marvelous waves.
offshore wind.
bigger than yesterday.
Largest waves a few feet overhead.
Very consistent.
Already a bit mushy during the dawnie so the mid-day full-tide might be bad?
Lerm surfed good.
I scored a few long, roping walls. Kooked on one.
Made a late-drop into a glassy, powerful wave. Had balance and carved a long, speedy turn into the meat. Felt good.
People ripping out there. Humbled me fast.
One of the top 5 days of the season.
Late for work.
Now i have a meeting.
More to say but no time.
Vice magazine is awesome.
frist post...
saw Kaiser rope a few (and superman a good one), elias posing as his ripper self, a few for korewin, my arms are noodles.
A stiff surfing workout always means a niceness day
Posted by: blakestah at November 16, 2004 10:11 AMI dunno much about the PDO. Actually, wrt El Nino, I don't know much either. I grasp that on years when there is warmer water near the equator, our storm tracks run further south than normal, but as to clue...PDO is another phenomena, like El Nino, that relates to changes in weather patterns...but it is all greek to me.
Posted by: blakestah at November 16, 2004 10:27 AMgood dawnie this am.
good to surf with some of the niceness crew.
everyone got some good waves (from my vantage point)
stoked on the offshore and inside reforms.
aight. good surfing to you all.
im out.
NICE. right?
Posted by: elias at November 16, 2004 10:32 body has not had time to recover for the past month. this morning served up thick barreling slabs with plenty of juice. lots of crowd but even more waves. the tide's building but waves are still breaking solid. hope everyone gets some!
on the way back the great highway was closed off from lincoln southwards.
Posted by: rza at November 16, 2004 10:40 AMstoked to share waves with some familiar faces
this a.m. fun fun fun. looking better and better
as i slinked to work later than planned. good eats
after a few nugs make an even nicer niceness day...
see ya'll again in manana.
traut? dood—hope you ain't too ill.
Posted by: korewin at November 16, 2004 10:50 AMfun to had out there fer shure.
Yup! Like a broken record...
I swear I have seen the same setup as this morning at least three times in the last 2 weeks. Sucks to have to surf those good waves with a few friends. I have nothing more to add that the previous comments already covered.
Sweet morning!
Posted by: Kaiser at November 16, 2004 10:55 AMNot ill enough to not surf!! Once I got over the bluffs this am I nearly shit "Chichama is in the Hizzouse". Didn't get a super long ride like I was expecting as the tide was mushing it out but definate fun to be had. Shit- if the tide would been dropping I would have called in sick for sure.
Posted by: traut at November 16, 2004 11:16 AMWork totally sucks
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 16, 2004 11:31 AMDreaming of cold water lines
Next week, I'm so there
yay..that was fun..lewis got a sick tube..crowded but enough waves..i think i caught a cold out there though..
Posted by: bagel at November 16, 2004 11:33 AMcopious
Posted by: turtlehead at November 16, 2004 11:36 AMIs it blown out yet? I hope not!!
Posted by: shannon elizabeth at November 16, 2004 11:53 AMbagel got more than a cold. surfed next to him for the last 20 minutes of my sesh. As I floated around like a piece of driftwood bagel scored 10+ good ones, stylishly setting up long speed rights. Good surfing. Looks like bagel's been watching the joe curren segment from Glass Love, where he surfs super bank. Or maybe both bagel and joe have been watching tom.
Posted by: lewis at November 16, 2004 11:54 AMThere is a minus tide this afternoon.......hhmmmmmmnnnnnnnn. I wonder where it will be good?
Posted by: Reef at November 16, 2004 11:56 AMsurfing rules!

Posted by: e at November 16, 2004 12:21 PMwoo thanks lewis! fun times there was a guy on a red fish out there too killing it. im considering a long lunch..
Posted by: bagel at November 16, 2004 12:38 PMLate morning, some good waves still out there: peaky, unrelenting, offshore, speedy. The period seemed shorter than 10sec to my arms---a few pretty tiring paddles . . . Some fun drops, a nice-ish right with some wiggle time. I didn't manage to score many of the best waves, and I fell at the start of a great one by gazing in awe at the wall opening up for me as I bottom-turned in mid-air. Not at all crowded, but it was great to see a couple of talented surfers rip it up.
Posted by: klooless at November 16, 2004 12:38 PMI want to rip like bagel and lewis!
nice work gentlemen.
would love a long lunch!!! arrghhg!! hopefully it'll hold for tomorrow's dawnie.
surf surf surf surf
Posted by: e at November 16, 2004 12:46, a bottom turn in mid air?! Daaaamn! Can Slater do that?
Displayed some awesome talent this morning for picking the exact worst place at the precisely worst time. Yeah! Sounds like everyone else scored...I think I swam into the alternate universe zone. However the paddle out was pretty easy. Drifted into some mysto peaky weird stuff, went into beach, walked to paddle out spot and repeated. Within 3 seconds of my feet leaving the agua I heard the ocean laughing at me as conditions cleaned up. D'OH! Oh well at least I can justify eating copious amounts of high caloric food all day. Thank goodness I'm outta town and can't see conditions - surely they've become heinous. Cheers,
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at November 16, 2004 12:57 PMMissed the last couple days cuz of must do schoolwork. But I gave notice to the boss that I'm outta here at 2:45. Gonna be a late afternoon sess for moi. Sure looked pretty this am. Hope it holds. Outgoing tide should be nice. Damn, shoulda told the boss I had to leave now...
Posted by: Dennis at November 16, 2004 01:22 PMcool skate-oriented short-films tonight at the castro theater
Posted by: e at November 16, 2004 01:28 PM
surfboard riding is so fun.
bagel doesn't surf he shreds.
i want to just surf everyday. all day.
what's worse...
1. seeing your friend throw buckets out the back on a wave that you both were paddling for but he had the pole position.
2. taking the first wave of the set and on the paddle out you see your friend get the 3rd wave of the set and it's a way better wave
Posted by: elias at November 16, 2004 01:33 PMDamn. Mesmerizing. Clik on Maldives Mirage, under potpourri.
You SF headz scored! Again, wish I was up there to see those skate shorts.
Skate hills! Surf bowls! Uh, Reggae shows!!
Posted by: Hb at November 16, 2004 01:36 PMelias.. i think the best scenerio is you see you friend throw mad buckets on the first wave of a sickening set.. then then next wave is even better and you take off and get deeply shacked right in front of him as he's paddling back out. Kind-of a combo of your two scenerios.. everybody wins.. but you win more!
bummer we didn't meet up last weekend.. i'd love to know where you and joyce-stein scored on sunday.
Posted by: e at November 16, 2004 01:37 PMhb - you should move back up here homie.
Posted by: e at November 16, 2004 01:38 PMWhat a morning! Way crowded though. The front row of VFW lot was packed by 7 am.
Posted by: Mulligan at November 16, 2004 01:51 PMBlake, Pulse, and Wise: can we get some fake bad forecasts to scare everyone?
e, i know man.... would have been epic mongo CC sesh if we did meet up!
Posted by: elias at November 16, 2004 01:54 PMjonesing hard
new board ordered, waiting, waiting, waiting...
need to surf badly
Posted by: kookdom at November 16, 2004 01:54 PMGreat morning...while the lot in-front of VFW was full, it was sparse just south...and the waves were NICE. Head high to a few feet over head, a-frames and glassy. Can't ask for better conditions.
Posted by: Q at November 16, 2004 01:55 PMBagel what kind of board were you riding??
Posted by: today at November 16, 2004 02:25 PMKeep it crowded at VFW's, it keeps the rest of the beach free and clear.
Posted by: Kaiser at November 16, 2004 02:34 PMwell put kaiser.
i second that feling.
Posted by: korewin at November 16, 2004 02:38 PMso how's about a mid-afternoon pick us up...
there mr. sose?
Posted by: snake at November 16, 2004 02:42 PMreminds me of a client a few years back ...named his boat fantastico...he didn't surf though so what could he possibly know. he berthed the 108' mutha at the berkeley marina.... wanted to book the thing for a niceness heads maldives trip ...but the old men bit it three years ago. no idea whare the boat is
Did someone ring?

Posted by: Kaiser at November 16, 2004 02:46 PMfantastico

everything but a board rack
Posted by: snake at November 16, 2004 02:49 PMMy boss wants to see the front on that blonde reef girl. In the meantime, he's going to have my behind.....busted.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 16, 2004 03:14 PMUmm, not to be a buzzkill or anything but did anyone else notice anything out of the ordinary this morning?
Got stalked by a great white shark as the sun rose and I smiled broadly towards the ocean, thanking her for perfect surf. The
dreaded dorsal fin. I saw it. It saw me. It swam towards me. I sat there thinking "That is not a shark. There is no way I am seeing a shark right now. But what else cuts through the surface like that? It's not moving like a dolphin. It IS dawn, feeding time...ok, it's a shark" Time to paddle in. Looked over at two guys about 10 meters away
and they were looking towards me, pointing. I thought about yelling and sounding the alarm but I hadn't actually SEEN the animal itself,
just the tip of its fin cutting the surface of the glassy morning water. Those two guys were pointing, but not swimming in. Who knows
what that really was?, I thought, I don't care. Time to go in. Heart pounding, looking behind me while paddling my heart out thinking that
they usually hit from below and it's probably gone under and I should just paddle and paddle. I paddled towards shore like hell. Sand!
After mulling this over today I wonder if I've been cruised numerous times by sharks butjust haven't actually noticed them before. It was
Posted by: cave at November 16, 2004 03:16 PMjust exploring, I'm sure. Well, at least this is true: odds I'll encounter another one are
now in my favor.
cave.. damn. that sucks.
i'm still a firm believer that sharks don't exist and they absolutely never come near the bay area coastline.. at least not when i'm in the water. I'm gonna go on believing that. the landlord resides only in far-off places like south africa and south oz. yup.
Posted by: e at November 16, 2004 03:21 PMThat water displacement caused by the dorsal fin is not a very comforting thing to see.
Cave, did you witness that or was it someone else's account?
Posted by: Kaiser at November 16, 2004 03:27 PM
Posted by: taj fan at November 16, 2004 03:29 PMglassy dream

Posted by: at November 16, 2004 03:35 PMcave and kaiser...
i am gonna have to go sgt. schultz on this one....
Posted by: korewin at November 16, 2004 03:37 PMand don't wanna know.....
Cave...not sure if you were near me or not, but I was sitting with a buddy...and something surfaced between us (only a couple inches of a dorsal and tail), moving really slowly. I've seen countless sea-lions out there and it wasn't one. It was pretty startling, and I gave a "what's that" yelp to my buddy shortly before spinning into my most memorable wave of the morning. A real dick-move, leaving him at the peak with a mystery creature lurking below - sorry about that.
When I got back out there, we had a laugh...he caught a glimpse after I split and we together deduced that it was a big brown fish - not toothy.
Creepy, jurassic-looking, but not the landlord.
Posted by: Q at November 16, 2004 03:44 PMI saw it- just had pasted the text of an email to my buddy hence the narrative...
Posted by: Cave at November 16, 2004 03:55 PMQ- Thanks man, hope you're right. That could certainly be it. Sorry to name names but was that in front of the Chalet around 6:45?
Near the Chalet, but just into the dunes...right around that time...
Posted by: Q at November 16, 2004 04:02 PMHurry up a post that shit on surfpulse and thin the crowds!!! Good eye!
Posted by: DAK at November 16, 2004 04:05 PMDone, dude, done. Submitted to them today. Notice the half-size crowd tomorrow morning. Courtesy yours truly.
Posted by: Cave at November 16, 2004 04:09 PMdoes that dark brazilian hottie above have fake boobs?
Posted by: curious at November 16, 2004 04:12 PM
Posted by: at November 16, 2004 04:31 PMWind's kinda on it, but still fun to be had.
Posted by: at November 16, 2004 05:04 PMtuesday - It's already been said but Ahh the rewards of a bumpy, crumby early fall. Good waves and good karma. Had my line taken away by an inside paddler but it's all good, I'm still learning anyways, I love that people at the Beach show each other respect unlike SC, where longboarders will yell at you at 3' Pussy Point or dealing with the circus at the lane. Good times to be in the city.
Posted by: JJ at November 16, 2004 05:37 PMGood times.
Posted by: Mulligan at November 16, 2004 08:33 PMSomeone stop you before you kill yourself.
Posted by: B.V.B. at November 17, 2004 09:05 PMStay fucked off.
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