Uninsipired.. but.. highly doable.
A respite for the weary.
A denouement for the fulfilled.
A last gasp for the frothing.
An inhalation for mamma Pacific.
As most of you know, the fog rolled in yesterday eve. Foghorns bellowed from Land’s End while dismayed surflings returned to their abodes to hunker down and await the next installment of Autumn’s copious offerings. Placed in the middle of July 2004 this morning’s conditions would be heralded as “gifted,” “cathartic,” or maybe even “monumental.” But.. compared to this weeks bounty this morning looked “lackluster, “dismal,” and “flabby.” A mellow onshore blew(blows) out the SW. 15 or 20 undeterred dawn-patrollers made a go of it in the north end. Shoulder-high, crumbly, sometimes-sweet peaks lolly-gagged toward shore like the foamy/dreggy remains of a previously full keg of Anchor Liberty. I watched one mediocre-ish left and a handful of 2 foot droplets. If you’re pining for a few waves, cruise the beach and pick a peak, you’ll probably end up scoring some tasty fritters and enjoying yourself a-plenty.
Dining on Chestnut street in the Marina last night catalyzed some inward cogitation regarding the stereotypes of denizens of each of SF’s neighborhoods. Here are some reflections and generalizations about a few ‘hoods.
Lower Haight and the Mission – Hipster heaven. ¾ length dickies. Lip piercings and tats. Died black hair with the choppy cut bangs and random spurts. the maud aesthetic rages into the new millenium. Cell Space and burningman. Bad poetry and indy-rock angst. Mildew-smelling used book stores. Stylish grime. Androgenous cuteness. Boutique shops. Ganja and Skateboarders. Tag-art. Funky art shows. Wannabees interspersed with brilliance.
Noe and Cole Valleys – Urban yuppies. Young families. Bucolic, idealistic communites. Mountains at the end of the street. Neurotic neighbors. Wholesome, beautiful women. Lots of dogs. Classic Victorian homes. Friendly vibes. Overpriced groceries. Safety. Splitting the difference between the Mission and the Marina.
The Marina – Materialistic. Wealthy. Pompous. Good restaurants. Plastic women. Diamonds in the rough. Maybe the hardest partying and highest level of consumption of illicit substances? Value-system based on personal wealth or perception of personal wealth. Volleyball courts. Wave-organ. Fake blow-dried blond hair. Pants pulled up too high. People dressed like my pops, but not quite as stylish and 30 years younger. Mostly solid peeps when you get down to it, though a few of them represent everything that’s wrong with hyper-capitalistic, materialistic, western/american society. Am i too harsh? Fort Mason and Palace of Fine Arts are siick.
Outer Sunset – Obviously the best neighborhood in our fare city!! Total smorgasbord of humanity. Asian families, leftover Irish folk, artsy/heady surfer-types, drunken derelicts, urban white-families, old-school SF blacks and latinos. Sunset Rec centers. Other Avenues coop. OCEAN BEACH!!! Heaps of garage sales. Bad vibes at the sea biscuit (ask Lerm). Super friendly greek dude at the market next to the sea biscuit. New Vegan restaurant at 45th and Judah!! Heads in the rough.
Western Addition – kinda like lower height and mission hipsters but with the roughneck/gangsta/fillmoe element thrown in the mix. House of Love. Giant Victorians.
Twin Peaks/Forrest Hill/Midtown Terrace/Mt Davidson – quiet, low-key sweetness. Family-style.
Outer Richmond – wishes they were Outer Sunset!! Ha!! But seriously Sutro area is sick. Best views of the beach. Simple Pleasures. Robme’s house. Lewis and Bird. Biggsie and Sam. Land’s End. Secret hidden mysto spots. Hmmm..
photos from the garden state grudge match 2004
Frank Walsh beat Sam Hammer (photos from z-surf.com)
wet boots again...fog, the sound of waves
through the gray....yesterday i escaped from
work and pulled on a damp suit and paddled out.
one , two a third duckdive without the sun the
water seems several degrees cooler, the sun
is barely visible, a ping pong ball in the haze
above. as my eyes adjust i see beautiful not so
large but oh so shred-able lines.
turn, paddle, glide stand, pump once, maybe twice.
duck under, lean in, up fast turn hard hear the spray
hit the oily surface, repeat. feel the racy line set up
as it hits the way inside, pump again tuck into her
and am enveloped.
repeat until satiated.
yesterday was a joy. nuggets in the fog and some
genuine smiles and laughs in the water with complete
niceness to ya'll this weekend.
remember this is supposed to be FUN! smile...
Posted by: korewin at October 15, 2004 10:29 AMInteresting breakdown, E. For some reason, we in the outer richmond refer to it as the "Outer Outer Richmond". I thought it was just Silas, but then I realized other people on the block say it too. Sometimes (often) I think I would give up the OOR to have a little more sunshine and a little less litter. Like what is up with the frickin' litter? It's like there's been a little epidemic or something. Maybe the Inner Inner Richmond. Or that neighborhood where Pizzeta is. And Gordo's. But then I couldn't walk to surf (mysto pts?) and I have this superstition going that if you can't walk to surf, something bad will happen -- like the price of oil will go up to 54 dollars a barrel and we will fill up the atmosphere of with C02 or something.
Whenever I got to Santa Cruz, particularly Pleasure Point, and I see all those lanky 40-somethings riding their bikes with their boards under their arms, I always feel like that's the way it should be. In fact, I can remember very clearly the first time I ever saw Pleasure Point, I really and truly thought "This is IT."
Posted by: robme at October 15, 2004 10:34 AMWestern Edition and Grove St. boys represent! Get yer BBQ and rock at Brother in Laws.
Posted by: kookdom at October 15, 2004 10:35 AMKorewin, I think I read you're a Carolina boy? Where from?
Posted by: robme at October 15, 2004 10:36 AMOuter Parkside, Represent Represent.
Non-artsy surfer types (Still heady though), families. Lots of asians, some Irish (even some recent immigrants), a few older Italians. Several tech-heads working from their homes. Less homeless than Outer Sunset, or they keep to the dunes more. Sunset/parkside is definitely more working class than Richmond. One neighbor told me this about the time I moved in, that the main difference from one side of GG park to the other is that on the south side, you actually see people on the street sometimes.
And the waves in the Parkside are nothing compared to those of the Sunset, which pale in comparison to those of the Richmond.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 15, 2004 10:39 AMLet me be the first to congratulate myself on making a DP from the east bay. Alarm went off at 5:45 to load the car, sipping coffee sitting in traffic on the bridge at 6:11. Pull in parking lot at 6:35. Two dudes there finishing suiting up. "Damn, I hate driving to the beach. I came from Oakland."
"I hear ya, we came from San Jose."
Damn yo. Thems some dedicated surfers. The onshore wind blew mightly cold while I suited up. Climbing down the riprap then waiting 15 minutes for the sun to rise. Did some stretching, sit-ups, push-ups and whatnot while trying to rate the waves. It became evident that the waves this morning were not the ones every raved about all week. But they were infinitely better than the alternative of sitting on BART. Actually a good size for my level of kookness. Lots of people in the water by 8 as I started to leave. Good vibes all around because the people getting in the water at 8 AM on a Friday have vacation days left. Peaks aplenty. In the cubicle by 9 AM.
To the sea lion in the grey and black fur that dropped in on me: go back to the Farralones, or better yet, go hang out at Pier 39 with all the other tourists.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 15, 2004 10:45 AMI miss the bright red sun that set the sky and water on fire Wed nite. The OS is all greay again. There's nothing quite as beautiful as a huge Central Valley fire, offshore winds, and sunset in the Sunset.
Posted by: Dennis at October 15, 2004 10:46 AME, fun breakdown of the neighb's. The pics you posted look like it was pretty damn windy that day. Also, I posted this last night, but wanted to post again. Early post y'know. Hope I don't sound like I'm preaching, but I think this is pretty relevant to all of us, and attitudes displayed while surfing. It was cool to read cadaver's post after this. Check it out from yesterday.
Remember this in good (and bad) waves to come, ESPECIALLY with crowds. Stay stoked, it will come back to you..
"To some extent we can control our own response to our actions, but we cannot control the way others respond to them. Their response may turn out to be quite different from what we expect or desire. A good deed of ours might be met with ingratitude, a kind word may find a cold or even hostile reception. But though these good deeds and kind words will then be lost to the recipient, to his own disadvantage, they will not be lost to the doer. The good thoughts that inspired them will enoble his mind, even more so if he responds to the negative reception with forgiveness and forbearance rather than anger and resentment."
Posted by: Ian at October 15, 2004 10:52 AMouter outer richmond! never heard it but if all the cool people in the hood are saying it than i better get on it...balboa theater, sugar bowl; vietamese food AND donuts! chinos, balboa pet hospital, joes market, safeway, fog, wind, wise, kellys, bums, stinky pumphouse, raccons, midevil dungeons and dragon practice on saturdays next to the archery field, buffalos! 31 5 38, fog, speed freaks, mellow surfers.
Posted by: bagel at October 15, 2004 10:53 AMdon't mean to abuse the advertising, but you too can live in Sutro Heights... 2bdrm apt available. would like to pass it on to someone who'll appreciate the two blk walk to the beach and the sickbird views stretching from Kelly's to Pacifica. em for info: chris@crossendesigns.com
Posted by: cc at October 15, 2004 10:58 AMi grew up walking to the surf. but when i got my car my mom let me go a 100 miles north or a 100 miles south without any special premission. and that opened up a lot of surfing expereinces for me and my bros. big sur to the golden gate. any have any gas money?
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 15, 2004 11:04 AMAndrew, welcome to the EB club! Unfortunately, my wife has the car this week although I may get out Sunday morning. Also, major herpes to the guy who punched out the ignition on my motorcycle BEFORE looking down to realize it was chained to the post. You're probably the same guy who jammed the laundry room lock (another failed burglary).
Life is good, let's go surfing.
Posted by: Nate at October 15, 2004 11:20 AMUpper-market in the house, but wishen he was back home in the outer Richmond.
Posted by: mexi at October 15, 2004 11:21 AMPortero Hill- Million dollar views and pretty good eats on the north slope, projects on the south. Funky east slope with a weird mix of housing. West slope (my side) with ocean-like hum of traffic on 101 and the sounds of sirens responding to accidents at Hospital Curve. What I like is watching the sun set behind the peaks or seeing the fog roll over the hill and park itself around Stanyan. I love the sunny microclimate we share with the Mission, but getting across the penninsula is a pain. . . driving to Pathetica often takes less time.
Posted by: Bruce at October 15, 2004 11:30 AMe, you're profiles are, IMO, correct about many of those neighborhoods, especially Marina -- materialistic and fake. I'm hating on that neighborhood, I must admit it looks bad in there.
That is the place where frat guys and sorority chicks wind up after college, and they keep acting like frat dudes and sorority chicks forever in their new enclave. Many women who only "marry money" can be found here, yes, plenty of that. Lots of "Yuppie Tanks" -- enormous SUVs with perfect paint jobs and sparkling mudflaps, used primarily for moving shoppnig bags from location to location. These people pull up to two-car parking curbs/spots and put it right in the middle, happily taking up two spots. They also like to park them on the sidewalks, blocking them completely. It is their warped sense of entitlement. I think, maybe, there you can also find lots of people maxed out in debt with the illusion of money, the appearance of "having it all." They seemingly pay attention to their dogs more than they would other human beings. They hunger for things the typical OB head cannot fathom as being paramount in life.
Boo Hiss on the Marina Metropolis -- may heavy liquifaction make your tiny little world sink into the bay someday, all you materialistic yuppie turds.
Posted by: MONKEY MILK at October 15, 2004 11:32 AMbut if you met a guy from the marina in antartica would you be stoked?
Posted by: father time at October 15, 2004 11:43 AMnate - bummer on the motorcycle...but HILARIOUS curse "major herpes"!
have a good weekend niceness.
j, signing off from the land of corporate latte
Posted by: j at October 15, 2004 11:44 AMi like that you don't even have Potrero Hill in your "breakdown"... another reason I love it.
Bruce's description is right on... Pot Hill rocks... best weather in the city, no one driving thru like noe or castro... now stay out!
Posted by: HONK at October 15, 2004 11:49 AMp.s. - Bruce .. by the "west slope" do you mean 'dogpatch'?
Posted by: HONK at October 15, 2004 11:51 AMnot if i cared for antartica
Posted by: at October 15, 2004 11:53 AMNorthbeach!!!
Posted by: 94133 at October 15, 2004 11:57 AMPot hill is definitely cool.. I like the little neighorhood on 17th? or Mariposa?? can't remember.. but it's got a coffee shop with a happenin' magazine rack, and sandwich shop next door.. A good book store across the street. The houses in POt hill are often rad. Big hidden decks with sick views. big windows. Every house different. Too bad ya might as well be living in the east bay in terms of commute to the beach!! Also i guess you can't really leave your car out overnight lest ya want it taken. I'm sure there are some awesome loft-spaces and such. Good for jamming and partying. I'd classify pot hill residents as mildly mission-hipster-like, though a little older and more established and more anchored to San Fran. Some money up on that hill too. The ghetto is pretty gnarly. no joke. Good outdoor hoops court with stellar city view. Kind of a mixed bag in Pot hill.
Also what about Bernal? Snob Hill? The Loin? Soma? Sea Cliff? Visition Valley, Glen park? Castro? Cathedral Hill? Pac Heights? Russian hill and North Beach? West Portal?
Posted by: e at October 15, 2004 11:59 AMdisregarding proximity to the beach, i believe the Mission has it all: sun, affordibility, public transit, dolores park, mission pool, burritos perfectos, every ethnic restaurant within blocks, nightlife, vagrant street characters, friendly neighbors, socially concerned/conscious folks, girls, girls, girls, and gay men sunning themselves in thongs.
Posted by: rza at October 15, 2004 12:02 PMplus the bakery next door leaves their excess goods out front for the taking. sweet!
Picking a favorite neighborhood is tough. The diversity of the city is what makes it great, and no neighborhood would be the same if it wasn't for the boadering neighborhood. Mostly, though, I just thank god I don't live in Bakersfield.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 15, 2004 12:17 PMVery surfable mid-morning, up some from yesterday, not so mushy, pretty darned clean (sometimes too clean---with the fog, flat light and myopia, I find it hard to guess where the waves will break when there's no texture). I was freezing out there, and really disappointed in my new xcel wetty; but discovered afterwards that the zipper had been halfway down. THAT'S what that velcro tab is for! Brrr. But well worth it: amid the kooked take-offs and missed bottom-turns there were a few pretty zippy shoulder-high rights that stayed lined up nicely.
Good neighborhood descriptions: we live in quiet, low-key family sweetness.
Posted by: klooless at October 15, 2004 12:18 PMI am very happy with my little house in Pacific Heights. I have breathtaking views of the bay from Marin Headlands to Alameda, depending on which of the 5 bedrooms I am in. From my tower with the wrap around deck, I can see the entire city not blocked by the hills. While there are few restaurants within walking distance, I do have a professional kitchen and nightly hire chefs to make their specialties in my house. If only my driver could find a quicker path to the beach I would be truely blessed. He does an excellent job selecting the proper board from my quiver to match the wave conditions however.
Posted by: Dennis at October 15, 2004 12:20 PMyo...robme.....grew up in charlotte...ncsu undergrad
RALEIGH! where barney fife goes to party (corner room
at the Y for all you andy griffith show heads)
and then started moving west....
miss bojangles, chic-fil-a and waffle house
Posted by: korewin at October 15, 2004 12:24 PMsomethin' FIERCE. some scattered smothered and covered
would be so tasty for lunch today.
Big ups to the Westwood Park/Ingleside Terrace crew.....
Fastest time from bed to beach (Sloat): 8 mins.
Posted by: limevoodoo at October 15, 2004 12:26 PMI am aware of the low income housing. My house is just under $15 Million.
Posted by: Dennis at October 15, 2004 12:39 PMre: soma. 13yrs of crack, heroin, human feces, stabbings, beatings, vomit, attempted break ins, auto boost/ theft, both sides of gun point, urine, urine, urine and more urine. Less an empty frontier since the lofts came, more a part of town to move away from. But it is sunny!
Didn't make it out yesterday w/ the RFS due to a blow up at work. Trying to leave early today but the waves sound sort of lackluster. Come on new swell....
Posted by: good.morning at October 15, 2004 12:42 PMnuts Bruce, you live just around the corner from me.
Posted by: cadaver at October 15, 2004 12:46 PMTIP: da kine route to the beach is 280 S.
then exit at John Daly.
Posted by: cadaver at October 15, 2004 12:52 PMHehe Dennis. Here is some East Bay spot naming:
Rockridge: cheaply-made ("quaint") 2 bedroom bungalows, families, lots of sorta useless shops, BART, Zachary's (take out phone ahead, not dine-in), expensive but good restaurants, no parking, crappy restaurants (Rockridge Diner???)
Piedmont Ave: excellent video store, more lesbians than SF (why?), Piedmont Grocery, good but cheaper eats, theater, good Greek, pizza, too many non-locals near Fentons (but the food there sucks so they can have it), Cato's Ale, Baja Taqueria (some ok food, some lame but good atmosphere)
Posted by: Nate at October 15, 2004 12:57 PMChick-Fil-A has no equal.
Posted by: steve-o at October 15, 2004 01:00 PMgoodmorning.. hilarious soma summary.. I'll give you a call this weekend about the board. Hopefully you'll be around?
I used to work in SOMA and walked under the 80 underpass near 3rd and bryant. The urine smell was so intense that i had to hold my breath every time.. nasty.
Posted by: e at October 15, 2004 01:02 PMYeah, I thought I lived in the Burbs of San Francisco when I moved to the Outer Parkside, but in the last year, my wife has witnessed a woman shitting in the street in front of our house, and I found a gun buried in our backyard.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 15, 2004 01:03 PMTwo of the best restaurants within walking distance of my (real) house in order of quality: John's on Sloat, and Bashful Bull II on Vicente. Two very good reasons why a fish taco stand would do great near the zoo!
Posted by: Dennis at October 15, 2004 01:06 PMNate, Don't forget Tropix for weekend Brunch. King's X for Play-off games, and the Cemetary for watching Fireworks on Mushrooms.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 15, 2004 01:07 PMAs far as areas to hate, 19th Ave gets my vote. Swerving, streaming cars going who knows where, nondescript neighborhood lost somewhere. But just go west a few blocks and things get nice again.
Posted by: Nate at October 15, 2004 01:08 PMDennis, I highly recommend David's Kitchen for delivery. It's a very small place on Taraval and like 20th, but delivered is sweet.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 15, 2004 01:09 PMSpeaking of urine filled Soma, I'm still interested in swapping apartments with someone for a month or so, possibly November? My place is a massive loft in Soma, 4 roomies but plenty of space and privacy for all, and the roof is ours exclusively for ping pong, gardening, bbqs, long warm roof showers, whatever.
Your place would need to be within walking distance of the beach.
Email to discuss, my handle @gmail.com.
friend #1, yeah awesome. Indian Rock is another great firework 'secret spot'. Did you ever live near there? I've lived in that general area for the last 6 years, before that on 29th in SF.
Posted by: Nate at October 15, 2004 01:10 PM"near there" I mean Piedmont Ave
Posted by: Nate at October 15, 2004 01:11 PMMy dream is to buy a fullsize van and live in it near the beach Oct - Feb. :) Life gets too complicated sometimes and you gotta eliminate things.
Posted by: Nate at October 15, 2004 01:13 PMI'd agree with you about 19th Ave, Nate.
Not only is it horrible, but it also has the top two most dangerous intersections for pedestrians in the the city: Holloway and Taravel.
Posted by: limevoodoo at October 15, 2004 01:18 PMkorewin -- nice. i'm from the other charl -- charleston. I'm partial to the waffle house myself. the first time i ever got arrested for doing stupid kid stuff, like getting in scuffle with a cop or something, my dad had to come down in the middle of the night and bail me out. i felt like shit, but he took me to the waffle house and after I promised to pay back the $300 bail, i managed to i feel like a grown up, talking about my "cell mates", drinking black coffee and eating eggs over-easy with the yolk running into the grits. I think he had a good time too, and when he opened a restaurant of his own years later, he said "i want it to be just like the waffle house." Course it was much better, cuz it sits on a dock, "The Wreck of the Richard and Charlene" -- check it out if you are ever back the there, & if you like fried shrimp right out of the creek, cold budweiser, and boiled peanuts.
Posted by: robme at October 15, 2004 01:27 PMLived on Manilla between 41st and Macarthur for about 5 years (found a loaded 38 in the ivy in front of that place). On John Street for about a couple years, and on Yosemite for about 5 years.
Once the Bay Bridge is rebuilt, I may move back. That is of course if property values match. Oakland is catching up to SF in that department. One of my old housemates dropped $480K for a place in Fruitvale. FRUITVALE!
Posted by: friend #1 at October 15, 2004 01:37 PMYes. Delivery! Now that's what I'm all about. I have dinner delivered just about every night and I need more diversity. My current selection is Japanese, Brazillian/Itallian, Chinese, Thai, and Indian. I'd really like to find a good veggie restaurant that delivers. Indo would be a real bonus.
I'm bored out of my mind in this office today as you may well be able to tell by my stupid yet relentless postings. Sheeesh. Two more hours... Soory y'all.
Posted by: Dennis at October 15, 2004 01:38 PMRobme, I've recently pumped up my tires for winter. Now I just gotta oil the rust coated chain. However, P*%#@!* Point is a bit of an oxymoron these days.
Posted by: dano at October 15, 2004 01:51 PMrobme....
creek shrimp and boiled peanuts DAMN!
and they serve hush puppies, right.
as a matter of fact...i am going to folly beach
the first week of november to see the family
(in hilton head—that surfless hell hole of
a geritol commercial) and with LUCK catch a
few in the other pond.
lemme know where and i'll post a review.
ha ha....
anyone surfed today yet?
Posted by: korewin at October 15, 2004 01:52 PMseems to be a bit windier and chillier.....
Trust me man living out of a van even during the season gets pretty old. You do score the best surf though and nobody can say your not local. You live on the beach!
Posted by: pez at October 15, 2004 01:54 PMIf you buy an nice RV it would be a lot more comfy. It also helps to be a snow bumb as you need to do something during those rainy and windy unsurfable days.
this video is sick. check it. thanks for sharing e.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 15, 2004 01:56 PMhey bruce....
nice to see ya the other day!
i thought you had gone and boycotted
anywhere north of SC and SC county.
Posted by: korewin at October 15, 2004 01:58 PMNate- When I first got to SF I lived down at the beach in a van. Was fun, that was before they posted the "no habitation in vehicles" signs along Great Hiway the Lesser. I can see why they did though, the community of people living there were pretty bad about leaving their trash on the grass, and they pretty much all had drug problems of one kind or another. I still camp out there from time to time in my current van, never get hassled but usually not a good idea to sleep on Great Hiway itself.
Some stuff I wrote while living in my van when I first got here (excuse the 1997-era tripod-style web design):
Posted by: wrybread at October 15, 2004 02:16 PMgood point that ob fog is bad for your car too
thats my boy!
Posted by: nagel at October 15, 2004 02:36 PM
Posted by: nagel at October 15, 2004 02:38 PMI can vouch for Pez's commitment to the van. His advice is the voice of experience: trade up to the RV. It gets pretty cold out there at night. I know that from sleeping in the truck down in SC.
E- Give me a call to coordinate today if you can, I have an action packed weekend of squeezing errands in between trying to get surf, got the hum from Wednesday...
Posted by: goodmorning at October 15, 2004 02:44 PMGeeze wrybread, if you got the van, why do you need to swap? Are you so gentrified that you need indoor plumbing?
As for spot naming, Rockridge has $6 pitchers of Mirror Pond Ale until 9 PM. That cost is offset by the $9 it now costs me to get to the beach. I suppose I could try to recoup my losses by bringing the pitcher in the car.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 15, 2004 02:48 PMebay #5130673044
blakestah- bored out of the skull waiting for a call at the office & found this which I think will be of interest....
Posted by: goodmorning at October 15, 2004 03:05 PMHunters Point. That's the place. Rent's are not that bad and no frat boys either! I'll take the seriority girls for fun. C'mon down!
Posted by: Ted at October 15, 2004 03:09 PMe, Farley's the place on Potrero? Live music there occassionally.
limevoodoo-you following me? I used to live in one of those hoods before moving to the other.
Surf content-was actually very fun this morning at Old Man's until that dude paddled right into my path on the wave of the day, I losrt it, almost hit him and came up with him screaming at me.
Today's rant: paddle behind the rider, not into their path. GOT IT!
Posted by: at October 15, 2004 03:10 PMmwsf here's another taco recipe, homegrown style.
Shrimp Tacos w/garlic, lime, & tequilla
1lb shrimp peeled and de-vained. (pinky sized ones)
2 Tbsp Olive Oil
1-2 cloves garlic, chopped
1/2 tsp whole cumin seed
1/4 tsp salt
1/4-1/2 tsp crushed red pepper flakes
1/2 tsp. oregano (dried is fine, if fresh use less)
3-4 Tbsp fresh cilantro chopped
1 shot of tequilla
Juice of 1 lime, plus another wedged for beers and squeezing on the tacos if you likey
Corn tortillas
Avocado slices
On medium high heat Saute OO, garlic and cumin seeds (you can also add some diced bell peppers and onions if you wish) for a few minutes, until you can smell them or if using the onions they start becoming translucent. If needed add a bit more OO. Add shrimp, salt, pepper flakes. Saute stirring around a bit. After 3 minutes, add the tequilla, the shrimp should becoming opaque by now, toss them a litle cooking another minute, add lime juice, chopped cilantro. mix and if the shrimp is no longer translucent they are done. Shrimp cooks fast watch your burner temp make sure the shrimp get cooked on all sides. depending on shrimp size i cut the bodies in half ending up with bite size pieces. Transfer to serving dish and Enjoy!
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 15, 2004 03:16 PMsettin' it up

sea scum.. thanks for the concert tip. sounds sweet.
Posted by: e at October 15, 2004 03:16 PM3to5 - we have to set up a little "3to5's kitchen" section of the site for all your recipes. that would be tight.
Posted by: e at October 15, 2004 03:17 PMSwell is picking up any thoughts on the wind out there?????...seems high at Funston
Posted by: pez at October 15, 2004 03:19 PMengland

Posted by: e at October 15, 2004 03:49 PMhuge tidal shift tommorrow. I guess it means heavy paddling....
Posted by: PHIL at October 15, 2004 03:55 PM3to5 - i used your fish taco recipe from a few weeks back - muchas gracias. tilapia is definitely the way to go!
Posted by: cruzdp at October 15, 2004 03:56 PMthat would be super sweeet! i'm developing little project/possible venture and that might tie in nicely. i'll ping you offline in a few weeks when i finish smoking out the details.......
niceness, have a good weekend. hope everyone gets some in and out of the water. heads-up it's pumkin fest. hmb will be traffic f*cked all weekend.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 15, 2004 03:57 PM
Posted by: i love indo at October 15, 2004 04:08 PMHey pez - Medium ceiling fog with medium solid onshores. Rather crumbly but surfable.
Super easy, zero duckdive paddle out this morning, let out a WOOHOOOOOO of joy and triumph, and 'lo, a single, solitary one wave set lurched far outside and plopped directly on my head. Shortly afterwards snagged the best drop of the day [ and farked right off the board], and took 25 minutes on the inside underwater cardio machine trying to get back out. Does the ocean have a sense of humor?
Klooless, mucho apologies for not noticing your wetsuit snag. Maybe I was in the beginning stages of hypothermia so my thinking was blurry . heh
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at October 15, 2004 04:11 PMgoodmorning, the switchblade fins do not rotate in the same plane that mine do - they flop side to side and do not rotate around the leading edge. Also, only the bottom half flops.
Posted by: blakestah at October 15, 2004 04:19 PMahhh

Posted by: at October 15, 2004 04:50 PM3to5setsof7 -- I'm all over that! Muchas gracias!! I'll report back!
-- Matt
Posted by: mwsf at October 17, 2004 02:52 AMPicked up a copy of "Surfing California" yesterday. I'm into this whole surf travel thing now. Now that I drive to the beach, I've covered almost the entire California coastline between Sloat and Cabrillo. I realized this weekend as I stood atop the seawall watching a lone paddler getting tossed around in mean, disorganized, closed out waves, that those are the conditions I like best. In fact, I'm not even so sure I like surfing. I think I just like paddling out.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 17, 2004 05:53 PMinteresting thoughts..
whats the deal with i tunes anyway..
anyone got any good internet radio links?
Posted by: bagel at October 18, 2004 08:35 AMhttp://www.somafm.com
there's tons of shiz on shoutcast, but much of it sucks donkey weenie, so you have to sift a lot.
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