The season is upon us!
Happy November 1rst!! On what could be considered New Year’s day for the NorCal surfer, offshore winds and a sizeable Aleutian groundswell combined to create some stunning panoramas along Bay Area beaches this morning. From the beach conditions looked glorious. Feathering head-high++ peaks rifled and churned down the line with nare a surfer around. The paddle-out seemed daunting but ended up being not too vicious. Just as I got outside this beautiful, stacking, doubling-up, uber-mega-glassy, yawning daddy of a wave rose up before me. I spun and dug and wedged myself under the steepening lip. My stomach jumped into my throat as the wave just jacked and jacked and finally let me into its now-vertical entrance. I popped up and began tracking down.. pretty much free-falling. I enjoyed about one second where I saw the large, shapely, about-to-barrel wall form up in front of me and then I got smacked by the lip and annihilated. Arggh!! So close!! Lerm said the lip whacked me in the back of the head. D’oh. Sorrowfully, that was the best wave that came my way the entire session. The waves were deceptive this morning in that they looked gorgeous and shreddable from shore but once in the water it proved difficult to line em’ up correctly. Classic OB in that the larger ones would break nice for a moment on the outer bars, mush out, then reform and go crazy on the inside. I latched into a few sizeable lefts and enjoyed some big-wave drops and cruises. We watched some nutty psycho barrels munch and scream and pummel on the inside… all brown and sandy.
Lerm, Kaiser and I paddled out together but once in the lineup Kaiser apparently drifted to the south, into the morbid hinterlands of the middle beach . We hope he survived as conditions looked decidedly angry down there. Lerm and I floated by ourselves until the end of the session at which point this cute surfer girl drifted over, alone and on a green board. Way out beyond the second sand bar. We came in shortly after and she was way out there.. hope she’s ok!
Good day to take the gun for a spin. Big and mushy waves available, along with screaming loco pits on the inside. A good surfer could probably score a few incredible sections, but for mere mortals it's tough to snag the succulence.
also... tomorrow.. NOVEMBER 2!!! It's time to step up and VOTE!!!! If you make over 500 thousand a year and don't care about the environment or killing innocents or a sound energy policy or common sense then vote for the incumbent. But.. if you care about the future of our great nation place a vote for John Kerry. Either way get out there and let your voice be heard!
Here are some photos from Halloween night!
the Flash
Hammerhead shark
L'il ones
crazy scary guy and medieval dude
Trick or treat, trick or treat, give me something good to eat.
Indian giving stink-eye
Ali G
Fat Homer with Mumu at home on disability, Shrek and Dead Yankee
Halloween Vixens
Bagel's Dog
Looked a bit churgly on the dawn dog-walk. Looked better on the look just before heading to work (damn). Hopefully today's Lunch will be a better time than Last weeks.
And there was no Micheal at MEtro.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 1, 2004 10:17 AMslates

Posted by: e at November 1, 2004 10:27 AMyesterday late afternoon north end session was fucking rad.
Posted by: bbr at November 1, 2004 10:41 AMHere's a cyber-hoot to the bearded hooded guy slightly north of Fulton this morning. Almost no paddle take-off, top turn into the barrel with casual, stroking the wave face flair.
Posted by: R3W at November 1, 2004 10:45 AMhappy nov. 1st to you, e! great to read about this morning... i can imagine the fluid and powerful ocean environment that`s just fun to float through (and dodge), and the surf sounds like it was pretty good! nothing wrong with a few sizeable and tasty rides at winter ob. (cornbread, ain`t nothing wrong with that.) and way to charge on the first wave, lerm`s view sounds classic... but i think it was a good experience to learn from... you´ll be that much more prepared in the same position next time. good on ya! paz -
Posted by: j.o.c at November 1, 2004 10:45 AMKeep your eyes peeled for little yellow index card sized pieces of wood with print that may wash up at OB or elsewhere along the coast.
They are being used in a Spartina study as drift cards.
Spartina, zebra mussels, mitten crab and other little critters threaten the locals!
Posted by: searoom at November 1, 2004 10:51 AMI say, "Locals Only!", now, back to your regular surf addiction...
the surf is niceness.
good uns out there to be had fer shure.
after 2 days of teasing and taunting us,
it really cleaned up this a.m. the properly
angled outside spot was quite large this
a.m. and the paddle looked ugly and not
do-able in the work schedule...bruce lemme
know when you post those shots....good as
always to see ya!
other spots were smaller and more hollow.
has anyone seen/ heard the new eminem song?
whoa. not a big fan of the slim shady BUT this
is worth a listen...wonder if it will do any good
vote then surf or surf then vote tomorrow kids.
Posted by: korewin at November 1, 2004 11:13 AMoh yeah,
E i am with you....
had my own uber-flail this a.m.
scored my first legit in and OUT barrel
this morning kept the eyes open and
everything....made it out, then set up the
frontside carve off this NICE section—
promptly dug a rail midway through
and fell off. ARRRGGH!
oh well...back to it manana for parts 1 AND
2 and LINKING them....
Posted by: korewin at November 1, 2004 11:16 AMThanks for the heads up searoom. zebra mussels are bad shit.
Posted by: vons at November 1, 2004 11:21 AMnice korewin. congrats on your barrel.
things didn't line up for me this morning. hangover is my exuse. e, was pulling some ballsy drops.
see ya at the polls!
Posted by: lerm at November 1, 2004 11:30 AMsurfcentric.
raw dogs.
ampped on candy.
teenage mutant ninja turtles.
i need scotty to beam my board to work.
aight. happy post hallows and i hope everyone gets their fair share of wipeouts. and good waves too.
trex rools
Posted by: elias at November 1, 2004 11:31 AMyesterday i surfed a bit north of sc with 40 close friends all snuggled up in and along the take-off zone. sigh. Everywhere else seemed to be blown. A certain creek had no joke what looked to be 50+ kite boarders shredding on the swells rolling in. Saw some of them catching big air and ripping the waves. cool.
Posted by: ian at November 1, 2004 11:36 AMOh yeah, dunno if anyone posted this yet.
A broken down melody.
Posted by: Ian at November 1, 2004 11:38 AMshould be bangin
anyone else having issues with Surfpulse Cam the past few days?
Posted by: steama at November 1, 2004 11:42 AMSited at OB last weekend. An almost extinct species.

Posted by: Kaiser's Ghost at November 1, 2004 11:43 AMBikiniphylos hottyanos
korewin -- congrats. when you say first legit in and out you mean first-ever? i am hoping to be able to make that claim myself soon.
for me any anyone else on the barrel quest, a few questions:
Posted by: loon at November 1, 2004 11:46 AM- how long have you been surfing?
- when did you start seriously going for barrels?
- and how many narrels & closeouts have you been in prior to the in&out today?
1. I have issues with the Surfpulse cam everyday.
Posted by: kdalle at November 1, 2004 12:01 PM2. Nice ones today and yesterday at Monkeyscreams™.
3. My shoulders hurt.
4. Exchanged howzits with Christian on my way in.
5. Riding in the tube is usually too claustrophic.
6. We need more sand.
No PUSLE cam for me, either.
I can't surf Mondays, but did the smallest part of the beach yesterday, 8 - 11am or so on my NEWLY
ACQUIRED SEMI-GUN (a niceness person hooked me up with a cool 7'4" Coffey rounded-pin in great
shape!)---overkill for the conditions where I was, but there WAS a rhino picture on db's site, and I really wanted to try it out.
The waves: big but not huge, churny, and kind of random (which helped spread the crowd a
Posted by: klooless at November 1, 2004 12:07 PMlittle), but very ridable.
The crowd: ranging from businesslike to hooty; some very good surfers.
The board: way easier to get into waves than the shortboard (bigger margin for error, I guess),
smoooooth, easy-to-control drops, and
sweeping turns.
The rides: a bunch of short ones, and a couple longer, pretty satisfying ones---just the feeling
that I'd given a good wave a solid ride.
The kookery: par-for-the-course tumbles (fewer than ususal, with the stable board) and
duck-misdives (more than usual, with the bigger
board), and one ride on a 7'4" bodyboard.
not first EVER but first in and out this
season. been IN a LOT followed by
punching through the back or just
getting worked. for example, and kaiser
can corroborate this story, saturday noonish
was sick with closeouts.
been surfing since i was 16 or 17,
18 years. the last 2 really really seriously at OB.
before that the FULL weekend warrior for
6 years way way up north. north of the 45th parallel.
seriously going for barrels—whenever i see them
but now i can make them as opposed to not
having a prayer. i lived on the coast of nc in college
and surfed daily each summer so then it was barrel
or get hounded by the friends.
at OB the past year and a half....i try to go for it.
closeouts and narrels lots and lots and lots...
thanks for asking. so stoked to try again manana...
offshores stick around PLEASE!
thanks lerm! sorry 'bout that hangover. that must have
Posted by: korewin at November 1, 2004 12:28 PMbeen rough this a.m. GOOD ON YOU FOR GETTING OUT.
South end around 4:00 pm Sunday. A few of the sneaker sets had some size. Ya' gotta look close at the third picture to get the scale. Shooting almost into the sun so these are especially organic. Took some more this morning and saw one really sick barrel- hopefully they'll come out a little better.
Good seeing ya' Korwin.

Posted by: Bruce at November 1, 2004 12:40 PMawesome photos bruce! thanks for resizing to 500 pixels.. though for the comments page feel free to go 700 or so if you want.
Posted by: e at November 1, 2004 12:44 PMeddie aikua invitees
Clyde Aikau (Hawaii)
Ross Clarke-Jones (Australia)
Shane Dorian (Hawaii)
Keone Downing (Hawaii)
John Gomes (Hawaii)
Laird Hamilton (Hawaii)
Mark Healy (Hawaii)
Michael Ho (Hawaii)
Andy Irons (Hawaii)
Bruce Irons (Hawaii)
Noah Johnson (Hawaii)
Brian Keaulana (Hawaii)
Rusty Keaulana (Hawaii)
Brock Little (Hawaii)
Peter Mel (California)
Myles Padaca (Hawaii)
Paul Paterson (Australia)
Tony Ray (Australia)
Makua Rothman (Hawaii)
Kelly Slater (Florida)
Jamie Sterling (Hawaii)
Pancho Sullivan (Hawaii)
Darryl "Flea" Virostko (California)
Ross Williams (Hawaii)
ALTERNATES: (In seeding order)
1. Zane Aikau (Hawaii)
Posted by: e at November 1, 2004 01:03 PM2. Titus Kinimaka (Hawaii)
3. Tony Moniz (Hawaii)
4. Darrick Doerner (Hawaii)
5. Jamie O'Brien (Hawaii)
6. Tom Carroll (Australia)
7. Braden Dias (Hawaii)
8. Mike Parsons (California)
9. Garrett McNamara (Hawaii)
10. Sunny Garcia (Hawaii)
11. Keoni Watson (Hawaii)
12. Derek Ho (Hawaii)
13. Carlos Burle (Brazil)
14. Kalani Chapman (Hawaii)
15. Taylor Knox (California)
16. Cheyne Horan (Australia)
17. Chava Greenlee (Hawaii)
18. Chris Malloy (California)
19. Kala Alexander (Hawaii)
20. Elijah Young (Hawaii)
21. David Standt (Hawaii)
22. Dennis Pang (Hawaii)
23. Eric Haas (Hawaii)
24. Clark Abbey (Hawaii)

Posted by: sick at November 1, 2004 01:08 PMgreat fuckin' pic, sick!
damn. got too hammered watching the Roots up in Hollywood last night and didn't make the Dp. and it looked very good on my hungover way to work.
Posted by: Hb at November 1, 2004 01:33 PMHey peeps... for some reason a couple of friends and I paddled out in your hood on Saturday. It was onshore and crappy in a couple of places we surfed. However, good times were had in the line up just trying to find a non-existent shoulder.
Per kdalle's comment, last year's large number of west swells put sand in some strange places down here, and it's still there.
Posted by: dano at November 1, 2004 01:43 PMWell, as good as it could have been out there, I still think it needs some time to sort itself out. Maybe some of those lunchtime folks will have some stories today.
In regards to this morning, it was fun to be out there. Not sure what happened to E and Lerm but they always seemed about 100 yards further inside of me and in a much better place for catchin waves. I felt the conditions were fairly sizeable but there were a lot of rips created by the sets. Every now and then I was getting pulled out to sea and moving pretty far south. Wasn't exactly great out there. I wouldn't even call it good. But, it was beautiful and kinda fun to surf all alone.
No great waves, a few that were fun though. I did get my leash ripped off and thought I would have swim all the way in. Wasn't too keen on that at all. Luckily by board was hiding upside down in the white-frothy crap. Still had a good swim to get it but not nearly as bad as it could have been.
So, as opposite as Korewin's barrel, I didn't have the same experience out there. Good work Korewin.
There is always another day! And maybe some better conditions.....
Posted by: Kaiser at November 1, 2004 01:50 PMcurren

Posted by: e at November 1, 2004 01:54 PMa good way to look for surf

Posted by: e at November 1, 2004 01:59 PMkinda fun looking

Posted by: bbr at November 1, 2004 02:13 PMOB hooked me up this weekend. Got a narral on a 1.5 OH yesterday and some long rides on Saturdays slop. The "surf and turf" club (surf/golf) of about 20 dudes paddled out to where I was surfing on Sat but everyone was very respectful. Didn't see a single drop in. Thanks guys.
Anyone go to Sound Tribe or Primus this weekend. Stockholm Syndrome rocked. While in line, I ran into a dude who lived with a high school friend of mine who got busted a couple years ago for ringing the liberty bell. Heres an article about him..
Posted by: Traut at November 1, 2004 02:19 PMBTW, for all the pro hos out there, the Brazil event should start this week.
Expect a lot of this: Sorry, it just trying to make us all a bit more "worldly"!

Posted by: Kaiser at November 1, 2004 02:46 PMAGRADÁVEL!!
Posted by: j at November 1, 2004 03:09 PMLegit shit out there for Lunch.
Non-trivial paddle-out.
Ten waves but two were just a drop and turn and up over the closing out wall.
Stuck inside for a bit but made it back out after strugging (lucking) into a channel.
Midsession stuck in the lip and down the face sideways, just about the worst take-off you could put yourself in.
Last ride would have been epic had the winds stayed as they were when I paddled out. As it was, it was more crumbly then hollow, but a racer of a ride nonetheless.
Bounced on the sand in the shorebreak, goofy.
Overall a great training session.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 1, 2004 03:13 PMnuglet

Posted by: bbr at November 1, 2004 03:32 PMFriend #1 - Sounds like you had some similar stuff that I had yesterday morning, Northish-end of the beach. Basically I had more than one late take-off resulting in "cartwheel-in-the-barrel" wipeouts. Those really are quite fun! Not as fun as my 40+ duckdive paddle out.
Posted by: Jack at November 1, 2004 03:33 PMStockholm rocked indeed! Chainsaw City to open the first night, killer stuff. Eric McFadden rules. Loud as hell though, had to wear earplugs the second night.
Posted by: kookdom at November 1, 2004 03:35 PMBTW, Winds switched at 1:30 from sideshore/offshore to sideshore/onshore, and picked up a few knots.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 1, 2004 03:37 PMDid anyone out there record the Stockholm Syndrome show Sat. night???
Posted by: at November 1, 2004 03:45 PMHuntington this morn....

Posted by: surfermag at November 1, 2004 03:58 PMGO SKATE!

Posted by: Hb at November 1, 2004 04:16 PMStockholm Syndrome was great, although I can do without Jerry Joseph's theatrics. Fun surf this morning. Strong south current from the north-end.
Posted by: Q at November 1, 2004 04:20 PMelection prediction,
florida, penn, new jersey, michigan, illinios
and the white house.
the biggoted oil grubbing narcissist is gone!!!!
GOOD RIDDANCE, DONT LET THE DOOR HIT YOU ON THE WAY OUT! The youth vote will swing the election
Posted by: at November 1, 2004 04:20 PMposted by me
Posted by: phil at November 1, 2004 04:22 PMphil...i hope that you're fingers are crossed!
in surf news...found a few fun ones yesterday, but my sesh was mostly about dodging closeouts. can someone please sign me up for some waves like those in the Curren B&W niceness? how fine....
Posted by: ck at November 1, 2004 04:38 PMI know someone who taped Stockholm Syndrome saturday and sunday. Might be able to get those tapes in a few weeks, will inform if I am able to. Agree that Jerry Joseph is pretty funny to watch act cool. Usually not into him that much but as a band, Stockholm was pretty damn good.
Gonna use the vote to get out of work and surf a bit tomorrow, see ya'lls there.
Posted by: kookdom at November 1, 2004 04:40 PMTouche, kookdom. All together a great show. Heard that somebody threw a bottle at Schools up in Tahoe as he was saying something about Bush. The bottle missed, and Dave didn't hesitate to put the guy in his place.
Posted by: Q at November 1, 2004 04:49 PMI would be so stoked to get a recording of those shows. I bought a CD and could do a trade w/ ya. Jerry Joseph does a good impression of a baboon....
Anyone going to North Mississippi Allstars and Dirty Dozen Brass Band on Wed/Thurs. Also going to be an epic show. Damn... the Independant is pulling em in.... If so, maybe we could meet for a beer at the Ethopian place across the street before show time..
Posted by: traut at November 1, 2004 04:51 PMethiopian place = waziema = lotsa potential to be a great bar, needs better, louder music on the jukebox and to stay open until 2am. the owners are cool though and the drinks are somewhat cheap and the atmosphere is good.
Posted by: bbr at November 1, 2004 05:04 PM***Public Service Announcement***
Tomorrow morning's post by yours truly will contain a very large sized image. I only fore warn for those that may want to use the "fast scrolling" method to bypass certain content.
That is all!
Posted by: Kaiser at November 1, 2004 05:26 PMugh, kaiser, come on, this is childish.
Posted by: j at November 1, 2004 05:43 PMCruised the coast Sunday. Ended up at a certain beachbreak well south with a lot of OB similarities (is that vague enough?). Lost some of dreaded mixed-swell warble and tweener mush that was infecting most breaks - actually saw some decent tube rides. Good stuff to be had if you looked long enough. Kept jumping the gun on the first good wave after the long lulls, then paying the price inside. It's winter at last. Manana should be good.
Posted by: banjo at November 1, 2004 09:51 PMbbr -- Do you know what happened to Sawa, the Eritrean place next to Waziema? Walked by a month or so ago and noticed that they had closed. I loved that place...
Posted by: mwsf at November 1, 2004 10:46 PMTo select..Enter a Station 1
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