My body was hoping for a break after 13 consecutive surf days.. but.. nope. Lerm and I were forced to drive from our usual stomping grounds but we found the gold at the end of the proverbial rainbow, or some such platitude. Let me see..
Offshore winds? Check.
Textbook barreling A-frames? Check.
Shoulder-burning consistency? Check.
Not too crowded? Check.
Wild, stormy, energetic sky? Check.
Crisp, reeling, sculpted lips? Check.
Playful, ethereal, offshore-whipped barrels? Check.
Giant new raw swell? Nope.
8 billion surfers along a certain stretch of beach? Check.
Mellow, head-high waves, not too big? Check.
Another 2 hour pre-work jimmy jam today during what has to be the best November in my 5-year Nor Cal surf career. Stoked. Sore. Disbelieving. I watched many surfers pull into classic, dramatic, wind-whipped barrels this morning. Didn’t see many exits. The offshores blew with force and created that gorgeous, smoothed, scalloped look to the sea surface. The SF buoy is at 7ft 14 seconds but it doesn’t feel nearly that large. I’d guess more like 5ft 12seconds. Maybe the swell is really north and getting partially blocked by pt reyes? Dunno.. but.. damn dudes.. it’s farkin’ going good right now. It felt like Hawaii when we first paddled out.. the offshores blowing huge spindrifts off the backs of waves. Big, long groundswell lines coming in and peeking here or closing out there. SURF!
Might be my last day until next Sunday.. I’m headed to philly for thanksgiving. Hopefully it’ll get huge for you heads. I’ll be surfing in jersey and hopefully will update the site..
i kinda dislike these super closeups.. but.. it's curren
sunset from last year
The swell is more like 6@14-17 from 300 degrees, the bigger sets just not that often. Me and Friend #1 split a peak this morning after Kaiser decided to put his tail between his legs and run for warmer water. After long lulls, we got in a good spot at the end and each snagged a couple in 5 minutes, not huge, but solidly way overhead offshore whipped faces. Seemed like it was wall and shoulder, and not peel, but felt juicy to get into a few.
Looks like a few days of marginal surf coming...Sunday we start the next run...people leaving for Thanksgiving week should know betta.
Gosh, it was crowded, too, friend #1 and I could barely keep from dropping in on each other...
Posted by: blakestah at November 18, 2004 10:50 AMi'm glad that all you heads have been scoring. my work commitments right now are as heavy as a DOH+ day at the beach. fark, fark, fuck, i wish i could be on it. at least i can live vicariously through the claims each day - thanks for sharing. spritzing salt water on my face in the bathroom is not cutting it anymore...... i'm so over staring at the cams while i'm presenting the virtures of software to corporate america. i need a mid week dawnie, bad.
e, have a great trip. hope you score back east. one of these days we'll surf etc.
kaiser, enjoy da warm water and the pro/ho scene.
blakestah is the crystal ball looking good next week?
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 18, 2004 11:15 AMYeah, the juice was loose at my house. Thank you Blakestah for convincing me to paddle out. With my cold, and looking at it in the near dark it didn't look all that hot.
Mellow paddle-out, then I bobbed around for about an hour. I did catch one screamer of a left, and one or two short rights that I had to pull up and over right after the drop to avoid the close-out.
I finally threw caution to the wind and went for one of the later drops and fell. Shit, I should have done that 15 minutes in, it would have reminded me how nonproblematic that was.
So then I relaxed and stroked into all those I was passing on before, and man did I have some fun.
In the last half hour I Airdropped a big left, caught two or three other nice shoulder rides, and then for my last wave, I paddled into one of the big bombs. Had that "oh shit" feeling for a second as I saw that steep drop, but kept up the confidence and ZOOOOOOM. Easily a Double-O drop going right, and rode it all the way in.
Thanks be to Doof and thanks be to Blakestah for the encouragement.
I drove by the north end on the way to work and it looked way more crowded, way more ridable, and way smaller than where I surfed.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 18, 2004 11:16 AMa few local waves looked like that Serena Brook wave today. Feathering barrelling sweetness.
Posted by: stoked at November 18, 2004 11:17 AMe—i gotta concur. best stretch of november glassy-ness
i have ridden through. wow I AM STOKED.
great session...this a.m. with that SA photog.
funny to watch folks from the tropics put on
a wetsuit for the first time in 6 months.
cheers and save travels E.
oh yeah—kaiser have a nice warm trunk wearin' time.
as for your surf report....instant replay reverses your call.
and blake...there are a few places south that are gonna
FIRE for turkey fest.....but OB will have its annual party
i am sure... gonna be in Hb? will be there the friday/ sat
Posted by: korewin at November 18, 2004 11:21 AMafter T-day....lemme know. prediction is, be ready to surf starting Sunday. Offshores and groundswell...Monday especially good...hope the forecast holds.
Posted by: blakestah at November 18, 2004 11:22 AMhave good trip e and kaiser! melekalikimaka!
Posted by: bagel at November 18, 2004 11:32 AMtrippy
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 11:34 AME - I am sorry to ruin the 'niceness" vibe here but a few things need to be said. I am not happy. My friends are not happy. And while they sit plotting, premeditating, and deliberating about what to do about the ever growing influx of, as they say "internet kooks" out at OB, I am trying to think of a more rational alternative. Firstly, what a morning - it started out amazing early and then the flocks descended on the lineups. Forgive me for wanting to surf past 8 AM. I have had it. I try and be respectful out there, I don't drop in, I wait patiently out the back for my waves. I know what I am doing. Unfortunately this can't be said for all the others. While I am sure that many on this site have been surfing OB for years - they are not the problem. My problems come with the new faces, "the internet kooks" as we say. While I can appreciate that your site is trying to promote good vibes in the water I have concerns, E. Your site may have started small, with a bunch of your friends but it has grown. I keep hearing about niceness this and E that in the lineups. I listen as joeys in the parking lot revere you like some kind of cult god. Clearly, they check your site daily. And they surely have seen, through your posts and blogs, how fun it has been this week. But then they paddle out and they fuck everything up. I will not point out boards and such but you know who you are. E - I have a recommendation - post an etiquette thing or something on your site for these people to read. Some Suggestions:
1. IF you don't know what you are doing and there are barrels coming through don't paddle out. (you are still relatively new at surfing - go surf Lindy - your day will come, you have to earn it)
2. Don't ditch your fuckin boards in a crowd of people when a 4 foot set comes through
3. When paddling out, and someone is up and riding , don't paddle frantically to the shoulder and fuck up his/her line (take the wave on the head - trust me its not that bad)
4. DON'T DROP IN _\- look both ways before you try and stand up.
5. If someone is up and riding don't start paddling on the shoulder and blow the fuckin section
E- I am sure you can come up with a few others. Bottom line- I missed 3 wide open barrels b/c of guys that were clueless out there. I saw others have perfect waves fucked by kooks on the shoulder. Unbelievable. If this email informs one guy out there- it will have been worth it
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 11:35 AM
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 11:36 AMjust finished the pavel article. sweet.
"I think what is happening today is the current generation taking back and re-claiming what is good about surfing. And most are not willing to accept, or have pawned-off on them, this concept of what's commercialized surfing. I'm seeing surfers say, we are not buying it, and they are doing it in a real beautiful way.
The biggest part of the truth is the whole truth. The generational thing is where it all begins. Live cheap, surf deep. Aloha."
wonder if manny could make me one of these:

Posted by: steamwand at November 18, 2004 11:56 AMargh.. anonymous poster - man.. damn. that sucks. That's crazy that you hear niceness being mentioned all over the place. I rarely hear it. I try to be absolutely vague on spot specifics. I even bend the truth on many occasions. I hope i don't get my windows smashed or my arms broken. fuck.. it's the classic issue. talking about surfing equals more crowded surfing equals less fun surfing. Shit.. i don't doubt that this site contributes to the crowding. I let myself wax excited the last few days simply because the surf has been the best it ever gets.
well.. there won't be an e's surf report over the next week so we'll see if the crowd is any less.
thanks for the etiguette tips. i think it's a good idea to post a permenent link of them on the site.
sorry that your sesh was ruined. VFers has been a zoo of late. I rarely surf there any more. Am i shooting myself in the foot?
you're not going to be happy about the forthcoming Water magazine.
Posted by: e at November 18, 2004 11:58 AMHeres another one for some guy who actually knew what he was doing but clearly doesnt know all the rules.
To the guy who tried to snake me. You cant paddle underneath someone and think its your wave even if you were initialy to the north, you were more inside. I was paddling for the wave well before you. Sorry i had to sweep your board. Probably not reading but thats an often disputed rule. Saw some bone head try to give some other guy shit for the same reason yesterday, get your own waves.
So rule is, if someone is further outside than you and is paddling for a wave, you cant paddle inside and underneath and take off thinking that you had it all lined up. Kind of hard to explain but basically whoevers up first and is more in position, thats thier wave, no snaking.
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 12:01 PMi too am heading out of town next week. going to taiwan and hong kong for 2 weeks. hopefully, i'll get some typhoon swell and won't get sick from the polluted water. hope everyone scores large, offshore barrels thanksgiving week.
anon, i understand your frustration. today was one of those days where one part of the beach was working better than the rest. i rarely surf certain parts of the beach when it is good, cuz i know it's going to get crowded in those spots.
Posted by: lerm at November 18, 2004 12:03 PMbitter anonymous guy...whoa.
who is "we"?
i agree that there is an issue with a lack
of decorum in the lineup especially at that
one spot..BUT what about the tools who CAN
surf and paddle around folks who OBVIOUSLY
have position? that has happened to me way
way more than once a session and it ain't
cause they don't know......
any thoughts anon guy or your friends?
Posted by: korewin at November 18, 2004 12:05 PMI have to agree with Anonymous up above and I've been part of the problem before. When I first started surfing, I learned by myself (and still surf mostly by myself). Some things were obvious (paddle for the whitewater on the way out, don't drop in, first person up or closest to the peak gets it) and some things weren't (paddling on the shoulder can cause a section, ditching your board is never ok). Growing up bodyboarding and with the lack of crowds, I thought it was ok to ditch once in a while. But after reading etiquette stuff and seeing the growing crowds, I realized it was no longer ok even occasionally.
Anyway, posting an etiquette guide prominently would go a long way to educating people. Also, when you see someone do something wrong, nicely inform them. If they keep doing it, ask them to leave. When I realized ditching was bad in crowds, I started surfing inside closeouts or marginal peaks AWAY from the crowd until I could always hang onto the board. Then I let myself go back to more crowded peaks.
One huge problem with today's crowding is that there are not as many uncrowded spots to go where you have room to learn and make mistakes without endangering people. When I learned to ride a motorcycle, it really helped that there was a huge parking lot at my school we practiced in. So if you're a beginner, spread out! Take the peak that only breaks every 4 waves and practice there.
We can fix this if we all make the effort to explain etiquette, isolate loudmouths, and share waves. The real barrier is the one of "I don't know this person so I'll yell at them or ignore them." Be friendly and then as a friend, tell people when their behavior is wrong. If they try to improve, great. If they ignore or get self-righteous, politely ask them to leave. If everyone did this, we'd all be better off.
Posted by: Nate at November 18, 2004 12:07 PMI like the song "Beauty of Gray" by Live. I think we need to break down the barriers of "us vs. them". Think about it -- you'd have no problems calling out your friend if he's being an idiot. If you make the effort to be friendly to others, you can call them out the same way and expect that from them when your wrong. The isolation in modern society leads to antisocial behavior I think.
If I told you he was your brother
Posted by: Nate at November 18, 2004 12:13 PMWe could reminisce then you would go about your day
If I said you ought to give him some of your water
You'd shake your canteen and walk away
This perception that divides you from him
Is a lie -- for some reason you never asked why
This is not a black and white world
You can't afford to believe in your side
This is not a black and white world
To be alive I say that the colors must swirl
And I believe that maybe today
We will all get to appreciate the beauty of gray
If I told you that she was your mother
We could analyze the situation and be gone
If I said you ought to give her some of your water
Your eyes would light up like the dawn
This perception that divides you from her
Is a lie -- for some reason you never asked why
This is not a black and white world
You can't afford to believe in your side
This is not a black and white world
To be alive I say that the colors must swirl
And I believe that maybe today
We will all get to appreciate the beauty of gray
Tail between my legs? Good one Blake, good one....You got me once again.
Korwin, as for my report, I guess I am headed back to the NCAA DII level for more training.
Annoynomous - good post! I think there is some merit to a lot of your post. It should open up some good debate today for sure. Sorry to hear about your obstructions, bummer.
Posted by: Kaiser at November 18, 2004 12:16 PMI'm glad you all got waves this week. I haven't been in the water for about 3 weeks. Wetsuit got shredded and motorcycle ignition punched out by thieves so I'm out for now. Hope to get back into it soon.
I had a funny dream last night. I was in SC and really wanting to surf. It was about an hour before sundown but perfect waves were reeling into this cove. I went up to a surf rental place and said "gimme a board, I'll take anything." They had only foam boards but I said "how about a foam shortboard?" They had one (with a HUGE swallow tail) and it was bright yellow. They were out of wetsuits but gave me a shortie drysuit, complete with the floppy neck. To paddle it, they offered me some dive fins but I said I wasn't a kneeboarder and didn't use them. I jogged like a mile to the cove and waves were breaking really walled up. Just as I was getting into the water, the sun began to set but I just paddled into everything, no matter how crappy and surfed for like 10 minutes before it was too dark.
I'm no Freud but I'd say I'm a little frustrated about not getting into the water. :-)
Posted by: Nate at November 18, 2004 12:21 PMIm still with stoopid.....
Speechless perfection. I was reminising on the way home last night about how meager the summer was this year as usual, aside from those nuggets from New Zealand and how the last week has been. I was also remembering all the interest in Retro Eggs and Fishes and summer survival surfing.
Now its the Fall. December is near and January Looming.
and so ive been noticing the change in what people have been riding.
Guns people.
I wanna see pics of sick Rhino Chasers.
You may now post your pics at will.
Posted by: Sutro at November 18, 2004 12:29 PMI agree with the points of the anonymous poster but having the post be anonymous and said poster calling people "internet kooks" is kinda conflicting in my mind. You just used the internet to post that and I highly doubt that you have never in your life checked the web for conditions at the local.
That being said, there are some beginners out at OB these days. I would recommend Lindy until the chops are tight. Sometimes people are even fairly accomplished surfers and even they have problems out at OB. But the etiquette needs to be upheld as anonymous poster has said:
Don't paddle out if you can't hang
Don't paddle for the shoulder, take it on the head
DEFINATELY don't drop in or blow sections by hanging on the shoulder
Following these simple rules should alleviate a lot of stress out there right now IMHO.
I have also seen very skilled surfers break all of these rules as well, so it goes for everyone, not just beginners.
I also want to say that I have had people paddle under and inside to snake the wave by claiming "inside status" as another anonymous poster had stated. To me that is BS. If you aren't going to wait out the back like everyone else go somewhere else and surf an inside bar alone. If somebody is commited well before you, well outside of you, it is lame to paddle under and inside to snake said wave. Give some room, everyone just wants to catch a wave and sit on top of the world.
Posted by: kookdom at November 18, 2004 12:44 PMwhile i was reading and committing to memory all the rules, i forgot to move my car and got ticketed by street cleaning. fucking internet.
Posted by: robme at November 18, 2004 12:49 PMwell said anon. while i'm not a regular in the line-up at ob these days. i too have been blown away hearing newbies reference E and the site, even while surfing in SC county! while i encourage niceness to prevail. a niceness code of ettiquite is a great idea.
a note to all you current locals. not all new faces are internet kooks. some of us have had to shelve the regularity for other commitments, so please don't jump to conclusions unless of course you've been violated by a legitimate offender who should not be out there in the first place. just a request from a friendly native who can't get it as much as he wants to. increase the peace.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 18, 2004 12:50 PMUh Kaiser, so where did you end up surfing then?
And the tail between the legs thing may have been a reference to your reaction to my dog. The smile is not a snarl. If I could remember the code I would post smiling chessie pictures here.
Thanks for shaking my hand. I know we have had words before (at least printed). It's nice that we can be grown ups in person.
Anonymous poster - thank you.
One more rule to add:
If you don't surf, don't start.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 18, 2004 12:50 PMwow, sounds like everyone scored big time in the past couple days. I've been packing up for Italy and leave in 1 hour. Just wanted to say peace out, and hope every one has an awesome and safe thanksgiving, etc. OUT!
Posted by: Ian at November 18, 2004 12:51 PMian, a big bon voyage. have a fabulous journey, kid!
Posted by: robme at November 18, 2004 12:55 PMHey anonymous,
Interesting post, sorry to hear your frustration.
I think sometimes its less people blabbing about a spot, more of a case of folks simply not respecting each other when they are out there. I can honestly say the many many times I’ve surfed OB I’ve never had any problems. But then again personally I do tend to steer clear of the crowds when it gets insane - 10 guys paddling for a 4ft wave and then all shouting at each other isn't my idea of fun.
If you like bigger stuff, then once OB gets OH ++ then it clears out nearly all of these problems – take Sunday for example, great conditions up and down the beach, take your pick of some great peaks - no crowding problem at all. Once the paddle out gets a little tougher there never seems to be a problem. Granted tho that doesn’t solve the 5-6ft glassy peaky days tho.
Due to the topography of OB (say compared to deadmans) it seems there should never really be a problem with massive crowding on anything other than a few days a year – but it does appear that people clump together and maybe don’t give each other the respect that would solve the problem.
I hate to hear people screaming at one and other out there – maybe we should all take it upon ourselves to have a quiet word whenever we see an offender….
Oh well…here’s to a great next week…
Posted by: ankors at November 18, 2004 12:57 PMOh, and a super big shout out to loon for the travel tips. Thank you!
Posted by: Ian at November 18, 2004 12:59 PMhey e - just finding out now how epic it's been all week for you guys... sweet! stoked for you. enjoy, though i know you have been!
yo, so i'll be getting home from my trip on tuesday before thanksgiving... will be in nj/ny for the holiday. maybe we'll catch a jam? i don't think i've ever surfed this late in the fall on the east coast, but i'll try to suck it up. call me and let me know when you're going to the shore.
i'm also seeing the biscuits on friday and saturday night in sayreville, nj. don't know if you've heard, but sammy has decided he's going to med school (!?!?) so this NYE is basically his last show with the band, although they will continue.
Posted by: j.o.c at November 18, 2004 01:01 PMWell it wasn't me, anon. 9 - 11:45 I had a half-mile stretch of OB to myself. Probably the part that everyone else knew wasn't working as good as other parts. I saw barrels at a way-too-crowded VFWs and moved on. To tell you the truth, I'm not all that eager to end a good ride early by intentionally getting swallowed, anyway.
So, ten minute paddle, sit for a while... Where are all the waves I paddled through? Oh, a rip. Ten minute paddle back in, a ride or two, not big like I'd expected (I was on my Coffey 7'4" semi, which I am really digging) but fun, pretty clean, good shape with the offshore. With the currents it was a bit frustrating to stay in position.
Then I paddled a little south as the thick sets started breaking (sparsely) outside, some peaks, long peelers and close outs---really glassy, breaking friendly, but there were steep, even barreling, sections mid-ride. I paddled into several for some really memorable wipe-outs and a few sweeet rides. One right was a nice long glassy drop with an easy, carving turn, I reminded myself to cut back before the wave passed me by, and as I swung back right the wave rewarded me with a steep, pitching wall that I could see would end the ride soon one way or another, so I tucked into it and, keeping my eyes open like barrel-hound Lewis says, I got a great view of...getting munched. ... A couple of big lefts including one where the lip surprised me by tapping on my right shoulder; maybe there was a barrel opportunity if I'd been more alert.
You guys can hang onto your board ALL the time? Wow. Caught inside with a big board on some of the bigger sets, I pretty much have no hope, so I just try to be sure I'm not near anyone else. Secrets?
Sorry for the long post, but . . . FUN SESSION!
Posted by: klooless at November 18, 2004 01:05 PMhuh, everyone's leaving. should be really uncrowded next week. on the snaking thing, i know that you can't just sit on the inside and pull waves out from under someone who's outside/committed. but you also shouldn't use your longerboard/paddlepower to pick off every set wave. some of us have to sit right on the inside pocket in order to get into the waves with a shorter board/less paddlepower. current lane scene: prime example. loggers/hybrid boys up and riding every wave before they're even broken. let's just be glad that we've got a nice long beach where peaks abound.
Posted by: steamwand at November 18, 2004 01:07 PMi hate those DPT bastards..
Ian have an epic trip!

so fun today
Posted by: bagel at November 18, 2004 01:09 PMI enjoy OB w/ light crowd yesterday afternoon/evening. Nothing like ground swell lumping up across a smooth surface, is there? Pu In Sai....
Good post Anon, I think e's surf report is definitely beginning to be the best advertisment O.B.'s ever had. It's both enjoyable and annoying at the same time. Enjoybale b/c this is a nice forum, love the pics etc etc, but annoying b/c it's becoming a barometer for 100s of people (1000s?)....I'm left wondering what the ultimate benefit is sometimes.
The dream is still alive, go check Fort Funston all you e-luvvin' "parking lot hoppers." Better yet, I hear the cliffs of Daily City calling your name.
And to the guy who dropped in on me and said "Awww man, I didn't even see you coming -- You've gotta yell louder or something" -- you should be beaten bodily for utering such myopic stupidity and you're lucky I decided to forgive you b/c I thought you were such a pathetic and clueless man-child. Learn to apologize for your screw-ups and also learn to look over your left shoulder before you take off on a wave, you fucking KOOK.
Peace out....MM
Posted by: MONKEY MILK at November 18, 2004 01:24 PME's + Blakestah's = big crowd
Monday am nobody out
the next few days
extra crowding
Wasn't there some type of self regulation supposed to be going on when there are good conditions
At least you E try and spread a good vibe- but your site is now out of control in the amount of people it reaches.
Not "best conditions ever" or "go surf" "its perfect"
I'm blown away at many people telling other people "go surf" and then complaining about the crowds-
Like blakestah "crowds suck" but please surf OB with me on the best days and please don't leave town next week.... are you kidding me- what a hypocrite sellout
Why don't you take down your site for another month- Oh I mean 3 days
Even better pack up your report,RFS and leave
Posted by: OBsploitation at November 18, 2004 01:35 PMDont let me find any of you Frisco lot lizards loitering at ANY of my sandbars.
Ft. Funston is off limits to NON locals.
Posted by: Daly City Enforcer at November 18, 2004 01:36 PMBon Voyage Ian & Kaiser!
For what it's worth, I had a fine experience on the north end this morning. Give a few, take a few, hoot and smile.
Gotta agree with e that I don't hear much blog talk in the lots. Perhaps even more amazing is the fact that 7 of 10 people that ask me about the RFS fin don't know of blakestah or his site.
Anon has some good points. Especially about board-ditching. For all you closet ditchers, here are some thoghts from a recovering ditcher: unless you are sure no one is around, hold onto the sucker. If you can't hold onto it in most situations, try a smaller board. It is counterintuitive, but holding on actually helps a lot more than it hurts. If you are a ditcher, I recommend doing some shoulder exercises to improve your hold, and really concentrating on making the most of each duck dive. In most cases there is energy bouncing off the bottom that will not only not hurt, but help accelerate you toward your chosen destination. It's all about positioning and momentum.
But I also agree with Nate about taking the time - with a friendly demeanor - to teach people who seem to be ignorant of the rules. Remember that many new riders do not understand subtleties of positioning, and how a minor little extra turn can fuckup a potentially glorious ride. If they are not receptive, paddle near them and box them out like when rebounding in basketball. That's even more effective if you have a couple of people to do it. Most newbies are very easily intimidated into submission or leaving when surrounded by a pack of surfers that are jockeying them.
Posted by: loon at November 18, 2004 01:46 PMdamn.. maybe it's time for a little site hibernation. look for less surf-related babbling and more quasi-psycho, improvised sci-fi ramblings from yours truly. Less surf talk. Less enthusiasm. No spot naming ever. More random-ass, grisled, dreamscape vision-questing.
sorry about spoiling people's good times.
It's crazy that other people hear niceness referenced but i've never ever heard it mentioned even once. I've never met a surfer who has heard of e's surf report. (though everyone knows surfpulse and blakestah and surfline).
do a search for ocean beach or san francisco surfing and you'll see blakestah and surfline and wannasurf and surfpulse but no E's.
not that it matters.
Ian - have a sick trip homie!
Kaiser - enjoy the rock.
Posted by: e at November 18, 2004 01:50 PMHey Klooless, re: hanging on ...I think I mentioned this before, but in case of imminent, non-duckdiveable [ to me @ this time ] clunkers on the head, I usually grab the railsaver, dive/jump straight down [ feet or head first ] and curl up as compactly as possible, cannonball style. Head downwards is best. . Dragging and time spent underwater is minimized. Recovery quick. Woe to be caught in that wrong place, but I've taken entire sets direct on the head and not lost my board. This has worked for my Flying Brick too, though in smaller conditions. I go to great lenghts to avoid people, but you know where I usually splash around and I farking swear by this board-and-arse saving method. At least until field testing yields something better ;)
Now that I'm getting pretty good at survival skills, I wouldn't mind having your knack for picking peaks and take off spots! What's the secret?!
Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at November 18, 2004 01:53 PMdon't listen to anonymous whiners...they're pretty much useless...anyone really serious will be serious enough to talk to you face to face, or at least using their real name...
Posted by: blakestah at November 18, 2004 01:55 PMerr... "Daly City Enforcer" ok you can keep your sandbars...but if you EVER...and I mean EVER venture up north of Sloat into OUR much as to check the waves out...we're going to remodel your vehicle and forcefeed you your own wetsuit.
Posted by: you have been warned... at November 18, 2004 01:56 PMAlright E regulars -- school is in session. I'd like to add to the Anon. post regarding lack of etiquette in the surf.
If you haoles are reading this, please remember this rule as well:
As soon as you see someone paddling for a wave and they have a good chance of catching it, STOP PADDLING FROM THE SHOULDER, AND WAIT YOUR TURN.
When you keep paddling, your weight pushes the lip down, and you "snowball" your fellow man who was in better position than you and who took off at/behind the peak. This ruins his ride.
I saw way too many roofs caved in this fall by guys paddling from the shoulder and watching to see if the guy inside of them would catch the wave. WAIT YOUR TURN. TAKE TIME, WAVE COME.
Posted by: Obey One Ka'noe at November 18, 2004 01:58 PMRegardless of whether or not someone is posting with a real name or not, I would love to see taken off the air from NOW until Christmas. C'mon Blakestah, conduct an experiment. It will be for the benefit of San Francisco surfing (which you claim to be supporting all the time).
Is Blakestah your real name?
Posted by: anti-blake at November 18, 2004 02:00 PMi know that everyone wants good waves, but remember that no matter how much it sucks that someone dropped in on you, or whatever, there will always be another wave. really, i'm not making that up. that is what is so amazing about the ocean. if you wait it out, have a little patience, waves will come to you. sure, its ok to be mad about some idiot messing up your ride. and sure, teach people the etiquette. but honestly there comes a point when all that your complaining does is make your experience even worse.
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 02:02 PMSame goes for Surfpulse. Feel the pulse!! Take it down from Now until Christmas, and let's see what happens.
Actually, same with this damn site! Take it down, E!! Let the real surfers have a break.
Posted by: anti-pulse at November 18, 2004 02:02 PMPeople should learn how to surf properly before they paddle out in good waves. Otherwise they are creating hazards in good surf. Ever had a lip to the head and been sent to the bottom with it because some barn pushed the lip down??
There are rules in surfing, and respecting your fellow wave riders is one.
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 02:05 PMIts funny how people who hate this site are checking it so often.
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 02:08 PMWhy box out a beginner like in basketball when you can box him out like in the boxing ring? Look out beginners -- tread softly or get your ass down to Lindemar or other spots south.
You're gonna get drilled.
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 02:09 PMit's like the Howard Stern ratings -- we hate it, but we are so damn curious about what you kooks are talking about!!
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 02:10 PMPercentage of people who actually know how to surf properly in SF: 15%
Posted by: SF census bureau at November 18, 2004 02:13 PMI don't believe at all that taking down the sites will result in empty, perfect OB.
But I will have some of what you are smoking.
Posted by: kookdom at November 18, 2004 02:15 PMIAN-
Enjoy yourself and if you have a girlfriend right now, be respectful and dont tell her what happens in Italy. Young man in Europe, w/Italian women...Ian do that thang shake that as boy!!!!
I like all kind of waves.I too like clean small waves and actually learned more in conditions like yesterday than on the big days. I had a little angst as I was working and the thought of 100 peeps claiming barrels and "all time" conditions in good 5 ft surf just bothered me. I was raised with the conviction that something for nothing means nothing and I was a little bitter that the line-ups were filled with people who can only surf ob when it is pristine and then go claiming to boot. Another surf ettiquette thing is to not claim. Firsts are one thing but we should speak like weve been there before.
Lastly, paying your dues will turn you into one of those surfers E sees ripping on days like yesterday. The ocean will give it to you but what are you going to do with it?
Have a good time out there...we havent been that bad to each other.. keep helping people and spreading a more positive trying evcen though I may have a scowl and sound like a little biatch!!!
Posted by: pez at November 18, 2004 02:16 PMone other tip for any ditchers riding longboards or other widenose craft -- turn that sucker around in the face of impending doom. the tail is usually smaller and easier to slice thru the oncoming wave/whitewash.
Posted by: loon at November 18, 2004 02:21 PMyou cant stop me
Posted by: population at November 18, 2004 02:22 PMe, your not spoiling peeps good times. you gotta know it's not about you. it's the people not understanding proper surf ettiquite and protocol. your karma is clean, vibe is positive. don't let haters spoil your stoke.
keep the site up, post some rules for the newbs. those in the know, be nice and constructive in your knowledge transfer. newbs pay attention to those who offer constructive advice, it will get you farther faster. trust me, even if it means getting out of the water on a given day. show respect to each other's abilities and act accordingly. good karma will flow everyones way.
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 18, 2004 02:27 PMGood luck with the Italian women Ian, lived there for a year and couldn't even get them to look at me.
Tip: Be the only dude in Rome with a Harley, park that thing on top of Piazza Del Popolo, they will come flocking. Must be something about a loud four stroke that sends the italian ladies into a frenzy.
Best Bet: Lost, unknowing, homesick american traveler ladies. Stocked Pond, sure catch.
Must See: Apolo and Dafne by Bernini @ Villa Borghese in Rome

Posted by: kookdom at November 18, 2004 02:34 PMI am bummed to have been out of town this week on business travel AND to be gone most of next week visiting relatives for Turkey Day.
E, don't feel like your site is the one contributing to the crowds at OB. There are at least two yahoo groups dedicated to NorCal surfing where the newbies rave about the conditions at OB to each other. You have to think that Yahoo gets way more traffic than your site...
BTW, thanks all for the tip on not sectioning the wave from the shoulder. I'll be self-enforcing from now on.
Posted by: steve-o at November 18, 2004 02:39 PMWow, what a bunch of fucking babies today! You guys all got out and scored good waves and all you can do is bitch about it? Fuck YOU! I'm stuck behind this desk AGAIN, and would be overjoyed at even an overcrowded knee-high boat docks sesh, and I gotta listen to you fags whine about and Niceness? Jesus fucking Christ. Too crowded? It's OCEAN FUCKING BEACH. Try paddling 15 yards north or south, you mental giants. You want to obsess over one stupid sandbar, you deserve the frustration you get. And if some kook on a popout funboard ditches in front of you, it's the *kook's* fault, not E's.
Posted by: cazart at November 18, 2004 02:47 PMFucking whiners. Next time I see you, I'm snaking your waves, running over your boards, and stealin' yo' bitches. Make sure your people are there so they can watch!
Ocean Beach Will Take Care Of Itself.
Always has. Always will.
this is another repeat of 3 weeks ago. bitch bitch bitch, whine whine whine, etc. etc. etc.
I will break it down for all of you.
1) More people moved to SF in the last 7-10 years than anytime since the 50s.
2) Surfing is now a "cool" thing to try for the late 20s-30s crowd.
3) These new surfers are the ones that dont understand the laws of surfing because they werent hassled and frowned upon as a little grom. they need to be yelled at more often i think.
4) OB is only survivable for the "problem" crowd at head high and smaller.
5) there are like 50 internet sites that you can check to know when its small and clean.
6) the frickin' local news screams when theres "an offshore flow"
Please stop debating this, there is no solution but to surf well and hassle those who dont know their ass from a hole in the wall.
and i did leave my name so if you have a problem with it just send a shot my way. anons suck.
Posted by: dsx at November 18, 2004 02:47 PM"properly" = ???
anyone who is better than you, rips.
anyone who is worse, sucks.
"you" are the center of the world.
if you rip, surf OB.
if you suck, surf Lindy.
don't surf anywhere else.
Posted by: paul b at November 18, 2004 02:51 PMI've got one suggestion for you E, and the rest of the niceness crew. Password protect this website, or the surf area, then give the password to whomever you wish, problem solved. This website stretches out farther than you think. I live in Detroit and check it daily. I'm jealous from the sounds of things this week. I'd love to see some pictures of it when things settle down.
Posted by: DM at November 18, 2004 02:54 PMMaybe we should set up a couple of flags between Lincoln and Fulton for a whiner/kook zone.
Cazart, that was the funniest thing I have read on this site in a long time.
The anonymous post that started this circle jerk was actually well thought out and constructive.
Hard to remember that now though.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 18, 2004 02:55 PMThanks for the etiquette and hanging on tips! And I'm pissed off and outraged too! Probably!
Posted by: klooless at November 18, 2004 02:59 PMcazart and dsx - WELL said the both of you! Congrads.
Couldn’t agree more...stop all the childish moaning. Anyone who thinks this site contributes to the crowds is delusional. It is the f*cking ocean and it WILL take care of itself. I've NEVER seen a day at OB where there wasn't some surf to spare - it's a bloody large beach for godsakes - if you don't like the crowds then don't go out in them. Crying about a site that gets less than 100 posts a day is pathetic.
E - you are doing a great job, don’t be fooled into somehow thinking by a couple of cry babies who had a bad session and want to vent – that you are somehow hurting SF surfing – that’s utter crap and you should know it.
I honestly cannot think of any time in the past 2 months when it’s been OH and plus that I have once been pissed off by the crowds. Christ this is San Francisco for gods sakes? Do you people not get that??? If you want solitude in the waves sod off up to Oregon and start moaning about the lack of people or something. Either way GET OVER IT.
Have fun…
Posted by: ankors at November 18, 2004 03:03 PMgood thoughts and good points made and
taken from today's banter. i WILL say this
E— the folks i have met in person, including yourself,
from this little community of zeroes and ones
are solid, real, professional folks who happen to
love to surf and happen to live in sf.
this is a GOOD THING. it is positive to know
faces and names. over the last few months
i have learned many faces and names, shared
some fun waves and good laughs with some of
ya'll. this conflict seems to be a microcosm of the problems
at the beach—anonymous people disparaging those
they don't know or take the time to know.
sad. supposedly we surf for fun. people demonstrate
their stoke in many ways, E has a blog, blake is a
weather freak but THEY DO SOMETHING AND FROM
can any of the negative energy folks say the same?
be nice and play fair. learn the rules. say howdy.
act like an adult and be treated that way....all those
quaint rules apply in life and the water.
all you cats—travel safe and catch some fun waves
wherever you go. personally, i look very forward to
hearing your stories in person or on my screen.
sorry for the long post. have a great weekend and
Posted by: korewin at November 18, 2004 03:06 PMremember to give thanks that YOU CAN SURF.
some folks only dream of the luxuries we take for
granted all too often.
in other news anyone notice that big eroded rock looking thing in front of the ramp today? crazy..that thing was a foam pad a week ago, i remember telling my dog to get away from it..and now its morphed into a big soft rock. science is crazy! i didnt know foam could do that, seems like a nice thing for an artificial reef actually...
Posted by: bagel at November 18, 2004 03:13 PMI saw that foam thing yesterday when I was headed out, it was bobbing around in the shorebreak! A couple dudes roped that steer in and planted it back on the beach thank god. Now that would be something to complain about.
"I made the drop only to pull in and get shoulder hopped by this huge foam thing. Fucking foam kook, go home foamie. You ruined my narrel!"
Posted by: kookdom at November 18, 2004 03:20 PM*ian - have fun in italy, looking forward to the art it inspires you to create
*kaiser - have fun at mecca. take pics of scantily clad women to share
*klooless - you're STILL outraged? i see your outrage and raise you an angry at a situation i can't control.
everyone else whining about crowds at couple mile stretch of beach...that OH YEAH, happens to be the western border of a city with a population well over a mil - HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
i know change begins with one man...but e's not the man changing the landscape out there.
sex is fun. try it once, you're hooked. thus, people fuck and continue to fuck til ma nature takes 'em outta the game.
Posted by: j at November 18, 2004 03:25 PMskating is fun. try it once, you're hooked. thus, people skate and continue to skate til their bones are brittle and busted.
surfing is fun. try it once, you're hooked. thus, people surf and continue to surf til it's no longer physically possible.
Three most fucked up garbage items seen @ OB
1)A refrigerator without the door. Huge commercial one
Posted by: pez at November 18, 2004 03:25 PM2) Pickup truck bed liner. dude you could of sold it or given it away on craig's
3) My 7'6 funboard. Got like 4 waves on it and OB decided that was enough. Havent surfed a funboard since. Wont until I'm over 40.
Detroit, I knew it! We're being invaded by the Detriot surf cartel. Take it from and old-timer (that's for you Blakestah) it ain't as crowded as it was pre-E. Most people out there can out paddle me and often do but I still get a fair share of waves. There are a few more aggessive surfers per-capita than earlier days I think... Got problems with the crowds, spread out and go someplace less crowded. Just stay the hell away from me ;)
Posted by: Dennis at November 18, 2004 03:31 PMLive YOUR life and don't put down others.
E's livin' his fully.
Share/listen YOUR music...

paddle out even when it's not "on"

and burn while watchin' a moonset such as last night...
You'll enjoy more out of life and be a better person to all in this small world.
Detroit? Like whoa!
Posted by: Hb at November 18, 2004 03:33 PMBye bye you goons or loons or bagels or kooks. I am OUT.
Posted by: so long at November 18, 2004 03:34 PMno dont leave!
Posted by: bagel at November 18, 2004 03:39 PMsea scum - I told kaiser pretty much the same thing on the phone earlier today. I still hope he has a good time, still not a choice I would make - leaving here Thanksgiving week. My real name is Dave Blake and my cell phone number is posted on my web site. Feel free to call it and bitch if that will keep you from posting your whining here.
I've met quite a few of the regular peeps here, and they're all good people in my book (even BVB). To the extent it helps build a bit of a surf community in town, I think that is a good thing. To the extent it is an anonymous whining bulletin board, it could just go away AFAIAC. I ALWAYS enjoy surfing with niceness peeps, its like surfing with other people I know, except they don't drop in on my like most of my non-niceness friends do.
Most screwed up things seen at OB
Posted by: blakestah at November 18, 2004 03:40 PM1) the 47 footer backing into the lineup
2) a right whale dolphin
3) coast guard rescue dummy, lost, rescued by a surfer
4) tires (like, how exactly does a tire get onto the beach)
5) HUGE mounds of foam after a real whing-dinger storm
oh and Korewin, sounds good and there might be sumtin left out there too...
We'll talk as turkeyday gets closer yo!
Posted by: Hb at November 18, 2004 03:40 PMI finally got a new longskate deck and am trying to get new trucks and wheels (rear set of trucks/wheels also got crushed under the MUNI). I heard that there are some new Randall trucks out there that have bushings on the outside that minimize speed wobble. Anyone heard of or tried these before.
o-yea, to all those enforcers out there, heres something to enforce - FEEDING PIGEONS IN SF IS ILLEGAL- REPORT VIOLATORS TO 553 0123. Damn flying rats......
Posted by: traut at November 18, 2004 03:45 PMthere's a lady with an Australian shepherd dog that walks the promenade EVERY morning and feeds enormous amounts of bread to the pigeons...I never knew it was illegal, but always disliked it.
Posted by: blakestah at November 18, 2004 03:51 PMjust when i thought the voices of reason had prevailed.
Posted by: robme at November 18, 2004 03:53 PM(in reference to go home)
Posted by: robme at November 18, 2004 03:54 PMThat bird feeding freak would probably get off on the technicality that the Gulls and Crows/Ravens are eating it. Every few months a homing pidgeon gets lost at OB and within a few days I see its carcass being eaten by Ravens.
Unfortunately my dog scares away the 'locals' and eats the shit.
I'll check next time I see her and if there is one pidgeon in attendence, I will make the call.
Posted by: friend #1 at November 18, 2004 03:59 PMI claim a SMALL TRACTOR TIRE (last spring) that I rolled up from the surf zone and up the dirt path and left by the trash cans. Man those things are heavy when packed with sand.
Hope to rejoin you all once I have my wetsuit back from Oneill. Also, it would be fun to meet some of you some time.
People will keep surfing OB more and more so every stranger you convert to a friend = more fun surfing!
Posted by: Nate at November 18, 2004 04:03 PMHb—shoot me an email at my
yeah i DO think we'll have some
Posted by: korewin at November 18, 2004 04:03 PMleftovers after turkey day....
the classic showdown
Posted by: e at November 18, 2004 04:06 PMSome might say "take a chill, G"
But fuck that shit, there's a nigga trying to kill me
Posted by: rza at November 18, 2004 04:19 PMIf e's site comes down, I'll just call wise, sf surf or pull up other reports.
And one clarification: niceness is some stoned-organic word made up by e that doesn't actually have anything to do with being nice. So, as e has pointed out in the past, this site doesn't have any nice intentions.
My take is to act responsibly and don't be an asshole even if you're in the right b/c that just pisses people off and doesn't have any effect on correcting behavior. A nice attitude should be promoted so everyone has more fun out there. If someone drops in on you and nicely apologizes and doesn't do it again to anyone else, you feel a lot better than someone who says "you should've yelled louder."
Also, why assume people are "internet kooks". What does that even mean? Just because you're not a day laborer doesn't make you some internet billionaire. The bay area is packed full of colleges with surfers and more from other schools who move here for the culture and lifestyle. Combine that with all the surf movies coming out on the big screen every few months and you've got lots of new surfers. Plus, it's fun. So surfers encourage other surfers (except for you secret pleasure people who walk around with a scowl and never talk surf--nice way to live). Take this site down and blakestah's site down and we'll still sit there at Thanksgiving dinner waxing poetic about waves to our non-surfing friends and family (or is that just me?).
Posted by: shak at November 18, 2004 04:19 PMblakestah gives his name and cell phone number and people still call him out behind sheaths of anonymity....cowardice
Posted by: j at November 18, 2004 04:20 PMI haven't read all the comments yet today but I am gonna leave for a few days so you guys can have one less kookmeyer in the lineup!
Enjoy the elbow room until after Thanksgiving.
-mini shaka-
Posted by: Kaiser at November 18, 2004 04:25 PM
posted this yesterday but it might be better for today, this is for all you frowny face, grumpy, poopy pants, hardcore guys :( get ready to turn that frown upside down!!
Posted by: bagel at November 18, 2004 04:34 PMhopefully this will be my jersey scene next week

Posted by: e at November 18, 2004 04:39 PM
Posted by: at November 18, 2004 04:45 PMO'Neill wetsuit repair is pretty good. They're replacing a panel, velcro, kneepad, and a lot of stitching for $60. Can't wait to get it back.
Posted by: Nate at November 18, 2004 04:46 PMinternet sites don't motivate people to buy boards and wetsuits. blame the media. the new laird amex commercial is cool but bugs the shit out of me - the guy is awesome but hes becoming too much of a media whore. fuck riding giants and step into liquid too.
spot naming on the internet sucks but as far as OB it's kind of hard to miss (!) and everyone in SF is a local. I have never heard anyone talking about e's site but then again I don't hang with many surfers. Bitch sessions like this are good because if kooks are reading hopefully they get the message about etiquette.
weirdest thing I have ever seen at ob: a 10'x3' strip of carpet that wrapped around my leg - I thought it was a friggin giant squid tentacle! I think I also got an infection after that session - beware the post-storm surf.
Posted by: vons at November 18, 2004 04:47 PMGODDAMNIT BAGEL. Now we'll have trampled mountains and crowded rivers! ALL THANKS TO YOU.
Posted by: Down with nature invaders at November 18, 2004 04:47 PMstrangest thing i've ever seen at OB is this surfboard with a rotating fin...just kidding 'stah
Posted by: j at November 18, 2004 04:49 PMdamnit - i used to ride muni and then it got really crowded because all these other people thought it was a good idea to use muni to commute and not pay for parking and save time and save gas and save the environment. and then you had to stand during the whole ride and it was really hard to read my magazine while the muni lurched to a stop at every corner. so you know what i did ?!? i got a job in san mateo!
wowzie wowzie woo woo
Posted by: caveman at November 18, 2004 04:50 PMbagel and, even more, rza rock! so fuckin' funny.
Posted by: Hb at November 18, 2004 04:51 PMdude, anonymous poster on my wall, dude... SHUT UP!
sobsobsob.. oh wee wee weee sobsobsob... dude.. there is NO ONE, and let me say that again, NO ONE out at OB compared to just about anywhere... fuck man, CHILL!! gimme a break... E shouldnt have to say "sorry" to you... it's 1990.. oh wait, it's TWOTHOUSANDMOTHERFUCKINGFIVE in 44 days or something!! get over it!
surf in peace and deal... the waters get more crowded, just like that earth ground we live on... DEAL.
Posted by: cronk says, SHUT UP at November 18, 2004 05:01 PMAll you fuckers cryin', complainin', bitchin' etc....look what we got and deal with down south...
SHIIIIIIIIT. Be glad with whatcha got.
okay, sorry E for all the pics.
Posted by: Hb at November 18, 2004 05:06 PMyou know all week, while it was goin' off there, it was goin' off just about as well elsewhere. i have not surfed with more than three people at once, in the last 7 days. ya want uncrowded surf... go look for it, it is out there to be had.
what is it about ob? is it like that scene with those two mosquitos, from a bug's life?
"joey.. don't go into the light..."
"i can't help it... it's so beautiful.... "
Posted by: g at November 18, 2004 05:24 PMBagel, that was a funny video.
Here's my suggestion to solve the internet problem. Those in favor of the site against those not in favor. This is the only way to solve a problem. Those against wear red shirts and line up facing south. Those in favor wear blue and line up facing north. Then just attack the opposite team--but with rules. No hitting below the belt. No hitting above the chest. No hitting from behind. You can only hit with the palm of your hand. Stop hitting a person if they start to cry. No spitting. No kicking. No kicking sand at the opponent. No Three Stooges pokes to the eyes. You must allow your opponent to go to the toilet if needed. All hand strikes must be in a downward motion. It's one of the only times webbed gloves 'are' allowed at OB. It's ok to wear a helmet (this is for me) but no head butting (that's for you). No hitting girls - directed at the anon posters. If you see someone ready to strike an opponent, no cutting in front and taking the shot for yourself. We'll see who rules!
Posted by: Dennis at November 18, 2004 05:39 PMhmm...dennis' idea is interesting (and the hitting girls comment was pretty funny)...but i think i've got a better one.
those against this site quit coming to it, surfline, blakestah, wannasurf, surfpulse, whatever. those for this site keep comin'.
Posted by: j at November 18, 2004 05:58 PMWell J, that does seem a bit less complicated.
Posted by: Dennis at November 18, 2004 06:05 PMHey man we all know that OB is always blown out and choppy, bumpy and dumpy. Truth is, the word will spread when it's good, just use comparable superlatives to describe the crappiness that occurs so frequently. Although I have to wonder what purpose all the hooting and hollering about how good it is serves. 6 ft fair/light winds-enough said? Agreed on the etiquette, I'm neither a kook nor rip but have had nothing but good vibes (hopefully that won't change). Take a trip to the Lane or wind-n-sea on a good day for vibes and crowds. Snakes belong in the jungle.
Posted by: JJ at November 18, 2004 07:02 PMFunny how perspective changes everything. My wife has been in the hospital since 11/6th - the last day I was in the water. I've been going to the hospital everyday (she will be fine) while purposely not looking at this site or calling WISE to know what I'm missing. You can feel it in the air though....OB is on. Hearing everyone complain about missing barrels, crowds, etc. sure seems petty right about now. Wish I could add to the crowds myself... Stop whinning and enjoy the fact that you can be out there.
Posted by: jhmb at November 18, 2004 08:00 PMI'm slap-happy and I'm wearing blue.
Posted by: Dennis at November 18, 2004 08:11 PMmy three year old thinks you all are a bunch of whiners...this coming from the friggin king of whiners...he who put the w in whining if you not a good thing.
oh, and he loves the nature anthem... thanks bagel.
Posted by: jdz at November 18, 2004 08:25 PMawesome jd, i was thinking if i had a kid and he wanted to watch barney or some crap i would turn that on instead. and the kid would be stoked and learn about music and cool dancing. good to know. working late look out..
Posted by: bagel at November 18, 2004 09:12 PMH a fucking HArdy fucking har har fucking har.
"Internet Kooks." I love it. Warms the heart - comforts the SOUL.
Har fucking yar.
Seems I'm not the only pissed off ProFEsseoional out there, dot dot dot.
Seems there are others...
So go ahead, ! Yeah ! - Beat it ! Go home to Thanksgiving!
Sorry Niceness, but
CC: Da crew.
Posted by: B.V.B. at November 18, 2004 10:19 PM- hey ya and fuck you imposters. I always sign in, direct.
Dear Pez:
Two quick guiz questions:
1. If 'yeo'r going right at the Fort are you actually going left or do you kick out when it reforms and switchfoot?
Posted by: B.V.B. at November 18, 2004 10:37 PM2. At Ocean Beach when a wave is about to detonate on your head do you think,
a. I'm dead. b. God help me., or c. is that Bad Vibe dropping in backdoor coming right for me?
Posted by: I at November 18, 2004 10:44 PMnot nice!
Posted by: bagel at November 18, 2004 11:04 PMBVB,
You are and always will be an obnoxious imposter. Go fondle some art. And get your ass back in the gym, you are embarrassing yourself.
Posted by: pez at November 19, 2004 07:49 AMbagel thanks for sharing that link!
Here are a few alternative verses for the rival factions:
I want to drive my SUV to the beach
I want to walk across the parking lot
I want to padlle out to the nearest peak
I want to ditch my board when ever I can
I want to walk across the grassy dunes
I want to jog to my favorite sandbar
I want to paddle out with dry hair
I want to be nice to everyone
Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at November 19, 2004 07:57 AMI want to call my bros on their cell phones
I want to exploit everything I can
I want to wear my trucker hat in the sun
I want to be a dick because I can
Well BVB...
When I go right @ DA FORT and I do go right, it's gotta be a hellava wave. I usually ride regular foot but I like OT(ODD TODD) have been seen kicken some spins and switch foot stylie. Cant drop in switch or fakie yet.....but I do try. Love switch/fakie on a skate or snowboard...gonna happen on a surf board soon too BVB sorry you havent mastered that yet ("in yo face" D. Chapel Under Cover Brotha)
When a wave is about to detonate on my head I only think about punching my board as well as my body down and through. I am also wanting not to put my face into the board so I am also sort of "giving into the wave" i.e covert board ditchin. This is all moot as I dont surf OB when it detonates. I only surf when its 5 ft and glassy.
I always run when I see your kind commin BVB except when I see your wife's friend...then I runnin with a chubby.....
Posted by: pez at November 19, 2004 08:25 AMi just got smacked by some guy in a blue t-shirt in the parking lot at work. what the hell? dennis, was that u?
Posted by: j at November 19, 2004 09:48 AMwhat! no pudding?
Posted by: steamwand at November 19, 2004 09:53 AMJ, were you wearing red?
Posted by: Dennis at November 19, 2004 09:56 AMHow can you have any pudding if you don't eat yer meat?
Posted by: serf at November 19, 2004 10:17 AMAfter four days of Creamy, the peanut butter switched to Chunky Style.
And where did that crowd go?
I actually drove to surf thinking the channels might be more defined at the showers. Started north of the Street proper, and 30 minutes later got out near Cornhole.
Only other guy out was the one I had started the paddle with (I think he got out easier than I). Pretty big dude for as small of a board as he was on. We traded waves and near misses for an hour. Took a long time to find that last wave in and it was not all that satisfying. Good thing I had gotten a couple earlier.
After a long, long walk back to the car I watched two guys out not really catching anything as I dressed.
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