large and gorgeous
Not a whisper of wind as the day began. From three blocks away the sea-surface looked oily and slick. I didn't see ginormo wave-mountains rising toward the heavens so i thought it might be approachable for mere mortals. I sauntered down there with a camera and my initial impression was, "Fuuuck, i need to turn around immediately and grab my board!" But.. then after 15 minutes of gawking, gazing, murmering and watching one lonely paddler battle unsuccessfully in his bid to get outside i decided to just chill and give my body one more morning off. The biggest waves were well over head-high. Not huge. However, massive wall after massive wall after destructo wall marched in and created a sort-of barbed-wire/land-mined/crossfire no-man's land through which it seemed tough to penetrate. No joke "OB Factor" this morning. "OB Factor" refers to when OB looks manageable and inviting from the beach or road, but once in the water things become much bigger and meaner than previously assumed. Look out for the OB Factor this season!
(a co-worker just asked it i'd ever heard of the inflatable surfboard!)
Soo.. if you could make it past the death-zone, you'd probably score some seriously killer olas (waves)! GLassy, largish, steep, barrelling, lefts and rights, empty, solid! Hopefully the whole OB gun club (Kdalle, Friend #1, Doof, 'stah, Christian, Lewis, Pez) and the rest of you will have some good stories of this morning's surf!? Let's here it!
Shoutout to Krustaceous Kristen! A super chill lassie who's a friend of Jocular's and travelled with us a bit in Central America. Kristen and the Lerminator both struggled through some grueling Montezuma's revenge while we explored and chilled at the Finca Magdellena, which sat at the base of a huge tropical, conical volcano. Kristen also kicked our collective asses at Gin. Not afraid to sack up and shoot the moon. Cheers kristen.
I also just finished an interview with "underground ripper" Lewis! Siiiicck.. it will appear in the next BASE mag, which i'm actually renaming "Niceness the mag". But.. i'll try to post Lewis' interview up here on niceness today or tomorrow.
If you're interested in advertising in Niceness the Mag let me know. I'd also be hip to any kind of barter or exchange. If you have a burrito place maybe a few burritos in exchange for an ad? Let me know at
I'm hoping to print and distrubute 2000 copies this time. Plan to do a road-trip up and down the coast and put a pile in every surf shop from SLO to PA. Let me know if you have ideas/submissions/photos/stories, etc.
A few of you have submitted stories to me and i haven't responded because i'm sometimes a lame-wad slacker. I still have your stories and i'll get back to you! thanks for submitting!!!
also.. i know that the female posterior is a thing of immaculate, unparalleled beauty. but.. please no naked pics and i guess try to keep it respectful for all the lovely lady surfers and readers out there.
anyway.. enough blabbering. here are some photos from this morning..
A few photos of Bagel's fish, shaped by Elias
cool Wedge shot
also.. check this out tonight.. put on by some local surfers/heads/artists
Posted by: Inflatables rock! at October 21, 2004 10:22 AM
Posted by: uli at October 21, 2004 10:28 is still bummin from the wakeboard incident 3 weeks ago, but the good news is the hand has regained feeling. thinking about finally headed to the doc's sometime soon, such a pain in the arse though!! ugh. hopefully the surf will get a little smaller, as i don't think i could paddle out in much of size.
niceness the mag, siiiiick. i slept on it and never got a first copy, e you still have any laying around your house?
Posted by: j at October 21, 2004 10:41 AMDaddio late to 2nds at 7:30, no one in sight, suited up and ran down to the waters edge. Outside sets were in the 10'+ face range with some pitching thickness. Decided the paddle would take too long so headed to the north side. Pure glass, pure fun. Only a few other heads at first but was filling in by the time I left. Some genuine hollowness out there. Some kids were killing it.
Ran into an oldschooler who I've traded hellos with for many years. He's only a couple of years from retirement and still surfs really well. I'm a little envious as I'll be working until I kick.
Posted by: kdalle at October 21, 2004 10:44 AMI was GONNA go get it, but putting the board in the car I noticed a crack in the (kloolessly repaired) nose, so I had to deal with a different kind of glass. If it cures fast, maybe a lunch session.
Posted by: klooless at October 21, 2004 10:49 AMCouldnt get out of bed @ 5am..Have a job and need to be here by 8. My van is also overheating so I didnt want to risk that as well. I will risk it this afternoon.
Nice to have a job and not live on the beach, but I really miss mornings like this. I hate relegating myself to voyer but.....
Posted by: pez at October 21, 2004 10:51 AMNo surf for me.
Didn't think it would clean up so soon so I didn't bother to check things out last night.
Oh well.
Besides, not going this AM gave me a morning to sleep in till 6:15 and help my body (and meds) fight the ear infection without having to use up valuable reasources fighting off new insults to the immune system.
Posted by: Mr Doof at October 21, 2004 10:55 AMfrom the coldwater classic

Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 11:08 AMMy last post, due to the graphic and sometimes pornographic material on this page I can no longer bring it up on my computer at work. Yesterday a 12 year old student walked up behind me while an animated pair of boobs were flopping around on the this site. She said, "oooooooo Mr _____ that's dirty" That is the second time that happened.
Last night I saw a couple of chargers paddle for 45 min, I had to go so I don't know if they made it out.
Also, Judith was charging yesterday, she's my freaking hero. I saw her one day when I'd been out on a DOH day (I was scared and hadn't caught a wave in over an hour) She swam by me with a grin on her face. I've seen her swin into the horizon on days that would challenge any surfer. She's also very humble and cool...
Peace OUT!
Posted by: mexi at October 21, 2004 11:12 AMAnyone seen State of S?
It's playin' tonight, might go check it out. Greeny rules.
Love to see pics of OB.
Posted by: Hb at October 21, 2004 11:13 AMJust picked up my new Vernor this morning, but haven't surfed it yet. I ordered it a 4/6 deck for durability, and I definitely notice the difference in weight distribution top vs. bottom.
(warning, large picture)
Posted by: steve-o at October 21, 2004 11:14 AM
I too was weak. It looked fun on the way outside last night, but hard to get to. Then I saw the rip, and I saw one dude get through the inside in a snap. He then got mashed by two sets, but then was outside. All told in under 20 minutes. One other dude was already out, and I saw him get a mediocre wave and ride it in.
This AM looked less inviting wave quality wise, but more inviting paddle wise.
Oh well.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 11:33 AMjudith was out in the same vicinity that i was surfing last wednesday. she was catching so many waves and often swimming faster than i could paddle. i was wondering about how she decides where to go out, and about how her perspective on her time in the water might otherwise differ from craft-riding folk. have you already interviewed her e? that seems like a promising one. i don't know her but would be happy to help out with the interview or shoot some photos.
Posted by: loon at October 21, 2004 11:42 AMi asked judith for an interview. she declined.
She rips.
Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 11:44 AManyone have any tips how to de-wax a cloth board bag? wax is now on both sides on the inside. it's farking up the bottom with little wax bits everytime i sack up.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 21, 2004 11:51 AMjust returned to my office after a run to the beach....and damn, is it good out there! indian summer sweetness once again!!
Posted by: rza at October 21, 2004 11:57 AM3to5,
Those helpful pixies at tipking recommend paper bags and ironing to remove messy wax buildup.
Posted by: steve-o at October 21, 2004 11:57 AMthrow it in the washer machine inside out....use hotter water temp.
then dry it in dryer.
wax all gone.
if you are afraid of the wife. tell her you are going to laundramat.
choose a laundry spot close to a bar.
Posted by: at October 21, 2004 11:58 AMTrue story... guy ships his van, full of beer, boards, herb, and stuff, to Oahu in the '70's on a cargo barge. he and a buddy sneek into the van 2 days before departure thinking the obvious, free trip. barge also has a D-9 tractor and a huge water tank strapped to it. Water tank has a bit of slack between the wedges, enough for it to rock back and forth all night. 3rd night guy says I can't stand this, goes out to push the wedges in, gets his finger SMASHED and manages to loosen the tank rather than tighten it. Tank rocks back and forth, loosens the strap on the D-9 and over it goes. Next day skipper of tug says WTF!, where's the D-9. Crew investigates, finds guys, sails back to SF with stowaways and w/o D-9. Long story short, the guy gets med attention for finger, which to this day is seriously wrong, both get flown to Oahu by tug company after signing every waiver in the book. Why? Lawyers. Tug company would have been liable for their negligence in not preventing their stowaway, the guys finger, and they had a much bigger problem explaining where the D-9 went. Next best part of being a surfer is the trouble you get into and out of.
Posted by: mark at October 21, 2004 12:06 PMsteve-o: i crown you "Martha" of the blog. Thanks for the tip.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 21, 2004 12:16 PMcool story mark!

Posted by: tarheels at October 21, 2004 12:19 PMsome turd

Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 12:32 PMyou pansies sure have every excuse in the book to not surf when the Beach finally cleans up and starts breaking on the outside -- my shoulder, my knee, my aching body, my dings, my wetsuit, my job, my ol' lady, blah blah blah. Keep surfing the internet you pansies!
Posted by: felix at October 21, 2004 12:34 PM3to5:
head over to the hardware store and pick up a bottle of "goo-gone". at ocean hardware it is strategically located near the paint supplies. this stuff can dillute / cut through wax, but it is not in the same class of chemicals as acetone / thinner et al, far as i know. a little less extreme.
anyway, mix a bottle of it in a big bucket of water and soak the boardbag, then rinse with hot water.
Posted by: g at October 21, 2004 12:34 PMHey Kdalle -Was that an old will jobson twinzer you were on? Saw the logo as you paddled buy. You looked like a man on a mission; I didn't get a hello in. I used to love those twinzers, always wonder if people are still surfing them.
water still felt pretty dirty this morning.
btw - Kdalle was positioning himself very nicely on the right sets. Smooth.
Go check out wavefest and crew's dealo tonight. And remember not to breath the water.
Posted by: lewis at October 21, 2004 12:47 PMWhen I first bought my cloth sock at Wise, I asked one of the young guys there how to wash it. Him: "I tried the washing machine. Turns out it's full of wax that melts out and wrecks the washing machine." Me: "Yeah, but did it get the sock clean?" Do you surfing motorists recommend getting a day bag, or since my board is already beat to snot, just go naked?
For those of you, like myself, who missed Dick Dale last night, he's playing tonight in Petaluma at 10 PM and Saturday in Brookdale at 8PM (on the way to Santa Cruz) Saturday night. He's also in Fairfield on the 28th. Brookdale aughta be interesting, as I've can't imagine this place in the middle of nowhere getting all that crowded.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 21, 2004 12:51 PMFelix-
Dont piss me off you KOOK! You couldnt even carry my board bag! I dont have anything to prove to anyone, but regardless I'd leave you out floating in the water and there is nothing you could do to stop me you hack fuck! Better yet I could drive out to sloat in my overheating van and stick your head over my radiator cap and unload, but I am certain it still wouldnt clean all the cum off your face!!! Besides it not big today and I know you still didnt make the paddle out. Dont come back to this blog you poser!!!
Posted by: pez at October 21, 2004 12:56 PMYou'll laugh so hard your sides will ache, your heart will go pitter pat. READING felix, the wonderful cat.
Don't you know that as wave size increases, the surfers age also increases.?
So, more old injuries, more commitments, more etc.
As for surfing the internet, YOU may ask yourself: "Well, how did I get here?"
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 01:00 PMWhoa Pez, Don't let that troll pull you in. Remember you are just the little or middle billy goat gruff. He'll let you go over the bridge to eat the sweet grass, if you can just convince him that there is a bigger goat following you.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 01:06 PMfelix, in internet parlance, represents the classic "troll."
Don't let some random person in internet-land ruffle ya Pez.
Felix - how was your session?
Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 01:07 PMwhy oh why did i look at it on the way to work? looked fun at the north end around 12. not soo big really..
what is going on with all those tents over there?
nice shot e!
Posted by: bagel at October 21, 2004 01:17 PMI have two girls - we were at the beach one afternooon and Judith was ready to charge. I stopped her to chat and she was so great talking to my girls about the water and the thrill of body surfing. She is an unbelieveable role model.... I teach everyday at a middle school too, and read this blog daily wishing I was out in the water and I hate it when there are nasty postings and naked women pictures (always). Have a little class you guys that get off on that stuff. Wishen I was out in the water.
Posted by: mare at October 21, 2004 01:24 PMYour all right! Im just a little miffed that I do have to work while it looks sweet out and that my wheels are buggin. Wont even be able to get out this evening after work! Hope everyone has a good time and remember to always relish it out there big or not we are as Herwin says "blessed"..
Posted by: pez at October 21, 2004 01:28 PMShould we be discouraging pez? That was a brilliant post. The image of crustified man-juice being blow off by a steaming radiator is revolting, yet intruiging. The mechanical neglect which brought the van to such an abhorred state is mirrored in felix's emotional neglect which not only left him open to be a bukkakae victim, but so torn and tattered as to not even be able to wipe it off. All with the backdrop of nature's raging ocean behind, which both highlights and overshadow's the protagonist's own rage. In short, I found pez's post to be the an intriguing view into tragi-comic nature of the decay of the mortal soul brought about by our longing to master, yet be belong to, the natural world represented in the ocean. Two thumbs up.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 21, 2004 01:30 PMsorry mare and mexi, that sucks.
soo.. what's the consensus on the bikini/butt shots? should they be discouraged? Over the last few months i've definitely received a heaping of negative feedback about that stuff.
Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 01:41 PMmost of the bikini shots are already on the web?
so just go view them on the original host site?
everyone wins.
Posted by: at October 21, 2004 01:46 PMJudith is the real thing. I'm honored to even live in the same neighborhood! Fabulous athlete in every respect, a real intellect I hear, and talk about sack! I mean, as I think I was telling goodmorning (he's a body surfer too) I am usually very content to have some glass and foam between me and the landlord. Body surfers are pretty sick.
Here's quick midday report: it's defintely on. At sliz anyyway there is plenty of space, randoms hooting for you, which is nice. "Here comes one for ya, buddy!" A dude on a bright yellow board ripped it up. It took me about 15 minutes to get out, and about 5 more to back out after every ride -- I'm a little out of shape. Still it's a big, beautiful day, no doubt about it.
I do think I swallowed an amount of water....
Posted by: robme at October 21, 2004 01:50 PMHow 'bout a compromise for the bikini shots... Post the URLs for the good pics rather than the images. This way those who want to post 'em and check 'em out still can and those who check the site at work or aren't psyched on the skin can avoid them.
Posted by: mwsf at October 21, 2004 01:51 PMThanks for the support all!!! Like I said grab some good waves and have fun! I feel a lot better after Andrews post. Too funny.
Think it sucks to loose Mexi and other folks. His posts and photos are sick!! I
It is your blog e but I dont agree with censorship and am cool with images of the bikini women. I will censor myself as I wouldnt want my youngins to read some of the stuff out of my mouth. I apologize.
Maybe the nudity is going too far. Keep the REEF and swimsuit stuff and prohibit nudes.
Posted by: pez at October 21, 2004 01:51 PMreading about good surf on this blog encourages me to avoid the work at hand.
Posted by: rza at October 21, 2004 02:02 PMseeing hot girls on this blog encourages me to work my hand.
i can do without the additional distractions.
well, now that there's surf, why don't we limit it to waves and reefs?
Posted by: at October 21, 2004 02:03 PMlewis-Pretty fun out there this morning, eh. Yeah that was me on the Twinzer. Stop by and say hi next time.
I only have 3 Jobsons left. Ward Coffey makes them for me now based on Jobson's. They work pretty good.
Posted by: kdalle at October 21, 2004 02:04 PMThere is nothing in this world more beautiful than women but if the pictures cause problems for some of the gang, my vote is to eliminate the pics and keep it clean. There are enough places to find them anyway. I'm gonna try to get some waves tonight.
Posted by: Dennis at October 21, 2004 02:05 PMit will be glassy all day
Posted by: jambi at October 21, 2004 02:06 PMThe butt shots are ok if there aren't too many. But, I do think they may turn off some women posters and I would rather have a more balanced discussion than have buttshots. Just because they are already on the web, doesn't mean we should have to wade through them here.
On the Judith tip, she told me once that she looks for faces more than anything. So she may be more inclined to go out on close-out days than the rest of us might. I am fairly certain she is less in need of a channel for getting out than we who ride foam.
Just back, and DAMN IT WAS FUN!!!!
Posted by: klooless at October 21, 2004 02:16 PMJudith? Is she the one who wears the red swim cap? If she so was in the big stuff last night, as I fought my way to the outside (north OB), I saw this women merrily swimming away right in the break zone – taking 10 footers on the head one after another. I’d never seen her before and actually would have been really concerned for her safety had she not looked 100% competent and completely at ease. Sitting out there looking back at her I wondered what nutter would be out there swimming in that. When I finally came in someone mentioned to me it was a lady who has body surfed mavericks etc… So all suddenly made sense – thought they said she was named Judah or something – so all is coming together.
Was quite a sight to see her out there – although now I am learning that was probably just a relaxing evening swim for her!
Posted by: ankors at October 21, 2004 02:17 PMI like mwsf's idea about url's instead of pix. Doesn't offend me or anything, and I appreciate people's efforts, but I really don't need to have even the floss-butts on my screen, either at home or on campus (in my case it's 20 year-olds, which isn't much better), and it'd be a shame to lose mexi and others for that reason.
By the way, as a fall back you can disable images in your browser. E.g., In Internet Explorer do: Tools/Internet Options/Advanced/Show Pictures (uncheck it).
Posted by: klooless at October 21, 2004 02:23 PMuhh....if any of us surfed in a warmwater place the bikini shots probably wouldn't cause one to bat an eye.
like klooless said, disable the pics as a fallback.
Posted by: j at October 21, 2004 02:28 PMGiven that my opinion may be welcomed on this subject, I strongly urge against the posting of naked women. HOWEVER, that is a fine line. As fine as some of the floss worn by my favorite women and their outfits.
So, understanding that some folks read this blog as school or at an internet cafe or at home next to the wife or anywhere else for that matter, I am sticking with the "No nude" policy.
If allowed by the censorship board, I will keep my postings to one picture only in the event that someone should want to skip over it quickly and not "dwell" on the eye candy. Sorry J, I know this going to be rough.
Hate to lose Mexi but understand his situation....What are those kids wearing in middle school these days? Has the "underwear above the jeans line" saturated that far yet?
Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 02:30 PMsouthern marin was sweet for lunch --keep it comin Kais\
Posted by: overthefalls at October 21, 2004 02:37 PMkaiser, once you have a daughter your attitude will change. women are expolitated and objectified in our society. as men we need to be aware. think about it. good karma with the ladies is delicious.
and yes in middle school that underware is creeping up. sad. sad. sad.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 21, 2004 02:47 PMSo how's it looking for an arvo session?
Posted by: caveman at October 21, 2004 02:49 PMSpeaking of bodysurfing, there's an interesting article by Daniel Duane on the Wedge in this month's Outside Magazine.
Posted by: mwsf at October 21, 2004 02:55 PMlooking good but high tide at 6
Posted by: jambi at October 21, 2004 02:59 PMKeep the bik pics.
Surfing culture is all about the beach
Beach culture is a good thing
Don't let the Puritans that founded this country bring down pics with censorship
However moderation in posting is best for those of us with peps over our shoulders!
I think many people whom read this enjoy a few good pics in the mix
Posted by: at October 21, 2004 03:05 PMAloha crew,
Back from Kona (Banyans, etc) where the water was warm and the waves...well the water was warm. Missed the heat wave and downpour here, but today or tomorrow should be a go to check the head high niceness.
Thanks J for the Dono burn, haven't listened to the show yet because I got the disk just before I bolted to Hawaii..but I'll get there. Stoked that winter is finally here.
Nother Judith story:
My brother and I were out between Noriega and Pacheco on some slabby 6-7 solid and the tide was draining from hi-hi to lo-lo really thick and dredging, sand was burping up from the impact and the walls were glassy with a tinge of warble from the tide drained out Judith was bobbing around with us catching a few and the rip started up pretty serious, a nice escalator giving the barrell and walls that extra slidey almond feel like the water is travelling backwards towards the wave to invert a low spot over the bar, which is a trip as you can see the divot (live a dip in the road, or half-pipe-transition) just heaving and jacking a bit...heavy stuff and she was ripping it fast dolphin style drop-ins side stance mach 4, I half expected her to pull a if...anyhow, it was cool. She is for reals.
Anyhow, big mahalo for the winter swells.
Haiku of day
Over sea journey
Posted by: onthebus at October 21, 2004 03:07 PMInfinite liquid blue hills
Endless horizen
Kinda fun article about my favorite grom Gnat who surfed with the big boys in the Cold Water Classic. Click here
E, far as I'm concerned you built this site, you maintain it, it's got your name on it. What stays and what goes is up to you. I kinda' wish everyone would assume that their best friend's kids will be reading what they post and edit accordingly.
Posted by: Bruce at October 21, 2004 03:08 PMYeah, 3to5, that might be true but each person is different and their situation is different as well. Irregardless of whether I have a daughter or I don't have a daughter, there are things which are previlant in our society that someone is not going to agree with. I, for one, would much rather be faced with seeing a women or man posted on this site then listen to some rant or rave about politics. Same with religion and many other sorts of worldly topics which will be debated over the years in which I grow old and grey.
Personally, if the entire world outside of the US can deal with women walking around topless on a beach, then a simple picture of a women in a bathing suit, albeit small, can be shown without "objectifying" them.
Besides, I don't think you will allow your daughter to objectify herself. But, that is your dealings as a parent.
Yeah, society sucks sometimes. I can at least give you that.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 03:11 PMIf I were to post naked guys from porno sites with big fucking erections under their latex speedos -- and just so there's no mistake, these would be pictures of black guys: real men, not whimpy ass white boy surfers -- would there be any whining then?
Posted by: robme at October 21, 2004 03:26 PMEveryone's an asshole.
So I might as well be one too.
Is that whay you're saying, K?
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 03:33 PMEveryone's an asshole.
So I might as well be one too.
Is that what you're saying, K?
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 03:33 PMa few bikini shots don't personally bug me, more than that and/or nudity get somewhat uncomfortable.
OB is sunny and gorgeous but now blown out. Sorry kids! Break out the sails.
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at October 21, 2004 03:38 PMsharkbait - that's music to mine ears since i'm locked downtown..
god bless the 'bait!
Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 03:40 PMif you have a chance go surf.
she's good and clean and good sized.....
Posted by: korewin at October 21, 2004 03:46 PMcheers and niceness to ya'll....
i suck
Posted by: jambi at October 21, 2004 03:46 PMYes...there would be whining Robme.
Posted by: at October 21, 2004 03:48 PMDo you know that for sure, my courageous anonymous friend?
Posted by: robme at October 21, 2004 03:52 PMhold on now Jambi.. you don't suck.. Korewin says it's good, sharkbait says it's bad. cams look pretty blowy. wind site describes pretty hein onshores but not super mega hein
hmmmmm... doesn't really matter to me cause i'm out until tomorrow's dawnie. then i'm on it like ya read about. I loves the small stuff!
Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 03:53 PMIrregardless is not a word.
Posted by: Sancho at October 21, 2004 03:54 PMHit it while it's there and surf swells until they die. Hope peeps got some good ones this morning and I'm stoked it's "blown out" Feel even better for not flakin on my employer as well as earning a little more $$$$. Gotta pay for a new bucket :) Hit it in the morning it will be nice again.
Posted by: pez at October 21, 2004 03:54 PMoh yeah.. robme.. nice on getting out there in the size!
Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 03:54 PMDamn it Sancho, I was saving that in my back pocket to rebut Kaiser's response.
And sorry for the stutter.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 04:05 PMfunny movie about iowa
Posted by: napolean dynamite at October 21, 2004 04:20 PMabout the bikini/butt thing, it totally sucks that people are getting turned off by it. If there are many Mexi's out there who can no longer check out the site then that's a problem. It also sucks when lady friends check it out and instead of commenting on the cerebral, humorous, enlightened banter within the comments only mention, "This site is disgusting!"
However.. i really feel in my gut that at least 90% of the audience fully digs the crazy ridiculous reef hotties. I personally have a soft(weak?) spot for such things... and have.. ahem... maybe posted a few things in the past.. ahem..
Many people have come up to me and said, "E, i dig your posts, but i really love at 4pm when that guy Kaiser swoops in and throws down all those hunnies! that shit keep me coming back!" I've also received, "E, who is that Kaiser guy? those photos are degrating and disgusting and really irritate me!"
I'm just blabbering!!
Posted by: e at October 21, 2004 04:21 PMe, you're such a soft-on.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 04:26 PMonly in the bay area...
Posted by: j at October 21, 2004 04:30 PMdarling you got to let me know, should i stay or should i go?!? if you say the waves are mine, i'll leave work before it's time. so you got to let me know, should i stay or should i go?
Posted by: caveman at October 21, 2004 04:31 PMsearch the log files for kaiser's IP address and block him. yeah!!!
Posted by: j at October 21, 2004 04:32 PMi vote for just putting in the URLs or links to the images. i hate looking like a perv at work.
Posted by: bbr at October 21, 2004 04:34 PMFriend #1, if you read that far into what I wrote, you need to take a break from constant analysis of things that come your way.
Look at it from a simplistic standpoint and try not to break it down. Would you rather me rant about my beliefs of religion/politics/etc. or would you rather keep the conversation light and me post a freakin picture? Would you rather hear me cry and whine about some irrelevant (yeah, thats a fucking word!) crap or post a picture?
Shit, our world has enough drama.
I have seen more bullshit spewed from the fingertips of some people here that it makes me sick.
Besides, I have never posted a naked women here.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 04:38 PMWhaOO Kaiser...learn from me and chill a bit ther brah...I felt like a raging bull earlier but have lightened a bit....I think loosing your women posts would not be a good thing either. I think its part of the thang here and what would be cut next.. no agro spot picture posts without credit.....We love those girlz, all we really want is girlz, jackin up e to our dismay..
Posted by: pez at October 21, 2004 04:49 PMMags pimping S.F. coast-to-coast...
Ego-driven surf forecasters...
and now we have...
anyone a little uncomfortable yet. I know what you're thinking.
A little self-restraint might be a good thing right about now.
Posted by: at October 21, 2004 04:52 PMMore Reef girls.
Posted by: NZ Swell at October 21, 2004 04:56 PMwaves, not ass.
water, not women.
Posted by: at October 21, 2004 04:58 PMI knew if we started to have a conversation there would be a throw down! Alright already, I'm just kidding...
I think Sharkbait's post is relevant because, well she brings a female perspective that is probably pretty sane (certainly sounds sane) -- a bikini shot or two doesn't bother anyone. But after that, I think that's were E comes in. E, not like that flipflopingglobaltestintaxachussan Robme, E as editor-in-chief is not afraid to weild the delete key -- I know that from experience! Heh. Try mentioning ** ***** on a stormy day on this site, and you will most certainly have a throw down.
Whatever. Some one said they wished posters would assume their friends kids will read it and police themselves accordingly. I think that's a good sentiment. After that, it's up to you, E.
Posted by: robme at October 21, 2004 04:59 PMThat picture is flipped horizontally.
Posted by: - at October 21, 2004 05:03 PMy'all are a bunch of perverts!
Posted by: bagel at October 21, 2004 05:04 PMe,
Posted by: overthefalls at October 21, 2004 05:05 PMif its appropriate for Surfer Mag then it should be ok for your site. anything promoted by larry flint or howard stern should be banned -just a thought
Pez, no stress from me. Just funny how I have seen this place change over the years.
Before, it was filled with the usual stoke and thrill of surfing and surf related issues. Whether that be from the originals like E, Lerm, Robme or the like. I liked that stoke. I see less and less of that these days and that is disappointing. E keeps it strong by going at it each and every day.
Now, everyone turns into Johnny Opinionated. What is even worse is Joey Anonymous.
I keep my posts light in regards to the "worldly" content that plagues us each and every day. If I want news about bad things in the world, I will go to Yahoo! No offense Christian....If that makes some people uncomfortable when they are viewing the blog from school or from work, well, my bad. I will wear that.
Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 05:08 PMis this ok? im pretty offended, personally
Posted by: bagel at October 21, 2004 05:10 PMI'll change, I promise...

Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 05:13 PMI like these. Might get me some of that....

Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 05:15 PMSome by-the-ways: bagel's fish (made by elias) is wild looking! Does it work?
I've been looking for a fish or other small-wave board (as well as a semi-gun---I'm greedy!), and there's a 1982 fish for sale on CL:
Channels! Whaddya think, would it work? 6'2".
Oh, and I'm still stoked from my lunch session. Scared by the reports and buoys and by how it looked from the seawall, I expected poundings and rough paddles, but it was a snap getting out, and the waves were tall and steep but clean and not very thick. There were people, but the waves were breaking everywhere with plenty for all, so it was a good-vibed hootfest (my hoot got hoarse and stopped working). People (not me) got barrels, and I got some of my best rides ever; it was like a goddamn candy store.
Posted by: klooless at October 21, 2004 05:16 PMKaiser Solze you are right again. I liked this site before I started posting and feel part of the down turn. Life as learning and personal change as well as conflict is important and I feel like I work a bit of that out here. I still envy the stoke of most peeps here and happy that I even sometimes exude a little "niceness". The nudes yesterday were definitely over the top but so is the kiddie post. We all have the choice of bailing and not checking in.
Well I hope there are some beers to mooch during the juice exhibit. Go play some music, smoke some buds, cook some dinner and do what you like
Posted by: pez at October 21, 2004 05:19 PMkaiser, please no more gratuitous thong shots!!!!
Posted by: j at October 21, 2004 05:21 PMI have a slightly negative Judith story. I was paddling back out on a crowded day and as I passed her, she was complaining about crappy surfers to a guy on a board who seeemed to know her. A little later, I was right in position and getting ready to push over the ledge but she was right in front of me. I pulled back and slipped off the back of my board into the water, grabbing my board under my arm. When she came up, she glared at me and claimed I almost hit her. I had my board under control at all times and if she hadn't chosen to swim out through the peak, we wouldn't have even been close to each other.
Anyway, I'm glad she's out there and it must suck to deal with all the surfers, but she could swim under the whitewater more and avoid the peak on the way out.
Posted by: Nate at October 21, 2004 05:22 PMJust for the record, I never post nude shots. Never have (well, at least I don't remember if i did).
Equal Opportunist...

Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 05:25 PMklooless the fish works great..took a little getting used to but im really into it. its 5'10 but really thick and wide and buoyant..i kind of want to ride it more not just when the waves are small and mushy..tomorrow tomorrow! your only a day away! (insert contreversial photo:
Posted by: bagel at October 21, 2004 05:31 PMcan we please refrain from talking about drinking beer or smoking marijuana on this forum. i just had a mormon come by my desk while i was on the blog and they were offended.
Posted by: j at October 21, 2004 05:38 PMmy 2 cents on the matter:
link if naked
post if bikini
Posted by: bagel at October 21, 2004 05:50 PMmmm... beer

Posted by: g at October 21, 2004 05:53 PMkaiser, just for the record, you're an indomitable good spirit. i've always enjoyed talking to you for millions of reasons and one of them is because you waste no time telling someone when 1) you disagree and 2) that's okay. I'm usually to polite (read: whimpy) to tell someone I disagree.
Posted by: robme at October 21, 2004 05:53 PMmmm... mormons

Posted by: I at October 21, 2004 05:59 PMMy opinion probably doesn't mater to anyone, nor will it be seen by most since it's the evening. But, I think it's like advertising, commercials, etc. If you don't like it, skip it, ignore it. That's what I've learned to do with the anon posters. Ignore them. Easy. The best thing is, turn off images in the prefs, but then you miss the waves, etc. I check the site from the library a lot, where there's all kinds of people sitting next to, and behind me. I just scroll slow. If I see a booty shot, I scroll past it. And it's not Kaisers fault people check it from places where they shouldn't be, ie work, school. inefficiency. Isn't this a fun site? E, you should seriously create a login to post. but then again, the anon posts can get pretty funny if you don't take them seriously.
Posted by: Ian at October 21, 2004 06:37 PMForget Tripple Oh OB.
Posted by: Ian at October 21, 2004 06:55 PM
Flying Squirrel.
And if you're as bored as I am.
Posted by: Ian at October 21, 2004 06:56 PM
more t less a, don't you know there are three billion female askes, and they all poop. Gross. At least Kaiser shows the gross part covered up, and i'll admit, they do look enticing.
Posted by: vaginnas and beer at October 21, 2004 07:19 PMYou kids in the back seat quiet down! Don't make me stop this station wagon and come back there! Dope slaps around for anyone who misses out on the niceness.
p.s. I know Kaiser. Kaiser is a friend of mine. Kaiser is a pig. I still think he should be president. Sharksbait for VP. E for Secretary of State.
Now what to do with all those posters of Reef girls in the White House?
Posted by: Lizard at October 21, 2004 08:17 PMian, your opinion matters and was seen
*group hug*
Posted by: j at October 21, 2004 08:22 PMJ, I'm feelin the love. Groooovey. WHERE'S JAMBI?
Posted by: Ian at October 21, 2004 09:00 PMKaiser,
Really, now. I think it is you who are taking things a little bit too seriously. I just thought your line of reasoning or should we say rationalizing was a bit weak. And my post to Sancho should give you a hint that I prefer the lighthearted approach, especially when we may never meet face to face.
BTW, I thought you did an excellent job of filling in for E when he was in Centro, but you are right, I would much rather you share pictures of butts than your opinion.
Please think of how our actions affect the people with whom we surround ourselves. And how those actions determine which people they may be.
How often do you have a beef with a female surfer?
Wouldn't it be nicer if there were more around?
Posted by: friend #1 at October 21, 2004 09:30 PMBlah
Posted by: Kaiser at October 21, 2004 10:07 PMMain Entry: ir·re·gard·less
Posted by: Merriam-Webster at October 21, 2004 11:50 PMPronunciation: "ir-i-'gärd-l&s
Function: adverb
Etymology: probably blend of irrespective and regardless
nonstandard : REGARDLESS
usage Irregardless originated in dialectal American speech in the early 20th century. Its fairly widespread use in speech called it to the attention of usage commentators as early as 1927. The most frequently repeated remark about it is that "there is no such word." There is such a word, however. It is still used primarily in speech, although it can be found from time to time in edited prose. Its reputation has not risen over the years, and it is still a long way from general acceptance. Use regardless instead.
I love that we live in such a puritanical society.
Posted by: dano at October 22, 2004 07:20 AMThanks for confirming my assumptions about your character, K.
And thanks for all the self-portraits that you have provided in the past.
I just wonder when you'll remove the thong from your face.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 22, 2004 08:47 AMqueried my ladies (wife,35 and daughter,13) last night about this hot topic. results. surfy girls are ok. BUTT gratuitious shots from or any other site that doesn't have the consent of the person in the photo are OUT.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 22, 2004 08:50 AMDAMN!
That was unnecessary.
Sorry Kaiser, that is what planning to surf and then finding crap conditions does to me.
I hope that you found some waves today.
Posted by: friend #1 at October 22, 2004 09:17 AMchill out, that message was not the real kaiser
Posted by: jambi at October 22, 2004 09:25 AMsweet just got in to find out i got the day off and the waves are 50 times worse than yesterday! and its about to rain! maybe it will stay kinda glassy though happy friday so long suckas!...
Posted by: bagel at October 22, 2004 09:48 AMpavones bridge "accidentally" goes out
Posted by: g at October 22, 2004 10:08 AMare we really attacking the moral character of someone who appreciates the female form? are we really questioning whether attractive, athletic, and yes scantily clad female images belong on a surf forum? ahh, the bay area, where we all stand for something, as long as that something isn't helping out our neighbor.
Posted by: j at October 22, 2004 10:49 AMI apologise for bringing 'character' into discussion.
J, I appreciate your humourous posts. When you and Kaiser compete with buttshots as your ammo, it then yields naked results from those who want to join in the fun. Then the dialogue gets lost among all the porn.
No one wants negativity and boasting here.
And I am sorry for falling into that trap myself.
Imagine you throw a party with a good mix of people. Things are going well until one guy brings a hooker who gets a little drunk and starts a strip tease. At first it may be fun, but most of the other interesting guests will soon leave.
Do you want a fun free flow of ideas, or do you want a toy show?
Like all things, moderation is the key.
From everything Kaiser has said (no nudity, limited numbers of shots, etc) it sounds like things will go well.
Basically, it sounds like Kaiser believes in moderation as well.
Well said Friend #1!
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 22, 2004 11:13 AMClose this site down.
Posted by: at October 22, 2004 11:55 AMhas anyone seen the beach today. I drove in the dark, didn't see much.
Posted by: robme at October 22, 2004 12:10 PMlooks like a good day for a fish out there...
Posted by: jdz at October 22, 2004 12:34 PMjdz...good call! i hit it today on a "fishy-esque" board compliments of the infamous Mr. K whose moral stance was recently the subject of debate (good to see that things have settled a bit and it looks like we're one big happy niceness family again). the conditions were far worse than the buoy stats would imply (too much tide me thinks), but were -- as is often the case -- better than (or at least more fun than) they looked. the fishy-thing did it's thing and had me making some crumbly sections and having a good time with some niceness amigos. too bad the swell is going to continue to drop...
oh, well...happy Friday, all!
Posted by: ck at October 22, 2004 12:41 PMI'm looking out my office window now and see a big a-frame that just keeps on holding up. Too bad it's the TransAmerica building. Looked pretty crummy this am and I doubt it will get better. I missed the good stuff yesterday. Got out around 5PM in blownout bumpy stuff. Had an easy paddle out, a short shoulder ride, got caught inside and washed in to the beach. Funny, the waves were not powerful but relentless.
Posted by: Dennis at October 22, 2004 01:23 PMMain difference with Bush from Viet Nam and Iraq: He had an exit strategy for Viet Nam.
Posted by: Dennis at October 22, 2004 01:50 PMthat was the quickest swell in awhile. it was all but gone this morn. no wind and glassy till 11am though. nice 3 hours frolicking around with the dolphins and gettin' in the pocket on a couple. wish some of that juice was still out there.
glad e didn't update it today, punish all of you kids for yapping and arguing. keep it surf related, good vibes, stoke, one Reef lady a day, good ideas, surf stories, trips, ramblings, a BBV post here and there, and of course,plenty of reggae. niceness!!
Posted by: Hb at October 22, 2004 02:12 PMwow.
i've posted here before about staying away from the straws at your jobs due to non-hand washers post-pissing. today i was witness to something i would have never thought possible.
swear to God, flush, stall door opens, dude exits stage left without as much as a glance at the sink, and than.....oh man....goes to the kitchen and dips into the community red vine container.
Posted by: j at October 22, 2004 02:13 PMjust in from an extended lunch (surf session). fun little waves and beautiful weather out there.
hit it if you can!
Posted by: rza at October 22, 2004 02:16 PMJust got the internet connection...luckily all I missed was poo flinging. Back in the day when I lived near the ocean (2 weeks ago), and I got bummed out, I'd go hang out in front of Sea Biscuit with a pitcher of beer and share my opinions with the locals until somebody hooked me up with a phat bowl. Then I'd equalize the karma by buying another pitcher of beer. It may not solve my problems, but it certainly put them in perspective. And made me hungry for doritos.
As for other villified chargers, I'd like to say that while Blakestah is not responsible for me going me going to the beach tomorrow, he is responsible for increasing my hazard radius from 12 feet to 20 feet. That's right, the kook from Alameda County will be bailing from 9'2" of flying longboard tomorrow. Lock up your vaulables and keep your sea lions on a leash. (I'd blame the surfpulse guy for my board choice, but he doesn't post here so he can't fling poo.)
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at October 22, 2004 02:33 PMsouth end was just fine today from 11-12, caught a few nice lefts and connected some snappy turns on the rfs on one of them. nothing great, but more than sufficient for me after being on the east coast for a week.
a guy was coming in with a 7'2" 1968 hobie as i headed out. 23" wide and what looked to be well over 3" thick in the middle. the bottom had boat-like taper off the rails that made it look almost like a hull. super skinny single-fin, set way back, reportedly pretty hard to turn. great look though.
i agree on the proposed rule of thumb re: reef models/thongs (not too many) and things that fall to the porny side (url's only).
happy friday peeps!
Posted by: loon at October 22, 2004 02:36 PMj -- I hear ya on the (s)hit-and-run. At a job I worked in college, I shared a computer with a dude that did that all the time. I kept a Costco-sized spray can of Lysol sitting next to the keyboard at all times. Nasty....
Posted by: mwsf at October 22, 2004 03:13 PMBTW, lack of waves is due to the Cold Water Classic. The curse lives.
Posted by: dano at October 22, 2004 03:44 PMAs of 3pm it was still very surfable, but getting crumblier with the rising tide and falling swell, and getting shorter-period, I think; still, nuggetty surprises now and then. Yeah, for max fun bring your fish, log, or egg, I spose.
Water seems cleaner, too.
About whatever the debate is about today, I just want to say that I am outraged, shocked, and appalled.
Posted by: klooless at October 22, 2004 04:04 PMklooless, i'm outraged at your outrage and i raise you a stupified at someone's inability to see the consequence of their actions.
have a good weekend niceness heads.
Posted by: j at October 22, 2004 04:11 PMhappy friday niceness. lucked into a travel opp. headed to cabo san lucas for week of trunk'n it and fish taco testing. i hope you all score classic fall conditions at your favorite spots. stay cool, be chill, make love, promote niceness. see you in Novemeber. INCREASE THE PEACE!
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at October 22, 2004 04:37 PMsomebody post a pooper
Posted by: at October 22, 2004 05:35 PMI am outraged at all the outrageous outrage.
Posted by: cadaver at October 22, 2004 05:47 PM
Posted by: you_think_YOU'RE_outraged at October 22, 2004 05:58 PMSorry I started all this T & A stuff and nothing at all against Kasier. I just thought I'd mention why I would be gone from the forum. I don't want the kids thinking I'm a perv. I work at a middle school and I'm perty much there when I use this site. I only have a few minutes between classes and my screen is visible to the class as they file in. A couple days ago some flopping boobs were on my screen and a 12 year old girl commented on it, another time at was at my door and the class was lauphing because of some bikini shots. I won't shut off the fotos cause its all about the photos for me. So I'll still read up but it'll be afterhours when you are all gone, don't change a thing, this site rules, have a good weekend...
Posted by: mexi at October 22, 2004 06:09 PMOff to n. baja for a week, we will see about the swell. gonna stop at salsipuedes / san miguel on the way down then head for spots s. of ensenada for a few days. super stoked because with impeccable timing my frickin job has been preventing me from getting much time in the water for about the past month. Hopefully I'll have a tale or two and maybe photos (no bikini shots I am sure, unfortunately) when I get back in November. Hope all y'all score muchas olas around here next week. Kaiser please don't stop sharing highlights of the reef, wicked weasel, dealante etc. sites. I sometimes get busted at work but its worth it.
Posted by: eric at October 22, 2004 11:56 PMUse your internet wisely. If you *think* there might be something that kids or others would be offended by then do not look at work. You can restrain yourself and look at home. E, if you start filtering images what will you filter next? Unpopular Ideas? Thoughts?
Posted by: Spiker at October 23, 2004 07:35 AMor, to better prompt visitors on what to expect below, you could
Posted by: cadaver at October 23, 2004 10:33 AMchange the site header to read "E's surf and light porn report"
It probably wouldn't be difficult to set up a second blog on for just such pix, just a click away.
Posted by: - at October 23, 2004 10:47 AMReef girls are part of surf culture. Just look at Surfline's front page online and the mags have started running two ads per month, with these ads being on the first page, the most prominant and iconic advertisers in the industry. So what if somewhat more organic versions are posted online. That's the beauty of the weatlth of diverse information online. If the pics are isolated, shown alone without an ad, they are dirty, but on the pages of surfer, even a junior high mom has to put up with it or there would be revolt in the house. Course mom is still gonna throw away your best porno mag. But if a real man keeps mags in the bathroom it is ok (its like saying, "I like hot naked chicks and I'm not ashamed of it"), under the mattress it's dirty.
Posted by: at October 23, 2004 10:52 AMI don't get it, even San Franciscans are repressed. 3 billion women, all of whom are naked every day, but to see one on the computer, scandalous. rant. Feel better now.
Blows my mind.
In the US, our kids can see violence and death all day long on tv ....but nudity is wrong.
for fucks sake people, wake up.
Posted by: Bare Ass at October 23, 2004 01:01 PMYou know, the only think I'm riding these days is a John Deere tractor with a twinzer bagger. It hurts. But one thing I don't miss about SF is the PC bullshit. Get over it already and post some ass and waves.
keep pimpin'
Posted by: EG Pimp at October 24, 2004 12:28 PMeww.. just .25 inch of rain and there is an oily slick running down the curb, into the culvert, dumped right onto white trash reef/sandbar. nasty.
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