Super glassy, sunshine, but.. waves??
The sea-surface looks uber-clean. Polished, sparkling, oily-glass. I received the early-morning call that the waves were missing in action. Where art thou, waves? Niceness correspondent Lerm reported that every once in a while a few shoulder-high wavelets marched toward shore, only to mushily break toward the inside, not offering too many rideable faces. Otherwise not much on tap wave-wise. Hmmm.. soo.. I drifted off into dream-land for another 45 minutes. But.. now I’m suffering the typical pangs of the 9-5er who skipped the dawnie and now has to sit at the computer all day, knowing that it’s glassy and now seeing people actually get rides on the cam! Curse you surfpulse cam! It looks like you could have a blast on the inside, slanking along slick mini-pockets and discovering hidden energy vectors. Get out there if you enjoy the small stuff on a sunny day.
Soo.. yesterday I yakked philosophic about a musician who thought that people in modern society often eschew time and thought of the infinite/underlying/magical interconnectedness of the universe in favor of pursuing the spectrum of humdrum everyday errands and tasks. He waxed that people often fill up their time and schedules in an attempt to feel “busy.” They do this partially to avoid the openness and possibility of experiencing the personal freedom necessary to consider/explore/contemplate the core of existence, the grand mysteries. I’m paraphrasing incorrectly. Obviously there are many reasons why people fill up their schedules to the brim. Maybe that’s what makes them happy? Maybe many people are depending on them? Maybe they’re filling their time to better forget some unfortunate memory? Anyway.. regardless of those thoughts.. I got kind-of swept up in idea of perceiving the grand design via the musical experience. Got all excited about the purity of activities such as music, dancing, surfing, juggling, whatever. I guess it’s a bit trite, ala “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance,” but still I think the idea has significance. Whenever I get in the deep flow while jamming, it feels like the music is just out there. It doesn’t come from within me, but rather it’s just sitting in the air, ripe for the plucking. It seems like I play best when I don’t push for ideas but rather tred lightly with my mind, allowing myself to open up and listen intently to the current of sound. The world seems awash in rhythms and melodies, virtually floating all around. Carlos Santana once said that he doesn’t create the music, it’s just inherently existent in the universe. When he plays he feels like the music is the water. He’s the hose which the water flows through. The audience is the garden which the hose waters, allowing the flowers and plants in the garden to smile and grow.
Umm… soo.. does that relate to surfing? Am I talking out of my ass? Who knows?
PS… BVB (Agnes) hates us all!!!
BVB - why all the hate?
couple of paintings from
Esfoster painting
E, the plan didn't unfold the way I thought it would. I got up (against my will) and drove down to the beach trying to get myself to wake up a bit. Cold morning but seemed pretty clear out with little wind. Got to the beach and tried to muster enough mojo to do it but I couldn't. I too choose more sleep vs. small, cold morning surf. I got back home after a round trip of 24 minutes to/from and slept for another hour.
And yes, it looks a lot better on the cams right now then it did at daylight.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 6, 2004 10:18 AMthar be some shite a comin' tho... AHOY YEE WAVEYS!!!
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 10:22 AMThe following information is provided for San Francisco, San Francisco County, California (longitude W122.4, latitude N37.8):
8 October 2004 Pacific Daylight Time
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 6, 2004 10:22 AMBegin civil twilight 6:46 a.m.
Sunrise 7:12 a.m.
Sun transit 12:57 p.m.
Sunset 6:42 p.m.
End civil twilight 7:08 p.m.
after a long night of extra work i am back in
the veal pen/ office....the images DO look nice
out there so....
let's get this party started right...
if you are out there surfing....HAVE FUN DAMNIT!
got jerry and the boys with bruce from '91
greensboro...eyes, ears and throat of the world
to assuage this working stiff.....
swell, she's a comin'
Posted by: korewin at October 6, 2004 10:23 AMskot olsen

Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 10:26 AMwhile i think Carlos Santana plays some mean ass guitar, the proverbial spiritual shit flowing from his rectal area has always made me laugh...
dude, you just rock. own it.
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 10:29 AMThere apears to be an upward trend in the data...

Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 6, 2004 10:34 AMAndrew, that looks like it's a pretty decent increase. Since OB is too gnar-kill for me, SC looks like the call on Friday for me. I'mma get me some combo swell axion.
Posted by: Ian at October 6, 2004 10:47 AMI was at Greensboro in fall 88 (pre-Bruce)
Posted by: blakestah at October 6, 2004 10:47 AMwon't know until tonite for sure, but the models are down from yesterday....closer to 6-7 ft 17 sec for Thurs afternoon, and 7-8ft 14 sec Friday early.
That's practically shortboard stuff (except for Bad Vibe who cannot ride a shortboard)
Posted by: blakestah at October 6, 2004 10:49 AMthis guy can really rock. i think he owns it well.
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 10:50 AMSory niceness crew, sometimes my insuckyeruhtees manuhfest themselves as angrr. No hart feelings though, it's not that I hate you, I just hate myself. To try and smoothe things ovur I'll be having a brunch this wekend at my house, passin out free weed and beer at my house on Saturrday, between 7am and noon. Hopfully after we can have a grope surf. Hope to see you all there!
Posted by: Agnes at October 6, 2004 10:57 AMAgnuts, hows this for a flyer? "15 years in san francisco dont make you a local" go back to Hawaii
Posted by: I at October 6, 2004 11:04 AMWrestler, this one is really middle-of-the-road for a late fall/winter swell. It was decent in fetch size (means more consistent), and mostly from 1200-1500 nautical miles away.
For reference. Over 2000 nautical miles away usually is VERY paddle-able. Under 1000 miles away is usually very dense. But this one is middle-ish.
However, the 17 second energy is not too dense, so the paddle should be real easy on Thursday afternoon, relatively speaking. Friday will be more of a workout.
Posted by: blakestah at October 6, 2004 11:08 AMI don't see much swell out there yet? If we keep staring at it will a swell develop?

Posted by: over the falls at October 6, 2004 11:10 AMi'd swell if i saw that on the beach
Posted by: j at October 6, 2004 11:11 AMstroke stroke stroke your board gently out to sea
merrily merrily merrily
an OB pounding is what i see for me
the jetty or SC friday depending on the rain/wind
Posted by: penguin at October 6, 2004 11:12 AMLooks like the winds will totally f-up any OB action from this swell:
SW winds really suck.
Posted by: dsx at October 6, 2004 11:13 AMgah.

Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 11:19 AMIf the winds rip apart the incoming swell then there is an alternative:
The Octoberfest at Ft Mason is this thursday,friday Saturday and Sunday. Hiedi will be there with her friends, so should you.
Posted by: Prost at October 6, 2004 11:24 AMdon't believe the hype on the winds. It doesn't have the signs of an uber-glassy big swell, and has some signs of having a little lump on the waves, but it looks VERY rideable but Thursday afternoon and Friday during the day.
Posted by: blakestah at October 6, 2004 11:40 AMI found a new break last night. It's really amazing how many unsurfed spots there are here that only require a little climb or a hike across someone's property. Nothing amazingly different compared to the well-known spots that have parking lots but the potential to get the same surf with no one around is wonderful. If one of those spots is your place, don't worry, I'm not telling anyone, even friends.
People are inherently lazy, including myself. It takes effort to change, grow, learn and it's all too easy to just go to the same spot. For all our rhetoric about exploring and Indo and whatever, I bet most of you do the same thing. So here's a challenge -- find your own spot, even if it's just a different peak on OB. Don't surf with the pack and don't follow me around, please.
I guess it was a good thing this bothered me so much the other day, otherwise I wouldn't have made an effort to move on.
Still thinking of favorite DPs. Hazy blue skies as the sun rises, mountains marching in all over the beach.
My favorite music for the DP is local early 80's rock like Translator, REM, DKs, Mutants, etc. When I listen to it while driving down Fulton, I can imagine what it would be like surfing OB in the 80's, good local bands, cheap warehouses for art, low rent, no Beach Chalet, no surf reports, etc.
Since I wasn't here then, I can't really claim my imagination of it is true. I spent some time in La Selva then and things seemed simpler there back then so maybe I'm close.
Posted by: Nate at October 6, 2004 11:43 AMBVB, keep the angry shit coming. We need some edge around here to balance out the niceness, personal jabs, and overall intelligence that seems to seep from every angle. Besides, as random as your posts are, they seemed filled with many truths whether some agree or disagree.
Be happy to burn one down with you anytime!
Over The Falls, well done my friend.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 6, 2004 11:48 AMSanta cruz is hosting a "welcome daý" friday
no locals will be surfing so everyone is welcome.
bring your own beverage thou.
Posted by: at October 6, 2004 11:53 AMThere are about 12 perfect secret reefbreaks from the russian rivermouth till Ft Ross.
Kelpy,empty, windless.
The down side?
No access. Period
400ft cliffs, Devils Slide style
no beach to hike,
oh yeah and its Landlord tuff like youve never seen.
So keep hunting.
Posted by: Nate Hater at October 6, 2004 11:58 AMbarrels or bacon?

Posted by: bagel at October 6, 2004 12:03 PM...Bacon tastes good, pork chops taste good....
Posted by: Jules and Vincent at October 6, 2004 12:06 PMBVB-
Will definitely come over to drink your beer and smoke your weed, but would you be suppa hospitable to let us do your wife as well? Will her hot married friend be there?
Just kidding of course. You deserve a little shit after yesterday's post.
Posted by: pez at October 6, 2004 12:06 PMactually pulled my ass out of bed early and surfed at some beach in california. could've used a longboard as the waves were heaving up and backing off. still caught a couple of fun waves. nothing special but was sunny and chatted with a blonde cutie pulling on a website. plus i need to get in paddling shape for the next couple of days.
bvb - make sure there is enough cream cheese for the onion bagels. wouldn't want to run out and make everyone mad ;)
Posted by: caveman at October 6, 2004 12:08 PMbvb,
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 6, 2004 12:13 PMeven though i haven't lived in ess eff proper for 13 yrs, may i come to the brunch on Sunday? i make a killer quiche.
Agnes, I like my bagels toasted.
Posted by: g at October 6, 2004 12:14 PMya aggie, green weed only as well please. weeds changed alot since you were a teenager 1932
Posted by: bagel at October 6, 2004 12:21 PMopps forgot. PSA for Nate:
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 6, 2004 12:23 PMYou've stirred the natives and we are restless. Your a marked man in the south county, best to stick to your secret spot from now on. Enjoy the serenity.
Ha. Remember the days we'd complain: "Dude, I thought I was your good buddy, why are you pulling out the "dirt weed"? And this was a legitimate gripe ....those days are long gone.
Posted by: Jack at October 6, 2004 12:24 PMIs there such an animal as the rope-climbing surfer? Every other month or so I forgoe the DP surfing to climb on a road bike and do a hundie miles along HWY1. You see alot more from a bike than you do from a car. Seems to me there are lots of point breaks for those with some mountain skills and way to strap a board to their backs. Not too sure though, how strong them climbing arms are after a long session. And there aint no one gonna help you when the landlord takes a nibble or you take a fin to the back of the head.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 6, 2004 12:26 PMI know of one california wave that requires, or at least offers, a rope-in for the cliff descent. The wave can be good but it usually sucks.
Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 12:36 PMblakestah...
right on for g'boro! i was there for the spring '89
shows and 91...the old g'boro coliseum was the tits.
great sightlines and awesome acoustics.
so are you a recovering redneck too?
i swear the discipline needed to not put
Posted by: korewin at October 6, 2004 12:41 PMthe old fridge on the porch or look at my sister
to long is mighty tough some days.
patrick trefz photos

Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 12:50 PMe, those photos are from the Trefz book on SC. It's pretty good, buy it to support his work.
Nate Hater, I think you missed my point. I was saying that there are empty spots just around the corner, hundreds of yards from where you ordinarily go, not talking about SEEKRIT spots far away. So spread out!
Regardless of the hate expressed, I'm still really stoked!
Posted by: Nate at October 6, 2004 01:04 PMGarrett Mcnamara spat from big Jaws video
Posted by: cadaver at October 6, 2004 01:08 PMright on Nate. Nice that you found a little low-crowd/out-of-the-way surf zone.. keep it hush-hush.
Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 01:12 PMI was just looking at my 89 drivers license, full-on mullet, at that time I drove a full-size Chevy pickup and usually kept a pouch of Redman's in the glove box.
Posted by: blakestah at October 6, 2004 01:17 PMI think in 89 Blakestah lived in Pathetica.
Posted by: dano at October 6, 2004 01:22 PMAnybody remember the Dead did six straight shows at the Berkeley Community Theatre in '84. If I recall they only repeated two songs during the whole the stand.
Posted by: Jack at October 6, 2004 01:32 PMGadzooks! I just discovered the way to get out on those big days:
And it's FREE!
Posted by: kdalle at October 6, 2004 01:33 PMi got 1st dibs on that thing, who wants to flick a booger?
Posted by: bbr at October 6, 2004 01:36 PMThat video is unreal. The first couple waves look like a spoof someone shot using an RC surfer. The barrel is awesome but even scarier is when he gets air mid-face when the bottom drops out and then catches it again.
Posted by: Nate at October 6, 2004 01:38 PM
Posted by: bbr at October 6, 2004 01:43 PM
Posted by: bbr at October 6, 2004 01:52 PMthat cheney guy is creepy..
Posted by: bagel at October 6, 2004 02:00 PMkdalle---> You asked about Friend #2, the guy you haven't seen surfing with me and Friend #1 for quite some time (aka the guy who saw you during the Hayes Valley freeway meetings).
He is in Laos.
For two years now.
Divorced his wife, sold her his interest in the 3-unit building they owned together and moved to Laos to pursue a collection of poorly thought out concepts and to flee from that which was his life in the USA.
A mid-life freak-out of major proportions or honest attempt to fix what what missing in his life?
Anyway, before he took off, he was surfing less and less. Mainly due to the booze, but also because he was tired at not moving forward as fast as he saw others. I tried to get him on boards more suited to his skill and to go out more often just to stay in practice, but image trumped reasoning.
Posted by: Mr Doof at October 6, 2004 02:02 PMDid someone say Greensboro, NC show?
and the night after
Love Bruce, he is the shit. Great performer.
Archive dot org rules.
Posted by: kookdom at October 6, 2004 02:10 PMMr. Doof- wow. Sorry to hear that. He always was game for a big day even though I guess his skill wasn't up to it yet. Hope he's not in some Christopher Walken/Deer Hunter situation.
Did you inheret the 9' purple-nosed gun?
Posted by: kdalle at October 6, 2004 02:29 PMFYI John Brown's Body in Santa Barbara Thurs night. Gonna be a good one. HIttin' up a SB pointer the mornin' will be even bettah!
Posted by: Hb at October 6, 2004 02:33 PMkookdom....
i have been looking for that show in the
zeros and ones format. the xls2's are showing age.
thanks a TON!
Posted by: korewin at October 6, 2004 02:52 PMYEEE-HAWWWW!
back to your post this morning. i for one believe in the interconnectedness of our multi- diemensional lives. here's another book you may want to check out:
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience
by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi.
I think we have 2 copies in the house. If so, I'll flow one to you. Good thread of thought. The energy is yours to harness.
Hb, great call, you live well.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 6, 2004 03:04 PMcensored? damn, apparently only certain people can post pics of hot chicks
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 03:08 PM

Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 03:11 PMGlad I could help Korewin! I dig that site, since I am iTuned I do the Variable Bit Rate (VBR) mp3 downloads if they are available. Fairly good quality IMHO. Listening to my very first show right now, pretty fun going back in time like that.
KVHW downloads are smoking, Kimock rules. Also a different type of band to scope out on there is My Morning Jacket, they are pretty hyped out these days but the show from Louisville in 2004 is sweet cause it is from Lebowskifest.
"This aggression will not stand, man" - The Dude
Posted by: kookdom at October 6, 2004 03:18 PMcronk.. what do you mean "censored?" There shouldn't be any censor happening. hmmm..
3to5. that book sounds tight.
what's the prediction for post-work surf?
Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 03:20 PMcool pics
Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 03:23 PMdream wave
Posted by: bagel at October 6, 2004 03:32 PMthanks for the trebuchet tip. a friend's son is extremely interested (obsessed?) in them and if I can convince his mom to take it... did anyone remeber the accident that took a man's life after being flung by a very large trebuchet? he missed the net. this after perhaps many hundred successful attempts over the period of a few years. crazy brits on that one.
see you all at the end of the week. (if i can still walk- i just returned from skating the yerba buena pool. no falls but man i am stiff.) couple young whippersnappers attempting the frontside air over the head of the backside grind trick. fuck.
Posted by: goodmorning at October 6, 2004 03:36 PMAfter ignoring on again/off again deafness for the last 7 months I've finally gone and seen a specialist. They tell me I'm 98% closed in one ear. I'm sure a few folk here have dealt with or are dealing with similar issues.
Posted by: NZ Swell at October 6, 2004 03:37 PMI've heard there's a new operation that flips the ear forward and goes in thru the back, heals quickly (2-3 weeks till you're back in the drink) and has a high(er) success rate. Anyone know about this, or have any other tips for me?
Cheers all.
The catapult is a good thought. I was also thinking of a bottle of compressed air and a rock. Carry the rock out, walking on the bottom underwater, breathing from the bottled air, and pop up to the surface on the outside.
Or, we sponsor a state initiative for a chairlift.
Posted by: klooless at October 6, 2004 03:39 PMAhhh..the dead in 1984. I would have gone to see them, but I was busy eating paste in Mrs. Schwartz's second grade class. I aught to relive the good old days by hitting the office supply closet and sniffing some glue. I'm huffing this one for Jerry Garcia.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 6, 2004 03:43 PMe... my pic doesn't come up,no biggie.. least yer kool to me
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 03:49 PMlet me rephrase that... my pic DID come up and now its gone...
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 03:50 PMtalk about yer spiritual... lookin' like he can walk on water :)

Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 03:55 PMdamn NZ swell...that sucks. i have no tips for you, but i've heard the old method of drilling the boney growth out suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucks. best of luck.
Posted by: j at October 6, 2004 03:56 PMpure sweetness...

Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 03:57 PMsorry, this place needs the occassional nose ride influence
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 03:58 PMkookdom....
email me...corwin at usfca. education
i have the BEST cd's for the skb at the
avalon from last december....for those
g'boro's which i downloaded....
i'll hook you up!
thanks again. i have an old friend who'll
be grooving like 1991 this weekend.
Posted by: korewin at October 6, 2004 04:05 PMno need to buy it from craig's list - make your own trebuchet
Posted by: caveman at October 6, 2004 04:10 PMyou guys really are a tight knit little community aren't you?
Posted by: cronk at October 6, 2004 04:12 PMUK the other day

soo.. is it surfable out there? i'm itchin'.
Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 04:27 PM
Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 04:29 PMnoseriding is pretty. it makes me want to whack...

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 6, 2004 04:31 PM....the lip
e, how's it bro.
do you have any floater/back side floater pics on tap? i am putting together a little maneuver description with pics doc.
when you coming by to play some pool?
Posted by: bird at October 6, 2004 04:42 PMNZ swell-
Excision of Exostosis. I know it well.
I've had both ears drilled. One was 95% closed, the other 98%. (I'll post the images some time to gross you all out.)
My understanding is that the behind the ear method is potentially more dangerous because the incision is closer to a facial nerve that could be damaged. My Doc drilled straight in both times. 4-6 weeks healing. Some pain the second time but otherwise just the discomfort of a packed ear and, of course, no surfing.
The main problem with waiting until they're completely closed is that the Dr. has a harder time determining where the canal is so there is a higher risk of puncturing the wall while drilling. also, the doc also can't get inside the canal to peel back the skin. The skin covering the (former) canal is then removed so there is some additional healing time.
Be sure to get someone whose done it many times unless you want to be a pioneer. Email me if I can give you any more info.
Posted by: kdalle at October 6, 2004 04:44 PMNZ swell! bummer homie.. but hopefully you'll be drilled and recovered soon!
bird. i don't have any floater pics on tap. check the site and maybe just click through the E's backlog. but.. i generally don't choose the floater pics, not sure why..
yeah mon.. billiards soon.. tonight after surf? i'm gonna ride home in a few minutes and go surf.
give me a call if you're around..
peace out y'all!
Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 04:47 PMbooger drop-knee floatage

Posted by: e at October 6, 2004 04:50 PMDamn, that ear stuff scares the crap out of me. KDalle, do you wear plugs at all?
I have been trying more and more to wear plugs but I am at about 60% of my paddle outs right now. If it is sunny and warm, I won't wear 'em. If it is big, I won't wear 'em. If it is crowded, I won't wear 'em. DP, I try to wear 'em.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 6, 2004 04:52 PMwow...that link is pretty nice. just downloaded a good 3- hour san bernardino swing show from 77. drop it into figures out all the track titles...the internet still blows me away sometimes...
more stealth niceness deadheads than i thought?
Posted by: paul b at October 6, 2004 05:12 PMThe orange aqua-seal ear plugs work great for me. They are cheap but have never fallen out. The blue colored brand fall out almost every time in a big wipeout.
Posted by: Joe O at October 6, 2004 05:15 PM
I should, and so should everyone...but I don't. The Doc's Pro Plugs always rip out or don't fit well enough so water gets in. Other plugs and wax that don't have a venting pinhole set you up for a potential eardrum blowout if you land hard on your ear (the compressed air inside has no where to go). Wearing a hood to keep them warm and out of the wind helps, in theory. As far as I know, no one is positive what causes it other than exposure to cold water.
Also, some people are just more inclined to get it than others.
Truth is, I probably don't have enough surfng years left to worry about it happening again (he says with crossed fingers).
Posted by: kdalle at October 6, 2004 05:16 PMWales? Pembrokshire?......oh thats right we dont name names here.......or across the pond.
Posted by: limey at October 6, 2004 05:20 PMpaul b-
Count me as one more. Turntable is long gone so I've been listening to the Golden Road box set lately and feeling nostalgiac (mid-life crisis ya know).
First show...
Fillmore East, Feb 13, 1970:
The Dead, Allman Bros., Love and, the Joshua Light Show
Supporting Live/Dead and the Allman Bros first album.
But DeadHeads are a little insane...I still have most of my ticket stubs from the 70's and 80's
Posted by: kdalle at October 6, 2004 05:24 PMI busted my eardrum about 2 years ago and I was at about 30% closure. I am sure it is approaching 50% or more now.
I am playing the "genetics" card on this one as well. I am sure I will lose the hand but whatever.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 6, 2004 05:35 PMall this GD talk on a surf blog got me thinking about rick griffin - check this site, there's a cool little video of him; nice little head dip and kind-of-drop-knee turn:
Posted by: paul b at October 6, 2004 05:38 PMThe ENT surgeons at UCSF consider the surgery a really minor thing - their used to going after facial nerve tumors in 8 hours procedures - surfer's ear is a shortie. The behind the ear thing helps the surgeon visualize the canal better to avoid hitting the facial nerve.
Plugs definitely help, and I do not care what Dr Money says on the topic. It is about cold. It doesn't happen places where the water doesn't go below 68 degrees. And from there on, it increases with exposure and with decreases in water temperature. Stopping water entry stops heat transfer, and will minimize or prevent the condition. I know of several cases of near closure in which people went into "zero water" ear plug mode, and the condition went away over many years of prevention.
There's a lot of individual variability. Some people get drilled after 5 years. Others never. I have no growth after 9 years here, and only 4 or 5 with plugs consistently.
Disclaimer. In my day job I work in research in Otolaryngology/Head and Neck Surgery at UCSF, and I've read most of the articles on Medline about Surfer's Ear. There are studies comparing people in different areas. There are studies comparing people at different time points. There are NO studies on the efficacy of ear plugs, pro or con. That doesn't mean they do not work. All the evidence suggests the cold is the culprit - cold in the canal. And water in the canal is sure colder than no water.
I always wear plugs, and usually a hood also.
Posted by: blakestah at October 6, 2004 06:14 PMNZ Swell:
Had my left ear done two years ago. Have had no problems since.
I would highly recomend my Dr. His name is Dr. Robberson with the California Ear Institute. I believe they are affiliated with Stanford. He did my friends ear, which is how I heard of him. My friend has had zero problems also.
As I understand it, there are two basic ways to get the bone out. One is more "dangerous", but heals much faster. The other more "conservative" but takes 2 months to heal. I had the second one done.
The first technique, a chisel is used to chisel the bone. They take some of it out, but leave some of the chiseled bone where it lays. This is quick recovery because they don't have to peal your ear foward. They make a hole and chisel away. My doctor said this is more dangerous because they are chiseling blind. The worry is that they will damage the facial nerve.
With the peel back the ear method, they drill the bone to reshape your ear canal. This is less dangerous because they physically locate your facial nerve and keep track of it throught the entire surgery. Having your ear drum punctured during surgery is the least of your worries. The facial nerve is what you should be worried about.
I hear that in the past they used to have to graft skin from your butt to replace the skin in your ear canal. My Dr.'s technique saves the ear canal skin.
Re: ear plugs. I had them custom made (also at the California Ear Institute) for $90.
Good luck.
Posted by: surfingsam at October 6, 2004 06:14 PMyeah the whole download from archive org to iTunes blew me away too. I have been going through my wife's shoe boxes of live shows and I always have to look up the setlist and type everything out, sucks.
I would say I am a much younger head than most here, mostly a head because I went to U of O. Couldn't escape it there.
My favorite live show right now is John Scofield w/ Medeski, Martin & Wood, from North Sea Jazz Fest, Den Haag, Netherlands in 98. First time and probably only fifth time overall they bust the entire "A Go Go" album. Some serious musicians and some insane music. Scofield's tone is amazing and Billy Martin on drums is mind boggling.
Posted by: kookdom at October 6, 2004 06:46 PMHey you guys (and gals) rock, cheers for all the advice.
Posted by: NZ Swell at October 6, 2004 06:47 PMSurfingsam, Dr Robertson is the bloke I've been advised to go see, so I'm pleased you've got some good props for him. SD is a bit of a hike for me so I'll see what he has to say. I just want to get it done and over with, preferably with a nice meaty photo mid-op' to send home!
I reckon the years spent surfing winters in the South Island contributed a lot, I was showing signs before I came here (in 01). Water there gets a fair bit colder than here (though a bit warmer in summer too) and I was one of a fairly small crew that went right through the July/August chill each year, without hoody or plugs.
I've been using a wax plug in the worst ear for a couple of months which has helped stave off the inevitible. If you're showing signs and want do delay it, I'd totally recommend them, they do work if you take the time to make sure they fully seal. But it appears that once you start going deaf it's just a matter of time.
So to all you out there, look after them the best you can, it's not till you go deaf that you realise how nice it is to hear! Once you lose it in one ear you completely lose your directional acuity too.
I'll keep ya'll updated as to how it works out, it'd be good I'm sure for the local boys to know where they can go when it's 'their time'.
And thanks again for the niceness guys.
Do round parents make square babies?
Posted by: Jack at October 6, 2004 08:25 PMFunny to see a mention of Wales on this board.... I'm off to see my Dad on the 18th and will be surfing the Gower. Well, I might just be getting wet, depending on the conditions. Fingers crossed, though -- it can get epic there.
Otherwise, today at Slizzat was glassy miro-peelers around noon. Not really getting me in shape for the juice, but a lovely sunny day with plently of good vibes...........
Posted by: limevoodoo at October 6, 2004 09:02 PMwise surfboards was just on discovery channel. they're building some hoverboard thing. reminds me of the ads in the back of that cub scout magazine for the hovercraft thingy. i used to want to buy those plans. i bought the rambo knife from there once.
Posted by: j at October 6, 2004 09:20 PMSURF MUFF!!

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