Rain Surf!
Muted, grey sky. Rain drizzling down. Flags slack with no wind. A good morning to burrow under the covers but the siren song of surf caterwauled from three blocks away. Wetsuit nice and icy from the night's downpour. Over the Great Highway and shit didn’t look too good. Warbly, funky, brooding storm-churned brackish messiness looked to be the situation. But a few glassy ones on the outside popped into view. Paddle out through the murk. Try to avoid oral or nasal ingestion. Some thumpings. Glassy out the back. Swift north-bound current. Absolutely nobody around… err.. except.. wait.. no way!! Lerm makes his way out. Siiick! Some smooth, overhead, raunchy suckouts cruise through and we ride em’. What I assumed would be a utility sesh quickly became pretty radical. Ledging, frumpy powerful walls and sections rise and crunch. Lerm locks into a handful of tasty morsels, carves hard off the lip on one and throws some spray. Classic Lerm stylings. Rain falls down as we sit and wait for waves. Yell at each other cause we're both deaf from the ear plugs. Glassy and pleasant out there. Good waves though you would never guess it from the beach. Crazy, high-speed intense walls and speed-flumes. I get a nice left and whip my velocity up into the well-formed lip. Moderate whackage. Get hung up in the feathering crest on a left and go over with the falls.. aww yeah.. Last ride of session a loping, significant right peaks up for me. I sprint and take-off under the ledge.. accelerate down the face but begin racing and pumping before I hit the bottom… fast as hell ride.. carve up along the top then back to the bottom.. race and pump as I see a huge suckout monster barrel begin to form in front of me. No way out and I’m not pulling into that grim reaper so I turn toward shore and then just get obliterated by the cataclysmic explosion. Bodily system now infused with murky urban ocean water. Fuuuckk.. hair all in my face. Cool last ride though.. I love surfing in the rain.
Thoughts of God this morning and last night. Rastavitch says god is everything. Friend of mine says God is all things positive. Many believe in a detached, creator God, like a clockmaker. Many believe God oversees our every action and knows the thoughts and deeds of all. Old Testament has some wrathful, vengeful God. Many posit God as masculine, some feminine. Nietzsche said “God is Dead.” George W thinks he talks directly with God and believes he does no wrong because he’s instructed by God. Scary. Many Gods or one God? No God? God as the summation of all things mysterious? God as the answer to questions outside the ability of the human mind to grasp? God as embodiment of the interconnectedness of all things? When in doubt, God? Dog is my copilot? The idea of God as a inevitable product of the human mind? No God only being? No mystery only existence? Raw and random and meaningless and arbitrary? Where is the beginning? For what reason existence? Specks of sand milling on a tiny pebble stuck to an insignificant flicker amidst a non-descript galaxy within a random corner of the pulsing gihugic universe. Or each of us the highly evolved, systematized, conglomeration of millions of smaller sub-universes. Each of us the God of smaller entities. The congregation that creates meaning. The purpose of existence. Relativity. Will we even know?
Mexi posted some of his killer new photos
Rob Born sent me some stellar pics from the south pacific
Rocky sent this photo of a local spot last week. Churning and grinding... oh yeah.
what is the "law of God?"
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 10:59 AMwhat is "hell?"
a fiction?
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 11:02 AM"God, I love Ocean Beach"

Posted by: AS at November 10, 2004 11:06 AMEthan, what was the link to the new volume of the storm riders guide? Thanks
Posted by: Ian at November 10, 2004 11:09 AMAS - you're the man! awesome photos!
ian - http://www.lowpressure.co.uk
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 11:14 AMyou can pick it up at Aqua or on amazon too..
your trip sounds disgustingly sick! I've spent a lot of time in asia if you have questions about there.. Japan, hong kong, laos, thailand, indo, india.
photos from paulferraris.com

Posted by: mexi fan at November 10, 2004 11:17 AMnice shots mexi! that barrel jim got is insane and the b&w one above
do you want a happy god or a vengefull god?
Posted by: bagel at November 10, 2004 11:20 AMhappy god, happy god!
Those kids in that second pic are so stoked. Rad!
Killer Ocean Beach pic, AS. For me, that is *perfect* OB. Mellow paddle-out, peaky with long shoulders, nearly plate glass, not too mushy, not too jackin', just right...
Posted by: mwsf at November 10, 2004 11:30 AMmexi, is that b/w shot from b/w film and if so what kind?
Posted by: at November 10, 2004 11:31 AMI want my God to be flexible! I mean, should be one that has a sense of humor, and willing to admit mistakes.
Posted by: Jack at November 10, 2004 11:31 AMi want a happy god. por favor.
catch the news this morning?
"I thought I was in Fallujah for a moment," Sabaduquia told The Chronicle,
do people have any idea? walnut creek = fallujah. please
i'm from a little hippy town in the mountains and have been fortunate enough to never see any "real" carnage, but please there is a slight difference to a construction accident where they backhoe through a pipeline and having war planes bomb the efff out of your town while having 15,000 armed marines searching every house methodically and killing anyone who poses a threat.
but thats just my little imho.
Posted by: elias at November 10, 2004 11:36 AMI believe in the God that said "Whatever you did for the least of these, you did for me."
Posted by: Nate at November 10, 2004 12:05 PM"For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me."
Posted by: Nate at November 10, 2004 12:07 PMMEXI - I've told you before, love your photography - all of it not just the surf pics. QUESTION: for all the good surf pics you take how many "outtakes: do you have? IE: typically shooting I might have (1) decent shot out of (150). Would be interested knowing your personal take on this.
Posted by: DAK at November 10, 2004 12:08 PMMarch Surf Trip, first three weeks.
Posted by: searoom at November 10, 2004 12:09 PMThe Question.
Sri Lanka or Costa Rica?
The wife has progressed to the point of doing some nice lippers and she makes every drop and has no qualms about rotating into a line-up. In short she is ready for some prime time surf indulgence!
But that confounding question, Where?
I think that if there's a God the Golden Rule would pretty well sum up his beliefs.
"Do unto others as you would want done unto thee"
Posted by: tucker at November 10, 2004 12:11 PM
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 12:15 PMi saw a movie last weekend that delves into the ideas of quantum physics and our 'reality'. numerous quirky genuises speak their minds on the importance of our existence and what it all means. a fictional story of a deaf photographer in portland is weaved in throughout.
the people and ideas completely blew my mind. the entire world should see this movie.
Posted by: rza at November 10, 2004 12:19 PMtitle - What the Bleep Do We Know?
Posted by: cazart at November 10, 2004 12:22 PMIn this world there are few black-and-white distinctions. Many shades of gray. (Most of which can be seen in the Sunset. But I digress.) But one thing that is black-and-white is this: When you see, hear, read, do something, you can ask yourself, "Does this add, or take away? Does this make the world a better, or more sucky place?"
Anyway, I just wanted to say that Niceness truly lives up to its name. The writing, the pics, the letters, the vibe - it makes things...nicer. And in a time where niceness is in short supply, I just thought I'd tell you how much we all appreciate Niceness.
Religious Extremists - "My God is better than your God"

Posted by: at November 10, 2004 12:24 PMthanks for the stoke cazart!
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 12:30 PMniceness.
pardon the profanity but this is damn funny, and somewhat poignant:
fuck the south
the author is originally from tennessee, for what it's worth.
safe for work, unless your boss is a republican and a speed reader.
ps. that pic from belize... i took shortly after 9-11; the general sentiment among the rastas down there was "well.. you made the bed, now lay in it".
Posted by: g at November 10, 2004 12:43 PM(i agree with cazart)
On E's rumintaions: what's before god? (From our mortal point of view.) A revelation, a vision? Hmmm. Not useful to those of us not so lucky to have these. But, many people can agree on having experienced spiritual feelings. It strikes me as odd that religions (and people in general) are so quick to abandon investigation (or celebration) of that phenomenon. Since it is the precursor of any religious experience, why does religion skip it in favor of all kind of random and irrelevant and unknowable descriptions of "god"? (E presented a nice list earlier.) Is there something about god that is common to human experience? Or is "god" part of the description that came down from old times, from superstition that we have trouble giving up? What am I missing?
I don't know much about eastern religion, so I won't comment on them, except to say that there seems be a lot of mumbo jumbo there as well, not really focusing on the common thread of spirituality and instead postulating bizarre and easily refutable things like "the navel is the center of your spirit".
I realize religion and belief in god is very old. But while philosophy has evolved away from saying strange things like "everything is water" -- thales, or "we all live in caves looking at shadows" -- plato, to things like "free will may be an illusion, but whether it's illusion or real, it center seems to exist in the mind and be related to the part of the brain we use for language." That's a philosopher who said that. (I just heard him on Michael Krazny. Serell or something?) So why does religion have trouble using our modern understanding of cognition to understanding religious experience, religious drive, religious motivation, religious roots? Don't get me wrong, I love the spirituality that comes with all sorts of experience -- large mountain vistas, big OB, witnessing a birth, sex, drugs, music -- but I am mystified that spirituality gets short shrift while essentially unknowable (and ultimately unuseful) aspects of something as dubious as "god" are investigated ad nauseum.
I hope this isnt' to long.
Posted by: d-g at November 10, 2004 12:46 PMthat link posted by g is insanely hilarious.
Posted by: d-g at November 10, 2004 12:55 PMMaybe this is for tomorrow discussion but here is a cool song, buy the Talking Heads (coverd by WSP) which talks about how groovy Heaven is.
Everyone is trying to get to the bar.
The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven.
The band in Heaven plays my favorite song.
They play it once again, they play it all night long.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
There is a party, everyone is there.
Everyone will leave at exactly the same time.
Its hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, and so much fun.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
When this kiss is over it will start again.
It will not be any different, it will be exactly
the same.
It's hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, could be so much fun.
Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.
Posted by: at November 10, 2004 12:55 PMHeaven is a place where nothing every happens.
Maybe this is for tomorrow discussion but here is a cool song, buy the Talking Heads (coverd by WSP) which talks about how groovy Heaven is.
Everyone is trying to get to the bar.
The name of the bar, the bar is called Heaven.
The band in Heaven plays my favorite song.
They play it once again, they play it all night long.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
There is a party, everyone is there.
Everyone will leave at exactly the same time.
Its hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, and so much fun.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
Heaven is a place where nothing ever happens.
When this kiss is over it will start again.
It will not be any different, it will be exactly
the same.
It's hard to imagine that nothing at all
could be so exciting, could be so much fun.
Heaven is a place where nothing every happens.
Posted by: traut at November 10, 2004 12:56 PMHeaven is a place where nothing every happens.
gaff gif

Posted by: bagel at November 10, 2004 12:56 PMandy fan

Posted by: bagel at November 10, 2004 01:03 PMbrazil seems like some sort of fantasy land, is it real?
Well said Cazart and Elias
DAK, Ratio of good to crap depeds on how good the light and surfers are. Usually about 1-20 for a good shot 1-1000 to a great one. The last page I put up was from 6 rolls I got a few goodies that I stashed too.
AS, Your fotos rule, they make OB look soooo freakin good.
I've been messing around with different film, with not so good results, The black and whites are Provia slide, the color was so bad I Grey scaled em... I usually use Scala Black & white
Thanks for the kind words Peeps.
Posted by: Mexi at November 10, 2004 01:09 PMI can still hear and see that "Heaven" from the Warfield in October of 99. Ahh, the good old days of Mikey and really loud guitars and over the top leads. JB in his poet white shirt, singing his heart out. Good times man, good times.
Posted by: kookdom at November 10, 2004 01:29 PMGreat photos today. I have a few from the past couple weeks, will try to post 'em tomorrow.
Mexi, Bruce, DAK, anyone else - curious if you have any recommendations on photo management software. Especially curious if it is worth it to take the time to associate keywords and/or captions with photos, and if so, the software you like for doing this.
Posted by: loon at November 10, 2004 01:42 PMHEAVEN, that would have been a great song to do for the Halloween show. Not danceable enough my compadres said. Oh Well, maybe someday I'll get to sing that song.
I saw TH on their Remain in Light Tour 1980 at the Greek Theater in LA. And I am sure they played that song for that show. Maybe if it was 5 years ago instead of 25 I would still hear it.
Went out for a Maintenance surf from 11:45 to 12:30 out in front. Amazing what lowered expectations can do for your wave-count and overall fun-meter.
Didn't hate it.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 10, 2004 01:50 PMsearoom,
haven't been to sri lanka. as for cr:
my wife also surfs and i've travelled with her to costa rica twice. the first time was her first surf trip. she dug it and gained a lot of confidence and ability as a result.
if your wife cares about whether or not there are other chicks surfing where you're going, costa also gets a point. places like mal pais and tamarindo/avellanes usually have some women in the lineup.
Posted by: at November 10, 2004 01:51 PMSo right, Kookdom...can't believe those October shows were FIVE years ago...jeez...time is flying, but those shows are stuck in my head...especially 10/16 from drums on through the encore...
Pilgrims>Porch Song>Disco>Heaven>Travelin' Light
Posted by: Q at November 10, 2004 01:55 PM
Posted by: traut at November 10, 2004 02:08 PMPlease forgive me, but W___ S____ P_____? Please elaborate traut.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 10, 2004 02:12 PMNevermind, Wide Spread Panic. Checked the properties of that last pic.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 10, 2004 02:14 PM
Posted by: Tom at November 10, 2004 02:19 PM
Posted by: at November 10, 2004 02:20 PMWSP = Widespread Panic. The pic above is Mickey, one of the original founders of the band. He unfortunately passed away a couple years ago due to stomach cancer. As it appears that you are a big TH fan, here are some other TH songs that WSP covered:
City of Dreams, Love for Sale, Papa Legba and Swamp
Posted by: traut at November 10, 2004 02:21 PMSince before the dawn of man. Back through all the ice ages. Extending backward to the gaseous swampy giant flora times. All that we can account for and measure is but one second on a twelve hour clock that can measure the history of the Earth. We are a phase in a process. I' m afraid that with industrialization and burning of fossil fuels we have severely jolted the big clock. We are hastening the continued morphing. There will be an Earth 50,000 years from now. With no trace of us.
Posted by: popsofe at November 10, 2004 02:25 PM
Posted by: at November 10, 2004 02:38 PMFriend #1 - did you catch the David Byrne show at Zellerbach Hall in Berkeley this past summer? Lots of new stuff...lots of TH tunes and an amazing orchestral evening. Highlights for me included the TH stuff, especially Heaven, City of Dreams, Naive Melody and Flowers...
Posted by: Q at November 10, 2004 02:46 PMwe'll make great pets
Posted by: perry at November 10, 2004 02:50 PMLOON: I shoot digital and I am MAC based. The software I use is I-VIEW MEDIA PRO. I am a bit of a techno retard but the software gives you all kinds of ways to archive, store and classify your images. I'm sure that I have not even scratched the surface of what you can do with it. There is also some good HTML interfacing you can do with it in case you want to post some online. That is all I know.
Posted by: DAK at November 10, 2004 02:54 PMJust found a long searched for (affordable) copy of "Early California Surfriders" in the mail when I got back to the oriface. Paging through it is a time warp and a half. To go from pictures of people riding "Killer Dana" on 14' planks to the picture of the barrel at Kelly's above is eye opening. No one could have forseen that sort of riding at the turn of the century. We all owe a debt of gratitude to those who have worked to improve our equipt. Get out on a longboard now and then- especially if you learned on a thruster. Sounds like E is enjoying it and improving, it is important to feel the glide....
And Fuck the South!
Posted by: goodmorning at November 10, 2004 02:57 PM10/16 was a great show Q. That was the first run I did with the wife, knew she was a keeper after that. Nothing like being on the front row of the balcony of the Warfield watching everything unfold below you.
For Panic Newbies I suggest checking out "Light Fuse, Get Away" their first real live album. It has a smoking song (Picking Up the Pieces) from the show depicted in the photo above, with Branford Marsalis. It also really depicts what that band was all about, loud in your face music one moment, beautiful lullaby's the next.
For live music this weekend check out Govt Mule at the Fillmore tonight and tomorrow. Warren Haynes will rip your face off and leave you wanting more. Guy is the most talented guitarist I have ever met, not to mention the nicest guy ever.
Posted by: kookdom at November 10, 2004 03:06 PMI saw WSP on Austin City Limits and they were fantastic. They're more my style than Phish or the Dead.
I have the latest Allman Brothers (BTW, they're from the South) DVD, Live at the Beacon Theatre, and Warren Haynes and Derek Trucks just blew me away with their guitar playing. The whole band was rockin', but those two guys were on fire.
Check out the link in my URL for a classic Ted Rall cartoon that relates to this whole fuck the south thread.
Posted by: steve-o at November 10, 2004 03:17 PMkookdom/ traut....
ya'll made my damn DAY with all the WSP.
thank F***IN god 2004 is almost over.
2005= PANIC AGAIN!!!!
did anyone go to thewarfield shows in 2003?
still looking for those tapes or cd's...
e...nice on the surf. how was the water?
Posted by: korewin at November 10, 2004 03:22 PMi was scared of the poo monster. it rained HARD
at my house last night.
lots of SpreadNecks here.
only song i know is "Airplane" but i like it.
saw Panic in the 90s at the electic factory in philly but couldn't get my groove on.. maybe an off-night for either them or me?
korewin.. water quality was questionable this morning... you could kinda smell and taste it... but, no signs of dysentery, skin rash or hep A yet. fingers crossed.
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 03:29 PMspreadnecks....NICE.
i like that one e.
maybe i'll join ya manana if there is any
Posted by: korewin at November 10, 2004 03:36 PMthing rolling in....missed the H2O time this a.m.
young kaiser on his visit to socal a few years back

Posted by: la jolla larry at November 10, 2004 03:39 PMkaiser sandwich with a little peak
lil' Kaiser is so stoked!
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 03:47 PMLoon--I agree with DAK on the iView MediaPro v2.6.1. with mac
I do location scouting and have a bazillion images to deal with. I think it was about $200USD
Christian--Thanks for the SL insight. March travel days are firm so no action on the SE coast...Maybe shuck the surf trip and chill in Paris...
Posted by: searoom at November 10, 2004 03:50 PMS.
korewin - unfortunately you have 7 months and 20 days yet before Whitetrash Picnic starts touring again. Red Rocks anyone?!?!?
Posted by: traut at November 10, 2004 03:54 PMRobert Randolph is playing at the Fillmore on Friday. RR is truly the pedel steel wizard/god/diety. Not only is his sound from out of this world, but his smile will take you to higher plane as well. Wish I could buy an annual jamband pass which would cover the Independant, Fillmore and the Warfield.
The MULE is the shiznit also. They definately give you your monies worth. Went to their 1000 show at the Warfield this last year. Couldn't believe that they played 3 sets.... I was so high and drunk that unfortunatley my lady and I fell asleep in our seats.
Had to bust Myrtle Beach 99 run in the iPod cause of all this Panic talk.
"Zoom Zoom Zoom....Zoom Zoom Zoom...as I sit...in my four cornered room...."
I can probably get my hands on the 2003 Warfield run. Was lucky enough to have the birthday show (aug 9) for that one. Although I thought the show before that one smoked. Tonights the Night and Slippin Into Darkness were insane that friday show.
Also have the Stockholm shows coming to me in due time, will offer em' up when I get em'.
Posted by: kookdom at November 10, 2004 03:56 PMRed Rocks 2005 for sure. The only way to kick off summer.
Posted by: kookdom at November 10, 2004 03:58 PMe - back to your original Q? for the day, here is a quote from the Sai Baba, a living Bodhisattva in India. While traveling there and in S.E Asia, I met a few devotees. Read some books and this guy is very intriguing. He makes good points but unfortunately there are stories about him being a molester.
"There is only one religion, the religion of Love;
There is only one language, the language of the Heart;
There is only one caste, the caste of Humanity;
There is only one law, the law of Karma;
There is only one God, He is Omnipresent."
Go to http://www.eaisai.com/baba/ for more info and quotes.
Posted by: traut at November 10, 2004 04:14 PMThose were the days.....
I never wanted to grow up. Being "eye-level" had new meaning to me.....
Posted by: Kaiser at November 10, 2004 04:16 PMFor digital picture management, iView Media Pro is available for Mac or PC:
Posted by: mwsf at November 10, 2004 04:24 PMthanks DAK & searoom. Looks like they have windows version too. Not sure if my hobby justifies that pricetag yet but they seem to have a lite version. Anyone else got photo mgt software rec's?
Posted by: loon at November 10, 2004 04:25 PMwow, can't believe Baba made it here today too. He is not a molester. I have seen the miracles before my very eyes. Ash materializing out of nowhere, Barrosa the healer. It's all very real, you just need to open your eyes. It is said that only people who want to see, will. Some people just drift right past it all.
I never wanted to press my religious beliefs here so sorry if anyone is offended.
Traut you have been to Puttaparthi?
Posted by: kookdom at November 10, 2004 04:26 PManother dig photo q: i accidentally formatted my flash memory 2 days into my europe trip. i have since reformatted the memory at least 4-5 times (deliberately). i was thinking that i would have to live without the lost photos but have recently noticed software that claims to be able to restore files, even if the memory has been formatted. would love to get back the 200+ photos i took... but all of the software i've checked requires a card reader, which i don't have... so i'm thinking that i might try a shop in sf that offers such services. anyone know of a good place to go for this, or have any comments on feasibility of getting the photos back?
Posted by: loon at November 10, 2004 04:26 PMoff list is probably better Traut, skatespot at gmail
sorry folks for all the off surf topic talk
"Listen to Al Green"
Posted by: kookdom at November 10, 2004 04:28 PMLove the WSMFP enthusiasm on here. Kookdom...met my wife at the October '99 shows...haven't missed a Bay Area show since '98...spent time with the band at Red Rocks, in Tahoe, Montana, Ohio, Utah, LA and my last shows, Halloween at Madison Square Garden last year. I'm right there with you, Korewin, Traut and others...can't wait to see the band again...whenever they show up in SF, the surf gets GOOD.
Rumor has it in the June/July timeframe for their return to the Bay Area.
Posted by: Q at November 10, 2004 04:38 PMLoon, I am not too computer literate, I use Photoshop 7, and Minolta Dimage. Html is barbones edit. I don't have any software for image storage. All I have is files that are dated. I keep my large file images that are printable on CD and of course my back up is the slides.
Posted by: mexi at November 10, 2004 04:44 PMhey kookdom...
i have red rocks '03 show 3 are you ready for the
Posted by: korewin at November 10, 2004 04:45 PMcountry opener...now THAT was a long three days....
i'll slide it yer way for a crack at any or all them
warfield '03 shows. drop me an
email corwin at usfca(dot)edu
Figures the day I don't have time to chime in, you all speak of WSP. My all time favorite band. I've been seeing them since 87 in Athens. They effing rock. Saw the warfield shows and distinctly remember the balcony bouncing with the heads as they jammed. Good times, good times indeed. When are they going to tour again?????
Posted by: obsurfer at November 10, 2004 04:45 PMpopsofe - some heavy stuff! we're but a speck within a speck within a speck.
perry - hilarious!
Posted by: e at November 10, 2004 04:50 PMe,
Posted by: Jack at November 10, 2004 04:54 PMCheck your email and let me know where. I'll bring cash and cue manana.

Posted by: seymore butts at November 10, 2004 04:59 PMDamn Q! lots in common! We panic heads should all get together sometime and trade some shows, share some beers, panic stories, and other goodies. Shoot me off list guys (skatespot at gmail) and let's try and get together, would love some fellow Panic heads to surf with as I usually fly solo.
Traveled way too many places to see the band myself, NOLA countless times, Georgia every year, Red Rocks 4 years in a row, LA, Tahoe, redneck Pelham Alabama for the final run in the south (and what a time that was, barely survived thanks to Cracker Barrel).
so yeah, let's hook up fellow panic heads! if anyone plays an instrument, even better, jonesing to jam and I have a nice little music room too.
Posted by: kookdom at November 10, 2004 05:00 PMpopsofe: one day scientists will prove we never even existed.
Thanks for the link e! Rza, I also saw "What the bleep do we know" and was really amped on it! I posted that everyone should go and see it, but dunno if anyone did.
Posted by: Ian at November 10, 2004 05:46 PMHey Ian, Rowena at joinus travel, on Geary Downtown is an awesome travel agent. She hooks me up often. She can beat anyprice, and she does round the world tiks.
Posted by: mexi at November 10, 2004 06:46 PMeffing internet
Posted by: bagel at November 10, 2004 06:52 PMHave to say that the Redwood empire provided two spongers and 3 standups, 50-70 yard rides for at least two hours. Legs like jello and arms like noodles. Hope eveeryone had good vibes as well.
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