
or the next rhyme I write might be about you
I ignored my 'don't be a moron' voice on Sunday and tried a yoga headstand pose. Totally tweaked my back and I'm still stiff today.
e, what finally cleared up your back problem, time and rest?
Posted by: steve-o at October 5, 2004 02:44 PMRubber Ducky, you're the one,
You make bathtime lots of fun,
Rubber Ducky, I'm awfully fond of you;
Woo woo be doo
Rubber Ducky, joy of joys,
When I squeeze you, you make noise!
Rubber Ducky, you're my very best friend, it's true!
Doo doo doo doo, doo doo
Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby
Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of you.
Every day when I
Make my way to the tubby
I find a little fella who's
Cute and yellow and chubby
Rubber Ducky, you're so fine
And I'm lucky that you're mine
Rubber ducky, I'm awfully fond of -
Rubber ducky, I'd like a whole pond of -
Rubber ducky I'm awfully fond of you!
Doo doo, be doo
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 02:45 PMOh baby, baby
How was I supposed to know
That something wasn't right here
Oh baby, baby
I shouldn't have let you go
And now you're out of sight, yeah
Show me how want it to be
Tell me baby 'cause I need to know now, oh because
My loneliness is killing me
Posted by: kaizur at October 5, 2004 02:45 PMI must confess I still believe
When I'm not with you I lose my mind
Give me a sign
Hit me baby one more time
Yes, the new nike wetsuit. Made by Hurley.
Way to sell out Bob.
Posted by: d looose at October 5, 2004 02:47 PMOh, I love trash!
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 02:53 PMAnything ragged or rotten or rusty
Anything dirty or dingy or dusty
Oh, I love trash!
hurley = nike
and we wonder 'bout surfing and
surfers selling out.......
bob hurley ASSHOLE of the month!
you too can nominate anyone for
asshole of the month....visit assholeofthemonth.com
recent monthly winners....
gary sheffield
(nominated by barry from sf)
cody ranson
(nominated by 24 former friends in sf)
dusty baker
(nominated by the city of chicago)
pedro maritnez
Posted by: korewin at October 5, 2004 03:03 PM(nominated by babe ruth's curse)
so put that in you pipe and smoke it
i took a blues break and i broke it
Posted by: diamond d at October 5, 2004 03:05 PMI don't know how some of you know the things you know....
Its like some peeps are walking magic 8-balls. If you shake it, what happens?

Posted by: Kaiser at October 5, 2004 03:06 PMi like to catch a buzz cause i get into the beat more
mc's are washed up like dead fish on the sea shore
Posted by: guru at October 5, 2004 03:07 PMI love Britney.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 5, 2004 03:09 PMsupergrass is playing for free at 6pm at amoeba. i don't dig much britpop crap but supergrass is frickin' awesome.
Posted by: bbr at October 5, 2004 03:12 PMif selling out = having enough money to go on whatever surf trip i want, spend all the time i want with my family and also have time to volunteer and help out in the community who are less fortunate where do i sign up?!?!?!?!?
I'm signing the "I want to sell out" petition. There are a few other lines on the petition, but I'm guessing nobody wants to join me though. Oh well, see you in the kid's cancer ward.
Posted by: j at October 5, 2004 03:13 PM1. j
I saw Acura Bob out on a small day in my neighborhood just a couple weeks ago. He said his back is doing better than it has been.
Ah... the good old days when the Doof and I would measure the swell by whether the Acura brothers showed up.
We'll probably suit up at your spot, kdalle. The one with the closest tripod location to the water.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 5, 2004 03:14 PMgotta give a shout to the large professer
thought i lost his number but i left it on my dresser
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 03:20 PMdamn i cant
damn i cant
damn i cant wait to make my next LP
exume new lyrics, become more wealthy
i never play myself cause i dont play games
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 03:26 PMknow alot of spots but i say no names
I'll try to split my time mid-ave. and south. The best bar may be that anomolous street near a frequent poster's new digs.
Ah the old days. Before the lots collapsed into the sea. Pretty soon all you newbies will be talking like that. Pathetic, huh. I vividly remember one of the first times I ran into Doof was a very large heaving offshore day at 1st Lot. DOH+ for sure. He was on his red gun. There was only maybe 3 or 4 out. He might remember it. Not long after that I realized he lived only a few doors down. After about 5000 sessions at OB the truly memorable ones are really special...until the alzheimers kicks in.
I'll be around Friday a.m. trying to get some footage.
Posted by: kdalle at October 5, 2004 03:35 PMJust spit my coffee out laughing. Now I can't get "Rubber Ducky" song out of my head. Thank you, anon poster
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at October 5, 2004 03:36 PMCall for advice:
I recently bought a new board, and while coming in from surfing I managed a few minor, I mean really minor, dings from the reef. Lightly cracked the glass job. What's the best way to address this? Sun Dry or have someone tend to it the right way? Dilemma b/c the board is new and dings suck on new boards.
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 03:47 PMHell, just when I thought I had tRubber Ducky out of my head, anon posts it. Those with small kids have no choice. Just don't start with the Wiggles please.
Posted by: kdalle at October 5, 2004 03:51 PMHey, thought this was a surf website, not children's song lyrics.
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 03:52 PMWhite sauce for fish tacos:
1 part mayo
2 parts mexican sour cream (I like the runny stuff)
Lime juice to taste.
In my opinion you can't beat it if you add some diced chipotle peppers and some adobo from the can
You can add some minced serrano peppers, cumin whatever, if you feel like it helps but if you've done the batter right it's just sprinkles on the frosting...
Posted by: hrothbart at October 5, 2004 04:08 PMall the Irons hater's betta recognize..

Posted by: bagel at October 5, 2004 04:10 PMI have never seen someone throw as much spray as this:
The Irons bros are here to stay.
Posted by: kookdom at October 5, 2004 04:17 PMbuy a copy of "doc's excellent ding repair guide" which will give you all the info you need to know. its an orange booklet, around 35 pages, and about 6x5in. any surf shop should have a few copies of it.
sun-cure, if you use it, will only be temporary -- it gets brittle, flakes, and leaks eventually. but it is also easy to remove prior to doing a proper repair. you may be better off slapping some duct-tape over the area until you get to fixing it, especially for spiderweb cracks.
if you aren't into learning how to mix resin and sand rails, etc, you can always take it in, but having your board stuck in someone's repair queue for five weeks for a minor ding like that is going to bum you out eventually... it's worth learning to fix the little ones.
Posted by: rubber ducky at October 5, 2004 04:18 PMHola, I haven't checked into E's lately, but trust all's well. And dang, when did 84 people start replying here a day?
This is a note to say I'm looking for SF specific surf films/filmmakers. Not necessarily SF surf, but you as the filmmaker should be from the Bay Area. Working on an upcoming project, and am looking for some goods. If any of you have made anything (Kaiser, whassup) of any length, now would be a good time to get in touch. Dig?
Alright, I got a new board over the weekend that turned out much MUCH greener in color than I ordered. I think it's nice. When I'm in the water, please don't yell "Jolly Green KOOK". Thank you.
Posted by: bandini at October 5, 2004 04:22 PMBrian - wavefest@hotmail.com
thanks for the input...."Rubber Ducky" Appreciated.
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 04:23 PMsesame street
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 5, 2004 04:27 PMstuck in my head
do the kiddies know mr hooper is dead
yo kermit my neighbor is fred
always spinning the natty dread
wax it up friday's gonna be overhead
smoke the weed
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 04:32 PMdont burn the seed
if you burn the seed
ya gone kill the breed
my niggas puff weed
Posted by: q tip at October 5, 2004 04:35 PMbut negotiate the seed

Posted by: seattleite at October 5, 2004 04:37 PMkdalle---->I remember you from when you lived in Hayes Valley.
Still have the same red 8'6". Every year, it gets a new knee or elbow depression in it....glassed like a mofo and my bones bear testament.
I'll be bring it and a 7'6" come Friday.
I just hope the flu shot I received today at work, that is only now making my deltoid ache, is assimilated wihtout any complications.
By the way, where were you on Feb 27, 2004?
No more secrets.......
Posted by: Mr Doof at October 5, 2004 04:40 PMFeb 27th was the Mavericks contest. Way too messy at the beach.
Posted by: blakestah at October 5, 2004 04:42 PMbagel.. you going to SFMOMA after work?
Posted by: e at October 5, 2004 04:48 PMI'm a block from there right now.. hmmm..
Mid-afternoon session was fun; waves not as solid as I'd hoped, but amid the dregs there were several offering longish rides & not completely unsteep faces. I didn't see Christian's fin outside; maybe that's one benefit of being as blind as a bat.
Posted by: klooless at October 5, 2004 04:51 PMNice terraserver shot...
If that was the day of the contest I think I was at The Lane. Not nearly as big as anticipated but just about empty. Pigeon Pt. was a sight to behold that day.
Hayes Valley , huh. Oh yeah, whatever happened to your buddy whatshisname (senior moment) from there. I returned to do my bit with the Freeway and ran into him at the hearing. Haven't seen him around the beach for a long time. That's right, I have known you that long.
C is for cookie, that's good enough for me...
Posted by: kdalle at October 5, 2004 04:56 PMi schecked it at lunch..might grovel on the fish if i still have light and it aint too shitty..have to leave here at 6..
Posted by: bagel at October 5, 2004 05:00 PMBandini, I will get in touch. Film to video has been done. Editing, well, that is another story. But I have some footage for sure.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 5, 2004 05:14 PMThis is some seriously web boring, infantile, gay surf idol worshipping, secret spot exploiting, OB exploiting sophmoric bullshit on here. Who the freak are you people? You sound like a bunch of tit horny, overwrapped in the spoils of your new found "home." Layered in a triad of green, blue and red courderoy, fleece wearing, SUV driving cotton only hemp beer drinking Abercrombie and Filth scrabble championship player transplant pot grower stoner cocaine night baller brats from the midwest and the fucking east coast.
Ripping Brazilian?! Neg on THAT Bro.
This sucks.
Why don't you scrotum ball loving SF transplant barney tree hugging e.comdot.com.mecommieinvaders from (Conn, Mass, Vermont, Colo, Missouri, Alaska,
Maine, Michigan plates, Ohio, New Hampshire) - FUCKCCCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKKK.ING BEAT IT OUT OF HERE!
Did I name your place of origin? Oh sorry. Did I step on your provincial mellow invader blind ethical demaeanor ? The one that snobs its way through the time of our lives
And you act ALL THAT!?
Posted by: Agnes at October 5, 2004 05:30 PMBEAT IT
Hey Agnes, get out your kneepads while I unzip.
Posted by: at October 5, 2004 05:33 PMAgnes, you forgot your home town of LA. Get a job.
Posted by: I at October 5, 2004 05:47 PMyou forgot washington, oregon, canada, etc. etc.
conversely, you could just quit reading the blog there agnes.
sophomoric - there's an O in it. guess you quit freshman year, or skipped spelling to go smoke weed. oh wait you don't smoke or drink beer, per your post, and with your spelling obviously not much of a scrabble player.
ok, not sure why i'm dictating your post with a response. probably just a result of all the stupidity the past few weeks driving me crazy. back to my .com job, i've got to make bonus so i can pay off my SUV and put the down payment on the house you grew up in.
Posted by: j at October 5, 2004 05:53 PMuhh...that should be dignifying...damn doing eight things at once.
Posted by: j at October 5, 2004 05:58 PMj—i hear you on living the life after selling the
factory to whomever BUT after watching college
football last weekend and the hordes of swooshes
on those "student-athletes" i wish bob would have
sold out to a less evil empire.
surfing does not need a nike. nike might think they
need surfing but it gives me the creeps. swooshes
on boards and wetties too. BLECCH.
i mean at least with patagnia paying the malloys'
Posted by: korewin at October 5, 2004 06:05 PMand gerry lopez's tab some (a small sum) of the patagonia money goes back INTO the sport and the ocean and the folks
who fight for it. phil knight gives money to U of O
and that is about it.
smoochy smoochy, agnes, see you on the outside.
Posted by: blakestah at October 5, 2004 06:08 PMin my surfer archive is a body glove ad
with snips parsons throwing that and more...
i'll dig it out.
e or kaiser—will send it your way.
Posted by: kookdom at October 5, 2004 06:08 PMkorewin,
You echo my thoughts. I fault no one for trying to make a living. In fact, I admire what the Malloy's/Lopez have done in crafting out a great lifestyle for themselves. I think they keep things pretty honest and truly try to balance supporting themselves with respecting what is providing them with a unique lifestyle.
Posted by: d looose at October 5, 2004 06:09 PMsorry kookdom...that was me.
doing 5 things at once...none too well.
again i apologize for the name theft.....
Posted by: korewin at October 5, 2004 06:10 PMCan you tell me how to get...how to get to Seasame Street...
Sorry about what I started with the lyrics post but I do appreciate the MOBB DEEP. I aint one of the shook ones.
Hope folks are getting work done to skip out early on Friday!!
Posted by: pez at October 5, 2004 06:17 PMfruit salad....yummy, yummy....
welcome to my world!!!
Posted by: jdz at October 5, 2004 06:31 PMAgnes for President!
Posted by: Hb at October 6, 2004 12:57 AMagnes you need to get laid.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 6, 2004 07:46 AMThat Curren movie has tom throwing fan spray out to the horizon. Agnes needs Marvin Gaye and a bottle of Crown Royal followed up with a visit from the Love Doctor.
Posted by: at October 6, 2004 09:11 AMwhat curren movie?
Posted by: bagel at October 6, 2004 10:06 AM"A Curren Visual" by drater films
It shows Tom, Joe and Pat curren in Ireland and Europe. Frikken highly recommended
Posted by: sutro at October 6, 2004 10:10 AMhmm should check it out thanx
anyone see glass love i guess the currens are in that one too
Posted by: bagel at October 6, 2004 10:24 AMBVB-
Will definitely come over to drink your beer and smoke your weed, but would you be suppa hospitable to let us do your wife as well? Will her hot married friend be there?
Just kidding of course. You deserve a little shit after yesterday's post.
Posted by: PEZ at October 6, 2004 11:52 AMHope everyone else is having fun. I'm stuck in my desolate cubicle with no signs of water.

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