Immaculate waves. Sometimes difficult to lock in.
Gorgeous, brilliant morning in the Yay Area. A light offshore chilled exposed necks but a crystalline glassy sea-surface warmed the hearts of any prospective wave rider gazing out onto the swell-blessed ocean. Just absolutely beautiful-looking waves out there this morning. Head-high, baby-butt-smooth, peeling, mellow and fun. A few barrels presented themselves if you knew where to look but for the most part waves suffered from a wee bit of mushiness. It was unreal to be sitting out there in the absolute plate-glass ocean and watch grotesquely immaculate sets march in and bomb and peel non-threateningly on the outer bars. Overhead lefts with long down-the-line excursions. Relatively populated for a mid-week dawn-patrol but the wealth was spread up and down the beach, ensuring that vibes remained calm and friendly. A tough morning to get out of the water and come to work. Fur sure. I managed to track down a handful of those sizeable lefts. Nearly boggled a drop on my best one but recovered and managed to hammer up to the steep lip for a high-speed lip-crack. That felt good. In the past I’ve had opportunities to rise up into a vertical lip and give it a whack but usually failed to do so before the opportunity was lost.. but on this particular wave I had some speed from the drop and was nestled in the pocket nicely.. I saw the wave wall up in front of me and threaten to pitch.. so I crouched down and backside bottom-turned.. felt a super-slight bog on my inside edge (something I’ve been working to smooth out for months! Arggh!) but still carried most of my speed.. then I projected my board up into the about-to-throw lip and let the wave redirect me as I pivoted then re-entered.. then did another bottom turn and top-turn.. Felt good to carve through a little combo. But.. shit.. enough horn tooting.. seasoned local rippers were tearing me a new arsehole this morning. A new face I’ve seen in the lineup a lot recently (bright board, curly hair, skinny, maybe 5’10”) farking slaughtered waves all over the joint. I watched him do 4 maneuvers on one wave… roundhouse cutback, topturn, barrel and then a little air at the end. Shredder. An older guy on a red longboard probably caught 100 waves. Good on that guy. Lerm represented well for the niceness crew, scoring some solid lefts and working his way down long glassy faces. Good on the Lerm. Conditions seemed to improve around 7:20 and were still working exceptionally well when i forlornly departed a little after 8. Solid, magazine-quality waves out there today. Go get some and then go vote!
Anyway.. the season is HERE!!! YAY!!!
Rocky (Old Schooler) sent me some sick pics from Oct 27th at a local spot
Damn! I've got the remains of a cold and couldn't drag myself out of bed this morning. Hope the winds stay nice so I can try for an arvo session.
Posted by: steve-o at November 2, 2004 10:32 AMFRICKIN' damn good. soooo clean, got really good and the mushiness went away as the tide dropped a bit. these are the days that make you happy to be an OB surfer. mellow paddle out, over head, clean, glassy, offshores, etc. etc. etc. etc......
Posted by: dsx at November 2, 2004 10:35 AMA-YEAAAAAAAA!
Posted by: traut at November 2, 2004 10:39 AMjonesing doesn't even come close to how I feel right now.
Definately down for the NMAS/JoJo show on thursday. Never been to Wiezema or whatever but it looks interesting. Get enough friends in there and it could be fun. Had a bunch of promoters over at my place on saturday night and they were saying how the guy that does the independent said that Stockholm was his "Super Bowl" of shows so far at the independent.
Gonna have to vote later, may take a few hours but that depends on the wind really ;)
Posted by: kookdom at November 2, 2004 10:45 AMdoh!
so far this season im 0 for 2
Posted by: bagel at November 2, 2004 10:45 AMbeautiful. BEAUTIFUL. FARKIN' BEAUTIFUL!
hope everyone gets theirs. my arms are cooked pasta.
get your guns waxed the big uns are on the way.
oh yeah and there is some election going on
Posted by: korewin at November 2, 2004 10:46 AMtoday so go and do that too.
Words can not explain the waves/stoke/feeling I got today. Unreal.
Let's have a pic to celebrate.....
I hope everyone got some good ones today!
Posted by: Kaiser at November 2, 2004 10:48 AMKaiser's post pretty much says it all. tough to top the stoke expressed there! sweet morning, fo'shur. i love the clear, crisp air on mornings like this. what a great way to start what, hopefully, will be a great day in this nation's (and the world's) history.
Posted by: ck at November 2, 2004 10:52 AMPerhaps I should be kook #1, I fell right in front of someone to the point that they had to deal with my board being near them. Twice.
Sheesh, I was not on my a-game today at all. Thanks to the two dudes that took it in stride and said no worries to my apologies. I did make a point to paddle up to them and apologize, and that always helps.
The Doof was on his a-game today, and had many a narrel.
I cought several fun rides, but I seems there were so many more that I should have had had I not blown it.
Oh well, it is still on the the Second of THE MONTH, hopefully I will hit my stride soon.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 2, 2004 10:53 AMEr..
Oh well, it is still only the Second of THE MONTH, hopefully I will hit my stride soon.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 2, 2004 10:57 AMa little birdie told me that it actually improved through the day yesterday so have heart all you lunchtime shralpers... it'll probably still be there for ya before the winds turn... maybe! get it while you can. Tomorrow marks the end of our little user-friendly groundswell with offshores.
Posted by: e at November 2, 2004 10:58 AMkookdom- is JoJo really going to play with the NMAS on Thursday???!!!??? Rumor also had it that J.Bell was going to play with SS this weekend..
Posted by: traut at November 2, 2004 11:01 AMI did a dawn patrol at the voting booth this am before going to school which was before going to work. It sure looked perty out there though. Can't wait to get back into the water. I think tomorrow morning I'll give it a try. My foot still hurts when there is any pressure on it but at least it's not purple anymore. Just a pale shade of blue. On fashion, I don't like the thick sole sandels, especially the white ones.
Posted by: Dennis at November 2, 2004 11:03 AMphotos from


yes please

Posted by: e at November 2, 2004 11:04 AMso GOOOOD out there!!!!
Posted by: rza at November 2, 2004 11:04 AMI had fun ones with kaiser sose this morn. I thought it was korewin heading out (little after 8) when I was heading in. Unfortunately for him (if it was him), he went right from the car, and left was where we were.
BTW, missed doof and friend #1, at the same place I saw them last week.
These make some of my favorite fall mornings...super clean waves, overhead, peeling, low crowd count, amazing sunrise...followed by a vote.
Posted by: blakestah at November 2, 2004 11:05 AMoccy interview from surfermag
SURFERMAG: So did you eventually come to terms with the loss of your father, or was it something else that snapped you out of that period?
OCCY: Well, I did therapy for a while, and that helped a lot, but it wasn’t any one thing. But eventually Gordon Merchant told me if I didn’t do something he couldn’t keep paying me. He’d been really loyal to me that whole time, but he just said, ‘Look, Occy, I can’t keep paying you to do this forever.’ That was sort of motivation enough to get off my ass because I didn’t have a choice. So I went to West Oz and stayed with Jack McCoy, and started surfing again. There’re a few waves of me in the Occumentary where you can see how big I really was—I was big mate—that’s about right where I started working out. Jack took really good care of me and as the pounds came off, I really started to feel better, and I realized I could still surf.
SURFERMAG: One of the performances that really got people interested in your comeback, and really thinking world title, was the Skins tourney at Bells in 1997 which appeared in the Occumentary. Where were you mentally at that time?
OCCY: Well, I was at Bells. (Laughs) That’s like…I’m in the zone when I’m at Bells and the waves are 6-foot…and it’s offshore…and I’ve got a six-channel board from Rod Dalberg…with set fins. Yeah, I was just loving it. That wave really suits me. But yeah, that contest really boosted my confidence because I won like 11 heats in a row.
SURFERMAG: Speaking of Jack McCoy, how much fun were you having during the Green Iguana and Bunyip Dreaming era of the early ‘90s?
Posted by: occy fan at November 2, 2004 11:07 AMOCCY: Well, a lot. It seemed really special to me because I was filming with Jack. If it had been anyone else but him I probably would have been wondering if I was doing the right thing. But I knew it would be an A-grade product, and that these movies would have an impact on things, and I think they did. They led to his Billabong Challenges, which really forced the tour to look at better wave spots. Those events they had at Gnaraloo and J-Bay were just incredible, and they came right when I needed it most, when I was getting ready for my comeback.
as i got out this morning 4 older tourists were setting up for a photo, their backs to the beach, oblivious to the joy unfolding behind them. i wonder now what it's like to have little understanding of what good surf is, and to show up at the beach on days like today. does the vibe come thru? is there an energy that can be detected even by people with no exposure to the nuances of our insular world?
despite the somewhat easy conditions i was feeling sluggish out there today, really wish i had surfed over the weekend. but i managed to snag a couple nice left walls.
christian - nice to see you out there and try to pick up pointers watching you and the rest of the chargers making those tight right-barrels. wish i had a camera - the sun had those barrel mouths glowing.
not sure what will happen as the tide comes up, but if you're on the fence i would risk it and use some sick time today.
Posted by: loon at November 2, 2004 11:08 AMWhoa...late to work and proud of it. 2 hours of dawn patrol bliss: glassy, headhigh, a-frames, barrels, open-face carves, inside section re-forms, stoke. Followed up with a breakfast feast to let the poll lines fade (not as effective as I hoped), and 40 minutes in line to do my part to put a new face the White House.
Goods on all the positive energy out there in the water today. Lots of hoots, lots of waves, lots of fun.
Posted by: Q at November 2, 2004 11:11 AMfull interview with the Occ
Posted by: occy fan at November 2, 2004 11:13 AMI was mistaken on Jo Jo with NMAS. Wife saw it on the tour poster but it just showed all the guests they will have throughout tour, not just SF. So probably no JoJo, I didn't really think he would make it anyway. Still will be a good show though, Luther rules the slide.
Melting in this cube....
Posted by: kookdom at November 2, 2004 11:16 AMPETW* will be picketing pancho's house after seeing that picture.
*PETW - People for the Ethical Treatment of Waves
Posted by: j at November 2, 2004 11:17 AMWhat a morning!!! I am sitting here at work totally stoked. Glad to see so many got hooked up by our beautiful stretch of coastline. I read something about J.Bell and JoJo. I know NMAS, but who is SS? I've been following panic since they started back in '88. That makes me old, but I truely love the groovy jams they throw. So who is SS? Not Stockholm Syndrome, their tour is over. Fill me in would ya!!
Word to Mother Ocean!!
Posted by: obsurfer at November 2, 2004 11:19 AMPaddled out into what appeared to be a lake. Did I get lost or something? Few rippers out, few kooks out (we can smell our own kind), few more people than normal dp, few less than a normal weekend. Although I almost shit myself when I saw the number of people suiting up at Siz-loat at sunrise. (Apologies to the person after me to use the bathroom at Java Beach, the air freshener was broken.) A few good rides, a few good wipes. Nothing fancy, just riding the learning curve while trying not to piss anyone off. Still wearing a wet speedo.
Even if you don't like the presidential choices, that are some important local measures on the ballot that do impact you directly. Be heard; get your demographic's particpation numbers up.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at November 2, 2004 11:19 AMoccy rules!

Posted by: occy fan at November 2, 2004 11:20 AMBlakestah -
If I can summon the strength I will be there in an hour. Doof and I were at Kdalle's place this AM. Lots of heads in the water.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 2, 2004 11:20 AMSorry for hotlinking that fecalface skateboard photo yesterday. I don't know much about this here internet. I just loved the pic!
I can feel the stoke comin' thru the keyboard from you SF heads. Damn nice.
Posted by: Hb at November 2, 2004 11:33 AMIf you're lying prone on your board, paddling out, and look up to see the sky obscured by the throwing lip of a 6 ft set, that counts as a closeout barrel, right? What, it's not??
DP at low tide smack dab middle of the beach because I'm retarded. As usual wish I'd gotten more real rides but pretty pleased because despite some hollow size [ to me ] and whatnot, I felt pretty comfortable monkeying around. Which is just as well because lately I've mapped out 2 of the lamest places to be caught inside and/or trying to get on the beach via direct fun filled experience. Had to put the finger splint back on after a small respite and realized that yes, this tiny device does aid skittering off the deck upon popup. Woe that I cannot blame every other kook maneuver on that thing. So, Kaiser, it looks like you can still be honored by my duct-taped presence, at least for another month. fyi injured list, consumer testing shows that Rite Aid duct tape is cheap and high performance, though starts ripping off starting around 6 ft, mediumish period swell.
Remember, few of us got flu shots so that's sick day excuses right there. Don't get the real flu, and Happy Surfing,
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at November 2, 2004 11:48 AM9:00 to 11:00 the conditions south beach were still clean and good-sized, but getting mushier, to go by y'all's descriptions. Crowded, but not insanely; it was pretty easy to keep a 20-foot buffer around you. It was beautiful out there, with lots of thick, ridable waves marching in. But it seemed really to be longboard conditions there---waves would break a little mushy, not a lot of steepness or tubes---so I wish I'd taken my semi-gun just to have a better shot at getting into some of them; I didn't manage any shortboardy antics anyhow. But I managed to catch a handful of rides (and a couple of tumbles) on the shortboard: a couple deeped-out on me; one gave me a fun wiggle down the line before I hopped over the lip as my right met up with a left; one provided a nice smooth drop and bottom turn, after which I somehow just fell down; and the last was a fun drop into a close-out, whose whitewater took me to the beach. It was a lot of fun, even if I can't quite chime in with the orgasms above!
Posted by: klooless at November 2, 2004 11:57 AMApparently, John Bell making an inpromptu appearance with Stockholm Syndrome started as a joke that turned into a rumor. The guy that runs the Indy was joking around with his girlfriend about it...somebody probably overheard, then it shows up here. Funny how these things work out.
Love the Panic. Have traveled far and wide to see them.
Wish we could freeze these surf conditions - ditch work if you can.
Posted by: Q at November 2, 2004 12:01 PMCuris Mayfield - Pusherman
that song rocks.
Posted by: e at November 2, 2004 12:06 PMSURRRRFFFF!!
hola niceness,
First off it's great to read the stoked posts of scorage from the niceness crew for the last week. right on!
i'm just back from a week in cabo. a little late season south meandered it's way into a well known left reef/pointbreak allowing 2 memorable dp sessions where i traded head high+ waves with only the pelicans. pelicans rip! surfed another well known point/beachbreak with a few more folks but the vibe was mostly groovy and stoked to be in trunks splitting peaks and sharing waves. a few ugly americans vibed and snaked. is it any coincidence that their surfing style matched the attitude?
chilling in the hot tub at dusk one night talking to a vetenarian surgeon from austin, who has never surfed, but was really fascinated with the whole story about where waves come from. he asked "do those fins on your surfboard rotate?"
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 2, 2004 12:08 PMi don't even know why i tormented myself driving by the beach this morning enroute to an early morning meeting. i just hope the winds hold off this afternoon because it's required by law - if you don't have sufficient time to vote outside of work hours, then you can take 2 hours off with pay to vote. and since i voted this morning, i'm taking my 2 hours to surf. damn straight.
Posted by: caveman at November 2, 2004 12:10 PMSexual Suggestiveness in Online Ads: Effects of Objectification on Opposite Genders
Student Researchers: Sriram Kalyanaraman (PhD Student), and Michael Redding & Jason Steele (BA Students).
Faculty Supervisor: Dr. Shyam Sundar Sethuraman
For a complete report of this research, see:
Kalyanaraman, S., Steele, J., & Sundar S. S. (2000, June). Communicating objectification: Effects of sexually suggestive advertisements. Paper presented to the Mass Communication Division at the 50th annual conference of the International Communication Association (ICA), Acapulco, Mexico.
Current research in the fields of advertising and media effects suggests that men and women react differently to the use of sexual images in advertising campaigns. However, the bulk of the research regarding sexual images in advertising is concerned with marketing issues, such as consumer behavior, product recall and persuausive effectiveness. Little research is aimed at exploring the effects of sexual images in advertising on the perception of the model by the viewer. Also, research concerning the effects of sexual images with male models has largely been ignored. The present investigation examines the relationship between exposure to sexually suggestive mainstream magazine advertisements and the objectification of the gender of the model. Specifically, Study 1 looks at female objectification, while Study 2 examines male objectification.
A summary of research evidence suggests that sexually explicit materials are seen as objectifying and dehumanizing women, portraying women as pandering to men's sexual desires, and encouraging sexual and social suppression of and violence toward women. This leads to the following hypothesis:
H1: Males exposed to sexually suggestive ads featuring female models will indulge in greater objectification of women than those exposed to non-suggestive ads.
Some studies have also shown that women do not indulge in self-objectification after exposure to sexually suggestive material. This leads to the following hypothesis:
H2a: Females exposed to sexually suggestive ads featuring female models will show lesser acceptance of objectification of women than those exposed to non-suggestive ads.
On the other hand, certain other scholars also suggest that women tend to consider themselves as sex objects in their quest to attain ideal female beauty. This gives rise to the following hypothesis:
H2b: Females exposed to sexually suggestive ads featuring female models will show greater acceptance of objectification of women than those exposed to non-suggestive ads.
A considerable body of research also suggests that males tend to indulge in a greater degree of objectification than females. This leads to the following hypothesis:
H3: Across conditions, males will have significantly higher scores of objectification than females.
Forty-five participants took part in a 2 (Sexually suggestive ads vs. non-suggestive ads) X 2 (male subjects vs. female subjects) experiment. Participants in both conditions viewed ten ads for different products. The sexually suggestive condition had female models in suggestive poses,
while the non-suggestive condition featured female models in non-suggestive positions.
After they had finished viewing the ads, subjects were asked to fill out a questionnaire pertaining to measures of female objectification.
The dependent variable of objectification was divided into three factors labeled 'Sexual Objectification,' 'Mediated Objectification,' and 'Voyeurism.'
H1: Supported. Males exposed to suggestive ads expressed a greater propensity to look at fashion magazines and television shows for the female models rather than the content/designs ('Mediated Objectification'). Furthermore, a significant two-way interaction between gender and suggestiveness was recorded for the Voyeurism index such that male subjects tended to approve of voyeuristic behavior after exposure to suggestive ads than after exposure to non-suggestive ads.
H2a: Not supported.
H2b: Partially supported. Females exposed to suggestive ads expressed greater agreement to look at fashion magazines and television shows for the female models rather than the content/designs ('Mediated Objectification').
H3: Supported. Males tended to perceive women as sex objects, irrespective of the suggestiveness condition, whereas females were significantly less approving of such objectification. Furthermore, males also were significantly more prone to assume the role of 'Peeping Tom,' compared to females, who did not approve of such voyeuristic behavior.
Study 2
Study 2 was conducted to determine whether male objectification was similar to female objectification. We also hoped to glean what theoretical mechanisms could have been operating to explain some of the findings from Study 1. Study 2 was similar to Study 1 except that instead of female models, ten ads featuring male models in both sexually suggestive and non-suggestive positions were used as stimulus material.
The dependent variable of objectification was divided into three factors labeled 'Sexual Objectification,' 'Mediated Objectification,' and 'Promiscuity.' Even though the same questinnaire was employed, it was seen that only 'Mediated Objectification' comprised the same measures as in Study 1. The results reveal main effects for gender on both 'Sexual Objectification' and 'Promiscuity,' such that males tended to perecive themselves as sex objects (compared to females). Furthermore, they also had a significantly higher tendency to approve of promiscuous behavior, compared to females.
The findings from the two studies suggest that even exposure to seemingly innocuous sexually suggestive ads can lead to disturbing antifemale sentiments such as objectification. An interesting observation was the finding that the constructs of male and female objectification are conceptually distinct. The null findings for 'Mediated Objectification' in Study 2 also suggests the possible operation of the availability heuristic in Study 1. While the effects observed here pertain to short-term effects only, future research will benefit by examining the effects of prolonged exposure to sexually suggestive material.
For more details/information about this study, please contact:
Shyam Sundar Sethuraman
Associate Professor and Director
Media Effects Research Laboratory
College of Communications
Penn State University
University Park, PA 16802
Ph: (814) 865 2173
Posted by: at November 2, 2004 12:10 PM6 AM -9:30 AM - scoring it. Laughing at all those who chose to surf with all the animals out at the zoo when countless peaks were marching through unridden. Me + 2 others
10:30 AM - Vote for Kerry, and some very important Propositions -DOn't forget to vote on the Propositions
Hope the wind will keep it clean this arvo.
Posted by: at November 2, 2004 12:11 PM6 AM -9:30 AM - scoring it. Laughing at all those who chose to surf with all the animals out at the zoo when countless peaks were marching through unridden. Me + 2 others
10:30 AM - Vote for Kerry, and some very important Propositions -DOn't forget to vote on the Propositions
Hope the wind will keep it clean this arvo.
Posted by: OB Rat at November 2, 2004 12:11 PMblake...
good call; that WAS me....i jogged out and
watched some poor bastard take 3 on the head
and decided that i did not have the sack for that
spot went north and SCORED.
i DID see one KAISER SOSE drop on a NICE NICE
Posted by: korewin at November 2, 2004 12:53 PMwave.....i could see the grin from the beach...good on ya!
Eric McFadden & Friends tonight at the Boom Boom
It's gonna be a blowout at the Boom Boom Room tonight, Tuesday, 11/2, for the Eric McFadden and Friends show starting at 9:30 pm.
Joining Eric will be members of the North Mississippi All Stars, Dirty Dozen Brass Band, Broun Fellinis, Alien Lovestock, Orixa, Deadweight
Posted by: kookdom at November 2, 2004 12:54 PMand more. The night is sponsored by Guitar Player Magazine.
1. Voted (longer than usual lines)
2. Surfed "my" spot (thanks friend #1)
I find conditions like today boring. Way too easy, too crowded, a little too damn pleasant.
No drama = no fun.
Ah, well...tomorrow should be back to being interesting.
Posted by: kdalle at November 2, 2004 01:03 PMworkday almost done en route to beach with a shameless plug:
The Fillmore Thursday night:
Camper van Beethoven supported by the Enorchestra (girlfriend's band)
I know about the show at the Roxy.... maybe some of you want to takle the skinheads bowling?
Posted by: goodmorning at November 2, 2004 01:11 PMThat show at the Boom Boom room looks sick! Do we have to get tickets ahead of time or first come first serve? You know?
And, there was a 6.7 earthquake off the vancover coast. Being that it was rather large, do you think it could have any impact on local surf. Probably not, just thinking/wondering??
Posted by: obsurfer at November 2, 2004 01:28 PMFor you dp types working the peaks south of the showers, stand by. Took about 400 shots today on what has to be one of the most beautiful mornings in history. May have even nabbed the wiley kasierstah, known for his shyness.
A few random shots from yesterday. I'd say that first one is slightly overhead. :-)

Posted by: Bruce at November 2, 2004 01:32 PM46059- 11:50 am 11.5 ft. 17 sec.
This WILL have an impact on local surf.
Posted by: at November 2, 2004 01:35 PMThe Boom Boom Room show just got announced a few hours ago so I would say tickets at the door.
Posted by: kookdom at November 2, 2004 01:38 PMI just got tickets on line for the McFadden show. Only $7. Sweet! Today just gets better and better. Why can't every day be like this???
Posted by: obsurfer at November 2, 2004 01:39 PMVOTING DAY PEEPS!!!!!!!!!!
speed barrels today.
Posted by: phil at November 2, 2004 02:09 PMsolid pics bruce
Posted by: bbr at November 2, 2004 02:13 PMyeah bruce.. i really dig the photos. I especially like the second one with that long, drawn-out line.
a few indo pics from surfermag


Posted by: e at November 2, 2004 02:19 PMBRUCE!
there are folks in cubes all over the bay just drooling.......
nice work...lessee that elusive kaiser sose!
Posted by: korewin at November 2, 2004 02:24 PMI would be interested to see if I am "on camera"! I think I was in a different part of the beach.
Those pics are solid! Makes me rethink how big it was out there today.
Bruce, are those from today?
Posted by: Kaiser at November 2, 2004 02:36 PMBruce, What time today were you shooting, and did you get any of the waves north o' the showers?
BTW, K, the photos are from yesterday, reread his post.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 2, 2004 02:45 PM12 to 2 was fantastic Longboard stuff. I guess I am getting too old to shortboard. I sucked this am, but this pm I was all over on the LB. So many long, long rides. Took a few mega bombs that I sliced down the face through the few others around and into a safe place before getting blasted by the lip. Sets started to taper off in consistency around 1:30. Took me 20 minutes to find my last ride in.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 2, 2004 02:52 PMI have a lot of water inbetween the ears right now! Forgive me.
And to clarify, I was north of the showers today. Damn, foiled again.
Did someone say to post a pic?

Posted by: Kaiser at November 2, 2004 02:53 PMOB winds feel like they're about to turn around...more N right now...please hold...hold..
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at November 2, 2004 02:56 PMTrying to decide whether or not to bust out of work and go surf. Can someone chime in please? Are conditions holding?
Posted by: at November 2, 2004 03:06 PME per your tip on getting info on Rarotonga surf spots, I just got the World Stormrider Guide Vol 2 delivered from Amazon. Awesome!
Posted by: NZ Swell at November 2, 2004 03:11 PMCheers for the tip, this is a beautiful read.
I'm on a plane to DC tomorrow so it'll be a good travelling companion.
Kaiser, keep 'em coming.
Conditions are still top-shelf out there, no sign of the wind doing it's usual 4pm turn.
nice nz swell.. those books are killer.
yeah.. wind looks fine
Posted by: e at November 2, 2004 03:12 PM
The stretch between Kirkham and Pacheco is going off.
Posted by: at November 2, 2004 03:27 PMI'm getting larger!!!
12ft 17seconds
tomorrow morning will separate the men from the boys.
Posted by: ca buoy at November 2, 2004 03:35 PMWinds shifted from NE to NW at 2:00 at Fort Funston
Posted by: friend #1 at November 2, 2004 03:42 PMthat was one of my best long lunches a great narrel...i feel better now thanx..tomorrow sounds scary..
Posted by: bagel at November 2, 2004 03:56 PMKaiser- Pics are from Monday around 7-8. I was about half way down the lot from the gorilla showers. I shot today at about the same time. Lighting better and a lot less mist so I've got my fingers crossed they will come out. Check the site late if you're up.
Gonna' try and shoot again tomorrow but my staff is looking at me sorta' funny. Get over it! This is important stuff- ORGANIC ART!
Be careful tomorrow, real surfers. Stop by and see me if you need any excuses for not paddling out (I've got a long list).
Posted by: Bruce at November 2, 2004 04:23 PMToday's free item:
Posted by: at November 2, 2004 04:23 PM
Seems as though a higher tide will be effect for tomorrow morning (high tide at 5:27 am at 4.3' and a low tide at 9:38 am of 3.7). With this in mind, does anyone know whether there will really be any difference in wave heights at low tide or high tide (other than .8')? Will the higher tide only contribute to the mushyness / pitching factor?
Posted by: traut at November 2, 2004 04:28 PMthe last three winters it seems like there have hardly been any low low tides for the dawn patrol. they all seem seem to come at night and all we get is one shitty 3 foot low during the day. i hate high tide at OB unless the sloat shorey is doing it's thing.
Posted by: bbr at November 2, 2004 04:35 PMI immersed myself upon the sweet succulent nectars of the floral offerings for hours on end this morning.
Posted by: Ian at November 2, 2004 04:37 PMOh yeah, bay area rapper mac dre was shot and killed the other day. There went the last good one.
Posted by: Ian at November 2, 2004 04:38 PM39-3, rough start for ol' horseface
Posted by: bbr at November 2, 2004 04:43 PMps, E good one on you for charging yesterday! i was using excuse #351, too hungover.
Posted by: bagel at November 2, 2004 04:43 PMLoon, I think the stoke comes through. While i was getting out I saw an old asian couple sitting on the bench just watching the waves for a good 15 minutes. They were smiling.
Posted by: Ian at November 2, 2004 04:43 PMBruce, are mondays pic's of vf'ers? Saw a tall lanky guy with camera by trash bin 23. Wondering if that was you.
Regardless, nice pics. Looking forward to checking out the new batch.
Posted by: pdub at November 2, 2004 04:48 PMBBR...that is every year.
All throughout California.....afternoon winter lows of negative and morning high lows of positives.
Posted by: at November 2, 2004 04:55 PMCheck your tide book for the next 4 months and see...

Posted by: at November 2, 2004 05:11 PMYeah Ian, I've noticed that lately...more spectators. Seems like there were a gaggle of people watching the surfers on Sunday. Or maybe it's just because I've surfed the ends of beach midday for the first time only recently. It makes me smile to see people enjoying the surf who aren't surfing, spreading good vibes and such. As someone who didn't grow up around surf culture, I never took notice of surfers until I bought a board. Some tourist woman asked if she could take her picture with me because she had never seen a surfer before. I didn't want to spoil it and tell her I suck.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at November 2, 2004 05:14 PMAndrew, that's classic. Yeah I think it really trips people out that surfers have so much fun being in the ocean. It's hard for people to grasp that, especially those who rarely, or never see the ocean. It's definately rad to see people smiling because of waves. I've had two of the best natural highs from surfing in this past week. Nice.
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