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a grisly tale

This may have been discussed before but it came up in conversation recently so I'll relate it again.

I did a two-month Indo trip in 2001. After a few days dealing with the relentless Bali crowds I felt the pull of Nusa Tengarra and began island hopping east. I spent three weeks in a few remote, otherworldly villages with no electricity, running water or telephones. The surf fluctuated from solid to meager. The cultural stimulation was awe-inspiring. The basic lifestyle of white-boy surf traveler in 3rd-world bumblefuck Indo was invigorating but also exhausting after a while. Always having to use your bottled water to brush teeth, daily missions to the stinky, wasp-infested outhouse. Cane mites in the little porch where I slept, attached to Chief Metabulu's storage house. Sand fleas leaving itchy welts on your legs. Snakes on the path down to the wave. Hot hot fucking hot all the time. Same food every day. Same food every day. Same food every day. No western women at all, ever. At one point this really cute Kiwi girl passed through town with her boyfriend and two of his friends. They stopped by to chat with the 5 of us westerners in the village and we could barely yank our jaws off the ground, not having seen the fairer sex in close to a month. it was shocking. ANYWay.. I eventually started making my way back to Bali and en route stopped at the crowded but amenity-rich Lakey Peak on Sumbawa.

10 losmen, 4 waves, 50 surfers, restaurants in each losmen. Beer! holy shit! pancakes, ganja, television, beds, ping-pong, Oreos! The trappings of western culture. ahhhh.. So I settled into the mini surf-ghetto and began exploring the many facets of the beautiful waves right there. There were still basically NO women anywhere. Not that I was looking for a hookup... just.. you know.. it's nice when there are a few ladies around to civilize and inspire.

After a few days a crew of four female semi-pro Aussie rippers arrived on the scene. And they were cute too!! You could feel the buzz and heightened energy at the restaurant where everyone hung out that night when the ladies walked in. Sex starved Aussie, British, South African and American men where slicking back there hair and straining for eye contact. It was hilarious.

The girls ended up being really chill and fun-loving. They could surf really well too! Strait up.

To get to the main wave at Lakey Peak, you need to paddle across this lagoon for about 5 or 10 minutes, then get out and walk across a shallow reef, then reenter the water and paddle out. There is also a small keyhole in the reef where you can steer a boat through, so that you could launch a boat on the inside lagoon and have a strait shot out to the open ocean. Three of the girls were paddling across the lagoon, out to Lakey Peak. An Aussie surfer had brought a zodiac with him to Indo and was preparing to take it out through the keyhole on a fishing excursion. He and his friends were a bit drunk so they asked one of there Indonesian friends to steer the boat. They launched and began speeding across the lagoon. I guess the guys in the boat didn't see the girls because soon enough the zodiac comes right up to them and actually runs right over one of the girls. The prop tears into her leg, breaking the femur in half right below her hip. Blood starts gushing like crazy. They guys stop the boat. They pull the girl in and her leg is obviously fucked up. It's still attached.. but. One of the guys knows CPR. They create a splint and tourniquet with some oars and t-shirts and bring the boat back around to shore. They apply pressure to the wound. They give the girl a piece of wood to bite on. She's a total trooper and just deals. No screaming. No hysterics. They get to shore and it takes about 10 or 15 minutes to find an automobile they can use. They find an old pickup and load her into the bed. They drive nearly 2 hours to the closest hospital. They have trouble finding anyone at the hospital who speaks English and hospital workers are constantly approaching the girl trying to poke and prod her wound. They finally find a doctor who speaks passable English. He takes them into an operating room with blood and dirt on the walls. He does his best to clean and sterilize the huge wound, and then gives it a cursory sewing. They next take the same pickup truck another 2 hours to the closest airport. A little rinky dealy that flies propeller planes to Bali twice a day. They wait a few more hours for the next flight. From Bali she gets cleaned and sterilized again at the hospital but then has to wait and fly to Perth, the closest Western hospital.

I don't know how the story ended or whether or not this courageous surfer lost her leg or what. It's just a gruesome story of how things sometimes go very badly.

Sean Davey Hawaii shots

wo, gnarly story.

Posted by: bagel at August 5, 2005 10:23 AM

Posted by: D**d***s at August 5, 2005 10:33 AM

awkkk, that is not a nice friday story, e!
i hope she was okay and could still surf. damn. how can you run someone over in a zodiac?

i saw the alot of both the benefits and the burdens of being a woman travelling in indo, mostly it felt like a burden, as i was constantly harassed, but in one way it was a total benefit: the boat crews really like to bring women along because i makes the boys on board act more civilized, so i got a week long trip to nusa lembongan, desert point, scar reef and supersuck? for $75. my surfing skills didn't really stack up to the waves oftentimes, but it was a beautiful trip, especially the gorgeous night of hash under the full moon. ahhh.

Posted by: steamwand at August 5, 2005 10:41 AM

IT makes the boys act more civilized. not I makes the boys. oops

Posted by: steamwand at August 5, 2005 10:43 AM

I thought D******s was a left.

Anyone surf this morning? Anything showing?

Posted by: kl** at August 5, 2005 10:57 AM

damn e...crazy story. poor girl.

when i was over there i heard stories of cowboy charter boats having very major problems. some operators have no first aid skills whatsoever, and being hours (sometimes days) away from any medical aid can have serious repercussions. being airlifted out is not even an option until the boat can find cell-phone reception and then make it to an island where the helicopter can actually land.

Posted by: rza at August 5, 2005 11:10 AM

south of adnil-clean, inc waist-stomach. better w/ filling tide. few fun ones on a big board.

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 11:16 AM

That second picture is crazy. Those photogs are popping out of the water like an aquatic mushroom patch.

Posted by: steve-o at August 5, 2005 11:20 AM

Damn E! I mean, Damn *! That's unbeleiveable.

Got out after work last night for couple hours around dead low tide, which was still at 3'. Fun little waves. I was alone for about a half hour and caught 8 or 9 little waves. Probably an all time record for me. There was practically no paddle out and only used a stroke or two to get into the waves. I wanted to get as many as possible cuz I knew I'd have company soon enough. The waves weren't really happening everywhere so. Sure enough, they came. After an hour or so, the tide changed and the little waves lost shape. The current was surprisingly strong for a three foot tide change. Got back to the beach feeling satisfied though. All-in-all, about a twenty wave session.

Posted by: Dennis at August 5, 2005 11:21 AM

Yesterday was bigger and better (this is all relative). Last night was bigger then that but not better. This morning was small and gutless but getting more peaky. Calm water both mornings but windy in the evening.

Wake me up when fall arrives or at least something OH. Seriously bored with all this shit.

Surf Forecast: Small, gutless, possibly windy possibly not.

Great story E. Actually, I got a picture of the girl. She is doing fine. Oh, and that is J on the cell in the background...

Posted by: Kaiser at August 5, 2005 11:30 AM

e—that is freaky and gnarly and a real downer.

i had a flash back to high school in north kakalaka.

a lot of us kids would go to the lake for all sorts of
shenanigans > swimming, drinking, flirting, boating—
silly kid stuff. one afternoon a girl got hit by a prop.
she got eight 6 > 8" gashes to the bone, down her leg.
she did not lose the leg but did get a series of scars.

boats are way, WAY dangerous. i still get the heeby jeebies
in the water when boats are zipping around.

on a lighter note....there are a few waves out there and
flipper was in the house too. if you go out, bring a longboard
the fish was barely working this a.m. not much juice out there.

Posted by: korewin at August 5, 2005 11:34 AM

am i the only one who thinks breast implants make attractive girls unattractive?

Posted by: rza at August 5, 2005 11:45 AM

for korewin to claim that conditions are anything but awesome.. you know it's pretty bleak!


Posted by: e at August 5, 2005 11:47 AM

rza, yes and no.

Posted by: bagel at August 5, 2005 11:50 AM

sonny sharrock rips on guitar. I'm lovin' "ask the ages" right now.

Posted by: e at August 5, 2005 11:51 AM

i'm not a big fan of implants.

Posted by: e at August 5, 2005 11:55 AM

Spiderman is getting coached on how to approach Wonder Woman.

Small and natural is better than big and fake. Just my opinion.

Posted by: Dennis at August 5, 2005 11:55 AM

I'd tolerate some big fake waves right about now.

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 12:04 PM

More on the Gnar:
Whale explodes in Taiwanese city

A dead sperm whale has exploded while being delivered to a research centre near the south-western city of Tainan. Passers-by and cars were soaked in blood and body parts were sprayed over a road after the bursting of the whale, which was being carried on a trailer. The whale had died earlier on a beach and had been collected so its remains could be used for educational purposes. A marine biologist blamed the explosion on pressure from gases building up in the mammal as it began to decompose.
The whale attracted a lot of onlookers both before and after it exploded.
Several parked cars and pedestrians got covered in blood when it exploded.
Residents and shop owners wore masks while trying to clean up the spilt blood and entrails.
"What a stinking mess. This blood and other stuff that blew out on the road is disgusting, and the smell is really awful," said one resident.
Professor Wang Chien-ping, of the National Cheng Kung University in Tainan, had ordered the whale to be moved to the Shi-Tsao Natural Preserve after his own institution refused to allow a post-mortem examination on its own premises.

Record find
He said that the animal had been close to death when it was found on a beach and had died by the time help arrived.
"Because of the natural decomposing process, a lot of gases accumulated, and when the pressure build-up was too great, the whale's belly exploded."
However he said despite the explosion, enough of the whale remained to allow for an examination by marine biologists.
Professor Wang said initial observation showed the whale to be an older bull and that its weight of 50 tonnes and 17 metre-length made it the largest whale ever recorded in Taiwan.
Reports say because of the whale's size, it took 13 hours, three large lifting cranes and 50 workers to get the whale loaded on the trailer truck for its final trip.


Posted by: MxRxHx at August 5, 2005 12:05 PM

Damn, e. This is why surf travel for me is going to San Mateo County.

Flat surf means another oppoturnity to use the shitty inflatable raft...hope the fisherman are not out in full force again.

Posted by: Andrew in Alameda at August 5, 2005 12:05 PM

damn thats a big swell

Posted by: bagel at August 5, 2005 12:12 PM

More on J*t Sk*s at the S**** B***

Posted by: duhennis at August 5, 2005 12:16 PM

thanks e! surfing IS all about the grins.

i try to be positive but truthful.
today was summed up when one kaiser sose
paddled for a nice little peak as it bowled,
dropped in and the wave just fizzled.
first time i have EVER seen someone drop in and FROWN.

ha ha.
please send kaiser some waves mr. neptune.

Posted by: korewin at August 5, 2005 12:17 PM

I just got free tickets for tonights Giants game!

25 people in the water and no one going deep. I wouldn't either.

Posted by: Dennis at August 5, 2005 12:19 PM

Kaiser for President!

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 12:26 PM


Posted by: Giants Fan at August 5, 2005 12:28 PM

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 12:39 PM

send US some booty!

Posted by: korewin at August 5, 2005 12:40 PM

Sorry that the cute chick got her leg fucked up

Posted by: Brian at August 5, 2005 12:43 PM

Posted by: Is that legal? at August 5, 2005 12:47 PM

This is how you get a deep tube...


Posted by: MCC at August 5, 2005 12:49 PM

Why was the side shore current so strong last night? **!

Posted by: Burnt Reynolds at August 5, 2005 12:49 PM

I think Taylor pulls a "Rosie Ruiz" there. He's totally gone.

Posted by: MxRxHx at August 5, 2005 12:53 PM

hey burnt...

get a tide chart.

Posted by: korewin at August 5, 2005 01:20 PM

korwin is right. to predict ob currents, you need to look at a tide chart, like this one:


and then expect the exact opposite of what makes sense.

Posted by: kl** at August 5, 2005 01:23 PM

Need help/advice! Does anyone have any experience traveling and surfing around Manzanillo, MX? Alaska Air just effed me out of a trip I was planning for Ixtapa/Zihuatanejo, but they put me on a flight to Manzanillo for this Monday. Should I take it, or hold out for Zihuat? Thumbs up or down? Thanks!

Posted by: adam at August 5, 2005 01:25 PM

Ah hah! "Sideshore drift is a combination of swell direction, wind direction, and currents." As they say "You don't know till you go." Or in this case "start drifting"

Posted by: Burnt Reynolds at August 5, 2005 01:29 PM

Stand-up paddleboarding. New thing to do during the summer flat spells. One guy did the 32 miles solo. Insane.

Posted by: Andrew in Alameda at August 5, 2005 01:32 PM

Hey Burnt Reynolds, heard your new movie really, really sucks.

Posted by: Hb at August 5, 2005 01:35 PM

Hey Burnt Reynolds, heard your new movie really, really sucks.

Posted by: Hb at August 5, 2005 01:35 PM

Hey Burnt Reynolds, heard your new movie really, really sucks.

Posted by: Hb at August 5, 2005 01:35 PM

Yesterday there was only a 3 foot tide change between 4:13 pm and 11:55 pm but the sideshore picked up like a 6 foot tide change by 6 pm last night. The winds were mostly west with a little south.

2005-08-04 17:13 PDT 3.00 feet Low Tide
2005-08-04 20:06 PDT New Moon
2005-08-04 20:15 PDT Sunset
2005-08-04 20:31 PDT Moonset
2005-08-04 22:55 PDT 6.11 feet High Tide

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 01:35 PM

What did you expect?
What did you expect?
What did you expect?

Posted by: Burnt Reynolds at August 5, 2005 01:37 PM

I'm proudest of my work in "Smokey & the Bandit" ... eh ... "Deliverance" ...not so much.

Posted by: Burnt Reynolds at August 5, 2005 01:40 PM

Burnt, weren't you typecast in "Boogie Nights"?

epic stand up paddle board conds right now.

Posted by: s.s. sharkbait at August 5, 2005 01:44 PM

Oh look, they're re-making a shlock 70s tv show about rednecks who jump "cricks". And look it's staring a teen flick hack, a guy who's specialty is getting hit in the balls with stuff, a over the hill perv, and a flavor of the month bimbo. I'll bet that this movie by commitee hollywood mega-plex packer will be different than all the rest.

Posted by: Burnt Reynolds at August 5, 2005 01:50 PM

To comment on currents, major influencing factors are tidal variation, wind direction (both surface shear and eckman flow), long shore drift (caused by approach direction of waves), and the bathymetry of the channels. Think of it as a cage match with tides as Hulk Hogan, longshore drift as Macho Man Randy Savage, wind as Andre the Giant and Bathymetry as The Junkyard Dog. While you'd often expect the Hulkster to win, the other ones often gang up or whip out a steel chair or something and end up taking over. And the ref never catches any of it. So if the wind is blowing, the bars are well developed, or the waves have an approach angle on them, be ready for a 2x4 to the head that you didn't see coming.

Posted by: Andrew in Alameda at August 5, 2005 01:50 PM

How bad does it suck to be and East Bay surfer. I just bought a house over here. My boards all live in my garage now instead of my bedroom, but damn.

Posted by: Mortgage Mike at August 5, 2005 01:56 PM

I love it when currents run the opposite direction of the tide prediction - big eddy current. Once I went out, in winter inner bar surf, right next to someone else. He moves 50 yds north on the paddle out, I moved 50 yards south. We each continued drifting away from each other. About 90 minutes later we got out and found each other 1 mile separated.

Andre the Giant is dead. Maybe bathymetry should be Stone Cold or the Rock.

Posted by: blakestah at August 5, 2005 02:17 PM

don't forget the stoner country music legend who went broke, Burnt...

Posted by: blakestah at August 5, 2005 02:18 PM

sniff sniff, beautiful story blakestah

Posted by: bbr at August 5, 2005 02:22 PM

Mybe they'll remake The Facts of Life next

Posted by: Burnt Reynolds at August 5, 2005 02:27 PM

Mike, just be prepared for what I used to call my bay bridge anxiety dreams while going to school at the UC. I would have these dreams where the surf was going off and I would get to the beach but something stupid...like I would lose a bootie, or would have no wax, would prevent me from paddling out.

That sucks.

Bye the way, since I graduated and moved to the beach, only dreams of riding waves.

Posted by: beachside at August 5, 2005 02:29 PM

Damn that Nancy Mckeon alwasy looked hot.

How bout Silver Spoons with Ricky "the ricker" Schroder?

Posted by: Willis at August 5, 2005 02:34 PM


I just got back from surfing around Manzanillo area last month and Boca da Pascuales is only a hop, skip and a jump away. The town has about 100 people in it with about 50 surfers... there really is nothing to do in Pascuales other then surf, drink, eat, and smoke. The wave should not be underestimated. It's by far the heaviest f#~*$in beach break I've ever seen. I was there for two days, and the waves were head high, occasionally plus and snapped 1/4 of the guys boards in the water.

Other then pascuales, you have to really drive south towards la ticla (2 hours) to find waves or up north to punta mita area (5 hours drive). There are a couple of other waves between manzanillo and punta mita but nothing really worth flying to mexico for.

If you need more info. hit me up at amir@amirmo.com

Posted by: jahmir at August 5, 2005 02:36 PM

Deport all Weinerdog's.

Posted by: Prawn Briley at August 5, 2005 02:42 PM

3 Big half a mile jetties along OB with a huge wall down the middle to chill the wind out.

And it still would not make a difference.

Posted by: Sick of Currents at August 5, 2005 02:43 PM

Posted by: lerm at August 5, 2005 02:46 PM

Hey Adam,

That dude is right. I have spent months on that stretch of coast. If you are a compitent surfer you will get better waves flying into Manzanillo and driving around. However, if you are a beginner/novice fly into zij and plan on driving. unlike the other barney on this blog, I will not name names.

Posted by: Chronkitus at August 5, 2005 02:54 PM

"Icer Air 2005, slated for Aug. 27 on Fillmore between Broadway and Green streets, will feature Olympic snowboarder Jonny Moseley and 20 other professional skiers and snowboarders soaring 60 feet off a ski jump, spinning in midair, landing somewhere near Vallejo Street and coasting into a stack of hay bales."

Posted by: lerm at August 5, 2005 02:57 PM

I used to live out by the beach too...*sniffle*...and when I first moved to Oakland, I used to have a car for dawn patrols...*single tear*

-The artist formerly known as Andrew on 44th

Posted by: Andrew in Alameda at August 5, 2005 03:01 PM

A 13-year-old San Luis Obispo, Calif., surfer has learned the hard way a sick sea lion is likely to become aggressive.

Matthew Huff told rangers at Morro Strand State Beach he noticed the sea lion swimming toward him Saturday afternoon and tried to get out of the way, but it started chasing him.

It was pretty scary, said Huff. He kept chasing me.

He said the animal bit the right side of his foam board, then circled back, and when the boy put the board between himself and the sea lion, it took another, bigger bite before Huff got out of the water.

Ranger Dale Kinney told the San Luis Obispo Tribune the seal's behavior isn't uncommon.

A lot of times they're out on the beach because they're sick, Kinney said, so they're pretty grumpy anyway.

Posted by: when sea lions attack! at August 5, 2005 03:23 PM

i surf more often than my buddy who lives on the great highway

(although he does happen to be in indo right now)

good driving music is the trick...and getting on the bridge crazy early.

Posted by: paul b in b-zerkeley at August 5, 2005 03:26 PM

hey adam,

just in case you need one more vote -- i drove that whole stretch of coast in may. manzanillo is ok if you are game for heavier/fickle beachbreak - and that may be a better call if the swell isn't thumpin. supposedly there are spots nearby that aren't as heavy as the well-known board-snappin spot. but if you want the mellower/point break stuff - especially if there's lots of swell - i'd demand the tick to zihuat that you paid for. buena suerte amigo...

Posted by: loon at August 5, 2005 03:29 PM

3to5, need an old surf story.


Posted by: Hb at August 5, 2005 03:37 PM

Date: Tue Mar 02 15:01:13 2004

I was at Ocean Beach today next to the City Zoo for the first time. I had just arrived and started walking and met a woman and sat and talked with her for a little while. She was kinda cute and smart and made me laugh. We found out we were both from the Northwest and I said, "I love San Francisco, what a crazy place--never a dull moment." Just then we hear screams and A WHITE PICK-UP TRUCK FLIES OVERHEAD AND LANDS ON THE BEACH JUST BEFORE THE SHORELINE!!! The truck hits the beach nose-on and rolls into the water. I immediately think of that TV show "Jack-ass!" This shirtless guy emerges, blood running down his face. He broke his nose when he hit. He looks pissed off. We tend to the guy until medics and cops arrive. He flew about 150 feet before he hit! He was fairly coherent, didn't appear drunk, but he might have been. Most likely it was a suicide attempt. A guy who arrived afterward said he was eating in a restaurant down the street when he saw the truck whizz past doing about 90 mph. This surfer guy named Eric was sitting about 20 feet behind where the truck landed. It was funny, but there were lots of people on the beach, including small children, and it would not have been funny if the truck had hit anyone. Oh, and I figured this bizarre event was some kind of sign and asked that girl I met, Hillary was her name, if she would marry me. She refused. I asked her out and she smiled and said it was unfair to use this happening to ask her out. I figured hey, when you just meet someone and an air-borne truck flies over your head, that's a sure sign of impending romance. I guess she didn't see it that way. She was more interested in the surfer guy, but the surfer guy made it clear he wasn't interested in her. He seemed kinda interested in ME, but I was focusing on Hillary. It was like this weird anti-love triangle. But the truck thing, that was better than the zoo next door. Now I wish we would have traded phone #'s so we could have a Flying Truck" reunion ten years down the road...

Posted by: e at August 5, 2005 03:41 PM

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 03:43 PM

aww E thats such a wonderful story

Posted by: Brian at August 5, 2005 03:45 PM

Thanks to everyone for the disciplined advice, I definitely wasn't looking for name naming, just general impressions. This whole switchamaroo Alaska Air pulled on me just doesn't feel right, so I'm going to hold for the trip I really wanted... there are only so many opportunities for surf trips. I've been dreaming of warm water points, I'll have plenty of time to break my boards at OB this fall/winter thank you very much.

Posted by: adam at August 5, 2005 03:57 PM

Our little Valhalla would get invaded from time to time with dudes from "town"
On occasion our spots would pump when "town" had nothing.
Usually the dudes that made the trek where the known rippers and local legends. they brought the same hustle and jive mentality displayed at their break to ours. Yup, they thought they owned our spot too.

On this day I was surfing my first legitimate thruster. It was a Haut. At 5'11 it was the shortest board I've ever owned.

I had my own little peak between some of the more crowded peaks. It was inside between some rips. The waves would line up on this sandbar and just peel down the line until it flattened out in a hole in the sandbar, where you would cutback, hop a bit, and watch the wave hit the bottom again and deliver a final speedy wall to the shorebreak.

I knew my luck would not last. Soon my peak would be invaded, by rippers, who ripped harder then I in my wildest fantasies. Sure enough he came. It was the guy that had been tearing up the left to south of me. This guy was doing moves and body positioning that I saw in the magazines, but he's pulling it. I had just learned who this guy was a few weeks back surfing his side of "town" Ruffo.

He angled into a set wave as I was paddling out after a good one. He sprayed me hard on a roundhouse cutback that defined roundhouse cutbacks. (at least for me as he was goofy, I'm goofy and my crew was all regular foots.) I watched him destroy the wave to shore. I caught another wave inspired by his cutty and threw some more weight into my gaff. I can still see his blurred body and him turning his face away as he drinks a little of my fan. Stoked.

Paddling back out I'm waiting for his next salvo. No answer as there is a lull. Reaching the takeoff spot. I sit up on my board. He turns around and nods smiles; "Howzit, pretty fun out here."


We traded waves until dusk. From that day on, he nodded hello when I started showing up more and more in the reef lineups of his territory.

Posted by: 3to5setsof7 at August 5, 2005 04:14 PM

if i was Hillary i'd be scared of that dude too. sounds like a friend of Ruffo.

in the beginning that fat girls photo kind of bothered me...but now it's got me laughing. it's kinda like when you're out partying at a bar or club, having a grand time on the dance floor, and then suddenly you feel something rubbing against your ass. you turn around and it's fattie making her move!!

it's always funny at first, but then there's that awkward and difficult time of retreating...

Posted by: rza at August 5, 2005 04:24 PM

Roll a fatty, don't dance with it. Then pass to the right. Always.

Posted by: MONKEY MILK at August 5, 2005 04:31 PM

WOW, off the charts. Maybe a head high wave this weekend.....Don't count on it....

Posted by: Kaiser at August 5, 2005 04:46 PM

hey stop posting the pictures of those two fat ass ugly I guess called girls!

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 05:50 PM

hahaahhaa that fuckin pic makes me laugh so much

Posted by: at August 5, 2005 06:59 PM

NO SOUP FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!

Posted by: Yev Kasem at August 6, 2005 02:55 PM

Bat-Tail Stretch surfboard for sale on craigs list. I can't remember who was interested in getting one these.

Posted by: steve-o at August 6, 2005 09:52 PM

what's a losmen?

Posted by: huh? at August 8, 2005 10:42 AM


A cheap hotel.

Posted by: the team at August 8, 2005 11:11 AM
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