E's Gone, E's Gone.....
Yo, what up heads... I just checked E's site and remembered that he is gonzo today on a little surfy-surf down south. Sooooo, not much content out of me but I thought I would throw in an update so the message board could be wiped clean for the blog posse.
As for today, I didn't check it. Yeah, yeah, keep your comments to yourself. But, from all my "raw data" it looked surfable out there. Winds were looking lite to offshore this morning so it might be pretty smooth out there on the surface but I imagine there is a bit of bump as well.
***Incoming Report***
- Voicemail says it is pretty fun out there. Watch out for the higher tide thru the day
Ok, so there you have it. Get out there if you can and enjoy some sunshine post rainy days.
...like a steam-locomotive, rolling down the track...E's gone, E's gone...
Posted by: Q at November 12, 2004 11:28 AMSunday, bloody sunday....fixing to be a day to remember, but only if Kaiser takes out the 7'10"
Posted by: blakestah at November 12, 2004 11:33 AMI'll be there. That bad boy is ready to roll.....
Posted by: Kaiser at November 12, 2004 11:36 AMi'm back in town - so surf will probably be crappy this weekend. but i'll get my 7'8" ready anyways.
Posted by: caveman at November 12, 2004 11:39 AMMusic sweet music,
Posted by: loon at November 12, 2004 12:04 PMI wish I could caress, caress, caress.
Manic Depression's a frustrating mess.
OB breeze has spun around onshore, bleah. Chopping up what little there is to choppity. Just as well, it's a day of workity.
Posted by: s.s. jailbait at November 12, 2004 12:07 PMBStah, I need some outlooks for next week. What we got on tap for late next week?
I see some lows developing off Japan but my limited knowledge stops there. This will dictate what equipement I pack.
Posted by: Kaiser at November 12, 2004 12:29 PMbummer on the winds...much obliged for the update s.s....
i did the there and back this a.m. scored a couple
dozen donut holes and some narcotic java then
caught a few really fun waves from 10 > 11ish
back in the 'hood. went fishin'. perfect for it.
lookin forward very much to sunday....
kaiser—thanks for the stunt doublin' fer mr. e
Posted by: korewin at November 12, 2004 12:30 PMhopin to do some bonzer test driving this weekend
me-self. elias you got that knife of yours ready?
you in town? ck—the back? mended? here's to a fun
one and satiated posts on monday....niceness weekend to all.
Hope to see some of the crew out there on Sunday. Sounds like there may enough swell to justify my first voyage this year on my 7'8" Syco. Time to dust off the cobwebs and do some pushups...
Jailbait - good one!
Posted by: loon at November 12, 2004 12:31 PMNo raves and e-hoots today?! Damn! Was I imagining things? I just got back from the funnest fun ever! I didn't expect much, but 9-11:45 mid-beach was totally glassy with tons of well-behaved 3-5 foot sets that were soooooo surfable: long walls, rides to the beach, stuff like that. By the end it was getting a little mushy but still fun; sounds from Sharkbait like the good's gone, though.
I love these conditions because I spend way less time waiting and way more time up riding than usual, and so I get to work on stuff. I focused today on trying to bring good speed to the lip so I could turn off it or whatever, and I actually got a bunch of chances to do that. If I could have this every day I feel like it'd be so much easier to learn. Anyway, YIPPEE!!
Totally so-cal conditions: small, clean, sunny, warm. But the water was GRODY TO THE MAX. Yuck!
Posted by: klooless at November 12, 2004 12:33 PMMy crystal ball sees:
You'll be in traction after trying to paddle out Sunday.
The N. Pacific is active, east and west, with most of the activity fairly far north (especially west of the dateline). There'll be something to surf, but after Sunday...dubious it'll be anything huge. Looks like Hawaii is gonna have a bad case of trade winds most of next week.
I cannot think of the circumstances under which I would PLAN a surf vacation to leave NorCal in mid to late November. Pretty much guaranteed some of the days Thanksgiving week will go off.
Posted by: blakestah at November 12, 2004 12:37 PMVans Triple Crown of Surfing on today! North swell in town and kona winds make for almost perfect conditions. Will AI win his third triple crown title?
Posted by: bagus at November 12, 2004 12:37 PMPeterson verdict reached: to be read at 1pm...
Posted by: at November 12, 2004 12:48 PManyone see the Occy interview in Surfer? guess he doesn't mind the long-fingernail look...
Posted by: gb at November 12, 2004 12:51 PMHere is a good reason:
Here is another:

Posted by: Kaiser at November 12, 2004 12:55 PMexactly Klooless.
small, clean, offshore, NASTY.
Anyone know how Sf and Hermosa, and presumably up and down the coast, the waters are all filled with trash and nastiness? I was spittin' up cheetos bags and popsicle sticks last night after my session. Damnn.
Posted by: Hb at November 12, 2004 01:47 PMQue?
Peterson not guilty? How in the hell can that guy not be guilty? Who else do they POSSIBLY have evidence towards? Look at that weasel, he is guilty as hell.
But, only the people in the courtroom really know...
Posted by: Kaiser at November 12, 2004 02:04 PMif i had to bet i'd imagine the jury got presented more than the media...
kaiser - two VERY convincing arguments. rumor has it bikinis dwell in that same locale.
Posted by: j at November 12, 2004 02:05 PMthe second photo is convincing enough.
now imagine warm water... WARM water.
Posted by: korewin at November 12, 2004 02:15 PMwhat a frickin' amazing concept.
im no justice of the peace but if you die your hair blond and try to drive to mexico after your wife was found murdered id say your guilty..
Posted by: bagel at November 12, 2004 02:24 PManyone who thinks Peterson isn't guilty probably believes OJ was framed.
Posted by: rza at November 12, 2004 02:32 PMor really dumb.
remember, gw is a source of inspiration for many a dumb white guy these days.
not that i want to start another thread about the red states ...
Posted by: loon at November 12, 2004 02:33 PMthere were A LOT of women on the jury too.
agreed on the hair-dying, tons of cash in your pocket at the border as a big sign of guiltiness.
hang 'im!
Posted by: Hb at November 12, 2004 02:48 PMwinds NW or NE this weekend? What do you guys think??
Posted by: felix at November 12, 2004 02:51 PMf*ck'n NW wind. was hoping for an arvo.....(where the hell did the word "arvo" come from?)

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 12, 2004 03:00 PMIn my entire life as a surfer, there has always been something special about the best time of year at home. I've always thought it irrelevant what was happening anyplace else - if I'm at my home break, and it is the best time of year for surf, nothing ranks higher.
So when Thanksgiving week comes around, and the high pressure builds in, and people may want to fly to Hawaii, or Puerto Rico, or Costa Rica, or the Canary Islands - I wanna be here. Keep your North Shore, and your Lanzarote, and Rincon, and I'll stay in NorCal. Where my car is...I hope.
Posted by: blakestah at November 12, 2004 03:07 PMf*ck'n NW wind. was hoping for an arvo.....(where the hell did the word "arvo" come from?)

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 12, 2004 03:08 PMimakooksorry.
Kaiser, where did ya decide to go?
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 12, 2004 03:09 PMbaby got back and it's gonna be a trend
Posted by: tom at November 12, 2004 03:15 PMis it 4:20 yet?
for any fellow clockwatchers, to help you pass the time, here are 36 ob pics taken on 10/13, 11/5 & 11/6
Posted by: loon at November 12, 2004 04:02 PMBlake, we know you love SF, we know.
Other people like to travel and see other things besides the shower at Sloat, the dunes at Judah, staircase #22, or the like.
I know you may find it strange but people do travel at Thanksgiving.
Tom, post those bad boys so we can all see them.
Posted by: Kaiser at November 12, 2004 04:13 PMi don't know if it is where it originated, but i have an australian friend who uses "arvo" like it's going out of style.
like your take on the home break, blake.
ever think that it's possible OJ was both guilty and framed? doesn't have to be mutually exclusive i reckon. either way enough $$$ buys freedom time and again.
Posted by: bird at November 12, 2004 04:15 PMLOON: like some of your pics! Are you using a zoom? If so what kind etc.?
Posted by: DAK at November 12, 2004 04:20 PMkaiser, do you have any pics of the shower at sloat?
(preferably with a thonged woman underneath)
Posted by: j at November 12, 2004 04:21 PMHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!
Posted by: cronk at November 12, 2004 04:33 PMHAHAH which cam is that?
Posted by: pez at November 12, 2004 04:42 PMradness.
here is someone who stuffed themselves full of some little tubes this morning.
Posted by: elias at November 12, 2004 05:28 PMuh..

Posted by: elias at November 12, 2004 05:30 PMi blew it. the wind went from 0-60 faster than don johnsons boat today fagetaboutit
Posted by: bagel at November 12, 2004 06:25 PMI don't think about it as loving SF, per se.
I love to surf. I've always felt a special bond to the break I frequented the most. Each day, you go out, and hope it is as good as it gets. With all that waiting and expectation on one break - there comes a "best" time every year. That's the time you think about when its mushed out in July...when its screaming onshore in March....when its 2 ft in October. You think to late November when the season will peak, and offshores and groundswell will combine to form the best the beach has to offer.
Then you run off to Hawaii and miss it, and come back to have all your buddies day "Man - where did you surf on November 27th - it was unbelievable here", and you say "I went someplace else for Thanksgiving....
A few more years surfing and you may understand...
Posted by: blakestah at November 12, 2004 06:37 PMElias your photo sums up what we had here in the early afternoon today.
Ventured out of the office around 11:00 to check the switch.
That photo was what the inside looked like 3 ft peeling pipes.
The outside was A-framing mush but at around 5-6 ft.
Tide dropping 1ft and hour and it could only get better.
No one out so I suited up and paddled out to catch the mush
till it dropped to an unbelievable A-frame wedge.
Then the N.Coast gods descended and blew it out after 20 min of A-frame beauty.
10kt NW winds chopped it out and then the crowds appeared.
Anyways wind can ruin any session for sure.
As D. Rather would say “ That N.W. wind beat that A-frame like a rented mule”
On a side note, be careful of WHITEY he munched on a standup yesterday.
Posted by: sponger at November 12, 2004 06:46 PMThe guy is a local shaper and he was hit three times before it let him go.
In fact a fisherman said he saw the man in gray tag a seal today.
shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!! she said as she took off her top. i gazed longingly at her, taking in her scent, before i firmly wrapped my hands around her long sculpted body, dark and dripping moist, a teaser as to what's inside.
God i love anchor steam! have a good weekend niceness.
Posted by: j at November 12, 2004 07:14 PMOh SHUTUP the FUCK UP you dorks.
Getafreaking life or get the fuck out of here.
Posted by: Sally Bendover at November 12, 2004 07:34 PMKOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKSSSSSSSSS
This is kinda funny..
Posted by: Ian at November 12, 2004 08:11 PMWatched a KTVU segment on the the Pacific Decadal Ocililation (PDO) and it was very interesting. Blakestah can explain it better than i can remember it, but the KTVU reporter travelled out to the Farallons with the NOAA reserch team and every one of them indicated that they had never seen so much sea life in the water. They sighted a great white taking out a seal of course, but more interestingly they noted that Albatross are flying from the Midway Islands all the way to the Farallons to stock up on food for thier young back on Midway. Talk about a round trip.And there was some talk about el nino and water temp fluctuations yadda yadda....sunday should prove that the ocean is in a state of change.
Posted by: sutro at November 12, 2004 09:03 PMya think gerry lopez has ever felt the need to uttttttterrrrrr koookkkkkkkkk in the line up in oregon or pipe or wherever? slallybendovvverrr kooks make themselves known in any number of ways
Posted by: serf at November 13, 2004 02:40 AMsound like somebody forgot to take thier happy pill! sally strothers!!i heard she rips!
Posted by: I at November 13, 2004 07:48 AMSF guys get your guns out!!
Posted by: sponger at November 13, 2004 08:21 AMThe pulse is showing its head up here in. In spurts but truely showing.
USCG buddy said the THE MAN IN GRAY hit another seal today in the bay early this morning.
Hopefully that upwelling will keep him away down there.
We need some good rains to push these salmon through and then the seals will leave. Untill then keep your feet up!
Klamath Rivermouth a few years ago.October/Nov during the salmon run. I watched in disbelief at the size of the swell hitting the sandbar at the mouth of the river. Pipeline-esque barrels being ridden by the biggest seals id seen up till that point. The salmon were so thick the seals were more preoccupied with getting waves. Then it happened. Just in case any of you dont know the land on both sides of the Klammath river is an indian reservation and they have the right to use gill nets to catch salmon instead of wasting thier time using the rod&reel. Anyway a white shark swam up the river mouth chasing salmon and manage to get caught in one of these gill nets. Not to be wasteful and cut the gill net loose, the native americans simply fired up the 4x4 the net was tied to and proceeded to drag the net with the shark and the salmon on to the beach. Friggen right out of an episode of Wild Kingdom. 2 hours later they had the net back in the water catching more salmon and one 10 foot whitey in the back of the truck. Now thats what i call miller time.
Posted by: sutro at November 13, 2004 08:54 AMYeah some freinds of mine from the Yurok tribe told me about that episode. I've done the rivermouth but NOT durring late Sept-DEC. We go to a nestled cove above the mouth (have to know yurok or be Indian blood to go, or your car WILL be pushed over the cliff). The cove is sheltered but still even if it was reeling I wouldnt risk it. In the past 14 yrs up here I have heard or seen 10 attacks.
Posted by: sponger at November 13, 2004 09:23 AMOne episode a USCG Heli on their loud speaker told us to leave the water because a 16ft was underneath us. Talk about 4 waveriders sprinting towards the shore. That was durring an Oct. session by one of our Laggoons.
Best waves(and safest) i ever caught up in Del Norte were at Cresent city. Mellow easy rollers and shollow gradual sandy bottom beach right in town. It was cool hangin out there with all the long boarders and we met Greg Nolls son Rhynn at the shop. Did the Lost Coast a few octobers on that J-Bay pointbreak thats not worth your time trying to get to.Cold clean water but its just way to isolated up there. The holister ranch is next on my list after i win the lottery and start dating Maria Sharapova.
Posted by: Sutro at November 13, 2004 10:10 AMSponger, where exactly do you live? My great uncle owns that freakin drive thru tree in Klamath. He isn't doing so well. Also, my Grandma used to run The Snack Shack in Orick for about 20 years. She gave it up years ago.
I spent a lot my younger years over on the coast there. Since I have been surfing I have only been up there twice and I have new found respect for the area which I never saw as a kid. Then, it was tall trees, berrys at my Grandmas, ferns and elk. Now, I want to hit the huge left off PP during winter.
Rain some knowledge: lanceea at yahoo dot com
Last trip up, I saw what a GW can do to a board at the rivermouth. The surf shop in Brookings has a nice piece hanging from the roof! Farq.
Posted by: Kaiser at November 13, 2004 11:04 AMthanks DAK. shots came from a canon powershot 3.2 megapixel 10x optical zoom. it also takes great video, but the format is large so i'll need to get myself a website to share the goods.
Posted by: loon at November 13, 2004 11:28 AMKaiser do you remember the vintage car parade in Garberville? Its a shame the local economy has not found its way in the aftermath of the logging up there. Talk about potential. It did always seem kinda interesting that so many kids moved from socal to humboldt state. Those big laggons and the sandspits are impressive just like the redwoods. Definate frontier country.Makes you wonder what santa cruz. the peninsula and Marin were like before the white man showed up. Steamer Lane on a perfect day with no one out. Pleasure Point breaking all the way down to the Hook and empty? Some one please invent the flux capacitor and find a Delorean.
Posted by: Sutro at November 13, 2004 11:31 AMI think I went to it a few times. I remember chili burgers and garlic fries from Mike's Drive-In in Eureka a lot more though. I loved that place.
Totally pure up there. Surf wise, where else can you sit in the lineup with a logger? More facial hair in the lineups there then anywhere I have seen. My family used to tell us stories about the Rivermouth in Klamath. Floods, huge waves, all kinds of crap. Totally wild.
Let's hope it stays empty up there for a long time.
Posted by: Kaiser at November 13, 2004 12:36 PMKaiser, I know what you mean about PP’s, with my sponge it gets too choppy and two years ago I hit a chop and bounced 6ft till I became a rag doll and ended up along the rocks. I stay away from PP unless the face is clean and usually head in to AG.
Posted by: sponger at November 13, 2004 12:37 PMAs for the snack shack I’ve been in the place several times but I usually eat at the “Oasis”. Ever done the creek by your grandmas old place?
Anyways I relocated up here to start my business and my professional work (Biological research) which put me in some ideal surf zones. I’ve lived in Trinidad, Hoopa, Arcata, Manila and finally here in in the boonies 3 miles east of Bayside.
If fact I might be starting my PhD work in Davis so I am really bummed if that happens “surf wise”. But I will make my research emphasis bring me back up here to the redwood empire.
Sutro, I understand your concerns about the economy. My wife and I see it everyday and are truly concerned with it. Basically the movement of people relocating up here are (according to the Humboldt real estate org.) is Bay area 43% Socal 32% and central valley 20%. We had to settle on a POS house 900sqft (260,000). We are getting the Bayarea and so-cal bunch that make an avg , 80,000-100,000 a year buying up the houses. I know people tell us that 260K isnt bad for a house but when the avg Hum. Income is 28,000, this SUCKS. In fact only 21% of Hum Co. residents can afford a house here (expected in 2006 to be 18%). Houses that we looked at for 250,000+ were being up bid by 25,000 by people (non-humboldt residents). It is truly hard times for residents up here.
The students actually pulse some life into economy but during vacations(summer, winter etc..) you can see the hurt.
Mikes drive in, chilli burger, fries and shake...ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh donuts. Well time to go up north and check out the sheltered spots. 12ft@17sec. Give you guys feedback soon.
Posted by: at November 13, 2004 12:45 PMthis is friggin awesome
Posted by: gvibe at November 13, 2004 03:23 PMone more time
Posted by: gvibe at November 13, 2004 03:25 PMindian Casinos are about it for new industry up there. Im kinda surprised some high tech has moved from the bay area up the humboldt/del norte with the cost of doing business here off the reality scale. I heard some talk that Audi was interested in building a plant "in the pacific northwest" and thought eureka could really use something like that. Maybe textiles based on hemp production? Surfboards made from natural fibers? I did get to surfer shelter cove and must say despite being a sharky place its a cool place to visit. Always wondered who was buying and building homes there and it sounds like it is like Sea Ranch north. Just second and third homes.Sad scene. Long live the Humboldt Nation.
Posted by: Sutro at November 13, 2004 04:11 PMSutro, Property on the north spit went up and was purchased by a large corp. It was rumored to be a large resort, then a plant. Its the large vacant lot before the N. jetty. The houses are not inhabited year round by these newcomers. They come only to visit. I think the town of trinidad now has less than 50% of its houses lived in year round. Crazy. Casinos are crazy here, full on resort style. The bar in the Bluelake casino is called "Fire Water Lounge".
Posted by: sponger at November 13, 2004 05:20 PMSide note: I was humbly punished today. Dredgers with power and attitude. Mother nature is King or Queen or...whatever.
You're forgetting your lithium again, Bad Vibe. You know you can't miss a dose.
See you on the outside in the morning....
Posted by: blakestah at November 13, 2004 08:18 PMIsn't it ironic that BAD VITAMIN BOB bitches and moans about sites like blake and E - yet the goofy tosser reads 'em all...
Bob Wise vs BVB - who was here first. Exactly.
Anyway, swell really picked up this afternoon and (quickly) went from mellow to peeling pump house around 2pm onward...
Posted by: Foamower at November 14, 2004 12:21 AMsomeone get the pacifier i hear a baby crying
Posted by: at November 14, 2004 02:27 AM
waa waa san francisco waa waa yuppies suck waa waa nor cal hoodie waa waa sex with my friends wife at the river waa waa i rip
Posted by: I at November 14, 2004 04:52 PMOvercrowding has repercussions in society.
As state parks have rangers to control the campers, I suggest the same for surfing.
The Swedish Womens Surfing team.
Its been my humble experience that even in Santa Cruz, the worst example of crowding ive seen, that women in the lineup chill things out.
Posted by: Sutro at November 14, 2004 05:35 PMbrah i rip, check it

Posted by: bvb wanabe at November 14, 2004 07:36 PMWho's a bigger kook, the kook or the guy yelling "kook!" I think its about a wash, but I guess I have an interest in the issue.
- From a kook who was out a little south of Kelly's today, didn't get in anyone's way, got worked a few times but had lots of fun.
Also, to the sponger who yelled close-out as I was about to attempt a drop, thanks man - could've used your input a few other times though.
Posted by: Kook at November 14, 2004 08:28 PMFor the full effect, go back and read the BVB rant with the accent from that weird video gvibe posted. I'm going to have that stuck in my head now, thanks gvibe!
"The utter rabble (in my rocket ship) - the inconrehensible exploitation -. (do you want to ride?) The pictures - the endless cyberfuckexxxposure - (I am the supersonik kind)."
Posted by: Nate at November 14, 2004 11:36 PMwow yeah BVB rips, on a 9ft gun for a head-high day.
Not even.
Go away, go home, go stuff yourself, you obnoxious hangin' out the back shoulder-hoppin' on an oversize board for the conditions LOSER. Out. OUT! Out of my town (I was BORN here, "bro", and no matter how many local asses you kiss you are NOT one of us, Bob, sheerly because you REFUSE to embrace the true local spirit which WELCOMES people with the right spirit and attitude -- neither of which do you possess, YOU DO NOT REPRESENT US), and get OFF my beach, away from my beautiful ocean with you and your bad vibes. Take that attitude to the grave, somewhere ELSE. BEGONE, BVB! YOU SHALL NOT PASS!
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