A sad day for America.
A sad day for the World. A sad day for peace and the environment and civil liberties and rationality and humanity. America has spoken and what she says is scary, nauseating and painful to hear. What the majority of Americans are saying is that they actually support the vision of the Bush Administration. A muddled, unjustified war fought for no reason. Over 11,000 innocent civilians DEAD! Over 1,000 US servicemen DEAD! FOR NO REASON! I hope all the people who voted for Bush are ready to be drafted for service in Iraq. Environmental laws gutted. The enforcement infrastructure for defending environmental laws decimated. Forests demolished, drilling in the Arctic, clean water laws relaxed, roadless areas paved, mercury pollution, factory farm miasma, global warming denial. Prepare yourself for a mighty parade of environmental devastation in the next four years. Get ready for more draconian affronts on our personal privacy and freedoms. Get ready for two or more Bush appointees to the Supreme Court. Get ready for further economic stratification. Get ready for four more years of smug, self-righteous, smarmy, heavy-handed decision-making by our chief executive and his minions of destruction.
It now appears that we do, in fact, live in a fundamentalist country. We may be the least liberal of the western nations. Educated, civilized, rational people around the world are currently cringing and recoiling as they digest the true current outlook of the American populace. It seems that many many many Americans voted for Bush because they’re either afraid, uninformed, religious or some admixture of the three. Again and again I’ve pondered, in astonishment, WHY anyone would support this administration. God and Fear repeatedly come up as answers. People somehow think that because Bush is a born-again, god-fearing, “faith”-obsessed religious zealot that “we” have “God” on our side. I have learned about and witnessed religion do many good things for many people… but in the case of this election and the current mood of our country I really feel that Christian fundamentalism somehow blinds people from reality. It allows them to fictionalize what's really happening. People are willing to overlook or ignore countless atrocities put forth by the Bush administration because they feel that he’s a “man of faith,” just like them. They believe he can do no wrong because he has God on his side. It’s a petrifying fiction that currently fuels the trajectory of this great nation. I’m fearful of ourselves.
Sorry to bring it down. But.. it’s a monstrous day in our history. A sad and gut-wrenching day.
In surf news it’s victory at sea out there. Giant, tumultuous walls of mayhem raggedly pounded the outer bars. Maybe Santa Cruz town? Maybe bo bo? Surfing would be a great salve for the day.. but.. it’s not to be for Bay Area wave riders.
Mark Morford wrote the following this morning:
"It simply boggles the mind: We've already had four years of some of the most appalling and abusive foreign and domestic policy in American history, some of the most well-documented atrocities ever wrought on the American populace and it's all combined with the biggest and most violently botched and grossly mismanaged war since Vietnam, and still much of the nation still insists in living in a giant vat of utter blind faith, still insists on believing the man in the White House couldn't possibly be treating them like a dog treats a fire hydrant.
Inexplicable? Not really. People want to believe. They want to trust their leaders, even against all screaming, neon-lit evidence and stack upon stack of flagrant, impeachment-grade lie. They simply cannot allow that Dubya might really be an utter boob and that they are being treated like an abused, beaten housewife who keeps coming back for more, insisting her drunk husband didn't mean it, that she probably had it coming, that the cuts and bruises and blood and broken bones are all for her own good.
This election's outcome, this heartbreaking proof of a nation split more deeply and decisively than ever, it simply reinforces the feeling among much of the educated populace: It is a weirdly embarrassing time to be an American. It is jarring and oddly shattering and makes you rethink what it really means to be a part of this country. The answer: It doesn't mean much at all. Not really. Not anymore.
This is the common wisdom on the progressive Left. Those first four toxic Bush years? A fluke. A phantasm. A stolen election. A gaff, a mugging, a crime. But this? An election this close makes you reconsider. Maybe, after all, we aren't nearly as far along as we think. Maybe we're not all that sophisticated or nuanced or respectable a nation as we sometimes dare to dream.
Maybe, in fact, we're regressing, back to the days of guns and sexism and pre-emptive violence, of environmental abuse and no rights for women and an sincere hatred of gays and foreigners and minorities. Sound familiar? It should: It's the modern GOP platform.
Here's the thing: For tens of millions of us, it is simply unconscionable that we could possibly be led for another four years by a small and spoiled little man who has very little real idea what he's doing and even less of how the hell he got there. It would be funny, in a Adam Sandler, toilet-humored sort of way, were it not so poisonous and depressing. And yet it looks like we're stuck with it, like a shard of glass buried deep in the eye.
And the rest of the world? Well, it can only watch us and shake its collective head and wonder just what the hell is wrong with us, why so many millions of us would even consider re-electing the world's most inept and war-hungry and insanely inarticulate man to four more years of unchecked power, why our much-hyped much-coveted supposedly ultra-superior democratic system is so very deeply blotchy and knotty and spoiled.
So then, to much of Europe, Asia, Canada, Mexico, Russia, the Middle East -- to all those dozens of major world nations who want Bush out almost as much as the educated people of America, to you we can only say: We are so very, very sorry. We don't know how it happened, either. For tens of millions of us, Bush is not our president and never will be. That's how divisive. That's how dangerous. That's how very sad it has become.
The GOP steamroller appears to be just too powerful, just too well-oiled and blood soaked and fear inducing to be stopped just yet. After all, the Right has been working on this master plan and building their takeover strategy for about forty years. It's gonna take those of us working for change and progress and raw spiritual juice a little more than one or two to dissolve it away like the cancer it so obviously is.
Apparently, there are lessons yet to be learned. Apparently we must hit some sort of new low between now and 2008, attain some sort of seriously vicious status in the world before we will snap out of it. You think?
This much is clear: We are not, with a grim Bush victory, headed for buoyancy and friendship and sincere hope for something new and refreshing. We are not, with another four years of what we just endured, headed toward any sort of easing of bitter tension, a sense of levity, or sexual openness, or true education, or gender respect, or a lightness of spirit and of step.
Maybe the best we can hope for, at this ominous and slightly sickening moment, is one hell of a lot more patience."
A couple of photos from the niceness archives to hopefully lessen the pain
Nep OB pics
South Swell in norcal
OB in april
Mentawais morning
Bagel's barrelled dude
and the surf turned sour.
i thought that the bosox, the weather, the waves, were are turning tide.... but no.
peace dudes.
Posted by: elias at November 3, 2004 10:23 AMI feel sick to my stomach
Posted by: kookdom at November 3, 2004 10:26 AMMy alarm woke me up EARLY to check the surf...the song playing on the radio, "Psyco Killer"...an omen as I then checked the news...
Posted by: Q at November 3, 2004 10:29 AMGreat analysis of a horribly depressing situation, e.
Posted by: mwsf at November 3, 2004 10:30 AMWhat can I say?
Well said E.
I think the only possible solace you can take is that fact a large number of fellow Americans feel the same way as you. They are going through the same crazy emotions this morning.
I totally agree, it is a sad sad day for America. Probably one that will go down in history. How on earth we missed this wake up call is beyond me - but it did seem to be the will of the people, no matter how ignorant and manipulated they were - they got what they cleared wanted.
The scary thing now is that we are going to have to learn the lesson and pay for the mistake the hard way. 4 more years of the worst foreign and domestic policy in a generation, more isolation, more debt, less foreign investment, more fundamentalism, more restrictions on freedoms, more senseless death and destruction to serve a crazed Neo-Con agenda.
What wreckage of a once great nation will emerge is any one’s guess.
Oh well.
Bummer about the surf today. May go just to punish myself and try to put things in perspective.
Posted by: ankors at November 3, 2004 10:31 AMI can't seem to face up to the facts
I'm tense and nervous and I can't relax
Can't sleep 'cause my bed's on fire
Don't touch me, I'm a real live wire
Sounds like the theme song of America, and I sang those words to 2 to 300 last Saturday night. In a size 56 suit.
What is that beautiful house?
Posted by: friend #1 at November 3, 2004 10:37 AMWhere does that Highway go to?
Am I right or am I wrong?
My God, What have I done?
well said ethan. i totally agree. the republican's did a great job scaring people into voting for bush. if you look at the polls, the only are that bush had a better approval rating was homeland security.
the republicans took 3 seats in the house and senate!
10% of 18-21 year olds voted. they better hope the draft isn't reinstated. GW saying that the military will remain voluntary is like GHWB saying "read my lips. no new taxes". there is no way to stay the course without one.
i talked with some friends and family in swing states who were going to vote for bush prior to the election. they mainly focused on a pet issue that affected them and didn't really think too much about the big picture. one was a hunter against the assault weapon ban. one was a small business owner who stood to gain from the tax breaks. one was pro life. another simply didn't like john kerry's wife. that's a reason to vote against kerry?!
Posted by: lerm at November 3, 2004 10:38 AMsorrow likely comes best to encapsulating my emotion today...mixed with a healthy dose of (admittedly and unfortunately impotent) rage. with yesterday's fine, hopeful swell i was so optimistic. that optimism was dashed on the rocks of propaganda.
...and, as if to express her dissatisfaction, Mother Ocean is gnashing her teeth.
Posted by: ck at November 3, 2004 10:43 AMBush is a clown and make us all look bad.
What I find particular strange in all this is how many people actually thought Kerry would win. everyone in my office thought kerry had a great chance. Even though i voted for Kerry i knew he had a snowballs chance in hell at winning. WAKE UP! outside of California, New York, Boston and a couple upper midwest states, everyone loves Bush, SAD but true, Bush holds a huge morality card on the democrats.
I said this earlier to a friend and I think it hits right to the heart of why Kerry couldnt win right now in this year. "Gay Marriage" (which i wholely support) pushed a huge backlash among christian conservatives and drove them to the polls in Ohio and other places to support ballot initiatives that prohibitted gay marriage. Had Massachusets and California and a couple others not publically opened this debate during this election year Kerry would have won. The gay agenda backfired on the left and stirred up a hornets nest of right wing racists. simple as that......
Posted by: dsx at November 3, 2004 10:47 AMEthan, as good of an entry that was, you're preaching to the choir homie. I think the majority of us all agree on it. sad. sad. sad. All I can keep my faith in is, waves will come, waves will go. We'll smile again. Maybe the "faith" bush needs to believe in, is this type of jesus who can walk on water...
ck, the ocean is definately pissed today. Causation.
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 10:49 AMDid the surf check, stepped out of the car, got sand blwon in my eyes, cleaned the sand out of my eyes, then went home so I could take BART to work.
Re. The Election.
What is done is done. I hope the current sore losers grieve, get over it, and make the best of it. I hope the winners are gracious and try to bring the losers into the fold.
Anyway, that my $0.02.
Posted by: Mr Doof at November 3, 2004 10:51 AMreally...

Posted by: elias at November 3, 2004 10:52 AMwill the revolution be televised?
sheep, lemmings, cattle...
which are we, oh americans? i lament
the loss of rights to come, uncle tom supreme
court chief justice, drilling in the arctic....
the american empire's days are numbered kids.
anyone wanna buy a boat and get the heck outta here?
Posted by: korewin at November 3, 2004 10:55 AMsail the tropics and hear rumors about the chaos in
the "real" world....
the thing that scare's that crap out of me is what is Bush going to do now that he actually HAS a mandate????? Help us Obi Wan...you're our only hope.
Posted by: jdz at November 3, 2004 10:55 AMelias, haha that's classic. dsx, I agree completely. I was willing to put a lot of money (that I don't have) on Bush. I could've been a waelthy man today. Fuck the stocks, this was a GUARANTEE. Just like lerm said, middle america, unfortunately holds the numbers, and many are concerned with "pets, and kerry's wife."
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 10:55 AMAnyone willing to place bets the board gets over 150 posts today? I'll put up a 6-pack for before "A broke down melody" thursday night.
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 10:57 AMword E. Morford is spot on as well. sad day indeed. time to rethink the ex-pat option in mexico. perhaps i could be happy selling timeshares to fat clueless republicans........ it's time to get active, express our freedom of speech and set an example of socially concious capitalism. maybe it's time for California to secede from the union........
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 3, 2004 11:00 AMTell it to a widow, doof.
Posted by: g at November 3, 2004 11:00 AMwhere art thou kaiser we need a true, honest, faith-bringing savior upon thou world o chaos
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 11:01 AMsomebody pinch me - i can't wake up from this nightmare.
Posted by: caveman at November 3, 2004 11:05 AMe, well said.
the next four years holds an unimaginable series of events - and most of them will be horribly wrong. for anyone to say that the losers should get over it and we should all just hold hands doesn't really comprehend the significance of this election. i believe this marks the end of america's domination and influence over the rest of the world. the EU is already economically more powerful than we are and will continue to strengthen. Bush's reelection sends a statement to the world that america is full of ignorant, fanatical, self-serving born-agains, that only care about nice cars and monday night football. the outcome also solidifies our position as the laughing stock of the world.
that Time magazine cover is all too real.
Posted by: rza at November 3, 2004 11:06 AM3 THINGS WIN THE ELECTION:
Eat it up, rightwing Middle America, you fucking MYOPIC whores.
California, uber alles -- I'm glad I'm here.
Posted by: MONKEY MILK at November 3, 2004 11:12 AMThis just in from CNN:
"People who live close to the water are a much more qualitatively smart, empathetic, and reasoning-capable species compared to their predecessors, the "midlandus-asswipus'"
Anyone in to stenciling? Someone should start a website to distribute stencils of bush ripping apart the globe.
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 11:13 AMWatching the election results with the youngsters in the bar made me realize that across the country, someplace, you had the opposite group with the exact opposite reactions (though equally passionate) when a state turned red or blue. And like me, there was someone in that group that was more interested in chatting up the pretty girl next to him than in the results on the screen.
I'm not sure I trust anyone that says they know how to run $2 trillion worth of taxes. And it's probably the greater ebb and flood of historical events outside of our poor control that have the most influence on our lives and our country. I'm sure Queen Liliuokalani did a good job as a ruler, but larger events conspired against her. As surfers, we have an excellent understanding of giant forces in far off lands that converge upon us with results completely out of our control. And we also understand how that can be made worse with disrespectful or thoughtless human interaction. We can't make the waves; we just learn to surf them best as possible. As for negative human interaction, we can either try to come to some sort of mutual understanding or just paddle south to emptier peaks.
There's always more waves tomorrow.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at November 3, 2004 11:16 AMThe problem with secession is that then we join the rest of the World as outsiders who can only weep at the actions of a Nation they have chance of changing. I know it looks like that is the case already, but maybe it is time to Rejoin the Union, instead of seceeding from it.
From boingboing.com:
Four more years of a nation led by criminals. I was making coffee with one eye on CNN when the news broke, and I called my dad, a man who's spent many years fighting for good things, sometimes at great personal cost.
"Get over it," he said, "The way you feel now is exactly how I felt when Nixon won a second term -- crushed. I just couldn't believe America was that stupid. "But remember what happened to Nixon that term."
"Change comes from discontent," he said. "And right now, there's a lot of discontent."
I finish pouring my coffee, and agree when my dad says what we're faced with right now is considerably more frightening than Nixon. BB pal Jim Graham IMs a few minutes later: "Yeah, and Karl Rove makes Lee Atwater look like a choir boy."
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 11:20 AMWhoops.
The problem with secession is that then we join the rest of the World as outsiders who can only weep at the actions of a Nation they have NO chance of changing.
Just remember, the Assholes aren't going to stop having kids.
Teach your children well. Their parents hell will slowly go bye.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 3, 2004 11:20 AMErrr... Make that boingboing.NET.
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 11:21 AMIan has a point about buying the sixer before the movie. We should set up a pre-movie watering hole, say Kilowatt with its happy hour pitchers, for niceness folks who bought advanced tickets to converge. Alternately, we could all run into the theater to get the best seats, then give stink eye to whomever sits next to us and tries to snake the arm rest.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at November 3, 2004 11:26 AMi'm amazed that i may actually agree with friend #1, assuming i am reading his post correctly. it's ok to moan the loss for a short while, but after a minute you have to act rather than just express your opinion on a surf forum. my hope is that rather than throwing your arms up and saying ok the world is over that instead a few fires have been lit to get involved. as far fetched and uphill as it somestimes seems, change really can start at the local level.
Posted by: j at November 3, 2004 11:26 AMREMINDER: i don't agree with him on all things

Posted by: j at November 3, 2004 11:28 AMAs much as I want to post a nice pic at this point to bring the stoke meter up, I won't do it....Not yet anyway...
I voted for Clinton yesterday, well, at least I wanted to. I now have 4 years to get working on that dual citizenship thing and work on the escape plan. Just like a nice local sandbar, I can't tell ya where I am headed but I'll send an email when I get there, I promise that. You are all welcome to visit and stay as long as you want.
Most here would agree the outcome of the election is a disappointing one. Most here are also immensely more eductation both via book or via your local environment then most fellow Americans who voted the other way. Speaking with my father, a man of 22 years in the National Guard, a commander in such, a business owner, a college education, his perspective is much different then mine and yours but his experiences throughout life have been much different as well. I can't fault him for this and I value his viewpoint. It is the younger, less educated that I am fearful of.
Doof makes a good point as well. What is done is done, let's try to make the best of it!
This is my perspective, one I think E might share right now:
Posted by: Kaiser at November 3, 2004 11:30 AMIt helps me grieve to read these posts. The results for CA ballot measures did not bring any solace, as a few progressive reforms went down to defeat while the big-business tort reform measure passed.
I am so dejected that I couldn't bring myself to challenge the 10ft (mostly closeout) waves at M*nr*s* nor even the semi-crowded head-high sets at PP this morning.
Posted by: steve-o at November 3, 2004 11:32 AMFreind #1, the usa needs a solid dose of CSNY right about now. great lyric lift.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 3, 2004 11:42 AMHow many people here clicked on the Kerry ads asking for $50 bucks all summer?
The Kerry campaign always needed money to get out there information and as recently as two weeks ago was marketing in NY and Ca. for money they explained and begged for to run TV ads in Ohio.
Anyone contribute?
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 11:43 AMFeels like I've been here before. And I don't like this feeling.
So glad I left Amerika for San Francisco.
"49 square miles surrounded by reality"
Posted by: kdalle at November 3, 2004 11:47 AMPaul Kantner
It is unfortunate the way many things turned out: how well bush actually did in Ca., how low the voter count was for 18-25, etc. etc. etc. etc. BUT the others (J, friend#1) are right in a sense, grieve for a moment, but it's time for change (except for the widows, mothers, family. I mean no offense, because only time (if that) can heal those wounds.
As a buddhist might put it, only a fool would want to change the direction of a river. It's impossible. Its time to change HOW WE handle and perceive the direction of the water flowing in the river.
I'm hoping some brave little birdy will tell somone something at the NY Times. What is this, a brave new world? Are we honestly a minority sent to an island of other free-thinkers who aren't doped up on soma?! Kaiser, I will respectfully take you up on your offer, though we've never met, I'm sure a little leisure time will recharge the stoke meter.
Though in reality I'm really a lazy piece of shit, we all, myself included need to stand up for ourselves more, find ways of getting our message out.
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 11:47 AMI wanted to cry this morning. In agreement with everyone here, from e to the uplifting comment of what happened to Nixon second term. Hm. Keep the eyes peeled and roll up your sleeves, there's work to be done...
OB is an amazing mess. Wind is spitting and howling into the windows so hard I might as well be sitting in a bottle rather than my apartment. On a totally positive note, looks like a couple of guys have played sick day from work and have been going gangbusters windsurfing. all morning.
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at November 3, 2004 11:55 AMSecession? Friend #1 is absolutely right - to give up at this point is to lose any hope of influencing a nation that through historical chance will determine the direction of the world for the foreseeable future. Now is the time to be most active in making our voices heard about environmental, geopolitical, and domestic rights issues. When, if not when these values are most challenged?
And we need to be careful about pertuating and amplifying the national division that has served the Neo-Con movement so well. It doesn't help the cause to write off the citizens of all midwestern and plains states as uneducated and ignorant. Ohio was right down the middle, after all. My perception is that the Republican party has had tremendous success playing up the idea that Democrats are rich elitists living in New England and California. They want the average american to think it's them against us and they should vote for "their team" - the Republican party - even if there are elements of the platform with which they don't agree. Only by bringing our message in a positive manner to the entire country will we progress.
Friend #1 - it's getting big out again. Hopefully we'll run into each other some morning soon.
Posted by: Steve at November 3, 2004 12:02 PMsomebody needs to tell michael moore to take down his "2 Hour To Go Message" from his website. i heard he's locked himself in a closet with a stick of butter and bread crumbs. oh the horror.
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 12:07 PMwell said steve.
thanks everyone for the thoughtful, intelligent comments.
remember... don't pull back! just go for it.

Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 12:11 PMMike Moore got rich.
Love to find out how much green he contributed?
You suckers went to his movie and dropped 10 buck in his pocket but you gave nothing to yourselves and kerry's campaing but some rhetoric over a beer in a mission bar. Moore only told you what you already knew so why did you waste the money on him?
Kinda like going to see the movie the titanic? We all know the big ship sinks in the end.
And now the belly aching?
Anti up or quiet up.
The anti bush bumper stickers didn't work. Preach the positivity of change and maybe Kerry would have won.
30% of the population identifies itself as Republican yet they control the country? They ALL vote and they are willing to invest in their party.
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 12:14 PME you are a good man!!!
what can I say that you didnt say so eloquently. other than this..
Diebold (WE Americans voted on their machines with paper trail) is a REBUBLICAN CONSERVATIVE AIDED MONSTER FROM CANTON OHIO. these people ensured that florida would go for Bush they even said it BEFORE THE ELECTION!
I am truely disgusted.
Posted by: phil at November 3, 2004 12:17 PMSteve, you're definately right. I hope I don't come across as portraying "middle america" as stupid and ignorant, just the ones that voted for war. Also, sorry I'm posting so much. I really don't have anything to do right now so I keep checking this. I think I'm infatuated.
Anyway, I painted this with acrylics, I felt like making something that will make feel good, out of a bad situation. Sort of a milestone. Sorry it looks shitty, my digital camera sucks, or maybe it's just the actual picture..

Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 12:17 PMwow.. i like the painting Ian. thanks for posting.
Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 12:19 PMi should say WITHOUT A PAPER TRAIL anything can be rigged
Posted by: phil at November 3, 2004 12:22 PMoh fo' sho e! Thanks for the props. Everyone should create something creative today. Make good out of bad.
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 12:30 PMLick your wounds and move on. American being what it is, there will probably be no big shift to the right. We tend to move pretty slowly on big issues.
Posted by: hamish at November 3, 2004 12:31 PMIf you hate Bush, take solace in the fact that Cheney won't run in 2008 and Bush will be a lame duck after the elctions in 2006. In the meantime,
there are tons of issues to pursue, especially local ones. How many of us are active with surfrider or other similar groups?
Secession would send a powerful message from the 7th largest economy in the world that we are not happy with the "status quo". It will never happen BUT I like the idea of the wake up call it would send.
Bush won the popular vote by a little over 3.5 million votes. That indicates that there are a lot of like minded folks all across our nation. It was no landslide margin. Out of the roughly 225 million in the US, maybe 60% of the eligilbe voted. A better turnout in years, but not enough in my opinion. If you want to channel anger, be mad at the folks who didn't bother to vote. After all, people are dying in the name of establishing free elections....
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 3, 2004 12:35 PMA lot of people have a lot of good opinions here. Lucky to be able to hear so many point of view in one place. Awesome no one is fighting online. yet..
On a lighter note, Bruce put a couple nice pics up from yesterday on his site surfhumor.com Bruce what's up with all the goofy-footers? ;)
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 12:39 PMGet Involved! Contribute!
Time! Money! Educate!
Democrats have a GOLDEN BOY for '08.
John Edwards is a shoe in, start him now. People like him, he has the national stage.
Republicans will start today building their team.
What will you do?
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 12:46 PMgoofyfooters RULE!
the left is the best!
Posted by: korewin at November 3, 2004 12:48 PMThe Kerry Campaign had more $$ than any Democratic campaign in history. They spent over $80 million for TV ads in Fla and Ohio in the past two weeks.
Posted by: steama at November 3, 2004 12:52 PMWhat is so ironic about this election in an era dominated by mass media, that all the debates, 1000s of commercials and sensory onslaught did not make a bit of difference in the end- voters were decided last year.
Thought the Gay Marriage backfire point brought up earlier was very insightful. As the polling analyses will show over the next few weeks, Moral Values beat out Terrorisim as the primary concern for the nation. I was wondering why the whole middle of the country would be worried about a bomb dropping on their uneducated asses.what the fuck is out there? Its the morals.
My girl spun it very positively: we have an unprecedented amount of new voters, new constituents who chose to become involved and now they are. As someone else mentioned, in 2 years, with the proper mobilzation, these constituents can hopefully help us invoke change.
I guess we wait until then- ugh
The results are in and, deny it all you want, it turns out the Union lost the Civil War.
Good surf tomorrow, please!
Posted by: klooless at November 3, 2004 12:55 PMthat last pic represents what the 18-25old voters did.
just fvckin' go!
welcome back, 3to5. glad you scored down southie.
Posted by: Hb at November 3, 2004 12:59 PMOrganic OB cutie (Bruce photo)

Posted by: i love women at November 3, 2004 01:06 PMDon't pull back, but be sure to pull out.....
Posted by: traut at November 3, 2004 01:10 PMdamn ian, big ups on that picture, that's siiick!
Posted by: j at November 3, 2004 01:13 PMto all: my first attempt at homebrewed beer is in the primary. 4-5 more weeks and i'll have 5 gallons, if anybody has a crib that can hold everyone i can bring the beer.

Posted by: hb at November 3, 2004 01:14 PMyep.
Posted by: goodmorning at November 3, 2004 01:17 PMFrom Matier and Ross, for all you wondering about whether California ponied up:
Golden State: California is living up to its reputation as the golden goose of politics -- and then some -- contributing more than $191 million to Washington-bound candidates this election year.
The state beat out New York ($142 million), the District of Columbia ($134 million) and Texas ($108 million), according to statistics compiled by the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics.
The biggest winner in the rubber chicken sweepstakes was John Kerry, who pulled $30 million in individual contributions out of the Golden State, compared with President Bush's $18 million.
And those totals don't include the millions that we sent into independent PACs or party organizations. According to San Francisco attorney Jeremiah Hallisey, who was among 250 Kerry donors attending a reception in Boston Tuesday night for his candidate, when those sources are included, Kerry alone mined $105 million from California.
As for where the D.C.-bound money tallied by the center came from:
-- The Los Angeles-Long Beach area was third in the nation but by far the biggest gold mine in the state, yielding $69 million.
-- San Francisco was No. 2, with $38 million.
-- San Diego was third, at $15.8 million
-- Oakland came in fourth, with $15.1 million.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 3, 2004 01:21 PM(present) homebreak.
and how it was in the 80's...

Posted by: Hb at November 3, 2004 01:21 PMJ, thank you kindly man! Traut, definate words of wisdom right there. Hb, that pic is so sick. Look how wide that is.
Gay marriage.. I bet all the senators lookup lesbo porn when they get home. Two men makes them puke, two women on the other hand.
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 01:24 PMthat little left barrel looks inviting.. Hermosa Beach?
Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 01:26 PMHuntington.
Sarj's was my original home break. Bushard Street dead ended on one side at my High School, and on the other about block away from the Santa Ana River Jetties.
Hb, next major holiday time, if you see someone in too thick a wetsuit on a Bonzer there, it is probably me.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 3, 2004 01:30 PMgotta be socal, look at the smog influence on the second pix vs. the first pix......
Hmm, just kidding!
Bruce, nice work on those shots. I know one of those guys and in one pic he looks to be dropping in on some lad. But, later in the serious someone gets revenge on him. I think I yet again avoided being exposed unless Korewin spilled the beans on where I was that morning!
Posted by: Kaiser at November 3, 2004 01:33 PMelection links:
Posted by: rza at November 3, 2004 01:36 PMhttp://www.blackboxvoting.org/
Damn. All this depression at work and in nicenessland. Would it make people feel better or worse to think about yesterday morning? Minor adjustments to contrast/brightness, but the colors are pure organic.

Posted by: Bruce at November 3, 2004 01:39 PMg----> "Tell it to a widow." What is that supposed to mean? That could mean many things to many different people.
Less emotional sentiments, more substance, please. Tired of that way of thinking on all sides.
By the way, it should be noted that I did not vote for Bush.
Posted by: Mr Doof at November 3, 2004 01:49 PMthat booger is getting a nice narrel.
Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 01:51 PMI'm heading for the California State border with my trusty chisel. Once I get a big enough trench, I'm calling China and having them all jump up and down, so we can float out into the Pacific...time for a new country called Californialand.
If that doesn't work, it's time for civil war number II.
join me.....
Posted by: Dave at November 3, 2004 01:51 PMThank you Bruce for the Perspective.
Yesterday was one fucked up day for the country, but I did have two sessions in overhead groundswell with offshore winds.
Quite a pack on that peak in front of the old swimming Pool, eh? A rip was pulling everyone there. The stronger paddlers (or just more agoraphobic) were out of view of your lens setting up just North of the conveyer belt. That is where Doof and I were at least.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 3, 2004 01:53 PMthat's calaforneeeyaland to you buddy!

Posted by: gov arnie at November 3, 2004 02:06 PMj -- Congrats on the first batch of homebrew! If you have any brewing questions, feel free to drop me a line - walkerm at gmail dot com. I've been brewing for close to 10 years. It's such a fun hobby.
Did you hit up the homebrew shop on Clement at 14th Ave? Great guys in that little place...
Posted by: mwsf at November 3, 2004 02:08 PMThe Republicans ran a much smarter campaign, unfortunately. Why the hell was Kerry hanging out with the Hollywood types, Springsteen etc? The MTV vote doesn't win elections. Clinton won in '92 because he played the Republicans game. He was articulate. Kerry didn't, and he isn't.
Posted by: ggvg at November 3, 2004 02:11 PMmwsf - yup, brewcraft was where i got the kit. should be a fun hobby to get into. i'll definitely be taking you up on your offer of dropping knowledge. you doing all grain or extract?
this pic cracked me up

Posted by: j at November 3, 2004 02:17 PMHere's what Eastside SC looked like this morning. Sorry for the lack of detail. I have only a cheesy digital.
Posted by: steve-o at November 3, 2004 02:18 PMGuess the winners in this election are France and Germany, both of whom can now tell Bush to fight his own wars. If Kerry would have won, chances were better that they would have felt obligated/pressured to assist us in getting out of our mess.
How long before we are in a war with Iran and N. Korea?? Id say 3 yrs tops…
In other international election news, Kerry received 81.6% of the vote on theworldvotes.org. George Bush only got 6.2% of the vote. Independent candidate Ralph Nader got 5.3%. The other candidates together receive less than 6%. In total, nearly 10,000 citizens from countries all over the world took part in this election.
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 02:18 PMall of the bellyaching and insults.
Just like all of the other apathetic...you are as bad as those that don't vote. Voting is your OBLIGATION! You don't get no points from me.
Contributing is what those that care do.
You did nothing and YOU helped elect Gerorge Bush.
and he knew you would. Cause you did last time.
Belly ache and threaten to secede. Guarantee yoo won't even check the box for the buck on your tax return and you'll take the tax cut W gave ya, buy a bag, smoke up and bellyache some more.
It's a shit job, you should be thanking George for trying. At least he does more than bullshit on the topics.
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 02:23 PMSteve O. STOP IT! The PPNF thanks you for your co-operation.
Posted by: PPNF at November 3, 2004 02:27 PMHere's a leader to be proud of;
Posted by: Dave at November 3, 2004 02:29 PMBUSH
How much time did ya spend helping Kerry?
How much money did ya kick in?
Oh i know, you were busy.....
but now ya got plenty of time on your hands to do nothing....again.
Never saw a single surfer down at the campaign office.......
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 02:33 PMAh, finally we can get back to the usual arguments and bitching about posting site names.
Posted by: steve-o at November 3, 2004 02:34 PMMWSF, what is up with the big, fat guy in there? He looks like he was boys with Jerry Garcia and lost a few cells with him back in the day.
I don't brew beer but I have a barrel of Syrah for those that like reds aging in Nob Hill.
Posted by: Kaiser at November 3, 2004 02:36 PMHA!! which one kaiser. there were two when i was there, one had dreads down to about his ankles and sweat profusely, the other reminded me of brother jessie from the dukes of hazzard.
Posted by: j at November 3, 2004 02:41 PMOh, the finger wagging of an anonymous poster. What better metaphor for the American voting process?
Posted by: friend #1 at November 3, 2004 02:48 PMangry anonymous poster - why are you assuming that nobody on this board did anything? Within this community many people phone-banked, wrote letters, flew to Philly to work on the Democratic Party's IT system, wrote articles, called their friends, etc. PA went to Kerry thanks to the help of many San Franciscans.
Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 02:53 PMYou Bush Bashers need to stop blaming the winners for winning.
You need to blame your own party for losing. The Democrats phucked up, had a weak candidate and a very weak (if not very similar to bush) message. They ran with a one-state (Ohio) strategy, and it failed.
Time to look within the Democratic Party for some new blood, new ideas, and stop blaming the republicans.
a billionaire (with a very weak record) running a campaign of Hate is not much better than running on FEAR.
quit whining, learn from your mistakes, and move on.
I was quite surprised at the outcome of this election myself. To not blame the Democrats for losing is a HUGE mistake.
say what you want, but the goal was to win, and the Democrats lost fair and square this time.
sorry if this doesnt agree with those scapegoaters who blame the christians and the rich, instead of blaming the Democrats for not having a strong message.
Posted by: Goyo at November 3, 2004 02:54 PMFriend #1
The guy who everyone knows?
and a guy who didn't throw in a buck for the bumpersticker.
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 02:55 PMDefinitely this one...

Posted by: Kaiser at November 3, 2004 02:57 PMHelping Campaign for Kerry in California wouldnt have helped him win Ohio. What a waste of time He even lost Democratic votes in Florida this time.
What a mess. Even Clinton didnt help Kerry.
If you sent in campaign money, it went to buy kegs at the convention. get real
Posted by: Goyo at November 3, 2004 02:59 PMBarak Obama vs. Jeb Bush in '08?
This oughta be good. See ya in '08
And who's angry?
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 03:00 PMgoyo - i don't blame the democrats for losing the election. Even a total baffoon should've been able to see the horrid decisions constantly made by the Bush administration. I blame every single person who voted for Bush. I blame their absolute disconnect with reality. I blame their insularity. I blame their black and white outlook on the world.
I think that the educated, global-minded, critical-thinking members of american society are FAR outnumbered these days. It's scary. But... we have to keep on keepin' on.
Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 03:15 PMI do blame the Democratic party for losing.
They knew what they had to do to win:
- Strong Candidates
- Strong Message
- Keep Blue states
They failed us all.
You cant tell me that you were happy with Kerry. You probably just thought of him as the "Lesser of Two Evils". (just guessing here) He voted for the iraq war, for the patriot act, and was against gay marriage, etc.
As for the Bush voters. I dont know what they were thinking, I didnt vote for Bush. But, to say they were voting for their God is wrong in my view. I will bet a lot of them looked at the two candidates and saw decisiveness in only one. they might have looked at Kerry's absence in Congressional voting, and thought that it was worse than GW "working from the Ranch"....
Posted by: Goyo at November 3, 2004 03:24 PMHere's a "strong message":
Here's another "strong message":
Awesome. Where do I sign up>?
A friend emailed this to me this morning & it's pretty much all I can fall back on right now:
"When I despair, I remember that all through history the way of truth and love has always won. There have been tyrants and murderers and for a time they seem invincible but in the end, they always fall - think of it, ALWAYS."
Posted by: paul b at November 3, 2004 03:29 PM- Gandhi
words to live by Pual B, thanks for posting
Posted by: kookdom at November 3, 2004 03:32 PMGoyo,
I do blame the Democrats and agree with with you, Kerry was a sad excuse for a candidate. Unfrtunately I also blame the American people for being so God Damn Stupid. Any monkey could see Bush as one of his own. The man blatantly lied to us and did it to give money to his rich friends.
Fucken fundamentalist Christians! Remember they bombed us too in Oklahoma. Would Jesus go to Iraq and kill 100,000 innocent people?. Would Jesus destroy the environment, would he drive a freaken giant SUV and put money in the terrorists pocket?
I do believe Jesus was I kind and spiritual leader, but I fear his followers.
Yeah, Bush won and now America deserves what it is going to get.
Democrats need to go home and find their spine.
Predictions for the next four years?
Reversal of Roe Vs Wade
Posted by: mexi at November 3, 2004 03:40 PMMore enviromental damage
rich get richer Poor get poorer
Education takes huge hits
keep it going....
j/Kaiser -- Those guys in SF Brewcraft are great. They're a total trip. The first time I went in there, I was like "What the fuck?!" Greg, the older guy that owns the place, has so many hilarious sayings and stories. Such a character. I took a buddy of mine in there one and he's like "Man, that dirty old Santa Claus dude is straight out of a movie!"
I love that a shop like that can exist. They're totally doing it for the love of brewing. They're definitely not getting rich off it. Similar spirit to those small hole-in-the-wall surf shops that you see sometimes. Kinda like SF Surf Shop actually...
Thunder and lightning in the Bay Area today? How apropos...
Posted by: mwsf at November 3, 2004 03:41 PMBOSWORTH BANNED FROM SURFING
Movie beauty Kate Bosworth has been forbidden from surfing -- despite launching her movie career in the wave-riding movie "Blue Crush."
Orlando Bloom's stunning girlfriend was banned from dangerous watersports after actress Cameron Diaz broke her nose by falling from her surf board while holidaying in Hawaii last year.
Bosworth says, "I'm not really allowed to (surf) because you can get injured quite easily doing that.
"I saw (Diaz's injury) and I was like, OK, I know I'm going to be signing a lot of contracts saying 'no surfing from now on.' Yeah, it's dangerous, absolutely."
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 03:43 PMthis election, as the last, was anything but fair. call me a radical if you want, but there were a lot of external factors outside of the average american's control that have influenced and shaped this election.
i've posted an interesting excerpt from Dave Lindorff below. if you believe everything you read/hear from big media then you may want to skip it.
"Consider that Pennsylvania and Ohio are virtually carbon copies of each other. Neighboring states with a similar history of deindustrialization and massive loss of blue-collar union jobs, they share the same demographic: large urban black populations, broad swaths of conservative white rural areas, a large ethnic Catholic population, and a significant evangelical population. Yet Pennsylvania went decisively for Kerry, and Ohio went to Bush.
What is different about these two states? In Pennsylvania, the state electoral apparatus--especially in the heavily Democratic areas of Philadelphia and Pittsburgh--is in the hands of Democrats, while in Ohio, the election machinery even in many urban centers, is dominated by Republicans. In Pennsylvania, there was virtually no organized effort to disenfranchise Democratic voters. In Ohio, efforts to disenfranchise minority voters were rampant and blatant, from the attempt to bar voter registration forms that weren't on cardstock, to the assigning of Republican registration challengers at every election site. People, particularly in low-income and minority areas, were unconscionably forced to stand in line, often outside in a cold rain, for hours to get to vote. No one knows how many such voters simply gave up and went home. All these efforts at vote suppression were deliberate. The same thing happened in Florida, New Mexico, and other key swing states--especially where Republicans were in charge.
The narrow Bush win--touted as a mandate by the White House, but clearly anything but, considering that this is an incumbent president seeking election in the midst of a war, who by historical precedent should have been a shoe-in--tells us that the public doesn't trust this administration, but that the Bush strategy of hyping terror and terrorizing the public is working.
A key reason it's working is that the media is playing along. Every new threat suggested by the Department of Homeland Security, every arrest of some Muslim charged with being a terrorist, is trumpeted by everything from Fox TV to the New York Times, then forgotten.
Meanwhile, important news that might raise legitimate doubts about the real extent of the terrorist threat, or that would suggest that the administration has led the country down a wrong and dangerous road, is downplayed or simply buried. For example, few papers or broadcast networks even reported that the American military has been visiting a virtual holocaust on the Iraqi people, with some 100,000 civilians--mostly women and children-- evidently killed at American hands since their "liberation." Few papers note that it is highly unlikely that the many bombings and attacks on Iraqis and American forces attributed to Abu Musab al-Zarqawi are actually the work of this Jordanian terrorist, or that he may actually not even be alive.
Most Americans, who get their news from the major television news programs or from their local papers, don't even know that Secretary Of State Colin Powell has said that the U.S. is losing the war in Iraq, or that many to top US generals think the U.S. war in Iraq is unwinnable.
Most Americans don't know that Republican efforts to minimize minority voting managed to keep several million minority voters from registering this year, as in 2000.
Most Americans too are unaware that the president, whom many voters told exit pollsters they believed represented integrity in government, was wearing an electronic device under his jacket in the three debates, and almost certainly tried to cheat by getting help with his answers through a hidden radio-linked earpiece."
i'll cut it off here. sorry for the long post.
Posted by: rza at November 3, 2004 03:44 PMthanks for posting that Paul b! seriously.
goyo.. You're correct that i didn't think Kerry the ideal candidate (i liked Kucinich ideally and Clarke practically). But.. it's a bummer that voters might place all weight on the actual candidate when it's often the cabinet and administration that carries the actual weight and makes the decisions (as evidenced by Bushco). To look at or listen to Rummy or Cheney and actually decide to vote for their candidate is borderline criminal, imho.
agagagh!!! politics!
back to surffff hopefully sooon!
Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 03:45 PMthis is what i'm talking about

Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 03:47 PMFirst time poster long time lurker. It is indeed a sad day for America, E you said it very well and thanks for continuing to bring stoke to the surf community through your writings, I've enjoyed them for some time now.
I surfed The Lane this morning and got in the water at around 6:00 am, big glassy peaks rolling in through Middle Peak and I was able to hook into a couple before the rest of town paddled out. Must say this mornings surf helped my attitude a lot, hope it cleans up for you guys up the coast. Again thanks for sharing the stoke!
Posted by: Todd at November 3, 2004 03:49 PMOB: It's the freakin' apocalypse out here! Sea is enormous, angry, churning, slate gray sky spewing lightning and thunder, been spitting pebble sized chunks so hard there's rivers of muddy water and ice running down the sidewalks and gutters, so thick all over it looks like it just snowed. Ka BOOM! Madness. Nature is pissed!
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at November 3, 2004 03:50 PM
Posted by: It's a Joke at November 3, 2004 03:54 PMthat sounds awesome sharkbait! i love crazy weather.
Slates charging

Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 03:57 PMface it, the republicans ran a better campaign, and this article proves it
Posted by: j at November 3, 2004 03:57 PMWhen you are ready to move to the seventh and final stage (acceptance) of reaction to this loss, look here:
Posted by: steve-o at November 3, 2004 04:02 PMhttp://www.thenation.com/blogs/actnow?bid=4
US of canada gets hawaii!! (missing from map)
by the way this has all been figured out in the book ecotopia (1975) by ernest callenbach...
"In Ecotopia Ernest Callenbach describes a society based on the alternative principle that there is a very real limit to the carrying capacity of Planet Earth. Callenbach envisions a society dedicated to the fundamental ecological and political goal of creating "stable-state life systems" in which humans live sustainably within the constraints and renewable resources of their environments. This society, the nation of Ecotopia, is born in 1980 when the citizens of Washington, Oregon, and northern California respond to the developing, industrializing, polluting, exploiting, extracting, militarizing behavior of the United States by seceding from the union. Cutting off all communications with their former nation, the Ecotopians embark on a grand experiment in sustainable living."
Posted by: paul b at November 3, 2004 04:03 PMbush sucks.
Posted by: bagel at November 3, 2004 04:14 PMgavin beschen... maestro of style

Posted by: e at November 3, 2004 04:17 PMfrodo has failed. darkness falls across the land!
Posted by: sauron (aka bush) at November 3, 2004 04:20 PMPublic service announcement.
Just got a report of hailstorms in the Sunset. Watch out for road closures on your way home, peeps.
So the anonymous poster knows I have an old Camejo bumpersticker on my car? hmmm.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 3, 2004 04:20 PMand now, the rest of the story:
Powell, Rumsfeld to go.
Posted by: Goyo at November 3, 2004 04:28 PMKerry wins!
Posted by: tompound at November 3, 2004 04:29 PM
Posted by: gavin beschen fan at November 3, 2004 04:30 PMBush winning florida was expected.
Posted by: rza at November 3, 2004 04:34 PM
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 04:35 PMtake heart...skip frye's wife is about to win the san diego mayorship.
Surfer appears to hold lead in write-in bid for San Diego mayor
ELLIOT SPAGAT, Associated Press Writer
Wednesday, November 3, 2004
Posted by: cgl at November 3, 2004 04:42 PMIs this page democratic?
Posted by: tsm at November 3, 2004 04:47 PMthere isn't even any surf to put my anger into. girlfriend and I just had an argument because she burped so damned loud. I'm on edge. I'm going to take a shit and masterbate and think about doing hard drugs that I won't do, but that might somewhow dull the pain.
Watch out, California is on the GOP target list. We're not safe here in our little bubble. Get active!!! '08 is far and close.
Posted by: hee hee at November 3, 2004 04:48 PMYEAH! GAVIN BESCHEN FOR PRESIDENT!
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 04:51 PMwho's gavin beschen?
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 04:53 PMhe's the mayor stupid...
Posted by: at November 3, 2004 04:55 PMthanks ethan. therapeutic value of my time on blogs today may actually make up for the impact on my productivity.
here's a link for eligible escapists: http://www.marryanamerican.ca/
i agree that the dem party failed and that the failure should be acknowledged publicly. kerry, that means you dude. and to the extent that we remain stuck with a 2-party system, progressives should take advantage of how obvious the failure is, and do whatever is necessary to get the party to redefine itself and build a coherent strategy just like the repub's did. (check out "the powell memo" for some interesting reading about the seeds of today's republican fruits).
on the other hand, there is more than a mere message problem behind the fear-of-elitist-from-another-state that the right so successfully mongered (irony notwithstanding). who are these democratic party leaders, and why is it so hard to tell whose team they're on when they take off the red & blue shirts?
Posted by: loon at November 3, 2004 04:59 PMand another thing ... the word-of-the-day seems to be divisiveness. i agree that it is a big part of the problem, and that the left is partly to blame, and that gavin's gay marriage play is particularly worthy of scrutiny.
but i am also confounded because pluralism - the opposite of divisiveness - seems fundamentally incompatible with the visions of religion that are prominent today - especially the more zealoty versions espoused in flocks that are rapidly mulitplying.
the only solution i can think of involves either:
a) jesus actually 'coming back' and kicking some serious ass at a wide variety of so-called temples throughout the land; (or even better - JC & Mohammed both come back and join forces for a global tour)
b) the rise to major prominence of a born-again christian leader who figures out a way of making the separation of church & state a matter of central importance, and gets followers to "believe in" plurality
c) the creation of a new religion based on the values of the secular left, a major recruitment effort, a winner-take-all war, and the subsequent banning of religion to the extent that it can interfere with civil society
are there any religious historians in the niceness mix that can shine a light into this vast divide?
Posted by: loon at November 3, 2004 05:01 PMe -- You should start this up as a forum with UBBCode. That would be cool!
I've really enjoyed reading the posts here today. Makes me feel good about all you strangers in the water, b/c we have so many things in common in terms of principles, scruples, etc.
Posted by: MONKEY MILK at November 3, 2004 05:25 PMFree Commonwealth Club town hall meeting to discuss the election, tomorrow at lunch, near Stacey's bookstore. Details below:
KATHRYN ABRAMS, Professor of Law, Boalt Hall, U.C. Berkeley
DAN SCHNUR, Republican Political Consultant
MARY HUGHES, Democratic Political Consultant
Additional Panelists TBA
DR. GLORIA DUFFY, President and CEO, The Commonwealth Club - Moderator
GERALD UELMEN, Professor of Law, Santa Clara University
MICHELLE CARTER, former Managing Editor, San Mateo Times; Professor of Journalism, Notre Dame High School, Belmont
PHIL TROUNSTINE, Director, Survey & Policy Research Institute, San Jose State University
JIM SANDERS, Vice President, News, Operations and Production, NBC Universal, KNTV11
DAVID YARNOLD, Editor and Senior Vice President, San Jose Mercury News - Moderator
Make a Reservation:
• SF appearance
• San Jose appearance
Once the polls close on November 2, will the election of 2004 be over? If the result margin for the Presidential race is thin, will there be court challenges, recounts and allegations of voter intimidation and malfunctioning touch screens? Could the outcome be unnkown for weeks or months? What impact will the pollsters and the pundits have had on all of this? Will significant reform be needed and should the Electoral College remain in place?
Voice your views on the election and bring questions for our expert panelists.
Posted by: bird at November 3, 2004 05:30 PMSan Francisco: 11:30 a.m., Check in | 12:00 p.m. - 1:15 p.m., Program | Club Office, 595 Market St, 2nd floor, San Francisco | Free for Members and Non-members | Directions to the Club.
so damn depressed. i'm supposed to go into work as public policy, environmental resource management, international development. all i want to do is get lost on an island in the middle of nowhere. strap on your seatbelts, kids, it's going to be a bumpy ride.
on a positive note, we are a cyclical country, and the pendulum will swing back, i hope.
Posted by: gvibe at November 3, 2004 05:44 PMian, nice painting.
Posted by: robme at November 3, 2004 05:52 PMI take back what I said earlier... America doesn't deserve what is coming to us, nobody does.
Posted by: mexi at November 3, 2004 06:03 PMHee Hee said it well, get active, get stronger and lead by example.
and pay your effing parking tickets!
i just got the boot. what a great day.
im a selfish bastard.
ian, that is a sweet painting..i miss lifegaurd towers sometimes
Posted by: bagel at November 3, 2004 06:14 PMbagel - be thankful you got the boot; towing is much worse.
First I had to pay City Tow to get back my car that had been stolen. My car accrued parking tickets after it was stolen (not DPT's responsibility to check). I had to pay City Tow to get my stolen car back. Then City Tow towed it two weeks later for getting too many tickets, which it had accrued after it was reported stolen. I had to pay off the theive's tickets to DPT and impound fee to City Tow to get it back. But City Tow already had a hit out on my car, and they towed it again the same week becuse their files hadn't updated that my DPT fines were paid.
I got $200 back for each of the last two tows, but the $500 in parking tickts and $450 for the first tow I couldn't get back. (Yeah, I filed the police report with the DPT, three times.) Shitty City, yo.
Posted by: Andrew on 57th at November 3, 2004 07:01 PMhttp://www.parkingticket.com possibly worth a look
Posted by: j at November 3, 2004 07:19 PMthat place is a fucking nightmare! such a racket! i remember there was a lawsuit a while back. And are they helpfull at all? they wouldnt let me in to pay the shit off at 5:02 cause they closed at 5. now my car is sitting with a boot in a spot where there is street cleaning tonight..if my car gets towed i pay for the boot, the ticket, towing fee, storage fee and of course all my tickets, of which there are alot. thanx dudes. s'pose its my own fault though. hay hay...
Posted by: bagel at November 3, 2004 08:12 PMthank you for the Gavin pictures...my 2nd favorite surfer...well, tied for 1st with Dan Malloy....Gavin for airs, Malloy for stanard surfing..
whats with all the burning going on at OB?
Posted by: seth s, at November 3, 2004 08:48 PMRobme, bagel, thank you guys very much! My best memory a lifeguard tower was when three or four, how I remember this is beyond me. While my parents I were living on Maui, my dad took me down to a beach and sat me up in lifeguard tower with my little blankey. He was out riding the 10 ft. monkeypod skeg-less he had just shaped. I remember smiling watching pops catch waves on the beast. oooooldschool stylie! Who's going to show tomorrow night? Gavin is for sure my fav. surfer of all time. Awesome all around surfer (anyone remember him killing 1st place in the xcel pro at sunset?) with mad steez, yo.
I've come to a realization. Whatever someones political affiliation, they'll bitch. Including me.
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 09:29 PMHaha, uhm, I stayed on Oahu for a month a few years ago, and my friends and I rented a car. Yeah, we definately got it towed. Twice. The second time we were SCROUNGING for change. What a joke. Never say "I'll move it later" cuz you'll probably fall asleep and forget about it. Loon's last post was too advanced for me with good english so I couldn't read it :)
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 09:36 PMMan, I almost won my bet with no one for a 6-pack for the board reaching 150 posts.
Posted by: Ian at November 3, 2004 11:22 PMian, sweet little tale. on a day like this, we could all use a little blankey. durn it.
bagel, that sucks!! City tow is the worst.
Posted by: robme at November 3, 2004 11:26 PMGo to the Lane!
Posted by: pez at November 4, 2004 07:53 AMIan - I look forward to that six pack. And your 12 posts don't count in the total anyway.
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